
MutantTurkeygraphics card from 2001 whoya01:52
MutantTurkeyerr but now a problem01:57
MutantTurkeypretends not to see my other outputs01:57
InHisNamegraphics card from 1901 --> graph paper and pencil01:59
mikedep333MutantTurkey, lol, often the older graphics cards are the best supported02:30
mikedep333in fact, like 4 years ago I bought a Radeon x700 (released in 2004) because that series of chipsets was so well supported by the open source ATI drivers02:31
mikedep333oh, speaking of antiquated tech02:32
mikedep333I'm cleaning out stuff in my room & my brother's room in my dad's house.02:32
mikedep333because he will be selling it soon to move in with his girlfriend02:32
mikedep333and I found a pocket dictionary!02:32
mikedep333it had the qwerty keyboard and all, and the passive LCD screen02:33
MutantTurkeymikedep333: YES02:33
MutantTurkeyit's awesome02:33
MutantTurkeyhas 3 outputs02:33
MutantTurkeypretty impressive for 200102:33
MutantTurkeybeats the gforce202:33
mikedep333which one?02:33
mikedep333or chipset02:33
mikedep333in 2002 I bought a Geforce 4 MX440 in stores02:34
mikedep333I should have bought a Geforce 3 Ti 200 for a few dolloars more online02:34
mikedep333the 4 MX series was actually based on the Geforce 2 series02:34
mikedep333it was directx7 rather than directx8 (which actually had some pixel & virtex shaders)02:35
mikedep333(usable under opengl)02:35
MutantTurkeydon't you hate when you remove the fan to see how hot your P4 will get then forget to put it back in and your system chrashes02:47
mikedep333better than with an Athlon XP02:54
mikedep333where your chip could get permanently damaged02:54
mikedep333although with a P402:55
mikedep333it's supposed to merely slow down02:55
MutantTurkeyyeah it just stlows down03:19
MutantTurkeyi had a few athlons03:19
MutantTurkeynone of them are still around03:19
adommorning all13:27
adomdunno if anyone here can help me out, but i think there's someone on our network screwing around with packet sniffing or something...i think so because no email account sites will load on the network.13:28
adomonly happeneing in our building, and only on email sites; outlook.com, hotmail.com, aol.com, mail.com, etc13:28
adomgmail working fine for some reason13:28
JonathanDwell thats a little more than fishy.13:29
JonathanDAt what point is it failing?13:29
adomi dont want to jump the gun, but this seems like someone trying to intercept requests for email sites13:29
adomthe page looks like its loading but then the page is empty13:29
adomjust a white page with the full URL13:29
JonathanDbut does it resolve to the correct address in the first place? :)13:30
adomoutlook.com resolves to the full address you'd normally see13:30
JonathanDBy building, what do you mean?13:30
JonathanDWork appartment, or what?13:30
adomintel studies department. where i work as sysadmin.13:30
adom80+ machines including servers13:30
adomour own domain13:30
JonathanDwell, crud.13:30
JonathanDDo you have websense or something similar?13:31
JonathanDadom: you said outlook.com comes up blank?13:31
adomthe page is blank, yeah13:32
adomnever heard of websense13:32
JonathanDwebsense is a filtering thing. There are others.13:33
adomwell, aol.com is giving a server not found error13:34
adomwait, wait13:35
adomi might have jumped the gun...it looks like only outlook.com/hotmail.com are acting weird13:35
adomaol.com is coming up server not found for some reason, but it looks like it might be unrelated?13:35
JonathanDoutlook and hotmail are on the same stuffs. I think.13:35
jedijfmy wife couldn't get to her hotmail yesterday13:40
jedijfi didn't explore/care part of the ignoring while looking attentive routine that i've mastered, but now that you mentioned it.......13:41
JonathanDI get an error going to outlook.com about my account being invalid.13:42
JonathanDI don't think I have an account, so I don't know what thats about.13:42
InHisNameboth send me to outlook.live.com  login page13:45
adomso can anyone validate the outlook.com/hotmail.com are working fine for them?13:55
adomalso anyone that can confirm aol.com is up and running fine?13:55
JonathanDaol works for me.13:55
JonathanDoutlook.com is doing something odd.13:55
adomexplain pls13:55
adomor pic13:55
JonathanDI get a white screen for a while.13:56
JonathanD30 seconds or so13:56
adomdoes the blank screen go away?13:56
adomcuz thats what im getting13:56
JonathanDThen The Windows Live Network is unavailable from this site for one of the following reasons:13:56
JonathanDIt does go away.13:56
JonathanDand then I get error message13:58
adomthats pretty much exactly what we're getting here and on my home network (im ssh tunneled in to my home server), except we dont get the error after 30 seconds13:59
adomit just stays blank13:59
JonathanDI think it's borked, adom13:59
JonathanDI can try from another net, if you want, though.13:59
adomsure id appreciate it if you have the spare time13:59
JonathanDassuming my server isn't asleep...14:00
adomwake it up!14:00
JonathanDmy server is asleep.14:00
JonathanDlet me try tunneling to my NAS instead.14:00
JonathanDOr maybe my internet is down...14:01
JonathanDsomething isn't working right ,thats for sure.14:01
adomthats what you get for trying to help someone, your own network goes down14:01
adomthat'll teach ya14:01
jedijfadom: i just logged in to msn14:03
adomi just took my phone of wifi and tried and outlook.com and aol.com are loading fine for me14:03
adomto me, this feels like some script kiddie on my network trying to redirect login.live.com requests to his own phishing site or something, but when SSH tunnelled into my home machine i get the same thing14:05
adomi wonder if packet sniffing/redirection still works on SSH tunnelled browsers?14:05
JonathanDdepends on where it's done, I suppose.14:06
adomi mean, its just SSH tunnelling via command line, not full VPN...14:06
JonathanDare you tunneling to a proxy?14:08
JonathanDvia ssh?14:08
adomyeah, tunnelling to my home server via ssh14:08
adomthen set up firefox to use localhost and tunnel port.14:08
JonathanDThe only way I can think of that would be intercepted, is if it's done on your local machine.14:08
adomi know its working because i checked the IPs14:08
JonathanDlike, via malware.14:08
adomright. unlikely. linux.14:09
JonathanDonce your traffic is in the ssh tunnel, it can't very easily be tampered with.14:09
adomgood point tho14:09
JonathanDcan you tunnel to somewhere else?14:09
adomprobably, unsure where to try tho14:09
rmg51everything seems to be working from my end14:16
adomyeah we're talking on the phone with main campus IT to see whats going on. they say they're loading it fine, but they just did network work this weekend when all this started happening14:17
adomstarting to sound like a case of the other IT department not wanting to admit they screwed something up14:18
adomto explain; we have our own servers/network (dns, AD, GPO, etc etc), but its under main campus' DNS/network14:19
adomwe have our own domain, and they have their own domain14:19
adomwe have our own IP address as well14:19
adombut any network work they do affects us14:19
adomso if they, say, change their DNS server somehow, they might mess with DNS settings for us and not realize it.14:20
adomIt's really weird though, in the 2.5 years I've worked here as sysadmin, main campus IT has NEVER made a mistake. Or at least they've never admitted to one...14:22
=== Joe_CoT is now known as pocketz
=== pocketz is now known as Joe_CoT
=== Joe_CoT is now known as Deacon
=== Deacon is now known as kmv2005
=== kmv2005 is now known as Aleckz
=== Aleckz is now known as Joe_CoT
MobileTurkeyyeesh need moar ram20:13
MobileTurkeythis process is sucking down all of my 16 gigs.20:13
* adom doesn't have more than 4GB on any of his systems. :(20:14
adomtechinically 3.5 or whatever for the 32bit ones20:14
adomi.e. all but my mint system i just installed20:14
MobileTurkeyadom: 64bit does have some advantages :-)20:16
jedijfMobileTurkey: you have 16 on lappy?20:17
jedijfor worky?20:17
adomi just need a decent 64bit machine with 64GB of RAM20:17
MobileTurkeynot my worky20:17
JonathanDThat'd sure be nice.20:17
MobileTurkeythis guy doesn't even work here any more and its still his machine20:17
adomcouldnt you technically do that with a USB flash drive used as RAM?20:17
MobileTurkeyi am stuck on this PPCiece of hell machine and there's a dual processor quad core Xeon sitting 10 feet away with a 5 foot screen20:17
JonathanDyou could use a USB flash as swap. It probably wouldn't work that well.20:18
adomyeah prob not20:18
MobileTurkeyi was like "professor since i'll be doing all of my processing on his machine, should I just move over there" " oh no just ssh in"20:18
jedijflol ... no intern germs20:19
adomoff to job #220:19
jedijflol cop just kicked a car that drove by him too closely20:32
MobileTurkeythis guy is doing heavy math based computational stuff and didn't even have SSE enabled or any optimization level20:52
MobileTurkeynot to mention ran everything in the gdb debugger.20:53

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