
dmj_novaCurious if the first novel on the Ubuntu Software Center might be a good Ubuntu News item.03:32
JoseeAntonioRdmj_nova: Do you have a link to check it?03:32
dmj_novalike a blog post or something?03:32
JoseeAntonioRdmj_nova: Yes03:33
dmj_novaI haven't yet written up a post myself on it, but OMG!Ubuntu! did a little article on it. http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/04/first-novel-hits-ubuntu-software-center/03:34
JoseeAntonioRdmj_nova: That would be great to post. I'll link it like that :)03:35
dmj_novaI'm the author by the way03:36
dmj_novaOne cool thing that I'm not sure is mentioned in there is that this should allow adding features and content as updates.03:36
dmj_novasounds good!03:36
JoseeAntonioRPerfect, the link is now added :)03:37
dholbachgood morning06:46
bkerensadholbach: If you were poised with the question of "How many contributors does Ubuntu have" what would your answer be?06:54
dholbachit would probably be a couple of paragraphes long :)06:56
bkerensaI will just guess thousands06:57
bkerensait is for our application for a booth at OSCON06:57
dholbachyes, "thousands" is definitely OK, if it's supposed to be a general purpose one line answer :)06:57
bkerensadholbach: oh looks like sabdfl is doing the OSCON keynote06:59
SilverLiongood morning!07:42
* SilverLion is happy ...10:10
SilverLionfolks please do cross your fingers for approval of my interview ;)10:51
SilverLionhey philipballew21:05
philipballew_SilverLion, whats up21:43

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