
Unit193I'm *sure* you noticed, but just because: "Bots done gone away!"01:25
bazhang I always thought jussi was a bot01:26
bkerensajussi isn't a bot?01:26
Unit193He is, went off with them01:27
Unit193So is tsimpson.01:27
bazhangwell tsimpson we always knew about01:58
micahgwe're missing a bot in #ubuntu-packaging, thanks02:15
Unit193Yeah, al...02:15
Unit193Told him in another channel about server down after he reconnected.02:18
swMyrtti: typo. meant /21 - as in the window13:28
wolfen69hello. I would kindly like to request an ubuntuforums cloak. Here is my launchpad page. https://launchpad.net/~wolfen6914:58
Myrttithere aren't specific ubuntu forums cloaks, there's only ubuntu members ones. You seem to be a member, perhaps one of our glorious IRCC leaders could confirm so I can apply the cloak for you15:02
MyrttiAlanBell, Pici, topyli, funkyHat15:02
wolfen69yeah, that's what I wanted. Sorry just waking up15:03
* Pici looks15:05
PiciMyrtti: could you please assign ubuntu/members/wolfen69 to wolfen69?15:06
Piciwolfen69: congrats :)15:06
PiciMyrtti: er, thanks ;)15:07
Myrttiwolfen69: congrats15:07
wolfen69thank you very much and take care15:07
Piciyou too15:07
GirlyGirlHi, I can't seem to join #ubuntu-fr-offtopic anymore. This happened for a while but to get around it, I used to send a message to the uBOTTu-fr bot in #ubuntu with "invite #ubuntu-fr-offtopic GirlyGirl" and then I could get in. Now even that trick doesn't work17:36
avelldirollGirlyGirl: you should read the /topic of the channel you are redirected to when you are trying to join #ubuntu-fr-offtopic17:38
GirlyGirlavelldiroll: Je suis identifiéé sur freenode et j'ai deja demandé a un OP plusieurs fois mais à chaque fois que je rejoins IRC, j'ai le mếme problème.18:15
avelldirollGirlyGirl: c'est normal, et commence par t'adresser au bon endroit, #ubuntu-irc n'est pas le lieu pour ce genre de choses, et encore moins pour parler français :/ ... #ubuntu-fr-ops serait plus adapté18:17
avelldirollsorry for my french18:17
GirlyGirlavelldiroll: ok, I was told to come here in '#ubuntu-ops18:18
GirlyGirlavelldiroll: But is it necessary to ask an OP everytime I join the channel?18:18
avelldirollGirlyGirl: may be, but that still is not the right place ...18:19
EvilResistanceis ubottu lagging?19:30
ubottuTesting... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use #test )19:30
Unit193!lag | EvilResistance19:31
ubottuEvilResistance: You have lag, I don't have lag19:31
EvilResistancewhats the command within ubottu to search package info, then?19:31
Mkaysi!info package19:32
ubottuPackage package does not exist in oneiric19:32
MkaysiI mean19:32
Mkaysi!find package19:32
EvilResistance!info gnome-shell19:32
ubottugnome-shell (source: gnome-shell): graphical shell for the GNOME desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version (oneiric), package size 336 kB, installed size 972 kB19:32
guntbert!find mc19:32
EvilResistancehmm, does that command not work via privmsg?19:32
guntbertEvilResistance: it does, use it with '!'19:32
MkaysiI think that it should19:33
EvilResistanceguntbert, done that twice, nothing19:33
EvilResistance!info gnome-ppp19:33
ubottugnome-ppp (source: gnome-ppp): modem internet connection tool for the GNOME Desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.23-1ubuntu5 (oneiric), package size 77 kB, installed size 604 kB19:33
MkaysiThere is always #ubuntu-bots :)19:33
EvilResistanceyeah, well i dont like using the bots channel :p19:33
EvilResistancehmm, that's interesting19:33
EvilResistanceits just not responding to privmsgs...19:33
EvilResistancei dont have +g on, so...19:34
daxuse it without !, actually19:34
EvilResistancestill nothing19:34
guntbertEvilResistance: she *is* responding, just not to info - it seems19:34
EvilResistancehmm, then perhaps that's a command that doesnt work19:35
daxalrighty, hit jussi with a mallet of bug squashing, then19:35
* jussi palms it off to tsimpson19:35
jussiEvilResistance: report a bug please19:35
EvilResistancejussi, bugtracker is where?19:36
daxI've decided that jussi's role in the Bots Team is to point at tsimpson repeatedly :P19:36
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.19:36
daxhrm, it changed.19:36
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu-irc's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots19:36
daxFINE THEN19:36
jussibah who changed that!19:36
EvilResistancewhat's the package information plugin called?19:36
jussiit used to be in the bugs factoid19:36
tsimpsonit was removed because I got sick of reassigning 99% of bugs in ubuntu-bots to ubuntu19:37
jussitsimpson: anyway, tell the good lad where to file his bug ;)19:38
daxanyway, http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots19:38
EvilResistanceyeah already there :P19:39
EvilResistanceLP Bug 98020219:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 980202 in Ubuntu IRC Bots "Ubottu does not respond to !info via private message" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98020219:39
EvilResistancetsimpson, ^19:39
tsimpsonI blame that one on subybot itself19:39
* EvilResistance blames you regardless :P19:40
jussiyeah, it doesnt work for me with the ! but without its fine19:40
tsimpsonI'd probably have to hack Encyclopedia to forward commands on to PackageInfo19:40
EvilResistancedoesnt work for me via privmsg though19:41
tsimpsonwhich is just horrific...19:41
EvilResistanceFYI: Ubottu needs revamps :P19:41
jussi[12:24:23] <jussi> !info kde-window-manager19:41
jussi[12:24:32] <jussi> info kde-window-manager19:41
jussi[12:24:33] <ubottu> kde-window-manager (source: kde-workspace): K window manager (KWin). In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.7.4-0ubuntu0.1 (oneiric), package size 1854 kB, installed size 7156 kB19:41
dax19:34:54 <dax> info ubuntu-desktop19:41
dax[ note lack of another line here ]19:41
daxEvilResistance: no really, what was your first clue19:41
jussiEvilResistance: for saying that you have just been voluntelled19:42
jussiplease go work with m4v in rewriting all of the bot plugins. kthanxbai.19:42
jussi :D19:42
daxdid you ever fix bantracker, or did that peter out after I flipped the table over and went off to staffland?19:42
EvilResistancemaverick's past EOL right?19:43
EvilResistancethought so19:44
tsimpsonEvilResistance: can you test ubottu now?20:46
guntberttsimpson: info without ! work again20:47
tsimpsongood, that's at least unbroken20:47
guntberttsimpson: so does find20:47
guntbertand !find20:48
Unit193Though, find doesn't seem to work like it used to.20:48
tsimpsonwhat's changed?20:48
Unit193I'll blame it just being me.  I think it used to find the package with the program, rather than searching the package name using !find.20:49
tsimpsonit does both actually20:52
Unit193Not what I tried, but I can blame myself again.20:53
tsimpsonif it (apt-cache) finds a package with that name, it'll show that, otherwise it searches with apt-file20:53
Unit193Ah, so if it already finds it, gotcha.20:54

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