
cjohnstonjamestunnicliffe: your work looks awesome..10:43
cjohnstongonna review it this morning hopefullly10:43
jamestunnicliffecjohnston: Just mailed you about an update. Have stripped out the hidden element stuff and used z ordering to make the site render correctly.11:15
jamestunnicliffeShould reduce errors where a bit of JavaScript didn't get pinged about an element and do the show/hide bit.11:16
jamestunnicliffeChecked in every browser I have, including IE9 :-)11:16
jamestunnicliffeOnly other issue I spotted (aside from a lot of broken tests, but that is another thread) is that jquery-twidenash.js can't be loaded.11:17
jamestunnicliffeShould be a separate change though. I expect a change to urls.py is all that is required. Hopefully it can be optimised to allow JS to be shared between multiple sites as well.11:18
jamestunnicliffeWill start taking a look at other issues now. Hopefully will have some time to look at the registration page stuff.11:18
cjohnstonregistration page stuff?11:33
cjohnstonjamestunnicliffe: im going to get rid of twidenash soon11:33
cjohnstonmhall119: did you see that we are getting a couple tracebacks again?22:40

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