
* pleia2 settles in at ubuntu hour00:46
pleia2debian stickers came in on time for debian dinner later :D00:46
pleia2although, I am feeling a bit of an "if anyone comes" moment right now ;)00:48
pleia2paulproteus: coming out to the debian dinner tonight at 7? I have stickers!00:48
pleia2forgot squeeze and wheezy though, will have to run upstairs and get them at some point00:49
pleia2yay, michelle is here00:49
paulproteuspleia2: Oh *man* I can't make it tonight, but I will aim to in the future.00:54
paulproteusHow long do you folks stay?00:54
pleia28:30 or 900:54
paulproteusi.e., if I want to come for 30 min, can I come by at 9? (:00:54
paulproteusInteresting. Good to know.00:54
pleia2the restaurant closes at 9, so we are gone by then00:54
paulproteusHah, okay (-:00:55
* greg-g should get out to more of those, as well.00:55
paulproteusOh, hi there (:00:57
philipballew_pleia2, I like the Debian stickers you had. I might have to buy some from the link you tweeted about!04:06
philipballew_All ubuntu users are Debian users weather they know it or not.04:14
Swagbodianany users present?05:19
guaSwagbodian: hello05:40
Swagbodianseems pretty dead O.o06:17
philipballewSwagbodian, whats up!06:24
pleia2philipballew: post meeting tasks? :)06:25
pleia2(no rush, just a reminder)06:25
* philipballew loves the notice06:26
philipballewIt is on my to do list. I have to type 5 papers for my christian tradition class this weekend so I am outlining them tonight and was gonna do post meeting this thursday06:27
pleia2so much to do, good luck :)06:28
philipballewThank you. When you have a lot of stuff to do, the best thing to do, is well... Just do it. Dont wait around because it wont do itself06:29
philipballewwell thats my plan at least06:29
pleia2I also highly recommend taking naps06:31
philipballewI do that as well. a 30 minute power nap has never hurt anyone06:31
* pleia2 sleep &06:35
Swagbodianhello filipballew06:43
Swagbodianim a new user06:43
Swagbodianany tips for meh?06:43
philipballewSwagbodian, sure! what areas would you like tips in?06:46
philipballewsorry, had to step away and make some soup06:46
philipballewthis is irc, were not just always sitting here waiting to talk to someone06:46
Swagbodianhaha i know06:46
Swagbodianidk basics?06:47
Swagbodianlike backtrack only works on linux not windowsz?06:47
philipballewbacktrack is a linux distro06:47
philipballewit doesnt work on linux as it is linux in many ways06:48
philipballewthe same way ubuntu or debian or fedora is linux06:48
Swagbodianwhat does distro mean06:48
Swagbodiansorry im only 1306:48
philipballewdistro is a operating system that uses linux as the heart of the system06:48
philipballew13 is good.06:49
philipballewwere always welcoming youth in to ubuntu06:49
Swagbodianso its a seperate type of linux iso?06:49
philipballewbacktrack is based off ubuntu?06:49
philipballewyou wanna be a hacker I see?06:50
Swagbodiani wanna be a anti hacker06:50
Swagbodianjust gotta learn the basics. hopefully my future job as a cyberspace security06:50
Swagbodiani read that china is going to win the war06:50
philipballewwar with who?06:50
Swagbodianagainst usa06:51
Swagbodianthey say there is a lot of cyber warefare06:51
philipballewwe go to war with china, we stop buying hot wheels. Now who's out of a job...06:51
philipballewbut are you now running ubuntu?06:51
Swagbodiani just downloaded it.06:52
Swagbodianso after do i download back track?06:52
philipballewno, backtrack is a different distro06:52
philipballewthere two different operating systems06:52
Swagbodianoh okay i see.06:52
Swagbodianthanx for the clarification06:52
Swagbodianhopefully i can get a job by 1806:53
philipballewIm a hacker06:53
Swagbodianoh rlly?06:53
Swagbodianim scared06:53
gua"distro" as in "distribution" generally means "linux-kernel-based OS". both distros and OSes are just a kernel plus a collection of tools.06:53
Swagbodianwhat is "kernel"06:53
philipballewyou should be scared06:53
guabacktrack has a lot of penetration testing tools06:53
philipballewits ubuntu based06:53
Swagbodianhold on06:54
Swagbodianlemme google what kernel means06:54
guaSwagbodian: the kernel is software that handles your devices directly. cpu, memory/ram, mouse, etc. a kernel is like a bunch of drivers stuck together.06:54
* philipballew holds06:54
guaSwagbodian: googling is good too06:54
EurekaThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages06:54
EurekaFactoid backtrack not found06:55
philipballewwell I tried...06:55
Swagbodiangod this irc chat is all tons of priceless information06:55
philipballewactually it costs06:55
guaenough to lie for, enough to start fires for06:55
philipballew20 bucks an hour, you have to mail me the money06:56
guai'd actually like to understand cars as well as i understand computers06:56
philipballewCars are fun to play with06:56
Swagbodiani work on cars with me popz06:56
guajust got a coolant leak and i'm at a loss how to fix it06:56
Swagbodiangoogle is your best friend dude06:56
guaso many hundreds to mechanics06:56
guaSwagbodian: well, i don't want to break anything06:56
Swagbodianif you can follow instructions06:57
guacomputers you can reinstall. cars you have to be more careful06:57
Swagbodiannothing will be broken06:57
Swagbodianim pretty sure there are pretty clear pictures06:57
Swagbodianonline that shows u how to do it06:57
Swagbodianor diagnose w.e06:57
philipballewSwagbodian, so you live in California I assume?06:57
Swagbodianlol no06:57
Swagbodiani have a car already06:57
guayeah maybe. latest directions i heard were you hose down the car06:57
Swagbodianjust drive illegally06:58
Swagbodianphilip. what is a good website for noobie hackers such as myself06:58
philipballewIm a cop06:58
Swagbodianyour  scary dude06:58
guayou hose it down, then you wait for it to leak, then you look where white marks have been left06:58
guaSwagbodian: backtrack forums06:59
philipballew the term hacker is misused these days06:59
Swagbodianhacker sounds scary06:59
Swagbodianreminds me of ANONYMOUSE06:59
philipballewThats a problem06:59
philipballewdo you like reading Swagbodian ?07:00
guaSwagbodian: read that07:00
Swagbodianim a visual kid but i like to read interesting books07:00
Swagbodianokay ill read it07:00
philipballewI read a book once07:00
SwagbodianLOL you only read one book?07:01
Swagbodianhow old r u?07:01
philipballewand I actually read a lot07:01
guabooks are like webpages07:01
Swagbodianoh yeah07:01
Swagbodianlike runescape07:02
Swagbodianwat sckool do u attend'?07:02
philipballewwhat makes you think I go to school?07:02
guaWhat school do you attend?*07:02
Swagbodianyour 2007:03
Swagbodianarent people suppose to go to college?07:03
philipballewI go to school in San Diego07:03
guawhen you go to the school, the school goes back to you07:03
Swagbodiangua how does that make sense?07:04
Swagbodianoh san diego state?07:04
philipballewSwagbodian, dont question gua07:04
Swagbodianmy friends older brother goes there07:04
Swagbodiannot a question07:04
philipballewgua, is really smart07:05
Swagbodiani know that's why i dont understand O.O07:05
philipballewso what part of ca do you live in?07:08
Swagbodiani live in norcal07:09
philipballewnice! I grew up in Auburn07:09
Swagbodianoh i been there for church gathering its woody07:10
philipballewwhat church did you go to?07:10
philipballewits not that woody, but areas around it are07:10
Swagbodianunited methodist07:11
philipballew nice!07:11
Swagbodianman pretty interesting stuff im reading07:11
* philipballew is off to bed07:11
=== MediaDoneRight is now known as mdr|afk
bkerensapleia2: Are you going to possibly make a openphoto account for Ubuntu CA?20:42
pleia2bkerensa: once openphoto hooks in to all the tagging, grouping and other features we use to communicate with other teams on flickr, sure!20:43
bkerensapleia2: I will ping you when it does... I have to go over our top feature requests with our lead dev tonight and turn them into wishlist items to work on20:43
bkerensaI want shotwell support myself :P20:44
pleia2ubuntu pennsylvania still uses a gallery install, didn't go that route with california because 1) gallery2 mostly sucks :( 2) flickr has all the social tools and works with loco.ubuntu.com20:45
pleia2(we also considered picasa(|web))20:45
bkerensapleia2: Well I think in the near future we will support auto-importing from Flickr/Picasa20:46
pleia2yeah, right now you have to do something crazy like dump from flickr to dropbox and import from there or something20:46
pleia2I went to a talk about it a couple months ago20:47
bkerensapleia2: I am making a juju charm to deploy Openphoto in the cloud and also going to re-write a lot of our docs and perhaps improve the auto install scripts20:47
bkerensaI leave the api monkeying for other people ;p20:47
pleia2juju isn't really my thing, I need rapid, reliable maintenance, not deployment ;)20:48
* pleia2 doesn't do cloud-things yet20:48
philipballew_juju charms are interesting in some ways20:48
bkerensajuju charms are interesting when Canonical sends me $100 gift cards ;p20:49
philipballew_what language bkerensa do you write them in?20:49
bkerensanah juju is fun... Kees Cook made a really cool sbuild charm which we used for Debian multi-arch stuffs20:50
bkerensaphilipballew: any language you want20:50
bkerensajuju charms can be written in almost any language... py, C#, ruby, php20:50
bkerensabash script?20:50
philipballew_maybe bash, thats interesting20:50
philipballew_Id need to understand how juju charms work more before I understand how id write a charm20:51
bkerensaphilipballew: they deploy cloud instances of your favorite apps and allow you to stack20:51
bkerensaso you can for instance use the apache, mysql and php charms as dependencies to deploy a "phpmyadmin charm"20:52
bkerensalike the openphoto charm I am going to write will use LAMP which saves me a lot of writing and then I just write hooks to install openphoto, config it in apache and start/stop/upgrade/expose20:53
philipballew_I have looked into the cloud a few times, but whats the real difference between that and a vps?20:53
philipballew_because cant i just use a vps and lamp to run and webstuff anyway?20:53
bkerensaphilipballew: VPS and Cloud's are the same thing physically in that they are isolated instances running on hardware20:55
bkerensabut a VPS is intended to host all or a good portion of the load20:55
bkerensawhile Cloud is intended for bigger load balancing20:55
bkerensaLike a One VPS to run a site or two or three is normal but not 200 because of cost20:56
philipballew_so why would I want to use a cloud vs a vps?20:56
bkerensaphilipballew: cost20:56
bkerensaVPSes are more expensive20:56
pleia2rapid deployment20:56
bkerensafor large deployments20:56
bkerensaand rapid ^20:56
pleia2more flexible scalability20:57
bkerensapleia2 explains it much better then me :P20:57
philipballew_but if im just running say one website, I would want a vps, but if i have many things, a cloud is better?20:57
bkerensaVPS caters to people who dont quite need a Dedicated20:57
pleia2and most "cloud" offerings have swappable storage options, where VPSes really attempt to be "pretend like this is a colo box"20:57
pleia2if you're just running a website you might just want a $5/mo account with dreamhost ;)20:58
bkerensadreamhost hosts Ubuntu Oregon but imho I would likely not use them for a person site20:58
pleia2probably a bad example, but you don't need a whole linux box if you just need a single service20:59
bkerensa$19.95 for a Linode20:59
philipballew_I used to run it myself but then the place a was storing the desktop at found out I pluged it in and opened ports...20:59
bkerensaUse their stack scripts and you can have a Wordpress deployment in one click20:59
philipballew_my friend found a 5 dollar a month vps somewhere20:59
philipballew_okay, but not for anything major20:59
bkerensaphilipballew: FDC Servers? :P20:59
bkerensaThey charge about that with unlimited bandwidth (they oversell their pipes)21:00
philipballew_I need to look into that with the cloud21:00
philipballew_for a linux user/technology user, I am always behind with technology21:00
philipballew_My desktop is still a pentium 421:01
philipballew_bkerensa, If i want to write charms, I need to have a cloud service paid for though. I am way to cheep for that.21:02
bkerensaphilipballew: you can run juju in lxc21:02
bkerensaso you can run it off your desktop or laptop21:02
bkerensafor testing etc21:02
philipballew_yeah, but i need to have instances to test it with?21:03
pleia2http://askubuntu.com/questions/65359/how-do-i-configure-juju-for-local-usage still applicable?21:03
pleia2there are a few guides floating around21:03
philipballew_maybe a use for my old desktop running ubuntu server 10.0421:04
pleia2philipballew_: lxc is kind of a type of virtualization, you create a fake series of instances that believe they are all separate, and hook them together with juju21:04
philipballew_I need to upgrade that to 12.0421:04
pleia2yeah, 12.04 is a must for any of this stuff21:04
philipballew_hum. Something to add to my "summer projects"21:05
bkerensaphilipballew: believe it or not I never even tested my charm :P21:05
* pleia2 lunchtime21:05
bkerensaWell I did a single time but mostly I just had the charmers team review and test it since they were the ones who wanted me to write it :P21:06
* philipballew_ has sucky programing skills21:08
philipballew_well, thats only because I never take the time to debug21:08
philipballew_what ones have you wrote bkerensa ?21:09
bkerensaphilipballew: I wrote Subway using very simple bash scripting http://jujucharms.com/charms/oneiric/subway21:10
bkerensaphilipballew: although I hope to write my next (Openphoto charm) in Python or at least bits and pieces Python and the rest in Bash21:10
bkerensayou can also mix languages21:10
philipballew_bkerensa, I really enjoy their five dollar footlongs21:10
bkerensaphilipballew: I know right21:11
bkerensaphilipballew: if you write a charm you get a juju t-shirt and Ubuntu travel mug21:11
bkerensaand in some cases I think they might hold more juju charm contests http://cloud.ubuntu.com/2012/04/juju-charm-contest-winners/21:11
philipballew_there having a charm school this december about a half mile from my dorm here in San Diego21:12
philipballew_Im gonna go21:12
* philipballew_ needs to figure out a way to sneak into it or something21:13
philipballew_there will be one at the uds I assume.21:13
=== Faqtotum is now known as DonkeyHotei
bkerensaphilipballew: I hope so.... so far there is really nothing on the UDS schedule21:38
bkerensaand its just weeks away21:38
philipballew_yeah, I have SO much school to do before then, I finish school friday and uds starts monday21:40
guaa charm school sounds pretty neat. is there a list of planned charm schools?21:40
philipballew_somehow I need to figure out how to get there and drop off a car load of stuff in the meantime21:40
philipballew_gua, yeah!!!!21:41
guai was just googling and only found the main wikipage for charmschools, listed some web seminars, but i didn't see upcoming ones21:41
philipballew_I think there is one in the bay area in june21:42
philipballew_and also maybe uds will have one21:42
guaah that sounds good21:43
philipballew_Id look for you, but in about 2 minutes I have to go to class21:43
* philipballew_ off to chem lab21:44
bkerensagua: https://juju.ubuntu.com/Events21:49
guaah thanks!22:24

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