[20:29] thelinuxer, ding, what is happening now on your side? :) [20:29] ashams: negotiating with wazery about the html templates for the email [20:30] ok [20:30] wady Wazery geh [20:30] Hi Wazery o/ [20:30] aywaan [20:30] ezyak ya ashams [20:30] cool, thnx God, you? [20:30] el7am lelah [20:31] el7amd* [20:33] ashams: Wazery I was on the phone with jonathan [20:33] he said the template will be ready tomorrow at about 1pm [20:33] is that ok ? postpone the announcement till tomorrow 1pm ? [20:33] aked wala maw3edo zayee :D [20:33] Wazery: lool [20:33] :d [20:33] walahi dah mawdoo3 mesh akeed ba2a [20:33] thelinuxer, why we need that template? [20:34] bas i will send it anyway if I don't get the template [20:34] ashams: just to look professional [20:34] and make the email more appealing [20:34] ah [20:35] I think Jonathan will do it on time or maybe a couple of hours later [20:35] I'm not sure if we should wait [20:35] ashams, I think it is better to wait [20:36] I myself didn't want to wait [20:36] me neither :( [20:36] we'll need to post it to our blogs [20:36] yes exactly [20:36] to find something to share on fb and G+ [20:36] that's y we want it to be done right [20:37] it's not everyday we announce something like this! [20:37] yeah [20:37] btw [20:37] g+ got 800 +1 [20:37] cool :) [20:37] thelinuxer, can you syndicate your blog to the loco planet? [20:38] Wazery: gr8! [20:38] and you too ya wazery :) [20:38] ashams: but it will take me some time [20:38] ashams, ma3ndesh blog :D [20:38] I would need a mug shot [20:38] kan 3andy wa7da adeeema [20:38] and I was actually thinking about moving my blog to blogger [20:39] :D [20:39] thelinuxer, no need ya man [20:39] no need for what ? I don't like the current state of my blog el sara7a [20:39] needs some revamping [20:39] not just content problems [20:40] thelinuxer, try WooThemes :D [20:40] drupal 7 ? [20:40] wordpress .. [20:40] nope [20:40] yes, wp [20:40] my blog is drupal [20:40] why you have a drupal blog aslan [20:40] again this is another option :D [20:41] wp or drupal or blogger ? [20:41] because most of my circle are drupal developers [20:41] blog on drupal, 7araaaaam [20:41] so u think I should move it to wordpress [20:41] ? [20:41] yes sure [20:42] get a wp tarball and upload it there [20:42] Wazery: can u create a mug shot for me ? [20:42] ashams: what do u mean upload it there ? [20:42] you can try wp-admin on my blog if you want to see it working [20:42] thelinuxer, ok [20:43] thelinuxer, upload to your space [20:43] on the server [20:43] ashams: i checked it long ago, I mainly used drupal because it was more secure [20:44] man, howa 7ad bezorha lamma 7'ayef 7ad yeCrackha :P [20:44] maho enta ba2a fahem el 3o2ad we keda :D [20:45] Wazery: tayeb el mugshot me7tag menny eih feeha ? [20:45] howa kan fe 7aga 3'er el mugshot [20:45] msh faker esmaha [20:45] thelinuxer, never try to use the one on you fb profile [20:45] hacker 7aga bayen [20:46] zy deh https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/38012_414233098229_729453229_4703392_4260795_n.jpg [20:47] Hackergotchi ah :) [20:47] Wazery: hackergotchi [20:47] eh ra2yak ? [20:47] ashams: can't understand. r u telling me to try to use it or not to use it ? [20:48] Wazery: what's the difference ? [20:48] akeed no :) [20:48] 7asb wikipedia mugshot deh 7aga tanya [20:48] 3moman ha3lha [20:48] ha3mla* [20:48] ashams: howa eih ely no :D ? [20:48] ashams: ah ur saying I shouldn't use it [20:48] what's wrong with it ? [20:49] Wazery: eshta thanks man [20:49] thelinuxer, oh god, don't use it :) [20:49] Wazery: which pic are you going to use ? [20:49] pm me the link [20:49] msh 3aref lesa [20:49] hashof aho [20:49] eshta [20:52] fel 3aleb deh https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/188685_5996118151_741808151_198471_2222_n.jpg [20:53] dude I said pm me the link :D [20:53] ops [20:53] this will be forever on the logs [20:53] oppps [20:53] loooooooooool [20:53] eih ra2yak ya ashams\ [20:53] ? [20:53] man, It's the best one [20:54] tayeb go on ya Wazery I trust ur opinion on stuff like this [20:54] ok [20:55] yes, he is like a guru on graphics, seriously [20:55] or it's me suck at graphics? :P [20:55] la2 msh lel darga :D [20:55] yeah, me sucks :P [20:55] it's both actually he is a guru and we totally sucj [20:55] suck* [20:56] thelinuxer, what about this one: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150353559492602&set=t.741808151&type=3 [20:56] or this one: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=127758707329110&set=t.741808151&type=3 [20:56] the second one is horrible! [20:56] thelinuxer, kol el sowar ba2et logged :P [20:57] first one might work, wazery eih ra2yak ? [20:57] lol [20:57] the 2nd is good 3ala fekra [20:57] aiwa bas he didn't send the cdn link ;) [20:57] thelinuxer, ah +1 for first one [20:57] tayeb choose one we doos [20:58] i still need to finish the email and finish my blog stuff [20:58] ok [20:58] thanks man [20:59] thelinuxer, regarding the first pic I suppose you were making her a deer, right? [20:59] lool [21:05] Wazery: ashams tayeb elections date ? [21:06] ashams: we don't have a page for elections [21:32] thelinuxer, still here? [21:32] yes [21:33] I think it can be good pre-release [21:33] so I will wait for u to send me ur comments [21:34] we need to find a suitable date [21:34] yes of course [21:34] how about end of may ? [21:34] mid may .. [21:34] sa7ee7 did u see my email ? [21:34] nope [21:34] one sec [21:36] I may propose some lines to be added [21:36] for elections date [21:36] this should be a fixed elections date for future [21:37] I think mid may is tooo far [21:37] tayeb maho delwa2ty we don't have enough time to make the elections by mid may aslan :) [21:37] why ya man [21:38] ppl will jump into membership fast [21:38] tayeb, what about opening for nomination on april 30 [21:38] and elction from may 1st till ma7? [21:39] may* [21:39] the opening for nomination will make ppl hurray to membership :) [21:40] ezay ya3ny?! [21:40] I don't think this is gonna work [21:40] people would need some time to finish their membership process [21:40] creation of the application [21:40] memberhsip meeting ..etc [21:41] and I am not really sure if we will be able to cram everything into a single meeting [21:41] I think we would need a couple of meetings at least [21:41] so i think it would need at least 3-4 weeks from now [21:42] the problem I'm trying to avoid here is that fixed times shouldn't be too far from release [21:42] yes i know [21:42] but what can we do ? [21:42] we can't do elections if we only have 3-4 members, that would feel strange el sara7a :D [21:42] 3-4 members and 5 nominees :D [21:43] by 15 may there should be an elected council [21:43] man, I'll nominate many persons right after the announcement [21:43] and will help them personally [21:43] let's make our limit 10 members [21:44] and let's work to get them [21:44] u'll nominate ? [21:44] yes, from 0 to hero [21:44] what does that even mean ? [21:44] from nomination, through app creation, till meeting :) [21:45] u mean nomination for membership ? [21:45] yes ya man :D [21:45] and how is that 0 to hero ? [21:45] ok i got what u meant [21:46] oh god [21:46] haha === ahmed-araby is now known as egydev