
superm1amejia: did you see that debdiff that was emailed to you from the linaro guy?03:38
amejiaoh no i haven't03:38
amejiasuperm1: hold on03:38
superm1he emailed to your @debian.org address03:38
amejiasuperm1: ok i see it now, ended up in my spam box03:45
superm1amejia: oh good that i pinged you then :)03:45
amejiasuperm1: yeah, thanks :)03:45
amejiasuperm1: would a sync from expiremental be fine for the next time?04:34
amejiasuperm1: there's a problem building for powerpc in debian and i would like at least the amd64 and i386 packages to enter testing04:35
superm1amejia: what's the problem with powerpc?  it was something else besides the crystal hd thing?04:36
amejiasuperm1: i'm afraid so04:37
superm1hmm interesting.  it worked fine w/ ubuntu's ppc build04:38
amejiasuperm1: yeah, i know04:38
superm1i think that we're able to sync from experimental, lemme see if i can find something that agrees or disagrees to that though04:38
amejiasuperm1: alright04:38
amejiasuperm1: if you can't though, i'll be fine with uploading directly to unstable04:39
amejiasuperm1: just so these can make it in precise04:39
superm1amejia: yeah it looks like there should be no problems syncing from experimental04:40
amejiasuperm1: oh ok04:40
amejiasuperm1: even for an LTS?04:41
superm1i dont see anything that says otherwise04:42
superm1kees: do you know?04:42
amejiasuperm1: great then :)04:42
amejiasuperm1: alright, it's late for me04:42
amejiasuperm1: have a good night :)04:42
amejiaand thanks for all your help04:42
=== superm1 changed the topic of #ubuntu-mythtv to: MythTV 0.25 Released for 10.04, 11.10 and 12.04 :: Please visit www.mythbuntu.org/repos for more information :: Paste logs @ http://mythbuntu.pastebin.com ** Please stick around for people to answer your question :: Want to help with 12.04? We need people to help with ISO testing
=== superm1 changed the topic of #ubuntu-mythtv to: MythTV 0.25 Released for 10.04, 11.04, 11.10 and 12.04 :: Please visit www.mythbuntu.org/repos for more information :: Paste logs @ http://mythbuntu.pastebin.com ** Please stick around for people to answer your question :: Want to help with 12.04? We need people to help with ISO testing. Inquire within!
Shadow__Xi installed an updated version of netatalk and now the config files are located in /usr/local/etc/netatalk instead of just /etc/netatalk how can i fix this? i compiled from source and used ./configure --enable-debian08:56
mycosys 8.9 earthquake off aceh indonesia09:01
Shadow__Xthats a no good09:01
Shadow__Xdo i change the prefix? remove --enable-debian?09:02
Shadow__Xis everyone ok?09:11
=== mycosys1 is now known as mycosys
Twiggy2centsI am sure this is asked a lot recently, but is there an eta when .25 is going to be packaged or is it already?  mythbuntu-control-centre says it is still in development.  The only reason I ask is because I use two different distros and I am trying to make sure that I have .25 available on both12:41
tgm4883Twiggy2cents, what distro are you using?12:42
Twiggy2centsSorry the one I am asking about is mythbuntu.  10.01 I believe12:43
tgm4883Twiggy2cents, it's already packaged and in our repos. You can ignore the warning12:43
tgm4883I need to backport the new version of -repos to the older distros12:43
Twiggy2centsOkay thanks!  Now i just need to wait for fedora's repos to catch up12:43
=== FabriceMG_ is now known as FabriceMG
=== mycosys1 is now known as mycosys

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