
user_Hello all. I'm trying to make an oldish computer usable to help kids learn to program with scratch.01:06
herpyWhat do you need help with?01:06
user_The specs are: Pentium III 1000 MHz 384 MB ram, 40 GB HDD01:06
herpyLubuntu can use that01:06
Unit193Got a few people here running older ones, yep.01:07
user_I'm wondering whether this is enough to run comfortably Lubuntu, a web browser with Java and Scratch.01:07
herpyIt should run fine under lubuntu01:07
Unit193What is Scratch written in?01:08
user_I'm presently running Xubuntu with this computer (the one I'm using to type right now!) but it's sluggish.01:08
herpyLubuntu should run faster01:08
user_I believe is actionscript, but I'm not sure01:08
KM0201user_: i think it will run Lubuntu fine.01:09
Unit193Alright, well java might be the fastest, but should all work in the end.01:09
user_I've been told that Lubuntu is harder to configure than Xubuntu. What could be the difficulty ?01:10
herpyI will link you to a giude for after instillation01:10
Unit193Just a tad, and it's a little more file based config, but only with openbox.01:10
herpyI used fluxbox for a long time so lubuntu is like nothing to me XD01:11
user_This should be a system where the OS is out of the way as much as possible so that the kids can focus on Scratch.01:12
user_and not on tinkering with the OS.01:12
KM0201should be fine01:12
Unit193Well, I have it running like that for my dad, he's over 60.01:12
user_Hey! I'm almost there too! LOL01:13
herpyI feel young01:14
user_you might be, it's all in the attitude01:14
herpy16 so01:15
herpyBut I think I am mature for my age.01:15
user_My mom is using ubuntu and she's 83. The only thing is that when I ask her whether she likes it better than Windows she can't tell the difference!!! LOL01:15
Unit193You can join us in #lubuntu-offtopic as well.01:16
user_Ups. Sorry for going off-topic here.01:16
user_herpy: can you link me to the info you mentioned? Thxs.01:17
Unit193https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/FAQ ?01:17
user_Thank you.01:18
Unit193He may have been talking about something else though.01:18
user_He mentioned a guide for after installation01:18
user_I need to be able to add a repository to synaptic and to install java to a web browser.01:19
KM0201user_: those ar ethe best people to put on linux actually.. because 1. as long as they can surf the web , send email, maybe chat on occasion or upload pictures from their camera, they don't care what OS they use... and 2. because they are NOT tech savvy, they don't run the risk of being constantly exposed to malware, viruses, etc.01:19
KM0201the worst people to convert, are the ones who start using Linux, and the first thing they want to do is make it more like Windows (how do i run my Windows apps, in windows I do this.. why isn't it this way in Linux)01:20
user_Yeah, I found it was easy to switch her to Ubuntu. Especially because I was giving her the computer01:21
GridCubeuser_, ubuntu with unity or preunity?01:22
KM0201well and again, it's not a complex switch, when windows is totally confusing.. Linux will be no more/less confusing... it just won't be as vulnerable (which makes things easier for you since you're likely the support mechanism)01:22
herpyI used Windows till I was 12. Then converted to linux. Easy for my if I say so myself01:22
user_The next one is my brother. I'm not in the business of evangelizing people with Open Source software but I do it because I don't have to provide as much support.01:22
user_GridCube: pre Unity.01:23
GridCube:) i see01:23
user_I'm still uncomfortable around Unity. I know I've got to get used to it but haven't have the energy.01:23
herpyTo tell you the truth I am not fond of unity, which is why I use lubuntu01:23
KM0201trust me, i've put several elderly people on Ubuntu.. they don't care about anything... it all works, they aren't getting viruses, they can shop online, they can send/receive pictures, and do some light web surfing.. thats all they want.01:23
user_I wish I could just install Knoppix on their computers.01:24
KM0201i'm not fond of unity either... i stopped talking to any of my friends who use Unity, because obviously they are insane.. :)01:24
user_It has all the eye candy they may want, runs fast, is easy.01:24
KM0201why knoppix? (just curious)01:24
KM0201well heck, if you want eyecandy, go Kubuntu01:24
herpyIf you want eye candy go compiz01:24
herpyI got that running in lubuntu sucessfully01:25
user_herpy: with what kind of hardware?01:25
herpyMy cpu is reletivly new01:25
herpyamd 64 bit with 4 gigs of ram01:26
herpy1TB Hdd01:26
user_the eye candy is not for me but for my brother / mother, etc. People I want to help but don't want to provide support very frequently.01:26
herpyAnd an ati/amd fglrx graphics card01:26
herpyThen send them here01:26
herpyor the fourms01:26
user_Ahh, not the kind of specs for the computers I'm loading and giving away here.01:26
herpyif you want eye candy then go with the e17 windows manager01:27
herpyfor low spec01:27
user_e17 under Lubuntu?01:27
herpyEasy to obtain with a simply sudo apt-get install e1701:27
user_Ok. Thanks I'll try that one too.01:28
herpyBut that's if you want eye candy01:28
user_It's not cumbersome to admin?01:28
KM0201if you need really low spec, i'd look at crunchbang linux.01:28
KM0201(if it's still around)01:28
user_Eye candy not for me, for the ppl I want to help out.01:28
herpyI would not say so, I played around with it01:28
KM0201user_: you cant have eyecandy and low specs... you have to be realistic01:28
herpyCVrunchbang is still alive and well01:28
GridCubeKM0201, #! aint really lowspecky actually01:28
Unit193KM0201: AntiX and slitaz are hard to beat.01:28
KM0201antix is good.01:29
GridCubeslitaz is good too01:29
KM0201never tried it01:29
KM0201whats it based on?01:29
GridCubemmm let me check01:29
herpyIf you want low spec then try either antix or go with Vector Linux which is slackware based01:29
AngelForgetlubuntu is the best01:29
Unit193Slitaz is it's own.01:29
user_KM0201: thanks, I know for this computer I'm talking about I need something simple, unobtrusive. That's why I though of Lubuntu.01:30
KM0201i like Lubuntu, no intent to change, but he keeps saying he wants "very light but w/ visual effects", etc.. it doesn't go hand in hand.01:30
KM0201user_: oh ok, when i think "effects" i think compiz type crap01:30
user_for my relatives' computers I might need something better.01:30
KM0201user_: again, define "better"01:30
KM0201if they are the type that are going to be annoyed by Lubuntu's simplicity, they aren't gonna like Linux period and will be asking you to reinstall windows01:31
Unit193You can setup Lubuntu to be all shiny as well, 神癒礁湖 had a few good blog posts on different ways.01:31
user_better in the sense that the computer should have at least 512 MB01:31
KM0201well, explain exactly what you want to do on a machine w/ 512mb of ram01:32
AngelForgetslitaz and Crunchbang* is no more update01:32
user_both my brother and mother just want the computer to use webmail, facebook and that kind of stuff.01:32
user_AngelForget: Thanks. good to know.01:32
KM0201user_: then explain to me why you need to bloat their OS to do those few things?01:33
Unit193AngelForget: Slitaz (while being offtopic) *just* released their new version, they're alive.01:33
user_KM0201: I don't need to bloat a thing. Users usually like eye-candy. I want to provide a good experience. I don't need to define good for you. Do I?01:34
KM0201no, of course not01:34
KM0201but.. my point is.. if you want eye candy, you have to be realistic in the specs of your machine01:34
KM0201if you have 512mb of ram, you can't expect to run a bunch of eyecandy01:34
user_I agree 100% with you.01:34
user_Low spec computer, great expectations. That's why I look for linux flavours.01:35
herpyIf they want eyecandy that bad then get a refurbished cpu with at least 2 gigs ram on it01:35
KM0201herpy: exactly01:35
KM0201user_: thats exactly my point, using Linux, doesn't change the fact that eyecandy requires resources01:35
AngelForgetare alive because many people think they make the best choice of having a system that is very light but then travano to have problems with the various components of the PC01:35
KM0201slitaz looks complex01:36
user_I think I've got what I was looking for and some more. You people helped me a lot. Thank you. Have a nice evening.01:37
GridCubeit is, but i made it run on a pentium II01:37
GridCubewith 128mb ram01:38
herpyyou too user!01:38
Unit193user_: Have a nice night!01:38
Unit193GridCube: Silly gridder.01:38
AngelForgetlubuntu is run inside  pentium II01:38
KM0201oldest machine i have is a 1ghz AMD, 1gig of ram.01:39
KM0201works very well.01:39
KM0201back in the day, i had a 700mhz laptop w/ 512mb of ram.01:39
KM020140gig hard drive i think01:39
KM0201but the motherboard went out on it.01:39
Unit193Might be a good idea to start checking that people have hardware compatible with PAE kernel.01:40
GridCubein xubuntu we got nonpae kernels01:40
Unit193Same here, but 12.10 they'll remove totally, so I hear.01:41
GridCubei wonder if this all are not topics for offtopic01:41
KM0201what do you mean, "nonpae"01:41
KM0201seems perfectly relevant to me01:42
KM0201i think to many people make a big deal out of "on topic" and "off topic".. if people are asking questions and we are just chattering, thats one thing01:42
KM0201but.. nobody is here asking a question01:42
GridCubeKM0201, we use the standard kernel that does not force you to have a pae compatible system01:43
GridCubethus "nonpae"01:43
Unit193Some people don't ask questions if they feel they will break the current talk.01:43
KM0201oh ok GridCube01:43
KM0201Unit193: well, shame on them.01:43
herpyIf you have a question then ask it01:43
KM0201i don't01:44
herpythat's my motto01:44
KM0201oh, exactly01:44
KM0201i totally agree01:44
Maximotohow do i set the date and time01:44
KM0201you can use ntp01:44
Unit193(Plus the other one isn't logged)01:44
KM0201it'll keep you adjusted to your locale01:44
KM0201(this is helpful if you change for DST, etc..)01:45
Maximotocan i run windsow app on lubuntu01:46
Unit193You can using wine, but it's always better to find native progrma.01:46
Unit193programs too.01:46
KM0201wine is so hit/miss01:46
Maximotoi have wine but it doesn't seen to work01:46
KM0201what program?01:48
Unit193the wine appdb is also helpful.01:48
AngelForgetyes wine01:50
AngelForgetis the program for runnig the windows sortware01:50
KM0201Maximoto: i mean, what program are you trying to run inside wine01:50
KM0201by the way, here's instructions to set your clock to the ntp server (i just typed them up for you)01:51
Maximotooh yeah the clock just updated itself funny huh01:52
KM0201what program are you trying to run inside wine?01:53
Maximotobrowsers, player, anything that is usrful01:54
JITBotThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help01:54
KM0201wha thappened to ubottu?01:54
Unit193KM0201: Server down, it's a backup.01:54
KM0201oh ok01:54
Maximotoso can i get visualbox01:57
KM0201what is visualbox?01:57
Maximotoi saw it for ubuntu it can run any app you wise to use for any os01:58
KM0201well i never heard of it, but... any statement like htat, is bound to be false01:58
KM0201or do you mean Virtualbox01:58
herpyVirtualbox you mean?01:58
KM0201and even then, that statement is false when compared to virtualbox as well.01:59
Maximoto:D i guess so01:59
Maximotowhat do you mean what does it do01:59
herpyCause virtual box runs operating systems in a virtual machiene01:59
KM0201Maximoto: virtualbox is just a way to run two operating systems at the same time, but you hae to have the disks, etc.. to install the OS inside virtualbox.01:59
KM0201Maximoto: virtualbox.org01:59
Maximotowow you people like to give links and my browser is crap but the INTERNET is fast02:01
KM0201Maximoto: what do you mean "like to give links".. if you want to read about virtualbox, thats where you read about it02:01
Unit193Virtualbox is a virtualizer for x86 and amd64 architectures. It's available in the package "virtualbox"  in the !repositories, and you can download the Virtualbox Extension Pack for additional, non-Free  functionality at http://virtualbox.org . Additional details can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox02:02
KM0201pfft... how dare you post links!02:02
Unit193And browsers can be crap on slower computers, disabling flash and java can help. :P02:03
MaximotoUnit193: now that's what i needed to see.02:03
MaximotoKM0201: how can i?02:03
Unit193Cool, from the bot.02:03
MaximotoUnit193: so how do i get os to run in it02:05
KM0201Maximoto: you create a virtual machine, and run the virtual machine inside virtualbox02:05
Unit193You setup a virtual HD, and get a iso to install to it.02:05
Maximotoall nice, i would like to downgraded my 11.04 to 10.04 how do i, no good browsers available by the way02:08
Unit193Reinstall, that's the only way.02:09
Maximotohow do i02:09
KM0201Maximoto: no good browsers on 11.04? vs 10.04?  they both have the same browsers available02:09
KM0201what browser are you haing so much trouble with?02:09
KM0201weird, chromium works fantastic here02:10
KM0201Maximoto: i'm curious what maks you think going to 10.04 would resolve this problem02:12
Maximotodon't know but i need a os that use less ram02:13
KM0201 Maximoto how much ram does your system haver?02:13
Maximotoeverything works fine expect the browser02:13
Maximoto101MB sad02:14
KM0201101mb? (like, 101mb.. or was that a typo)02:14
KM0201if thats the case, i'm amazed Lubuntu even booted02:14
Maximotoyeah 10102:14
KM0201well, i don't know what you expect Lubuntu to do about that.02:15
KM0201you don't have near enough RAM to run any modern browser02:15
KM0201thats not to do w/ browsers being crap, thats your machine being crap02:15
KM0201and with that little ram02:15
KM0201you can forget running virtualbox02:15
MaximotoKM0201: runs pretty fine to me... :) that's all that matters to me just need a good browser02:18
KM0201Maximoto: again, "good browser"02:18
KM0201no "good browser" is going to run on 101mb of ram02:18
Maximotoi will make one hahaha02:19
Unit193Maximoto: Best you're going to be able to do is elinks2, midori, or arora.02:19
Maximotooh none aren't available i check it out02:20
KM0201i'm not sure i'd consider elinks2 "good".. i don't have any real experience with midori or arora02:21
lancesragewow this place is quiet02:21
Unit193KM0201: I don't think I'd call any of those "good" at this time.02:22
KM0201lancesrage: that could be a good thing (things work so well, nobody has problems to discuss..lol)02:22
Maximotolancesrage: that's what i said when i got here02:22
KM0201Unit193: yeah, i'm not familiar with the other two..02:22
lancesragei do sadly :(02:22
KM0201lancesrage: well, we don't just sit in here and idle chat most of the time.. ask your question02:22
lancesrage*smashes face into keyboard*02:22
lancesragei cant figure out how to partition more space to the windows partition02:23
lancesragei have 4.7 free space and cant add it to the drive02:23
KM0201you'll need to boot a live cd/USB.. and use a partition editor to do that.02:23
lancesrageonly problem i dont have the xp disk to fix it after wards02:24
lancesrageor a cd burner to make said disk02:24
KM0201but.. depending on your partition layout, this could be a massive PITA.. it might be easier, backup data your linux partitions, delete them, size your windos partition to the size you want, then reinstall Linux on the empty partition.02:24
KM0201thats probably what i would do.02:24
lancesragedont have the linux disk anymore all my stuff got lost in my last move :(02:25
KM0201then you're SOL02:25
KM0201you can't partition a disk in use.02:25
KM0201or download/burn a new disk02:25
KM0201or USB, if you have a 2gig flash drive handy02:25
lancesragei have tried the usb install before i never got it to work02:26
KM0201what do you mean "never got it to work"02:26
lancesragefollowing the instructions on the page for usb install the computer said there was no OS data on the device02:27
KM0201is your machine capable of booting USB?02:27
KM0201cuz usually that error comes when you rmachine can't boot USB>02:27
lancesragei wish ubuntu could play games :( i would never need windows again02:28
KM0201windows can play games02:28
KM0201*ubuntu can play games02:28
KM0201just not windows games02:28
Maximotowindows games ARE SO much cooler02:29
Maximotoi use to have NFS, GOW, and GTA02:29
lancesragejust guess ill have to ask a friend to burn a new ubuntu disk and wipe the hdd seems best atm :|02:30
lancesrageim trying to get allods online running again02:30
lancesragebut ran out of room on c drive02:30
lancesragedue to so many updates i have missed02:31
Maximotowhat os are you running now02:31
lancesragexp sp202:31
Maximotoand you want to run? ubuntu02:31
lancesragei have ubuntu as dual boot02:32
Maximotobut... wait what's your problem again? :d02:32
KM0201Maximoto: he needs to give more space to xp.02:32
M_MynaarddtAnyone here had experience making Sierra Wireless USB stuff work with Lubuntu?02:32
KM0201he needs a live cd/usb to do that02:32
lancesragei need to add more space from a 4.7gb unalocated space to C drive in windows02:32
MaximotoKM0201: to reinstall it right?02:33
Maximotolancesrage: yeah you need what KM0201 said02:36
Maximotothis games are so boring and cool games other than the games that come on it?02:37
GridCubeMaximoto, games?02:37
Maximotoah yeah02:37
KM0201Maximoto: yes, to reinstall02:38
KM0201well, reinstalling will be easiest02:38
KM0201or he can use the live cd/usb, booot it, and spend 27hrs relocating his current partitions02:38
lancesragelol ill just wipe and reinstall :P02:39
lancesragehave to find a friend who can burn the disks i need from the isos i have02:39
KM0201lancesrage: youd on't need to wipe XP... just wipe your lubuntu partitions, resize your xp partition to the size you want, then put lubuntu back on the remaining free space.02:39
lancesragei dont have te disk for it02:40
lancesrageusb boot is impossiable too02:40
Maximotolancesrage: but you can boot from a cd02:44
lancesragemaximoto i dont habve the cd anymore and my computer does not have a cd burner02:49
lancesrageaaah he left :(02:49
=== P4R4N01D1 is now known as P4R4N01D
pAt_I am testing Lubuntu 12.04 in a virtual machine since a while. I am wondering why the windows are always opened maximized. For example, when I open PCManFM, it always opens maximized. How can I change this behavier?07:49
JohnDoe_71Rusmake shortcut in homedir "exec= pcmanfm /path_to/folder" it open folder in new tab. how to open in the same tab?07:51
Unit193Was fixed in a newer version, rename .config/openbox/lubuntu-rc.xml to something else07:55
Unit193See if that fixes it.07:55
pAt_Unit193, is this the answer for my question or for JohnDoe_71Rus's07:57
Unit193Woops, yours.07:58
pAt_ah thx, I will try it07:58
Unit193JohnDoe_71Rus: You placed a desktop file in a folder to make it easier to get around?07:58
Unit193If so, use a symlink.07:59
JohnDoe_71Rusmake *.desctop in home dir. with this comand and folder icon08:00
pAt_yeah, that fixed it Unit193 =)08:03
Unit193Great, I'm sure you figured out anything you changed will no longer be in there.08:03
pAt_yes, there is now a new lubuntu-rc-xml file08:04
meethow can i customize lubuntu environment?08:47
smilemeet: what do you want to customize? :)08:48
meetlike how to add icons to the desktop, remove some of the clutter on the bottom right screen near the power button, etc08:48
meeti want to make it as simple as possible. my mom is gonna use it. and i dont want her to complain that winxp is better than this :D08:48
smilemeet: go to the applications menu, hover above the application you want on your desktop => add to desktop08:48
smilemeet: to remove the clutter, right click => remove or something similar :)08:49
meetok. smile i want your opinion.08:49
meetubuntu 10.10 or lubuntu?08:49
smilelubuntu. it's easier than ubuntu 10.10 :)08:50
meetgreat. and will all ubuntu packages work here too?08:50
smileyes :D exept for the dropbox gnome-packages :) but you won't need that i think :) and syncing works.. just the integration (right click => share) is missing08:51
smilemeet: additional questions? :)08:52
meetok. and i have got .deb files on my laptop. so can i use them directly for the desktop installion. b'cos i have got a slow internet connection here and downloading all of them again will be a pain08:53
smileyes ;) they will work IF the dependency's are installed :)08:53
smileyeah ;)08:53
meetso dependencies mean the lib8 etc files right?08:54
meetand i suppose they are not too big in size08:54
smilethe files who are needed by the .deb files to work properly = dependencies :)08:54
smilemeet: which .debs do you have? :)08:55
meetmainly wine08:55
meetand chrome08:55
smilegoogle chrome or chromium? :)08:56
smilemeet: i'm here almost the whole day so if you have questions :D09:01
meetthanks a lot smile :)09:14
meeti got chrome09:14
meetthe one with colorful logo :D09:15
smilemeet: okay! :D09:20
meetwhere can i find the .deb of softwares installed through software center09:23
meetsmile should i use wubi to install lubuntu alongside winxp?09:29
meetit will be easier right?09:29
smilemeet: hmm.. i wouldn't do that. :p09:30
smilemeet: if you have already windows, lubuntu installing in dual boot is easy. :)09:30
smilemeet: "where can i find the .deb of softwares installed through software center" => maybe you want to look at packages.ubuntu.com (or .org, don't know) :)09:31
meetin dual booting does lubuntu install in the same drive as winxp09:32
meetbecause i am not comfy with partitioning and all.09:32
smilemeet: same drive, another partition :) you can use gparted to prepare your disk OR you can use the built-in partioner (Lubuntu Setup) :)09:33
meetsry for all these questions. but i got c: and d: as two partitions. both of 40gb09:33
meetwinxp on c09:33
meetso should i go with d: for lubuntu09:34
meetand will it erase all the existing data on d09:34
smilehave you got enough free space on d:? :)09:35
smileIt will erase all data, but you can make D: smaller and create an E: or F: ;)09:36
smilefor Lubuntu :)09:36
smile@ meet09:37
meetand why not wubi?09:37
smileit's slower and in the past, i had more problems with wubi than a "native" (normal dual boot) install09:38
meeti just created a bootable usb for lubuntu. i will test drive lubuntu on that old machine. what all aspects should i check?09:39
smilemeet: if internet is working, if the desktop is loading properly (graphics resolution = ok? ) :)09:41
smileorangblume: hi. Questions? :)09:41
orangblumeyes much09:41
orangblumeover there in ubuntu channel they wont help me09:41
smileorangblume: i'll help you if i'm able to do it :) one question / time :)09:41
orangblumeBut first should i tell something about me:D09:42
smileokay.. :)09:42
orangblumewell i never used linux before but for now i installed lubuntu. unfortunately there is nooo arial or times new roman09:42
smileorangblume: the ubuntu font looks very good. :)09:43
orangblumethat may be but i have to use arial or tiems new roman09:43
smileorangblume: i'll try to help you :)09:44
smile(is trying something out)09:44
smileorangblume: i'm trying "sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts" - i'll let you know if it works :)09:45
orangblumeyes cool09:46
meethehe smile what do you do for a living? or are u a lubuntu developer or something?09:48
smilemeet: lubuntu translator & experienced debian/ubuntu/linux mint user :)09:51
smilei'm not yet working :)09:51
meetwould like to the job u r doing now, but unfortunately i dont have that much knowledge09:54
meetand lubuntu uses which environment?09:54
smilemeet: LXDE :)09:54
meetlxde. ok. better than gnome?09:55
smilefast environment, better than gnome 3 :)09:55
smilelxde is a little bit better than gnome 2 :)09:55
smilegnome 3 sucks :| but that's just my opinion :)09:56
NQTropicI agree with smile09:56
smileNQTropic: Xfce in fall back mode is even better :o and that already sucks. ;)09:57
meethow much is recommended size of the partition i am going to install lubuntu should be09:58
smilemeet: I would say +- 15-22 GB :)09:59
meet15 is good? thats nice09:59
NQTropicI use 16Gb for / and then 2Gb swap and rest for /home09:59
smileyes. but if you want to install a lot of programs you will need more :p09:59
NQTropic my / has 3.2Gb used10:00
smilemeet: if you store all your data on your D and Lubuntu is on E or F, you will have enough space :)10:00
smileNQTropic: really cool isn't it ;)10:00
NQTropicsmile, yes I prefer it10:01
NQTropicsmile, downloaded the 10th April daily builde of 12.04 lubuntu, looks a bit pretier10:01
meetsmile i am still thinking of wubi :D10:02
smileNQTropic: better than previouses daily builds? :)10:02
smilemeet: you will encounter problems 9.910:03
NQTropicsmile, haven't tried others of 12.0410:03
smilemeet: you can install Lubuntu in live mode, so that you can have irc (#lubuntu) open while installing :)10:03
smileif you need more help :)10:03
smileNQTropic: okay, i see. atm, i like Lubuntu 11.10 better (the theme 9.9 )10:04
meetsmile I got 28 gb free on d: out of 40. how to partition it?10:04
smilemeet: well take 13 GB off it :)10:04
meetthe bootable usb did not work10:04
smileso resize it to => 27 GB :)10:04
smilemeet: You used UNetBootin? :)10:04
smilemeet: are you sure boot from usb is enabled in your BIOS? :p10:05
NQTropicsmile, how quickly do you plan to move to 12.04 after release?10:05
meetyes. it checked the usb. and a error msg came.10:05
meetwhen i pressed enter it continued booting winxp10:06
smileNQTropic: Hmm.. once the 11.10 theme comes available :) (or i'll wait for lubuntu 12.10)10:06
smilemeet: which error message? :)10:06
meetjust a min will reboot and check10:07
meetBoot error10:07
smilemeet: yes?10:08
meetBoot error10:08
meetnothing else. :(10:08
smilemeet: you used the menu of UNetbootin to select Lubuntu 11.10?10:08
meeti really wanna try before i install it. because that way i will have a fair idea whether it runs faster than winxo10:08
meetno. i selected the iso of lubuntu10:09
NQTropiclubuntu runs faster than windows xp and later10:09
smilemeet: try formatting the usb in NTFS and select Lubuntu from the menu10:09
meetbut then it will download the iso from the net right?10:10
smileNQTropic: faster then Vista & 7, yes. XP without updates is also fast. :p10:10
smilemeet: yes. try it on a computer with fast connection? :)10:10
meetnot available :(10:10
meetcan't i use the iso i downloaded from their site10:11
smilelubuntu.net you mean? :)10:11
NQTropicsmile, fair call10:11
smilemeet: hmm..10:12
smile64 or 32 bit? :)10:12
* smile is going to eat10:13
AngelForget32 bit smile10:13
smileif you need me, i'm in #lubuntu :)10:13
smileback within a 30 minutes :)10:13
NQTropicif you need me..... don't hesitate to ask someone else :P10:14
meet32 bit10:15
smileNQTropic: yeah, but they are all dead here :p10:33
smilehi :)11:16
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morri You know , I learnt one thing- My problem with Banshee that occurred yesterday definitely must have soemthing to do with the internet connection of banshee16:03
morri<morri> While my internet was off (happens sometimes for 5 min) I put banshee on, and disabled the Internet related functions it is working fine like that, so the bug must be somewhere in there16:03
ogra_hi everybody ... i'm working on ubuntu-arm and noticed that lubuntu-desktop is uninstallable due to a GLES audacious bug ...16:20
ogra_since it is unlikely anyone will fix that bug, it would be nice to either unseed audacious on both arm arches or to seed something that is installable for precise ...16:20
ogra_since arm is usually pretty low spec HW i think thats  a big field for lubuntu to settle on ... i'd happily change the seeds but want some input from someone in here first16:21
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pAt_I deinstalled Abiword and Gnumeric. Abiword has disapeared in the menu, but Gnumeric is still in it. How can I get rid of it?17:53
Unit193Should be removed, but check if /usr/share/applications/gnumeric.desktop exists.17:54
Unit193May want to make sure it is uninstalled with   dpkg -l |grep gnumeric17:54
pAt_strange, Unit193: pat@UHU:~$ dpkg -l | grep gnumeric17:57
pAt_rc  gnumeric                               1.10.17-1ubuntu1                        spreadsheet application for GNOME - main program17:57
pAt_ii  gnumeric-common                        1.10.17-1ubuntu2                        spreadsheet application for GNOME - common files17:57
bioterrorsudo apt-get purge gnumeric*17:57
Unit193Yep, that'll do it.17:57
pAt_thanks bioterror and Unit193, that was it. gnumeric-common was still installed17:58
bioterrorpAt_, you're welcome18:20
smile-in-lovebye! :)18:32
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micahggilir: please see http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2012/04/12/%23lubuntu.html#t16:2019:21
gilirhow can a music player can have a problem with GLES (which looks like more graphic than sound ...)19:23
gilirmicahg, thanks, I'll add this to my next change to the seed19:24
dermanneis gnome-ppp preinstalled in LUBUNTU?19:27
gilirogra_, do you have a bug report about this audacious bug on ARM ?19:29
Unit193dermanne: Nope19:31
micahggilir: is there a reason why lubuntu-desktop isn't built on armhf?19:58
micahgerr...lubuntu-meta producing lubuntu-desktop19:58
gilirmicahg, probably beacause I didn't add this arch to the seed20:03
micahggilir: the arch is added in the -meta package itself IIRC20:03
gilirI realise there was a new arch very late in the cycle, so I plan to add it after the 12.0420:04
gilirnobody complain about this lack until now :)20:04
micahggilir: we've had this arch for ~5 months now :)20:05
micahgerr.maybe 4 months20:05
micahgthere was no build failure which is probably why I or someone else didn't notice/fix it20:06
gilirI know, I know .... :)20:06
gordonjcphow can I stop lubuntu from dimming the screen on my laptop when it goes to screensaver?20:06
micahggilir: also, not sure what you're doing with gecko-mediaplayer, but final freeze is in an hour20:07
Unit193gordonjcp: I don't have it, but I'd think it's in the power settings, would make sense.20:07
gilirmicahg, I may have time to test the fix posted, but I'm not sure if it needs a FFe for this20:08
gordonjcpI can't see anything in System Tools or Preferences that suggests power settings20:08
micahggilir: FTBFS fix shouldn't need an FFe, the new version might though20:08
Unit193gordonjcp: Open a terminal and type   xfce4-power-manager-settings20:09
gordonjcpUnit193: aha, there it is20:10
meeturgently help needed20:16
wxlmeet: ?20:16
gordonjcpmeet: don't ask to ask20:16
wxlgordonjcp: i don't think that technically happened20:17
meetok.hi. i created a separate 20gb partition in windows to install ubuntu. so how do i select that while installing ubuntu20:17
wxlyou mean lubuntu, meet ?20:17
wxlfor a dual boot then?20:18
meetyup wxl20:18
meetgot winxp on c: and created a l drive from lubuntu20:18
gordonjcpwxl: :-)20:18
wxlyou don't see it in the partitioning part of the install?20:18
gordonjcpmeet: yeah, that should show up in the partitioner20:19
meeti am seeing 3 drives. but its all too confusing20:19
wxlwhat specifically do they say? you should have at least 220:19
meetin installation type i selected advanced20:19
wxland the third is probably a boot partition?20:19
meetno. the first one is. sda1 sda2 and sda320:19
gordonjcpmeet: have you got a thing that looks like this -> http://i44.tinypic.com/alok04.jpg20:19
wxlhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot may be helpful20:19
meetso sda3 is where i wanna install20:19
wxlyou know sda3 is the right one?20:20
meetya gordonjcp20:20
meetwxl yup20:20
wxlmeet: so you should be good then? :D20:20
meeti created it of 20gb its showing as 20gb20:20
meetbut how do i select it?20:21
gordonjcpmeet: you should just be able to click on it20:21
meetin the list?20:21
gordonjcpwhat does it say in the "Used" column?20:21
gordonjcpso that's definitely *not* your Windows install then20:22
meetso i wanna install lubuntu on that partition.20:22
gordonjcpif you click on it, can you then click on "Change..."?20:22
wxlhahahah gordonjcp20:22
meetya. like for example in the image u shown, i click on sdc1 and then click onchange20:23
gordonjcpyou may want to delete the partition and recreated it, a wee shade smaller, so you can fit some swap space in there20:23
meetahh..could u tell me in detail?20:23
meetfrom this screen how do i go about doing it20:24
gordonjcpwell have you got everything important backed up from your Windows partition?20:24
gordonjcpor alternatively, if you break Windows how much do you care?20:24
meetnot from the windows partition no20:24
meeti thought creating a partition and installing lubuntu their is possible20:24
gordonjcptbh I'd start by backing up the Windows stuff that I absolutely couldn't live without, before messing around with repartitioning disks for any reason20:25
gordonjcpbut anyway, if you click "Change..." on sda3, what options do you have?20:25
meetnow i already did that through windows and created the 20gb harddisk20:25
meetso partition20:25
meeton clicking change- edit a partition20:26
gordonjcpright, good20:26
gordonjcpand what else?20:26
gordonjcpUse as: etc?20:26
meetnew partition size in mb use as format the partition mount point20:26
gordonjcphow much memory have you got?20:26
meetram? 51220:26
gordonjcpokay, cool, make your partition about 19G20:27
gordonjcpmake it be ext4, and mark it for formatting20:27
meetok so about 19000 mb?20:27
gordonjcpand make the mount point be /20:27
meetjust a sec20:27
meetwhats the remaining 1 gb for?20:27
gordonjcpthe oldschool way is to use twice as much swap as RAM20:28
meetok. so 19000 mb20:28
meetnext use as?20:28
gordonjcpyou've got a fairly small amount of RAM so you're going to want some swap20:28
gordonjcphow likely are you to stuff another 512 in?20:28
meethighly unlikely :)20:29
gordonjcpoh incidentally the swapspace is used for suspend-to-disk20:29
gordonjcpand you want that20:29
meetnot really. my moms gonna use it. so stand by will be cool enough20:29
meetno need of hibernation20:29
gordonjcpright, so you should now have about 1G left as "Unused" in the partitioner20:29
meetbut still its good if i can have it20:29
meetwait wait20:29
meeti lagged20:29
meetuse as?20:30
gordonjcpuse as /20:30
gordonjcpmeet: are you familiar with the way that disks are laid out in Linux?20:30
meetno just a sec20:30
meetext4 journaling file system?20:30
meetformat the partition? yes/no?20:30
meetmount point?20:31
gordonjcpright, use as ext4, format the partition (because VFAT is no use to you here), and the mount point is /20:32
meetgordonjcp i selected the options u told me and clicked ok. it says writechange?20:32
gordonjcpcross your fingers and hope the power doesn't go out20:32
meetcome on!! dont scare me!!20:32
meetok got a little bar on far right20:32
meet1.2 gb in size20:32
meetfree space20:33
gordonjcpokay, select it, do what you just did for / but make this be swap20:33
gordonjcpwhen you select "Use as:" to be swap, it won't give you the option to mount it20:33
meetbut i am not getting the change option20:33
gordonjcpyeah, you want New... now20:34
meetok so clicked add>create a new partition20:34
meet size = full size20:34
meetlocation beginning20:34
meetuse as > swap20:35
gordonjcpsounds good20:35
meetunable to select the mount point20:35
gordonjcpwell, you don't mount swap20:35
gordonjcpso that's okay20:35
meet:D ok20:35
gordonjcpdo you want a quick explanation of what's going on with all this?20:35
meetok so i have got a tick on sda320:35
gordonjcpyeah, that will be under "Format?"20:36
meetright after this? is it ok?20:36
meetya but no tick on sda4 swap20:36
gordonjcpwell you should now have something like "/dev/sda3 ext4 <tick> 18000MB"20:36
meetya with a / under mount20:36
gordonjcpand "/dev/sda4 swap <no tick> 1200MB"20:36
gordonjcpperfect, hit install now20:37
gordonjcpand wait for a while20:37
meetunder used it shows unknown for swap20:37
gordonjcpwhat you'll need to do once all this has finished, is read up on getting it to dual boot20:37
gordonjcpyeah, that's fine20:37
meetdevice for bootloader installation?20:38
gordonjcpbasically you know that Linux (well, Unix in general) doesn't use drive letters like Windows does, right?20:38
gordonjcpshould be /dev/sda20:38
meetya it showing the whole hard disk space in bracket20:38
meetok clicked install20:39
gordonjcpso / is the root of the file system, everything else is below that rather like C:\ in Windows20:39
gordonjcphowever, this is the big difference - if you stick in another disk, it is mounted somewhere in the filesystem20:39
gordonjcpso you stick in a USB stick, it's /dev/sdb20:39
gordonjcpthat will end up getting mounted somewhere like /media/somelabel20:40
meetso there are no partitions?20:40
gordonjcpyes, there are20:40
gordonjcpbut they're not assigned different letters20:40
gordonjcpyou mount them somewhere in the filesystem20:40
gordonjcpa really common way to do it is to have a small partition, a biggish partition, a swap partition then a humoungous partition20:40
meetya hard to digest it all in go20:41
gordonjcpso the small partition is mounted in /boot and contains files used to actually boot the system, the biggish partition is /20:41
gordonjcpthe swap is self-explanatory20:41
gordonjcpand the humoungous partition is mounted as /home20:41
meetbut where do i get to see the partitions in them?20:41
gordonjcpwell now, there's a file called /etc/fstab - File System TABle20:42
meetis this method of partitioning more efficient?20:42
gordonjcpwell it has its advantages; some old systems don't like to boot off ext4 filesystems but you don't need to care about why20:42
gordonjcphaving /home on a separate partition keeps all your user data entirely separate, so if you decide to nuke the system and reinstall you can leave all your user home directories alone20:43
meethey i am done20:43
gordonjcpor you decide that your disk is too small, so you hang a second disk off the machine and move /home across to that20:43
meetgot a screen with no users or os suitable for importing from20:43
gordonjcpyeah, that's okay20:44
meetits installing again?20:44
gordonjcpyeah, it will do a few things first20:44
gordonjcpwhen it's done it'll want to pull down a bunch of updates too20:44
meetno but i did not select the install udpates option20:45
gordonjcpokay, don't worry about that20:45
gordonjcpyou just need to do that when you're finished20:45
meeti hope it works better than winxp and faster20:46
gordonjcpmeet: depends what you want to do20:47
gordonjcpmeet: my mum is using normal Ubuntu on a P4 3GHz with 1G of RAM, with absolutely no problems20:47
meetas i told u.. my mom will use it mainly. so only browsing facebook mails recipe sites :D20:47
gordonjcpbut then all she really uses it for is browsing the web, sending emails and downloading stuff off her digital camera and putting new tunes on her iPod20:47
meetso will lubuntu work on my config. 512mb 1.6ghz i guess p420:48
gordonjcpyeah, should be fine20:48
bioterroradd more ram and even better20:48
bioterrorbut I wont guarantee that flash videos will play smoothly20:48
gordonjcptwo ticks20:49
meetok. its stuck at the last stage of installation.20:49
meetno. cool20:49
gordonjcpmeet: okay20:50
meetcontinue testing or restart20:50
meeti hope the grub stuff and all boot loader thingy is taken care of properly.20:50
gordonjcpCompaq nc4200 laptop, 1G RAM, 1.86 Pentium M, Intel i945 video, playing back youtube in Chromium in full screen quite happily20:50
meetshould i restart?20:51
gordonjcpyou're done20:51
meetbut i dont want to scare my mom with all the entries en the boot meny20:54
meetgrub customizer?20:54
gordonjcpwell stick the lubuntu one at the top and make the timeout really short20:57
meetwow it works 1000times faster than winxp20:57
gordonjcpit's quick eh20:57
meetthanks a lottttttttt gordonjcp20:57
meeti am loving this thing. the chat community20:58
meetdo all ubuntu softwares work here?21:01
bioterrorless or more21:02
bioterrorwhat you find from the repository should work21:02
gordonjcpincidentally this is the video I tested it with -> http://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8qGHWZm0C-o21:03
gordonjcpoops, too many http:// s21:03
meetnow that i have installed it what next steps should i take?21:04
gordonjcprun the updater, if you haven't already21:04
meetto make it completely working21:04
meetare updates that important?21:04
gordonjcpcheck you can still boot Ubuntu21:04
gordonjcpyes, very much so21:04
gordonjcpalthough Linux is inherently more secure than Windows for various excruciatingly technical reasons, it only stays that way if you keep it all patched up to date21:05
gordonjcpfortunately this is quite easy21:05
meetbut once i updated linux mint on my laptop and the wireless stopped working21:05
gordonjcpgo to System Tools -> Update Manager and follow the instructions21:06
bioterror3.3.1 broke ath5k :D21:06
meeti dont want to mess up lubuntu lkewise21:06
bioterrorif I remember right21:06
gordonjcpah, yeah, Linux Mint, yes...21:06
meetso no such thing will occur with lubuntu right?21:06
* gordonjcp keeps it CoC-friendly21:06
gordonjcpwell never say never, but a lot of the Mint patches are distinctly iffy21:07
bioterrormint doesnt patch kernels21:07
gordonjcpgenerally Ubuntu as a whole has extremely good testing21:07
gordonjcpbioterror: that's kind of my point21:07
meetbtw gordonjcp when will u be available again?21:07
wxlmint is yuck21:07
gordonjcpmeet: I'm usually around GMTish daytime21:07
meetright now i am leaving its 3 in the morning right now :D21:08
bioterrorI love mint chewing gum21:08
gordonjcpbut don't just bug me for help, bug other people too21:08
meetwanted to continue with the initial setting up of the essentials21:08
gordonjcpwell, what do you consider essential?21:08
gordonjcpman, sylpheed looks awful21:09
meetlike wine and stuff21:09
gordonjcpI really really must get my bum in gear and do some work on my UI fixes for it21:09
meetalso had to set up this computer on network21:09
gordonjcpmeet: System Tools -> Synaptic21:09
gordonjcpmeet: wifi or wired?21:09
meetok will u be available on saturday this time21:10
gordonjcpwired should Just Work, wifi you need to click on the network symbol in the bottom right and stick in the key21:10
gordonjcpprobably not, I'll be in the pub21:10
meetok. is this channel always active?21:10
meetthanks a lot again gordonjcp cya cheers21:15
wxlyeah we're always here21:22
wxltho somtimes busy21:22
wxl(case in point)21:22
Myrttiit's a gordonjcp. RUN!21:28
gordonjcpMyrtti: it's a crazy Finn!21:29
gordonjcpwxl: I'm tempted to banhammer everyone in a channel next time someone asks if it's active all the time21:29
Unit193You got the crazy Finn right....21:29
gordonjcp/mode +b (no, we're closed Sundays and Bank Holidays)21:29
wxlaw, it's better than other actions we've had …21:29
twistolimeI'm about to try installing the latest lubuntu precise daily live cd, and read on the forums about an issue where choosing full disk install will fail. Does anyone know about this?23:18
twistolimeWhat are the steps to take if this happens?23:18
Unit193May want to try #ubuntu+123:33

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