
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
ubuntuuk-planet[Jono Bacon] Further Ubuntu Accomplishments Progress - http://www.jonobacon.org/2012/04/12/further-ubuntu-accomplishments-progress/04:03
diplomorning all07:02
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daubersAny woodworky types around? After recommendations on how to finish a laser cut thing I'm working on07:52
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dogmatic69daubers: I used to own a furniture manufacturing company if that counts07:53
daubersdogmatic69: It does!07:53
dogmatic69what you wanna know?07:53
MartijnVdSdaubers: Gears! Lots and lots of gears.07:53
daubersdogmatic69: I've been told that beeswax is ok, but have no idea if that would work on laser cut ply or how to apply it :)07:53
dogmatic69depending on your needs, give it a good sanding. smooth all the edges etc07:54
dogmatic69beeswax / oil is way more effort than varnish, but in the long run less07:55
daubersMore effort to apply, but less effort to look after?07:55
dogmatic69ye, exactly07:58
dogmatic69varnish, especially outside items will require sanding down and reapplying in time, using oil it is just a matter of rubbing more on now and again07:59
dogmatic69what is the item?07:59
daubersIt's a laptop stand :)07:59
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)08:02
daubersdogmatic69: Was looking at something like http://www.briwax.co.uk/products/beeswax.html08:03
dogmatic69daubers: something that should be fine.08:04
dogmatic69I have not specifically used beeswax, but that has linseed oil also. One of the things I have been told / done for oiling stuff is every day for a week, every week for a month and then every month for a year. If you follow that you would never have to do anything again08:06
daubersCool :)08:06
JamesTaitG'mornin' all! :D08:21
* daubers may need to pop out for more paracetamol08:25
* dogmatic69 has a small pharmacy going 08:27
meeti have got a 10 yr old pc with winxp. was planning to install ubuntu 10.10 (as i experienced it to be less resource consuming.) but should i go with lubuntu ?08:32
dwatkinsWhat spec is the machine, in terms of CPU speed and RAM, meet? Also, how much disk space do you have available?08:33
meeti got 40 gb hard drive which is half filled i guess. 512mb ram. pentium 4 processor08:34
dwatkinsWhat speed is the CPU?08:34
meet1.6 ghz i think08:34
dwatkinsI'm running 10.04 on an Atom-based machine, it's hyperthreaded, so probably runs a bit better than your P4, but the core is 1.6 GHz and it's got a 16 GB root partition. It's got a gig of RAM, though, that might be the best and simplest thing to upgrade.08:35
popeymeet: 10.10 went out of support this week08:36
bigcalmInstall 10.04 and you'll get a little bit of support08:36
dwatkinsI'm not aware of a huge difference between 10.04 and 11.04 in terms of requirements, might actually be better to have a newer version.08:37
gordi've got atoms on 12.04 that work well08:37
popeynot with 512MB RAM you don't :)(08:37
popeyI have two 900MHz celerons running 12.04 ☺08:37
dwatkinsmeet: ultimately, you may end up spending more each year in electricity if you're running that P4 than if you bought an Atom-based system.08:37
dwatkinsMy old 1 GHz AMD-based system cost me over 200 pounds a year in power alone to run constantly08:38
dwatkins160 Watts08:38
bigcalmI miss how quiet the Revo is. Wondering if I shall move the ProLiant to another part of the house and use Ethernet over Power. Maybe even the garage...08:38
popeyits not _that_ loud!08:39
popeywell, maybe the N40L is?08:39
bigcalmI don't have a sound meter to test08:39
daubersdogmatic69: Thanks for the advice :) Will take a trip to the diy shop this evening08:40
gordyeah you want more than 512mb for 12.0408:40
gordapart from that, it should work fine08:41
dwatkinsI'd show my phpsysinfo, meet, but it's largely unexciting, and the fact it says I have 20 MB RAM free is slightly misleading.08:41
dwatkinsThat reminds me, I should put munin back online.08:41
bigcalmpopey: still haven't decided if I need to replace the 2gb with 8gb. What's your opinion08:42
* dwatkins ponders a Linksys router with the Tomato firmware08:44
meetthe thing is that pc is hardly used except by my mom. and she complains often of the sluggishness of the winxp. and i find no reason to upgrade the hardware. so for those lightweight, simplistic approach which is better?08:44
bigcalmmeet: a new and very cheap machine will save you a lot of grief and money in the long run08:45
popeybigcalm: i have one with 8GB, one with 1GB08:45
popeymeet: lubuntu08:46
bigcalmpopey: how much of the 8gb is in use?08:46
dwatkinsDell's outlet website is a good place to look for a cheap barebones machine.08:46
popeybigcalm: dunno, its just been rebooted, so not much08:46
bigcalmAs has mine08:46
meetbut the thought of cheapest cheap ugraded using linux is bringing out the miser in me :D08:47
bigcalmLast thing that needs moving from the Revo are my parents' backups, then I can leave the ProLiant on 24/708:47
dwatkinsmeet: what kind of upgrade? imho, you probably ony need to upgrade the RAM.08:47
popeyit will still be slow08:49
popeymy mum has an Acer Aspire Revo 3600 as her only computer08:49
dwatkinsyeah, I'm just thinking what's required to run Ubuntu as opposed to an ideal replacement08:49
dwatkinsbare minimum would be 1 GB, I imagine.08:50
meetdwatkins i think the motherboard wont support extra ram..08:51
dwatkinsaw shame08:52
bigcalmI keep quick-reading that line as "my mother won't support extra ram"08:53
bigcalmI think I need coffee08:53
* dwatkins downloads lubuntu out of curiosity08:53
dwatkins"Minimum requirements for lubuntu are comparable to Pentium II or Celeron systems with a 128 Mb RAM configuration, which may yield a slow yet usable system with lubuntu."09:02
dwatkinsI'm interested to see how well it performs if I give the virtual machine only 128 MB RAM.09:02
gordMyrtti, you might appreciate as much as me http://i.imgur.com/ObdfG.jpg09:06
Myrttioh wow09:07
Myrttiinstant wallpaper material09:07
MyrttiI don't recognise the biker lady in the camouflage overalls, but the rest looks familiar09:09
dwatkinsThat's an awesome pic, gord :)09:09
Myrttinor the ninjas09:10
bigcalmI have a magnetic paw Jiji :)09:11
bigcalmAnd a cuddly Totoro, sadly missing an eye :(09:11
dwatkinsI'm not aware of the cat bus, looks a little strange.09:12
gordthen you should make My Neighbour Totoro the next movie you watch :)09:12
bigcalmNeko Bus?09:13
directhexmine's on region 109:13
MyrttiNEKO BUS!09:13
directhexso i can't just watch it09:13
directhexi did rip it though...09:13
gordi have the entire ghibli collection, complete! they are numbed by the publisher 1-16. until Arrietty which came out recently. which they gave the number "6". i already have a six, ruined everything09:14
gordneed to print out my own fixed cover or something09:14
bigcalmWhat are the 2 characters to the left of Sen?09:15
bigcalmI'm struggling to place them09:16
bigcalmOne of them is pointing09:16
directhexbigcalm, where's sen? i'm lost09:21
directhexaha, found her09:22
directhexno idea!09:22
gordbigcalm, the mouse and the fly? they are the giant heads transmogrified09:23
meetwhere can i find the .deb of softwares installed through software center09:23
MartijnVdSmeet: /var/cache/apt/archives09:25
MartijnVdSmeet: why do you need them?09:25
meeti want to install them on another computer09:25
lubotu3The XY problem is when you need to do X, and you think you can use Y to do X, so you ask about how to do Y, when what you really should do is state what your X problem is. There may be a Z solution that is even better than Y, but nobody can suggest it if X is never mentioned.09:25
MartijnVdSmeet: So use the software center!09:26
meeti got a very slow internet connection. so it takes a lot of time to dowload09:26
meetso i was planning to install the .deb using synaptic by which i guess only the dependencies will be needed to be downloaded09:27
popeymeet: install squid-deb-proxy on one, and squid-deb-proxy-client on all09:27
popeyit will then cache them09:27
bigcalmgord: no, the 2 people all in grey and wearing masks09:27
meetpopey i did not get it09:27
popeymeet: did not get what?09:28
meet"it will then cache them"09:28
gordoh they drew her twice09:28
bigcalmgord: Sen is riding Haku09:28
popeysquid-deb-proxy is a package you install on one of your machines, it acts as a proxy server which is autodiscovered by apt / software centre etc09:28
bigcalmpopey: work are going to pay for ram and hard drives :D09:29
popeyon every machine install squid-deb-proxy-client and they will then use the proxy. thats it09:29
popeywhen you install apps on any machine it goes through the proxy which stores them and then hands them out to other machines when they ask for them09:29
popeythus reducing your internet usage09:29
meetoh. got the general idea. is squid easy to use?09:30
popeythere is no "use"09:30
popeyyou just install those packages and forget09:30
popeythe is no additional stuff you need to do at all09:30
meetbecause first of all i will have to setup a network between ubuntu and lubuntu(which i am planning to install)09:30
popeyyeah, they need to be on the same network09:31
swpopey: nice tip!09:31
* sw looks09:31
dwatkinsheh, vmware fusion has an option called 'unity'09:37
bonceyHello, I have a grub problem with my Ubuntu server (10.04.4 LTS) - each reboot since the last kernel update just goes to the grub prompt09:39
bonceyI've put more details here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/121008/server-boots-to-grub-prompt-after-reboot09:39
meetpopey i just created a bootable usb for ubuntu. i will test drive ubuntu on a old machine. what all aspects should i check?09:40
bonceyI'm guessing there might be something screwy in my grub.cfg that's telling it not to boot the first kernel list but I can't see what it might be09:43
popeymeet: the things you're likely to use I guess ☺09:44
bigcalmHail again. Such happy weather09:46
meet popey: :) but any other technical aspects? which might not be visible instantly but may give problems afterwards09:46
popeymeet: pass, just play with it till you break it09:46
* bigcalm pulls his hoody up, despite being in his office09:46
brobostigongood morning everyone.09:47
dwatkinsbigcalm: wanna swap? I'm sitting between two laptops, so I get hot air blasted into my face09:47
dwatkinshiya brobostigon09:47
brobostigonhi dwatkins09:47
bigcalmdwatkins: you're alright ta ;)09:52
dwatkinshmmm, Kwik Fit have taken to calling me to offer me a service and MOT, but I doubt the car needs servicing.09:52
dwatkinsI'm more concerned with my bicycle and whether I can run Ubuntu on it ;)09:53
dwatkinsI'm also trying to run lubuntu, but it's either very slow, or simply isn't responding09:53
bonceyI've been over the config files used to build grub.cfg and they're unchanged from the installed defaults as far as I can tell09:55
dwatkinsboncey: I assume you're using grub2-update or something similar to install the changes. What are the actual symptoms, and can you manually boot the partition? Can you boot the second option?09:59
dwatkinsoh sorry, you said it just goes to the prompt09:59
bonceydwatkins: I've run sudo update-grub after it boots (several times in fact)10:00
bonceydwatkins:  I can manually boot using the usual grub commands10:00
dwatkinsboncey: do you have /grub on a separate partition?10:03
dwatkinssorry, /boot10:03
bonceydwatkins: Nope, all a single partition10:03
dwatkinsThere's an update-grub and an update-grub2, I always wondered if they're different.10:05
bonceyupdate-grub indicates that it's writing grub.cfg and finds my kernel images so it certainly seems like the right thing10:07
dwatkinsI assume the relevant files then get a new timestamp, too.10:07
bonceydwatkins: Will check now10:08
bonceydwatkins: Yes, timestamp of grub.matches from my last attempt yesterday10:08
dwatkinsmy machine appears to think it has an msdos partition: set root='(hd1,msdos1)'10:09
dwatkinsaha, my partition ID is 7, NTFS ;)10:11
dwatkinsboncey: how do you get to the console?10:11
davmor2morning all10:11
bonceydwatkins: I have a remote KVM hookup10:11
bonceyIt's in a data centre 100  miles away10:11
dwatkinsboncey: ah ok, not a serial connection, you're essentially seeing what's on the VGA output, or are you using a BMC?10:12
dwatkins(some BMCs do remote display in software, although it's pretty close to remote VGA forwarding)10:12
directhexdwatkins, i think in context it means MS-DOS partition table (aka MBR) not the filetype in the partition10:19
bonceyBah, power cut - did I miss anything?10:20
dwatkinsdirecthex: makes sense10:20
dwatkinsboncey: I was wondering what kind of BMC or console redirection you're using10:20
dwatkins(just in case it's relevant to your grub problems)10:21
bonceydwatkins: It's a remote KVM from a company called Raritan10:22
dwatkinsI *think* lubuntu is still booting, it's been reading from the ISO image for the last hour or so.10:22
bonceydwatkins: I don't know much more than that10:22
dwatkinsboncey: does it take the physical VGA connector output and process it, or do something internally to the machine?10:22
dwatkinsah ok, no worries.10:22
oimonguys, if i click on an icon in the unity launcher, shouldn't it switch view to that window?10:23
dwatkinsboncey: I think it shouldn't make any difference, this is from their website: "any hardware that supports standard PC keyboard and mouse interfaces, and standard PC video (VGA) can be used with Dominion KX II-101."10:23
AlanBellno, it switches to that "application" which raises all windows of that application whether or not you actually want it to.10:23
oimonAlanBell, doesn't do either for me10:24
oimonclicking on pidgin, does nothing10:24
AlanBellis it minimised?10:24
popeyis it already on screen and visible?10:24
bonceydwatkins: It's a Dominion KX G1, PDF here if you want to know more: http://kvmswitchdirect.co.uk/PDFs/DKX-0H-E.pdf10:24
oimonno, AlanBell10:24
oimonno popey10:24
oimonon another workspace10:24
popeydo you have any pidgin windows on this workspace?10:25
dwatkinsboncey: yeah, looks like it takes the VGA signal and compresses it over IP10:26
mungojerryhmm seems to be a serious bug10:26
mungojerryi minimised my windows looking for pidgin other window10:26
dwatkins grub ubuntu10:27
mungojerrythen couldn't switch back to xchat10:27
popeymungojerry: what version of ubuntu?10:27
mungojerryunity launcher or alt-tab would not display my xchat chatting window10:27
popeyhave you updated today?10:27
mungojerryalt-tab would bot choose ubuntu either10:27
mungojerrypopey, woops, i installed from usb, but it seems not to have installed updates during installation10:28
mungojerryback in a bit :P10:28
mungojerrysilly boy10:29
mungojerryis there a tweak that enables dodge, or has that code been removed from unity?10:32
popeythe latter10:32
popeybug 930148 for lengthy bikeshedding10:34
lubotu3Launchpad bug 930148 in unity (Ubuntu) "Dodge windows is down but what about making the launcher autohide only on maximised apps ?" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/93014810:34
ali1234far too simple and obvious10:36
ali1234dodge is actually really pointless10:38
ali1234just hide it always10:38
mungojerrymany people including myself prefer dodge as their favourite10:39
mungojerryor intellihide as docky calls it10:40
MooDoowhy are bloomin motorbikes so heavy.grrrr10:40
mungojerryheavy motorbikes are heavy10:41
davmor2MooDoo: it's called an engine10:41
MooDoomungojerry: especially when you have to push one for a mile and a bit10:41
MooDoodavmor2: bloomin thing10:41
davmor2MooDoo: you want a push bike much lighter :D10:41
MooDoodavmor2: yeah but that can't go 80 :D10:42
davmor2MooDoo: you've not seen the ones with surf board sails then have you :D10:42
MooDoodavmor2: maybe i'll look into that as they don't need petrol, apparently motorbikes do, who knew?10:43
davmor2MooDoo: Have you thought about a tatoo on your hand that says check petrol?10:44
MooDoodavmor2: thinking about it10:44
MooDoodavmor2: more like one that says d*** head10:44
davmor2MooDoo: I'm pretty sure you missed and a then, "more like one of those days 'a'head" :D10:45
MooDoodavmor2: i'm a silly, un happy bunny....lol10:46
davmor2MooDoo: on a plus side (well at least for us) if this is the start of the day and it tends to go down from there I can't wait to find out what happens for the rest of the day10:47
MooDoodavmor2: you're a lovely man, what people say about you is so true :p10:47
MooDooshush czajkowski don't say a word ;)10:48
oimonpopey, i think the updates fixed my issue, thanks10:50
MooDoodavmor2: czajkowski right that's it i'm sulking and not going to oggcamp and buying you a beer10:50
davmor2MooDoo: that's fine I don't drink beer :P10:52
MooDoodavmor2: oh always the last word.....:p10:52
MooDoodavmor2: are you going to oggcamp by the way?10:52
bigcalmStill waiting for accommodation details10:53
czajkowskibigcalm: patience :)10:54
czajkowskiif you don't know nobody knows so you're safe :)10:54
bigcalmHayley and I have a 4 day weekend booked so we can enjoy some of Liverpool as well. Need to make sure we get somewhere nice to stay :)10:55
davmor2bigcalm: just take you're own box for the doorway and you're set surely?10:55
MooDooit's in my diary so that i actually go, i think i owe people beer and it's about time i paid up10:56
czajkowskiI'll just need a translator for the weekend cannot understand that accent10:56
MooDooczajkowski: no one does, so you'll be ok10:57
davmor2czajkowski: de Liiiiiiverpooooooooool axcent es grrrrrrrreat, I don't know what's wrong with you :P10:59
MooDoodavmor2: eh? eh? eh?  you fytin?11:00
JohnRobertanyone know if the cambridge lug is dead?11:01
JohnRobertseems pretty dead to me11:01
oimonwoops i ran unity --reset and lost my settings - how to disable the launcher on the 2nd screen?11:02
oimonah, fixed it11:02
AlanBellin the display settings now, it is quite nice11:05
AlanBellexcept you can't have it on the right on the right screen which would be nicer11:05
dwatkinslubuntu runs a lot better with 512 MB compared to 128 MB... who knew? ;)11:05
dwatkins(I gave up waiting for X to start after 2 hours)11:06
AlanBellall the code is there to have the launcher on the right, if you have a RTL language then it goes on the right11:06
oimonOK one more unity question...can i get unity integration for pidgin so that it shows the number of new messages like the thunderbird icon on the launcher?11:17
swoimon: Preferences -> Interface -> System Tray Icon -> Show system tray icon -> 'Always'11:22
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swoimon: you might need to do '$ gsettings set com.canonical.Unity.Panel systray-whitelist "['all']"' after11:23
oimonsw, thanks but that's not what i meant11:23
oimoni meant unity launcher integration11:23
oimonso that it shows the number of received messages actually on top of the pidgin icon on the launcher11:24
davmor2MooDoo: Nyo jus' sayin' eh?eh?eh?11:24
MooDoodavmor2: :)11:24
swoimon: '$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jfi/pidgin && sudo apt-get install pidgin-libnotify'11:25
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swoimon: first result on Google: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/04/how-to-display-unread-pidgin-count-on-unity-launcher/11:25
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MooDoohi all, can you recommend a decent tablet to get the misses for her birthday not IPAD though12:02
daubersMooDoo: http://ohsweb.ohiohistory.org/gallery2/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=482&g2_serialNumber=6 <- quite nice12:04
MooDoosmart ass12:04
bonceydwatkins: I'm going to try adding a dummy entry to the grub menu (in /etc/grub.d/40_custom) just to see if it's updating the grub.cfg correctly12:05
daubersMooDoo: These have cool monsters! http://i01.i.aliimg.com/photo/v0/345626683/antique_stone_tablet.jpg12:05
MooDoooh for goodness sake :p12:07
* justso twiddles his thumbs12:14
dwatkinsboncey: good call12:19
bonceydwatkins: Success! It boots12:19
bonceydwatkins: I followed the tip here http://serverfault.com/questions/243343/headless-ubuntu-server-machine-sometimes-stuck-at-grub-menu12:20
bonceyWhich seems to be good advice for headless servers anyway12:20
dwatkinsaha, didn't realise it disabled its own timeout12:21
bonceyYeah, pretty stupid12:21
dwatkinsyeah, I'd prefer my headless machine not to get stuck at grub12:21
bonceyConsidering its a server install12:22
bonceyGoing to reboot again to be sure12:22
bonceyYup, problem solved12:27
bonceyThanks for help and advice, got me thinking in the right areas12:27
AlanBellMooDoo: I want the transformer prime, but I am waiting for the new version with the high resolution screen12:31
popeyinteresting that the new one isn't tegra but omap12:33
dwatkinsboncey: excellent12:34
AlanBellpopey: S4 Krait12:34
AlanBellis that going to be any good? dual core, but faster than the quad core tegra12:34
popeyoh ☹12:36
AlanBellis that bad?12:37
popeyI'd be surprised if it was faster than tegra 312:38
directhexisn't tegra really backwards? like missing any useful NEON stuff or something?12:38
directhexbecause you're meant to use the gpu, not floating point numbers12:39
popeysays it does have tegra312:40
AlanBellcomes in two variants, one with tegra3, one with Krait12:40
popeythats mental12:40
popeyuber fragmentation12:40
popeychoice i susppose is good ⍨12:41
popeynever seen an ipad user ask what SoC is in the device ☺12:41
AlanBellwell it isn't out yet12:41
AlanBelland most users won't care what SoC is in the device, it will just run Android12:41
AlanBellI want to put Ubuntu on it obviously12:42
directhexpopey, that's because apple advertise their SoC up front.12:43
directhexbig section on http://www.apple.com/uk/ipad/features/12:43
AlanBelldo I care about LTE?12:48
gordmy 1ghz nexus one still seems to get the job done well enough, not convinced by this suping up of cpus in phones12:49
AlanBellyeah, it is pointless, which is why ubuntu for android is a good idea12:50
AlanBellthe OEMs need a reason to explain why they are sticking quad core CPUs in phones so that you throw away the old and busted and buy the new hotness12:50
AlanBellnot sure I want cellular in a tablet at all really, maybe the tegra3 without LTE is the option to go for if they actually sell them as options (I suspect they will drop one variant)12:52
shaunoI'd love cellular in tablet, if roaming data in the EU wasn't such a *cough*12:53
AlanBellI am quite happy with wireless tethering to my phone12:54
justsoI'm having difficulty sending files to my windows network ... anyone have ideas what could be wrong ?13:23
justsoI can send from this machine when booted in windows13:24
justso(being a noob sucks)13:24
dwatkins'send' in what sense, justso?13:28
bigcalmWhat make of harddrive do people here like and what do you avoid?13:29
justsoI cannot send a file from ubuntu into a windows shared folder which has permissions set to alter or modify contents13:29
davmor2bigcalm: I like the one that comes in the machine I buy :P13:29
davmor2justso: do you see the folder from the Ubuntu box?13:30
bigcalmThis is for a RAID 113:31
justsoyes I can pull files from the shared folder but not send any back ... I just get "permission denied"13:31
dwatkinsjustso: are you logging on as guest or as a user?13:33
justsoas a user13:33
dwatkinsI assume that user has rights both to the share and the relevant directories, justso13:34
justsoohhh forget it I just tried again and it worked perfectly lol13:35
justsoI figured it out dwatkins ... it was just a bad filename that windows presumably couldnt handle13:47
justsothanks for the help13:48
dwatkinsaha I see, justso13:54
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bigcalmIs it possible to move an existing 1 hdd install over to a RAID 1 setup?14:29
bigcalmWould I be better off reinstalling once I have the 2 drives?14:31
popeychuck second disk in, make it a raid 1 with one missing disk, copy over, then add the first disk in as the second disk in the array14:31
popeyprobably quicker to reinstall yeah14:31
popeydepends on whats on it14:31
popeyI have done this migration myself14:32
* popey looks for his notes14:32
bigcalmCurrent drive is going to be sitting on a shelf as a last choice backup14:32
JohnRoberthas anyone actually got a raspberry pi yet?14:34
oimonupgraded my work PC to 12.04 today14:34
popeybigcalm: http://pastebin.com/z5AE8DyR14:35
JohnRobertdoes flash video playing fullscreen still allow the screensaver to come on in ubuntu?14:35
popeypastebinned from my old wiki14:35
popeyJohnRobert: RS have sent out a couple of beta boards14:36
popeymine isn't due to arrive till next week14:36
JohnRobertyeah my brother in law ordered one, then got vexed with the slowness14:37
JohnRobertI was going to order one but saw there was a 56 day wait or something like that14:37
popeytempted to order a pandaboard ES and use that to build an ubuntu image (slowly) for raspberry pi14:37
bigcalmpopey: you're right. Might be simpler/easier to do a fresh install :)14:38
bigcalmWhich is fine14:38
lubotu3Ubuntu bug 120896 in flashplugin-nonfree (Ubuntu) "inhibit the screensaver when playing a video" [Wishlist,Confirmed]14:38
oimonany pidgin users in 12.04 experience very slow scrolling?14:45
davmor2oimon: nope sorry I use empathy and xchat14:46
popeyempathy and irssi here14:46
davmor2I was tempted to look at empathy for irc as it's improved but during tests I found out that improved mean you didn't cry from pounding your skull against the table so much14:48
oimonhmm, maybe it's just the general performance of the system after a couple of hours14:48
oimonnippy when you boot, but gets sluggish later14:48
davmor2oimon: run top or htop and check out what's using memory14:49
oimonanimations and switching no longer smooth14:49
oimoncpu and mem are OK14:49
AlanBellpopey: why would the pandaboard ES be the thing to build on?14:50
popeyas opposed to?14:50
AlanBellthe raspberry pi itself, or cross compile from an intel box14:50
popeypandaboard is easier to get hold of14:51
AlanBellthis may be a daft question14:51
popeyand faster14:51
oracologyAlanBell: i don't know much about these things, but i would suspect it would be hella faster to cross-compile on something beefy?14:51
popeywhich when compiling a lot of stuff would matter14:51
AlanBellthis is probably a sensible thing to do on amazon EC214:53
directhexikonia, success!14:55
directhexikonia, you paid for special delivery on the 7th? it's only shown up today14:57
oimonhmm global menu fails on dual monitors :-\15:01
popeyfails how?15:01
bigcalmI should try my laptop with a 2nd monitor15:02
oimonterminal maximised on screen1 , thunderbird maximised on screen 2, but title bar shows thunderbird on both monitors. so if you want to click to focus, you have to click somewhere in the window which is sometimes undesirable (rahter than the title bar)15:04
oimonwhen it shows one window title across 2 screens, it's incorrect15:05
oimonif you have a maximised app on each screen15:05
oimonhowever, in other news, a unity 2d bug has just been fixed #940590 which alows me to revert to gnome classic + 2d launcher - hence no global menu or LH buttons15:08
oimonbug 94059015:08
lubotu3Launchpad bug 940590 in unity-2d (Ubuntu) "Unity 2-d launcher doesn't hide or display properly" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94059015:08
diploAnyone know the lp command to check to see if a queue exists or not within cups /15:39
oimonlpstat -s ?15:41
diplojust found lpstat -v15:41
diploBasically I want to add it to my bash script to check it exists before trying to delete it15:41
diplo-s lits all it seems15:41
* bigcalm returns with tea and poptarts15:43
diplo lpstat -v $queuename 2>&115:55
diplo  if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then15:55
diploThat'll do :)15:55
bigcalmthen that'll do?15:57
bigcalmPlease stop me from looking at mobile phone reviews15:59
bigcalmThe handset I probably want isn't out yet15:59
bigcalmI will be strong and not just get the htc one x15:59
bigcalmdiplo: yes15:59
diploheh, I want it but cannot afford it15:59
diploSo will stay with my woefully underpowered wildfire16:00
bigcalmHow do you know that? It isn't out yet16:00
diploUntil I either have a large payout or find a rich girlfriend16:00
diploBecause if it's > £50 I can't afford it!16:00
diploIf I want my kids to eat etc16:00
bigcalmEating is for chumps!16:00
diploI don't eat, kids eat more than me.. why I've lost 5/6 stone :)16:01
bigcalmI've just spent 347 quid on 2 new tyres. I shouldn't even be looking at new things for a few months yet16:01
bigcalmOne way to diet16:01
diploheh, I need 4 tyres for my car :(16:01
diplo2 desperatly, 2 close16:01
bigcalmFront 2 were 1.6mm and 2mm. I had no choice16:02
diploOooh home time16:04
diploCatch you laters16:04
bigcalmAnother hour to go yet, and I'm already at home16:04
bigcalmThere is no escaping work :(16:04
davmor2bigcalm: that is ridiculous16:09
bigcalmIsn't it just?16:10
davmor2bigcalm: do you know the dimensions for them?16:12
bigcalmFor what?16:12
davmor2bigcalm: the tyres16:13
bigcalmI've already spent the money, so little point looking them up :)16:13
bigcalmThey are large and there's little choice16:14
AlanBellI need some new tyres, thinking of getting a set of alloy wheels16:14
* popey mentions http://www.stemnorthofscotland.com/events/highland-innovation-event.html16:15
popeyfor the scotts16:15
AlanBellfed up of hub caps16:15
davmor2bigcalm: there's a reason I'm asking the is a likelihood that the 308sw will have similar sized wheels is what I'm thinking16:15
bigcalmAlanBell: fed up of losing them?16:15
bigcalmdavmor2: oh, I see :)16:15
AlanBellbigcalm: yeah, I have nasty cheap halfords ones now, the mercedes hub caps were really expensive to replace16:16
bigcalmPirelli 306.71 + balancing 10 + disposal 3.29 + wheel alignment 27 + vat16:18
bigcalmAlanBell: I've managed to scuff my alloys, doesn't show that much but will be expensive to fix16:19
bigcalmHub caps can be replaced16:19
popeymine are properly scuffed up16:20
popeyi dont care16:20
bigcalmBut alloys are meant to be lighter and thus save you fuel16:20
AlanBellI am not bothered about scuffs16:20
davmor2bigcalm: ouch you got charged for balancing and disposal, that'll be the price hike dude, 91.95 each tyre + 18 alignment + vat here and that is at ATS, Martini Tyres would be cheaper still16:27
gordonjcpI'm just glad I no longer need W-rated tyres16:30
gordonjcpthe price of those resulted in some very non-CoC-compliant language16:31
bigcalmdavmor2: you are looking at different tyres if they are 91.95 each. And this was at ATS as well16:31
davmor2bigcalm: this is where I'm looking http://shop.atseuromaster.co.uk/eshop/en_GB/searchByTyreByUrl/section/215/aspectRatio/55/rimDiameter/17/xl/false/rf/false16:34
bigcalmI see16:34
bigcalmI wouldn't go for budgets myself16:35
davmor2bigcalm: no but even the Continentals are only 13016:35
popeyhmm, i need to use 11.04 for some hardware16:35
* popey installs dualboot16:36
bigcalmdavmor2: http://shop.atseuromaster.co.uk/eshop/en_GB/products/pirelli/p7/215-55-17-94-W-1-4IB-1261/mode/beforebuyingsequence/currentPosition/1616:36
bigcalmdavmor2: I went with what was in stock when I went this lunch time16:37
davmor2bigcalm: this is the advantage I have, I can walk over the road to ATS or Martini tyres16:38
bigcalmYay, Hayley home!16:39
davmor2Hayley slap bigcalm16:45
bigcalmThis is one of those times when I'm glad that she isn't on IRC16:53
davmor2bigcalm: yeah cause tyres are always a fiver right ;)16:58
=== opt1mus is now known as opt1pashtun
bigcalmNo, I was referring to you telling her to slap me17:14
directhexbigcalm, i invested in michelin energy savers. they decrease your mpg on a hybrid... but they're good for 20-30k miles easy17:17
gordonjcpdirecthex: they probably do improve your braking distance though17:19
gordonjcpdirecthex: the ones that Priuses come with as stock *do* have very low rolling resistance, but are a bit like driving on teflon O-rings17:20
directhexgordonjcp, they changed the default tyre from when i got it to now17:21
directhexgordonjcp, fronts haven't been stock for a while though, had a blowout so had to get whatever i could at short notice. yokohama c.drive 217:22
directhexwell regarded tyre in every area except durability where they get 1/10 ratings17:22
davmor2bigcalm: you know you want it, you know you need it and it save czajkowski stretching to do it ;)17:23
=== opt1pashtun is now known as opt1mus
ali1234freecell - they need to disassemble the code and figure out why only one hand is unwinnable17:40
ali1234i suspect that if the hands were totally random then most of them would be unwinnable and therefore the game would suck17:41
ali1234so there must be an algorithm that builds up the hand with reversed legal moves only, at random17:41
ali1234kind of like how they make sudoku puzzles17:42
ali1234but that would give 100% winnable17:42
ali1234so then as an easter egg, programmer put in one unwinnable hand, and then put in that seemingly throw away line in the help, as a joke17:42
popeylaptop -> displayport -> hdmi cable -> black magic intensity pro capture card -> http://popey.com/~alan/laptop.tga  (8MB, sorry)17:52
popeylaptop -> Printscreen button -> http://popey.com/~alan/laptop.png17:52
ali1234-> magical goblins?17:52
popeynote the horrid colour on the tga file17:52
popeyi have switched antialiasing from rgba to greyscale which improves it a bit17:52
popeybut it's all very over saturated17:53
ali1234yeah that's subpixel antialiasing17:53
ali1234it does not look over saturated to me17:53
popeythe tga looks brighter17:53
ali1234the tga looks identical to my desktop17:54
ali1234except for the fringes17:54
popeywhat about the alternate lines of emails?17:54
popeyon the png it's white/grey alternate emails17:54
popeytga it's all white17:54
popeyi have them both open in image viewer, alt-tabbing between17:55
popeydifference is noticable17:55
ali1234the png is really blurry17:55
* popey tries again with anti-aliasing turned off competely17:56
popeyrather than greyscale17:56
ali1234i dont think that is why17:56
ali1234is that an nvidia machine?17:56
popeymy x22017:56
ali1234what comes out the HDMI port is not 1:1 what is in the framebuffer17:57
ali1234nvidia has all kinds of gamma correction controls17:57
ali1234i bet intel does too17:57
popeyhah, disabling anti-aliasing killed gnome-settings-daemon17:59
ali1234does that box has linux drivers yet?17:59
popeythe intensity pro?18:00
popeyI installed 11.04 to run their software18:00
ali1234cool. i better get one then18:00
=== OmNomDePlume is now known as OmNomDeJambon
popeyali1234: would this mean xorg.conf fiddles? or just xgamma ?18:03
ali1234on nvidia it means loading up nvidia-settings *shrug*18:05
ali1234and then everyone wonders why nvidia won't support xorg standards...18:05
dogmatic69I am using remmina remote desktop to windows vista pc, anyone know how to make the scroll wheel work?18:15
dogmatic69I think it is bound to scrolling the screen when it is too big or something, but the scree size is good and I would like to scroll the browser / document on the remote pc18:15
=== rastamouse is now known as nothingspecial
ali1234what happened to the front page of the dash with the 4 big icons?19:07
ali1234ok. well, i never liked it anyway tbh19:08
ali1234you know the "wait for search" thing19:08
popeybug 88573819:08
ali1234well, now it remembers your last search19:08
lubotu3Launchpad bug 885738 in Ayatana Design "Dash - Remove Dash Home shortcut icons" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88573819:08
ali1234if you click the bfb and don't type anything you can't immediately press enter19:09
ali1234and because there is no search to complete, you can't press enter at all19:09
ali1234is this reported?19:09
popeynot that I'm aware19:09
ali1234new bug report or tack it on the old one?19:09
ali1234i'll do a new one19:10
ali1234this is just with main unity, not the ppa19:10
popeydo you want to press enter because the first icon is what you want?19:10
popeyyeah, you have to press down down enter19:10
popeyor mouse19:10
ali1234istr  "just type the first few letters and press enter, you don't have to wait, it's so easy and fast"19:11
ali1234what happened to that one?19:11
popeygimmie an example?19:12
popeyi think i know what you're saying19:13
ali1234an example?19:13
popeydash -> ima (image viewer) -> enter19:13
popeydont wait for search to finish19:13
ali1234you do dash -> search for program -> wait -> enter (this works)19:13
ali1234then you do dash -> (search is saved) -> press enter -> nothing happens19:13
bigcalmIf you don't wait, it doesn't load the 1st result :(19:13
ali1234and in the second part, you can wait as long as you want19:14
ali1234since it's already cached the search, it never "completes" so enter is blocked forever19:14
popeyoh, i see19:14
popeyyes, you're right19:14
popeyfile it I'll confirm it19:15
bigcalmThere are chickens in the castle19:15
popeybigcalm: are you saying same as ali1234 or a different thing?19:16
bigcalmpopey: I came in on part of a convo without reading up :)19:16
bigcalmIn my expereince so far (not on the machine atm though), typing sky[enter] does nothing. I have to wait a moment and then try again19:17
popeythats fixed19:17
popeyi filed that19:17
popeyjust tested and it works19:17
bigcalmThere are dead chickens in the coop, no eggs19:18
popeyi do appreciate these bug discussions!19:18
ali1234bug 98018419:18
lubotu3Launchpad bug 980184 in unity (Ubuntu) "dash doesn't ever respond to <enter> when the previous search is recalled" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98018419:18
ali1234feel free to try to explain it better :)19:19
popeyi am miles from the castle19:21
popeyneed to walk back19:21
czajkowskiI take it this is minecraft and popey isn't lost in woods far away from some remote castle with just his iphone to get him home19:23
gordi wouldn't put it past popey19:28
directhexikonia, ping19:34
justsoI can't seem to adjust the mouse double click time in ubuntu 11.10 ... is this a bug ?19:46
MartijnVdSjustso: not even in the accessibility bits?19:49
MartijnVdSjustso: also.. in the mouse settings I have a "doubleclick" option (12.04)19:49
justsoin the mouse setting I have set it to be tap.......tap but it still needs to be t,tap in normal use19:49
MartijnVdStap? you mean touchpad double click?19:51
justsoit has to be almost impossibly quick to get it to work19:52
justsoI must be getting old19:53
MartijnVdStouchpad is on its own tab19:53
justsook i will look19:54
justsonothing for double click timeout in there19:57
sorin_trebile's bune?19:57
sorin_mere fain?19:57
justsoI assumed mouse settings would be effective for that19:58
* justso shrugs20:01
ali1234plesk sucks :(20:01
directhexcomputers suck20:05
directhexi should have become a plumber20:05
justsohmm double click problem seems to be with reposition or resize windows20:06
justsoI guess I can live with it20:07
=== himcesjf|py is now known as himcesjf
daftykinsarsen: i'm in London this weekend20:51
daftykinswell, right now :> 'til Sunday afty probly20:51
daftykinsdirecthex: but you kinda are when you're networking ;)20:51
daftykinsit's just funny water20:52
arsenwhere at?20:56
arsenim off to a funeral tomoz :/20:56
daftykinsChelsea Harbour20:56
daftykinson ze Thames20:57
directhexdaftykins: yeah, but a toilet backed up with shit versus freeswitch randomly dropping packets... easy choice20:57
bigcalm!ohmy | directhex20:58
lubotu3directhex: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.20:58
directhexoh yeah20:58
gordonjcp"ohmy" sounds like a rude word in Gaelic20:58
directhexsorry, flashback to the old days on #hexus.net20:58
gordonjcpthis is funnier than you can possibly imagine20:58
directhexdaftykins and arsen and me20:59
directhextogether in perfect harmony21:00
daftykinsdirecthex: wish i could say i've improved.. ;)21:00
daftykinshmm right speaker channel on his home cinema setup r no workeh21:00
daftykinsno wonder, speaker is lacking a pole!21:00
directhexwould have been around the time i was writing guides to debian, so... 2004?21:04
arsenhi what21:04
daftykinsyou know, that really helped me for Uni21:04
arsenwhat have i signed up for21:04
arsenthats where i live21:05
daftykinsin the harbour?21:05
daftykinsarsen: i don't follow :P21:06
directhexdaftykins: omg rereading it now. OOo 1.1.1 screenshot ^_^21:06
directhexdaftykins: my writing style is still excellent, even if the content is obsolete :321:06
daftykinsdirecthex: hahaha21:08
arsenharbour or imperial wharf side?21:08
daftykinsarsen: the square looking building directly north of the harbour water21:09
daftykinsif you look at google maps sat view :>21:09
daftykinsthat's his pad21:09
daftykinsthough i'm lacking in the convenient magnetic card for the front doors atm21:09
directhexhah debian sarge21:11
directhexa release candidate thereof21:11
daftykinsspeaker fixed \o/21:12
arseni live at imperial wharf21:15
arsensorry, gaming so :P21:15
directhexBLAST FROM THE PAST http://img.hexus.net/v2/features/foss/a2/images/installed12.png21:15
* justso wishes he could fix things21:15
justsothe lottery would be a good start21:16
daftykinsarsen: epic, wandering distance then ^_^21:16
arsenPICK A BAD NIGHT21:17
daftykinsah i'm pretty knackered today :> up to much fri/sat?21:17
arsenat afternoon beers?21:18
bigcalm!ohmy | arsen21:18
lubotu3`arsen: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.21:18
daftykinsarsen: fo sho21:18
daftykinsi vote a pub with ale and pool21:18
directhex;o replacing OSS with ALSA? this guide is OLD!21:19
arsensorreh, im doing 50 things at once and not paying attn to where im doin ze chattin :)21:19
arsenyeah, theres ales at the fullers tbh, pool maybe more difficult here- theres MissQ's at earls ct21:19
daftykinsarsen: kewl21:22
daftykinsarsen: PM for mah #21:26
directhexi should PLAY A GAME ZOMG22:25
hamitrondirecthex, get back to work ;)22:28
directhexno. i'm sick of work.22:29
directhexstaying awake long enough to rip these blu-rays22:30
hamitronwhy go to the expense of blu-ray, to just rip them?22:30
* hamitron is a cheap ass dvd user22:31
directhexhamitron: not transcoding. keeping video in original format22:31
directhexhamitron: audio i'm tossing away the extra channels in 7.1 since i only have 5.122:31
hamitronif ONLY I had that much hdd space22:31
directhexhamitron: new 3T disk arrived today22:32
directhexhamitron: old 2T disk failed22:32
hamitronso "testing" the new one properly? ;)22:32
directhexhamitron: restoring lost data.22:32
directhextakes about 45 mins to rip a movie22:32
hamitronat least if it wasn't transcoded, less work22:32
hamitron1 less step, but you also wouldn't have fitted as much on the broken drive22:33
directhexhamitron: broken drive was mostly full. about 10% free22:33
directhexlost about 20 music tracks, 2 games, and 2 blu-ray rips22:33
hamitronthat nearly filled 2TB?22:34
hamitronor just the stuff not backed up?22:34
hamitronwell, have fun22:35
hamitronI gotta sort a mess here, so I can at least remember the colour of the carpet22:35
directhexhamitron: 200G of doctor who?22:39
hamitronthat is starting to annoy me22:39
hamitronthat or my brain is just getting old and tired22:39
directhex200G covering doctors 1->722:41
ginghamitron: you are talking too much23:53
gingall i se is your name23:54
gingoh wait it's mostly smilies23:54
hamitronme? :|23:54
gingno the other hamitron23:55
hamitronwell, I'm the real hamitron23:56
* hamitron spanks "the other" hamitron23:56
directhex*I'M* spartacus23:56

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