
=== webpigeo1 is now known as webpigeon
daftykinsooh-err samba exploit00:22
ubuntuuk-planet[Jono Bacon] Ubuntu Cloud Summit in Oakland, California in May 2012 - http://www.jonobacon.org/2012/04/11/ubuntu-cloud-summit-in-oakland-california-in-may-2012/03:03
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
=== imexil1 is now known as imexil
* daubers is not having a good week07:31
justsogood morning07:44
justsocould someone point me to the location of the default desktop images, I need to delete them to gain a bit more disk space07:47
MooDoomorning all07:47
popeyjustso: sudo apt-get autoremove --purge ubuntu-wallpapers07:48
popeyfor me that frees up only 3MB07:48
justsothanks thats a help :-)07:49
justsoI only have a 4 gig drive so it all  helps07:49
popeyhave you done "sudo apt-get clean" and "sudo apt-get autoclean" ?07:50
popey4GB is a bit small for Ubuntu really07:50
justsoit is but it's the biggest usb memory stick I had available07:51
justsoI just dont update anything and clean it up once in a while07:52
* justso wonders how long a memory stick will take to fail when being used for the OS07:55
justsoanyway thanks for the help popey ... another 3 meg to play with .... yipeee !!!07:59
justsoactually I have another question ... how hard would it be to move this install to a larger dive ?08:00
popeyeasy, dd it from one stick to another08:01
popeythen use gparted to expand the partitions08:01
justsocould I just install a boot partition then copy over all these files ?08:01
popeyprobably quicker to reinstall tbh08:01
justsohmm it too me a while to get it set up so I dont really want to start again08:02
popeyyeah, dd it over08:02
popeyactually easier/quicker to just use gparted08:02
popeyplug both sticks in, start gparted and copy/paste ☺08:03
justsoI will take a look at that08:03
popeyi used it recently to migrate from a spinning disk to ssd08:03
justsoahh but the os I am copying will be in use so will that screw it up ?08:03
popeyworks nicely08:03
justsook thx08:03
popeydo it from a live cd08:04
justsoyeah thats it08:04
JamesTaitHappy Tues^WWednesday, all!08:05
* justso waves08:05
=== feisar is now known as Guest93124
czajkowskihow do people not get the contact this team feature in launchpad :/08:16
czajkowskion a brighter note, updated blog theme :) http://www.lczajkowski.com/08:20
Garymy eyes!!!08:21
MooDooczajkowski: looks good, although for me the background is removing the impact of the blog title??08:21
MooDoothat and the fact my eyes are bleeding :D08:21
Garyanyone got any bleach?08:22
czajkowskiGary: oi08:22
czajkowskiMooDoo: the blog title or the tag line ?08:22
=== webpigeon is now known as Guest71092
MooDooczajkowski: both i think, then again could just be my eyes08:23
popeyczajkowski: "One you add in you sign in via your launchpad account " que?08:24
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)08:24
gordczajkowski, hey you work over there on launchpad right? go get them to add a "hey, just so you know this isn't how you talk on the mailing list" label to that button08:24
gordi get new emails from unity launchpad groups all the time because of that button08:24
popeyheh, yeah, should only be possible to contact individuals, not groups08:25
bigcalmRunning the server with 12.04 seems to be working so far. Except when I tried to shut down last night. 'shutdown now' sent the server into single user mode. 'halt' really did stop everything, except it didn't turn the power off08:25
popeyodd, works for me08:25
popeymind you mine isn't the n40l, mine's the n36l08:25
bigcalmUsually I won't be shutting the box down. But as it's not doing everything yet, there was no need for it to be on while I was sleeping08:26
czajkowskigord: thats a new feature curtis worked on unfortunately not many people seem to A) know how to use it B) know it exists08:26
bigcalmpopey: hummz08:26
bigcalmMorning mrevell08:28
mrevellHello there bigcalm. How be it?08:28
czajkowskipopey: I dont get you08:28
bigcalmSunny, very very sunny08:28
bigcalmmrevell: and with you?08:28
czajkowski09:24 < popey> czajkowski: "One you add in you sign in via your launchpad  account " que?08:28
jpdsczajkowski: "Como?" is what you're actually suppose to say in .es.08:30
czajkowskijpds: lets not confuse my brain shall we this morning by adding another language08:31
* czajkowski is rather sleepy 08:31
jpdsczajkowski: Story of my life.08:31
czajkowskijpds: the confusion :p08:31
oimonanyone tried gnome panel in 12.04 with dual monitors?08:31
jpdsczajkowski: No.08:31
popeyczajkowski: read the sentence out loud, it makes no sense to me08:31
czajkowskiwould also possibly help if I went to bed before 3am :/08:31
oimonlooking good on 1 atm08:31
popeyoimon: nope, not I08:31
czajkowskipopey: this new feature http://blog.launchpad.net/cool-new-stuff/contacting-teams-is-easier-and-more-reliable08:32
oimonall that crying and shouting and people swapping distros and there it is sitting pretty in 12.0408:32
czajkowskipeople dont seem to realise by contacting this team the mail goes to everyone on the team, which is great, but people on the team dont seem to know this feature exists so they forward the mail onto the team in some cases08:33
jpdsoimon: Too bad noone supports that code anymore.08:33
=== webpigeo1 is now known as webpigeon
oimonjpds, what do you mean? it's gtk3 based08:33
oimoni've been using a dock for ages that is no longer developed, but works fine with all apps08:34
czajkowskiuntil the day it stops working08:36
czajkowskipopey: saw this and reminded me of you! http://data.whicdn.com/images/11356949/dog-pringles-duck_large.jpg08:38
oimonthe weird thing is, i keep hitting super to get unity up :-\08:38
* popey wonders if czajkowski understand what he said now?08:38
oimoni want to use unity but still cannot use it until some changes are made08:39
oimonhey i just noticed that the crash reporter shows if the bug has been reported already :D08:39
popeyyeah, thats handy08:39
oimonexcept that i can't see the bug , must be private :(08:40
oimonbug #97849108:40
lubotu3Error: Launchpad bug 978491 could not be found08:40
czajkowskipopey: think so08:41
popeygolly, that youtube video I made about testing unity has had about 2800 views08:42
popeyprobably the most any video I have ever made has had :D08:42
popeyhah, just noticed you can scroll the launcher with the mouse wheel08:43
gordi made a minecraft video once and now it has like 80,000 views or something stupid. make a unity testing video that has some minecraft in it,then you'll get the youtube bucks08:44
oimonmmm gnome classic + unity 2d launcher seems to be nice08:51
gordonjcp$head_salesguy "so you don't see any problems with putting in this piece of equipment?"08:54
gordonjcpwhat, this piece of equipment I haven't even seen, in an ATEX site (oil terminal), which is a half hour boat trip away from where I can drive to?08:54
gordonjcpyeah, I'm going to answer *that*08:54
=== feisar is now known as Guest54206
Myrttiso, what are people going to do with their Viglen MPC-L's nowadays?09:53
directhexaquarius, do you know anyone at MS with a vague interest in encouraging FOSS?09:54
aquariusdirecthex, Steve Lamb09:54
bigcalmMyrtti: mine has been in a draw for more than 2 years and my parents' will be replaced with my Revo :)09:54
aquariusdirecthex, @actionlamb on twitter09:54
bigcalmOther than that, not a clue09:54
mgdmdirecthex: @fearthecowboy does09:55
directhexthanks guys09:55
aquariusdirecthex, I think he's actually head of the UK MS FOSS team ;)09:55
czajkowskiAlanBell: popey christel http://www.ribstock.co.uk/09:56
mgdmdirecthex: also, @brian_swan - they're both US guys09:56
dvdrwWhen is 12.04 officially released?09:56
czajkowskidirecthex: many do,http://twitter.com/#!/MichaelaKraft09:56
bigcalmdvdrw: 26th09:57
directhexczajkowski, looks like @actionlamb and @fearthecowboy are perfect, they're active on twitter so should reply09:57
dvdrwI'll put it on my calendar09:57
aquariusdirecthex, linkedin says actionlamb's job title is "Open Source Strategist"... and he spoke at LRL a few times09:57
bigcalmdvdrw: though you should be using 12.04 already and reporting bugs :D09:58
dvdrwThat's true09:58
mgdmdirecthex: If it's useful, fearthecowboy hangs around in #coapp on here, once the Pacific coast wakes up :)09:58
popeyczajkowski: i fly out the next day to the sprint09:58
=== Twinkletoes_ is now known as Twinkletoes
aquariusdirecthex, whatcha asking them about?09:59
czajkowskipopey: ahh dont forget the tea bags :)09:59
directhexaquarius, trying to work out what we need to buy to get windows vms running buildbot-slave. msdn subs are strictly per-user, which means it's not clear how many of anything are needed10:00
bigcalmSomebody should mail a crate to the venue so that people have proper tea waiting for you10:00
bigcalmMorning davmor210:01
davmor2morning dude10:01
davmor2morning all10:01
davmor2MooDoo: czajkowski prod10:02
aquariusdirecthex, heh, a good question :)10:02
czajkowskidavmor2: *poke*10:02
aquariusbigcalm, proper tea is theft10:03
davmor2aquarius: hey dude, you coming to the Ubuntu Happy hour a week thursday?10:04
bigcalmThere will be booze10:05
bigcalmPubs do booze I think10:05
davmor2aquarius: good time to pimp U1 services :D10:05
MooDoodavmor2: hi mr, wassup?10:05
brobostigongood morning everyone.10:06
bigcalmThe following packages have been kept back:10:06
bigcalm  linux-headers-server linux-image-server linux-server10:06
bigcalmHow do I get them upgraded without using aptitude full-upgrade?10:06
davmor2MooDoo: said morning all and didn't get a barrage of abuse so just checking people were alive ;)10:06
MooDoodavmor2: i'm alive, just not concentrating on this channel.10:07
davmor2MooDoo: you bad bad man anyone would think you were at work or something ;)10:07
aquariusdavmor2, um, I don't know waht it is10:07
MooDoodavmor2: i am, just in another room not this one, well i wasn't when you said hi10:07
popeyspeaking of U1. I just enabled backups with deja-dup to U1.10:07
popeyOMG excellent10:07
bigcalmI have to say, the event details aren't easily accessable for the channel website10:08
oimonhow much space do u have in u1?10:08
popeyI've used 67%10:08
lubotu3U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' nor 'Ur' are words in the English language. Neither are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'ryt',  'Ne1' nor 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.10:09
davmor2bigcalm: sudo apt-get install linux-server should tell you what the issue is10:09
davmor2bigcalm: it could be that it's held back due to a dep10:09
davmor2aquarius: it's like a social lug meeting but for Ubuntu Abuser :D10:10
bigcalmdavmor2: every kernel update on all of my servers has _always_ been held back10:10
davmor2bigcalm: they like you to be sure as it requires a reboot and may need scheduling10:11
bigcalmFair enough10:11
bigcalmlibssl also requires a reboot but doesn't have this10:11
bigcalmI like that apt-listchanges are mailed to root on upgrade10:12
davmor2bigcalm: kernel may add hardware etc,  libssl will be a security update hence a requirement, you might not need the kernel update10:12
davmor2bigcalm: plus if your machine doesn't reboot due to the kernel update you'll need time to fix it, a reboot for libssl will have you tinkering if it fails but might not mean downtime as such10:14
aquariusdavmor2, on a thursday? this is in Wolves?10:16
davmor2aquarius: thursday the 19th at the moon under water from 7pm10:16
oimonpopey, how dareth thee question mine english?10:17
aquariusheh, the Moon Under Water. Last time I was there someone stole my phone.10:17
oimonmaybe a mermaid aquarius10:18
aquariusdefinitely wasn't a mermaid.10:18
bigcalmThe bar maids are pretty10:20
bigcalmDoes this help?10:20
KillerjimI'm linking my application with a debug static library, but the debug symbols for the static library are not present in the application - any reasons why this might be?10:22
davmor2aquarius: go on be sociable you know you want to :)10:23
oimonlightdm session choosing is incredibly slow in precise, and causes the fan to wake up - anyone else hase this?10:24
Myrttiso do I read this right that not even Debian ships a supported kernel that Viglen MPC-L could use?10:24
popeyMyrtti: depens what you're reading10:24
davmor2Killerjim: have you installed the debug symbols for the lib? you might need to add the ddeb repo for it10:25
Myrttipopey: it's entirely possible I'm understanding it wrong, but https://help.ubuntu.com/11.04/installation-guide/i386/hardware-supported.html10:25
Ngpopey: can I get a +1/reshare of https://plus.google.com/108361606659676027857/posts ? :D10:30
Ng(I have also tweeted if, if you fancy retweeting that with your epic community connection powers ;)10:31
popeyalso done10:32
* Ng +1s popey 10:32
popeyNg: considered posting it on linuxjobs list?10:32
Ngpopey: I have indeed and will very likely do so, I've had some good responses from it recently10:33
Ngpopey: good grief man, you have almost 2k followers on the twitter10:33
christelthey all think it is elvis10:34
popeydo I?10:34
popeyi never look10:34
mgdmI found out I have something slightly north of 50010:34
mgdmcan't think why10:34
mgdmI just talk nonsense10:34
popeyhow do you register a new freenode nickname but associate it with another one?10:35
mgdmpopey: /msg nickserv help group10:36
popeyahh group10:37
kvarleyHow do I copy the output in my Putty window?10:39
Ngchristel: hehe10:39
kvarleyNvm got it10:40
mgdmkvarley: just highlight it, that copies it by default10:40
mgdmkvarley: watch out, right-click in the window is paste :)10:40
kvarleyFor some reason to paste you press the middle mouse button10:40
kvarleyMy uEnv.txt is loaded but my resolution does not change. Can anybody help? The serial output and uEnv.txt is pasted here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/924673/10:42
MartijnVdSkvarley: http://standards.freedesktop.org/clipboards-spec/clipboards-latest.txt10:42
kvarleySorry wrong channel -_-10:42
kvarleyThanks MartijnVdS10:42
diplo-Why can't Bristol have better connectivity :( would love a job like above but with my kids i can't move to london :(10:43
oimoni know people who commute fro m bristol10:44
oimonbut i guess they don't get to tuck their kids in at night10:44
diplo-Doesn't help when I need to get the kids from school though, being single now10:44
diplo-Yeah and that10:44
aquariusNg, you tweeted about a job?10:44
oimonwhich is why i moved to public sector10:44
diplo-One of my fave parts10:44
popeyaquarius: https://twitter.com/#!/cmsj/status/18999213708398182510:45
oimonworth the 15-20k pay cur10:45
aquariusaha, we're looking for a data centre engineer, huh?10:45
* aquarius retweets it10:45
Ngaquarius: yes and thanks!10:47
oimonthe power drains from my toshiba laptop when the power is turned off :(10:52
oimonhave to remove battery from machine :(10:53
MartijnVdSShort somewhere?10:53
MartijnVdSDoes it drain as fast as during suspend?10:53
MartijnVdSDoes it also drain if you remove it a few minutes, then reconnect it?10:53
oimonMartijnVdS, not sure about the 3rd one, if it's possible to tell10:54
MartijnVdSoimon: Shut down machine, pull battery off, wait, put battery on10:54
MartijnVdSoimon: wait a day, check if discharged?10:54
oimona day, deifinitely10:54
MartijnVdSor a few hours10:54
oimonyep , a few hours10:54
MartijnVdSor however long it takes for it to discharge noticeably10:54
dwatkinsit's definitely completely shut down, oimon?10:54
oimonbrand new machine10:54
oimonyes, ciompletely10:55
oimonother people have the laptop, but it's hard to get them to test anything cos they don't care or understand10:55
oimonhow to check exact charge?10:56
MartijnVdSquetzel_quagga: that's an old-fashioned greeting, isn't it? :)10:56
oimonor a weather report MartijnVdS10:56
MartijnVdSoimon: or that, yes10:56
MartijnVdSoimon: which explains why you used it as a greeting :P10:56
quetzel_quaggaDoes it hail frequently on IRC?10:57
dwatkinsgood day, quetzel_quagga10:57
MartijnVdSquetzel_quagga: Sometimes10:57
czajkowskianyone want to help a new 12.04 user https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/19329910:58
davmor2czajkowski: no ;)11:00
oimonMartijnVdS, i found something in bios called sleep and charge, will try to disable it11:01
oimonmy laptop will lose 1hr of charge overnight when completely off11:02
oimonor someimes more11:02
popeythats a bit rubbish11:03
oimonthe money they spent on this, i could have bought the mighty thinkpad11:03
popeyshould have11:03
popeysend it back!11:04
oimonno choice, like it or lump it11:04
popeytoshiba are top of my do-not-buy list11:05
popeyalong with sony11:05
oimonme too11:05
oimonand apple11:05
oimontoshiba are OK for budget11:05
oimonbut this was more expensive, so why not buy a proper laptop11:05
oimontheir £500 models are good for parents, especially the 17 inch screen one11:06
oimonwhen i suspend and resume, i can't change screen brightness either, so i'm stuck with whatever i had previously11:06
oimonneed to check that in 12.0411:06
oimonthere's been a v big earthquake in indonesia11:07
davmor2czajkowski: not sure I can help with that one popey might have more idea11:09
popeyuse askubuntu :)(11:10
davmor2czajkowski: ^11:10
lubotu3Launchpad bug 838792 in gnome-session (Ubuntu) ""Restart" logs out, even when there are no other people logged in" [High,Confirmed]11:11
MezAnyone available next thursday (19th) and fancy doing a talk at Birmingham LUG ?11:46
=== Twinkletoes_ is now known as Twinkletoes
MartijnVdSczajkowski: So.. the next sabdfl is born? :)12:54
bigcalmYay, big thunder and lightning storm over me :)13:00
MartijnVdSbigcalm: greased lightning?13:00
* bigcalm hugs his UPSes13:01
MartijnVdSbigcalm: is it frightening?13:01
bigcalmIt's windy13:01
bigcalmI'm glad that both my electricity and communication cables are both under ground13:02
bigcalmHail now13:02
bigcalmLess than 4 seconds from lightning to thunder13:03
bigcalmTis really rather close now13:03
* MartijnVdS waits for bigcalm to drop off the interwebs13:03
bigcalmMartijnVdS: it doesn't take much with Virgin Media13:04
bigcalmLess than 2 seconds now13:04
oimonkindle touch? is that new?13:08
MartijnVdSyes, and it's poo13:08
MartijnVdSTouch screen on eink reduces contrast for some reason13:08
stuphiMartijnVdS: Not on the Sony reader. It used IR round the edge so no overlay required.13:11
oimon^^ kobo for £4913:11
MartijnVdSstuphi: My Sony used an overlay13:11
MartijnVdSstuphi: and it was MUCH worse than my kindle is13:11
stuphiMartijnVdS: How old was that?13:12
stuphiMartijnVdS: Mine does not. :-)13:12
MartijnVdSstuphi: ~2 years maybe13:12
MartijnVdSprs600 I think it was13:12
oimonhow would you read amazon kindle books on a sony or kobo?13:17
oimonstrip the DRM first?13:17
stuphioimon: If you are going to buy amazon books, why not get a Kindle?13:17
oimonstuphi, that wasn't the question i asked though.13:18
stuphiMartijnVdS: Mine is PRS-350. That and the PRS-650 introduced the IR touch sensors.13:18
davmor2oimon: they might strike up deals with amazon to get support for kindle13:19
MartijnVdSstuphi: ah.. probably because they figured out less contrast = bad :)13:19
stuphioimon: But you already answered your question :-)13:19
stuphiMartijnVdS: Guess so.13:19
MartijnVdSSome e-book stores can link to Amazon to send books to Kindle (Harry Potter comes to mind)13:19
MartijnVdSbut the other way around..13:19
oimonso if you have a kobo reader, where do you buy your books?13:19
MartijnVdSpirate bay?13:20
oimonbook shops sell ebooks?13:20
MartijnVdSoimon: some do13:20
MartijnVdSoimon: but only to the country they're in13:20
MartijnVdSI've tried to buy ebooks from the US, but they wouldn't let me. Same with MP3s and videos13:21
MartijnVdSStupid "rights" poo13:21
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
oimonebooks is a nightmare13:22
MartijnVdSoimon: I can buy books for my Kindle at Amazon.com at least13:23
oimonnot a very open market though13:23
oimonand if your wife has a book, she can't even lend it to you13:23
oimons/book/kindle ebook/13:24
oimonwithout you registereing to her device, or decrypting the book13:24
MartijnVdSit's all vendor lock in (even though most use epub + Adobe DRM), and the fact that copyrights are per-counry13:24
stuphiDownload old books from Gutenberg and manage with Calibre.13:25
popeymeh, I'd just decrypt them13:25
oimonpopey, yeah for now, until they block it13:26
popeythey who?13:26
MartijnVdSoimon: Then that kind of DRM will also be cracked13:26
oimonamazon move to a new book format13:26
MartijnVdSoimon: same as with movies13:26
oimoni emailed amazon about the lending thing that works in the US13:27
oimonthey said meh, just register your device with your friend's credentials13:27
popeyi dont see how amazon can move to a new format13:28
popeygiven there are a bazillion kindles out there13:28
popeythey'd have to force a firmware update on them all13:28
awilkinsThey could only do it if they forced a firmware update on them all <damn13:28
oimonphased approach13:28
popeycant see them doing it13:28
popeyi dont think it hurts them that bad13:28
popeybecause they make it so easy to buy books13:29
popeymovie studios are finding high piracy because it _is_ hard to buy movies13:29
oimont first, content creators will only be able to use KF8 for the Kindle Fire tablet, though Amazon says it'll gradually expand to its entire lineup of devices and apps "in the coming months."13:29
awilkinsAmazon were the first major store to have DRM-free music (correct?)13:29
awilkinsI imagine the publishers have some nutty restrictions13:30
oimonthey will provide a compelling new format13:30
oimonawilkins, yes but in response to apple. now that amazon are leading the market with a DRM by design, and don't even support epub, then they won't change13:33
awilkinsThey do kind of have a point in some ways. People will go the easiest route to their content.13:35
awilkinsIt's a shame it lets the publishers reinforce their stupid pricing practices (e.g. eBooks that cost more than the hardback)13:36
oimonstallman won't be happy that this book is£1.92 on amazon and free on gutenberg http://www.amazon.co.uk/Free-Freedom-Paperback-Stallmans-Software/dp/059600287413:41
oimoncathedral and bazaar is £7.20 :-\13:42
awilkinsStallman would be fine with it - he has no opposition to people making money from selling content. He might throw a wobbly if the book doesn't clearly state that it's [whatever free license] he wrote it under though13:45
popeylatest wheeze at ex-work is to wait until your co-worker is giving a presentation and then drop files with amusing names in a shared dropbox folder13:46
popeynotifications pop up with the filename in13:46
brobostigonhehe :)13:46
awilkinstouch "Whoooaaaaaa, your <expletive> is on fiiiiirre"13:47
popey"Deans list of porn websites.txt" was one13:48
brobostigonalmost reminds me of that scene in wayne's world, where he is presenting his sponser, and writes stuff on the backs of those cards, facing the camera.13:48
popeyheh, yeah13:48
bigcalmpopey: your ex-work sounded fun13:51
MartijnVdSpopey: Your laptop is an X1 right?13:57
MartijnVdSgord: Thanks13:58
gordyou should get one, it makes you cool13:58
MartijnVdSgord: not much difference, is there?13:58
gordi have no idea13:59
MartijnVdSgord: X1 comes with SSD, and is 13" instead of 12.513:59
gordsays 2nd generation i5, not sure if they mean sandybridge by that or not14:01
popeyx220 as gord says14:01
MartijnVdSthe X1 also has 3G14:01
* popey has ssd14:02
MartijnVdSlike my current Sony14:02
MartijnVdSI like 3G14:02
popeyi share my phones 3g14:02
popeydont like having lots of 3g subs14:02
gordyou can get an ssd with the x220, its an option. but its not worth it14:02
MartijnVdSpopey: My employer pays for a separate SIM :)14:02
gordway too expensive14:02
popeyyeah, i bought my ssd separately14:03
MartijnVdSAlso.. my current laptop still works fine14:03
MartijnVdSso I don't know IF I even want a new one14:04
gordi have a laptop refresh coming up, maybe i'll get another x220, because then i will have two14:04
bigcalmMy boss is offering me some new kit as an incentive that a project gets out the door on time. I don't need an incentive, but I'm thinking it might be time for a decent laptop. x220?14:04
MartijnVdSgord: and then you'll be double cool?14:05
MartijnVdSbigcalm: X220 or X1, I'd say14:05
gordwell, i'll be a step ahead of the popeys and jcastros in the world anyway!14:05
MartijnVdSgord: and sabdfls?14:05
gordno idea what he uses14:05
MartijnVdSdidn't people start buying X220s because he had one?14:05
gordtim schafer has an x220 though14:05
bigcalmNo, it'll be a Macbook air14:06
gordpeople started buying x220s because *I* got one and they saw it at a platform sprint :P14:06
MartijnVdSbigcalm: this explains Unity14:06
MartijnVdSಠ_ಠ @ gord14:06
popeyi got one because gord told me to14:10
MartijnVdSpopey: "I won't fix unity bugs if you don't"?14:11
popeyi might make an ubuntu screencast tonight14:12
popeyunity one14:12
gorda "don't panic" screencast for people upgrading from lts might be a good idea14:13
popeythats what I'm thinking14:13
popeynot sure whether to make one big one or lots of little ones and make a playlist14:13
bigcalmPlaylist would be more useful I think14:17
popeystarted making notes14:24
popeygord: suggestions...14:24
stuphiThat's hard. Been using Unity long enough to forget what life was like before! :-)14:32
gordi think you'd learn more about what needs to be explained from watching someone try to use it14:37
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diplo-Blimey, cli server and want to install system-config-printer14:54
diplo-So many gtk apps :(14:54
bigcalmIs there an bash environment variable that says I am iain?14:56
diplo-id ?14:56
diplo-ah sorry read that wrong14:58
shaunoI don't think bash has an equivalent of getpwnam(); I'd just getent passwd username & parse it out15:00
bigcalmIt's ok, everything works as expected15:00
popeyAzelphur: https://www.facebook.com/epikprojectuk15:44
davmor2czajkowski: you coming to Happy Hour?15:55
czajkowskidavmor2: I'm in .ie15:56
davmor2czajkowski: and ryan air flight to bham and a train to wolves will only be like a £10 each way ;)15:56
gordbut you have to fly at 2am and have a layover in spain15:57
czajkowskiif I go to spain I'm not budging for a week!15:58
davmor2czajkowski: what makes it worse is it would probably get you here faster than if you travelled by train from London :D15:58
davmor2czajkowski: plus you know all about cheap flights from the song right?15:59
popeyhandy http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8403291/1204-poster-3.pdf16:11
MartijnVdSpopey: are/will translations of that available?16:15
popeyemail the owner ☺16:16
popeyI am on a call with gord16:16
popeyhow _exciting_16:16
MartijnVdSpopey: are you giggling?16:16
popeyI went "Woohoo!" at one point16:16
popeywhich was the excitement high point16:17
bigcalmYou know how to let yourself go16:17
popeyOh yes16:17
bigcalmDamn it Rackspace, what is our new IP for VPN connections?16:18
davmor2gord: blow rasberries at him you know you want to16:19
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MartijnVdSdavmor2: popey likes raspberries.16:19
bigcalmMartijnVdS: I woulnd't mind if it was, but a 3rd party have stated that their vpn connection must be allocated a public ip address16:19
bigcalmWhich is a little weird16:19
* bigcalm shakes his fist at PayPoint16:20
davmor2MartijnVdS: only blown ones16:20
czajkowskibigcalm: did you get halyes bday pressie yet16:20
MartijnVdSdavmor2: or pis16:20
bigcalmczajkowski: I have a couple of things that I think she will like. I'm still keeping my eye out for something really special16:21
bigcalmczajkowski: maybe with an owl on it16:21
bigcalmShe likes owl...16:22
davmor2bigcalm: I bet she isn't a cat hater ;)16:22
davmor2bigcalm: you're after a Hogwarts school badge with an owl on then right :D16:23
bigcalmShe's going to be 40. Can't make this silly16:25
bigcalmNo, she's not a cat hater, but she prefers dogs16:25
davmor2bigcalm: I bet she like jedi cat vs angry dog though right :)16:26
* bigcalm rolls his eyes16:26
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davmor2chrisccoulson: you're busy, he's busier is that really a nick you want to poach ;)16:28
MartijnVdSG+ changed16:45
bigcalmLooks more like Facebook now16:45
MartijnVdSgee I wonder why16:45
MartijnVdSit even has the Unity bar ;)16:47
MartijnVdSheh they even have the "Cover picture" like FB16:48
bigcalmThey do?16:49
popeyi dont have it yet16:49
MartijnVdSon your profile page16:49
bigcalmLooks the same as ever to me16:52
* AlanBell sees no great change16:52
* jussi just got it...16:53
gordsomething changed on the internet? hold on, let me get my pitchfork16:53
jussiit is kinda like unity... :P16:53
bigcalmJust loaded a different gmail account and got it16:53
bigcalmLooks ok to me :)16:53
AlanBellI want an office with fewer screaming kids in it16:55
oracologysorry guys i came in late on this one...what are we talking about..?16:56
* oracology feels sheepish.16:56
gordhow kids should not get time off school because it mildly bothers us that work from home16:56
bigcalmAlanBell: send the kids out to work16:56
bigcalmgord: yep :)16:56
oracologybigcalm: thanks :)16:56
popeyMartijnVdS: how?16:57
StevenRAlanBell: move to an office with a bear?16:57
MartijnVdSpopey: https://plus.google.com/u/0/100189567362844794281/about ?16:59
MartijnVdSpopey: if I mouseover I get a "change photo" thingy16:59
popeyyeah, i can get to my own profile16:59
popeybut what do you do then?16:59
MartijnVdSyou mouseover the area with your photo and the"bubbles"17:00
AlanBellI think it isn't fully rolled out yet, I don't see anything interesting or bubbly17:01
MartijnVdSpopey: I'll shoot a screen :)17:01
MartijnVdSpopey: sent to you on G+ :)17:02
popeymine is a google apps for domains account17:02
MartijnVdSso is mine17:03
* popey signs out17:03
bigcalmSigning out/in made no difference to my account display17:04
bigcalm*** /dev/sdb1 will be checked for errors at next reboot ***17:05
bigcalmIt lies17:05
bigcalmEvery reboot that message as been there on login17:06
ali1234 get that too. should bug report it17:12
ali1234bug 85477217:24
lubotu3Launchpad bug 692355 in update-notifier (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #854772 fsck doesn't update system info on login" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69235517:24
Azelphurwhat do most people use for twitter on Linux, gwibber?17:25
bigcalmOh bum, no telnet client on this windows2008 server17:27
bigcalmAzelphur: I guess. Personally I just use my phone17:27
bigcalmStops me from being distracted when I'm meant to be working17:28
popeyheh, refreshed and now I get it17:28
bigcalmThere's IRC for that17:28
AlanBellme too popey17:29
AzelphurI like the look of tweetdeck and how it can split feeds up into multiple rows17:29
awilkinsAzelphur, I tend to just use the website17:29
Azelphurawilkins: hehe17:30
bigcalmAzelphur: columns?17:31
Azelphuryea, columns.17:31
bigcalmYup, I have it too now17:31
Azelphurwould be nice to put certain bot/high traffic feeds into a separate column17:31
bigcalm"don't forget about the Wolverhampton Happy Hour tomorrow"17:33
bigcalmNext week, not tomorrow17:33
bigcalm(this is me filing a bug report) :P17:34
Azelphurwait what...my gwibber from the repo doesn't look anything like the gwibber screenshots on their site17:36
hamitronblame canonical!17:37
MyrttiAzelphur: I just use Tweetdeck on Chromium17:37
* bigcalm hugs AlanBell 17:43
davmor2bigcalm: put him down you don't know where he has been17:45
directhexblarg argh blaaarg18:01
davmor2directhex: stop dying everywhere you big wuss ;)18:07
directhexdavmor2: i'm dying.18:07
davmor2directhex: everyone is the speed is dependant upon the person though ;)  the blarg's were what I was commenting on though :D18:08
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ed345678hi somebody help me18:52
ed345678iam running lubuntu18:52
AlanBellhi ed34567818:53
ed345678i am unable to create a new file in documents or desktop18:53
ed345678it says error opening file, filesystem read only18:54
ed345678hi AlanBell18:54
AlanBellwere there any problems apparent when booting up?18:54
ed345678no no problems, everythings working18:55
AlanBelland has it just started doing this?18:55
ed345678i tried starting leafpad with sudo and then saving txt file on desktop but still get that same error18:56
AlanBelldoes a reboot cure it?18:56
ed345678dont know, I will try rebooting now18:56
popeydirecthex: golly19:33
popeydirecthex: what should I do with this busted xbox? chuck it?19:33
directhexpopey: i guess :/19:34
shane_spray it another colour and mount it on the wall19:46
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bigcalmEvening mrevell, bit late for you?20:05
mrevellbigcalm, Timezones and release deadlines :)20:05
bigcalmAh, fun times :D20:06
billybob1What is this channel for?20:20
MartijnVdSAbout things.20:20
brobostigonwell, almost anything,20:22
MartijnVdSMostly Ubuntu-related though20:22
brobostigonand food, and beer, and etc.20:23
* bigcalm fires up gpodder20:24
bigcalmThis'll make 3 eps that I need to listen to, oops20:24
* popey tickles bigcalm with mc20:25
bigcalmGo on then :)20:25
MartijnVdSmc \o/20:25
brobostigongoogle listen notifications. :)20:26
MartijnVdSGoogle Listen isn't developed anymore, is it?20:27
MartijnVdSIt kept doing annoying things on my phone (like randomly pausing the music playe[Dr)20:27
brobostigonno idea, but i have it installed, on my tablet.20:28
billybob1Okay then well hi all :)20:28
MartijnVdShi billybob120:28
brobostigonMartijnVdS: is there an alternative?20:28
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: Not really. I use banshee atm20:28
billybob1But as it is ubuntu based is everyone using the unity interface and any one like it?20:28
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: there might be a good app in the store, but haven't looked20:28
MartijnVdSbillybob1: no, and no :)20:29
* awilkins is OK with unity20:29
MartijnVdSbillybob1: but I like it20:29
brobostigonMartijnVdS: ah, i see. well listen still works ok, so untill i find an alternative, it will do.20:29
billybob1I miss the taskbar it is frustrating changing windows now even with the short keys20:29
MartijnVdSbillybob1: the thing on the left IS the taskbar20:30
brobostigonMartijnVdS: i found they released google currents outside the us, i know it deals with stuff from google reader, could that work. i havent actually looked at it yet.20:30
billybob1Yeah but it combines EVERYTHING /sigh20:30
billybob1Also how do you just get back to the desktop?20:30
MartijnVdSbillybob1: hold the "flag" key for a while, a screen full of shortcut keys pops up20:31
billybob1<3 awilkins : Cheers20:32
billybob1Yeah but that only shows the bar shortcuts20:33
awilkinsThe shortcuts are defined in keyboard settings application.20:33
billybob1Does this now mean that I have to go and learn LOADS of shortkeys just to be able to do normal switching like in Gnome2?20:33
awilkinsFor desktop I usually just keep one workspace clean and switch to it with alt-arrows20:33
awilkinsI do most of my app switching that way too20:34
awilkinsOne workspace for comms, one for coding, one for source control, etc20:35
brobostigonMartijnVdS: yes, i just tried to pickup ubuntu-uk podcast via rss, from my google reader list, and it picked it up fine, so it could be an alternative.20:41
brobostigongoogle currents, i mean.20:41
brobostigonfail. no sorry, didnt playback.20:43
ubuntuuk-planet[Ubuntu UK Podcast] S05E04  Cube Root of Conquest - http://podcast.ubuntu-uk.org/2012/04/11/s05e04-cube-root-of-conquest/21:03
Azelphuranyone know of a really active twitter account (a bot or something) that posts regularly?21:28
* Azelphur wants something to test with21:28
ali1234the launchpad one21:28
AlanBellthere is the bigbenclock one21:28
ali1234wait that seems to have died on 23rd feb21:29
Azelphurali1234: that hasn't seen activity for months :p21:29
AlanBelloh the clock has stopped21:29
Azelphurbong bong bong.21:30
Azelphurwas thinking more active than that though21:30
ali1234you need to subscribe to a tab21:30
ali1234like #lol should do it21:30
AlanBellyeah, that one is regular, but not frequent21:30
Azelphurthat's a good idea21:30
Azelphurholy crap, lol is a bit too busy xD21:33
Azelphurwow, that was insane21:33
Azelphurnote to self: don't do that21:33
AzelphurUbuntu is a good one, keeps things going every few seconds21:34
AlanBellwhat are you doing with it?21:35
AlanBellI did some live streaming stuff from twitter, it can go really really fast21:36
AzelphurAlanBell: piping tweets from a specific user into an IRC channel21:36
tiimI have a friend who tweets too often21:36
AlanBellhttps://code.launchpad.net/~alanbell/+junk/circleoffriends my streaming client21:37
Azelphurtiim: lol21:37
AzelphurAlanBell: cool, I'm using the tweetstream library21:37
Azelphurin python21:37
AlanBellI might have another hack at that some day and make it more of a twitter wall client, so just for presentation of tweets rather than as a twitter client you would use21:38
tiimI don't get twitter. It's good for posting links if you blog, but... not as good as RSS. Otherwise it seems hard to say anything worth saying in n letters21:41
AlanBellAzelphur: you could follow the stream of people who are surprised that Titanic was real21:42
ubuntuuk-planet[Jonathan Riddell] Calligra Released - http://blogs.kde.org/node/456722:03
Riddellooh it's me22:03
bigcalmFame at last!22:08
majster-plhttp://ubuntuone.com/0Yi8BrAKRrPYiuEMEvTsQt  anyone have this wallpaper problem ? gnome 3.422:17
ali1234never seen anything like that with unity22:18
ali1234but the wallpaper is done by nautilus afaik so it should look the same22:18
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majster-plhmm.. its looks ok after restart... but after some time of normal using desktop its going like on picture...22:20
ali1234it looks like a scaling issue22:20
ali1234like there's two copies of the wallpaper... can't really think of a reason why that would happen22:21
ali1234are you running a program that changes the screen mode or using an external display or anything like that?22:21
majster-plno I can think of... its fresh ubuntu install22:22
majster-plall I installed is gnome-shell advance-settings compiz-config22:23
majster-plthe wallpaper looks ok when I go to preview mode.22:24
majster-plali1234, here is what happen when I change wallpaper22:26
ali1234ok so it looks like you have two copies of nautilus running in desktop mode and with different screen sizes22:27
ali1234you should open a bug, and include a link to that video22:27
majster-plok will do it now22:27
ali1234did you run anything as root/sudo?22:28
majster-plonly apt-get22:28
lubotu3Gnome bug 614682 in libgnome-desktop "Gnome 2.30 displays wallpaper twice" [Normal,Unconfirmed]22:34
ali1234looks very similar22:34
ali1234please link the bug report when you've done it22:34
majster-plshould I reported under gnome-shell package ?22:36
ali1234report it under nautilus22:36
ali1234just run "ubuntu-bug nautilus" from shell22:36
ali1234can you also please attach output of "xrandr"22:40
ali1234if it isn't already22:40
majster-plhere it is, sorry but its my first bug report https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/97941622:40
lubotu3Launchpad bug 979416 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "Two copies of the wallpaper running simultaneously [video]" [Undecided,New]22:40
ali1234ok that's a good start :)22:40
ali1234i'm going to attach a bug watch to that gnome bug22:41
majster-plok I attached xrander output to it...22:45
ali1234hmm... yes that shows only one defined monitor... so i am stumped really22:46
ali1234hopefully the gnome experts can fix it22:46
majster-plwe'll see... fingers crossed :D22:47
ali1234you might want to subscribe to the gnome bug, and maybe confirm it...22:48
majster-plwhat is best way to subscribe it to gnome team ?22:53
ali1234just subscribe yourself :)22:53
ali1234i'm not sure it's the same bug now...22:54
ali1234well, we'll see22:54
ali1234there's this bug too https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/80443522:55
lubotu3Launchpad bug 804435 in GTK+ "Wallpaper is loaded twice with different alignment by gnome-session and nautilus (Oneiric)" [Medium,Fix released]22:55
ali1234but that claims to be fixed22:55
majster-plali1234, thanks for your help and I will wait and see...22:59
majster-plnow time for bed22:59
lubotu3Launchpad bug 966417 in unity (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #971130 Application launch time increased with type-to-search in unity 5.8" [High,Fix committed]23:29
ali1234bug 97113023:30
ali1234bug 96641723:30
lubotu3Launchpad bug 966417 in unity (Ubuntu) "Application launch time increased with type-to-search in unity 5.8" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96641723:30

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