
andygraybealwhos at work?10:56
andygraybealany release parties in the cbus area?10:57
andygraybealor southeastern oh ?10:57
andygraybealwake up wake up.12:03
andygraybealwho here is setting their work environment to 'gnome-failback' cause they don't want to deal with people bishing otherwise?12:03
andygraybealcause that is most likely what i'm going to do12:04
andygraybealmaybe i'll have the option to give them the choice12:04
andygraybealomg, you guys need more coffee12:07
* andygraybeal makes second pot of coffee13:20
paultagmorning folks13:34
paultagandygraybeal: yeah, I'm behind on the coffee train :(13:34
paultagoh great, now my web browser's broken13:35
paultagoop, there it is13:35
andygraybealit's gonna be a hawt night tonight down in southeastern ohio at my restaurant we got two great things: 1. a salsa made with local strawberries and paper lantern chiles and 2. an open doors drag show!   sashay! shante!  exciting!13:40
paultaghaha, awesome13:40
andygraybealthe salsa is guaranteed to melt your face and the drag show will make you wet as well :)13:40
andygraybealbro, i got that tilemill running and i couldn't get the files from the state to load cause they were too big!13:41
andygraybealbut the ones from our county work fnie13:41
paultagMA takes a few (10?) minutes or so to load13:42
paultagI was fighting with TileMill on Debian13:42
paultagsuper PITA13:42
andygraybealyea, i think i have to compile it myself if i want to get it to run the data from the state.13:42
paultagI don't think so :)13:42
andygraybealand set some filesize setting to 013:42
paultagit's all nodejs, you can edit in place :)13:43
andygraybealah then, i couldn't figure out how to change the setting.13:43
andygraybealyea, there looks to be a 20MB  limit13:46
andygraybealand i have a 36MB file13:46
andygraybealand somethign about setting something to 0 would make this work.13:46
andygraybealanyway, this was lastn ight and i'm at work now so i shouldn't be workign on it13:46
thafreakI love how the job title "systems administrator" basically just means, "what ever technical type tasks we want you to perform"14:40
thafreakSome companies, you need to know about electrical and generators14:40
thafreaksome places you need to know about phone systems14:41
thafreakand some places, they want you to be a software developer too14:41
thafreaknot, install and setup this software for us to use on a server...14:41
thafreakbut also, hey this software doesn't work...fix it14:41
thafreaki'm switching to programming I think...might as well...14:42
jrgifforddevops is actually pretty cool though. :)15:02
thafreaki know...but i don't hate that buzzword yet15:02
jrgiffordOh, compared to "cloud", devops isn't a buzzword.15:03
thafreakas it's only being used by practitioners mainly now15:03
thafreakyes, i want to punch anyone who says cloud15:03
thafreakor "apps"15:03
jrgiffordAHG APPS15:03
jrgiffordalthough i will say that I am known to call a little hack i put together a "app". generally speaking though, what that means is that I'm just too bored to give it a proper name.15:04
paultaghiya jrgifford15:06
jrgiffordhowdy paultag15:06
thafreakfor all those interested in ARM...15:07
paultagwhat's new?15:07
thafreakyou can get the older v2 "pink" pogo plugs for $2515:07
paultagthafreak: I've reconsidered and decided salt might be the way to go with my thing15:07
paultagoh really?15:07
paultagcan I get like 4 of them?15:07
thafreakI might order some more to hold me over till raspberry pi is more widely available15:08
jrgiffordpaultag: nothing much. how're you?15:08
paultagthafreak: can I run Debian on it?15:10
paultagjrgifford: Oh you know, living the dream15:11
jrgiffordnice... i want one of those. jandrusk: Look above, there is a rasp pi alternative for you, you were looking for one a few weeks ago iirc.15:11
jrgiffordpaultag: :D15:11
thafreakyep, it will run debian squeeze atleast15:12
thafreakwhich is current stable anyway15:13
paultagthafreak: I live on the edge, jabroni15:13
thafreakwell, haven't tried wheezy15:13
paultagI mean, I could wait until the ras-pi is around more15:13
paultagthen cluster those15:13
thafreakbut these are here now ;)15:14
thafreakand have gig-e15:14
paultagno, you're right15:14
paultagalpacahearder has some15:14
thafreakit's what runs this irssi session I'm using now :-O15:14
paultagthafreak: oh really?15:14
thafreakit's what I have ssh poked through my firewall to15:15
thafreaksince it's less likely to die than my bigger hardware15:15
thafreakand i have usb-serial adapters plugged into it, and serial console to my VM hosts15:15
paultagthafreak: anyway - more relevent to right now - advice for salt?15:15
thafreaki'm still tinkering with it15:16
thafreakso far, the master of masters setup doesn't seem to work so hot15:16
paultagthafreak: if you feel like helping me on my quest, you'll get huge amounts of internet cred15:16
paultaglike, huge15:16
thafreakmight be how I have the one setup though15:16
paultagand a lot of people will be really thankful15:16
thafreaki'll help where I can15:17
thafreakI'm still toying and learning it myself15:17
thafreakbut so far, it feels more natural than a puppet/puppet master setup15:17
paultagthafreak: if I set up a "build script" for the VM to run, can you saltize it?15:17
thafreakwhat kind of script we talking?15:18
paultagit'll be complex15:18
paultagand long running15:18
thafreakwhat lang15:18
paultagbut it'll be simple to invoke15:18
paultagI'm going to make it portable as hell15:18
paultagor I can do python + pbs, but that's less easy to port to all the dists I want15:18
paultagI figure shell is best15:18
thafreakpbs? like the batch system?15:19
thafreakhaven't seen that yet15:19
paultagit's amazing15:19
paultagname a command15:19
paultagany command15:19
thafreaklike ls15:20
paultagnvmd, one sec15:20
paultagyeah, sure15:20
paultaglspci it is15:20
thafreakso it is related to the pbs batch system...15:20
paultagone sec15:21
paultag>>> from pbs import lspci, grep15:22
paultag>>> grep(lspci(), "VGA")15:22
paultag00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 09)15:22
canthus13nice. :)15:22
paultagit's a badass wrapper that uses some nifty import hacks15:22
paultagit's a really nice way to shell out in Python15:22
paultaganyway, yeah. Shell, thafreak15:22
thafreakwill you have direct ssh access to your build hosts?15:23
paultagthafreak: no, they'll be VMs. To test, I'll fire up some VMs here behind a firewall or something15:24
thafreakcause something like clusterssh which runs stuff in parallel might be a simpler setup15:24
paultagnot only VMs, but in the end, they're reflash them15:24
paultagbecause builds may taint the host15:24
paultagboot โ†’ update chroot โ†’ run buld โ†’ shutdown, host reflash VM15:25
paultagbut for now, I'll just do the run-build15:25
paultagbecause that's the most complex part15:25
thafreakwell...using libvirt and pre-built templates, it might not be too bad15:26
paultagthafreak: idealy, I'd also send an "update" job before each build15:27
thafreakclone a vm, boot it, abuse it, delete it when done15:27
paultagthafreak: which would boot the VM image R/W, update the chroot, update the image, shut down15:27
paultagalso, it'd be sweet to have a web-front-end on this15:27
paultagif I can stream output from the slave to the host15:28
thafreakcould be done15:28
paultagand node.js realtime stream it15:28
paultagI have really lofty demands15:28
paultag(but starting simple is key)15:28
thafreakthere's a python api to controle the salt master...so you could build a rest interface to hit from node.js15:28
paultaganyway, later15:29
paultagfirst thing is build process15:29
thafreaklater...i got to debug some code15:29
thafreakcause that's what sys admins do15:29
paultagI'll write a build-script :)15:29
thafreakk, keep me in the loop15:29
paultagthafreak: holy shit, I just did the math. It's going to be over 39 VMs.15:36
thafreakand how much ram each?15:37
paultagmeh, not much. I'm sure it can be about a gig or so15:38
paultagremember, I'll kick two or three up, build, shut down15:38
paultagand roll them15:38
thafreakOH ok15:38
paultagover more then one physical host15:38
thafreaknot at the same time15:38
paultagno need to do that15:38
paultagbut that's a cool number15:38
paultagand I have a neat way to show the build status15:38
paultaganyway, $WORK time15:38
jrgiffordoh yeah, almost forgot. notacon is tomorrow.. will i see any of you folks there?18:02
canthus13NOpe. I'm going to ILF. :)18:02
Unit193Nope, I'm not going to either.18:03
Unit193yano was asking about it.18:03
thafreakreally wanted to go to notacon this year, but we started finishing the basement, so i'll be in my basement every weekend for the forseeable future18:29
thafreakso, exchange server converts mail sent in plain text to html...18:57
thafreakwhat kind of shitty mailserver alters the contents of your mail messages...18:58
paultagat least gmail does it on the front-end18:58
paultagso if I use mutt / smtp18:59
paultagit works18:59
thafreaki'm using a middleware that scrapes their web interface and provides imap18:59
thafreakmaybe that's wy18:59
paultagwow, forgot I had that allias18:59
thafreakcause the all knowing exchange admins decided that imap is a security risk and disabled it19:00
thafreakSO, i need to use davmail so I can run thunderbird19:00
* thafreak hides19:00
BiosElement2*kicks thafreak* >.>19:01
* thafreak ouch WTF19:01
BiosElement2The ninja strikes :P19:01
thafreakdamn ninjas19:01
BiosElement2How's it goin folks?19:01
Unit193The ninja waves before an attack? This may be the less-than-average ninja.19:04
BiosElement2Ninja's don't need stealth anymore, everyone ignores them so we can afford to be polite before striking. ;)19:04
paultaghey BiosElement219:51
Unit193Hello paultag, did you enjoy the game canthus13 sent you?19:51
BiosElement2Hey paultag ^_^19:51
paultag*the* game19:51
* canthus13 slaps Unit193 with a large trout.19:51
Unit193...I'm sorry, I couldn't help it!19:52
canthus13neither could I. :)19:52
* canthus13 has this weird large trout reflex.19:52
Unit193I don't normally follow along with that, buuut.19:52
BiosElement2Sure got quiet fast when the fish attacked ;P22:18
* canthus13 waves hsi trout warningly at BiosElement2.22:54
Unit193Hsi? What's that? :---D22:55
yanojrgifford, you are going to notacon?22:55
Unit193I'd guess so by how he said it.22:56

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