
ArkuzHow are you?01:57
maxolasersquad_hRockin', how about yourself.01:57
ArkuzNot bad02:08
ArkuzI'm traveling to miami next week02:08
maxolasersquad_hSounds like fun.  Are you going to visit the Linux bar while there?02:08
ArkuzI'll be there for 3 years02:10
maxolasersquad_hOh.  We've got a pretty lively crew down there.02:11
ArkuzWhat do you do for fun out here?02:14
ArkuzI'm from Germany btw02:14
maxolasersquad_hMe?  Nothing, I live in Tallahassee.02:14
maxolasersquad_hI'm about 8 - 10 hours away from Miami.02:14
maxolasersquad_hThe Everglades are pretty awesome.02:15
maxolasersquad_hI was just showing off the awesome mapping efforts in Germany via OpenStreetMap.02:23
DammitJimdo you guys know a good source of C programming for listening on the serial port?15:12
maxolasersquadDammitJim: https://raw.github.com/WedgeCoop/IS4C/master/pos/is4c/rs232/scannerscale.c20:46
maxolasersquadThis reads incoming data from an RS232 port and pareses it.20:47
maxolasersquadIts for reading barcodes comming form a grocery scanner.20:47

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