[01:48] heh... I've had some fun tonight. I decided to create a real life task for myself and do it in both Unity and Gnome Panel while recording screencasts. I then opened those videos side by side and recorded that as a screencast. The goal is to see how Unity really performs in comparison with Gnome Panel. The video lasts 4m 20s: http://ubuntuone.com/6B3OJrY8yfoP08vcoNsulZ [02:05] is ubuntuone just really slow or is this video not loading just for me? [02:05] there it is [02:08] jo-erlend: HUD really makes using GIMP awesome, doesn't it? [02:08] I couldn't believe the difference it made [02:09] mhall119, well, I used Pinta in this case. [02:09] And actually, Thunderbird was the biggest difference. [02:10] oh, thought it was gimp 2.8 [02:10] I used it to do exactly what you were doing, cutting bits from a large screenshot into smaller ones, and having HUD made it so fast [02:11] even layer manipulation, it made everything so intuitive [02:11] yes. That's the biggest difference. Speed is one thing, but if you look very closely at the videos, you'll see that I got a little confused about what I was doing with Gnome Panel. With HUD, I was in control all the time, so there was no cause for any confusion. [02:11] you can really feel the difference. [02:11] the fuzzy matching was the best part, since I couldn't spell "canvas" right for the life of me, but HUD handled my typos with ease [02:12] hehe [02:12] jo-erlend: you should put that on youtube [02:12] well, I don't think it supports ogg? [02:13] I could always convert, though. [02:13] it does, but it has some problems with the latest version of it [02:13] ok, so I should convert to something else first? WebM, I guess, should work? [02:14] ffmpeg -i -vcodec mpeg4 -sameq -acodec libmp3lame $infile $outfile [02:14] I used that for my hello-unity screencasts [02:14] it kept good quality [02:14] ah. Great. I'll use that then. [02:18] mhall119, I get "vcodec: No such file or directory" [02:23] jo-erlend: sorry, it should be like this: ffmpeg -i hello-unity-2.ogv -vcodec mpeg4 -sameq -acodec libmp3lame hello-unity-test.avi [02:23] $infile comes immediately after the -i [02:25] mhall@mhall-laptop:~/projects/Ubuntu/unity/hello-unity$ cat ~/Apps/ogv2avi [02:25] ffmpeg -i $1 -vcodec mpeg4 -sameq -acodec libmp3lame $2 [02:25] no outfile necessary? [02:25] outfile at the end [02:25] ah. I see it now. [02:25] but I tried uploading the ogg. Nice to know if it works in any case. :) [02:26] I had my first video upload fine, the second youtube couldn't process [02:26] evidently gtk-recordmydesktop uses the latest ogg theora, and youtube has some trouble with it [02:45] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lSkXgXZL7G4 <-- works fine! :) [02:46] interesting. Having watched the video a couple of times, I suddenly noticed something I weren't even aware of. With Unity, I closed Pinta and opened Thunderbird at the very same time. I used Super+4 to open Thunderbird with my left hand while closing Pinta using the right hand and the mouse. [03:19] mhall119, hey... Hello Unity looks nice! Perfect, great job! [07:19] good morning [07:25] Morning dholbach [07:26] hi nigelb [08:00] aloha [08:03] good morning czajkowski [09:13] jussi: Howdy doody [09:59] uggh [10:15] * popey notes jo-erlend getting some flak for his video [10:16] which video? [10:22] http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/04/which-saves-more-time-unity-or-gnome-panel-video/ [10:22] he mentioned it here last night [10:48] 2 weeks to release :D === nothingspecial is now known as elfy3 === elfy3 is now known as elfy4 === elfy4 is now known as elfy2 === elfy2 is now known as elfy4 === elfy4 is now known as elfy1 === elfy1 is now known as nothingspecial [12:53] jo-erlend: your video hit OMG! Ubuntu!, complete with a hundred obsurd comments [12:56] mhall119: I guess it's a bit like walking up a hill backwards with some people [13:03] hobgoblin: true, if you were to walk backwards up a hill, somebody would still be waiting there to tell you that they hate Unity [13:04] yep - with their fingers in their ears shouting lalalalala at the top of their voice - what can you do ... [13:04] what, it isnt cool to hate unity anymore? awww... [13:04] jussi: you have to hate on the hater's hate now I think [13:04] I'm just confused [13:04] oh for petes sake, its too complicated now [13:04] Just remember. "Hate" and you're ok. [13:04] yep - /me gave up [13:05] popey: aah - I was making it too complicated then [13:06] just wait until release day, then everybody can rewrite their twice-annual "worst Ubuntu release ever" article [13:06] lol [13:06] * hobgoblin loves release day on the forum :( [13:25] jcastro: are we good to turn the autoscheduler on for UDS? [14:45] Daviey: cheerio [14:45] cjohnston: uhhh, sure? Ask mhall119 [14:45] cherio jcastro [14:46] jcastro: he said ask you [14:46] ask Daviey [14:47] jcastro: if it's okay to start putting approved blueprint sessions on the schedule, we can turn it on now [14:47] yeah I don't see why not [14:47] I like the ask Daviey [14:54] Daviey knows the beast better than anyone. [14:54] Someday I dream of making Daviey own summit :P [14:54] bah [14:54] Yeah, we tend to start populating as early as possible. [14:54] If they are approved, most certainly start scheduling them.. i can't see harm, it makes life easier. [14:55] it has been requested [15:00] hum, is loco.u.c having problems right now? [15:00] "The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later." [15:01] dholbach: came up fine for me [15:02] hum, I got the session 2-3 times [15:02] now it works for me too [15:04] 2w 41 [15:55] mhall119, hehe :) [17:35] alright, I call it a day - see you all tomorrow! [18:04] technoviking: wotcha doing tomorrow early? [18:04] I think we should go whine again [18:04] jcastro: you rock! [18:05] (thanks for the tip about man hier) :D [18:05] http://www.crazydogtshirts.com/catalog/3b_alt2.jpg [18:09] hehe [18:31] mhall119, thanks for defending me! :) === rastamouse is now known as nothingspecial [18:45] jo-erlend: there were some crazy accusationg being tossed about over there [18:45] mhall119, always is. :) [18:46] LINK! [18:46] jcastro, http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/04/which-saves-more-time-unity-or-gnome-panel-video [18:47] 231 comments. [18:47] er, 213 [18:48] I had one of those moments today [18:48] someone complaining about how unity is dumbed down for tablets and whatever [18:48] but when you mention all the keyboard shortcuts they never respond [18:49] I am hoping the new keyboards shortcuts ..shortcut will make more people realize that it's super awesome keyboard navigation-wise [18:50] it's basically the killer feature [18:50] it really is. [18:50] the dash, launcher, etc. all that stuff is ok I guess [18:50] it's the ability to super multitask that is awesome with the keys [18:50] I tend to agree, but I hate my mouse :) [18:50] I don't know how normal people work [18:51] it's ok, normal people do what they always did before [18:51] click on the firefox icon [18:51] and type "facebook" in the search box, and hit enter [18:51] yeah [18:51] I discovered, though, that I never use the previous search, even when I know it's there and that I'm going to repeat it. [18:51] the thing I'd like to see honed in12.10+ is the searching stuff [18:51] like with the keywords and stuff [18:51] to me, it's actually a little bit disruptive. [18:51] HUD still always wants to open my system-wide network settings all the time, but I think that's PEBKAC [18:52] super and typing "dns" should return the network settings, for example [18:52] and rank results based on usage, stuff like that [18:52] that will make it totally wicked [18:52] yes. And using Zeitgeist for it so that you can synchronize with other computers. [18:52] I have a unified device [18:53] It is a microphone - voice commands - check [18:53] Built in mouse (track ball) [18:53] Using Zeitgeist for HUD would also enable developers to more easily learn from the users when we get Zeitgeist "Scrobbling". [18:53] and it has 15 or so hot keys that can be programmed for custom user commands [18:53] all I need a keyboard for is IRC [18:54] bodhi_zazen, what I want, is a headset with phones, mic and EEG and being able to use EEG at least to switch between programs. :) [18:54] wireless headset ... [18:55] The more things change, the more they stay the same [18:55] WP was all about keyboard shortcuts, they had to bolt on mouse stuff .... [18:55] Now with HUD we are killing off the mouse again [18:55] full cycle [18:56] no, no killing of the mouse. Expanding. It's difficult to communicate that. [18:56] it's _important_ to communicate that, I meant. [18:56] I think it is best to offer either - or [18:56] hehe, when you type fast, you can get some interesting typos :) [18:56] If you want a mouse, that function is still there [18:57] I think it depends [18:57] If you want keyboard - HUD [18:57] the mouse still works fine [18:57] something like the hud is really only for keyboard power users anyway [18:57] the mouse users are already kind of taken care of [18:57] I don't think so [18:57] I think casual users will find the HUD useful too [18:57] it's definitely for keyboard users though [18:58] the GUI vs CLI debate is destructive to newbies, I think. The problem with CLI is that it's difficult to learn, because you have to say what the computer expects you to say, instead of expecting the computer to do what you tell it to. [18:59] bridging the gap between those two things can have some seriously powerful results, I think. [18:59] I don't disagree [18:59] I am just saying I don't expect primarily mouse users to discover the hud [18:59] I think we should do something for discoverability, yeah [19:00] they're more likely to find it accidentally and not understand what to do with it [19:00] discoverability is overrated. Gnome Panel is more didactic than Unity, but so what? You spend thousands of hours using a computer. If you have to spend fifteen minutes learning how to work twice as fast forever, that's worth it. [19:01] * nlsthzn finds yet another channel full of random people... [19:01] I don't find myself using the hud too often [19:01] hi nlsthzn [19:01] I think mostly when I need to print [19:01] heh [19:01] nlsthzn: we're not all random [19:01] but, admittedly, most of us are [19:01] alt-print, enter [19:01] jcastro: why can't I connect to my juju summit? [19:01] blame mims? [19:01] jcastro, try using different fonts in Thunderbird composer using the menus and using the HUD :) [19:01] is he around? [19:02] no.. he is traveling now... so im asking you to help me [19:02] heheh [19:02] Cause you are Mr. Juju [19:06] ok so that doesn't mean I have access to your deployment [19:06] that's like saying "you know apt, why isn't my site running?" [19:06] hehehe... [19:06] im getting timeouts :-/ [19:11] mhall119: speak for yourself (about randomness) :P [19:12] jussi is so random, I use him to generate cryptographic entropy [19:12] hehee [19:17] :) [19:17] nlsthzn: so... who are you? Ive not seen your nick around before... [19:18] jussi: how very welcoming of you [19:18] nlsthzn: welcome aboard [19:18] lol [19:18] he's another of us forum staff peeops jussi [19:19] * nlsthzn comes from the forum to lurk in the channel [19:19] nlsthzn: Im sorry, I didnt mean to seem rude, more trying to get to know you :) [19:19] :) [19:19] jussi: *grin* [19:19] jussi: how's the little un [19:19] hi to all :D [19:19] nlsthzn: ello [19:19] nlsthzn: where you based? [19:19] czajkowski: just got her to sleep :) she is doing great [19:19] so really happy girl [19:20] it doesn't last jussi [19:20] hobgoblin: shush [19:20] sleep that is - hope the happy does :) [19:20] I am currently in the UAE czajkowski ... in the middle of the desert >.< [19:20] hobgoblin: let me live in hope :D [19:21] jussi: good stuff, she'll grow up one day to be just as charming as myself don't you know [19:21] * czajkowski has been playing with her arduino set all week with her dad [19:21] jussi: my little one is now 12 and full on for dad's taxi ... but she is happy :D [19:21] drinking buckets of tea [19:21] czajkowski: she will never be able to live up to your standard, stop pressuring the poor girl :P [19:21] jussi: :) [19:23] czajkowski: the surname seems familiar, blog is agregated to planet? But not blogged in some time? [19:35] aye not realy had much to blog about tbh [19:35] or else its stuff that I can't blog about :) [19:35] :) [19:36] those get posted to the takeoverthe.planet.ubuntu.com [19:37] am being kept busy which is good as then I can't cause any trouble [19:37] just finished writing another training manual [19:37] hmmm... I am seeing a number of nicks hinting at names I have only read before... nice [19:37] and working on a conference plan for next october [20:41] popey: these brackets you recommended for the proliant seem worthless [20:42] there's no way to attach them to the chassis [20:42] OR the drive itself [20:44] LOL [20:44] jcastro: otherwise does the proliant seem cool? I think I might grab one [20:45] it's awesome [20:45] the only bummer is the first drive slot is filled with the OS drive [20:45] so I am moving it to the top part that is empty [20:45] ah [20:45] but there's no place to mount the drive [20:45] how many drive slots does it have? [20:45] so popey was like "buy these and it'll mount awesome" [20:45] 4 up front [20:45] and then the one up top [20:46] jcastro: you dont attach them [20:46] * popey videos for jcastro [20:46] ta [20:46] hangout dude, point webcam at it [20:47] first time I see a good use of G+... [20:47] ! [20:47] I can't live without G+ already [20:48] on g+ calling you [20:48] me and the two people that have each other in G+ can't seem to be bothered about it :p [20:54] nlsthzn: omg so you dont like the hangout with the pope and dalai lama [20:54] awesome use of G+ there [20:55] bkerensa: we tried it once or twice... didn't have much to talk about :/ [20:55] :p [20:55] so i just pointed my webcam at my server and explained to jcastro how it fits together [20:56] nice [20:56] he shows me the bracket he bought and oh man that was the best G+ hangout I've had all week [20:56] now make a Youtube tutorial too [20:57] heh [20:57] popey: no screenshots? [20:57] ;p [20:59] So what exactly (and perhaps who) is this Community Team? [21:00] nlsthzn: it is a mystery to me [21:00] :P [21:00] PERFECT. [21:00] popey: awesome, thanks! [21:00] now if it only shipped like that ootb [21:00] nlsthzn: Jono, jcastro, dholbach, mhall119, cjohnston and others? [21:01] (and with ubuntu server of course) [21:01] I never understood why it was called Ubuntu Community Team versus Canonical Community Team :P [21:01] uhh [21:01] cjohnston: your not on the team are you? :P [21:01] who what [21:01] i wish [21:02] The A-Team [21:02] The horsemen [21:02] Ah, OK, I think I have heard Jono speak of them :) [21:02] thanks bkerensa [21:03] its two different things there's the Canonical Community Team which is part of the wider Ubuntu Community Team [21:03] the first has jono, jcastro, dpm etc, and the second has all of us [21:04] popey: ok so other than that, it's kind of crap that the esata port is a pos [21:04] jcastro: just use electrical tape [21:04] :P [21:05] caulking even [21:07] jcastro: yes [21:07] all onboard ones are generally [21:07] the acer aspire revo has a non-port-multiplexing port [21:08] no it's just the external port doesn't support multiple drives [21:08] so just adding another enclosure to it is :-/ [21:08] still this thing is 23042834 times better than all those crappy WHS home servers [21:08] popey: do you know if it supports 3tb+ drives? [21:08] I see "expand, copy, move, get another one." in my future [21:08] jo-erlend: your comment on AU confuses me, updates to what? [21:08] yeah same with my zotac [21:08] I except HPCS to not be ready [21:09] but I expect a server to be [21:10] pass [21:10] jcastro: im trying to convert a whs to run ubuntu [21:10] I would love to switch to btrfs for this [21:10] not going too well [21:11] yeah because they don't have stupid VGA ports [21:11] and that cable to make it be a serial port is like a hundred bucks [21:11] not going too well [21:11] uggh [21:11] ya [21:11] this is why this thing is awesome, WHS form factor, but a proper server [21:11] i have it setup good, except i cant get the network card wroking [21:11] working [21:12] from what i have read the driver problem was fixed, but i cant figure it out [21:13] popey: is the proliant the lowest end in cost for a mini server? [21:13] it seems to be the only one [21:13] all the mini servers I've seen are WHS [21:14] jcastro: if you want a big boy... when you come for oscon... go to FreeGeek... They have one year old poweredges and HP 1U and 2U for like $200 [21:14] mims got the ilo card for his, but at $85, too rich for me [21:14] bkerensa: I want small and silent these days [21:14] I've got the cloud for the rest yo [21:15] They are granting us a Dell Poweredge which were going to colo to host a Ubuntu Mirror and use for packaging and random stuffs [21:15] Hopefully at OSU OSL :P [21:15] nice [21:15] <3 ubumirror ftw [21:16] jcastro: I just learned that one of the Canonical IS folk live here in Portland :x I swear there is like more then I know [21:16] 20-30 [21:17] I have half of the Community Team within 3 hours of me [21:17] bkerensa: dunno much about their range [21:17] the N40L is the microserver [21:17] I have the N36L which I guess has a slower CPU or something [21:18] cjohnston: We have a few Foundations folk.... IS... Server Dev folk.... and Professional Services [21:19] and some QA I guess [21:19] popey: is a n40l for $180 a jump on it deal? [21:20] cjohnston: yes [21:20] cjohnston: The cheapest I could find was $200 or $300 [21:20] i havent decided if i want to spend the $$ [21:20] http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16859107052 [21:21] $299 at Newegg [21:21] ya [21:21] Invisible hand tells me Amazon is the cheapest at $284 [21:21] with 100$ rebate? [21:21] you can get a rebate too? [21:22] cjohnston: its a cracking little machine [21:22] its not on sale right now, was alittle over a month ago [21:30] jcastro, you have a TODO at the end of your answer. But that was two years ago. Perhaps something has happened since then? [21:31] the bug still appears open [21:33] Why does Bluetooth not want to work for me on Ubuntu 12.04 :( [21:42] bkerensa: you forgot about balloons [21:42] ohh! we buying new hardware? [21:43] i was looking at new hardware last evening [21:44] mhall119: balloons bluetooth doesnt work? [21:44] oh [21:44] nvm, [21:45] jcastro: people in #ubuntu-us-ca wondering about charm schools and where to find info :P [21:45] bluetooth never works for anybody [21:45] at least, that's been my experience with bluetooth [21:46] that's not far from the truth, I think. But I have better experiences with Ubuntu than others. [21:49] bkerensa: https://juju.ubuntu.com/Events [21:49] bkerensa: we can do on-the-spot IRC charm schools too [21:50] jcastro: you should do a charm school while in portland for oscon :) [21:50] I can likely get you a venue [21:50] there will be one at OSCON [21:50] maybe beer [21:50] jcastro: OSCON costs 4k :P [21:51] even though I am going... I would say less then 1% of attendees are locals [21:51] We can show you what you need to know [21:51] then you can run your own locally [21:51] we can do that at UDS [21:51] k [21:51] hell, marco ran the charm school at UDS and he has only discovered juju like 3 days before [21:51] hah [21:53] jcastro, yyou going to oscon? [21:54] yeah [21:54] nice nice [21:54] that answers that question for me [22:37] <hub> so Canonical finally hired developers? [22:37] ;p [23:31] mhall119: can you review my MP for summit that will make it work again, since its currently dead