[00:07] wtf [00:07] u'openid.sreg.nickname': [u'bj7u6139zdyf2a6nz2ly74oe-info-jjcftv6wldnzq84cskygyvhq'] [00:08] what kind of username is that? [00:13] josee [00:13] Oops, sorry :/ [00:14] an awesome one === peterm-ubuntu is now known as peter_lunch [15:09] steveedwards: hey.. the social media stream on uds.u.c... is that *just* twitter? [15:10] cjohnston: Hey. Twitter and the RSS of Planet. [15:10] ok.. ty [15:11] cjohnston: No worries. [15:11] who maintains the js? I think I may use that on summit [15:18] cjohnston: For UDS? I started it, but Michael Hall will maintain it long-term. We're using YUI. [15:45] * mhall119 knows nothing about YUI [15:51] mhall119: Me neither. I'm a jQuery chap.