
* ojwb wonders if he lost some irc traffic there00:02
chiltsojwb: I bumped into snail on the ferry last Thursday, so kinda continuing that conversation :)00:10
chiltsyou lost irl traffic, not irc traffic :D00:10
snailojwb: it turns out that chilts's other half and I have kind-of related jobs00:10
* ojwb will have to step up his stalking00:12
=== ojwb is now known as Guest63167
=== Guest63167 is now known as ojwb
ibeardsleemmmm 140 updates19:19
chiltsis that like the new Twitter, only allows 140 updates at any one time?19:49
ibeardsleeprecise updates19:55
chiltsin which case, 140 probably isn't too bad :)19:58
* ibeardslee is updating each morning atm20:02
* ajmitch doesn't update nearly as often20:16
hadsI wonder if PTP/MTP works better in precise. I forgot to check that.20:43
hadss/better/for file transfers/20:46
hadsNo is the answer to that.20:51
hads(not to you, thumper)20:51
Ghah, morning folks :)20:53
hadsI knew buying an Android phone with no SD card was going to be painful. I did it anyway.21:38
ajmitchhads: what's the mtp issue?23:11
hadsNo idea. It doesn't work? :)23:12
ajmitchI just saw a new version of libmtp land in the review queue a few minutes ago, maybe it'll fix some problems? :)23:12
hadsNeat, will wait and see. At the moment the device is recognised, a popup show up asking what to do. Open folder and it takes ~30 seconds to show directory structure.23:13
hadsTry to create a folder or something and get an "Unspecified Error"23:14
ajmitchnot so useful23:14

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