
vanhoofppetraki: would that have caused red artifacts to spam the screen on a panda-es w/ hdmi?00:50
vanhoofno ppisati 00:51
* ppisati -> look for some breakfast...07:08
=== smb` is now known as smb
* smb already had some07:10
smbcking, i can hear you :)08:05
ckingsmb,  but I didn't hear you :-/08:06
smbcking, Now we need ppisati to sort out who is at fail :)08:06
ckingcould be all 308:06
smbcking, He can hear me08:07
ppisaticking: say comething cking :)08:07
ppisaticking: yesterday's update messed up my pulse audio config, check input mic maybe08:08
* cking is pulling in today's updates, then will kick pulse audio08:09
diwicfor 12.10, will we likely be running 3.5 or 3.6 kernel?08:14
ppisatidiwic: hopefully08:17
smbcking, You are quite bouncy on mumble08:17
ckingit's gone weird on me08:17
ckingand now I can't connect08:18
diwicppisati, which one of them?08:19
ppisatidiwic: we don't know yet, UDS will tell08:20
ppisatidiwic: personally, the latter, the better08:20
diwicppisati, ok, yeah, I totally share that point of view08:20
ppisatidiwic: another thing to take into account for me is jelly bean kernel: the closest we do to their kernel, the better08:40
ppisatidiwic: actually it we could pick the same exact kernel, it would help08:40
diwicppisati, what is "jelly bean" ?08:42
diwicppisati, for me it's the latter the better because more machines end up getting fixed without me trying to backport things into our kernel08:44
* diwic looks up "jelly bean kernel" on google and finds a cupcake recipe...and android 5.008:45
apwdiwic, its likely to be the latest we can shoehorn in.  we know 3.4 will be out shortly, and 3.5 is cirtainly going to be out about half way through.  depending on the exact dates will define whether 3.6 will drop before Q or not09:53
* apw runs some errands09:53
diwicapw, ok, thanks09:53
* smb -> lunch10:12
* ppisati -> out for lunch (and to buy a new multimeter)11:16
DavieyHey.. Who would be able to help me with an overlayfs /dev issue?11:21
apwDaviey, whats the issue11:40
Davieyapw: Can overlayfs be used for /dev.. or do i need to use tmpfs?11:41
apwDaviey, well /dev is normally a devtmpfs in ubuntu anyhow, so not real11:41
=== ogra is now known as Guest6312
Davieyapw: iscsi read only root, with overlayfs /.. and it's not doing the right thing :(11:43
apwDaviey, define not doing the right thing11:43
=== Guest6312 is now known as ogra_
Davieyapw: simplest test case, $ sudo grub-probe /dev/sda111:44
Davieygrub-probe: error: cannot find a device for /dev/sda1 (is /dev mounted?).11:44
apwand is there anything in /dev in your overlayfs11:45
Davieywell it's populated11:45
Davieyand "head /dev/sda1" looks genuine11:45
apware you checking from the host of the image or the machine using it11:45
Davieyapw: another test case, http://pb.daviey.com/2dZU/11:46
Davieyapw: the machine using it11:46
Davieyfresh boot, http://pb.daviey.com/tmer/11:47
apwthat strace just shows strace not running anything no ?11:47
Davieyapw: no, it shows mkdev failed.11:47
apwDaviey, what are the two mounts its overlaying, can /proc/mounts11:48
apwstrace: exec: No such file or directory11:48
apwand there is no mkanything in it11:48
apwDaviey, where is your root-rw i can't see it11:51
apw-ro even11:51
apwDaviey, yes byut where is it in the mount ?11:52
Davieyapw: I have no idea..11:53
Davieywait, it is in mount output.. /dev/disk/by-label/cloudimg-rootfs /mnt/root-ro ext4 ro,relatime,user_xattr,barrier=1,data=ordered 0 011:53
Davieyapw: Okay.. i lost my environment.. so i can't easily provide any more info right now.. But is there something i can dig into when i get it back?11:55
apwi'd like to poke it when its there if thats ok, i am unmsure11:55
apwunsure as to what the heck you are even doing and how it ends up on /11:55
Davieyapw: okay.. i'll ping later when i have it.11:55
apwi'd like to see dmesg as well11:55
Davieydamn, i had dmesg.. but now gone.11:56
Davieyapw: So the process is this.. pxe boot -> mount / from iscsi target, overlayfs / .. then do-stuff()11:57
Daviey/dev/ seems wonky.. as in inconsistently working with some values, but not others.11:57
Daviey/dev/sda1 is a block device.. which seems valid.11:58
Davieybut grub-probe disagrees that /dev is mounted 11:58
apwDaviey, do you overlay directly onto /, or overlay onto like /root then chroot into there12:06
Davieyapw: i be live  it's direct, based on fstab12:10
apwDaviey, ok can i see the script that builds this?  is it in our initramfs system so you cat break=bottom on it?12:11
apwDaviey, and fstab is not reliable, none of the paths are in the face of a chroot in12:14
apwudev /dev devtmpfs rw,relatime,size=4074700k,nr_inodes=1018675,mode=755 0 012:14
apwnote that in your mounts list there the /dev is a kernel devtmpfs officially and not an overlayfs12:15
apwDaviey, ^^12:15
Davieyapw: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~maas-maintainers/maas/trunk/view/head:/scripts/maas-cloudimg2ephemeral12:15
apwi think i meant the result this makes which when booted makes the overlay sandwich12:18
apwDaviey, ^^12:18
Davieyapw: Ah, i can't get to that now.. but when i do.. i can punt it over12:20
tgardnerapw, did you notice you are muted ?12:38
tgardnerapw, your lips are moving12:38
hertonppisati, do you know who is doing arm qa SRU testing now? It seems ubuntu-armel-qa team was removed from launchpad, all tracking bugs now have no assignee for it13:02
ogra_herton, QA is supposed to do all testing now, talk to pgraner 13:03
hertonogra_, ack13:03
ppisatiherton: right, QA should handle that13:08
pgranerherton, carlos is13:08
pgranerherton, or I should say hggdh13:09
hertonpgraner, ok, will assign all bugs to qa team13:09
hggdhherton: there will be a bit of delay, I am being shipped an ARM13:11
hertonhggdh, I'll make the bot and all tracking bugs have the regression-testing task assigned to canonical-platform-qa from now on13:13
ogra_hggdh, make them ship a hand too, very helpful ;)13:13
hggdhherton: perfect13:14
hggdhogra_: hum. So two hands are not quite enough... well. I have three big dogs that will be more than happy to help13:15
ogra_so you got helping paws then instead of helping hands :)13:16
ogra_as long as no thumb is needed :)13:16
apwtgardner, as we use rsync in this package, i think this should be pretty easy at least, --include-from=debian/fat-list for one and --exclude-from=debian/fat-list for the other13:28
* ericm|ubuntu git send-email is sometimes annoying to get people automatically Cc'ed14:07
ericm|ubuntuapw, tgardner, bug 96933414:07
ubot2Launchpad bug 969334 in linux "Support of Sentelic touchpad in Asus K53U notebook" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96933414:07
apw        --suppress-cc all \14:07
tgardnerericm|ubuntu, use --suppress-cc=all14:07
ericm|ubuntuapw, tgardner, just sent out a series - would really like to hear from you guys14:07
apwericm|ubuntu, add that ...14:07
ericm|ubuntutgardner, apw, nice trick14:07
ericm|ubuntutgardner, apw, guess I can put it in git config14:08
ericm|ubuntugit config sendemail.suppresscc all14:10
=== chuck_ is now known as zul
ppisatiback in 2014:17
=== chuck_ is now known as zul
pgranerppisati, did you get your panda yet?14:37
tgardnerpgraner, he did, and used it to fix a video regression yesterday14:37
* ogasawara back in 2014:41
pgranertgardner, ack14:42
ppisatipgraner: yep, got everything and fixed the regression, thanks :)14:46
apwterminal_output vga_text14:58
apwtgardner, ^^14:58
apwconfigfile (hd0,XX)/boot/grub/grub.cfg15:02
apw        linux   /boot/vmlinuz-3.2.0-22-generic root=UUID=cf503727-25f2-4ecd-b0f3-2b894523bcba ro   quiet splash $vt_handoff15:06
apw        initrd  /boot/initrd.img-3.2.0-22-generic15:06
apw        set root='(hd0,msdos5)'15:07
ckingrtg, sudo hdparm --fibmap filename15:14
ckingoops, tgardner ^15:14
tgardnerrtg@gomeisa:~$ sudo hdparm --fibmap /boot/grub/grub.cfg15:14
tgardner filesystem blocksize 4096, begins at LBA 4096; assuming 512 byte sectors.15:14
tgardner byte_offset  begin_LBA    end_LBA    sectors15:14
tgardner           0 1007845376 1007845391         1615:14
tgardner        8192 4431163456 4431163463          815:14
tgardner(parted) print                                                            15:21
tgardnerModel: Intel Logical Volume (scsi)15:21
tgardnerDisk /dev/sda: 2392GB15:21
tgardnerSector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B15:21
tgardnerPartition Table: gpt15:21
tgardnerNumber  Start   End     Size    File system     Name  Flags15:21
tgardner 1      1049kB  2097kB  1049kB                        bios_grub15:21
tgardner 2      2097kB  2318GB  2318GB  ext4                  boot15:21
tgardner 3      2318GB  2392GB  74.0GB  linux-swap(v1)15:21
tgardnerroot@gomeisa:/boot# hdparm --fibmap /boot/grub/grub.cfg15:32
tgardner filesystem blocksize 4096, begins at LBA 4096; assuming 512 byte sectors.15:32
tgardner byte_offset  begin_LBA    end_LBA    sectors15:32
tgardner           0 1007845744 100784575115:32
tgardnerogasawara, gomeisa is back online. we think we understand what the issue with rebooting is.15:39
ogasawaratgardner: ack, I've been listening15:40
* tgardner goes back to shrinking linux-firmware15:40
tgardnersconklin, uploading kills mumble16:13
sconklinyeah, I have to turn on traffic shaping16:14
tgardnerthis'll be done pretty soon16:14
ckinggreat shows topper to my file system testing - random errors on my 500GB HDD 16:29
ckingbeen like this all day, everything that could go wrong has.16:29
tgardnercking, just in time for beer time16:30
ckingyep, think I will kick off a long palimpsest test on this drive and go for a break16:31
ckingHDD is fine, looks like the drive was lose in the bay and the SATA connector was poorly connected. doh16:43
tgardnerwhat luck16:45
tgardnerjsalisbury, rebooting tangerine17:25
jsalisburytgardner, ack17:41
jsalisburylooks like it's already back :-)17:41
tgardnerjsalisbury, yep17:45
=== tgardner is now known as tgardner-lunch
apwafter a disasterous day i am giving up for the night18:34
=== tgardner-lunch is now known as tgardner
* ogasawara lunch19:08
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* tgardner -> EOD21:27
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=== yofel_ is now known as yofel

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