
tgm4883!figlet bkerensa00:24
orebuntu _     _00:24
orebuntu| |__ | | _____ _ __ ___ _ __  ___  __ _00:24
orebuntu| '_ \| |/ / _ \ '__/ _ \ '_ \/ __|/ _` |00:24
orebuntu| |_) |   <  __/ | |  __/ | | \__ \ (_| |00:24
orebuntu|_.__/|_|\_\___|_|  \___|_| |_|___/\__,_|00:24
bkero!faglet bkero00:25
tgm4883lubotu1> Sorry, I don't know anything about 'figlet bkerensa'00:25
lubotu1tgm4883: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:25
bkero!figlet bkero00:25
orebuntu _     _00:25
orebuntu| |__ | | _____ _ __ ___00:25
orebuntu| '_ \| |/ / _ \ '__/ _ \00:25
orebuntu| |_) |   <  __/ | | (_) |00:25
orebuntu|_.__/|_|\_\___|_|  \___/00:25
tgm4883so apparently there are two bots in here which have the same activation command00:27
bkerensatgm4883: yeah01:23
bkerensatgm4883: lubotu01:23
bkerensawe will have to see about getting all the modules lubotu has and tell Canonical to make him go away01:23
bkerensa!figlet Beavers01:24
orebuntu ____01:24
orebuntu| __ )  ___  __ ___   _____ _ __ ___01:24
orebuntu|  _ \ / _ \/ _` \ \ / / _ \ '__/ __|01:24
orebuntu| |_) |  __/ (_| |\ V /  __/ |  \__ \01:24
orebuntu|____/ \___|\__,_| \_/ \___|_|  |___/01:24
bkerensa!weather 9721301:24
orebuntubkerensa: Current weather for Portland, OR01:24
orebuntuOvercast, Temp: 52, Wind Chill: NA F, Humidity: 83%, Pressure: 29.72", Wind: North 0mph01:24
orebuntuForecast: Chance of a Thunderstorm, High: 59 F, Low: 39 F01:24
jPiroshky!figlet WooHoo!01:37
orebuntu__        __          _   _             _01:37
orebuntu\ \      / /__   ___ | | | | ___   ___ | |01:37
orebuntu \ \ /\ / / _ \ / _ \| |_| |/ _ \ / _ \| |01:37
orebuntu  \ V  V / (_) | (_) |  _  | (_) | (_) |_|01:37
orebuntu   \_/\_/ \___/ \___/|_| |_|\___/ \___/(_)01:37
bkerensa!figlet Wat01:39
orebuntu__        __    _01:39
orebuntu\ \      / /_ _| |_01:39
orebuntu \ \ /\ / / _` | __|01:39
orebuntu  \ V  V / (_| | |_01:39
orebuntu   \_/\_/ \__,_|\__|01:39
goddard!weather 9731701:39
orebuntugoddard: Current weather for Salem, OR01:39
orebuntuMostly Cloudy, Temp: 54, Wind Chill: NA F, Humidity: 69%, Pressure: 29.72", Wind: South 8mph01:39
orebuntuForecast: Chance of a Thunderstorm, High: 54 F, Low: 37 F01:39
bkerensa!weather 9950501:44
orebuntubkerensa: Current weather for Fort Richardson, AK01:44
orebuntuMostly Cloudy, Temp: 38, Wind Chill: 32 F, Humidity: 66%, Pressure: 29.81", Wind: West 9mph01:44
orebuntuForecast: Partly Cloudy, High: 52 F, Low: 30 F01:44
bkerensaThats cold01:45
goddard!figlet GODDARD06:21
orebuntu  ____  ___  ____  ____    _    ____  ____06:21
orebuntu / ___|/ _ \|  _ \|  _ \  / \  |  _ \|  _ \06:21
orebuntu| |  _| | | | | | | | | |/ _ \ | |_) | | | |06:21
orebuntu| |_| | |_| | |_| | |_| / ___ \|  _ <| |_| |06:21
orebuntu \____|\___/|____/|____/_/   \_\_| \_\____/06:21
goddard!figlet UBUNTU06:22
orebuntu _   _ ____  _   _ _   _ _____ _   _06:22
orebuntu| | | | __ )| | | | \ | |_   _| | | |06:22
orebuntu| | | |  _ \| | | |  \| | | | | | | |06:22
orebuntu| |_| | |_) | |_| | |\  | | | | |_| |06:22
orebuntu \___/|____/ \___/|_| \_| |_|  \___/06:22
thefinn93!figlet wut08:02
orebuntu                _08:02
orebuntu__      ___   _| |_08:02
orebuntu\ \ /\ / / | | | __|08:02
orebuntu \ V  V /| |_| | |_08:02
orebuntu  \_/\_/  \__,_|\__|08:02
tgm4883That is actually pretty good13:57
bkerensablkperl: Your campus is not closed for any weird reason today right? I plan to bring out a Ubuntu care package for PSU14:33
blkperlbkerensa: not that i know of16:20
bkerensablkperl: you guys need Ubuntu love yes?16:20
blkperlwe ran out of cds16:21
bkerensablkperl: ok16:21
tgm4883blkperl, you go to PSU?16:21
bkerensablkperl: Be there in a couple hours or so16:21
blkperltgm4883: yep16:21
blkperlbkerensa: alright, i notified the front desk16:21
blkperlthere expecting you :P16:21
blkperltgm4883: do you go to PSU?16:23
tgm4883blkperl, no, I work at a college in salem16:23
blkperloh cool16:24
blkperl!figlet PRECISE16:37
orebuntu ____  ____  _____ ____ ___ ____  _____16:37
orebuntu|  _ \|  _ \| ____/ ___|_ _/ ___|| ____|16:37
orebuntu| |_) | |_) |  _|| |    | |\___ \|  _|16:37
orebuntu|  __/|  _ <| |__| |___ | | ___) | |___16:37
orebuntu|_|   |_| \_\_____\____|___|____/|_____|16:37
bkerensatgm4883: will you make the release party?16:44
tgm4883most likely16:50
Brian_Hhaha thats cool :)16:53
bkerensa!figlet Linbit16:57
orebuntu _     _       _     _ _16:57
orebuntu| |   (_)_ __ | |__ (_) |_16:57
orebuntu| |   | | '_ \| '_ \| | __|16:57
orebuntu| |___| | | | | |_) | | |_16:57
orebuntu|_____|_|_| |_|_.__/|_|\__|16:57
bkerensaBrian_H: ^16:57
bkerensaBrian_H: will someone from Linbit be at the release party for photos with the banner?16:57
Brian_Hheck yea I'll be there and I think devin will be too17:08
Brian_H!figlet LIN:BIT17:08
orebuntu _     ___ _   _   ____ ___ _____17:08
orebuntu| |   |_ _| \ | |_| __ )_ _|_   _|17:08
orebuntu| |    | ||  \| (_)  _ \| |  | |17:08
orebuntu| |___ | || |\  |_| |_) | |  | |17:08
orebuntu|_____|___|_| \_(_)____/___| |_|17:08
Brian_Hclose :)17:09
Brian_Hwhere will it be at?17:10
bkerensaBrian_H: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-us-or/1609/detail/17:17
Brian_HI should probably just look there next time I have a question ;p17:23
bkerensaBrian_H: or mailing list ;)17:24
Brian_Hlet me check I think I'm on that17:25
cy1Fuckin Apple... how does an updated program make older printers that once worked, stop working?19:49
cy1I haven't been able to align my print heads on this Epson for years. :( Horizontal stripes, horizontal stripes everywhere.19:50
bkerensacy1: although I am not a fan of censorship :P I will gently remind that on core channels we have to enforce the CoC20:24
bkerensabut I do understand ^20:24
bkerensablkperl: I am going to have to bump till tomorrow :( things came up20:26
bkerensayou will have them in hand this week though20:26
bkerensaand I will bring enough to hopefully last a month =o20:26
tgm4883cy1, I'll agree to that, Microsoft is the same way20:27
bkerensatgm4883: I think its all software though... I had had open source stuff break in newer versions20:33
bkerensatgm4883: my scanner stopped working for instance20:33
bkerensaand my headphone jack20:34
cy1tgm4883: well, specifically the Common UNIX Printing System, which Apple have commandeered.20:41
cy1What a mess.20:41
cy1I miss /dev/lp0 :(20:41
bkerensaHow many of you are using openphoto?20:42
bkerensato keep your photos "open"20:42
cy1I use JPEG for my photos20:42
bkerensacy1: http://openphoto.me20:42
bkerensa^ all the cool kids are using it20:43
bkerensa(Disclaimer: I am Community Manager for OpenPhoto :P)20:43
cy1Controlling your own photos sounds suspiciously like censorship and copywrong.20:46
cy1But I guess another flickr.com can't hurt.20:46
bkerensacy1: ?20:48
bkerensacy1: openphoto provides a framework that allows self-hosting through Dropbox/S3 /Box (Soon) and your own server20:48
bkerensaso you own the photos20:48
bkerensaversus Yahoo or Google owning them20:48
bkerensaor Facebook for that matter20:48
cy1bkerensa: So, the idea is you're not trying to reserve reproduction rights, unlike Yahoo or Google.20:49
cy1who are totally doing that, but nobody reads the TOS20:49
bkerensaopenphoto.me is hosted but it gives you S3 and Drop as a option or you can go to theopenphotoproject.org and git clone the code and self host20:51
tgm4883I keep all of my photos on my fridge20:53
bkerensatgm4883: must get crowded20:54
tgm4883nah, I don't like to take pictures20:54
tgm4883so really, the only thing on there is coupons on the back of grocery receipts20:54
bkerensatgm4883: :( I need to start using coupons... I hear so many people save money doing it but idk20:58
blkperlbkerensa: ok, but i don't think anyone will want them after precise comes out :)21:19
bkerensablkperl: precise wont be out tomorrow21:19
bkerensablkperl: how about 25 then? could you give that many out before precise?21:20
blkperlbkerensa: im sure we will go though however many you give us21:22
blkperlbut precise is on everyones brain :D21:23
bkerensablkperl: really good stuff21:23
bkerensablkperl: any PSU folk coming to release party? we would love to have you guys21:23
bkerensablkperl: Precise imho is a polished 11.10 ... I really look forward to 12.10 and 13.04 which will be super good as they get ready to push to mobile21:25
blkperlbkerensa: I could care less about mobile :)21:26
blkperlI just want a stable server / desktop distro21:26
bkerensablkperl: well they idea is not so much that I care about mobile just that they will have to heavily refine bluetooth support and other things that are essential to it working on mobile21:27
bkerensablkperl: atm I have a brand new bluetooth headset that wont work :(21:27
bkerensaso they will have to fix this if they want to be successful in the mobile market21:27
blkperlhaha yeah that sounds like a problem21:28
bkerensamaybe bdmurray will know someone who can help get this bug fixed so I have working bluetooth :P21:32
bkerensakees: How is Fedora trying to re-create the wheel?22:31
keesbkerensa: reimplementing the ptrace restrictions that my Yama LSM provides23:03
bkerensakees: have they provided any justification for the move?23:03
keesbkerensa: kind of. mostly they seemed totally unaware of it. I've fixed that now.23:03

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