
rick_hwaldo323: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/753052/strip-html-from-strings-in-python00:27
jrwrenany pythonists notice urandom gone from os module after upgrading to precise (I think that is what did it) ?01:28
jrwrenbah, just had to redo virtualenv :(01:32
jrwrennot nearly as nice as rvm01:32
jrwrenbut still better than nothing.01:32
snap-lOh FFS03:42
snap-lrick_h: I think I figured out the problem03:42
snap-lthe redirect that I'm doing is somehow being treated as ASCII, not unicode.03:43
snap-lThat's why nosetests is working03:43
snap-land why the redirect fails03:43
rick_hsnap-l: wtf, terminal not unicode? does it even hit your terminal when you do a redirect?10:50
rick_hBlazeix: http://blog.brightbox.co.uk/posts/next-generation-ruby-packages-for-ubuntu11:13
snap-lrick_h: I have NFC why the redirect was causing the problem11:40
rick_hsnap-l: guess it's time to add a -o flag to your script11:47
snap-lrick_h: Nah, it's an easy fix to wrap stdout.11:48
snap-lmost of the time I don't need it redirected, so that's why it never came up11:48
snap-lrick_h: Thank you very much for looking into this last night, though. I guess I need to learn more about 2.x's unicode support.11:51
rick_hsnap-l: yea, definitely. You'll hit it a lot at work as you work with things11:51
rick_hmorpace does a significant amount of spanish/chinese stuff that'll hit unicode issues11:51
rick_hcheck out qmail sometime. It's got to handle unicode on the db side, in the file uploads, etc11:52
brouschjust move it all to python311:53
rick_hnow you're talking!11:53
rick_hbeat me to my first python3 code11:54
brouschyou still haven't used it?11:56
rick_hbrousch: just for other people's packagse I've had to hack with/do releases for11:56
rick_hbrousch: but no, I don't have a script in my toolbox with #!/usr/bin/env python311:56
brouschpyramid is on py3. you have no excuse11:56
rick_hbrousch: sure I do11:56
rick_hbookie is bigger than it seems :)11:57
brouschbreak out all requirements without py3 into their own oldcrap.py service11:58
rick_hheh, but then you coudln't build/serve JS files, do readable parsing, encrypt passwords, do sqlalchemy migrations, etc11:59
rick_hit's down to a handfull of packages though12:00
rick_hI could look at making the new readable service thing python3 except the readable library isn't python3 and heroku doesn't support it12:01
rick_hdamn, backup to nas still going. 38hrs and running12:02
rick_halmost up to 600GB...damn slow thing12:02
brouschthat's right, heroku doesn't have it yet. GAE either12:02
brouschi think webfaction does, but they're not free12:03
snap-lI have used the word Goose-greaser in a work e-mail12:26
brouschdo you work on a pultry farm?12:27
brouschor a poultry farm?12:27
rick_hwow, I'm a little bit dying to know how you fit that into something12:28
brouschyeah, snap-l, how did you fit a greased goose into something? and into what did you fit it?12:29
rick_hand did it fit better with the greasing?12:29
brouschand what did you use as grease?12:30
snap-lIt's working off of a cooking analogy that was given to me12:31
snap-lie: it's easier to have 10 cooks get 1/10th of the flour you need than for 10 cooks to spread crisco on a goose.12:31
snap-lIt's like the analogy equivalant of manna from heaven.12:32
rick_hummm, wow12:32
rick_hugh, I don't feel like working today12:32
brouschseems like a 10 man goose greasing would go quickly12:32
rick_hI just want to hack on my own code12:32
brouschrick_h: that makes for a long day12:36
rick_hbrousch: yea, well had to start my day by rolling back a code change and getting two new sets of code reviews to fix more stuff so ugh12:37
brouschcode reviews sound incredibly boring12:37
rick_hthey're actually pretty good12:37
rick_hdidn't realize that broadcaster and butcher were such bad gigs12:52
snap-lBroadcasters love to bitch12:55
snap-lfrankly I wouldn't want a job as a broadcaster, though. Too much pressure to operform, and the constant looming threat that your job may evaporate overnight12:55
snap-lespecially now that "traditional media" is getting supplanted.12:56
snap-lMy friend that worked on West Michigan radio is quite happy working on car restoration12:57
rick_hok, I'm not into windows bashing atm, but that's kind of funny14:35
brouschrick_h: then you're not using it enough ;)14:44
rick_hbrousch: I never use it!14:48
brouschsee, that's why you have no urge to bash it14:48
rick_hworks for me :)14:48
brouschwhat does your wife use?14:49
rick_hbrousch: she uses windows and ubuntu14:58
rick_hbut I've gotten myself out of most involvement14:59
brouschme too. then she went 6 months without updating and caught something14:59
brouschnow the regular beatings will begin again14:59
jrwrenlol @ caught something.15:10
brouschpenguicon should just say it's an unconference16:11
greg-gbrousch: +116:11
greg-gan unconference with the planning done before hand, quasi-unconference16:12
brouschwell then they just need to set the date and location and not worry about talks16:17
rick_hI don't know how well that works for multi-day things16:17
rick_hwhich day do I show up, how long do I stay. I think unconference would work best with a limited scope16:18
_stink_yeah, i think they have a happy medium16:18
_stink_i have to say i'm encouraged by the schedule so far16:18
_stink_more like ~4 years ago16:18
brouschrick_h: you come all days and stay the whole time16:19
rick_hbrousch: ummm, nope16:19
brouschbarcampify it16:19
snap-lNah, I think it needs the scheduling16:21
snap-lI mean, would ou want a flashmob of furries in the middle of your ipv6 talk?16:21
snap-lThat would not be a route to happiness.16:21
* waldo323_ shudders... furries16:22
waldo323_isn't notacon planned more like an unconference?16:22
greg-gipv6 talk... route to happiness, lol16:22
waldo323_I think we'd be open to having portions of penguicon setup for open tech talks, not sure how barcamp works   /me goes to google16:25
waldo323_hmm if there is space when would we want a barcamp event and for how long? and what would we need?16:27
brouschno talks scheduled before the conference. you have a grid of time slots and rooms and people sign up as they go16:27
rick_hI think that'd be a cool way to do the tech track. Make it a bit split of space. Show up with a board and 'tracks' for things like networking, hacker, development or something nad just fill the board/do it16:28
brouschyou'd to make sure the rooms you pick for tech have projectors16:29
rick_hby track, makers bring real crap16:29
rick_hif you're not showing code just talk, be engaging16:29
rick_hmake all the agile folks do their presenations without their pretty images on slides16:30
waldo323_today is cutoff for the program book but we could still potentially add barcamp slots16:30
rick_hnaw, wouldn't mess with this year16:30
rick_hbut I wonder if it would help the tech track next year, unconference within a conference16:31
waldo323_i like it16:31
rick_hI might even be willing to help with something like that if it was limited scope. Kind of a Sat for your tech needs thing16:31
snap-lJust got a CD from INdia16:33
waldo323_sat as in satellite?16:34
rick_hfor metalcast?16:34
rick_hwaldo323_: Sat as in saturday16:34
snap-lrick_h: Yep16:34
rick_he.g. not Fri-Sun all day16:34
waldo323_that would be great16:35
rick_hcool snap-l16:35
snap-lYeah, loving this global community we have16:36
snap-l"This EP was recorded using a 10$ mic, 120$ guitar, a cheap ZOOM processor onto a (really old) Celeron pc. So all donations to this EP directly goes to the artist for funding his upcoming projects/albums."16:36
snap-lDUde charged $2 for the disc16:36
snap-lgranted, it's a CD-R, but still, I'm impressed.16:37
rick_hbeen doing so good lately at not hitting it16:37
waldo323_is there any bad blood between foocamp and barcamp?16:54
brouschdoes foocamp still exist?16:54
waldo323_not sure, doesn't look like it but i wanted to know more than the websites are saying if it was known16:57
waldo323_esp if we were able to get someone from o'reilly16:58
waldo323_seemed like there may or may not be from  http://barcamp.org/w/page/402874/FooCamp16:59
brouschi haven't heard of any bad blood. heck o'reilly was a sponsor at barcampgr17:00
snap-lhttp://www.techdirt.com/articles/20120410/07284618438/open-textbook-startup-sued-allegedly-copying-distinctive-selection-arrangement-presentation-facts-existing-titles.shtml <- Fuck Pearson, FUck Cengage, and Fuck Macmillian.17:00
waldo323_ok cool17:00
waldo323_no to snap-l's17:01
waldo323_er the fact that its happening anyway... opentextbook shouldn't be bogged down with that icky-ness17:02
rick_hit is a little bit cheesy17:03
greg-gI agree with the fsck statements, but this case is a bit weird and I'm not sure what is goign to happen17:05
greg-git will have repurcussions which ever way it goes17:05
snap-lgreg-g: This is the same look and feel bullshit that Apple did in the 1980s with the macintosh17:12
snap-lIT's the presentation of information17:12
greg-gkind of17:12
greg-gexcept they say directly: we take their content, and find replacements for everything, and repackage it as a repalcement book17:12
snap-lgreg-g: and they haven't sued every other publisher? :)17:14
greg-gpublishers advertise how their stuff is unique and cutting edge17:15
greg-gboundless says it is a replacement aligning to the same content17:15
greg-gbasically, the publishers could have chosen to sue Open.Michigan for doing similar things (re-creating illustrations in our OER) but they chose to go after the one that has A) the worst visuals (ie: how the judge and public will see them, and how easy it'll be to make them look bad, I mean, for fucks sake, the CEO's headshot includes a 4 inch pop'ed collar!) and B) they can get statutory damanges from boundless, not so for UMich17:17
snap-lThis and the SOPA stuff have sealed it for me17:18
snap-lThey are decidedly against that which they stand for17:18
greg-gwhat do they stand for?17:18
greg-gthey stand for profit making, that is all17:19
greg-gthey choose to do it by selling stuff to schools17:19
snap-lFreedom of expression17:19
greg-gwhere does it say that?17:19
snap-lThey're a publisher17:19
snap-lif there's no freedom of speech, they don't exist.17:19
greg-gpublishers started out as the mouth peice of the monarchy17:20
greg-gthink that publishers have some sort of freedom is a thing which only existed in the US after we kicked the brits butts17:20
greg-gand then, we were considered pirates17:20
greg-gthe statute of anne, the first law governing the making of copies (ie: copyright law) was a law that gave monopolies to the publishers that the queen liked. If the queen didn't like them, she chose not to give them the ability to print.17:22
greg-g(that's just your factoid of the day re copyright ;) )17:22
greg-gso, snap-l, I would love to think that today's publishers stand for something that could be considered an "ideal" but I have become EXTREMELY jadded recently and see that any corporation is only out for one thing: profit. If it doesn't make them profit, they don't do it, nevermind if there is some other higher meaning.17:30
greg-gsnap-l: just saying: sorry if I came across in any way other than "publishers are only out for money, ideals don't mean anything to them, thus, this lawsuit is perfectly logical for them"17:31
snap-lThere are publishers that don't act like assclowns17:31
snap-lGOod publishers17:31
snap-land I want to support that17:31
snap-land tell the asshats where they can go17:31
brouschthey only act nice to sucker in the freetards17:32
greg-gright, but I don't think O'Reilly/whoever would be terribly happy if someone made a service that purported to be making replacement books based on their structure :/17:32
greg-gbrousch: I didn't want to say it.... ;)17:32
brouschit's only logical17:33
greg-gbrousch: but that elludes to something that I've unfortunately used: the business case for opennes. Subsuming the ethical case with cold hard economics :)17:33
brouschwell, a business is in business to make money. if they weren't, they'd be a nonprofit17:35
brouschand suddenly i understand apple17:35
brouschthey exist to make money, not to make users happy17:37
greg-gthis is news?17:37
brouschi haven't put much thought into it17:38
greg-gthey make addictive products and sell them in a way only cults could love, which is great to make money17:38
rick_hI don't want to be the bad guy, but if I setup a class I earned a living teaching, and someone copied the class structure, notes, order, and offered it next door...I'm not sure I'd be a happy camper either17:38
greg-gI really think I see similarities between Apple conferences and MLM/Pyramid Scheme conferences17:38
brouschrick_h: for free!17:39
greg-grick_h: totally understand. But there is this concept in (C)-law that is referred to the "idea/expression divide" which basically just states that the only thing that is protected/restricted by copyright is the expression, not the underlying idea.17:39
rick_hgreg-g: yea, I understand. And the fact that publishers have a history that make people cranky with them to start doesn't help17:40
greg-gif there wasn't that divide, Wikipedia couln't have existed because someone, somewhere, had already written about all those topics17:40
rick_hbut that's why I say it's a but slimy vs illegal17:40
snap-lrick_h: You have no idea how education works, and how many teachers yoink things. :)17:40
greg-grick_h: /me nods17:40
snap-land how many educators believe they're not bound by copyright17:40
greg-gheh, yeah, yoinking happens everywhere ;)17:40
rick_hsnap-l: I have an idea or three, but I find it too easy to put the thing in terms I could agre with them with17:41
snap-lrick_h: AS a publisher who cares about selling books, I'd be pissed17:41
snap-las a publisher who cares about education, I'd be flattered.17:41
snap-lGuarantee you, if you took 5 intro to blah books, they'd all look extremely similar17:42
rick_hsnap-l: yea, but take it away from books. I make a bike part that makes bikes a little bit safer. Someone comes along and gives away a version that's close, free (cause safety is deserved by all) and .0125" smaller than mine so it's not a direct copy17:42
snap-land if this case succeeds, it'll have far-reaching effects on trade dress17:42
snap-lrick_h: And that's where patents come in17:42
snap-lwhich don't apply to ideas, just to manufacturing17:43
rick_hyea, I guess, but the layout/structure/order/visuals/etc of a book meant to teach is a bit more than an idea17:43
rick_hand the reason they can copy it is because it's manufactured and put on shelves17:43
snap-lBack to books: if someone decided that the D&D monster manual was some form of copyrightable trade dress (Stats, picture, description) there'd be a lot of crying17:43
snap-lClasses follow a certain flow. You'd be hard pressed to learn about advanced physics without first learning about force / motion17:45
greg-goh no, we made the jump to bike analogies while I wasn't looking!17:46
brouschwtf happened to cars?17:47
snap-lGranted there may be some extreme similarities between the two books, but frankly this is ridiculous17:47
rick_hgreg-g: bwuhahaha17:47
greg-gbrousch: apparently rick_h is now a hippie too :)17:47
rick_hbrousch: didn't you hear, the auto industry is dead17:47
snap-lIt's a text book. There's going to be similarities17:47
rick_hhey, I almost bike more than ride in the car these days17:47
greg-grick_h: NICE!17:47
rick_hsnap-l: yea, but this isn't *some* it's *copying*17:48
greg-g... the idea not the expression, but yeah17:48
snap-l"It's a desktop metaphor. Clearly it's Apple's copyrighted material"17:48
greg-glemme find some good examples from Open.Michigan17:48
greg-glemme finish this important email first. :)17:49
rick_hheh, no work!17:49
snap-lgreg-g: This is not important. :)17:49
brouschi think greg-g actually gets paid for this now17:51
brousch"muggle education" or something17:51
brouschhm, this looks pretty nice http://semantic.gs/17:58
brouschi hate grids where i have grid info in my divs17:59
rick_hnot flexible width...die in a fie18:00
rick_hfire that is18:01
brouschit can be fluid18:01
rick_hok, nvm my bad for quick read18:01
brousch@total-width: 100%; // Switch from pixels to percentages18:01
greg-gsee the Charts, Graphs, Scietific Images, Chemical Structures, etc sections18:02
* greg-g had a hand in that https://open.umich.edu/wiki/index.php?title=Casebook&action=history18:03
rick_hgreg-g: that's interesting18:05
greg-git'll break you mind wrt how you think about copyright and content if you let it :)18:08
rick_hgreg-g's motto https://twitter.com/#!/hadleybeeman/status/19009379236644044818:08
rick_hgreg-g: yea, my argument is totallythe whole "how I *feel* about this ethically" vs legally18:09
greg-grick_h: lol18:09
greg-grick_h: and I respect that, but just know that when I push back or give hypotheticals to try and poke holes in the lack of consistency... just remember that tweet :P18:10
jrwrengreg-g: i prefer to let Free Culture break my mind on those topics, tyvm18:11
greg-gjrwren: to each their own ;)18:11
greg-ghonestly, since this channel isn't publicly logged anymore, I'm surprised we were sent a nastry gram just because of that wiki page18:12
* _stink_ posts all his logs18:12
greg-gyeah, I mean, it is backed up by court cases that support our arguments, but, that page represents the very thing which boundless is being sued over18:13
jrwrengreg-g: you mean just linking that page?18:13
snap-lThis channel is logged18:13
greg-gjrwren: rather, the stated policy (-ish) of Open.Michigan18:14
greg-gsnap-l: publicly?18:14
greg-goh, hey, ubuntulo12 is here18:14
snap-lubuntu-mi is logged18:14
brouschah, crap. there goes my political career18:14
greg-gI thought he left18:14
snap-lYeah, was fixed near the begining of the year.18:14
snap-lI sent you all a memo18:14
greg-gyou know i don't read memos18:15
greg-gheh, well then http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2012/04/11/%23ubuntu-us-mi.txt18:15
snap-lNot following where we'd get flamed, though18:21
greg-gwe? sorry, bad grammer/punctuation on my part. I meant: I'll say this in here since we're no longer logged: surprised we (Open.Michigan) wasn't sent a nastrygram for just the existence of that page (and examples of where we published content based on its assumptions/assertions)18:25
rick_hah, that makes more sense18:25
* greg-g goes back to grammar skul18:25
* jrwren puts greg-g in the english grammer slammer18:27
jrwrenand you'll get a C!18:29
jrwrengreg-g: that page only confuses me.18:31
jrwrene.g. on the michigan seal.18:32
jrwrenIn addition, it is a creative piece of expression, although as a government work, it is not protected by copyright law.18:32
jrwrenbut by that standard, every professors publication is a government work.18:33
jrwrenyet the are (c) and published by journals.18:33
greg-gjrwren: you're my source of understanding corporations/free market: how does the last sentence in this article make logical sense: http://www.wired.com/epicenter/2012/04/doj-terms-settlement-ebook/18:34
greg-gjrwren: state gov != fed gov. Only fed gov't work (some exceptions) is not restricted by (C)18:34
greg-gstate gov and city/muncipal govs retain (C) in their creations18:35
jrwrengreg-g: interesting, thanks.18:40
jrwrengreg-g: it doesn't.18:40
greg-gthe restrictions include: work the fed govt contracted can be restricted by (C) (sometimes) and works that the fed govt acquired18:40
jrwrengreg-g: last sentence is (R) free market propoganda b.s.18:40
jrwrenlast paragraph, even.18:41
greg-galso, it is only PD in the US, the Fed govt can enforce its international copyright in works it created if it so chose18:41
greg-gjrwren: that's what I thought, thanks :)18:41
greg-g"he Pepper Spray Used, the MK-9, First Aerosol Projector, Was Not an19:20
greg-gAuthorized Weapon for Use by the UCDPD"19:20
greg-gHow do cops get supplied unauthorized weapons?!19:21
greg-gthis may not be news for the Michigan crowd, but you may have saw the UC Davis pepper spray incident?19:21
greg-gthe report from the independent commission is out today http://reynosoreport.ucdavis.edu/reynoso-report.pdf19:21
snap-lgreg-g: I believe it went national19:21
greg-gah, probably did. I get so scewed of what is national/local anymore with the intarweb19:22
snap-lBut yeah,this is going to be interesting19:22
snap-lBut I'm not surprised19:22
brouschi'm sure cops have different weapons for different circumstances - like big ass guns when a perp has a rocket launcher19:23
snap-ls/rocket launcher/lollipop/19:23
greg-gbrousch: yes, but they are all pre-approved19:24
greg-gyou don't just go down to the gun store to arm a police station19:24
greg-gcops must be trained in the use of their approved weapons19:24
greg-gkey paragraph:19:24
brouschright, but they have to choose what to use for each circumstance19:24
greg-g"Lt. Pike is also responsible for the specific pepper spray weapon he used, the MK-9, and19:24
greg-gthe manner in which he used it. The MK-9 is not an authorized weapon under UCDPD19:24
greg-gguidelines. UCDPD officers were not trained in how to use it correctly. And Lt. Pike did19:24
brouschprobably have a big pile of them in the trunk19:24
greg-gnot use it correctly. The MK-9 is a higher pressure type of pepper spray than what19:24
greg-gofficers normally carry on their utility belts19:24
greg-g(MK-4). It is designed for crowd dispersal19:24
greg-grather than field applications and “[t]he recommended minimum distance for . . .19:25
greg-gapplication of the MK-9 is six feet.” Lt. Pike appeared to be spraying protesters at a much19:25
greg-gcloser distance than 6 feet19:25
brouschright, so it's an approved weapon, but wasn't used properly19:25
greg-gbrousch: yeah, they do, from an approved list.19:25
greg-gno, it wasnot an authorized weapon. period19:25
brouschwell then he's hosed19:25
greg-g"The MK-9 is not an authorized weapon under UCDPD guidelines"19:25
snap-lAll this to prove conclusively that this guy is an asshole19:27
brouschof course the guidelines could say something like "the MK-4 is not approved for peaceful hippies, but is approved for rowdy fratboys"19:27
snap-lgreg-g: http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/casually-pepper-spray-everything-cop19:27
brouschbut yeah, still an asshole19:28
greg-gwhen cops don't follow their own guidelines, I stop respecting cops (fyi: this happened years ago)19:29
greg-gbullies, the lot of them19:29
brouschi can't blame them sometimes. my future brother in law is a cop and some of the stories he tells are crazy19:33
brouschhe's at wayne state19:33
brouschyou get rowdy, he will get to spray you19:35
greg-gsure, hopefully with an approved weapon in the way he was trained to do it.19:37
greg-gand "get to spray you" is putting it in a way that seems nefarious19:37
greg-g"have to spray you" sounds more like what a cop should say19:38
* greg-g should log out of IRC for the rest of the week19:38
brouschyou have gotten very grumpy since you moved ;)19:39
_stink_i like it.19:39
greg-gI think I have, too19:40
greg-ggrumpy, and nit picky with language, etc19:40
brouschthey must take things too seriously out there. need to have more fun19:40
greg-gI think it's a mixture of also dealing with annoying conference planners/hotel representatives when ITS NOT EVEN MY JOB19:41
greg-gbrousch: really? go home :)19:44
snap-lY'know, if facebook really wants to get into mobile, I think Nokia is pretty cheap nowadays.20:28
snap-lMake them the official phone of facebook, and BOOM!20:28
snap-lYou can sepia the negative out of the instagram purchase.20:29
brouschhm, and MS and FB aren't really competitors20:29
snap-lIt's a win win win win win20:29
jrwrengreg-g: you would think cops are trained in use of their weapons, but I'd not consider them trained20:37
jrwren"All this to prove conclusively that this guy is an asshole"20:38
jrwren*cough* cop *cough*20:38
snap-ljrwren: I carefully chose my words20:38
snap-lnot all cops are assholes20:38
snap-lthat said, I have run into some that definitely drag down the lot20:39
jrwrenbut as long as we are making generalizations...20:39
jrwrenwhen i was a child, i was always taught that police are here to help. to serve and protect.20:44
jrwreni'm not teaching my kid that.20:44
jrwreni'm teaching her that cops are out to get you.20:45
jrwrenthey'll try to pin something on you.20:45
snap-ljrwren: ^^20:45
jrwrenthey have to implement terrible laws20:45
snap-lI have that on CD20:45
snap-lbecause I'm a BOSS20:46
* greg-g can play that game, too ;)20:48
greg-gor, maybe better: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2xnTW-4SVeE&feature=related20:50
greg-gman that last song I linked is so good20:53
jrwrendpz is always good.20:54
greg-gbad version, the ending there is annoying (stupid youtuber) this one is better: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_YKpSAJ3_o20:55
Blazeixrick_h: have you seen http://www.meteor.com/main ?23:20
Blazeixinteresting, though the client-side db client gives me pause :)23:20
rick_hBlazeix: yea, seen the traffic, not watched the video23:38
rick_hfrom what I've read it's rather immature and I've got enough going atm23:38
Blazeixoh yeah, it's totally not ready for prime time, but it's an interesting step in dev workflow23:41
rick_hyea, I saw about about the people behind it and I guess I should check it out23:44
rick_hbut honestly, had a @#$@ day and just not interested atm lol23:44
Blazeixaw, sorry23:45
rick_hall good, just explaining why I'm not my super eager "ooh something new to learn" self :)23:45
Blazeixruby beating the crap out of you, i understand :)23:45
greg-grick_h: luckily, all the brogrammers on HackerNews won't touch it because it is GPL, you'll have the run of the place when you have time ;)23:46
rick_hgreg-g: heh yea saw some of that discussion as well23:46
rick_hand when can we quit the brogrammer stuff? I'm getting close to a rant I think23:46
rick_hthe interwebs have been boiling things lately23:46
greg-g"man! they're so lame, not letting me take their code and putting it into my properitary product and not give them anything! Such lame-os!"23:46
rick_hBlazeix: shouldn't you be in a acar on the way here?23:47
greg-grick_h: fair23:47
greg-g(re: brogrammers)23:47
greg-gwait, if I keep using the term will that make you record a new rant?23:47
greg-gbrogrammer brogrammer brogrammer brogrammer brogrammer brogrammer23:47
greg-g(its like buffalo)23:48
rick_hno, because when this kettle boils I'm likely to say things that will get me in trouble23:48
greg-gthen pretend you didn't see all those brogrammers I typed23:48
rick_hbetween the women in programming stuff, the drinking while at conferences stuff, "hey dude, I hear you like some tests in your tests" crap...23:48
Blazeixrick_h: yeah, still at work :) I should be there around 8:3023:50
greg-grick_h: get the politics out of your code, eh?23:51
rick_hwell at least be reasonable about it.23:52
rick_hI mean...wtf...people like to drink when the socialize and not talk code 24/7 at a conference...who knew?23:52
rick_hanyway, building up a lot of aingst, need to turn off HN/Reddit/etc23:52
Blazeixyeah, you need to be careful with the word 'brogrammer'23:53
Blazeixit seems to be turning into a synonym for 'someone who disagrees with me'23:54

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