
KM0201nexushaxx: when i tried installling w/ the .deb (on 12.04) it didn't work..00:01
KM0201i ended up having to install flash "manually"00:01
nexushaxxesteban22x: yes can be work with 1.6 Ghz and less00:01
nexushaxxhaw you do that ?00:01
KM0201excelsior: what do you mean get get around a way to use ubuntu desktop?00:02
KM0201a GUI on a server is kinda silly.00:02
excelsiorI suppose, but I'm trying to approach this in the most optimal way.00:02
KM0201nexushaxx: go to the download page, and download the .tar.gz file.00:02
ActionParsnipexcelsior: do you mean ubuntu clients to a 2008 terminal server?00:02
esteban22xbut I have 1.6 and ubuntu works slowly even with gnome classic00:02
nexushaxxkm0201:yes I did'it00:03
ActionParsnipesteban22x: my 1.6Ghz sempron runs Unity2D just dandy with nvidia 6150LE 512Mb onboard00:03
KM0201nexushaxx: now, extract it.. you should have two files in there.00:03
excelsiorSince they'll be accessing Ubuntu from these nComputing terminals, I figured Ubuntu server, but since they need remote desktop (and since I haven't seen reference to Ubuntu Server in any preliminary documentation) perhaps there's no Ubuntu Server?00:04
inxtonedoes anybody know any microsoft chats?00:04
ActionParsnip!ltsp | excelsior00:04
ubottuexcelsior: LTSP is the Linux Terminal Server Project, which adds thin-client support to Linux servers. See chapter 3 of the !edubuntuhandbook, http://www.ltsp.org and/or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_Terminal_Server_Project00:04
bazhang##windows inxtone00:04
ActionParsnipinxtone: try ##windows00:04
inxtonethank you00:04
KM0201nexushaxx: did you extract it?00:04
nexushaxxyes !! and ??00:05
mystMan_I just installed ubuntu on my computer and installed php5, mysql server and clien and apache2 how do i set up the local dev environment?00:05
KM0201one of the files is called "libflashplayer.so".. right click it, and copy it.00:05
mystMan_so that i can view the locally deveoped sites?00:05
KM0201nexes: then in nautilus.. go back to your home folder (/home/username)....00:05
KM0201click view/show hidden files and folders00:05
KM0201then find the ".mozilla" folder, and open it.00:05
mystMan_also how do i find out the su - root password??? i cant su - root00:05
ActionParsnipexcelsior: if you just want thin clients to run apps on the server, you can have SSH connections and use x forwarding. the apps will be processed on the server but show on the clients00:05
KM0201inside .mozilla, create a directory called "plugins"00:06
nexushaxxok, done00:06
inxtonebazhang: no such room...00:06
ActionParsnipmystMan_: the root account is disabled00:06
ActionParsnipmystMan_: use:   sudo -i00:06
KM0201inside the plugins directory, paste the libflashplayer.so00:06
mystMan_oh ok just use sudo00:06
mystMan_got it00:06
KM0201nexushaxx: after you do that.00:06
MrKixsHello all00:06
KM0201close all your browsers, and fire one up, and go to youtube, and you should have flash00:07
bazhanginxtone, yes there is. /join ##windows00:07
mystMan_so to my other question. i have been a windows user since i can remember but I develop in a shop that uses all linux machines.  How do i set up the local dev enviroment like WAMP so that i can develop locally and view in my browswer locally00:07
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)00:07
nexushaxxok tha,k you so mach KM020100:08
nexushaxxthank you00:08
MrKixscan anyone point me to a way to fix the "black screen" issue00:08
mystMan_i like mysql better instead of postresql00:08
mystMan_thank bot00:08
KM0201can you point me to something explaining the "black screen" issue00:08
MrKixsno backlight on Laptop after install00:09
ActionParsnipMrKixs: what video chip do you use?00:09
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
MrKixsI'm embarssed to say but on this latop I don't know00:10
MrKixsone sec00:10
ActionParsnipMrKixs: what make and model laptop?00:10
inxtonewhat do you have against windows?00:10
ActionParsnipinxtone: its offtopic here00:10
inxtoneill be back00:10
ActionParsnipinxtone: this is pure support only00:10
bazhanginxtone, its offtopic. lets move on00:10
MrKixsAcer Aspire  5734z00:10
maslenDoes it make any sense that my 'init' process is using 2 GB of RAM?00:11
maslen(Ubuntu 11.10, x64)00:11
ActionParsnipMrKixs: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1132665000:11
ActionParsnipmaslen: does it use it straight from boot or does it slowly grow?00:12
maslenah, I misread. I thoguht it said 'm'. my bad.00:12
ActionParsnipMrKixs: you can add the option by holding shift at boot, then pree E to (e)dit the boot, after the word 'splash' add the boot option: acpi_os=      then press ENTER to continue the boot00:13
=== root is now known as Guest50584
ActionParsnip!rootirc | Guest5058400:13
ubottuGuest50584: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.00:13
MrKixsThanks, will that still allow me to use dual screen?00:14
ActionParsnipMrKixs: no idea, it should fix brightness though00:15
=== HelenB is now known as HelenB[Away]
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Halexander9000Greetings gentlehumans! I wish to install qjoypad, thus I have accessed this link http://www.playdeb.net/updates/ubuntu/11.10/?q=qjoypad followed all the instructions, yet google chrome opens the link with, you guessed it, google chrome, ultimately failing to install the application I require. Could someone please help me unravel this mystery and get qjoypad installed?00:16
Andrilhello all00:16
MrKixsI'll give it a shot soon as this distro stop installing00:16
=== HelenB[Away] is now known as HelenB
ChaosadndHi everybody. First time here :P00:17
MrKixsNext I get to try and but my linux systems on a win 2008 domain, YA!00:17
=== root2 is now known as qazwsxedc
ComptOK, in Ubuntu 11.10 whenever my power cord disconnects before my battery is fully charged, no matter what the percentage, Ubuntu brings up the message "battery critically low" and it says it will suspend and all that good stuff. Even if I plug it back in, it still suspends. While it only takes a few seconds to load back in, it is a major annoyance. Has anyone else had a similar problem? I mean I even had it at 96% charge once, and it slipped out and Ubuntu bro00:18
Comptught up the critically low battery message D:. And no, it's not my battery as on a full charge I can get about 4 hours in00:18
ChaosadndGet to it how?00:18
MrKixslatter all00:20
ChaosadndSee ya00:20
Halexander9000Greetings gentlehumans! I wish to install qjoypad, thus I have accessed this link http://www.playdeb.net/updates/ubuntu/11.10/?q=qjoypad followed all the instructions, yet google chrome opens the link with, you guessed it, google chrome, ultimately failing to install the application I require. Could someone please help me unravel this mystery and get qjoypad installed?00:20
ChaosadndCan you cright click and open with?00:21
Halexander9000Chaosadnd: Open with what?00:21
ActionParsnipHalexander9000: did you add the playdeb repo?00:21
ralliasIs there any way I can get debug information on why my vpn connection is failing?00:22
ChaosadndI'm assuming it wants a default browser?00:22
ultimalI am trying to use curlftpfs...how do I specify the password if it has @ in it?00:22
ActionParsnipChaosadnd: no, any browser will doit00:22
mentalovedoes anyone know about openCL and gpu drivers on ubuntu 11.20 ?00:22
iNealWhat are the main pros/cons for KVM and Virtualbox?00:22
ralliasmentalove Do you mean 11.10 or 11.04?00:22
Halexander9000ActionParsnip: Yes, I have. Firefox seems to open that link with Ubuntu software manager, yet it fails to find qjoypad in the repositories.00:22
Phabai got a microsoft EULA come up on the terminal, non of the normal keys work how do i accept their terms of agreement from the terminal?00:22
ralliasPhaba, hit tab then enter00:22
Phabatried it00:22
ChaosadndCan it be installed from a terminal?00:22
mentaloverallias, 11.10..00:23
PhabaChaosadnd, some flash/java packages00:23
ralliasmentalove, mmk... what are you trying to do with it?00:23
Phabamicrosoft code in there somewhere i guess00:23
mentaloveultimately i want to mine bitcoins00:23
Phabaeither way i have a EULA open on my terminal which wont do nada00:23
Halexander9000Chaosadnd: I do not know.00:23
ActionParsnipHalexander9000: try closing software centre and run:  sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install qjoypad00:23
ralliasmentalove, ahh... what miner program are you using?00:23
Halexander9000ActionParsnip: Alright.00:23
mentaloverallias,  -diablominer00:24
ralliasmentalove, mmk, and what problem are you having with it?00:24
ChaosadndYes, what ActionParsnip said. but in a more quickly typing way than me :P00:24
Phabaokay had to use shift...00:24
Phabaproblem solved00:24
mentaloverallias, i had it workign with my old nvidia 8800gt GPU... i bought a 6970 GPU to replace it00:25
Halexander9000ActionParsnip: I do believe you have solved the problem.00:25
ultimalI am trying to use curlftpfs...how do I specify the password if it has @ in it?00:25
ralliasmentalove, AMD 6970?00:25
mentaloverallias, it now says "Failed to initialize OpenCL, make sure your environment is setup correctly00:25
Halexander9000ActionParsnip: Thank you for your time.00:25
ActionParsnipHalexander9000: i'm guessing you didn't run: sudo apt-get update   after adding the deb00:25
mentaloverallias, yes amd00:25
lrojashi all, can somebody point me to instructions on how to install chrome using PPA in ubuntu 11.10 ?00:25
ActionParsniplrojas: do you mean chrome, or do you mean chromium?00:26
Halexander9000ActionParsnip: I think I may have only used sudo apt-get update after installing the getdeb repos, not after the playdeb repos.00:27
ActionParsniplrojas: what is the output of:  uname -m00:27
plantian1hi guys, does anyone know why file -ib file.csv would think that a file was text/x-java ?00:27
Halexander9000ActionParsnip: Thanks again.00:27
mentaloverallias, yes radeon00:27
plantian1but on another system, that i scp'ed it from, it reads text/plain ?00:27
ActionParsniplrojas: wget https://dl.google.com/linux/direct/google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb; sudo dpkg -i ./google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb; rm ./google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb; sudo apt-get -f install00:27
ralliaslrojas, Google chrome, the first result shows a google website. Download the .deb file it provides, and it will automatically make a sources.list.d item.00:28
ralliasmentalove, Have you tried a different miner? For one thing, java isn't going to give you optimal results. For another, it appears to be the miner itself.00:28
ActionParsniplrojas: the deb also adds the google repo so it will update when the reop gets updated00:28
lrojasrallias, i want to use a PPA, to facilitate updating and package managing00:29
lrojasso is better to install using the .deb?00:29
ralliaslrojas, Yes. It will provide automatic updates00:29
ActionParsniplrojas: its the easiest way00:29
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ActionParsniplrojas: the open source chromium-browser is in the default repos and doesn't have the tracking stuff in00:30
lrojasthanks, it was very confusing because i saw instructions that wanted to install some libraries before installing the .deb, and  all the PPA instructions i could find where kind of old00:30
ralliasmentalove, Are you using a mac machine?00:30
lrojasActionParsnip, but isn't chrome more stable than chromiun + have the flash thing00:31
mentaloverallias, no im not on a mac lol00:32
ralliasmentalove, MMK. I'm unable to find a solution. Ultimately, I'd switch away from diablominer, just for the fact that it runs java, and java with gpu's is a PITFA.00:32
lrojasrallias, all i want chrome for is so i dont have to install flash00:33
mentaloverallias, okay thanks. i'll poke around a bit00:33
ralliaslrojas, You aren't going to get that on linux00:33
ZizooHey, my external HD is not mounting, nor showing up on fdisk, but it is clearly powered and showing up on lsusb with the proper name. How can I mount it?00:33
ralliaslrojas, Google doesn't package flash with chrome in linux distribution of its browser00:33
MrUnagiWhy is vnc so hard on Ubuntu :/00:34
ralliasMrUnagi, What problem are you having?00:34
d-buggerrallias: google does00:34
MrUnagiI cant connect to display :000:34
MrUnagiDisplay 000:34
lrojasrallias, if that's the case, why would anybody install chrome instead of chromiun?00:34
ralliasd-bugger, No. Google said they won't distribute adobe flash with the linux distribution of Google Chrome00:34
ralliaslrojas, Different theme, different featureset, knowledge that its being maintained by a familiar company?00:35
ActionParsniplrojas: no its just as stable00:35
=== timrc is now known as timrc-afk
ralliaslrojas, and people like my grandmother "What's chromium? Some sort of google chrome ripoff?"00:36
MrUnagirallias: And if I connect to display 1 there's nothing but wallpaper00:36
lrojasbut wait, i just read in PC world that Adobe is discontinuing flash for Linux and the only way to access flash would be through chrome...00:37
ZizooAny clues about why a an external HD wouldn't automount or show up on fdisk ("sudo fdisk -l"), but would show up on lsusb, or how I could fix that and mount?00:37
lrojasrallias, also, what is diferent?00:37
muktiAre there commands to increase and decrease the volume (from the terminal)?00:37
ralliaslrojas, Absolutely nothing is different. Adobe said they were making flash only compatible with one certain API on linux that only is implemented in Chromium and its derivitives.00:38
ActionParsniplrojas: the world will have moved to HTML5 by then, nobody will care00:38
muktior, are there commands for alsamixer that will increase/decrease volume?00:38
ralliaslrojas, Actually... there's a PDF viewer built into google chrome... that's it00:38
lrojasi see,  ok, so this is a non issue then...00:38
d-buggermukti: amixer set Master 70% unmute00:39
MrUnagiLike right now im connected to 5901 but it's just the wallpaper00:39
lrojasis it worth it, i mean chromiun, compared to Firefox ?00:39
ralliasActionParsnip, I hope so... people who insist flash is absolutely necessary just bug the crap out of me.00:39
ralliaslrojas, Depends. Is your CPU multi-core or single-core?00:40
d-buggermukti: Master is one of the devices. you'll have to find the names of them separately00:40
lrojasrallias, worst than flash are sites that require the microsoft thing... like netflix...00:40
ZizooI am in the right channel for Ubuntu support, am I not?00:40
Therion87Sliverlight lol00:40
Therion87What crap00:40
ralliasZizoo,  you are00:40
lrojasrallias, how do i check?00:40
ActionParsniprallias: I install minitube on every OS I setup now, makes life easier :)00:41
Therion87I use Firefox still tho I have Chromium installed00:41
ralliaslrojas, Is your computer slow or fast?00:41
MrUnagiHow do I start GDP on display 100:41
lrojasrelatively fast, is an i500:41
ralliaslrojas, You have multicore. In that case, I'd recommend chrome/chromium.00:42
ubottuGNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu up to 10.10 To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.00:42
* ActionParsnip wishes he had an i500:42
ZizooOk, well, my question's disappeared off the top again for me, so here we go again....00:42
ubottuA desktop environment is what "puts the pieces of a !GUI together". The available desktop environments in Ubuntu are !GNOME (ubuntu-desktop), !KDE (kubuntu-desktop), !Xfce (xubuntu-desktop), IceWM, !Fluxbox, WindowMaker (wmaker), FVWM and others - See also !Flavors00:42
ralliasActionParsnip, Don't feel bad, I still run a p400:42
ActionParsniprallias: sempron am2 :)00:42
pgibrallias, at least you stay warm at night00:42
ZizooDoes anyone know why an external HD wouldn't automount or appear with fdisk, but would show up on lsusb? How can I mount it?00:42
MrUnagiGdm doesn't exist anymore?00:42
ActionParsniprallias: p4 is a great chip00:42
ActionParsnipMrUnagi: sure it does00:43
ralliaspgib, my PS3 helps with that as well. IKR?00:43
ActionParsnip!info gdm oneiric | MrUnagi00:43
ubottuMrUnagi: gdm (source: gdm): GNOME Display Manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0.4-0ubuntu11 (oneiric), package size 1690 kB, installed size 7392 kB00:43
MrUnagiI don't see it00:43
MrUnagiOk let me back up00:43
ActionParsnipMrUnagi: its in the universe repo00:43
KanerixIKR = I Know Rite00:43
MrUnagiI am vnc into display 1 but gnome isn't running00:43
MrUnagiHow do I start it for :100:43
ActionParsnipMrUnagi: what are you VNCing to achieve?00:43
ralliasZizoo, open it with nautilus?00:44
MrUnagiControl of the remote box00:44
ActionParsnipMrUnagi: but to achieve what on the remote box?00:44
gorgonzolahello peoples! i just updated to precise from oneiric, and now i'm getting hard locks everytime i try to boot the 3.2 kernel. any idea on how o go about reporting this bug?00:44
Zizoorallias, it doesn't appear.00:44
ralliasActionParsnip, Only to a dreamer.00:44
MrUnagiWhatever I cant do via cli00:44
ActionParsnipgorgonzola: ask in #ubuntu+1 for Precise support please00:44
ralliasZizoo, Its possible that your specific usb device isn't compatible with linux...00:44
ralliasBTW, when is 12.04 coming out?00:45
ActionParsnipMrUnagi: I bet you can do nearly everything fast via not using vnc00:45
ActionParsniprallias: end of the month00:45
ZizooI could swear I'd used it before from linux.... I'll try seeing if gparted sees it.00:45
ralliasActionParsnip, Oh, so I could have beaten the crowd even if I procrastinated?00:45
MrUnagiI would just feel better if I had vnc control00:45
gorgonzolaActionParsnip, i'm already there. but my question is more general, ie, is there any way to save the kernel buffer if the kernel is locking up before initializing anything?00:45
ActionParsnipgorgonzola: your quesion is regarding Precise which isn't supported here until release day00:46
gorgonzolaActionParsnip or more simply, how do i report bugs in the kernel boot process?00:46
ActionParsnip!bug | gorgonzola00:46
ubottugorgonzola: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.00:46
ralliasZizoo, I've had similar problems with android... it has to do with the USB read/write permissions.00:46
ActionParsnipMrUnagi: install openssh-server and you can connect securely to your home folder and manipulate your files without problem00:46
MrUnagiExcept when there are problems00:47
gorgonzolaActionParsnip ... a simple "i have no idea" would have been helpful. i know how to file bugs, i need to know how to o something needed for the bug report.00:47
ActionParsnipgorgonzola: the bot told you00:47
ZizooThank you, but I think I fixed it. It started showing up in fdisk as soon as I accessed it from gparted for some unfathomable reason.00:47
ActionParsnipgorgonzola: or ask in #ubuntu+100:47
MrUnagiIs gdm not the default desktop manager anymore?00:48
ActionParsnipMrUnagi: no, lightdm is00:48
gorgonzolaActionParsnip dude. you are not reading my question. this is not a question about ubuntu+1. this is a uestion about filing bugs, but not a general type of question. the question is: how do i produce error reports to include in the bug that i alredy know how to fill that occurs in the kernel boot process00:48
MrUnagiSo how does one start lightdm on :100:48
ActionParsnipgorgonzola: ubuntu-bug linux     should kick off the process00:49
gorgonzolaActionParsnip, in other words, does anyone here know how to save kernel boot messages? bootlogd is not working either, as the error occurs before it gets started.00:49
gorgonzolaok, i'm off to filing a rather useless bug report, or resorting to taking screenshots of the screen. sory if i sounded rude, thanks for your time.00:50
ActionParsnipgorgonzola: /var/log/dmesg*  maybe, one may be the last boot, the guys managing the bugs can advise how to get what they need00:50
=== _donvito is now known as donvito
snap_Hey there, does anyone know if there is a way to get dmraid to construct a raid with disks missing, the way mdadm can?00:50
gorgonzolaActionParsnip, yeah, i guess i'll file it as is, and then see how to produce errors. i just thougth that  was a rather common thing.00:50
ActionParsnipgorgonzola: that's what I was getting at :). Remember Ubuntu's target audience :D00:51
MrUnagiLightdm :1?00:51
gorgonzolaBeleive me, if he target audience updates heir machine and the only thing it gets is  blinking capslock, they will freak out for sure. i did :S00:52
gorgonzolasppecially now that grub2 is booting default options automatically00:52
MrUnagiOr if I can figure out vnc to display 0 then I wouldn't care about display 100:52
Bndr5hi @ll00:54
Bndr5someone know why this error and how to solve ?  W: Duplicate sources.list entry http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/ lucid/partner Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.canonical.com_ubuntu_dists_lucid_partner_binary-i386_Packages) !!!!00:54
ralliashow do I turn something from an init.d thing to a service thing?00:56
Bndr5rallias,  service init.d start/reboot00:57
KanerixBndr5, well, it looks like there's a duplicate entry in the file it mentioned00:57
Kanerixremove the duplicate and it'll probably stop complaining00:57
escott!upstart | rallias if you want to convert to upstart job look at the other upstart jobs00:57
Bndr5Kanerix, and how can i remove the duplicate ?00:57
ubotturallias if you want to convert to upstart job look at the other upstart jobs: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/00:57
Bndr5i see this  W: Duplicate sources.list entry http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/ lucid/partner Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.canonical.com_ubuntu_dists_lucid_partner_binary-i386_Packages)00:57
=== cesar_ is now known as Guest84802
KanerixBndr5, edit the file in vim, then find the duplicate line, and hit "dd"00:58
spacecase-25can anyone help me rebuild my xorg.conf file?  I n00b'd hard and deleted it, no backup.  managed to get xserver running again with "X -configure" but the screen isn't configured correctly.  Anyway to get back to what was generated by the installer (without reinstalling)?00:58
Kanerixthen save it by typing :wq!00:58
Bndr5Kanerix, in gedit ?00:58
KanerixI did say vim00:58
escottspacecase-25, there is no xorg.conf unless you used nvidia drivers00:59
Kanerixin gedit, just delete the line00:59
Bndr5i can try00:59
Kanerixyou have to be root00:59
Kanerixso use sudo00:59
MrUnagiOk fine.....let's do it this way.....how do I fix invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character (84) errors00:59
snap_escott: ati drivers generate one aswell00:59
spacecase-25I'm using ati drivers00:59
KanerixMrUnagi, I don't know, sorry00:59
MrUnagiKanerix: Do you know how to start lightdm on display :101:00
MrUnagiOr vnc to display :001:00
MrUnagiSigh display 001:00
KanerixVNC is usually 5900 + display number01:00
Bndr5Kanerix, i dont find the duplicated01:00
Kanerix5901 should be :101:00
MrUnagiBut there is nothing on :101:01
Bndr5I dont find this /archive.canonical.com_ubuntu_dists_lucid_partner_binary-i38601:01
snap_spacecase-25: aticonfig --initial should set up a basic one01:01
escottMrUnagi, you would have to have permissions to draw to display :0 but if you export DISPLAY=:0 and then start the vnc server that should work01:01
MrUnagiHow do you export : p01:01
escottMrUnagi, "export DISPLAY=:001:02
Kanerixthat's a command01:02
MrUnagiSo !! Then vnc server?01:02
Kanerixexport DISPLAY=:001:02
Kanerixrun that01:02
Kanerixrun the vnc server01:03
Kanerixlike escott said01:03
MrUnagiThat's what I said lol !! && vncserver01:04
MrUnagiWon't let me connect01:04
MrUnagiVncserver started on :301:04
Kanerixexport DISPLAY=:301:04
Kanerixalso make sure your firewall ain't blocking it01:05
escottMrUnagi, after export DISPLAY=:0 does running "xclock" start a clock on display 001:05
MrUnagiDisplay :3 won't have anything on it01:05
ozzloysomeone say my name01:06
MrUnagiDoes it matter if :O is at the log in screen01:06
MrUnagi: p01:06
MrUnagi: 001:06
ozzloyLogan_, thanks.  didn't work.01:06
MrUnagiescott: I cant see display 0 to tell01:07
MrUnagiBut when I ran xclock it says it ant open display :001:07
escottMrUnagi, ok. then you may not have permissions to draw to that display01:08
MrUnagiWhy wouldn't I01:08
escottMrUnagi, because you havent configured yourself to. Are you the same user? Have you exported an XAUTHORITY variable to point to the xauth file if its not in ~/.xauthority?01:09
MrUnagiI don't know what any of that means01:10
Kanerixugh I hate xauth stuff01:10
MrUnagiWhy is vnc so hard on ubuntu01:10
MrUnagiI cant vnc to 0 but I can vnc to 101:11
MrUnagiBut that does nothing for me01:11
MrUnagiHow can I start lightdm on :101:12
spacecase-25no luck with that rebuild... xserver wouldn't start and the conf file didn't look anything like the original one01:12
MrUnagiinvalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character (84) errors how does one fix this01:14
ActionParsnipBndr5: http://pastie.org/377170701:15
Bndr5ActionParsnip, ohh. thanks !01:16
Bndr5im checking...01:16
MrUnagiSo.....vnc to : 0.......start lightdm on :1....... Or fix invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character (84) errors01:16
MrUnagiOne of those three would help01:17
twoten210I have no sound from my xubuntu 11.10 install01:18
MrUnagiTotally would ease some stress01:18
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ActionParsniptwoten210: what is the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh && ./alsa-info.sh01:19
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escott!attitude | MrUnagi, it would also help if you answered my earlier question. "are you the same user starting vnc, as who started the display on :0"01:20
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ActionParsnipMrUnagi: or abandon vnc and use sleeker methods :)01:20
MrUnagiActionParsnip: Which is why there is option 301:21
MrUnagiescott: Display 0 is probably at a logininvalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character (84) errorsscreen01:21
MrUnagiLogin screen01:21
savrI am using an uefi laptop01:22
teligard2_Hi all01:22
MrUnagiSo if there is a sleek method I am all ears01:22
pooltablehelp it there a way to password a folder ?01:22
savrdoes ubuntu support installing by default on uefi?01:22
ActionParsnipMrUnagi: to do what?01:22
savrnon mac01:22
MrUnagiTo fix invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character (84) errors01:22
teligard2_Any ideas why I can't get audio to play with xbmcbuntu 11.10 installed?01:22
escottMrUnagi, so lightdm owns the display, and you might want to run xauth as root to enable access to that display. I'm not sure what is the recommended configuration01:22
ActionParsnippooltable: if you set your user as owner and give no other users access then your user password will be the password to acess the folder01:22
ActionParsnipMrUnagi: In what context?01:23
MrUnagiRsync, cp01:23
teligard2_I have 2 audio devices listed; an HDMI audio and an analog audio (I'm trying to use the analog audio)01:23
ActionParsnipteligard2_: xbmcbuntu isn't supported here01:23
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scar3crowquestion: best tv viewer?01:24
ActionParsnipscar3crow: none and all01:24
ActionParsnipscar3crow: there is no single best solution for anything01:24
MrUnagiActionParsnip: These won't rsync or cp over01:24
scar3croweasiest to configure...\01:24
L3topProbably mythbuntu01:25
L3topif you are in the US01:25
ActionParsnipMrUnagi: if you have nautilus, you can connect to SSHFS and copy that way. Is that sufficient or do you need the rsync features in the copy?01:26
ChaoticanarchyXhi all, can anyone help me with compiling a game file?01:26
ActionParsnipscar3crow: tvtime isn't bad01:26
MrUnagiI just need the files copied over....all I have is Ssg01:26
scar3crowActionParsnip: k01:26
pooltableActionParsnip there is only one user me01:27
MrUnagiIm trying to vnc so I can use nautilus to copy them01:27
ActionParsnipMrUnagi: nautilus can connect to the ssh server. You have an SFTP server as well when you installed openssh-server ;)01:27
ActionParsnipMrUnagi: do you have nautilus on the client system?01:27
lrojashi guys, i just installed vim-gtk on a fresh ubuntu 11.10  install.... but when i go to sash home, and search for gvim is not there...01:27
twoten210ActionParsnip: I dl'ed the alsa-info file but it runs with a dozen errors on the first 10 lines01:27
ActionParsnipMrUnagi: is it a Linux based OS?01:27
ActionParsnippooltable: then where is the issue, protecting the files from yourself?01:28
lrojasanybody knows why i can launch it from command line but not from dash home?01:28
ActionParsnipMrUnagi: doesn't it have an SFTP client?01:28
pooltableActionParsnip well i do not wish my kids to read it01:28
arandlrojas: Is it not called simply "vim" ?01:29
lrojasi tried that too... not finding it01:29
ActionParsnippooltable: then give them their own account, then they won't get sudo access etc either..01:29
ChaoticanarchyXanyone know how to compile Rise of the Triad?01:29
ActionParsniptwoten210: can you pastebin the command and the text it outputs please01:29
savrdoes ubuntu support installing by default on uefi? non mac01:29
ChaoticanarchyXor point me in the direction to compiling it?01:29
ActionParsnipChaoticanarchyX: now that's a blast from the past01:29
pooltableActionParsnip ok so no way to do it now01:30
escottsavr, install grub-efi and you should be fine01:30
A-KO|lptphow do I set up identd?01:30
MrUnagiIs there just not a way to start lightdm on display 101:30
ActionParsnippooltable: not that I know of, maybe others can help. I suggest you make a username for each user though.01:30
ChaoticanarchyXyesa, i found a copy at my local Savers (2nd hand store) and want to get it up and going. got it working on my DS and now i want it on the big screen xD01:30
savrescott, from windows? cause I can't boot into ubuntu01:30
escottsavr, what happens when you try to boot the livecd/usb01:31
ShawnRiskhow do I locate Rhythmbox Music Player and add this to the desktop as a shortcut?01:31
savrescott, it works ;)01:31
gio333is it normal to have a CPU Pentium M 1.7 running on 100% when I am using Lubuntu ?01:31
MrUnagiThat's really all I want to do, start a dm on display 101:32
escottsavr, so.... where does the problem begin? Do you need help chrooting in?01:32
ChaoticanarchyXIve installed it from the Ubuntu software center and even downloaded the files from the developer website but i am still very new to linux when i comes to compiling and such01:32
MrUnagiIs this not possible?01:32
savrescott, I have installed and can't boot in after installation01:33
MrUnagiHow do you start lightdm01:34
escottsavr, ok start the livecd, and then you can chroot in and install grub-efi01:34
MrUnagi...2 hours I have been fighting this.....ridiculous01:35
pooltableActionParsnip will this work ?01:35
pooltableActionParsnip will this work ? http://www.knowledgesutra.com/discuss/tppsst-lock-folder-application.html01:35
savrescott, should the installer installed it automatically or offer me the choice?01:35
ActionParsnippooltable: try it on a dummy folder, to test01:35
gorgonzolaActionParsnip, FYI, if any other peep comes along with a similar question, it seems we have pretty thorough how-tos on reporting esoteric kernel bugs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingKernelBoot01:35
MrUnagiIt's like I have to ask the question the right way01:35
ActionParsnip!info rott01:35
escottsavr, efi is fairly cutting edge there will be some growing pains01:35
ActionParsnipgorgonzola: nice :)01:36
MrUnagiHow do I start lightdm on display :1......why is there nothing on the screen when I vnc to 5901......01:36
ChaoticanarchyXActionParsnip In terminal01:36
savrescott, so not yet?01:36
twotenActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/Jt8BBesP01:36
ActionParsnipChaoticanarchyX: you don't need to compile it, you just need to put the game files in the right place01:37
MrUnagiWhy is vnc so hard on ubuntu01:37
avdeveloperDoes anyone know a good program for screen sharing like the feature on Skype?01:37
MrUnagiDoes the remote ubuntu have to be logged in to vnc to display :001:37
ActionParsniptwoten: what is the output of:  sudo apt-get install pastebinit; clear; pastebinit /etc/lsb-release01:37
avdeveloperI don't think Skype for Linux has that feature yet01:37
ChaoticanarchyXActionParsnip what directory would be the right place>01:38
MrUnagiDo none of those questions have an answer01:38
ShawnRiskseems no one can help me01:38
escottsavr, not yet what?01:38
MrUnagiShawnRisk: I feel your pain01:38
ActionParsnipChaoticanarchyX: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=62447401:39
avdeveloperI didn't see your question ShawnRisk01:39
ActionParsnipChaoticanarchyX: all I'm doing is websearching01:39
savrescott, ubuntu doesn't install grub-efi with the installer?01:39
ShawnRiskhow do I locate Rhythmbox Music Player and add this to the desktop as a shortcut?01:39
escottShawnRisk, what you want to do is symlink to the executable01:39
ActionParsnipShawnRisk: copy the file for /usr/share/applications   to the desktop01:40
ActionParsnipShawnRisk: *from01:40
MrUnagiHow do I start lightdm on display :1......why is there nothing on the screen when I vnc to 5901......Does the remote ubuntu have to be logged in to vnc to display 001:40
twotenActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/925808/01:41
escottsavr, it might not since efi is brand new, but if you chroot in you can install it01:41
fall0utis dmraid broken on the 12.04 installer?01:41
savrso you don't know escott ?01:41
ActionParsniptwoten: strange how the script dodn't get that.01:42
ActionParsnipfall0ut: ask in #ubuntu+1 please01:43
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MrUnagiHow does one fix invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character (84) errors01:43
avdeveloperI enabled remote Viewing on my box01:43
avdeveloperhow do I let someone outside my LAN to view it?01:43
ActionParsniptwoten: are you trying to use HDMI audio?01:43
twoten210ActionParsnip: the script put out a bunch of errors like "{{" not found01:43
avdevelopermy screen*01:43
twoten210er [[01:43
ActionParsnip!vnc | avdeveloper01:44
escottsavr, if you boot the livecd and chroot in you could install grub-efi01:44
ActionParsnipavdeveloper: be sure to use the SSH tunnel01:44
avdevelopernot vnc?01:44
avdeveloperis there any application I can just install?01:44
ActionParsnipadvanxer: yes, vnc through an SSH tunnel01:44
MrUnagiavdeveloper: Vnc is impossible on ubuntu it seems01:44
twoten210ActionParsnip: yes hdmi01:44
avdeveloperso the remote viewing that's built in is only for remote viewing within LAN01:44
savrescott, I know this... I just want to know if everyone must do this or just some people with efi01:44
ActionParsniptwoten210: I've no experience of that, my sound troubleshooting ability is poor01:44
ShawnRiskthanks worked01:45
twoten210ActionParsnip: your hilarious01:45
ActionParsniptwoten210: keep that link though, it'll be useful for future asking :)01:45
ActionParsniptwoten210: 'you're'  ;)01:45
MrUnagiI think im being ignored now01:46
MrUnagiIm not sure why though01:46
twoten210ActionParsnip: I'll look carefully at the script output - thanks for your help!01:46
ActionParsnipMrUnagi: if nobody can answer then you'll get taht01:46
MrUnagi4 questions with no answers to them......that's impressive :)01:46
MrUnagiYou'd think I was solving mysteries of the universe01:47
escottsavr, i dont know01:47
escottMrUnagi, the bad attitude doesn't help much. its def. why i'm going to add you to my ignore list01:48
ActionParsnipMrUnagi: install an sftp client on yuor phone, much easier01:48
MrUnagiSftp won't connect01:48
ActionParsnipMrUnagi: should connect to port 22, assuming you have openssh-server installed01:48
MrUnagiI imagine sftp wouldn't work anyway01:48
ActionParsnipMrUnagi: so you haven't tried?01:48
MrUnagiIf I cant cp or rsync why would sftp work01:48
pooltableActionParsnip did not work01:49
ActionParsnipMrUnagi: its a different app. Worth a try01:49
MrUnagiIf I could get it to connect01:49
Orbyjust updated nvclock on 11.10 64bit, now when i try and use nvclock it just segfaults and doesnt give any points as to why.. any ideas please01:49
wifioregonhi. Whats an irc client that handles file sharing that works on ubuntu? Thanks01:50
gnychishas anyone gotten Beta 2 to work in vmware fusion?01:51
bkerensawifioregon: ?01:52
ActionParsnipwifioregon: handles file sharing in what way?01:52
Logan_wifioregon: As in DCC?01:52
ActionParsnipwifioregon: do you mean receving files from users?01:52
MrUnagiOmg this is going to take forever01:52
ActionParsnipwifioregon: pidgin does that01:52
wifioregonLogan_: Yea I want to send a file to a buddy. Okay thanks.01:53
BioBunyis this the room noob can ask their questions with out being flamed?01:53
Logan_BioBuny: Yep. :-)01:53
ActionParsnipBioBuny: as long as its ubuntu support related it's fine :)01:53
bkerensawifioregon: on a side note I see your a Oregonian... Feel free to PM me for info on the Ubuntu Oregon LoCo01:53
BsimsBioBuny:  whats da problem01:54
avdeveloperok it was pretty simpl01:54
avdeveloperto get the VNC to work01:54
KM0201is ubottu taking the night off?01:54
BioBunyok. my ubuntu does come with screen saver installed in the start up.. how do I do that?01:54
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Logan_KM0201: Connection problems.01:54
avdeveloperwhat program should a mac user use to view my screen on ubuntu01:54
KM0201Logan_: ah ok01:54
ActionParsnipBioBuny: http://www.liberiangeek.net/2011/10/enable-screensavers-in-ubuntu-11-10-oneiric-ocelot/01:55
escottavdeveloper, vnc01:55
BioBunythax action01:55
BsimsBioBuny:  its under monitor in setup for some amazing reason at on kde01:55
MrUnagiSftp wont work01:55
Logan_avdeveloper: http://www.teamviewer.com/ is quite easy to set up (cross-platform).01:55
Logan_avdeveloper: VNC works too, but it requires more involved work.01:55
jamjamdo you know any guide on clustering x86_64 computers using ubuntu?01:56
gio333my Pentium M 1,7 GHz CPU runs 100% at Lubuntu. This mustn't be normal . Right ?01:56
MrUnagiDoes the remote ubuntu have to be logged in to vnc to display : 0.....why is there nothing on the screen when I vnc to :1.......how can I start lightdm on :1......01:56
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ActionParsnipgio333: run:  top    what is the highest?01:57
ActionParsnipgio333: what video chip do you use?01:58
jamjam@gio333 install htop to help you determine whats causing high cpu usage >> http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/using-htop-to-monitor-system-processes-on-linux/01:58
scientes+1 for htop02:01
gio333I have the task manager open02:02
scienteshtop is the only system monitor that doesn't eat CPU02:02
gio333and it tells me that firefox is running 44 %02:02
gio333how to run htop?02:02
scientesgio333, install it02:02
scientesgio333, and then run it02:02
_klk_hi all, i'm having trouble getting my machine running ubuntu server 12.04 to connect to a wireless network02:03
scientesdespite being in the termianl, it support mouse02:03
_klk_i'm new to this setup and could use some help02:03
ActionParsnipgio333: top is in the default install. Firefox will chew your CPU to bits02:03
gio333look is it possible to have lubuntu 11.10 a chromium open with 2 tabs of youtube and not to be at 100% the pentium M 1.7 GHZ ?02:04
ActionParsnip_klk_: ask in #ubuntu+1 for Precise help02:04
_klk_ActionParsnip: thanks02:04
scientesgio333, flash is a really badly performing app02:04
scientesit will eat your battery02:04
gio333scientes:I dont care about the battery , I care about the CPU02:05
scientesgio333, its basically the same02:05
jamjam@gio333 you can limit your cpu usage though..02:06
BioBunythank you I'll see if that works02:06
scientesgio333, basic fact also is that video decoding is very heavy02:06
scientesgio333, use htop and up the nice of the flash process, so it doesn't stop other things02:06
k_szeFrom a terminal in Ubuntu (or any Linux, actually), is it possible to tell what version of SMB (Server Message Block) is supported by a remote host? Let's assume I don't know what operating system is installed on the remote host, I only know that I can mount its SMB shares.02:08
gio333jamjam:what do you mean limit mycpu usage?02:08
jamjam@gio333 I think this guide can help you, Set maximum CPU consumption in percentage by any process  >> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=99270602:08
scientesyuck on that jamjam, nice is far better02:09
jamjam@gio333 flash is really heavy on cpu.02:09
scientesbut yeah flash sucks ass02:09
pangolinscientes, Please mind your language02:09
blackmatrix_nyhi...where do I configure to make my ipod in disk mode...ubuntu 10.0402:10
gio333scientes: what do you mean nice the flash ?02:10
scientesgio333, use htop, and hit F8 on the flash process02:10
scientesgio333, man renice02:10
gio333scientes: what is nice?02:10
scientes^^see man renice02:10
BioBunywho here is well verse in the simple LightDm manager?02:11
BioBunyit seems like a easy program.. but it's not working02:11
kamal77whats up02:11
MrUnagiBioBuny: Yea im trying to figure out howto start it on display :102:11
gio333scientes : what is renice?02:11
scientesgio333, type "man renice" into the terminal02:12
BioBunyI ran it, and now  I have zero start up splash screen.. grr02:12
scientesMrUnagi, DISPLAY=:1 application02:12
MrUnagiSo DISPLAY=:1 lightdm start?02:13
kamal77fuc k02:13
scientesMrUnagi, no, do you even know what you are trying to do?02:13
scientesi dont think DISPLAY is it02:13
BioBunyits a GUI MrUnagi02:14
LTB_Hey guys! Is there a way to make the "chmod 777" command affect everything in an entire file? I'd have to have to do the command 700 times...02:14
MrUnagiYes, get a working desktop environment on display :102:14
scientesMrUnagi, you mean a second one?02:14
MrUnagiSince i cant vnc 5900.....yes02:14
usr13LTB_: -R  --recursive02:14
LTB_usr13: does it matte at what point in the command?02:14
jamjamI think it's reasonable, because he's asking not to be at 100% the pentium M 1.7 GHZ02:15
usr13MrUnagi: You may have to do export DISPLAY=:1.102:15
scientesjamjam there is nothing wrong with 100%02:15
usr13LTB_: What?02:15
escottLTB_, you should be asking why you want to do that. is 777 really correct?02:15
ActionParsnipgio333: try arora instead02:15
LTB_usr13: so "sudo chmod 777 foldername -R"?02:15
ActionParsnipgio333: or midori02:15
LTB_Isn't 777 for read,write,execute?02:15
escottLTB_, for anyone and everyone who has any form of access to that computer yes02:16
scientesLTB_, usr13 chmod 777 is like "..wait im not going to make such a nauty analogy02:16
usr13LTB_: sudo chmod -R 777 /dir/name   #to change files adn directories recursively02:16
MrUnagiusr13: What does that do02:16
LTB_usr13: cheers! Well, ok, what would you suggest then? If I only want read, write02:16
usr13LTB_: sudo chmod -R 777 /dir/name/*   #to change files adn directories recursively02:16
jribLTB_: 777 is never the answer :/02:16
scientes777 is like alias for slutty02:17
LTB_jrib: haha, I'm the only one using this computer:D02:17
LTB_Apart from people hacking it I suppose02:17
usr13MrUnagi: I am late in the conversation and really dont' know what you are tring to do...02:17
ActionParsnipjrib: +102:17
gio333@ActionParsnip midori and arora are distos ?02:17
ActionParsnipgio333: no, web browsers02:17
LTB_I started Linuxing about 12 weeks ago, so... pretty new at this:)02:17
ActionParsnipgio333: designed to be light02:17
usr13LTB_: sudo chmod -R +rw02:18
escottLTB_, even if its just you, you should be prepared in case at some point in the future you do need to give someone else access. for your files you want 750 for directories and 640 for files (or something along those lines)02:18
LTB_Alright, trying usr13's suggestion02:18
LTB_Hang on!02:18
LTB_"recursive" means "entire folder" of some kind or?:p02:19
usr13LTB_:  escott makes a good point.02:19
scientesLTB_, yeah either 4 or 0 for that last bit (also, maybe 5 in some cases)02:19
MrUnagiusr13: I just want to vnc my ubuntu box02:19
gio333what is mount.ntfs that runs at htop?02:19
usr13LTB_: recursive means entire folder and all folders thereafter, (so be careful).02:19
gio333it takes 40%02:19
MrUnagiusr13: I cant connect to 5900.....vncserver starts on 5901....but there is no desktop manager running02:20
usr13MrUnagi: And you want to run a GUI app. and see it on server?  (or client?)02:20
LTB_That made me feel like a pro hacker rofl02:20
ActionParsnipgio333: guess02:20
FloodBot1LTB_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:20
LTB_I did the "777" without thinking02:20
LTB_How do I undo that02:20
MrUnagiusr13: I want the desktop to show02:20
MrUnagiThe desktop manager02:20
usr13MrUnagi: If you want it to be seen on the server,   export DISPLAY=:0.002:20
MrUnagiI tried DISPLAY=:002:21
MrUnagiDidn't do anything02:21
usr13MrUnagi: Then just do vnc session.  vncviewer 192.168.x.xx02:21
gio333@ActionParsnip Ok , man I know that ntfs is a file system . And usually windows file system but what does it need from windows?02:21
MrUnagiIm not on linux on the client02:21
usr13MrUnagi: tightvnc is cross platform02:22
MrUnagiI cant connect to : 002:22
MrUnagiVnc server starts on :102:22
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usr13MrUnagi: You don't need to specify DISPLAY in a vnc session.  (That is for ssh session, and you would need to haev Xforwarding enabled in openssh-server02:23
MrUnagi5900 won't connect because vncserver starts on 590102:24
usr13MrUnagi: I don't know what vncserver you are using but you might try x11vnc02:24
vevaisI removed OpenJDK and installed Sun-Java6-JDK, but a "java -version" still gives me this:02:25
vevaisOpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.11pre) (6b23~pre11-0ubuntu1.11.10.2)02:25
vevaisOpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.0-b11, mixed mode)02:25
vevaisWhat am I doing wrong?02:25
usr13MrUnagi: And I don't know what client you are using but you might try tightvnc02:25
MrUnagiI've tried x11vnc and I cant get it to work02:25
MrUnagiTightvncserver only will start on 590102:25
usr13MrUnagi: x11vnc -forever02:25
usr13MrUnagi: It works... I use it all the time.02:26
MrUnagiusr13: Does the remote ubuntu machine have to be logged in02:26
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MrUnagiNone of this makes sense02:27
usr13Because there needs to be an Xserver running.  There needs to be an Xservession to connect to.02:27
MrUnagiWhy can I connect to :1 just fine02:27
usr13MrUnagi: Maybe you should start over.  What exactly are you trying to do?02:27
MrUnagiI just want to vnc into my remote ubuntu02:28
usr13MrUnagi: How remote is it?02:28
MrUnagi600 miles02:28
usr13(Is it on the same network)?02:28
Pinkamena_DHello, i am running a server with ubuntu server on it 11.10. Every time i start it i have to go to grub and change the "splash quiet" to "nomodeset" or it boots to a black screen. How can i make this change perma so it boots ok by iteslf02:28
ant0neomy browser and clients freeze and darken (dim) when using my machine any ideas?02:28
usr13MrUnagi: Oh, ok.  Well you prolly need teamviewer or something like that.02:28
MrUnagiWhy is vnc so hard on ubuntu02:29
usr13MrUnagi: Unless you have outside IP for the server end.02:29
linuxmanTightvnc is easy to install02:29
MrUnagiI have access to the machine02:29
usr13MrUnagi: Vnc is not hard on Ubuntu.02:29
escottPinkamena_D, modify /etc/default/grub and run update-grub02:29
MrUnagiMy questions seem impossible to answer02:29
usr13MrUnagi: Ok then, it will work.02:29
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MrUnagiIt doesn't02:29
usr13MrUnagi: Ask it and see.02:29
usr13MrUnagi: Ask your question.02:30
MrUnagiIf I have to be logged in on the remote machine.....why can I connect to :102:30
Pinkamena_Dok, thanks02:30
usr13MrUnagi: You should be able to.  I don't know why not.02:30
tjr-I'm stuck on an install because it requires a module "but it is not installable".  Ala bugs 909880 and 976509.  Is there any guidance for getting more info about the failing package or working around the problem?02:30
Pinkamena_Done more02:30
MrUnagiSould be able to what02:31
MrUnagiI can connect to :1 all day long but there is no window manager02:31
usr13MrUnagi: Connect via vnc02:31
MrUnagiI can to :102:31
MrUnagiNot to : 002:31
MrUnagiYou said I have to be logged in to vnc02:31
usr13MrUnagi: What vncserver software are you using?02:31
usr13MrUnagi: Read the man file.02:32
MrUnagiI have02:32
MrUnagiSeveral times02:32
Pinkamena_DI have had today a persistant crash of ubuntu that happens every time i transfer files over ftp from a client to the server that is running ubuntu. It happens about 20 or so seconds in to the transfer. I have been using the server for this purpose for many month but it just started now. What file would the crash log be saved in?02:32
MrUnagiIt says nothing of a window manager02:33
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usr13MrUnagi: man vncserver  &    man vncviewer02:33
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MrUnagiAnyone know how to start lightdm on display :102:33
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MrUnagiusr13: If you were just going to default to the man page why did you wasted time02:34
MrUnagiWaste my02:34
usr13MrUnagi: It works.  I don't knwo what else to tell you.  I already suggested using x11vnc, but you said you could not get it to work.  So be it, it's always worked for me.  I've used both (x11vnc and vncserver)  and they both work just fine.02:34
MrUnagiSo you are telling me,.....you can connect....even when yo arent logged in02:34
MrUnagiEven though you just said I have to be logged in02:34
collinjsimpsonIs there is a distinct security difference between 'sudo bash' and 'su'?02:35
escottcollinjsimpson, well su doesn't work on ubuntu by default, but both start a root shell. sudo -i is probably better than sudo bash02:35
scientescollinjsimpson, i recommend sudo su, or sudo -i, cause sudo bash doesn't not reset the environment variables right02:35
=== PBR_Shower is now known as PinballReviewer
usr13MrUnagi: Yes, the machine must be running and a user logged in.  I already told you that.02:36
sacarlsonMrUnagi: it depends on the vnc server like x11vnc server I think you can connect down to gdm login screen02:36
escottPinkamena_D, you mean your server crashes 20 seconds into an ftp transfer? like a kernel oops?02:36
MrUnagiSo then....it DOESN'T work for you02:36
L3top_sudo su has env carryover issues as well02:36
scientesL3top_, o sorry02:36
MrUnagisacarlson: It says it needs the file.......but even when I -auth......still doesn't work02:36
MrUnagiX11vnc maybe not compatible with lightdm?02:37
bazhangscientes, recommended method is sudo -i for a root shell02:37
usr13MrUnagi: sacarlson Well yes you can also connect and run a second (separate) session.  There is that option too, but something I don't use much.02:37
scientesbazhang, well i've used ancient distros that dont have sudo -i02:37
MrUnagiusr13: So then what's the point of a remote viewer that requires you to have physical access to the remote computer02:37
L3top_sudo -s ?02:37
bazhangscientes, understood02:37
bazhangL3top_, sure could do02:38
sacarlsonMrUnagi: you can also setup virtual frame buffers in x11vnc where the display is not seen on the server at all02:38
Pinkamena_Dsorry for the long response02:38
usr13MrUnagi: I don't know what you mean by physical access to the remote computer, but what I said was that it has to be running and the Xserver running, otherwise you will need to just initiate secure shell session.  The choice is yours.02:38
Pinkamena_Dyes, a bunch of text that does not really seem to be one single error comes up on the screen and the num lock and caps lock blink constantly02:39
Pinkamena_D(and its frozen to all commands)02:39
MrUnagiusr13: How do you remotely start xserver02:39
MrUnagisacarlson: Which is stepping into things I don't know much about.....I can connect to :1 but there's no window manager02:39
usr13MrUnagi: If you don't have the vnc server running, you can initiate a secure shell in order to start the vnc server.  Right>>>>?02:39
sacarlsonMrUnagi: I did find this http://www.davelachapelle.ca/guides/ubuntu-tightvnc-server/02:40
escottPinkamena_D, you need to try and read that oops message and see what it says. you could try the sysreq magic keys to see if you can flush the logs to disk02:40
MrUnagiWhich I have done02:40
sacarlsonMrUnagi: wonder why they have this config start from display=1?02:40
MrUnagiVncserver wont run for : 002:40
MrUnagiOnly for :102:40
usr13MrUnagi: ssh MrUnagi@  #And then you can issue the command to start the vnc server of your choice.02:40
Pinkamena_Dso the crash message is not logged automatically? What keys do i have to hit exactly?02:41
MrUnagiWhich I have done02:41
sacarlsonMrUnagi: I wonder if that file was changed to point to display 0 what would happen?02:41
MrUnagiTightvncserver won't run for : 002:42
usr13MrUnagi: Then use x11vnc02:42
MrUnagiBoy you are helpful02:42
usr13MrUnagi: Its up to  you.  Use what is easiest.02:42
sacarlsonusr13: MrUnagi: ya or restart the one he now runs with a different config02:42
MrUnagiNone of then are02:42
escottPinkamena_D, ubottu seems to be AWOL In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key02:42
usr13scientes: You are correct. Yes02:42
MrUnagiX11 won't run likely because it is on the login screen02:43
Pinkamena_Douch, i can try that02:43
usr13sacarlson: But if he does not have the Xserver running on the server, he will not be able to conect to it.02:43
sacarlsonMrUnagi: you can also change the settings of the user to have it auto login at boot02:44
L3top_MrUnagi, the fact that someone is trying to help you is really quite kind... to suggest that they are wasting your time because you are not able to undertsand or make work what is made to work by them is very rude. It is not they who are wasting your time...02:44
MrUnagisacarlson: Isn't that bad security?02:45
sacarlsonusr13: yes with this tightvnc I think your correct and I'm not even sure about x11vnc on the new versions of ubuntu02:45
sacarlsonMrUnagi: why is someone in your house going to access your computer?02:45
usr13sacarlson: Yes, if he does not have a user logged into the Xserver, he's better off to use tightvnc (vncserver).02:46
KM0201MrUnagi: you know, there's a linux(and windows) appt hat is free called Teamviewer, i tmight do what you want w/ a LOT less headache02:46
L3top_and mac for that matter02:46
MrUnagiKM0201: That requires local access02:46
L3top_It does not02:46
KM0201MrUnagi: if you say so02:46
MrUnagiHow do I get the log in numbers02:46
L3top_You set a permanent one02:47
L3top_the id never changes02:47
MrUnagiIf I cant see it how do I set it02:47
L3top_you set a persistent login pass as complicated as you like02:47
MrUnagiFrom terminal?02:47
usr13On the server, you dould do    vncserver :102:47
MrUnagiusr13: :1 has no dm02:48
L3top_I have not backread to see your xserver issue... have you used ssh -X ?02:48
usr13On the clinet, you would do   vncviewer 192.168.1.x:102:48
MrUnagiusr13: I can successfully connect to :1 but there is no desktop manager02:49
usr13MrUnagi: Yea, you will just be in a Xserver with no dm02:49
MrUnagiHow do you start dm for :102:49
Pinkamena_Dhmm,tsting it running at 100 mbits full duplex instead of 1 gigabit it has not crashed yet02:49
usr13MrUnagi: I don't know. Don't think you can.02:49
Pinkamena_Dmaybe i need to clean the dust out of something?02:49
usr13MrUnagi: Do you really need a dm?02:49
sacarlsonMrUnagi: I wonder if you do a <ctr><alt>t if a term will pop up on your vnc client?02:50
Pinkamena_Dwow it slowed down to like no speed at all02:50
MrUnagiUnless you know how to fix rsync error 8302:50
mbeierlanyone ever played with kobo/adobe digital editions under Wine on Ubuntu?  ADE works, but I cannot get it to authorize my Kobo - it doesn't "see" the usb device attached.02:51
bazhangmbeierl, #winehq for particular apps after checking the appdb02:51
mbeierlbazhang: thanks.02:52
sacarlsonMrUnagi: what does rsync error 83 have to do with vnc?02:52
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bazhangah no bot02:52
MrUnagisacarlson: Everything02:52
MrUnagiI cant rsync or cp because of special characters02:52
usr13MrUnagi: What exactly are you needing to do?02:53
ActionParsnipmbeierl: i'd ask in #winehq02:53
ox1dehi! i have a problem i need some help with02:53
ox1dewhen i boot up i get the message:02:53
mbeierlActionParsnip: already there, thanks02:53
sacarlsonMrUnagi: special characters in the file name I take it?  still nothing to do with vnc but?02:53
ox1de"no init found"02:54
MrUnagiI have 133 files that won't cp or rsync because they have õ or ê02:54
ox1de"try passing init=boot"02:54
Pinkamena_Descott, i have just recreated the problem again02:54
MrUnagiNautilus might copy them over02:54
ox1decan somebody help me?02:54
usr13MrUnagi:  Can you create an archive and then transfer them?02:54
MrUnagiThey are in several different places02:55
MrUnagiIs there a way to take a list of their location and for loop them in?02:55
phantasmoholichow do i install ubuntu for android on my transformer prime tablet02:55
bazhangphantasmoholic, what is ubuntu for android02:57
ox1decan anybody help me???02:57
sacarlsonMrUnagi: show us the command line with this rsync in it that you attempt to do that creates this error02:57
MrUnagiusr13: Is there a way to take a list and for loop it into an archive02:57
Pinkamena_Di see alot of errors on the screen, the top one reads: [ 1555.515541] [<ffffffff812e41f4>] ? cfq_dispatch_request+0x64/0xa002:57
MrUnagiRsync -avz /foo /bar02:58
MrUnagiHang on02:58
usr13MrUnagi: Creating an archive of a directory may be what you want to do.  tar -czf Documents.tgz Documents/   #Will create a compressed file of the Documents/ directory.02:58
Pinkamena_Done is shifted over to the side like it might be important: "mwait_idle+0x95/0x210"02:59
MrUnagiSeems overkill for 133 mp3s02:59
ox1dehelp?! anybody???02:59
Pinkamena_Dbut i dont really think this kind of technical info is useful to most users02:59
usr13MrUnagi: Then, from the client just do scp MrUnagi@192.168.1.x:Documents.tgz .02:59
Pinkamena_Dthe keyboard shortcut did nothing02:59
bazhang!helpme | ox1de02:59
bazhangox1de, stop repeating every five seconds03:00
usr13MrUnagi: Or just ssh into the client and do:  tar -czf MP3s.tgz MP3s/03:01
ox1dewhat should i do baz?03:01
MrUnagiusr13: So there's no way to for loop specific ones?03:01
usr13MrUnagi: And then   scp MP3s.tgz  192.168.1.x:Music/03:01
MrUnagiFor I in cat list; do03:01
bazhangox1de, wait til you get a response. people see your issue and dont know the answer presently. so be patient03:01
usr13MrUnagi: Man tar.03:02
Pinkamena_Ddid that guy quit?03:02
escottPinkamena_D, thats a bit lower in the stack trace than is desirable, but its evidently oopsing somewhere in the VFS layer (in particular inside the cfq dispatch). what kind of hard drives do you have on this?03:02
Pinkamena_Dmy bad03:02
escottox1de, when did this start?03:03
usr13MrUnagi: You could also start up an ftp server on the server end and get 'em that way.03:03
Pinkamena_DTheir are two sata 2.5 inch 160gb ones and one SAS 2.5 inch 10k 72 gb all attached to the same SAS controller03:03
ox1dedo u want a full synopsis of the problem?03:03
Pinkamena_Di have tested the ftp transfer to each of the three with the same result03:03
MrUnagiTried it with sftp, that will tak forever03:03
escottPinkamena_D, maybe a bug in your raid controller then?03:04
escottPinkamena_D, assuming you are using RAID on a riser controller03:04
Pinkamena_Dactually its not a raid controller (suprisingly). Are you suggesting a hardware issue?03:04
escottox1de, i would boot the livecd and run an fsck on the root filesystem if you havent done that03:05
ox1dei dont have a livecd03:05
bazhangox1de, then download and burn one03:06
Pinkamena_Dthe server is an IBM xseries 366, the controller is "planar" (seemingly attached by two parallel PCI-X slots) their is a slot where you can put a RAID board, but i do not have one installed.03:06
usr13ox1de: Or usb03:06
escottPinkamena_D, its almost certainly a driver somewhere. either in the disk controller or in the ethernet controller, but based on your oops stacktrace it would seem to be the disk controller03:06
ox1dei have a usb flash03:06
usr13ox1de: There you go.03:06
ox1dewhere can i find the file to put on the usb?03:06
ox1deis there a way to fix it without the usb or livecd?03:07
escottox1de, follow the instructions at ubuntu.com03:07
Pinkamena_Di wonder why its just started when its been fine for month03:07
Pinkamena_Dbut i will look into the drivers for now03:07
escottPinkamena_D, you could try using an older kernel03:07
bazhangox1de, unetbootin to put the iso on there, or cat if it's 11.1003:08
escottPinkamena_D, at the grub menu select the older kernel and see if it is stable then03:08
usr13ox1de: unetbootin - installer of Linux/BSD distributions to a partition or USB drive03:08
MrUnagiAfter all of that I cant tar the mo3s for the same error03:08
persona24Hello, I downloaded Hulu Desktop (64 bit) and installed it and it won't open. What should I do?03:08
usr13MrUnagi: WHAT error?03:09
bazhangpersona24, installed from where and  how03:09
Pinkamena_Dok, i will try that03:09
MrUnagiInvalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character usr1303:09
persona24bazhang: the Hulu website03:09
ox1dewhich version of ubuntu should i put on the usb?03:09
bazhangpersona24, link please03:09
bazhangox1de, 11.1003:10
plustaxIm having a great deal of trouble installing gnome3 on my netbook running ubuntu. I also cant seem to get gparted installed so I can delete the windows partition on there. I have teamviewer, can anyone help me out real quick with these things?03:10
=== Xiol_ is now known as Xiol
persona24bazhang: http://www.hulu.com/labs/hulu-desktop-linux03:10
usr13ox1de: ...or what ever you have on-hand.03:10
xanguaplustax: gnome3 already comes in ubuntu oneiric 11.1003:10
plustaxxangua, It didnt come with mine! :(03:11
ox1deso which file am i to put on the usb? the ubuntu installer?03:11
xanguaplustax: are you using ubuntu oneiric¿03:11
plustaxhow do I check which version im running?03:11
bazhangHulu Desktop for Linux is currently built on Fedora 11 and Ubuntu 9.04 persona24 so it's an OS?03:11
plustaxI don't think its a network version O.o03:11
escottox1de, just follow the instructions at http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/download03:12
persona24bazhang: I'm using 11.0403:12
usr13MrUnagi: http://tuxera.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=108603:13
bazhangpersona24, is hulu desktop an OS?03:13
plustaxIm having a great deal of trouble installing gnome3 on my netbook running ubuntu. I also cant seem to get gparted installed so I can delete the windows partition on there. I have teamviewer, can anyone help me out real quick with these things?03:13
persona24An Operating System?03:13
bazhangplustax, which release of ubuntu03:13
plustaxbazhang, not sure, how do I check?03:14
plustaxim a bit noobish03:14
persona24bazhang: Oh! No, it's an app. Basically instead of going to the Hulu website you can stream on the app03:14
bazhangplustax, lsb_release -a in the terminal03:14
usr13MrUnagi: Why do you have files with weird characters?03:14
MrUnagiThey're not mine....but the chars are michael bublè and such03:15
bazhangpersona24, yet its built for an eol ubuntu 9.04 and not supported here. contact the Hulu forums I suppose03:15
plustaxahh im running 10.0403:15
bazhangplustax, theres no way to get gnome3 o n that03:15
persona24bazhang: Hmmm odd, it worked with my other machine running 11.0403:15
plustaxbazhang, im running 10.04. Could you link me to what I SHOULD be running on this netbook? has 1g of ram03:15
plustaxI would like a newer version on there03:16
bazhangplustax, 12.04 in a couple of weeks, you can in one step from 10.04 to 12.0403:16
plustaxwhat command do I type in terminal to update to the newest version for now?03:16
sacarlsonMrUnagi: I just ran a test with a dir ./this with the file tõêx.txt in it and the command rsync -avz ./this ./bar ;  and had no problem copying the directory03:16
plustaxIll upgrade to 12.04 later03:16
MrUnagiusr13: So it's just my terminal cant show Unicode03:16
bazhangplustax, it wont do it until it's released03:16
plustaxbazhang, so there isnt a command to go from 10 to 11?03:17
usr13MrUnagi: I suppose so.  (I've never had such a problem.)03:17
bazhangplustax, you go to 10.10, but then the one-step upgrade option is lost03:17
plustaxahhh okay. Well I want to wipe this thing anyways to get the win partition off of here. Mind linking me to the newest netbook version available?03:18
plustaxI tried finding it to no avail03:18
bazhangplustax, six month increments from 10.04 to 11.10 otherwise03:18
bazhangplustax, they're all netbook editions now03:18
ox1demy usb won't load... are you certain there isn't a way to fix the error without a usb or flash?03:18
escottplustax, netbook remix got folded into the main os03:18
plustaxLike, can you link me to the 11.10 netbook edition?03:18
ox1deor cd i mean03:18
drpDoes anyone know how support for 802.11n usb dongles is doing in 12.04?03:18
plustaxso if I DL 11.10 I can throw it on here with no issues then?03:18
ActionParsnipdrp: #ubuntu+1 please03:19
bazhangdrp as k in #ubuntu+103:19
drpAre there manufacturers or chipsets which are known to work well?03:19
bazhangplustax, sure03:19
plustaxbazhang, think itll work well? I only have a gig of ram.03:19
escottox1de, without knowing what the cause of the error is i can't say. the quickest way to figure out the actual error is... to boot a cd/usb.03:19
drpThanks guys/03:19
bazhangplustax, try the live cd or live usb would be my suggestion first though03:19
plustaxokay ill make a live usb03:19
ox1dewould you like me to post the full readout?03:20
plustaxbazhang, last question. Should I just grab the 12.04 beta or should I wait03:20
bazhangox1de, its not credible you burned the iso to usb that quickly03:20
ox1dewell my usb flash doesnt seem to load03:20
bazhangox1de, did you just drag and drop? or use unetbootin03:20
escottox1de, it can't find the initrd or something.... usually for boot issues i just get a liveusb, its never seemed worth the time to try and figure out how to fix something that wont boot03:21
bazhangplustax, still beta, up to you03:21
plustaxbazhang, is there any notable changes?03:22
jamjamis logging out w this fine? >> pkill -KILL -u $USER03:22
bazhangplustax, tons; /msg ubottu HUD and /join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support03:22
ox1de"no init found. try passing hte init= bootarg. - busybox v1.13.3 (ubuntu 1:1.13.3-1ubuntu) built-in shell (ash) - initramfs[3.064173: host added: IDbus[00:1023] Guid[000ae4aaaa27c398]"03:22
ox1dethats the readout03:22
bazhangox1de, how did the iso get on there; drap and drop or using the correct tools03:23
escottjamjam, its more than a little indiscriminant. better to gnome-session-quit or kill your session directly03:23
ox1dewhat do u mean?03:23
escottbazhang, i think thats his original error. i dont think he has burned a cd03:23
bazhangox1de, iso ----> usb    how03:24
bazhangescott, he says his usb wont boot03:24
plustaxbazhang, does the 12.04 beta 2 able to install with USB?03:24
bazhangplustax, sure. you could even dd it over. there are instructions for 11.10 on the ubuntu homepage that apply for 12.04 as well03:25
wifioregonSo, my ipod is not showing up in my computer, itunes or dev ice manager Theres nothing wrong with the ipod itself, it works with other computers , the cord works, and my iphone shows up on this computer just fine. I tried all the stuff it says online and nothing is working at all!03:25
wifioregonI had virus that i got rid of manually and i think i must have screwed somehting up but i dont know what03:25
escottbazhang, my understanding is that ox1de 's installed (on the drive) system won't init. i suggested that he get a usb or cd to boot that and poke around, and that he doesn't know how to make a usb correctly (or perhaps his bios doesn't support it)03:25
bazhangwifioregon, sounds like a MAC OS X question03:25
bazhangescott, he's not answered, hard to say03:26
bazhangwifioregon, theres not an iTunes for ubuntu03:27
escottwifioregon, you left the walled apple garden. steve jobs ghost will haunt you. "For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod"03:27
wifioregonomg wront channel! so sorry03:28
criverausing screen, does anyone know how to open a new window and run a command?  i'm trying to build a script that launches a bunch of screens and runs a specific command in each03:35
plustaxdoes anyone think installing 12.04 on my 1g of ram netbook is a bad idea? :/03:35
jamjam@escott ic, thanks!03:35
bet0xhow i i boot an kernel from the grub shell? on a 1.98 grub03:37
Pinkamena_Dwell i am back03:39
Pinkamena_Di used the older version and it does not crash but instead the speed starts good but then degrades rapidly until its not even going anymore03:40
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Pinkamena_Dor sometimes it works fine? this things all over the place03:42
Pinkamena_Di think the old version works better03:46
Pinkamena_Dwhy is this03:46
ActionParsnipPinkamena_D: is the ram healthy?03:47
ActionParsnipbet0x: do you mean an old kernel?03:47
ActionParsnipplustax: ask in #ubuntu+103:48
jimmy_lo_chien_fmay I ask question about rar03:49
ActionParsnipjimmy_lo_chien_f: ask away03:49
jimmy_lo_chien_fI want to extract only a file(or some files, not all), how to achieve this by rar03:51
jimmy_lo_chien_fI always extract all files in a .rar file03:51
jimmy_lo_chien_flike "rar e file dir/03:51
jimmy_lo_chien_frar e filename dir/03:51
Strykerhey, I have two disks, one with 2 ubuntus on it, and one with an ubuntu, a debian, and a windows xp installed on it. These used to work perfectly together, but I changed some stuff in the windows boot. windows works by itself, but is not recognized in grub, and doesn't show even when i do sudo update-grub. please help03:51
no-name-How do I disable the guest account in Ubuntu 10.04?03:52
anonimoususe the gui03:52
anonimousadministration -> users -> guest -> disbale03:52
Pinkamena_Dmaybe the ram is sick03:52
no-name-anonimous: cheers03:53
no-name-darn. it's not there :(03:53
anonimouslet me check03:53
anonimousjust a sec03:53
anonimousno-name- can you tell me the version of ubuntu?????03:54
anonimouscat /etc/lsb-release03:54
paulus68hi all, I have this little script to get info from the squid access log file http://paste.ubuntu.com/925888/ now I want to be able to zip the file each day in the same way that Linux is archiving the logfiles for example( currentday if it's day +1 it gets a log.1 and then it's zipped how would I achieve this?03:55
no-name-anonimous: 10.0403:55
ActionParsnippaulus68: does the number increment each day?03:55
anonimousok no-name...just a sec03:56
anonimousno-name- can you do this -> vi /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf03:57
paulus68ActionParsnip: I just see that it's log then log.1 then zipped like you have for example the mysql log in var/log/03:57
anonimoustype i so you can get into INSERT mode03:57
no-name-anonimous, I don't have an /etc/lightdm03:58
no-name-well... is the guest account at all a security risk? I've been told you should turn the Windows one off so I just figured I'd turn off my Ubuntu one too... but it doesn't really matter if it's not03:59
anonimousno-name Are you sure?04:00
no-name-sure about what?04:00
anonimousls -la /etc | grep light*04:00
anonimousthat the file doesn't exist under etc?04:00
anonimousdo you have root priv?04:01
anonimousI am reading this other threat and I noticed that users on 11.04 have been able to remove the guest account from that file04:01
anonimoustake a look here... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=193989904:02
no-name-11.04 was Unity though, right?04:02
anonimousthat's a safe link04:02
no-name-maybe that doesn't matter04:02
anonimousplease take a look04:02
ActionParsnipno-name-: not necessarily04:02
no-name-yeah. I don't have an /etc/lightdm04:03
anonimousthat's ok04:03
anonimouswhat about the old trick in the book? sudo userdel guest04:03
anonimouscat /etc/passwd or cat /etc/shadow04:04
no-name-user 'guest' does not exist04:04
anonimousafter you do that....the guest account should be gone04:04
anonimousdamm it.04:04
no-name-so it's not really a "user" per se04:04
no-name-it's just some session thing, idk04:05
paulus68ActionParsnip: what should be the easiest take the current log file rename it to a log.1 and zip and then move the log.1 to a new folder and continue to do this for each day or is there an easier way to achieve this?04:05
no-name-it's probably nothing to worry about though04:05
anonimousIt has saved me before...04:06
anonimoususing the guest04:06
savrwhere do I enable two finger scrolling?04:06
savrI installed the driver04:06
anonimousbut anyway...your solution might be disabling it like this...Ubuntu 11.0404:07
sacarlsonwhy would sudo dhclient eth0 ; after complete it does give me an address but fails to modify /etc/resolv.conf with any changes?04:08
anonimoushello savr...04:08
anonimousyou can create script and fix the problem...04:08
Strykeri have used os-prober, and update-grub, and neither find my windows xp install04:09
anonimousDear savr please follow my instructions:04:09
savranonimous, ok04:09
anonimousopen a text editor04:09
anonimoustype this exactly as I do:04:09
ActionParsnippaulus68: does the current log file name change?04:10
savryou can paste bin it04:10
anonimoussynclient VertTwoFingerScroll=104:10
anonimoussynclient HorizTwoFingerScroll=104:10
paulus68ActionParsnip: No remains the same04:10
anonimoussynclient EmulateTwoFingerMinW=504:10
no-name-restricted privileges (such as not being able to read any home directory or do any permanent change to the system). <--- mmm, I guess it's nothing to really worry about anyway... maybe I'll keep it04:10
anonimoussynclient EmulateTwoFingerMinZ=4804:10
ActionParsnippaulus68: then the scipt is simple :)04:10
ActionParsnipanonimous: could just make a pastebin...#04:11
paulus68ActionParsnip: you would make my day :)04:11
anonimousnow...save the file as 2fsrl04:11
ActionParsnippaulus68: ok what is the log file called?04:11
paulus68ActionParsnip: the logfiles name is user.log04:12
anonimoussynclient VertTwoFingerScroll=104:12
anonimoussynclient HorizTwoFingerScroll=104:12
anonimoussynclient EmulateTwoFingerMinW=504:12
anonimoussynclient EmulateTwoFingerMinZ=4804:12
FloodBot1anonimous: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:12
ActionParsnippaulus68: I think I have what I need04:13
paulus68ActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/925888/ this is the code what I am using now to modify the squid.log04:13
savrits working04:13
C-4How to I reset sound system in Ubuntu without restart?04:13
savrdo I need to do this at every boot anonimous?04:13
anonimousplease make executable04:14
anonimousand test before adding to startup script04:14
savrits working04:14
savranonimous, what line should I adjust to make it faster?04:17
anonimousthe scrolling?04:17
savranonimous, yes04:18
anonimousyou might need to play a little bit with the numbers...04:19
savranonimous, hmmm just noticed the option in mouse and touchpad settings04:20
paulus68ActionParsnip: brb04:20
savrsilly me04:20
ActionParsnippaulus68: http://paste.ubuntu.com/925906/04:20
anonimoussavr what happened?04:21
savrits working ;)04:21
anonimouscheer moi drug04:22
anonimousi leave now...good luck everyone04:24
savrbazhang, what do you use for qq?04:25
meadhikariI have 4GB free diskspace and a 3GB file to compress, is there a way to delete the source as the file get compress04:28
bazhangsavr, eva? apt-cache search qq for some options04:29
gotmilkwhat's the qq?04:30
bazhanggotmilk, popular protocol in Asia04:30
gotmilkfrom china?04:32
savrbazhang is chinese but pretends not to be because he was born abroad04:33
paulus68ActionParsnip: thank you so much04:34
gotmilki am a chinese .04:34
savrand you don't know what qq is?04:35
ActionParsnipsavr: many users are born abroad, the world is a big place04:36
paulus68ActionParsnip: I second that :)04:36
ActionParsnipsavr: I've no idea what qq is04:37
gotmilki pretend npt to know qq ,:)04:37
ActionParsnip!info qq04:38
=== anthony is now known as Guest42610
gotmilkjust want to realise how many foreigners know it04:39
savrgotmilk, I talk to chinese people ;)04:40
gotmilkhi ,04:41
paulus68thats chinese for me "as in figure of speech"04:41
savrthanks bazhang04:42
gotmilkmany famous website are reset by chinese gov. such as youtube,facebook ,voa04:43
=== corey_ is now known as Guest30419
Guest42610any in ohio?04:46
gotmilkas a chinese ,if we wana to vist this website ,we always use vpn or proxy04:46
Guest30419hey guys quick question when i plug in my headphones to listen to music on youtube it comes out of my speakers and headphones..how do i make it only come out of my headphones?04:47
paulus68gotmilk: why is that? any particular reason? sorry for asking but I have a brotherinlaw who has the same problem he lives in near Hongkong04:47
brianp1992is there a command to show my prossesser specs?04:47
Guest42610i need help no programs i download start?04:48
aeon-ltdbrianp1992: cat /proc/cpuinfo04:48
brianp1992thanks  bud04:48
Guest30419anyone know how to fix this??04:49
aeon-ltdGuest30419: explainn more to the channel04:50
Guest30419aeon when i listen to music on youtube and plug in my headphones it comes out of my headphones and speakers on my laptop, i wanted the output to be only in my headphones hence thats why i plugged em in lol04:51
paulus68gotmilk: can I talk to you in private?04:51
Guest30419come on really? nobody knows how to fix this?04:53
sacarlsonGuest30419: might take a look at alsamixer04:54
sacarlsonGuest30419: you might find a box to check to enable headphones and or disable speakers04:54
Guest30419im new to linux sorta so im gonna need a lil more help than that lol, ive heard of alsamixer, how do i get to it04:54
sacarlsonGuest30419: sudo apt-get install alsamixer ;04:55
Guest30419says unable to locate package04:56
ActionParsnipGuest30419: should be in a default install04:56
Guest30419okay so how do i open it04:56
ActionParsnipGuest30419: run:   alsamixer04:56
Guest30419k i see abunch of picture bars lol04:57
ActionParsnipGuest30419: use cursors to switch and modify levels, M to un/mute and ESC to exit04:58
Guest30419k i got it thank u04:58
Guest30419thanks action04:58
ActionParsnipGuest30419: np man04:58
Guest30419now what exactly is alsamixer?04:58
ActionParsnipGuest30419: its a CLI sound volume manager04:58
sacarlsonGuest30419: there is also alsamixergui   sudo apt-get install alsamixergui ;   to open run alsamixergui04:59
Guest30419now i remember back when i tryed to skype on linux i had issues with my mic they could see me but couldent hear me, i looked it up and it said alsamixer..any settings i need to check? im seeying "mic in"04:59
sacarlsonalsamixer is the control panel of your sound card05:00
Guest30419suprised the ubuntu sound settings dont have options like alsa05:00
ANub_i was wondering which browser is efficient on ubuntu in terms of performance and memory usage (Firefox or Google chrome)05:01
ANub_ive chkd chrome memory usage and found it to be more memory exhaustive05:02
ANub_i wonder if my observation is true05:02
satyanash      05:03
ActionParsnipANub_: try arora or midori05:05
Guest30419whats pcm and front for on alsa05:06
joe12can i use my tv card for system sound too?05:07
alusionHello I just updated my linux kernel to 3.0.0-17 because my chromium was very buggy and as was the OS but after updating I still cannot play videos on chromium05:07
alusionheres the pastebin of terminal http://pastebin.com/04humwBn05:07
ActionParsnipalusion: can you pastebin the output of:  lsb_release -a; uname -a; dpkg -l | egrep 'flash|gnash|swf|spark'05:08
=== Lupinedk is now known as lupinedk
ANub_i was wondering which browser is efficient on ubuntu in terms of performance and memory usage (Firefox or Google chrome)05:09
ANub_ive chkd chrome memory usage and found it to be more memory exhaustive05:09
ANub_i wonder if my observation is true05:09
=== adrian is now known as Guest60150
ActionParsnipalusion: you can suppress those warnings with: sudo apt-get install gtk2-engines-pixbuf05:10
ActionParsnipANub_: unless you are hallucinating, i'd say you were right05:10
ANub_nice one....:)05:11
scienteshow do i disable oneconf?05:11
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scientescause its eating my cpu and i dont even use it05:11
scientesand i am opposed to its very idea05:11
ActionParsnipalusion: sudo apt-get --purge remove flashplugin-installer     then enable the partner repo and install the adobe-flashplugin  package05:11
=== Lupinedk is now known as lupinedk
alusionis there a way I can enable the repo and install the package from the terminal?05:12
ActionParsnipscientes: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=186033105:12
ActionParsnipalusion: sure, uncomment the partner repo lines in /etc/apt/sources.list then run:  sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin05:13
ActionParsnipscientes: do you use ubuntuone ?05:13
scientesActionParsnip, i cant remove it cause software-center depends on it05:14
scientesActionParsnip, and no, i dont use ubuntuone, and would like to also remove that05:14
ActionParsnipscientes: remove the ubuntuone packages and it should help05:14
scientesmaybe it got my launchpad account somehow---how can i check ActionParsnip05:14
CFHowlettscientes   why remove?  Just leave it, disable it from autostarting ...05:15
scientesCFHowlett, well whatever i dont want it05:15
joe12is there any difference from the ubuntu on the site to the one dell gives on the OEM?05:15
ActionParsnipjoe12: possibly some post install configs05:16
ActionParsnipjoe12: I'd contact Dell05:16
CFHowlettjoe12   the dell disk creator allows you to make the dell OEM disk on your machine...05:16
joe12not that worried about it jw05:16
joe12didnt know if maybe they had better drivers or somethin in the dell one05:17
joe12prolly just added bloat lol05:18
=== boop is now known as triscuit
alusionthank you AP I have it working now!05:24
Blue1i just got the nice note that my ubuntu 10.10 is not longer supported.  I thought I would have till the 12.04 lts was out.  nope.05:25
CFHowlettblue1  install LTS only and you get at least 3 years support on the desktop ...05:26
bazhangCFHowlett, its five for 12.0405:26
ActionParsnipCFHowlett: Precise is 5 years desktop :)05:26
ActionParsnipbazhang: snips05:26
Blue1bazhang: downloading 12.04 beta now.05:27
Blue1i thought e-o-l would be when 12.04 final was released.05:27
Artemis3Blue1, to prevent this in the future, try to stay with the LTS until the next LTS, ie, 10.04 LTS is still supported.05:30
plustaxmight be a dumb question here. But I DLed the 12.04 .zip05:33
plustaxwhere is the iso im supposed to write to my usb stick?05:33
plustaxor how do I turn it into an iso?05:33
Artemis3what is inside this zip?05:34
CFHowlettplustax   .zip?  what the hey?  where did you get that?05:35
Artemis3yes im curious, i don't see any zips in the downloads...05:36
plustaxIm not sure, man05:39
plustaxI just downloaded 12.04 from the main page and its a .zip05:39
plustax700 mb or so05:39
wyldeplustax, from what page? Share a link?05:39
plustaxsure one moment05:40
Artemis3yes show us the link, maybe its the wubi thing?05:40
=== maxr is now known as Guest16223
plustaxI got it from there05:40
alusionase::PlatformThread::SetThreadPriority(base::PlatformThreadHandle, base::ThreadPriority)05:41
alusion[4024:4050:2818619423:ERROR:alsa_output.cc(684)] Failed querying delay: Input/output error05:41
alusionThat's what I still get in chromium05:41
Artemis3plustax, i don't see any zips there05:41
L3top_There are no zips there05:41
alusionWhenever I try to play youtube videos05:41
KarmaComa|2it's an iso L3top_ not zip05:41
KarmaComa|2burn it on a CD05:41
Artemis3iso is iso05:42
L3top_That is what I said..05:42
wyldewhere did you get zip from?05:42
Artemis3thats no zip, it ends in iso05:42
L3top_perhaps hit the zsync and named it .zip?05:42
plustaxwell I just gave you the link that I personally downloaded but its icon is a zip icon05:42
Artemis3ah ignre that05:42
L3top_ok... that means it is an archive05:42
KarmaComa|2yeah .iso maybe shown as zip icon with some zip programs05:43
plustaxso I can just burn it?05:43
KarmaComa|2its normal but ignore this and just burn it on a cd05:43
Artemis3windows can associate anything to anything... if you have a program that opens zips & isos, for example.05:43
CFHowlettplustax  check the file properties - should ID as an iso type05:43
plustaxKarmaComa|2, I have to do liveusb Im putting it on a netbook05:43
plustaxCFHowlett, it does! Thank you I see now.05:44
KM0201plustax: it has to be burned as an image05:44
KarmaComa|2what os you are on now?05:44
Artemis3plustax, you can use Step 2 from here: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/download05:44
* KM0201 agrees with Artemis3 05:45
KM0201i don't make bootable USB's in windows often, but when I have, that tool works flawleslly05:45
KarmaComa|2best thing is to follow Artemis305:45
L3top_is it the HP tool?05:46
L3top_because I have nothing but success with that in win05:46
Blue1plustax: you realise that you can dd the iso image to a usb drive, right?05:47
plustaxBlue1, what does that mean?05:47
KM0201Blue1: no need to confuse him... there's 50 tools to put a ISO on a usb... just follow the instructions on ubuntu's site05:48
KM0201plustax: frankly, just ignore that, follow the instructions on ubuntu's site05:48
KM0201plustax: they are there to help you with the easiest way to get the job done... use them.05:48
Blue1KM0201: here's my recipe:  http://pkill-9.com/creating-a-usb-flash-drive-for-a-debian-install/05:49
JacobVengeanceAnyone need help?05:49
ActionParsnipKM0201: funny how folks keep making them...05:49
wyldebahahaha >.< I borked my ltsp servers i386.img! (I shouldn't forget to move my customized squashfs-tools out of the way!)05:49
KM0201Blue1: i didn't say he "couldn't" use dd...  dd works fine, but... there's simple instructions on Ubuntu's site... if that doesn't work, then look at another tool05:49
ActionParsnipJacobVengeance: sure, I'm after making a server that runs like youtube but streams MY videos05:49
KM0201ActionParsnip: i don't get it?05:49
ActionParsnipJacobVengeance: With thumbnails and all that jazzle05:50
Artemis3Blue1, its a windows user.05:50
Blue1ahh okay05:50
cjsI kinda like usb-creator-gtk myself.05:50
Blue1Artemis3: skip what I said then.05:50
ActionParsnipKM0201: if there are so many, why do people make more when there is a tool that does the job05:50
KM0201cjs: he's a windows user.05:50
cjsOops. :-)05:50
KM0201ActionParsnip: different strokes for different folks.... why are there 50 freaking web browsers available?05:50
JacobVengeanceActionParsnip, I don't know much about setting up servers. sorry.05:50
plustaxyeah im making the usb stick from windows05:50
ActionParsnipJacobVengeance: np man, i've been searching a while. I think it'd be neat to have :)05:51
KM0201plustax: just download the tool ubuntu tells you to download, and use it.. it works perfectly05:51
ActionParsnipplustax: use unetbootin, its super easy05:51
plustaxim not seeing that tool05:51
plustaxthat one05:51
JacobVengeanceActionParsnip, why not just use Youtube? lol05:51
KM0201plustax: i think its called usb creator05:51
ActionParsnipJacobVengeance: it's my movies ripped etc, just thought it's be neat instead of streaming via samba etc.05:52
JacobVengeanceUnetbootin is probably the easiest tool around besides classic image-usb-stick script.05:52
Artemis3Pen Drive Linux: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/universal-usb-installer-easy-as-1-2-3/#button05:52
KM0201plustax: this is the one ubuntu recommends...  http://www.pendrivelinux.com/universal-usb-installer-easy-as-1-2-3/#button05:52
reith2004xplustax, try this one, http://www.pendrivelinux.com/universal-usb-installer-easy-as-1-2-3/05:52
ActionParsnipoh jeez05:52
Artemis3unetbootin works too05:52
KM0201yeah, it does05:52
L3top_I didn't know unetbootin was windowsy too05:53
KM0201Artemis3: but.. dd works to.. or usb-creator works, or, or, or.05:53
KM0201L3top_: i think it actually started as a windows app05:53
JacobVengeanceunetbootin is on every platform it seems lol05:53
cjsBooting the Ubuntu 12.04 beta2 alternate install image on my Pentium M laptop, I get: "This kernel requires the following features not present on the CPU: pae. Unable to boot - please use a kernel appropriate for your CPU."05:53
cjs(This is the 32-bit image.)05:54
JacobVengeancecjs precise help is in #Ubuntu+105:54
ActionParsnipcjs: ask in #ubuntu+1 for prerelease support05:54
KM0201cjs: you've downloaded the 32bit ISO, and have more than 3.5gigs of ram apparently, and for some reason, it won't load the pae kernel05:54
wyldewhat happened to the ubottu anyway?05:54
L3top_old cpu prob05:55
ActionParsnipKM0201: theres an option needed to make the kernel ignore something about the CPU05:55
KM0201wylde: he's with forrest gumps father, "on vacation"05:55
JacobVengeanceKM0201, lol no. That processor doesn't support pae. Simple05:55
Artemis3KM0201, windows users rarely have a working dd installed, and last time i saw a "port", they were very quirky to use.05:55
KM0201i dunno, i never got a PAE error, ever05:55
scientescjs, you can use debian, it supports older cpus05:55
Artemis3Xubuntu 12.04 also comes with a non PAE kernel iirc05:56
KM0201cjs: how old is this cpu?05:56
JacobVengeanceArtemis3 beat me to Xubuntu lol05:56
ActionParsnipKM0201: age is fairly irrelevant, its the arch you need ;)05:56
* KM0201 throws up in his mouth a little05:56
KM0201ActionParsnip: yeah, i just was curious as to th eprocessor that doesn't support a pae kernel05:56
cjsKM0201: About seven years, I guess? It's a 1.7 GHz Pentium M, so fairly peppy.05:56
JacobVengeanceThe only computer I have that can't run pae is an aold Dell D600.05:56
KM0201weird. my sister has an old 1ghz amd.. runs just fine05:57
L3top_the M is a nogo for PAE.05:57
* L3top_ bets that little D600 is an M05:57
JacobVengeanceMy crappy desktop runs a Pentium 4 HT lol. Netbook runs an atom of course.05:58
cjsKM0201: And no, I have only 1 GB in the machine. The CPU either doesn't support PAE at all, or IBM disabled it.05:58
ActionParsnipmy Core Duo U2500 has no issues :)05:58
JacobVengeanceL3top_ I will look after its done syncing with repositories.05:58
KM0201cjs: probably the former05:58
ActionParsnipL3top_: thought M was mobile..?05:59
Artemis3I have the original eeepc, so its pentium M (will use xubuntu of course)05:59
cjsM is mobile, but the Pentium M is also, if I recall correctly, the basis of the Core series after the Pentium 4 architecture was abandoned.06:00
* scientes has never had a computer >4GB that wasn't 64-bit capable06:01
ubuntu64bitdoes it mean we not using the von-neumann Architecture?06:01
scientesor seen...06:01
scientesubuntu64bit, no modern computers use the von-neumann arch, they use the harvard architecture06:02
scienteswhich is a varient of the von neumann06:02
scientesand the nx bit makes it more like the von neumann06:02
L3top_M does stand for mobile... but there is a Pentium M and a Pentium 4 M, and they dropped Ms into all kinds of stuff, though its moniker indicates mobility.06:03
ubuntu64bitscientes: this is the first i heard of harvard architecture are you kidding me?06:04
maslenHow do I turn off the system beep (like when I hit tab and it can't autocomplete)06:04
ActionParsnipmaslen: try:  sudo modprobe -r pcspkr06:04
CFHowlettmaslen   preferences>sounds06:04
goddardis there a way to disable the ubuntu toolbar but keep the ubuntu button?06:04
scientesubuntu64bit, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harvard_architecture06:05
goddardi like how the ubuntu icon was in the toolbar in the last version of ubuntu .. can i get that back?06:05
ubuntu64bitthx i look06:05
ActionParsnipgoddard: try a different icon theme06:05
maslenCFHowlett: Where is that menu? I'm using gnome-classic06:05
L3top_the pentium M (Yonah architecture) is basically a really strange pIII... actually runs faster than a lot of the 4s... but I expect this is why it wont do pae.06:05
CFHowlettmaslen   System>Preferences ...06:06
scientesubuntu64bit, oh, sorry i got them mixed up06:06
ActionParsnipP3 was solid#06:06
goddardActionParsnip: you remember when the ubuntu icon was in the top toolbar? not the side toolbar?06:06
pankajActionParsnip, why are u removing module? thats not a good option06:06
cjsscientes: You've got that backwards: most modern CPUs use Von Neumann architecture. Harvard is separate instruction and data memories, which is rare (though at least one popular Hitachi microcontroller still uses that).06:06
scientescjs, see above where i realized this06:07
ActionParsnippankaj: why, its the module for the pc speaker, nothing more, why is that bad?06:07
scientescjs, the nx bit does provide some seperation however06:07
ActionParsnipgoddard: you can tweak the desktop to look like gnome2 if you like?06:07
cjsscientes: Oh. I'm still catching up.06:07
cjsscientes: Not at all in the same sense.06:07
ubuntu64bitscientes: this looks more like something portable devices use?06:08
ActionParsnipgoddard: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/03/gnome-classic-in-ubuntu-12-04-its-like-nothing-ever-changed/06:08
goddardActionParsnip: im not talking about gnome 2 I like the screen saving of Unity.  Let me see if I can find a pic of what i mean06:08
ActionParsnippankaj: even if it causes issues (Which I garuntee it won't) you can reboot or even reload the module.06:08
goddardActionParsnip: here look at this http://www.bablotech.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/ubuntu-11.04-dash.jpg06:09
ActionParsnippankaj: so where do you get 'not a good option' from?06:09
ubuntu64bittoo simplistic for desktops06:09
ActionParsnipgoddard: what bit a I looking at?06:09
goddardActionParsnip: i want that ubuntu icon on the top left but disable the toolbar06:09
goddardActionParsnip: i like awn dock instead06:10
ActionParsnipgoddard: ohhhhh the small ubuntu icon that sits on the panel rather than the launcher06:10
goddardActionParsnip: ya06:10
ActionParsnipgoddard: not sure dude, I know what you mean. I think they made it bigger so its more obvious for new users06:10
maslenCFHowlett: Without unity, that menu doesn't exist06:11
goddardActionParsnip: its a bummer it was pretty slick06:11
ActionParsnipgoddard: agreed06:11
CFHowlettmaslen   sorry, I'm in 10.04.  thought that gnome classic presented same as mine.  Please ask the channel again.06:11
maslenHow do I turn off the system beep (like when I hit tab and it can't autocomplete)06:11
ActionParsnipmaslen: you can just run unity-panel in LXDE and the unity-launcher needs to be ran seperately :)06:11
ActionParsnipmaslen: checked in sounds?06:12
ActionParsnipmaslen: I believe its in the volume menu, you can set the beep volume06:12
Artemis3also in alsamixer...06:12
ActionParsnipmasen: its in the sound options in there06:12
alusionIs nevernote stable? And are there any alternative note taking applications similar to evernote?06:12
goddardalusion: i use tomboy06:13
maslenActionParsnip: Where?06:13
ActionParsnipalusion: try libreoffice, or gedit...06:13
ActionParsnipmaslen: the volume icon, top right...06:13
paulus68ActionParsnip: Or they want to get more seniors connected to Ubuntu :p06:13
Artemis3i think there is gnote or something, identical to tomboy, using pure c and gtk...06:13
goddardalusion: tomboy sinks with ubuntu ones help and then use ubuntu 1 on android and them tomdroid06:13
* L3top_ is very fond of gedit06:13
* ActionParsnip likes leafpad06:13
* L3top_ installs leafpad06:14
alusionI use tomboy but it doesn't work well with clipping articles / html06:14
maslenActionParsnip: That 'sound preferences' brings me to the same menu06:14
Kris2Khi peeps...  i'm really new to linux and i have a presentation about linux shells and switches and i'm really having tough time finding resource on what switches are and how it works, if anyone can help me out please pm i'd really appreciate it06:14
alusionI will check out gedit and leafpad :306:14
scientesleafpad blows06:14
Artemis3alusion, switch to gnote :)06:15
KM0201leafpad isn't that bad.06:15
JacobVengeanceL3top_ Yeah it is a Pentium M06:15
JacobVengeanceNo clue why my modem just crashed.06:15
L3top_malsen sudo alsamixer    use left and right arrow keys to find "beep" or "system" whatever and press the letter 'm'06:16
L3top_pc speaker maybe06:16
ActionParsnipscientes: why, loads quick and does what it says on the tin06:16
* L3top_ always assumes people have alsa-utils installed...06:16
Artemis3Kris2K, actually i have no idea what do you mean with swiches, unless you mean the smart ones used in racks; but what would that have to do with shells?06:17
maslenArtemis3: Perhaps he means like -l06:17
Artemis3ah, those switches :)06:18
pankajActionParsnip, http://tldp.org/LDP/lkmpg/2.6/html/lkmpg.html go to the unregistering a device06:18
gensuHey im testing this connection06:18
CFHowlettgensu   loud and clear ...06:18
nil8What's up @gensu06:18
L3top_I do like me some code color formatting ActionParsnip.06:19
L3top_I primarily use vim... but I am chatting in support.06:19
ActionParsnippankaj: so why, when people wake up from suspend, to make the wireless work they have to unload then reload the driver module to make it work?06:20
Artemis3L3mce, sudo alsamixer is not a good idea...06:21
L3top_I believe it is the only way to get to pc speaker06:22
L3top_but dont quote me06:22
ActionParsnipgotta jet, back in 1006:22
=== KarmaComa|2 is now known as KarmaComa
jdavisI am trying to fill out a PDF in evince. But it fails when I try to save the filled-out form because it's "encrypted".06:29
L3top_Artemis3: I am very wrong on sudo getting you to special pc speaker control in alsamixer. Was confused by ssh... too many terminals open. I don't know why I thought I had to sudo06:30
CFHowlettjdavis   save a copy and edit in gimp ...06:30
Kris2Kanyone awake...lol06:46
ActionParsnipI was thinking similar06:46
Kris2Kit was loud 10 mins ago, now just got super quiet06:47
CFHowlettKris2K   all problems solved = no reason to talk06:47
Kris2Kif this was a bar that would sux06:48
Kris2Kguess it a good time to asked question06:50
Kris2Knew to linux and have a presentation about command (option) switch about how it works?06:51
scientesKris2K, works like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m6vYKJerstg06:51
Kris2Ki'm been surfing the net for good amount of time but can't find any source... so i though i'd find some here06:51
ActionParsnipKris2K: so "how bash works"?06:52
ActionParsnipKris2K: to what level, are we talking about how co06:53
Kris2Kscientes:  thanks i'm checking it out06:53
ActionParsnipCommands get given to the kernel and cpu, or just an over view?06:53
jdavisCFHowlett: not having much luck with gimp, it doesn't seem like I can insert text into the fields. I can only create new text objects, unless I'm missing something.06:53
scientesKris2K, but seriously, you mean GNU getopts?06:53
dogarrhea2 rename -v 's/_repaired//' *.mp3    why isn't this stripping _repaired out of my file names?06:53
Kris2Koverview is good....  i'm new to linux06:54
CFHowlettjdavis   precisely what I did last time I edited a pdf ...06:54
scientesKris2K, getopts is the standard way to do command line switches, the --long, and -s one letters06:54
spannermanhey anyone wanna chat.06:55
ActionParsnipKris2K: remember to mention the $PATH variable and what it does. Mention variables too.06:56
ActionParsnipCan someone give ubottu a coffee06:57
Kris2Kscientes:  thanks, but check it out .... how would i define if i say yum -y install xchat (-y is the switch for saying YES! install and without confirming?)06:57
GirlyGirl!ot | spannerman06:58
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GirlyGirl!ot | spannerman06:59
dogarrhea2so.... what do people do to strip out a string from a bunch of files?06:59
dogarrhea2apparently rename is completely useless06:59
GirlyGirlnevermind bot failure07:00
ubottuspannerman: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:00
EvilResistancelaggy bot07:00
scientesKris2K, this is the ubuntu channel, ubuntu doesn't use yum. well the order can matter with arguments07:01
paulus68ActionParsnip: [_]) there you go a cup of coffee for ubottu :p07:01
recentlydeceasedwhy has maverick gone EOL and 12.04 isn't even released, surely in the past EOL has coincided with the release of the latest version?07:06
CFHowlettrecentlydeceased   not true.  Release dates kind of jump around depending on what Mark wants07:06
CFHowlette.g. 10.10.1007:06
recentlydeceasedsure, I never said the dates were fixed, but there was always a x-over in the past07:07
recentlydeceasedhell, I remember one being released quite late07:07
recentlydeceasedI never had an 18month old release go EOL before the latest version was available to replace it07:07
KM0201 recentlydeceased sure you have.. you just didn't notice07:08
recentlydeceasedI now have a dead in the water OS.07:08
_rubenthe release going eol and the new to be released have no corrolation whatsoever07:08
recentlydeceasedKM0201, care to offer evidence of this happening?07:08
KM0201recentlydeceased: surely you've known about this for... ever?07:08
KM0201recentlydeceased: exactly what _ruben said.. there's no corrolation between the two.07:09
KM0201recentlydeceased: its not dead in the water, you can upggrade to 11.0407:09
recentlydeceasedI'm not angry, just surprised, this leaves users in a weird position07:09
CFHowlettrecentlydeceased   dead in the water?  You DID know the release only had 18 months support, right?  Switch to LTS releases for extended support.07:09
KM0201recentlydeceased: 10.10 was not LTS...so i'm not sure why you'd be concerned that 10.10 expired before an LTS was released07:09
recentlydeceasedupgrade to 11.04, for about 2 weeks, then upgrade again07:09
KM0201actually, he'd need to go 11.04, then 11.10, then 12.04..07:10
recentlydeceasedKM0201, I've  never stuck with LTS releases in the past07:10
recentlydeceasedthey always sucked07:10
recentlydeceasedKM0201, I never upgrade either07:10
KM0201recentlydeceased: i didn't suggest LTS07:10
ActionParsnipI'd just clean install the LTS07:10
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recentlydeceasedfresh install07:10
KM0201recentlydeceased: then what are you griping about?.. clean install 11.10 or 12.0407:10
recentlydeceasedActionParsnip, yeah, always best07:10
KM0201or is this all about the fact you don't want to use unity07:11
CFHowlettrecentlydeceased   for the record 12.04 will be LTS07:11
recentlydeceasedKM0201, I'm saying that it would make sense to have a x-over07:11
recentlydeceasedCFHowlett, I know07:11
KM0201recentlydeceased: i don't see how the two relate07:11
recentlydeceasedCFHowlett, hopefully better than the last07:11
recentlydeceasedKM0201, because I want to install an OS once every 1.5-3 years07:11
KM0201you're talking about a version that is 18mo old, and has a hard release cycle, vs. a version that is scheduled to be released later this month.07:11
recentlydeceasednot have an OS for a week, jsut till the latest release comes out07:11
KM0201i don't see why you think a non-lts should somehow "x-over" with an lts release date07:12
KM0201makes no sense07:12
* recentlydeceased is talking to a brick wall07:12
KM0201recentlydeceased: because you're not making any sense07:12
CFHowlett*moving on ...*07:12
recentlydeceasedno, you're just failing to comprehend the reasoning07:12
KM0201it's tough to comprehend the "incomprehensible"07:13
recentlydeceasedwhere is the sense in me running an OS till the EOL, just as a new release is about to come out, but then being left with a 2 week window of no support, forcing me to install a TEMPORARY OS for 2 weeks07:13
recentlydeceaseddoes this not compute?07:13
KM0201no, frankly it doesn't07:14
recentlydeceasedI don't want 11.04, if I did, I would've installed it07:14
KM0201not everyone clean installs a new OS every 2-3yrs, or whatever you said you do.07:14
recentlydeceasedinsert facepalm here07:14
KM0201most folks either: stay lTS, or stay current...07:14
elkyrecentlydeceased, you're not talking to the release managers, nor canonical support. You're talking to volunteers who support what is given within the limitations available.07:15
* CFHowlett has *moved on* ...07:15
Flannelrecentlydeceased: You could just coast on 10.10 for a few weeks.  It's not going to stop working, just no more updates.  You can't upgrade directly from 10.10 to 12.04 anyway, so you'll need to do some intermediate updates or get prepared for a reinstall anyway.07:15
recentlydeceased11.04 was when Unity was introduced, 11.10 was unity too, hopefully 12.04 is a better experience than the last 207:15
KM0201why do you think 10.10 EOL release date, would have any correlation at all to 12.04's release date, i just don't get it.. makes no sense to me.07:15
recentlydeceasedFlannel, I know, I just never had this happen before, there was always a x-over (or so I thought) in the past, since dapper07:16
auronandacerecentlydeceased: you do realise dapper was delayed by 2 months07:16
GirlyGirlrecentlydeceased: You can go for Kubuntu or Xubuntu if you dislike unity. I'm on KDE myself and you can easily customise it to resemble gnome 2. I believe the same goes for XFCE07:16
recentlydeceasedKM0201, because I've been using this since Dapper, and never seen this before, that's why I ask, and if what you say is true, I only ask for evidence to corroborate07:16
recentlydeceased*since* dapper07:17
recentlydeceasedGirlyGirl, yeah, I know, thanks though07:17
recentlydeceasedI have tried and run all of those DE's07:17
recentlydeceasedKDE is much better as of 4.6, but still a little bloated for my wants/needs07:18
GirlyGirlrecentlydeceased: Trying it in the past does not count. Have you tried the latest versions recently on a new release?07:18
recentlydeceasedGirlyGirl, ^^07:18
recentlydeceasedIt is *much* better yes07:18
recentlydeceasedbut I thing Gnome is verging on bloat... tempted by awesome or xmonad07:19
GirlyGirlrecentlydeceased: I'd suggest giving them a new try when 12.04 comes out. At least for me KDE 4.8.2 is more usable and faster than gnome 3 shell and unity07:19
recentlydeceasedUnity is bloat too, but I hear 12.04 is supposed to be much better than previous iterations07:19
recentlydeceasedGirlyGirl, I will ;)07:20
recentlydeceasedKM0201, yes, verging07:20
recentlydeceasedShell runs far better than Unity on 11.1007:20
KM0201hmm, i would consider it well more than "verging" on being bloated... it's driving the "bloated" bus07:20
recentlydeceasedI know, I have that too on  various other machines07:20
recentlydeceasedhave you tried KDE07:20
KM0201yes, but.. i'm not a fair judge, i've never liked KDE in 10yrs.. ever07:21
recentlydeceasedwell, by comparison it is slimline07:21
Flannelrecentlydeceased: Releases have traditionally been the last thursday of the month, so there's some time for gaps.  7.04 EOLd a few weeks prior to 8.10, 7.10 EOLd a week before 9.04 was released, I'm not going to grep my emails any more :)07:21
KM0201but, but, that never happened!07:21
recentlydeceasedFlannel, thank you, that is all I wanted to know ;)07:21
recentlydeceasedFlannel, there was a popup last night in my updates, never seen it before... that's why I asked07:22
KittyTeethIf I cut and paste some text can I then put it into a pdf and put it in my pdf files?07:22
Flannelrecentlydeceased: teh reason they're uncoupled (or more specifically, not related at all really) is because you can't hop from release N to release N+3.07:22
GirlyGirlKittyTeeth: Libreoffice can export to pdf07:23
recentlydeceasedFlannel, maybe I should propose this in brainstorm... it makes sense to offer support for a couple of weeks just for those users who time their next install with releases07:23
KittyTeethwill try. thanks07:23
Flannelrecentlydeceased: There is... there's 12 months of overlap.07:23
recentlydeceasedFlannel, sure, but upgrades are for suckers anyhow! ;)07:23
KM0201i thought openoffice could print to PDF also?... i could have swore i done that w/ OO as well.07:24
CFHowlettKM0201   export to pdf IIRC07:24
recentlydeceasedNever had an upgrade go smoothly, clean installs have been faster and less hassle07:24
CFHowlettKM0201   confirmed - export as PDF07:25
metaladdicthi, i have the following command diff new.txt old.txt | grep '<'^> > hello.txt07:25
metaladdictbut it isnt working proberly\07:25
recentlydeceasedFlannel, I've run 2 several versions to EOL before, and then installed the latest release both times, maybe I'm a minority... staved of Unity for as long as possible on my main machine07:25
KM0201CFHowlett: ok, i thought it could ( i know i've done it lots of times w/ Libre, was pretty sure i done it with OO as well)07:25
metaladdictdiff new.txt old.txt | grep '<'^>  hello.txt*07:25
Flannelrecentlydeceased: I suggest you stick with LTS.07:25
Flannelrecentlydeceased: Luckily, 12.04 is LTS.  But with LTS there's a whole year of overlap when the next one comes out (12.04 will have a few years, actually)07:26
metaladdictit should look up the diffrence between new.txt and old.txt and put them into hello.txt but only the diffrence07:26
recentlydeceasedFlannel, but 8.04 sucked, as did 10.04 ;)07:27
karthick87Is it possible to findout ubuntu installation date ?07:27
recentlydeceased7.10 was awesome, 8.10 was awesome, 10.10 was awesome too07:27
KM0201i thought 8.04 and 8.10 were crap.07:27
recentlydeceasedanyhow, thanks folks, gtg to work07:27
goddardwhen looking in the ubuntu manager what is the "Source Code" check box for?07:27
KM02019.04 was the next version i used07:28
Flannelrecentlydeceased: Well, you're just going to be stuck with some upgrade gaps then.07:28
recentlydeceasedKM0201, 8.04 was, sure ;)07:28
recentlydeceasedFlannel,  yeah, not the end of the world, just EOL!07:28
triscuityou'll miss precious security updates07:28
recentlydeceasedoh noes07:28
triscuityou gonna get hacked07:28
metaladdictCould anyone help me witht the following: diff new.txt old.txt | grep '<'^> hello.txt , it should find the diffrence between new.txt and old.txt and put it into hello.txt BUT it isnt doing anything to hello.txt07:29
wyldemetaladdict, you'd probably have better luck asking in #bash07:30
metaladdictokay, wil do07:30
goddardwhen looking in the ubuntu manager what is the "Source Code" check box for?07:32
lancesragecan someone tell me why i cant update my ubuntu?07:32
goddardlancesrage: not without more info07:32
CFHowlettlancesrage   version #??07:32
jribgoddard: in software manager you mean?07:33
goddardjrib: ya07:33
jribgoddard: that gives you access to the source code for the packages in ubuntu's non-restricted repositories07:33
jrib!source | goddard07:33
ubottugoddard: You can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html07:33
fidellancesrage: error-output?07:33
lancesragei had to wipe my computer today i have 9.04 installed and go to the update manager and click update trying to get back to old version i was on and it said it was not found07:33
ubottulancesrage: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades07:34
goddardjrib: thats the same version as getting it from the developers website?07:34
fidellancesrage: 9.04? why arent you updating to some "at least somehow" current version? just curious07:34
CFHowlettlancesrage   9.04 is end of life - for quite some time now.07:34
fidelits like using win98 those days ;)07:34
goddardArch never goes EOL just a heads up07:35
jribgoddard: it gets you the source for the package, which includes the original software untainted from upstream plus the packaging information (which may include ubuntu/debian-specific patches to the software)07:35
goddardjrib: i see07:35
lancesragefidel im trying but im not so good at ubuntu07:36
fidellancesrage: where is the problem updating the os? need help?07:38
=== dontworry is now known as DontWorry
fidelyou should consider jumping to 11.10 - 12.04 will come out in this month as well07:38
lancesrageubottu so the only way to upgrade is with another disk from a later version?07:38
CFHowlettlancesrage   download 10.04 or 11.10.  Both allow for direct update to 12.04 in a few weeks or stay with 10.04 as it has another year of support.07:38
fidellancesrage: ubottu is a bot07:39
Rurd2digo to 11.1007:39
lancesragehe gave a good answer too07:39
Rurd2digood as07:39
Gubbachopssorry im new where are the chat room?07:39
fidelGubbachops: this is some kind of chat room07:39
Rurd2diwhats up Gubbachops?07:39
KM0201Gubbachops: general chage is in #ubuntu-offtopic07:39
sw!ot | Gubbachops07:39
ubottuGubbachops: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:39
fidelGubbachops: limited to the ubuntu topic07:39
Gubbachopsok thanks folks07:40
lancesragefidel so is the only way to upgrade from 9.04 to 9.10 with a disk that has 9.10 on it?07:40
GirlyGirl_lancesrage: or via internet07:40
CFHowlettlancesrage   9.10 is also end of life ...07:40
lancesragei know im trying to get back to 10.0407:41
GirlyGirl_lancesrage: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades07:41
lancesragei had to wipe and reinstall today only disk i have is a 9.0407:41
GirlyGirl_!tab | lancesrage07:41
ubottulancesrage: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.07:41
KM0201lancesrage: well that was kinda useless07:42
Rurd2diGirlyGirl_: hahaha, yeah poor n00bs07:42
scienteslancesrage, just install fresh 12.0407:43
scientesand keep your /home07:43
MaximBHello, I got an audio problem, no audio at all ...what re the conf files for audio in Ubuntu ?07:43
sw!audo | MaximB07:43
sw!audio | MaximB07:44
ubottuMaximB: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.07:44
lancesragescientes i dont have a cd burner :(07:44
Rurd2dilancesrage: got a usb stick?07:44
Rurd2di u can create a bootable usb stick07:44
Rurd2diand install of that07:44
lancesrageRurd2di: my computer gave me hell last time i tried that too07:44
Rurd2dipretty easy, i dont install of disc anymore07:44
lancesragegot an error said no bootable file found on usb07:45
Rurd2diwhat did you use to make the bootable usb?07:45
lancesragei dont remember it was a while back07:45
MaximBsw thanks but it doesn't show me the conf files07:45
lancesragesomething i found on the forums07:45
Rurd2dii have never had a issues installing of usb07:46
Rurd2diits normal for me to do so now days07:46
rAg3-nixlancesrage: reformat your usb to FAT32 , and load the image using unetbootin , unetbootin never failed for me07:46
scientesusb works great07:46
lancesragerAg3-nix: ill try07:46
GirlyGirl_lancesrage: sudo dd if=/path/to/downloaded.iso of=/dev/device/node bs=1M  ... using this method should work07:46
scientesrAg3-nix, unetbootin works with any linux filesystems07:46
MaximBthe sound worked with alsa (only some apps) but after I've installed pulseaudio it stopped working at all07:46
lancesrageif it fails i can always come back07:47
woozlyguys, when I try to Login into xubuntu, it drops me to tty (console), then drop back to logon screen with as first time.07:47
rAg3-nixscientes: yes it does , but will it boot as well ?07:47
GirlyGirl_lancesrage: "sudo dd if=/path/to/downloaded.img of=/dev/device/node bs=1M" always works and produces the fastest live image as fat is slower07:47
nhorninghello everyone.  I used usbmodeswitch to get my GSM modem working (it does) but afterword my USB drives stopped recognizing volumes.  I don't even see them in disk utility. But dmesg shows that the usb drive is present.  Wat do?07:47
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jribwoozly: check ~/.xsession-errors07:47
scientesrAg3-nix, yes it will, however, you cant install to the partition you installed it to07:48
rAg3-nixscientes: i never tried with anything other than fat32 , once i did with ext2 and it refused to boot :( !!07:48
rAg3-nixscientes: oh ohk07:48
GirlyGirl_woozly: Sounds like xfce configuration problems ? Did you do any setting or package changes recently? Also #xubuntu may be better07:49
woozlyokay, thanks Ill check07:49
asus_xfce has a bug on sounds card07:50
asus_also one on the terminal07:51
lancesragewell ill bbl if this does not work out07:52
lancesragety all who helped07:52
nliciGoodmorning to Europe and Goodnight for Usa07:52
nlicishort question how can i download turkish language pack to ubuntu 11.1007:52
=== GirlyGirl_ is now known as GirlyGirl
asus_nlici,i have the same question07:53
GirlyGirlnlici: https://help.ubuntu.com/11.04/ubuntu-help/session-language.html07:53
nhorningAny help with my inability to use usb drives?07:54
derebelubuntu detects and mounts some dvds but not others, i have the basic dvd libraries installed but i'm not sure what the issue is since it wont even mount07:55
MaximBo does anyone know of ubuntu sound conf files ?07:57
GirlyGirlderebel: What is the error message if you mount from terminal07:59
CFHowlettsubdesign   greetings08:00
sacarlsonderebel: my guess is it's just bad media or bad dvd reader since some are working08:00
derebelGirlyGirl, for some discs i cant find a device in /dev to mount, for others i have dvd or dvd5 and attempt to mount to a directory in /media just hangs08:01
parentaada yang bisa ubuntu ga08:01
GirlyGirlderebel: Possibly bad media or reader08:01
derebelsacarlson, disc is readable in multiple readers and this same reader in another system (debian 6) mounts fine08:01
derebelGirlyGirl, mounts fine in same reader in debian 6, reads great in dvd player08:02
derebelit's an external hp dvd/cd burner if it matters08:02
innocivWhat is the command to view a files permissions?08:02
nhorningGirlyGirl: Hi,  I think I broke my USB drives with usbmode switch.  They work with devices, but they don't see volumes.  Do you think you can point me in the right direction?08:03
sacarlsoninnociv: ls -l08:03
parentaany body home08:04
sacarlson!ask | parenta08:04
ubottuparenta: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience08:04
parentahow to make user and group in one line ?08:05
parentahow to make user and group in one line ?08:05
parentahow to make user and group in one line ?08:05
FloodBot1parenta: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:05
nlicith x forhelp08:06
parentahow to make user and group in one line ?08:06
sacarlsonparenta: http://nixcraft.com/getting-started-tutorials/3293-create-new-user-account-ubuntu-linux-command-line.html08:07
Mohithwhat is this software08:07
TimvdeI will be getting back my laptop from repair today. I think it's kinda stupid to install 11.10 now and reinstall in two weeks (I prefer fresh installs). If I install 12.04, will it just upgrade to the stable version and keep me there, or will I be stuck on development releases?08:07
Jordan_U!final | Timvde08:07
ubottuTimvde: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Precise and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 12.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1.08:07
TimvdeJordan_U: Ty08:08
Jordan_UTimvde: You're welcome.08:08
nhorningHello, Jordan_U.  Do you think you can help with my USB?08:09
parentanot that sacarlson08:09
iltis it possible to install and run ubuntu on an external hard drive on a laptop that doesn't have any internal hard drive?08:09
parentasacarlson : this output in one line08:10
Mohithjust use universal usb installer08:10
parentasacarlson : not that sacarlson08:10
sacarlsonparenta:   this looks like one line to me:  useradd sweta ;08:11
amnwhat is last version of ubuntu ??08:11
iltok...but it's asking me "To create it, I will be using: mac / windows / ubuntu"....but i dont have any os at the moment. so what do i pick?08:11
benjickHi. Do I have to upgrade to precise to get the latest version of PHP?08:12
amnwhat is last version of ubuntu ?08:12
Jordan_Uilt: You need to have some OS to put Ubuntu's installer on a CD/USB drive to start with.08:13
derebelok so i'm still not able to mount some dvds but now when i attempt to mount /dev/dvd i get mount: no medium found on /dev/sr008:14
iltah okay, now i see that universal usb installer is a program08:14
ShapeCan anyone please recommend me a rigorous book to learn Linux commands and Linux in general?08:15
almoxarifeis there a terminal command that will provide the complete command line of a process running? 'top' does not, gnome-system-monitor does (yes it's a graphics app) but without a way to capture the command line08:15
benjickalmoxarife: htop?08:15
Jordan_Uilt: You're welcome. Note that Universal USB Installer will only install Ubuntu's *installer* to the USB. I recommend using a CD, or another USB drive, for Ubuntu's installer then installing to the main external drive as you would to an internal drive.08:15
parentasacarlson : xample output is f:x:1001:1001:f,0,1,2,3:/home/f:/bin/bash08:15
parenta    f:x:1001:      <--user and group in 1 line08:15
parenta    f:x:1001:      <--user and group in 1 line08:15
parenta    f:x:1001:      <--user and group in 1 line08:15
FloodBot1parenta: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:15
almoxarifebenjick: didn't try that08:16
Jordan_Uparenta: Please stop repeating yourself.08:16
=== Matrixium is now known as Matrixiumn
benjickalmoxarife: Might be in there, not sure :)08:16
benjickDo I have to upgrade to precise to get the latest version of PHP?08:16
ferret_almoxarife: try tr '\0' ' ' </proc/$pid/cmdline08:16
comgen<almoxarife> : ps -A08:17
iltcant i install the installer on the external hdd and then install ubuntu on the same hard drive, Jordan_U?08:17
karthick87Is it possible to findout ubuntu installation date ?08:17
ferret_almoxarife: unless you're going to reuse it to run the command, in which case it'd be better to put it in an arry08:17
amnshape : linux all in one  for dummies08:17
Jordan_Uilt: It's possible, but it's very difficult to do.08:17
ilthm...i dont have a big enough usb drive... :/08:18
parentahow command to make user and group in one line08:18
parentahow to make command user and group in one line08:18
Shapeamn: I've read many dummies books in general and I find them going astray too much and overexplaining and not rigorous. What about this: Practical Guide to Linux Commands, Editors, and Shell Programming, A (2nd Edition) Sobell08:19
Jordan_Uparenta: Please stop repeating yourself. This is your last warning.08:19
Jordan_Uparenta: It's annoying, disrespectful, and clutters the channel.08:19
parentahow about my  ask/08:20
benjickparenta: Just ask once, wait for an answer, if not, ask again later08:20
benjickYour question is not complete as well08:20
sacarlsonparenta: look at man adduser ;  see --group  option08:22
comgenparenta : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto  ?08:22
benjickI found this: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/php5 How do I use that as a source?08:22
comgenparenta : or : sudo adduser <username> <groupname>08:23
Kartagiscomgen, parenta: group name is NOT mandatory, <> says it is08:25
comgenKartagis : ? I think he wants to create user with alt group  sudo adduser comgen group-other-than-comgen08:26
comgenI might be wrong the org question was muddy08:27
sacarlsoncomgen: I think what kartagis is saying that the standard man format is like   sudo adduser <username> [groupname]   where [] are used to denote as optional and <> is manditory08:27
Kartagisif you want to add user to a group, use gpasswd -a <user> <group>08:28
Kartagissacarlson: you're right08:28
comgenLOL got it08:28
parentahow to make command Such as ====f:x:1001:1001:f,0,1,2,3:/home/f:/bin/bash08:30
parenta    f:x:1001:      <--user and group in 1 line08:30
parentai can't to make it08:30
JohnnyricoMCHey, anyone with preseeding-experience around?08:31
sacarlsonbenjick: it apears that php5 is already released all the way down for to lucid 10.0408:31
meeti have got a 10 yr old pc with winxp. was planning to install ubuntu 10.10 (as i experienced it to be less resource consuming.) but should i go with lubuntu ?08:32
almoxarifebenjick: your suggestion for 'htop' was useful, thanks, lots of info that comes in handy, but if there is a way to capture text from the terminal window i can't find it.08:32
comgenmeet : I run Lubuntu on most machines & several servers - good spin regardless of resources08:33
meetis it lighter than ubuntu 10.10 as they claim?08:33
benjicksacarlson: But there are so old versions08:33
comgenmeet : yes is the short answer08:34
JohnnyricoMCMy problem is: whenever my preseed-install reaches the tasksel-step, it fails: tasksel tasksel/first multiselect standard, ubuntu-desktop08:34
sacarlsonbenjick: yes you can install php4 also if you want old ones also08:34
JohnnyricoMCAnd I get a screen saying the failing step is "Select and install software"08:34
benjicksacarlson: Well, i want the newest, of course08:34
meetthanks comgen08:35
sacarlsonbenjick: some software will only run in old, it's all a mater of what you want to run08:35
JohnnyricoMCanyone have any ideas? What my own googling returned as suspect is partitioning, but I need the preseed file to automatically partition the disk (just use whole disk, wipe anything else on there)08:35
Yaron-HebGuys, any idea how do I switch VLC's UI Language? (I tried LANG=he_IL.UTF-8, didn't work)08:35
comgenmeet : * join us on IRC irc.freenode.net #lubuntu, #lxde08:35
sacarlsonJohnnyricoMC: you want to setup auto install?08:36
benjicksacarlson: I got redirected to https://launchpad.net/~nathan-renniewaldock/+archive/ppa which was what I was looking for08:36
benjickSo I'm going to use that08:37
JohnnyricoMCpretty much sacarlson, I'm trying to do a completely unattended install that wipes and uses the whole present harddisk, but it fails when reaching the tasksel-step08:38
sacarlsonbenjick: ya that might be newer                              php   5.4.0-1build1~ppa1~precise08:38
JohnnyricoMCtrying to deploy 10.0408:38
JohnnyricoMCI'll make a paste of the preseed08:39
Stormx2Hey. Using gnome classic DE (hate all this netbook-orientated stuff). Compiz sometimes fails to start with lightdm. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. When it doesn't I have to open a terminal and do "compiz --replace &", if i can get keyboard focus. Any dieas?08:39
JohnnyricoMChttp://pastie.org/3772976 this is the preseed, I've been replacing tabs with spaces as I was suspecting those08:40
Stormx2Issue 2: as of 11.10 my proprietary nvidia drivers completely mess up when running minecraft after a certain (seemingly random) interval. Whole DE slows down to a halt in a matter of seconds, with everything frozen after that. If I'm quick enough I can Ctrl+Alt+F1 and kill minecraft. Sometimes it just immediately blackscreens, forcing me to do a hard reboot.08:41
icerooti have reinstalled my systemed and keeped the old encrypted home, /home is mounted automaticly but its not useable (still encrypted) what task is needed to auto-unencrypt /home? when i enter my credentials on lxdm home is not unencrypted08:42
Stormx2(card is an 8800GTX, works fine in 11.04 and prior)08:42
sacarlsonJohnnyricoMC: seems I saw some other people  having problems with preeseed,  I thought I saw another method other than preseed that debian used08:46
JohnnyricoMCsacarlson, ubuntu is indeed supposed to support kickstart, but I tried that and couldn't get ubuntu to obey the kickstart-file08:47
JohnnyricoMCwhereas with preseeding, it's a lot more obedient08:48
sacarlsonJohnnyricoMC: oh ya it was kickstart that's mest up not preseed08:48
sacarlsonJohnnyricoMC: and I saw a method to create the preseed file with the alternate ubuntu iso installer08:49
Yaron-HebGuys, can you please help me switching VLC's UI language?08:51
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JohnnyricoMC[10:49:23] <sacarlson> JohnnyricoMC: and I saw a method to create the preseed file with the alternate ubuntu iso installer08:53
JohnnyricoMCHmmmm, I'll look into that08:54
JohnnyricoMCcurrently using an ubuntu server iso08:54
sacarlsonJohnnyricoMC: that's the same ubuntu sever iso I think that the same as the alternate08:54
JohnnyricoMCWell, nothing ventured, nothing gained. It's worth the try08:56
abhinavmehtaI've ubuntu 10.10 machine, with python 2.6.5 installed. I want to update it to 2.7+ how to do that without building manually.09:00
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abhinavmehtaapt-get update && apt-get upgrade not working.09:01
abhinavmehtaI mean, I've used them, but they were futile for my issue.09:01
abhinavmehtaanyone here..about python..?09:02
sacarlsonabhinavmehta: did you look in synaptic for your linux kernel of choice?  you can install it from there.  if you don't see what you want in the list check the ppa09:02
sacarlsonabhinavmehta: opps not kernel but python  can also be found in ppa09:03
abhinavmehtasacarlson: I found your typo-mistake earlier…and got what you saying.09:04
ShapeHello, I am looking to learn Linux and I can't decide whether to go with Fedora or Ubuntu (or something else). Can anyone provide me with some information about the difference between the two? I've looked on several websites but I still don't understand what the difference is.09:06
abhinavmehtasacarlson: its not in synaptic…couldn't found any ppa related to python09:06
abhinavmehtaShape: whats your primary use-cases..?09:07
sacarlsonabhinavmehta: https://launchpad.net/~python-ubuntu/+archive/ppa09:07
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Shapeabhinavmehta: just to learn Linux in detal. I don't do any programming or anything like that.09:08
codemaniachello i have a lame question09:08
codemaniacSending email from GMail with my alias address09:08
abhinavmehtaohh…sorry again, I just forgot that there is something like launchpad for ubunters …..09:08
codemaniacany help is appreciated09:08
abhinavmehtaShape: than Ubuntu 11.10 or Fedora 16 both are good for you..09:09
codemaniachow can i senf from an alias address in gmail09:10
abhinavmehtaShape: you can use either of them coz if you learn any one of them, you will learn other too very easily09:10
Shapeabhinavmehta I have heard fedora is harder to learn and not that user friendly is that correct?09:10
sw!ot | codemaniac09:10
ubottucodemaniac: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:10
codemaniaci have grepped out the whole web without any sucess09:10
codemaniacubottu: thanks for the enlightment09:10
ubottucodemaniac: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:10
abhinavmehtaShape: not really, its just installing stuff using rpm is little complex….but once you get it…its very smooth.09:11
abhinavmehtaShape: and soon when you become amateur you will like to build/install things manually or from source…with more firm control on every pkg/app you have.09:11
Shapeabhinavmehta Do you recommend any literature? Is this book good? Practical Guide to Linux Commands, Editors, and Shell Programming, A (2nd Edition) ?09:13
swShape: the only literature you need is '$ man'09:13
lucky105i bought netbook and installed 12.04. im not getting correct resolution of 1024x60009:13
sw!resolution | lucky10509:13
ubottulucky105: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution09:14
abhinavmehtaShape: I've never read that book, so no-idea….but I would agree with sw, and I'll recommend learn linux by-doing, rather reading...09:14
abhinavmehtaShape: take a topic, google it…check linux-forums/blogs and thats it.09:14
lucky105thanx i m trying it..09:15
abhinavmehtaShape: and once you ready something at somewhere…rmbr to practically execute it once…don't mug them.09:16
Shapeabhinavmehta Thanks! I actually used Ubuntu 8.10 long time ago. But I found things a little weird, when it came to copy/pasting commands rather than actually understanding what I was doing09:16
abhinavmehtaShape: if you some doubt, come to its and ask here….this channel is very acive and members are really very helpful…don't copy-paste…try to understand concepts…everything is very intuitive09:17
JermBobhey there people09:19
ShapeAlright! Thanks a lot!09:19
JermBobjust wondering how can i get a list of hard disks and partitions on my pc ?09:19
sacarlsonabhinavmehta: where are you putting you preseed.cfg file and how are you passing the file to the installer?09:19
JermBobis there a disk partitioning utility ?09:20
JermBobis there a way to findout all the things i can mount ?09:21
sacarlsonJermBob: yes disk utility09:21
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JermBobsacarlson: terminal ?09:21
abhinavmehtasacarlson: why I'll need pressed.cfg here..I've just added those deb-src links to sources.list, and will update it.09:21
abhinavmehtasacarlson: Am I'm doing something wrong.?09:21
sacarlsonJermBob: no it's a gui09:21
JermBobsacarlson: i am going to need a terminal disk utility to use sorry09:22
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sacarlsonabhinavmehta: oh no I got you confused with someone else09:23
lucky105ubottu : xrandr not working ...it says " Failed to get size of gamma for current output.09:23
ubottulucky105: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:23
abhinavmehtasacarlson: thats ok..09:23
meetwhere can i find the .deb of softwares installed through software center09:23
sacarlsonJohnnyricoMC:  where are you putting you preseed.cfg file and how are you passing the file to the installer?09:24
JermBobsacarlson: do you know a terminal disk utility app ?09:24
sacarlsonJermBob: to mount a disk?   man mount09:24
CFHowlettorangeblume   greetings09:25
orangeblumeyes well greetings09:25
sacarlsonJermBob: and I guess man fdisk09:25
orangeblumeBut my name is orangblume09:25
JohnnyricoMC[11:24:07] <sacarlson> JohnnyricoMC:  where are you putting you preseed.cfg file and how are you passing the file to the installer?09:26
JohnnyricoMCI'm using Cobbler for that09:26
sacarlsonJohnnyricoMC: cobbler?  never heard of it09:26
JohnnyricoMCit's a deployment-tool that allows for easy management of various installation profiles etc09:26
sacarlsonJohnnyricoMC: oh pxe09:27
JohnnyricoMCit heavily uses pxe09:27
JohnnyricoMCthe preseed is stored in /var/lib/cobbler/kickstarts/autobuntu.seed09:27
sacarlsonJohnnyricoMC:  I just run pxe from one of my servers09:27
sacarlsonJohnnyricoMC: ok and how do you tell it where that files is at boot?09:28
JohnnyricoMCCobbler passes the kickstart to it09:28
JohnnyricoMCfrom an url09:28
JohnnyricoMCah right, now I remember09:29
JohnnyricoMCit gives it through http09:29
orangeblumehello i have got a question here!!09:29
orangeblumehello i have got a question here!!09:30
JohnnyricoMCso basically cobbler gives the location as a boot parameter09:30
ubottuorangeblume: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/09:30
JohnnyricoMCthe location being
JohnnyricoMCthat returns the preseed in plain-text09:31
orangeblumemy name is orangblume not orangeblume09:31
ax562you like orange trees?09:31
JohnnyricoMCJust spit out the question orangeblume and when someone's around who knows the answer, they'll help you09:32
ax562anyone using netbeans?09:32
orangeblumebut my name is ORANGBLUME09:32
JohnnyricoMCnope, it ain't09:32
JohnnyricoMC[11:32:47] <orangeblume> but my name is ORANGBLUME09:32
enchiladoJohnnyricoMC: URL is an initialism, pronounced as letters - U R L. Because the letter U is said with a Y sound, use the article 'a' rather than 'an'09:33
enchiladojust saying09:33
enchiladoorangeblume: no, your name is orangeblume09:33
mathewjoycan anybody help me with wine?!09:33
orangeblumeoh nooo09:34
orangeblumenot orangEblume09:34
orangeblumewithout the "e"09:34
mathewjoyi mean i just started using ubuntu in the morning.....09:34
kri51Hi there09:34
enchiladolooks like orangeblume to me, maybe you want to do /nick orangblume09:34
kri51I am trying to package a binary library, but i can´t find how to do this, all i found is to package from source09:35
orangeblumei do not know with this f*** ubuntu channel did not saved it but i will try again09:35
kri51Any hints?09:35
=== orangeblume is now known as orangblume
CFHowlettorangblume   *ask your ubuntu question*09:35
ubottuorangeblume: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.09:35
=== enchilad1 is now known as enchilado
sacarlsonJohnnyricoMC: ok thanks I'm reading the cobbler docs to see if I should install it or just make the needed changes in my pxe server to try it09:39
JohnnyricoMCI just made a centOS-VM for cobbler09:41
sacarlsonJohnnyricoMC: in my pxe boot it just comes up like a live cd and it's all manual to install, so I'm going to try this preseed method to install to a virtualbox presents09:41
JohnnyricoMCthen configured DNSmasq to only give out dhcp-leases to virtual machines (specific MAC-prefix)09:42
JohnnyricoMCand whenever I boot a VM into PXE, I get a blue selection menu to pick which installation profile I want09:42
sacarlsonJohnnyricoMC: I've already use dhcp3 and will make the needed changes there09:42
JohnnyricoMCseems to get a bit further with alternate installer, but still fails. Is there some way to see verbose output in the installer?09:43
robertzaccourHow do I record audio and video directly from my webcam?09:43
ax562anyone using blender?09:43
sacarlsonJohnnyricoMC: yes there is another added option at boot install for text but I thought that was the default in the alternate installer09:44
sacarlsonrobertzaccour: look into vlc for that09:45
murlidharhello all. how can i install java in order to play games online ?09:45
JohnnyricoMCWell, I'll check tomorrow since I have to catch a bus, thanks a lot for the help sacarlson09:45
sacarlsonJohnnyricoMC: I don't think I provided any help yet, but your welcome any way09:46
icerootiface eth0 inet dhcp   <- what is handling eth0 here? network-manager (nm-applet) is saying, device is not managed. is dhclient handling it directly? what is the correct way so that network-manager is handling it09:46
JohnnyricoMChell, trying is helping09:46
sacarlsoniceroot: if you want network manager to control it comment that line out09:47
icerootsacarlson: so just auto eth0?09:48
robertzaccoursacarlson, what? vlc records from webcam?09:48
quiescensiceroot: no, nothing at all09:48
sacarlsoniceroot: no I don't even think that should be there but without the iface line I guess it won't mater09:48
ax562anyone using blender?09:48
icerootquiescens: sacarlson thank you09:48
=== mars is now known as Guest48183
=== Guest48183 is now known as Mars___
Mars___what is blender?09:49
ubottuMars___: blender is a free application for 3D modelling, animation, rendering, etc. You can install it from Ubuntu's repositories, and tutorials are at http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Blender_3D:_Noob_to_Pro09:50
paulus68sacarlson: question concerning the preseed file buildup how do you address it while using vmware? do you have an Idea?09:56
rocket16Hello guys, I have a linux-mint related question. Is it the right place to ask? Or else, can anyone please point me to the right channel? :)09:57
OerHeks!mint | rocket1609:58
ubotturocket16: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org09:58
osirisx111 am on studio 12.04  and using gnome classic... i can't right click and go to panel properties anymore.. and i think i am missing my tray icons to things like pidgin and truecrypt09:58
matt_need help? anyone willing noob in despair lol...09:58
robertzaccourHow do I record audio and video directly from my webcam with ffmpeg?09:59
rocket16Ok, thanks OerHeks . :)09:59
OerHeksbetter join #Ubuntu+1 for precise pangolin, untill release, osirisx11109:59
matt_helloooo out there?...09:59
OerHeksrobertzaccour, cheese can do that.09:59
robertzaccourOerHeks, but cheese makes it all broken and sluggish10:00
i7cHey guys. I have xfce installed. works fine but everytime when i start my computer i google chrome asks again and again if it's supposed to be standard browser. and if i click a link outside the browser (irc client) it also asks everytime. where can i set it that it never asks anymore?10:01
OerHeksrobertzaccour, you can try manually >> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam#FFmpeg10:02
CFHowlett!ask | matt_10:02
ubottumatt_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:02
SteevcaIs it possible to download and install ubuntu for android?10:02
popeynot yet Steevca10:02
Steevcapopey, is there a date when it will be possible?10:02
popeySteevca: not yet10:03
Ben64android is an operating system, ubuntu is an operating system, it's impossible10:03
OerHeksi7c known issue, go into preferences, and set it default in the menu again, that would solve it.10:03
CFHowlettSteevca   ben64  http://www.ubuntu.com/devices/android10:03
i7cOerHeks: thanks.10:03
SteevcaYeah i have read it,that is whay i am asking,there is no date. :P10:03
Ben64then it wouldn't be android10:04
Ben64or it'd just be a skin on top of android, which would make it not ubuntu10:04
robertzaccourI'm trying to use ffmpeg but the commands I'm using aren't working. Anyone here good with ffmpeg?10:04
robertzaccourwhat used to work months ago no longer does10:04
sam-chi friends10:08
robertzaccourI'm really lost here. What used to work for ffmpeg no longer does. Would someone be able to post a command to record the screen audio capturing form my usb webcam? please?10:08
sam-chow to go to ubuntu 12.10??10:09
OerHeksrobertzaccour, show us your command, maybe we can help you with that?10:09
Ben64sam-c: 12.10 isn't released for another ~6 months10:09
CFHowlettsam-c   wait until it's releases - in October10:09
sam-cas developer10:10
GirlyGirlsam-c: Do you mean 12.04?10:10
CFHowlettsam-c   ask at #ubuntu-devel10:10
sam-c12.10 this is already 12.0410:10
robertzaccourffmpeg -f alsa -ac 2 -i pulse -r 30 -s 1366x768 -f x11grab -i :0.0 -vcodec msmpeg4v2 -qscale 2 recording.avi10:10
Ben6412.10 alpha won't be out for probably 2 months10:11
GirlyGirlsam-c: Its repos aren't even open yet10:11
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sam-cnext may?10:11
GirlyGirlsam-c: In short its non existant, its like saying how to go to Windows 1010:11
arandsam-c: What do you mean by "go to"?10:11
robertzaccourOerHeks, ffmpeg -f alsa -ac 2 -i pulse -r 30 -s 1366x768 -f x11grab -i :0.0 -vcodec msmpeg4v2 -qscale 2 screencast.avi10:12
sam-cdo not like windoes10:12
sam-cstrange day here it is like friday10:13
Mars___strange day ? what means?10:14
sam-chey bezeqint10:14
MaximBplease help me :10:14
MaximBmaximb@MaximB-HQ:~/Games/trine$ ./trine-bin6410:14
MaximBALSA lib conf.c:2700:(snd_config_hooks_call) Cannot open shared library libasound_module_conf_pulse.so10:14
MaximBALSA lib pcm.c:2144:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM default10:14
FloodBot1MaximB: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:14
sam-csunday greek orthodox easter10:15
sam-csunday pesach over10:15
MaximBI get no sound with pulseaudio10:15
fishcookerim on PP10:16
fishcookerou ic10:16
fishcookeri will join #ubuntu+110:16
=== mint_ is now known as SieB
SieBim having problems with my cryptdevice....10:17
SieBit says no key available ..... this passphrase...10:17
SieBcryptsetup luksDump shows http://pastie.org/377328110:17
SieBany help?10:20
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=== HelenB is now known as HelenB[Away]
=== HelenB[Away] is now known as HelenB
robertzaccourIs there anyone that might possibly be able to help me with ffmpeg?10:31
=== Nathan is now known as Guest92596
Mars___what is ffmpeg ?10:31
=== Guest92596 is now known as Nathan_
robertzaccourMars___, Its what I used to record screencasts before but what used to work no longer does, the command I used I mean10:32
popeyrobertzaccour: tried kazam?10:32
robertzaccourpopey, does it work in Gnome 3?10:32
popeyrobertzaccour: do you mean gnome shell?10:33
=== slikts1 is now known as slikts
robertzaccourpopey, yeah most people know it as 310:33
popeyrobertzaccour: yeah, incorrectly ☺10:34
popeyrobertzaccour: i don't know, I don't use shell10:34
popeyrobertzaccour: try it and see, the developer hangs out in #kazam, nice chap too ☺10:34
eutheriahow can i few a .chm file?10:38
karthick87Is it possible to findout ubuntu installation date ?10:38
arandkarthick87: /var/log/installer/syslog would likely provide a hint..10:41
Bndrrhello all10:42
PsytonicI'm trying to install Valgrind, but getting the following error when apt-get'in it >>> valgrind: Depends: libc6-dbg but it is not going to be installed10:44
ax562anyone know how to compile without errors in netbeans, c++?10:45
Psytonicso I tried it on lbc6-dbg and i got >>> libc6-dbg: Depends: libc6 (= 2.11.1-0ubuntu7) but 2.11.1-0ubuntu7.8 is to be installed10:45
Psytonicany ideas whay?10:46
swPsytonic: '$ sudo apt-get -f install'10:46
Psytonicdoes nothing10:46
Psytonicthats what all the websites say to do :S10:46
fishcookerhow to get remote desktop like windows os10:48
fishcookeri wanto remote session10:48
sw!vnc | fishcooker10:48
ubottufishcooker: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX10:48
fishcookerhave u tried nomachine.com sw10:49
Psytonic<3 freenx10:49
swfishcooker: no10:49
=== iowa is now known as Guest24890
Psytonictheres also a windows rdp implementation in linux, but i forget what its called10:49
swPsytonic: there's no need to keep evaluating everything compared to Windows - it's not as if it's a standard for anything ;-)10:50
Psytonicsw: he was asking about windows10:51
Psytonicmaybe I should just find my memory management bugs instead of installing toos to do it for me...10:52
ax562anyone know how to compile without errors in netbeans, c++?10:52
Psytonicax562: fix the errors? :P10:52
Psytonicax562: whatya mean?10:53
swax562: can you paste bin the errors?10:53
hamaciihello, i've tried using hamachi on linux with http://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/hamachi but every time i try to enter a command i get "This is an online operation and you are not logged in"10:53
ax562yeah but what website should i use10:55
OerHekshamacii, well, open an account & login first ?10:55
hamaciiOerHeks: you don't need an account to use hamachi10:56
OerHekshamacii, yes you do, with logmein10:56
hamaciiOerHeks: no i've started hamachi on my windows computer and i didn't have to create an account10:57
hamaciiOerHeks: sudo hamachi login -> Logging in ..... failed10:57
hamaciiOerHeks: maybe the problem is that i'm behind the workplace firewall or something?10:58
Psytoniclogging in usually requires a username and password somewhere10:58
Psytonicotherwise they usually call it something else10:58
swyes, or there's no point in the logging in part ...10:58
swhamacii: can you '$ man hamachi' and scroll down to the login part and read it, please? :-)10:59
hamaciisw: http://i.imgur.com/e9J5a.png10:59
hamaciithere's nothing about logging in there: http://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/hamachi you just start hamachi and connect to the network the other person created11:00
hamaciiwith the correct password11:00
hamaciiwith sudo hamachi join NETWORK PASSWORD11:01
maurorIs Ubuntu 12.04 already frozen?11:01
sw!12.01 | mauror11:01
sw!12.04 | mauror11:01
ubottumauror: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+111:01
swsorry! I'm making up versions now ...11:01
maurorI have found a little bug in the intaller  of beta211:01
swmauror: #ubuntu+1 please11:03
Psytonichamacii: then you probably have to specify something when you try to login, like the network name and password?11:03
Psytonicor tever11:03
hamaciiPsytonic: not according to: http://i.imgur.com/e9J5a.png11:04
Psytonicno idea11:04
hamaciiPsytonic: there's something weird though, just like in http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1170700, i don't have a ipv4 ip for the ham0 interface when doing ifconfig11:04
opalepatrickwhat repo would have packages like libgtk2.0-dev? I am running a standard 11.10 with some old packages that I need to update. Thanks11:04
sw!info libgt2.0-dev11:05
ubottuPackage libgt2.0-dev does not exist in oneiric11:05
sw!info libgtk2.0-dev11:05
ubottulibgtk2.0-dev (source: gtk+2.0): Development files for the GTK+ library. In component main, is optional. Version 2.24.6-0ubuntu5 (oneiric), package size 3583 kB, installed size 16520 kB11:05
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DraconicusHeyo. Emerald window manager has stopped working after the removal of overlay-scroolbars. Any ideas?11:07
opalepatrickthanks sw, I am compiling gimp 2.8rc1 and need to update  a few packages. Any idea what would be the sensible way?11:07
DraconicusSeems I somehow lost libemeraldengine...11:08
=== Guest57106 is now known as Misha_Alchevsk
opalepatrickoh component main11:08
ubottuemerald is an obsolete window decorator for compiz. It's unsupported and unmaintained, making issues with it very hard to diagnose and fix. There are no known, supported alternatives.11:08
ax562anyone know how to compile without errors in netbeans, c++?11:08
DraconicusPfft. You guys are butts. :P11:08
eutheriaax562, yeah you write better code11:08
DraconicusFixed it myself. For anyone who cares to help in the future, removing overlay-scrollbars tends to remove libemeraldengine0 for some reason.11:09
DraconicusThe end.11:09
Psytonicax562: thats a make file problem11:09
Psytonictry another channel11:09
=== mars is now known as Guest74034
Bndrrhi duddes11:14
Bndrrhow can I speed up my terminal ?11:17
DMJCtrying to setup some simple routing, got A-B-C-internet11:17
jasonmspanyone know a good GUI editor for a .db file?11:17
DMJCneed to pass traffic from A through B to the internet11:17
BndrrDMJC, what ?11:17
ikoniajasonmsp: thats a database file, depends what type of database11:18
jasonmspits a contacts database from evolution's addressbook11:18
jasonmspI want to see if I can pull data in manually11:19
ikoniajasonmsp: I think (not sure that's sqlite)11:19
ikoniajasonmsp: you need to find out what type of database it is first, before progressing anything else11:19
DMJCI got DNS lookups working correctly from A-B-internet11:20
DMJCbut I can't ping hosts from A11:20
DMJCI can ping stuff on my internal network, but not internet hosts.11:20
ikoniaDMJC: sounds like your gateway is not forwarding packets11:21
DMJCikonia? it is11:22
ikoniaDMJC: how do you know ?11:22
jasonmspikonia: from a forum:  "addressbook.db" is a BerkeleyDb database that stores information (including VCard records) for Evolution:11:22
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ikoniajasonmsp: Hmmm there are quite a few berkley DB editors, look up some offerings from sleepycat11:22
=== nothingspecial is now known as elfy3
DMJCI can ping the host from outside the gateway to the machine inside it11:22
ikoniaDMJC: that doesn't mean it's forwarding11:23
DMJCand I can ping from inside the gateway to the outside host11:23
ikoniaDMJC: so what can't you ping ?11:23
DMJCfrom inside my gateway to the internet11:23
DMJCI can dig google.com but can't ping it11:23
ikoniaDMJC: you just said you could do that11:23
ikonia2:23 < DMJC> and I can ping from inside the gateway to the outside host11:23
ikoniaoutside host = internet11:23
DMJCsorry let me explain, I have PC1 - 1Fileserver2 - Internet11:24
DMJCthe numbers are network interfaces.11:24
ikoniaDMJC: on the same host ?11:24
DMJC1fileserver2 has two interfaces on the same host11:25
ikoniaDMJC: oh, I see what you mean11:25
DMJCthe fileserver is on my lan which is net connected11:25
mzcl-mnhello everybody!11:25
ikoniaDMJC: yes, I see what you are saying11:25
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ikoniaDMJC: so what's not working ?11:25
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mzcl-mnand beforehand sorry if I may seem intrusive..11:26
DMJCPC can't ping the net, can ping hosts inside/outside the gateway11:26
DMJCbut not the internet11:26
KooolaNLwhere did freenx go ?11:26
DMJCbut I can do lookups11:26
ikoniaDMJC: outside the gateway ?11:26
KooolaNLE: Couldn't find package freenx11:26
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ikoniaDMJC: what are you talking about, anything outside the gateway is the internet11:26
KooolaNLis wat i get when i apt-get11:26
Bndrri need performance my ubuntu? what app can i install ?11:26
ikoniaDMJC: what device is your PC using as the gateway11:26
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mzcl-mnwell, does anyone know how to install gallium on amd rv620?11:27
BndrrI need nice tools for ubuntu . pls ??11:28
jpds!best | Bndrr11:29
ubottuBndrr: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.11:29
DMJCI hope that explained it better11:29
ikoniaDMJC: what ?11:29
KooolaNLi want to install freenx11:29
fishcookerwhat apps should be installed by novice user?11:29
KooolaNLbut the package cant be found11:29
KooolaNLany ideas ?11:29
fishcookertry nomachine.com11:29
KooolaNLim using terminal11:30
Bndrroky doky jpds11:30
mzcl-mncan anyone help me to install the gallium driver?11:30
KooolaNLstep 511:30
KooolaNLsudo apt-get install freenx11:30
KooolaNLi do that11:30
zvacetfishcooker: depende11:30
DMJCikonia: I private messaged you11:30
KooolaNLpackage not found11:30
ikoniaDMJC: sorry I didn't read it,11:30
ikoniaDMJC: what device is your PC using as a gateway ?11:30
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fishcookerdesktop apps should be installed on novice user ubuntu11:31
zvacetfishcooker: I prefer clean desktop so it is user choice11:32
mzcl-mndo you guys know how to install gallium drivers?11:32
Bndrrzvacet, but what type of apps u have ?11:33
zvacetmzcl-mn: is http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1451727 of any help?11:35
DMJCexplains it better11:35
mzcl-mnzvacet: I'll try out thanks!!11:36
zvacetBndrr:  torrent client web browesr,terminal,and few others are in my unity launcher11:36
DMJClaptop can ping PC and PC can ping laptop but PC can't ping internet11:36
ikoniaDMJC: right, so your gateway machine is not routing / forwarding packets11:36
DMJCPC can resolve DNS tho11:36
ikoniaDMJC: the laptop/PC can talk to each other as they are on the same network11:36
fishcookerzvacet : suppose that im windows user migration new11:37
zvacetmzcl-mn: np11:37
ikoniaDMJC: right, so the laptop/pc pinging each other has no relevence11:37
ikoniaDMJC: the bottom line is the device you are using as a gateway machine is not forwarding packets to the router, OR the router is not forwarding packets for anything not directly connected to it11:37
mzcl-mnzvacet: I know11:38
mzcl-mnzvacet: you're right11:38
zvacetfishcooker:  If you want to play games then linux is not best option other stuff you can do like you did it in Windows do you have some special app in mind11:38
mzcl-mnzvacet: it is not my chip11:38
DMJCikonia, should I setup route paths from my modem's external interface?11:39
ikoniaDMJC: ??? sorry you're not making any sense11:39
DMJCI haven't studied routing in ages, what should the gateway be configured to do?11:39
ikoniaDMJC: the machine you are using as a gateway has to forward packaets via routing to the public internet, which means it has to forward packets to the router11:40
DMJCI've enabled IPv4 forwarding11:40
JensenDanand now crash.. brb11:40
ikoniaDMJC: that's not routing11:40
zvacetmzcl-mn: all I can find googling fast look at http://www.googlubuntu.com/ type what are you looking for and hope for the best11:40
ikoniaDMJC: your laptops are on a private IP address range if you forward that IP range onto the public internet it will vanish11:40
ikonia!cs | DMJC11:41
ubottuDMJC: chanserv.py is a ChanServ helper script for !XChat | https://github.com/seveas/chanserv.py11:41
ikonia!ics | DMJC11:41
ubottuDMJC: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing11:41
FloodBot1ikonia: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:41
v4lue[error]been pwned lately???....11:41
mzcl-mnzvacet: i currently am on a system that has that gallium 0.4 amd rv620 driver but i wanted to use the same one on the system that i want to use from now on11:41
* v4lue[error] lulz11:41
tobisI'm looking for someone whith knowledge on sed. I want to delete 2 lines from the word I match11:42
tobis( I only know for 1 with /d )11:42
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zvacetmzcl-mn: like Isaid I tried to help but you will have to wait for amdswer from another person because I don't know answer sorry11:43
Aprogastobis: I'm not sure what you mean.11:43
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mzcl-mnzvacet: don't worry i'm glad you've tried11:43
zvacetmzcl-mn:  :(11:44
mzcl-mnzvacet: thanks for all your help11:44
zvacetmzcl-mn: yw11:44
mzcl-mnzvacet: sorry don't know what you mean by yw...11:45
zvacetmzcl-mn:  you are wellcome11:45
EldermanHello all, I reinstalled, keeping my home partition and now get the following error when I try to log in:11:45
Eldermanunable to launch "gnome-2d" X session --- "gnome-2d" not  found; falling back to default session.11:45
DMJCthanks man11:46
Aprogastobis: You might use awk instead of sed.11:46
DMJCit's working perfectly11:46
ikoniaDMJC: excellent11:46
Bndrrzvacet, whats re the few others ??11:46
mzcl-mnzvacet: ok! thanks again11:46
EldermanDoes anyone have any advice on getting X to start-up?11:46
subthalamuswhen installing grub on btrfs from liveusb, what should the mount state be of target partitions/subvols?11:47
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soranahi all11:47
zvacetBndrr: home folder,skype and I really don't remember if there is any other (I'm not at ubuntu right now)11:47
mzcl-mnElderman: just try out to login to a console (CTRL+F1) and as a super user try the command startx11:48
tobisAprogas found, using +1d. Thank you anyway11:48
Eldermanwill do mzcl-mn11:48
GirlyGirlLong ago back like with Dapper, I used to use "CTRL + ALT + Backspace" to restart X server? Is there a replacement for this now?11:48
Bndrrzvacet, ok ok I was waiting for others,lol11:49
ikoniaGirlyGirl: there is a factoid for it, hang on11:49
knytmarehi guys11:49
knytmareneed some help11:49
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience11:49
ikonia!dontzap | GirlyGirl11:49
zvacetBndrr: just what I use frequently11:49
ubottuGirlyGirl: To re-enable the Ctrl-Alt-Backspace combination that restarts your X server see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/DontZap11:49
knytmareHelp: i cant install flashplayer, i have tried apturl and downloading the package istelf and manually install it but still having some errors11:50
fidelt0b4: start with a problem description then - just asking for help usualy doenst help ;)11:50
ikoniaknytmare: just install the package "flashplugin-nonfree"11:51
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Eldermanrestarting, mzcl-mn, (currently running on my live usb) will be back to report on my success11:51
knytmareikonia what is the command?11:52
ikoniaknytmare: open the package manager, search for flashplugin-nonfree, install it11:52
subthalamusGirlyGirl: Alt-SysRq-R followed by Ctrl-Alt-F1 or Alt-SysRq-K11:54
knytmareikonia: just open my synaptic, and its already checked as install but it is not working11:55
ikoniaknytmare: expand upon "nothing is working"11:55
subthalamuswhen installing grub on btrfs from liveusb, what should the mount state be of target partitions/subvols?11:55
YaaaaaaI have a phone with a micro sd card in it, this phone is usb to my ubuntu box but no disk showes up in fdisk etc. Bus 002 Device 007: ID 1004:618e LG Electronics, Inc. Ally/Optimus One/Vortex (debug mode) shows up in lsusb how do I access the sd card on the phone ?11:56
ikoniasubthalamus: you'll need the /boot partition to be mounted as well as the / partition11:56
Yaaaaaaits an android phone and is rooted if that helps.11:56
subthalamusikonia: they are one and the same11:56
subthalamusikonia: the installer routine is saying it is failing to access it11:58
ikoniasubthalamus: ok, so you only need that one partition mounted11:58
philipp_1someone know how to get this annoying scrollbars permanent again?11:58
ikoniasubthalamus: does the installer support /boot on btrfs ?11:58
subthalamusikonia: yea, it even has a line u change11:59
yabooinstalled ubuntu 11.10 desktop and hooked it up to my 32" lcd, it seems the screen is larger than the lcd, and the trashcan is off the screen11:59
yaboohow can I make the desktop fit on the screen11:59
ikoniasubthalamus: so can you explain what you mean by not seeing it12:00
ikoniasubthalamus: or failing to access it12:00
subthalamusikonia: well, the error is cryptic so I'm not sure12:02
subthalamuscould be either12:02
philipp_1you know what i mean? when i try to scroll i have to go to the right border of the window... than a scrollbar apears outsite... when i wanna use it it vanishes =(12:02
ikoniasubthalamus: is the installer creating btrfs or have you created it manually before running the installer ?12:02
ikoniaLjL: ping12:02
knytmareikonia: image link https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/--pfVVOFULRc/T4bD1LHLtyI/AAAAAAAAAEw/r3I09GEZzj4/s640/no%2520plugin.png12:02
subthalamusikonia: I'm gonna try to run the install manually from another terminal/session12:02
subthalamusikonia: installler creating it12:03
ikoniaknytmare: what version of ubuntu is that ?12:03
subthalamusikonia: technically, it already exists and I'm telling the install not to format it12:03
ikoniasubthalamus: curious to what happens if you let the installer create it at install time12:03
knytmareikonia 10.0412:04
subthalamusikonia: my data gets overwritten, heh12:05
ikoniaknytmare: loooks like it didn't install, remove/purge the package and re-install it, pay attention for any errors, make sure your browser is closed when removing/re-installing12:05
ikoniasubthalamus: well, that part I know, I meant in terms of the installer being able to use it12:05
knytmareikonia, i've done all possible things still wondering why, got stucked here, and completely clueless on what i should do,12:06
OerHeksknytmare, did you restart your browser after install flashplugin ?12:06
ikoniaknytmare: just told you what to do next12:06
philipp_1you know what i mean? when i try to scroll i have to go to the right border of the window... than a scrollbar apears outsite... when i wanna use it it vanishes =(12:06
knytmareikonia, the error happened after updating some tools,12:07
ikoniaknytmare: again, I've just told you what to do12:07
knytmareoerherks yeah resterded it12:07
subthalamusphilipp_1: sounds like your tv might not support that high a resolution so it has to scroll12:07
opalepatrick!info glib2.0 2.30.312:08
ubottu'2.30.3' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, natty, natty-backports, natty-proposed, oneiric, oneiric-backports, oneiric-proposed, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, unstable12:08
opalepatrick!info glib2.0 2.30.3-0ubuntu1~oneiric112:08
ubottu'2.30.3-0ubuntu1~oneiric1' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, natty, natty-backports, natty-proposed, oneiric, oneiric-backports, oneiric-proposed, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, unstable12:08
subthalamusphilipp_1: try using native screen resolution or figure out why it is misidentifying that monitor/tv12:08
philipp_1subthalamus: i do -.- its the window manager...12:09
subthalamusphilipp_1: dont see how it would be the window manager12:09
knytmarei will just try to figure it out12:11
ikoniaknytmare: do what I told you to do12:13
BndrrSomeone know Why I cant change my visual effects? I wanna Extra/normal....12:13
dlentzBndrr, it probably means your 3d isn't working correctly12:14
dlentzwhat kind of gpu do you have (use lspci command if not sure)12:15
Bndrrdlentz, u know howcan I check that ?12:15
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BndrrI have a sis silicon graphics12:15
Bndrryes tell me without problems12:15
Bndrrhi? why ouch dlentz12:18
ravenaopen xccube with 11.10 - how to find special drivers for graphics etc?12:18
dlentzBndrr, i think some people have gotten 3d accel on certain sis chips, but it's not pretty: ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=95896712:19
=== hubsinger_ is now known as hubsinger
BndrrI'll check12:19
JermBobif i install a new harddisk on my ubuntu server12:20
JermBobdoes it auto mount it /12:20
Richard_Cavelldoesn't automatically mount AS root12:20
JermBobRichard_Cavell: how can i access the hard disk ?12:20
JermBobi need to share it via samba12:21
JermBobso i assume i need to automount it and then share12:21
Richard_Cavellhang on, start again.  What disk(s) do you have in your machine right now?12:21
kpowhi how to i reduce desktop colors from 32bit to 16bit? my hdmi outputs pinkish screen and i assume its the number of colors the TV doesn't support12:21
ravenaopen xccube with 11.10 - how to find special drivers for graphics etc?12:22
JermBobok so theres the boot disk. it boots and runs from it. i installed 2 new hard disks today and fired up the machine and need to access them / share them via samba12:22
Yaaaaaakpow: nvidia card?12:22
kpowkpow, no intel 300012:22
kpowYaaaaaa, no intel 300012:22
ericPi'd like to grab libboost-{date-time,filesystem,system}1.49{,-dev} from debian wheezy (oneric is still at 1.46)12:23
JermBobRichard_Cavell: ok so theres the boot disk. it boots and runs from it. i installed 2 new hard disks today and fired up the machine and need to access them / share them via samba12:23
Richard_CavellJermBob: are they mounted at all right now?12:23
ericPi'd rather aptitude/synaptic/whatever didn't offer to upgrade anything but the boost packages when it seens newer versions in "deb http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian wheezy main"12:23
JermBobRichard_Cavell: i dont think so. i honestly forgotten how to12:24
dlentzericP, do you hav a program that requires boost > 1.46 ?12:24
Richard_CavellJermBob: I can't remember which directory it is.  Is it /media?12:24
HannesverHello, I've got this problem, I've followed this tutorial on setting up Eclipse for ubuntu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EclipseIDE. I've followed everything perfectly, but when I run the script, it says that /home/hannes/opt/eclipse/eclipse doesn't excist. While it actually does. Anyone familiar with this problem?12:24
ericPdlentz, yeah, boost-log's trunk requires > 1.4812:25
buckvhello, do i steel need to add the quiet splash i915.i915_enable_rc6=1 i915.i915_enable12:25
ericPsorry, >= 1.4812:25
buckvto resolve the power regression issues in 3.3012:25
JermBobRichard_Cavell: i only have cdrom in that folder12:25
ravenaopen xccube with 11.10 - how to find special drivers for graphics etc?12:25
Richard_CavellJermBob: well then they didn't mount12:25
Richard_CavellJermBob: Mate I'm not the best person to help you with this12:25
ericP(and the old boost-log stuff worked with 1.42 but doens't work with 1.46 so i got forced by that upgrade)12:25
kpowgoogle says i need to change hdmi output to RGB instead of ypbpr any1 knows how?12:25
Richard_CavellJermBob: But I might ask whether they mount in Windows, if you're also booting Windows12:26
YaaaaaaJermBob: /etc/fstab and /etc/samba/smb.conf12:26
JermBobRichard_Cavell:  that fine12:26
JermBobYaaaaaa: whats that ? i understand the samba config no probs12:26
JermBobRichard_Cavell: nope only a windows laptop i use time to time that i need the files from12:27
dlentzericP, precise has boost1.48 packages, you could either try to install them in oneiric or just upgrade to precise now12:27
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JermBobso much for ubuntu help lol12:28
Guest79298hey anyone use libre office  in here and if so for example ( if cells c1-c2= a negative number) can i have it automaticly display as RED and Positive as black or is that even posible12:28
ericPdlentz, what's the mechanism for installing precise's 1.48 in oneric?12:28
fidelGuest79298: as you are asking that in multiple channels - it is possible in MS excel and most likely as well in libre/oo. but i cant tell you how ;)12:29
dlentzjust grab the .deb's from ubuntu packages and install them (i don't see any conflicts since they're separate packages and don't depend on anything ultra-recent)12:30
fidelGuest79298: regarding libre -> consider asking in the matching channel: #libreoffice12:31
Guest79298fidel well i was just curious it would be nice for something i am doing right now in libre office12:31
fidelwell - ask in the matching channel then - better chance to get help. question is not really ubuntu-related. good luck ;)12:32
JensenDanwhere do i find the group permissins editor?12:33
andreashey guys i just installed ubuntu 10.04 and sort of messed up the whole login theme and desktop theme... anyway i can restore ubuntu's original settings?12:33
=== irdxafk is now known as irdx
swandreas: '$ sudo apt-get purge ubuntu-desktop && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop'?12:34
swJensenDan: '$ sudo nano /etc/group'?12:36
=== q-rban is now known as q0rban
tonysan_What does the thr mean in htop?12:37
JensenDanSW as i can see there is no permissions there?12:37
tonysan_Tasks: 58, 28 thr; 1 Running12:37
auronandace!permission | JensenDan12:38
ubottuJensenDan: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions12:38
Picitonysan_: threads12:39
tonysan_Pici: thanks12:41
JensenDanWhere is this folder? Install this theme in your Home/.theme folder12:42
JensenDaniam using danish language.12:42
Bndrrwhere is the folder for wake up the system ?12:42
Bndrri need someone with experience in cron and crontab12:42
auronandaceJensenDan: you make the directory if it doesn't exist12:43
auronandaceJensenDan: mkdir /home/username/.themes12:43
YaaaaaaI have a phone with a micro sd card in it, this phone is usb to my ubuntu box but no disk showes up in fdisk etc. Bus 002 Device 007: ID 1004:618e LG Electronics, Inc. Ally/Optimus One/Vortex (debug mode) shows up in lsusb how do I access the sd card on the phone ? or do I need to buy a usb card reader ?12:44
JensenDanauronandace: Thanks :)12:44
ravenaopen xccube with 11.10 - how to find special drivers for graphics etc?12:44
PiciBndrr: Cron doesn't know anything about events like the computer waking up, what are you trying to do?12:46
BndrrPici,  wake up my system when it's off12:47
Bndrrcron is just for tasks ?12:47
PiciBndrr: cron isn't going to run if the computer is off.. nothing is running when the computer is off.12:47
BndrrI know.12:47
PiciBndrr: Your computer would need to support wake-on-lan, and you'd need to trigger that via some other computer on the network.12:48
Bndrrfor example for open the gedit automatically ? where's the location ?12:48
fidelcron can trigger tasks after startup12:48
fidelif that helps12:48
Bndrrcron -e /??/???/...12:48
fideldont do such things with cron12:48
fidelyour desktop env should offer such user-login related thingds12:48
fidelit makes sense to use cron - but for system stuff - i wouldnt use it for 'user autostart' kind of things12:49
EpycHi, is there anybody that can help me with random restarting problems? OS: ubuntu server 8.04.12:51
fidelEpyc: an reason why you are using 8.04 in the first place?12:51
fidel8.04 sounds heavily outdated12:52
EpycI'm in a small company, everything is installed on this system, and I don't want to risk losing anything12:52
zacktui have an extra partition on my disk that i want to mount -- i have used the gparted on the live cd to format it -- the partition is ok the first time that i reboot -- i then add the partition to /etc/fstab and reboot again -- now the partition is inaccessible -- what are the tools to diagnose and fix?12:52
AdvoWorkany idea how I can scan my network to find switches only?12:52
fidelso you'll use 8.04 until the end of your life? ;)12:52
if124well, it is still supported until 201312:53
dlentzfidel, hardy server is supported for another year...12:53
Epycthat's not the issue... it should work, shouldn't it12:53
fideltrue - lts release. but it still sounds like it could make sense to jump to i.e. 10.04 (current lts) or am i wrong12:54
dlentzEpyc, have you checked for overheating?12:54
Epycyes i have, no overheating12:54
Epycvoltage seems fine too12:54
Epycpoint is, we have a tapestreamer12:54
Epycworking with bacula12:54
fidelEpyc: checked ram/memory?12:55
Epycno i haven't, which program should i use?12:55
BndrrI've a bit overheating12:55
Bndrrwhat's bacula Epyc ??12:56
Epycbacula is backup software for a tapestreamer12:56
if124Epyc : package memtester maybe?12:56
Epycokay will try that one12:56
fidelEpyc: memtest is one option12:56
Epycit seems it restarts whenever i'm trying to backup with bacula12:56
Epycthe system ran fine for a day without the tapestreamer connected12:57
fidelany output to the logs Epyc?12:57
Epycchecked everything12:57
Epyckern.log, syslog, messages12:57
Epycseems to just restart without a reason12:57
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dohertyI want to enable the non-free nvidia driver, but the last time I did that, my system couldn't do any graphics at all, I could only boot into recovery mode. If that happens again, how can I disable the driver from recovery mode so I can boot my graphical desktop?13:04
Epycanybody other ideas on how to debug this problem, i'm doing a memory test now13:06
dlentzdoherty, what kind of nvidia card do you have?13:06
darrinany word on when the Gimp ppa will be fixed?13:06
Epycwe have a rack with a few servers in it, so i thought it was a power surge, changed to another power output, no changes13:07
dohertydlentz: `lspci | grep -ie nvidia` reports "01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation Device 06fd (rev a1)"13:07
if124doherty: apt-get remove nvidia-* maybe?13:07
dohertyif124: last time I did that, I couldn't get any graphics at all (couldn't boot into single user mode, even!)13:08
dohertyif124: I reinstalled, and avoided the nvidia driver until now13:08
derebelthe author field in libre office had some incorrect capitalization that i only found after completing a document and adding a header, even after correcting this in tools > options the field remains uncorrected, do i need to create a new document or can this be fixed?13:09
if124doherty: iirc drivers overwrite lots of things, you need to do apt-get install --reinstall xserver-xorg-video-nouveau libgl1-mesa-glx libgl1-mesa-dri xserver-xorg-core13:14
if124there may be more packages to reinstall13:15
delinquentmeif i setup a task with rake tasks theyll work properly with any system which has rake right? but if i use cron the same code might not run the same on an ubuntu system vrs a debian right?13:15
dackyshawnwrong terminal13:15
FloodBot1dackyshawn: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:15
dohertyif124: ok, thanks13:16
cyber37hi everybody i am french but i have bad english, in the french channel they are AFK, i want to now how to switch automatly to an "active" application for exemple if now i am on the first workspace, and i have an application like AMSN in the second, when i receive a message for switch otomatly to work space 213:17
cyber37it's an exemple, i fiind here the solutioj http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1497976.html13:17
cyber37but i dont understand13:17
ponrajuganeshhow to restart cron in ubuntu13:17
cyber37i have the compiz in french i don't find the good "option for set it"13:18
iokuOk. so i am trying to: truecrypt my win7, but i also want to have ubuntu non encrypted on a different partition. 1 Hard disc. Truecrypt suggests to install grub onto the ubuntu partition, my question, after i exit the truecrypt boot loader [esc] how will it know to try to boot the other partition? is this how boot works? hmm, thanks for your help13:18
cyber37hi everybody i am french but i have bad english, in the french channel they are AFK, i want to now how to switch automatly to an "active" application for exemple if now i am on the first workspace, and i have an application like AMSN in the second, when i receive a message for switch otomatly to work space 213:18
=== James is now known as Guest61180
=== axvr is now known as Damnn
Guest61180Q) sshd: How can i dpkg-reconfigure openssh-server 4096 bit, ie regenerate 4096 bit rsa key for the server as default..13:19
ponrajuganeshHave written this script for adding the job to the cron tab? will this help? http://pastebin.com/u4KKVDsk13:20
GeForce88nvclock for amd64 11.10 packages causes seg fault with any flags besides -h. is there another package useable to control clock speeds ?13:20
ericPdlentz, re: manually grabbing the boost dev packages from precise (sorry i'm so slow, juggling a baby), digging in i saw i needed a lot of dev libs. did the sources.list dance and it worked out ok13:23
bucaneirowhat is the best cobol compiler?13:23
ericP(had to ignore a ton of "not upgrading" in the updates list)13:23
MarKsaitisroot@server:~# pstree13:29
MarKsaitis     ââatd13:29
MarKsaitiswhy do I get these strange chars here?13:29
thunder1212i have a huawei internet usb modem and its not working with ubuntu 11.04..13:29
FloodBot1MarKsaitis: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:29
MarKsaitisFloodBot1, stfu :)13:29
zeroEvidenceDoes anyone know if the Ubuntu One team are able to recover files from ones online drive?13:29
PiciMarKsaitis: looks like your terminal/font/whatever doesn't support unicode line-drawing characters.13:29
PicizeroEvidence: Please ask in #ubuntuone13:29
zeroEvidenceThanks Pici.13:29
MarKsaitisPici, what do I do about it? How do I reset it to default? I am using latest ubuntu 11.1013:30
thunder1212it comes with software for  linux also but that only supports 10.04 and 10.10 .. am using 11,04 right now.. what to do?13:30
PiciMarKsaitis: You could either use -A with pstree.... or explain what terminal are you using?13:30
MarKsaitisPici, im using putty and ssh?13:31
PiciMarKsaitis: From the putty options, choose translation and make sure that it is set to UTF-813:31
MarKsaitisPici, how do i rather change my linux os ssh to use unicode?13:32
MarKsaitisor whatever needs to be changed here, unicode is better isnt it13:32
PiciMarKsaitis: its just data, it should already be supported, there may be some weirdness if you're running through screen though.13:33
GeForce88nvclock for amd64 11.10 packages causes seg fault with any flags besides -h. is there another package useable to control clock speeds ?13:33
MarKsaitisPici, no not running thru any screens13:33
PiciMarKsaitis: So make the change in your putty config and see if it works.13:34
MarKsaitisPici, the same putty config works fine with other ubuntu server, it's just this server, therefore I believe there is something to change in a server?13:34
PiciMarKsaitis: What does echo $LANG say?13:35
sss1234I want to install the dbg version of a package I already have. Should I remove the package before I install the dbg version?13:35
KittyTeethrunning natty. I no longer have audio. Play music or streaming download and no audio. Where can I go for support.13:36
MonkeyDustKittyTeeth  in a terminal type alsamixer, if you see MM, go there and press m13:36
GirlyGirl_KittyTeeth: Provide a screenshot of alsamixer13:36
MarKsaitisPici, US.UTF-813:36
=== RobinJ1995 is now known as RobinJ
delinquentmehttp://www.tutorialspoint.com/ruby/ruby_sending_email.htm  << should this be starting a SMTP server on my local machine?  Basically I'm wondering if ubuntu comes prepackaged with a runnable SMTP server13:39
KittyTeethhow do i provide screenshot here?13:39
Myrtti!pastebin | KittyTeeth13:39
ubottuKittyTeeth: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:39
KittyTeethoh geez13:40
PiciMarKsaitis: I don't know what else to suggest, sorry.13:40
KittyTeeththink I am going back to windows.13:40
MarKsaitisPici, thats fine, thanx. I bet I should change that $LANG13:40
PiciMarKsaitis: That $LANG setting looks fine to me.  Changing the putty config should Just Work13:41
MyrttiKittyTeeth: you can use imagebin.org like the bot suggested13:41
opalepatrickwhere can I pick up glib2.0_2.30.3 package?13:41
opalepatricktried !info but not putting the right thing in I think13:41
MarKsaitisPici, but that lang says utf-8 ... I want unicode I bet13:41
MarKsaitiscan somebody do echo $LANG on your normal ubuntu install, does it say utf8?13:42
soa2iiHi there. If I install the 12.04 beta will it just get updates if 12.04 is stable or will this result in a greater dist-upgrade?13:42
auronandace!final | soa2ii13:42
ubottusoa2ii: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Precise and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 12.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1.13:42
KittyTeethwell I am having a difficult time. Every day there is an issue. Today is the audio and all I do i read read read and still don't understand. Getting really disgusted with this system. You guys are very helpful and appreciate your service.13:43
MonkeyDustKittyTeeth  that's called 'learning', a phase you go through for Windows too13:43
KittyTeethbeen learning for one and a half years and every program or thing has an issue. This is for programmers.13:44
KittyTeethgoing to turn this thing off and come back another day and decide what to do. Thanks guys.13:44
ChaosadndBest learning method is failing at something!13:45
sss1234Should I remove a package before installing its dbg version?13:45
foobArrrwhy is my .xsession-errors 35M big and partially filled with binary data? :/13:46
if124sss1234 : maybe not, -dbg packages contain debug symbols only i think13:47
GeForce88nvclock for amd64 11.10 packages causes seg fault with any flags besides -h. is there another package useable to control clock speeds ?13:48
if124sss1234 : i just read in apt-cache that -dbg packages actually depends on the original version13:49
billy_ran_awayCan anyone tell me if the freeradius package still lacks EAP-TLS support?13:50
GirlyGirl_GeForce88: Or maybe its the overclocked gpu and not nvclock which causes this? Why do you need overclocking on Linux?13:50
GeForce88no, it's nvclock. i use it to control fan. it's worked on everythign till 11.10. it's not the gpu13:51
synergizmhey guys can anyone tell me why the compiz ppa doesnt work anymore? :/13:51
GirlyGirl_synergizm: Link to the ppa please? and your ubuntu version13:52
thunder1212modem not working13:52
MonkeyDustsynergizm  a ppa for compiz?13:52
GirlyGirl_!details | thunder121213:52
ubottuthunder1212: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."13:52
auronandacesynergizm: ask the ppa maintainer13:52
synergizmsry if this is bs im rly new to linux ... :S13:52
synergizmubuntu 11.1013:52
MonkeyDustsynergizm  compiz does not need a ppa in 11.1013:52
GirlyGirl_synergizm: Only packages for maverick and earlier there13:53
GirlyGirl_synergizm: Besides using compiz from an external source will probably break unity13:53
MonkeyDustsynergizm  in a terminal, type lsb_release -sd and paste the outcome here13:54
synergizmGirlyGirl_ yeah thats true but when i installed compiz couple weeks ago it was working if i recall correctly13:54
thunder1212i have a problem with huawei modem ec 306 (internet usb dongle) i am running ubuntu 11.04 and the modem is not working (lsusb displays the modem but that it), kindly tell how i can configure it..13:55
GirlyGirl_synergizm: From where did you install compiz ... it is already included in 11.10? assuming Ubuntu and not Kubuntu or Xubuntu13:55
synergizmMonkeyDust 11.1013:55
synergizmas i said before ^^13:55
thunder1212GirlyGirl: have a problem with huawei modem ec 306 (internet usb dongle) i am running ubuntu 11.04 and the modem is not working (lsusb displays the modem but that it), kindly tell how i can configure it..13:55
HelenBI tried all the screen recorders I could find13:55
HelenBand non of them worked right13:55
thunder1212ubottu:  have a problem with huawei modem ec 306 (internet usb dongle) i am running ubuntu 11.04 and the modem is not working (lsusb displays the modem but that it), kindly tell how i can configure it..13:56
ubottuthunder1212: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:56
HelenBdoes anyone know of a working screen recorder?13:56
HelenBI need this soo desperately. :(13:56
MonkeyDustsynergizm  Unity = Gnome 3 + compiz, why do you dowwnload a ppa for compiz, what are you tryig to do?13:56
synergizmGirlyGirl_ first i used the softwarecenter but got bad results doing so. so i used launchpad13:56
MonkeyDustHelenB  byzanz13:56
eugzolHey guys, I have a question for a real Linux guru. On every machine I use, with every single user, I had to go over and over these lines: # uncomment for a colored prompt, if the terminal has the capability; turned13:57
eugzol# off by default to not distract the user: the focus in a terminal window13:57
eugzol# should be on the output of commands, not on the prompt. I want to run 'git/svn blame' or something on them and know the name of the bastard who first introduced them into default bashrc, so that I have a chance to get revenge someday. How do I do that?13:57
FloodBot1eugzol: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:57
synergizmMonkeyDust not rly sure myself i installed it couple of weeks ago so im not rly sure anymore13:57
opalepatrickHOw can I get this package - glib2.0 - 2.30.3-0ubuntu1~oneiric1  - from a repo? THe version in/on my system is older. Is this not in a standard repo?13:58
ratcheerHelenB: I saw something like that in the Linux news stream a couple of days ago. But I didn't make any note of it. It does exist, though.13:58
thunder1212GirlyGirl: what shoul i do?13:58
synergizmwell nvm if u say it doesnt need a ppa im fine i guess ^^13:58
GirlyGirl_synergizm: 1) It is already included with ubuntu 11.10! Using a ppa version etc will cause problems and is not supportes especially if you have unity. Besides unity is a compiz plugin itself13:58
if124HelenB : package gtk-recordmydesktop ?13:58
HelenBMonkeyDust, E: Unable to locate package byzanz13:59
HelenBif124, It doesn't work.13:59
HelenBWhat is E?13:59
GirlyGirl_thunder1212: I don't know13:59
HelenBI thought I was using Bash.13:59
MonkeyDustHelenB  idd, it's no loger there :)13:59
synergizmk ty guys13:59
GirlyGirl_HelenB: krecordmydesktop13:59
auronandaceHelenB: error13:59
MonkeyDustHelenB  istanbul (it's tha package name14:00
thunder1212isn;t there some one common method for configuring any usb internet modem for any linux distro??14:01
GirlyGirl_HelenB: install recorditnow from muon14:02
MonkeyDustthunder1212  there's usb-modeswitch14:02
HelenBGirlyGirl, THat doesn't work neither.14:02
[4-tea-2]Howdy, is there a workaround for "blue" Flash videos?14:02
MonkeyDust[4-tea-2]  there is, one moment14:03
[4-tea-2]MonkeyDust: great :)14:03
if124HelenB : it works for me. it just have one ridiculous glitch that you have to save as _before_ you record.14:03
MonkeyDust[4-tea-2]  iirc, you have to activate hardware acceleration14:03
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MonkeyDust[4-tea-2]  is this helpful http://www.my-guides.net/en/guides/linux/324-how-to-fix-the-blue-tint-on-youtube-videos-problem-flash-and-nvidia14:04
HelenBistanbul misses the first part of the screencast off14:05
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GirlyGirl_HelenB: Recorditnow works for me ... are you using it correctly?14:05
[4-tea-2]MonkeyDust: excellent, tyvm!14:05
dlentz[4-tea-2], now oyu're n longer limtedto watching the smurfs14:06
* dlentz left his typing skills in bed14:06
=== crash82 is now known as netcrash
neo1277hi iron14:06
* Boohbah jumps into dlentz' bed, searching...14:07
neo1277hi goku14:07
if124does anyone who is using pidgin know how to prevent it to send notifications every time someone comes online?14:07
if124*from sending14:08
dlentzif124, so you;ve looked in the preferences?14:08
fishcookeri want to create usb live for ubuntu 10.0414:08
MarKsaitisunicode or utf-8 locale? What is better to have in linux?14:08
fishcookerhow to make it ?14:08
=== DarthFluffy is now known as ChkDigit
if124dlentz : i looked, but i can't find it14:09
ron__hello, what's a good usb 3.0 pci-e card which work with ubuntu?14:09
auronandace!usb | fishcooker14:09
ubottufishcooker: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent14:09
derebelfishcooker, you can also just do a standard install to a flash drive, it works better but wears out the flash drive fairly quickly14:10
fishcookerthankyou for quick response auronandace14:10
persona24Does Ubuntu have a task manager?14:10
MonkeyDustpersona24  System Monitor14:10
derebelpersona24, htop from the command line14:11
persona24MonkeyDust: thank you14:11
dlentzif124, what version of pidgin are you using? isee it in my prefs (using 2.10.3)14:11
if1242.10.0 from the repository14:12
Minnebolooking for someone that wants to write few articles about ubuntu on my blog! /msg me : )14:13
dlentzTools -> Preferences, click the 'Sounds' button on the left14:13
Minneboor anything usefull about Linux14:13
GirlyGirl_Minnebo: Why would someone want to write on your blog?14:13
opalepatrickhow do install via repos a package with a version >=14:14
MinneboGirlyGirl its a multiblog webbie14:14
GirlyGirl_!ot | Minnebo14:14
ubottuMinnebo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:14
bucaneirothe fortran compiler can beimproved14:14
opalepatrickkeep getting an older version than I need14:14
Minnebothx for the channel14:14
if124dlentz : it seems it turns it off, thanks. i guess i didn't just consider that the option for toggling sounds doubles as the option for toggling notifications.14:15
freddy__Hi - I have a problem with my ubuntu one. I want to sync it with thunderbird ubuntu v.11.10 but when going into addressbook and trying to drag the names from the personal address book, the ubuntu one adress book seems locked... ?14:16
keithzzHi guys, Im running on Dell Celeron laptop ubuntu 10.10, since its not supported anymore I was thinking of upgrading (fresh installation to ubuntu 12.04 or 11.10, do you think it is advisable? would I  take a performance hit?14:17
paulo_i just bought my first VPS14:17
paulo_do you recommend always logging in as root?14:17
jribpaulo_: no ?14:18
=== Lupinedk is now known as lupinedk
ponrajuganeshhow to restart CRONTAB14:18
ponrajuganeshin ubuntu14:18
ZenGuy311paulo_:  what will you do with it?14:19
if124paulo_ : no, just in case you typed rm -rf something important by accident ( like rm-rf /home /user/files14:19
escottponrajuganesh, sudo service anacron restart14:19
keithzzHi guys, Im running on Dell Celeron laptop ubuntu 10.10, since its not supported anymore I was thinking of upgrading (fresh installation to ubuntu 12.04 or 11.10, do you think it is advisable? would I  take a performance hit?14:19
ZenGuy311keithzz:  when in doubt use xubuntu14:20
Absolute0When I ssh into a ubuntu machine I get that nice ssh welcome message, how can I get rid of it just for my user's logins?14:21
zxiestHello everybody :-)14:21
MonkeyDustkeithzz  i guess 12.04 is stable enough to install, support in #ubuntu+114:21
dlentzkeithzz, you should use 12.04 beta or wait for 12.04 (only a few weeks) if you don't like to upgrade because it's supported for five years14:21
freddy__Problem with ubuntu one and thunderbird ... when installing the extras from ubuntu one control panel _two_ adress lists shows up in thunderbird .. one called personal and one called ubuntu one ?14:21
zxiestI'm using 11.10 and my sda1 is using a chunk of sda. I tried using diskpart to extend its size but I'm unable to. I looked up solutions online and I moved the swap disk to the far right but there's always some unallocated space that was being used by the swap on the right of my sda1.14:22
zxiestWhat can I do?14:22
keithzzThanks guys, but Im concerned with the performance, I heard 12.04 is slowish, and Im running on celeron...so..Should I be worried?14:23
intore___hi, how can i do to set by default some programs and folders for next users will use an ubuntu machine? do i have to customize /etc/skel/?14:23
The_Pugilisthello all, after plugging a sata hard drive into a running ubuntu 10.04 box it will not show up... is there a way to force detection of new hardware (other than rebooting)14:23
if124keithzz : try from livecd first before installing14:23
MonkeyDustThe_Pugilist  mount it, first, type sudo fdisk -l to find out the dev name14:24
=== diegovieiraeti is now known as diegovieira
cristian_cI would like to set the file / usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-synaptics.conf correctly14:25
cristian_cto configure the touchpad gestures14:25
escottThe_Pugilist, if the device hotplugged properly, but the partition tables need updating you could try partprobe14:26
cristian_cI would like to set the pinch, drag the circular scrolling and tap with two fingers or more14:27
cristian_cany suggestions?14:28
MonkeyDust!gpointing-device-settings| cristian_c14:28
cristian_cI can also post the current contents of synaptics.conf14:29
MonkeyDustcristian_c  find gpointing-device-settings in the repos14:29
=== enchilado is now known as SwedishMustard
=== daniel_ is now known as Phaiax
zxiestDo you guys know how I can extend my sda1? I'm using gparted live14:30
escottzxiest, you probably need to resize the extended partition (which is tricky because the swap is likely inside the extended). the gui might allow you to do that without messing up the swap, but if the only thing in the extended partition is the swap it might be easier to just delete it and create a new one14:30
zxiestescott I moved the swap to the right hand side14:30
tutysrai having issues booting into ubuntu after installing 11.10 in Lenovo x120e, I installed it using alternate-amd64 the iso14:30
zxiestescott I have an unallocated partition in the middle14:30
MonkeyDusttutysra  is the hardware 64bit capable?14:31
=== SwedishMustard is now known as enchilado
tutysrayes it is 64 bit capable14:32
escottzxiest, i think i know what is going on. it looks like [sda1 [ unallocated sda5 (swap)] ] what you aren't realizing tis that [unallocated swap] is itself a partition called an extended partition, and so you cannot increase the size of sda1 without making the extended partition smaller14:32
xgt001hi , is 30% cpu usage while playing videos abnormal?14:32
The_PugilistMonkeyDust, it does not show up when running a fdisk -l14:32
cristian_cMonkeyDust, I did not find these options in gpointingdevices14:32
zxiestescott it looks like after restarting I can now delete the partition stuck in the middle (I had deallocated it before)14:32
The_Pugilistescott, i will try partprobe, hold14:32
zxiestescott now I'm able to resize my main partition :-)14:33
tutysra@MonkeyDust - as per the community page - there were issues with EFI boot and they have given instructions to purge grub-efi and instead install grub-pc. I had did the workaround and installed grub-pc and still it doesn't boot into ubuntu, It saya 'No Operating System Found'14:34
zxiestis /sda2 needed?14:34
MonkeyDustThe_Pugilist  it's sudo fdisk -l14:34
tutysra@MonkeyDust - this is the community page I was referring to - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/X120e#Installation14:35
intore___hi, how can i do to set by default some programs and folders for next users will use an ubuntu machine? do i have to customize /etc/skel/?14:35
escotttutysra, if you are trying a bios compatible boot on an efi system with a gpt partition table you need to have a bios-grub partition (1mb is sufficient)14:35
zxiestescott thank you very much for your help :-) All worked out :-)14:37
The_Pugilistsorry, MonkeyDust, i meant to say that it does not shot up with sudo fdisk -l14:37
MonkeyDustThe_Pugilist  try sudo blkid14:38
cristian_cMonkeyDust, I tried touchegg, but but there must be something wrong with gestures, they should be set into synaptics.conf14:40
opalepatrickubuntu 11.10 (64) unity. I need to install glib2 version 2.30.2 or greater but the repos only have 2.30.0 - How can I do this? Been faffing about for ages.14:40
HelenBGirlyGirl, RecordItNow doesn't work. :(14:40
HelenBI saved it14:41
mi3sorry *hello!14:41
HelenBbut when I play it in VLC14:41
HelenBit doesn't play14:41
HelenBno errors14:41
MarKsaitisMy minimal ubuntu install uses 285 000 mb ram. is this normal?14:41
opalepatrickI can see this - https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3/+packages?field.name_filter=glib&field.status_filter=published&field.series_filter= but havent a clue if it is correct or what to do14:41
HelenBMarKsaitis, yes.14:42
enchilado285,000 MB?14:42
auronandaceMarKsaitis: you have 285gb of ram?14:42
HelenBbecause you have unity/gnome installed.14:42
enchiladothat's not possible14:42
enchiladono one has that much RAM :S14:42
if124MarKsaitis I currently use > 2gb, so yes it's normal14:42
HelenBI have 15gb somewhere.14:42
mi3record has been broken guys! 285GB RAM! quite near the canadian supercomputer14:42
HelenBbut not in my desktop14:42
ezoewhat will be preserved when I upgrade Ubuntu?14:43
auronandaceMarKsaitis: but seriously, 285mb of ram usage sounds about right14:44
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ezoeI guess all files under /home will be untouched.14:44
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MonkeyDustezoe  depends on how you upgrade14:44
tutysra@escott - in the bios menu which is got at startup by pressing F1 there are options to change to allow non-EFI boot, the community documentation(https://help.ubuntu.com/community/X120e#Installation) recommends it and I do not know how to allow non-EFI boot, I had tried various combinations in my bios settings like - (Both, EFI, Legacy) but none worked. If setting up a bios-grub partition is an easy option then I can give it a try.14:45
MonkeyDustezoe  if you fresh install, you'll have to be sure to have backed up the installed programmes14:46
auronandaceMonkeyDust: i think you mean programs, programmes are something you watch14:47
MarKsaitisauronandace, does it? But thats impossible on a minimal sys?14:47
escotttutysra, if you have a gpt partition the space following the mbr is not guaranteed to be empty and so grub cannot embed its stage2 files in that space. a small partition with the grub_bios flag is required to tell grub where it can embed stage two when booting with an mbr on a gpt partition. see rodsbooks.com for lots of details14:47
MarKsaitisno GUi no nothing14:47
ezoeyes. I know. I mean, upgrade, I'm planning to upgrade by using Ubuntu's built-in upgrade feature. without using ISO.14:47
ezoewhen 12.04 stable is released.14:47
RobertLaptopQuestion I am testing 12.04 and have a weird problem.  When attempting to create an openvpn connection there doesn't seem to be an OK or Save button the create the connection14:47
The_PugilistMonkeyDust, sudo blkid only shows one drive14:47
auronandaceMarKsaitis: 285mb usage of ram is rather good14:48
ravenaopen XCcube + 11.10 - how to find the right drivers for intel graphics14:48
MarKsaitisis there auronandace no it isnt. =) is there an app which can show me a breakedown of where all ram goes by applications or smth what makes sense?14:48
tutysra@escott - thx, will take a look14:48
auronandaceMarKsaitis: top14:49
MonkeyDustor htop to scroll up and down14:49
intore___hi, how can i do to set by default some programs and folders for next users will use an ubuntu machine? do i have to  customize /etc/skel/?14:49
MarKsaitisauronandace, well top doesnt show what programs are using all 280?14:49
ezoefrom what I've read, I have to manually re-add PPA again when I upgrade ubuntu.14:49
ravenaopen XCcube + 11.10 - how to find the right drivers for intel graphics14:50
ezoeIs it safe to upgrade Ubuntu without removing softwares from PPA?14:50
OscailtJust wondering if I'm allowed to ask questions concerning the 12.04 BETA version of Ubuntu, here.14:50
ChaosadndBah, stupid Samba share won't share right.14:50
auronandaceezoe: ppas are version specific, it is better not to bother with ppas at all14:50
auronandace!12.04 | Oscailt14:51
ubottuOscailt: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+114:51
MonkeyDustezoe  PPAs tend not to be safe14:51
escottezoe, not advisable. if a ppa is in version X but not version Y then things break easily, and sometimes the features of a ppa get pulled into mainline in the next version14:51
MarKsaitishow do I release upgrade to precise?14:52
bazhangMarKsaitis, whats the output of uname -r14:52
auronandaceMarKsaitis: can't you wait till its stable?14:52
MarKsaitisroot@server:~# uname -r14:52
MarKsaitisauronandace, no I cant =)14:52
ezoehmm, there is a bash script called ppa-purge which handle downgrading everything to the official repository from given PPA.14:56
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MonkeyDustezoe  i guess just deleting the ppa will do14:57
intore___hi, how can i do to set by default some programs and folders for next users will use an ubuntu machine? do i have to  customize /etc/skel/?14:57
ravenaopen XCcube + 11.10 - how to find the right drivers for intel graphics14:57
ezoeMonkeyDust: does it also remove softwares comes with that PPA?14:58
auronandaceraven: you shouldn't need to, intel graphics are already installed by default14:58
e0627783hi , somebody know how to Extract the passwd.OLD ?14:58
SubDhow do I install zentyal with out using the zentyal install cd?15:00
e0627783anyone? passwd.OLD extract? ;)15:00
ravenauronandace obviously it has no real gpu support because the video performance is as bad as with my old eeepc and i did not test hd yet!15:00
escottintore___, it would depend on the programs15:02
MonkeyDustezoe  delete the PPA and then sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade15:02
intore___escott: iceweasel, ooffice15:02
ravenauronandace how to verify if gpu support is enabled?15:03
ezoeMonkeyDust: what if I installed a software that isn't exist in 11.10 repository, but exist in 12.04.15:03
MonkeyDustezoe  dunno about 12.0415:04
auronandaceraven: not sure sorry, i use nvidia15:04
escottintore___, why do you want iceweasal and ooffice? in any case i think what you want to do is modify things with alacarte, but its not clear exactly what you want to accomplish15:04
ezoethere are a lot of new softwares added to 12.04. well, I can remove them manually, But I wonder if there is a simple way to remove all software from a given PPA.15:04
ravenAopen XCcube + 11.10 how to verify if gpu support is enabled?15:05
ezoewithout listing up all package name.15:05
MonkeyDustezoe  maybe the channel #ubuntu+1 knows15:05
escott!ppa-purge | ezoe15:05
ubottuezoe: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html15:05
ezoethe definition of "back to default" is interesting.15:06
opalepatrickhow do install a package from a precise repo? I use 11.1015:06
auronandaceopalepatrick: you don't, unless you want to break stuff15:06
ezoewell, I should read ppa-purge script.15:07
ravenAopen XCcube + 11.10 how to verify if gpu support is enabled?15:07
ezoeMonkeyDust: #ubuntu+1? is that a channel name?15:07
opalepatrickwondered auronandace - I need gtk+2.0 2.24.10 or greater to install gimp2.8rc115:07
MonkeyDustezoe  yes, for all things 12.04, type /join #ubuntu+115:08
ezoe /join #ubuntu+115:08
intore___escott: ok. am not very clear! i installed an ldap server on a ubuntu server. clients are ubuntu also. every user will login with his credentials and they'll be verificated on the ldap server. every user will have his home directory and i want iceweasel and ooffice also.15:08
escott!info alacarte | intore___15:09
ubottuintore___: alacarte (source: alacarte): easy GNOME menu editing tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.13.2-2ubuntu3 (oneiric), package size 52 kB, installed size 348 kB15:09
ravenAopen XCcube + 11.10 how to verify if gpu support is enabled?15:09
YaaaaaaI have a phone with a micro sd card in it, this phone is usb to my ubuntu box but no disk showes up in fdisk etc. Bus 002 Device 007: ID 1004:618e LG Electronics, Inc. Ally/Optimus One/Vortex (debug mode) shows up in lsusb how do I access the sd card on the phone ? or do I need to buy a usb card reader ?15:10
ravenAopen XCcube + 11.10 how to verify if gpu support is enabled?15:11
intore___escott: you think is it good for my network?15:11
ezoehmm ppa-purge remove all packages from a given PPA, then reinstall it from official repository.15:11
ezoeso, if it doesn't exist in official repository, it simply not installed at all.15:11
ezoeI guess.15:11
ravenAopen XCcube + 11.10 how to verify if gpu support is enabled?15:13
escottintore___, this sentence "every user will have his home directory and i want iceweasel and ooffice also." doesn't make much sense to me. what does iceweasal/ooo have to do with ldap?15:13
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ezoehmm, bash script is really powerfull.15:14
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escottYaaaaaa, you probably need to switch the phone to usb mass storage mode15:15
intore___escott: ldap will keep default files from /etc/skel/15:15
Yaaaaaaescott: ok I'll look around I'm looking under "storage" but all I see is unmount sd card. format.15:16
MarKsaitisso, on ubuntu 12.04 beta, will I have an option to uprade to full when its out after 2 weeks?15:16
escottintore___, sure, but what does iceweasal/ooo have to do with /etc/skel15:16
auronandace!final | MarKsaitis15:17
ubottuMarKsaitis: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Precise and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 12.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1.15:17
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MarKsaitisauronandace, thanx a million! =)15:18
intore___escott: i thought must put .iceweasel and .ooffice in skel to have these program availables for the users15:18
intore___escott: am i wrong?15:18
escottintore___, yes15:18
ezoeI guess I'll wait until it's really released.15:18
ezoethough, it's tempting to try it now.15:19
econdudeawesomeHowdy! Got a question about file system behavior. I have a main partition mounted at /, and another partition (much much larger) mounted at /home/<user>/docs. Would this cause the "subpartition" to have the same remaining space as the partition mounted at /?15:19
intore___escott: i thought was a good idea to have the programs on the server only15:19
econdudeawesomeI'm trying to figure out what is going on here, as I have 11.51 GB left (only) for BOTH partitions, and adding to the larger subpartition removes space from the main partition15:19
SubDQuestion. Can't I install zentyal trough terminal?15:19
ravenAopen XCcube + 11.10 how to verify if gpu support is enabled?15:20
intore___escott: which is the better way?15:20
intore___escott: have programs on the clients?15:20
escottintore___, in order to use a program (a) it must be installed (b) you want a listing in the gui (which is known as a desktop file in gnome/kde)15:20
Yaaaaaaescott I don't see an option anywhere -__- thanks for the tip though I'll keep looking15:20
MonkeyDust!zentyal| SubD15:20
ubottuSubD: zentyal is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Zentyal (Project formally known as eBox - including in Lucid/10.04).15:20
auronandaceecondudeawesome: what is the output of mount?15:21
intore___escott: what do you mean with "a listing"?15:22
escottintore___, ~/.ooffice does not contain any programs. it only contains the users local preferences (like what menu options should be shown, and where files should be saved, and what the most recent edited files were, etc)15:22
econdudeawesomeauronandace: http://pastebin.com/5athXLmU15:22
SubDMonkeyDust so I cant install zentyal? only ebox? I know they have been joined, but I thought that zentyal was the new ebox15:22
escottintore___, a desktop file contains the name of the program (with multiple translations), the path to the binary, and what icon should be used in the gui/launcher when the user searches for the application15:23
econdudeawesomeauronandace: looking at sda1 and sda315:23
intore___escott: so i've to install ooffice and iceweasel directly on the clients?15:23
auronandaceecondudeawesome: what is the size of sda1 and sda315:23
MonkeyDustSubD  it is15:24
econdudeawesomeroughly 50 GB and 100GB, respectively15:24
escottintore___, it depends on what you want to do. you could install directly to the clients, or you could serve the installed location over NFS to each of the clients15:24
mysticaloneIs there a channel for 12.04 ?15:25
MonkeyDustmysticalone  #ubuntu+115:25
mysticalonemuch obliged15:25
auronandaceecondudeawesome: adding stuff to sda3 should only reduce the free space left of sda3, it shouldn't affect the size of sda115:25
soa2iiI tried the installation of 12.04 beta2 (since it's big on ubuntu.com I thought it won't be that bad) … there kernel module problems in combination with the network install (not that bad, you can work around that) but in the end the grun installation simply fails and I have no idea why. Any suggestions?15:26
SubDMonkeyDust allright, but i've been reading up on some manuals online regarding installation and setups, still most of the setups are made for zentyal and are different then from ebox.15:26
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econdudeawesomeauronandace: would you recommend a different mount point than somewhere in /home?15:26
ravenAopen XCcube + 11.10 how to verify if gpu support is enabled?15:26
auronandaceecondudeawesome: it doesn't matter where the mountpoint is really, i tend to put stuff under /mnt/15:27
GirlyGirl_raven: If unity 3d works it is working15:27
DJdurrHello, Hello. I need some help. When i install Ubuntu, i restart, select Ubuntu on startup, and nothing happens.. only blackscreen..15:27
econdudeawesomeauronandace: I did that previously, but ran into a permissions issue. Is there a good tutorial you know of that I could learn better about permissions, so I could get them right?15:27
GirlyGirl_DJdurr: What graphic card do you have?15:27
DJdurrI can try to find out15:28
intore___escott: i don't understand about your second solution. you mean to installed the programs on the server, in a nfs and the tell to client the path to find them?15:28
econdudeawesomeauronandace: (its a personal computer, I have full admin access)15:28
mi3the menu tab on my xchat window got removed accidentally, how can I get them back? any suggestions?15:28
auronandace!permissions | econdudeawesome15:28
ubottuecondudeawesome: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions15:28
ravenGirlyGirl_ more important verification please - unity is no indicator15:28
DJdurrOn my PC i had before, i had a shitty graphic card, on this it is a good, but.. on the old PC it worked15:28
cyfmsg NickServ indentify litovcas15:29
econdudeawesomeauronandace: much thanks. I may be back, but I'm comfortable in fstab so hopefully got it from here. Thanks again!15:29
econdudeawesomecyf: might want to change that password now15:29
escottintore___, yes. whether or not that is worth doing is another question. if you are managing a package manually it might be easier to just setup one install on a server, and export that as a read-only nfs mount in /opt15:29
Yaaaaaaescott: thanks for the tip! it wasn't seeming to work through my front usb ports so I switched to back and it asked me if I wanted to enable storage. got it all setup in fstab.15:29
GirlyGirl_cyf: first msg and indentify ... two errors15:30
GirlyGirl_hopefully the password has a typo too15:30
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DJdurrHmm.. I have a AMD A-4 with Radeon processor(or somthing..).15:32
intore___escott: am sorry for my ignorance. what are the difference to export an installation and a read-only fs?15:32
escottintore___, i don't know how i can answer that. all you need to be able run a program is to be able to read the binary, and for all the required libraries to be available. it doesn't matter where those files are so long as they can be read15:35
Geforce88is there a channel for grub ?15:36
ikoniayes #grub15:36
intore___escott: but you told me about two possibility, to export or read-only fs15:39
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escottintore___, and you misread them. (a) is install locally (b) is export a network install15:40
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intore___escott: ah, sorry. how to export a network install?15:41
escottintore___, you would setup the install on the server and then mount the folders via nfs to some location like /opt. then you probably want to create desktop files that point to your binaries in /opt and put those on each client15:43
MonkeyDustintore___  how skilled are you?15:44
intore___MonkeyDust: not to much, this is the first time am doing this thing15:45
remoteCTRLcan you please tell me how to set the password for the defailt cyadm user?15:47
KittyTeethYou still here MonkeyDust?15:47
BryanRuizhey, i want to move my hard drive to a new computer? is this a simple  thing to do?15:47
intore___escott: with samba is it possible also i think15:48
KittyTeethok, you said b4 to change MM to M.15:48
MonkeyDust!clone| BryanRuiz15:48
ubottuBryanRuiz: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate15:48
t432Houston we have a problem!15:48
BryanRuizMonkeyDust: Id rather just move the hard drive15:49
MonkeyDustKittyTeeth  no, to press m when you see MM15:49
KittyTeethI have Master, PCM, and Front MI which have MM15:49
MonkeyDustMM stands for Mute15:49
BryanRuizMonkeyDust: but not sure if thats dangerous or not15:49
t432command "javac" returns "bash: /usr/bin/javac: No such file or directory"15:49
KittyTeethWhen I put M inplace of MM   00 comes up15:50
intore___escott: do you think is better have the programs on every client or on the server?15:50
escottintore___, i don't want to sound too critical, but you are clearly in a bit over your head. I'm sure you could eventually figure things out and might learn a fair bit in the long term, but its also not clear why you want to do what you are proposing. Why not just use libreoffice which is included in apt?15:50
MonkeyDustKittyTeeth  arrow keys to increase the level15:50
KittyTeethwhich level would you recommend?15:51
MonkeyDustKittyTeeth  it's your pc, your ears, cannot decide for you15:51
intore___escott: what is not clear?15:52
escottintore___, what is better depends on a lot of factors. (a) do the clients have the hard disk space? (b) how do you want to manage the software installation (apt vs manual)? (c) are you running consistent versions of the OSes on all desktops? etc...15:52
naryfa1Does anybody know what's the advantage of using something like moblock or ipblock? Does this stuff really help??15:52
locodiri want to clear all text present in log file ...what should i do15:53
locodirhow to clear all contents of log files15:53
escottintore___, since you can install libreoffice on all machines via apt, i would do that unless you have a reason not to do so15:53
KittyTeethWorking! Thanks for the lesson MonkeyDust.15:54
MonkeyDust!yay| KittyTeeth15:54
ubottuKittyTeeth: Glad you made it! :-)15:54
KittyTeethWhat would have caused all the controls to MM, mute?15:54
MonkeyDustKittyTeeth  not going back to windows, now?15:55
KittyTeeththanks ubottu.15:55
intore___escott: am sorry but i didn't know LibreOffice and i don't know the advantages15:55
FloodBot1KittyTeeth: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:55
dlentzlocodir, http://lifehacker.com/270790/empty-a-text-file-from-the-command-line15:56
intore___escott: so i thought only about openoffice15:56
t432Houston any response? over!15:56
KittyTeethWhat would have caused my sound controls to revert to Mute?15:56
rasheedim new here where can i find help to get my numark djio to work on ubuntu15:56
econdudeawesomeauronandace: The issue was I mounted under home. I moved it to /mnt and the size issue has been taken care of. Not sure if thats a bug with the size analysis or the partitioning itself. Regardless, thanks and happy trails!15:56
escottintore___, so i guess i repeat my very first question again:  why do you want iceweasel and ooffice? --- since you don't seem to have a reason for openoffice, i'll assume the same is true of iceweasel and tell you to use firefox15:59
intore___escott: i don't have any preferences, i trust you!16:00
intore___escott: my question: why do you prefer firefox and libreoffice?16:01
enthdegreeHello, all16:02
enthdegreeI just resized my LV and for some reason it got disabled. When I run `lvchange -ay` to reenable it, the command returns 'device mapper: resume ioctl failed: Invalid argument'16:02
fishcookeri've done stupid things already16:03
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dlentziceweasel = best logo ever https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/wiki/File:Humping_iceweasel.gif16:03
fishcooker$ rm ~16:03
fishcookerwhat should i do ...16:03
fishcookersingle user here16:03
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enthdegreefishcooker, why16:04
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enthdegreefishcooker, did you run this as root or what16:04
fishcookeras usual user16:04
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enthdegreefishcooker, condolences.16:04
fishcookerthere is no special things there..16:05
fishcooker$ rm -rfv eclipse-linux ~16:05
fishcookermy bad16:05
fishcookerit should be cp16:05
FloodBot1fishcooker: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:05
xananaxHello, I am adding PPAs, but I am on 12 beta and so I hit 404 for all of them. My question is: if I manually download a package for 11.10, say, and it works, when the corresponding ppa repo for 12 will be available, will my package upgrade?16:05
makarahi. I'm getting choppy sound from VirtualBox and apparently the solution is to change to OSS audio. I have installed but from gstreamer-properties it says it 'could not open an audio device'. Anything?16:05
dlentzxananax, yes, unless there's unusual version numbering16:09
dlentzmakara, you installed oss where, within the vm?16:10
xananaxdlentz, thanks16:10
makaradlentz: no, oss4 from synaptic16:10
makarai'm following this: http://www.gog.com/en/forum/myst_series/sound_glitches_virtualbox_solved16:11
makaraand this: http://www.webupd8.org/2010/03/how-to-switch-to-alsa-or-oss-instead-of.html16:11
dlentzthat says "sound driver of the virtual machine"16:12
fishcookerhow to add new user here?16:14
fishcookeri can do that on system setting16:14
makaradlentz: can't be. OSS for WinXP?16:15
fishcookeri can't i mean16:15
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dlentzmakara, it means change this to OSS (but it will only work on lucid):  http://virtuatopia.com/index.php/Configuring_VirtualBox_Virtual_Machine_Settings#Audio_Settings16:16
escottfishcooker, add a new user to ubuntu?16:18
fishcookerhow to?16:18
escottfishcooker, on my 11.10 install -- go to the user accounts application click the unlock button then click the + button to add a new user16:19
dikiit kind of sucks how ubuntu does not aim for compatability like windows16:20
MonkeyDustdiki  compatibility with what?16:20
dikifor instance, I tried to increase swap file on 11.04 by following 8.X instructions16:20
dikiit destroyed the OS16:20
dikiSo I lost semi-important data16:21
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dikiwhereas on windows, the settings to increase swap file haven't changed since Win200016:22
MonkeyDust!ot| diki16:22
ubottudiki: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:22
OerHeksdiki so is it the failure of ubuntu, the instructions or just because you didn't make any backup ?16:23
dikiOerHeks:I am not blaiming ubuntu16:23
dikiI am merely stating that compatability should remain16:23
xanguadiki: if you have troubles knowing how to set partitons, you can allways leave the installer does everything for you wihout worrying16:23
fishcookerescott im on 12.04 but i can't add the new user even i unlock it16:23
GirlyGirldiki: "compatability" with what?16:24
escott!precise | fishcooker16:24
ubottufishcooker: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+116:24
dikixangua:It was a post-install step16:24
dikiGirlyGirl:with settings, interface16:24
xanguadiki: it is not, unless you did something weird :/16:24
dikixangua:what isn't?16:24
xangua(11:24:15) diki: xangua:It was a post-install step16:25
dikixangua:I meant that I tweaked the OS post-install16:25
dikias in, after installation16:25
GirlyGirldiki: Do you have a support question?16:25
whoeverhi all, need help rhythmbox was working yesterday,  and this morning i blindly (litrily and figerativly) updated and now rhythmobox freezed after launch wile searching dir, can somone assist in a rollback/fix16:26
GirlyGirldiki: Like without mentioning what you did to "destrot the OS" we can't help you. Its probably a case of garbage in garbage out if you ask me ... nothing about the "compat"a"bility" as you say16:26
dlentzwhoever, did you try purging and reinstalling it? it may be a bad configuration file16:27
GirlyGirl*"destroy the OS"16:27
whoeverdlentz: no , won't -P also unistall and clean16:27
dikiGirlyGirl:I did mention what I did16:27
dikiI tried to increase Oneiric's swap file, by following a karmic koala guide16:28
GirlyGirldiki: Very vague ... mention the commands you ran and changes you made.16:28
whoeverdiki: what what did you do i came in after your OP16:28
auronandacediki: by default there is no swap file, it usually is a swap partition16:29
GirlyGirldiki can you link this guide?16:29
auronandacediki: also following instructions for a release from 2008 for a 2011 distro isn't always that smart16:29
dlentzwhoever, dpkg -P ?16:29
auronandacediki: 11.04 is natty, 11.10 is oneiric16:30
beandoghow do you guys even remember which version is which name?  drives me crazy.16:30
GirlyGirldiki: Also you can't destroy the OS with such a change16:30
ox1dehi; i still need help fixing my laptop16:31
fidelbeandog: keep it simple and remember the number-logic - which is prettystraigt forward16:31
dlentzbeandog, if you hadn't noticed, they're in alphabetical order..16:31
escottbeandog, they are alphabetical for one16:31
GriGiHi, I got little question. What music player do you use? Im using Rhythmbox and I like it, but I want to have cover flow. I was trying to install some plugin to rhythmbox but it doesn't work (as I read on the net, many people can't install it). What is good music player for Ubuntu, which have cover art, or at least let me somehow browse through my music with covers? Rhythmbox got only ugly list of albums :(16:31
auronandacebeandog: i prefer the numbers to the names, you get used to it after a while, especially when you know the major changes16:31
beandogI guess I'm too new to notice. :T16:31
GirlyGirlGriGi: I use Amarok and Clementine ... but I think you might like tomahawk16:32
despe70I've enabled postgresql to log to syslog, with "syslog_facility = 'local0'". I've changed my /etc/syslog.conf so it contains "local0.*        -/var/log/pgsql". I've restarted syslog with "/etc/init.d/sysklogd restart" However, when postgresql is reloaded, the messages are appended to /var/log/messages and /var/log/syslog ...16:32
MonkeyDustox1de  if you asked earlier, repeat the question, pls16:32
despe70how can I log them to the file I've foreseen for it ? what am I missing?16:32
fidelGriGi: using clementine here - kinda amarok fork- displays cover of current song & has a seperate cover-window. but most likely not what you are looking for16:32
MeXTuXI need to load a module during startup. How can I do it??? The module names is uvcvideo Thanx in advance16:32
GirlyGirlGriGi: I still prefer wmp and iTunes interface style though to the ones I use16:32
GriGiGirlyGirl, I was trying Amarok, but I read that it needs KDE libraries and it's true that it's laggy on Ubuntu (on my netbook) But I will try Clementine and tomahawk, thanks :).16:33
beandogMeXTuX: add it to /etc/modules16:33
GriGiGirlyGirl, Yea, that's what I'm talking about, I like iTunes style too :).16:33
auronandaceGriGi: there is also exaile (gtk based)16:33
GirlyGirlGriGi: Clementine and Tomahawk use qt (kde ) too16:33
ox1deon boot i get the display: "no init found. try passing init= bootarg. - busybox v1.13.3 (ubuntu 1:1.13.3-1ubuntu11) built in shell (ash) - enter 'help' for listo f built in commands. - (initramfs) [  3.056257] ieee1394: host added: IDbus[0-00:1023} guid[000ae4aaaa27c398]"16:33
ox1dewhat do i do?16:33
marvindoppelthow can one change the way apt connects through the internet? As in with or without proxy for example.16:33
GirlyGirlGriGi: But qt is already in Ubuntu as unity 2d needs it16:34
GriGiauronandace, I was just trying exaile but plugin with coverflow also don't work16:34
whoeverdlentz: just did a purg and reinstall and it still freezes when searching a dir16:34
GriGifidel, I'm gonna try Clementine anyway, thanks :).16:34
zykotick9marvindoppelt: /etc/apt/apt.conf is probably the file you'll need to change16:34
dlentzwhoever, if you start rb from terminal, does it output any error?16:35
auronandaceox1de: what did you do?16:35
ox1dei dont know why its malfuncitoning16:35
fidelGriGi: the logic behind clementine is somehow different to itunes - but you are looking more for the itunesgui aspects i guess - which most linux players wont match either ;)16:35
GriGiGirlyGirl, so it's nice, won't be lagging on my netbook. Now I remember, I saw once icon for this player - faenza pack got so nice icon for this, juicy orange :).16:35
dlentziirc, itunes through wine is possible16:35
GriGifidel - I don't need exactly iTunes, just cover flow or browsing albums with covers will satisfy me.16:36
mysticaloneWhere can I find help on patching broadcom drivers in the debian kernel package for 3.316:36
MonkeyDust!bcm| mysticalone bcm stands for broadcom16:36
ubottumysticalone bcm stands for broadcom: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs16:36
fidelGriGi: clementine wont provide that - at least not in an elegant way - as you would need to use the cover-manager window - but hf testing it anyways ;)16:36
GirlyGirlGriGi: Actually I use KDE on my netbook and its a lot more responsive than Ubuntu with gnome 3 / unity16:37
GirlyGirlGriGi: Tomahawk should suit you best ... did you try banshee?16:37
marvindoppeltzykotick9, apt.conf is empty.  See, all was well until I used proxy somewhere and applied the proxy settings system wide, later I removed the system-wide proxy settings and now apt can't connect anymore whereby it still shows that it's trying connecting through the proxy.16:38
BndrrMonkeyDust, what are u looking for ? bcm ?¿16:38
GirlyGirlGriGi: http://banshee.fm/  http://www.tomahawk-player.org/16:38
whoeverdlentz: WTF , it will work if i lauch from terminal, but from dasher it will freeze at the point where it searches for files16:38
GriGiGirlyGirl, I had banshee for a while but I think I should install it again and test it with Clementine and Tomahawk16:38
dlentzmarvindoppelt, look in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d directory16:38
MonkeyDustBndrr  you're addressing the wrong person, it's mysticalone16:39
auronandace!pm | ox1de16:39
ubottuox1de: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.16:39
jack_^Is there a command to install a deb file and resolve all dependencies within the command line?16:39
MonkeyDustjack_^  try dpkg16:39
marvindoppeltdlentz, it's also not there.16:39
zykotick9marvindoppelt: i manually add a proxy to my apt.conf (it's actually for an apt-cacher-ng proxy), sorry i don't know how proxys are actually handled system wide (never used one).  Good luck.16:39
Bndrrok, I'm a bit bored. lol16:39
jack_^MonkeyDust: Does dpkg install dependencies? i was having issues16:39
dlentzmarvindoppelt, but there are lots of files there, correct?16:40
MonkeyDustjack_^  it's dpkg -i (for install), a normal installation, like apt-get16:40
dlentzthose are the configuration files16:40
dlentzwhoever, i have no idea about unity stuff16:40
marvindoppeltdlentz, yep but apt.conf16:40
zykotick9jack_^: dpkg doesn't handle dependencies.  "sudo apt-get -f install" after dpkg to try and install any dependencies16:40
jack_^zykotick9++ thanks16:41
trismjack_^: you can also install gdebi which will do it all in one step16:41
dlentzapt.conf has been split into different files inside apt.conf.d/16:41
jack_^so, '# dpkg -i <file>; apt-get -f install; dpkg -i <file>; ?16:41
marvindoppeltdlentz, ok, how do I remove proxy settings on it.16:41
whoeverdlentz: it must be something within rb code, sine one way it will freeze while searching and the other way it will work16:41
MonkeyDustjack_^  try dpkg -i [package.deb]16:42
zykotick9jack_^: doing them one-by-one is probably safest (certainly isn't fastest, but will help in troubleshooting if there are issues)16:42
jack_^MonkeyDust: it fails.16:42
jack_^zykotick9: i only have 1 deb file.16:42
zykotick9jack_^: are the dependcies the other debs you have?  or are they in the repos?16:43
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jack_^zykotick9: they're in the repos16:43
zykotick9jack_^: what are you installing?16:43
zykotick9!info libmysqlclient1616:44
ubottulibmysqlclient16 (source: mysql-5.1): MySQL database client library. In component main, is optional. Version 5.1.61-0ubuntu0.11.10.1 (oneiric), package size 1765 kB, installed size 4020 kB16:44
jack_^not available in 12.0416:44
zykotick9jack_^: so what's wrong with "sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient16"?  why are you using debs?16:44
jack_^zykotick9: not available in 12.0416:44
zykotick9jack_^: re-ask your question/issue in #ubuntu+116:44
jack_^but my question isn't specific to 12.04.16:45
zykotick9jack_^: doesn't matter.  good luck.16:45
bazhangjack_^, sure it is16:45
jack_^bazhang: my question is, is there a way to resolve dependencies when installing a deb from the command line16:45
fideljack_^: that question is answered already with dpkg & apt-get for deps or am i wrong? ;)16:45
bazhangjack_^, you have an issue with 12.04  #ubuntu+1 for that please16:45
jack_^fidel: thats what i thought :)16:46
enthdegreeI just resized my LV and for some reason it got disabled. When I run `lvchange -ay` to reenable it, the command returns 'device mapper: resume ioctl failed: Invalid argument'16:46
jack_^bazhang: i can reproduce the behavior in 11.1016:46
fidelthe paket-specific thing again is 12.04 specific ;)16:46
enthdegreedoes anyone have experience with this?16:46
jack_^enthdegree: what type of LV is it? just a linear volume?16:46
dlentzmarvindoppelt, i guess you will find that configuration in /etc/apt/apt-file.conf16:46
whoeverdlentz: for what its worth it was a comand issue some how %U was causing rb to freeze durring its search16:47
enthdegreejack_^, yes. it's not even split across multiple physical disks16:48
jack_^enthdegree: put these commands in pastebin and gimmie. # lvs -o +devices; dmsetup info -c; lvchange -ay /dev/VolGroupLogVol -vvv16:48
dlentzwhoever, i'm sure how to go about debugging that without terminal output16:48
dlentz*not sure16:48
blujcan anyone tell me how i can get (much) larger corners to drag to resize windows?16:49
whoeverdlentz: ya that is i guess you can say the short answer16:49
foolovei need to do a reassigning of a stdin by user so my $var = <STDIN>; if ($var == 1) {$var == 5};16:49
foolovenot sure on the {$var == 5} part basically based on the user input i need to reassign the variable16:50
fooloveto the new value based on the condition before passing the variable to the rest of the code16:50
MonkeyDustfoolove  the channel #bash may be more useful for you16:50
fooloveoh sorry wrong channel16:51
beandogfoolove: its var=516:51
beandogfoolove: not $var16:51
foolovethis is perl beandog16:51
Bender_hello, I have downloaded a new version of a software (rawtherapee). It runs only if I have installed the older version from the software center. Is it possible to keep in launcher the new version? I can't do that, it always make start the old version. The new version is in a folder in the home directory. Useing Ubuntu 12.0416:52
Bender_...and unity :)16:52
foolovebeandog you could still be right tho16:52
GirlyGirl!precise | Bender_16:52
ubottuBender_: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+116:52
Bender_GirlyGirl, ok thanx16:53
marvindoppeltdlentz, there's no such a file either. BTW, am using 10.0416:55
=== hacktheway is now known as HaCkThEwAy
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ki4roHaCkThEwAy: Hello16:57
enthdegreejack_^, It's on a virtualmachine with no guest additions so I can't copypaste too easily, http://i.imgur.com/1YjiW.png16:57
HaCkThEwAyhey ... I m new ... Can u tech me something .16:58
dackyshawnoh gee... about to reboot a remote machine i sure how hope it comes back :-(16:58
fidelHaCkThEwAy: here is "something"16:58
dackyshawnbrb... hopefully...16:58
HaCkThEwAywt ..16:58
dlentzmarvindoppelt, oh, i was basing it off my precise vm and assumed you had oneiric17:00
HaCkThEwAywhere the hell R u17:00
jasmuthfunny story - i accidentally made chinese the UI language (i seriously have no idea how this happened), and i'm having trouble changing it back to english17:00
dlentzHaCkThEwAy, please stop17:00
mouth1anybody using an apple magic mouse with ubuntu?17:00
HaCkThEwAywt stop ?17:00
enthdegreeHaCkThEwAy, this is not the channel for you17:01
jasmuthcan anyone help me get ubuntu to have everything in english again?17:01
HaCkThEwAyoho  tht U'll Gonna teach me ...17:01
dackyshawnsweet 15 seconds to boot that time17:02
HaCkThEwAyGetting online nd having somewt info about ...IRC doens't make u the master .17:02
HaCkThEwAyAs I m new So Asking For help ..17:02
HaCkThEwAynthing Else.17:02
marvindoppeltdlentz, ah, are saying that am now fuck' up?17:03
HaCkThEwAyif U can't Sy it Stright Forward I can't ..17:03
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xangua!ot | HaCkThEwAy17:03
ubottuHaCkThEwAy: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:03
dlentzmarvindoppelt, no, i'm just saying that you should forget what i said before :P17:03
HaCkThEwAyfine #ubuntu ..17:04
HaCkThEwAyand I really need help FOr that one .17:04
marvindoppeltdlentz, and mind my own business eh? Lemme get myself some cappuccino to gear me up17:04
HaCkThEwAyI just wanted to Apply WGET command via Terminal TO Crab out the Specific PIC frm the Google .17:05
HaCkThEwAyCan ANyone help me out there ..17:05
bazhangHaCkThEwAy, no17:05
HaCkThEwAyNO ..! >?17:05
bazhangHaCkThEwAy, wrong channel, please stop17:05
HaCkThEwAyI need the Syntax17:05
HaCkThEwAyonly .17:05
dlentzbazhang, i already asked once..17:06
angsI have a problem with ubuntu. when I power up my pc, I get a black screen and it says: mounting /dev/ on /root/dev failed: no such file or directory. target filesyste doesn't have sbin/init ; try passing init=bootarg ; Busybox v1.13.3 (ubuntu 1:1.13.3-1ubuntu11) built-in shell (ash)17:06
angswhat should I do?17:06
bazhangdlentz, yep thanks17:06
HaCkThEwAyokay ..... Sorry To disturb u ... genius ..17:06
escottangs, are you ox1de?17:07
angsI dont know what is ox1de.17:07
escottangs, another person in the channel earlier with a similar problem during init17:07
angsno, I am not17:08
angsthe pc waits me to type a command on "initramfs)"17:08
angsI dont know what should I type17:08
angsdo I need to format the pc?17:08
escottangs, i would boot a livecd and run fsck on the root fs, and perhaps reinstall the kernel/rerun update-initramfs from a chroot17:08
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate17:09
angswhat could be the reason of init problem?17:09
angsI havent used ubuntu much, maybe 10 times or so.17:09
jasmuthhow can i set my locale to en_US? it got changed to chinese somehow17:10
GriGiThanks for help GirlyGirl and fidel, I think I'll stay with Clementine and/or Banshee, they got "cover browsers", I like it, finally I can browse my collection and see that covers that I was adding with Puddletag :).17:10
jasmuthi tried "update-locale LANG=en_US", but it tells me about some invalid locale settings17:11
escottjasmuth, try en_US.UTF-817:11
martinphoneis there any command to safely remove a hdd? the icon doesnt work17:12
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L3mcemartinphone: try: umount /dev/xxx17:13
escottmartinphone, udisks --unmount or sudo umount17:14
ChaosadndLongwinded question. Have a ubuntu 10.04 server running at my buisness. Machines that connect to it are windows 7 home, and windows xp professional. I can make and map usershares and public shares fine, but when trying to make an admin share based on group, i cant connect from windows 7 home. Any ideas?17:14
L3mceudisks? I am unfamiliar with that...17:14
escottL3mce, part of fdo. its how naut manages mountpoints. setuid utilities17:15
martinphoneescott, sudo udisks /dev/sdb1 ?17:15
escottmartinphone, you dont need sudo with udisks17:15
martinphoneumount didnt work, it says is already unmounted17:15
martinphoneescott, udisks /dev/sdb1 ?17:16
L3mceif it says it is unmounted...17:16
escottmartinphone, udisks --unmount /mountpoint17:16
L3mcewhat does: mount   produce?17:16
L3mcedo you see it in the list?17:16
amwanyone here?17:16
L3mceor df -T17:17
martinphonemount produces http://paste.ubuntu.com/926742/17:17
L3mcethen it isn't mounted17:17
amwi need some advice on install ubuntu17:18
L3mceif your example of /dev/sdb1 was accurate17:18
martinphoneL3mce, but file manager still lists it, and if I click on the HDD I can see the files17:18
L3mceif you click on it, you will remount it17:18
=== paulo_ is now known as cl0wnfish
amwanyone availible to help me with install of ubuntu17:19
escottamw, ask your question17:19
L3mcemartinphone: sudo umount -lf /dev/sdb117:19
martinphoneok, now it appears as unmounted in file manager, but the eject option does not work, because the HDD keeps rotating17:19
sgithensDoes anyone know offhand what the gsetting is for Ubuntu2d to increase the number of workspaces?  The setting used for compiz doesn't take effect.17:19
amwi want to install ubuntu and dual boot with windows 7 i have two hard drives 1 i have windows 7 the other is empty i want ubuntu on there but i dont want to mess up my windows boot manager in the process?17:20
trismsgithens: http://askubuntu.com/questions/66701/how-configure-workspaces-on-unity-2d17:21
Kanerixso unplug your windows drive and install ubuntu to the other drive17:21
KanerixYou can do it through software, but that takes more explaining17:21
escottamw, since you have two disks you could install ubuntu to sdb and set the bios to boot sdb over sda, then grub will chainload windows on sda17:21
martinphonesudo umount -lf /dev/sdb1 does nothing: umount: /dev/sdb1: not mounted, disk keeps rotating17:21
escottamw, but generally you use grub over the windows bootloader17:21
GriGifidel, sry for problems, I got another question. Maybe you know why some covers aren't fetched into Clementine, while Rhythmbox or Banshee show them? They're in tags of that files, I think they're mostly .flacs maybe that's the problem?17:21
sgithenstrism: Thanks much!!17:21
amwok escott how do i change the sdb to sba17:21
Kanerixmartinphone, You can't unmount something that isn't mounted17:21
* L3mce just discovered udisks and --poll-for-media17:22
escottamw, i dont know it would be in your bios17:22
amwcause i tried last night to install but it said no root go back and fix17:22
amwif i un plug windows hard drive and install ubuntu then plug windows drive back in would it mess up with the drive letter ?17:22
escottamw, it is best not to move the disks around during the install17:23
adrien2What does it mean when a linux box has been "rooted"17:28
adrien2I saw it mentioned around, though I can't find an explaination.17:29
auronandaceadrien2: somebody has gained root access17:29
dackyshawnadrien2: someone has root17:29
adrien2okay that's what i thought17:29
dackyshawnerrr what auronandace said17:29
adrien2Though as i understand ubuntu has the password locked by default17:29
adrien2would is be possible for someone to attain root even so?17:29
dackyshawnadrien2: it's not "locked" it's just not set17:30
escottadrien2, its usually in reference to a device like a phone where the manufacturer doesnt want you to have root not a commodity os17:30
adrien2o that's really weird17:30
ActionParsnipadrien2: it does but it  can be activated, its just advised not to17:30
dackyshawnisnt rooting a phone more like Jailbreaking?17:31
auronandaceadrien2: regular users shuoldn't need access to root, thats what sudo is for17:31
adrien2yes i know17:31
adrien2i have no need for root access17:31
dackyshawni still dont understand why they advise you not to activate root... there are plenty of reasons to have root activated17:31
adrien2it's just ubuntu is doing some strange things and i just wanted to rule that out so i was curious17:32
ActionParsnipdackyshawn: its the same difference afaik17:32
escottdackyshawn, there is no need for root thats what sudo is, and it opens you to attacks on the root password17:32
dackyshawnActionParsnip: u cant run Openfire as a sudo user i come to find17:32
dackyshawnwell that's not true actually... u can just not on a lower port number17:32
ActionParsnipdackyshawn: why would you need root activated?17:32
adrien2ah okay, though my question is can someone remotely get root priveleges?17:33
dackyshawnif you want to run OpenFire on a server on a lower port number (like let's say 443) it requires it to be ran as the root user17:33
dackyshawnadrien2: if they access to another sudo account and set the passwd then yes17:33
ActionParsnipdackyshawn: if you run:   sudo -i  you can run things as root without activating the account17:33
dackyshawnbut it wont run at login ActionParsnip17:34
adrien2ah okay, that really doesnt answer my question, but thanks dackyshawn17:34
dackyshawni already found that out17:34
dackyshawnhow doesnt that answer your question17:34
ActionParsnipdackyshawn: then add it to rc.local and it will run as root17:34
dackyshawnActionParsnip: never tried that... perhaps i should ... i know openfire suggests setting the root passwd17:35
dackyshawni generally always set the root password out of habit but i dont allow remote access with root17:36
ActionParsnipIts just not needed17:37
dackyshawnadrien2: i dont know of any "backdoor" method for privelge escalation if that's your question... I do know if you have an account with sudo rights then yes they can in theory gain "root" permissions using your account assuming they can get into your account17:37
dackyshawnadrien2: this is assuming u have something like ssh or telnet set up17:38
dackyshawnif you have telnet and access your machine remotely then your password is unencrypted through the network so in theory someone could see that17:38
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ActionParsnipdackyshawn: just found a guide how you can add it as a startable/stopable service, it will run as root at startup..17:39
dackyshawnadrien2: but in my opinion someone would havwe to really want access to spend the time doing all that17:39
adrien2yeah true enough17:39
adrien2i have neither of those services enabled17:39
adrien2though i am running a missconfigured IRC server17:40
adrien2(i've been meaning to remove it)17:40
adrien2that answers my question thank dackyshawn17:40
dackyshawni've never ran an IRC server before17:40
adrien2it was fun, it was easier than i thought though i can't login to it from another computer....17:40
dackyshawni do run a jabber server tho17:40
adrien2neat i never tried that before17:41
GriGifidel, nvm, I'll use Banshee, it got nice "now playing" mode, and also show list of covers. Thanks for help, cya :).17:41
dackyshawnadrien2: are u sure it isnt a firewall issue?17:41
adrien2I'm pretty sure it is a firewall issue, though i dont know how to confige ubuntu's firewall17:41
dackyshawni wonder if ISPs have been known to block IRC ports for hosting servers17:41
dackyshawnadrien2 is your ubuntu server at the head of the network?17:42
adrien2well it wouldnt be the ISP as the computer i tried resides on the same network plugged into the same modem17:42
adrien2er router sorry17:42
dackyshawnadrien2: that doesnt matter17:42
dackyshawnthat stays inside17:42
adrien2the IRC server isnt, though that shouldnt matter17:42
dackyshawni meant from outside17:42
adrien2oh well i never tried it from outside17:42
dackyshawnadrien2: no i was wondering cuz it should be open if u never configured IPTables17:42
adrien2and i dont trust anyone outside of this17:42
dackyshawnbut that means your router isnt set up correctly to forward the ports to the ubuntu server17:43
adrien2doesnt it have default settings?17:43
adrien2if it doesnt that's pretty scary17:43
dackyshawnat least that's what i suspect17:43
dackyshawnas far as i know iptables accepts all by default17:43
adrien2that's retarded17:43
dackyshawnunless u put a drop rule in17:43
dackyshawnthat's not retarded at all17:43
ActionParsnipYes, all in and out17:43
adrien2i beg to differ, the windows firewall has good defaults to protect people17:43
dackyshawnwindows isnt for smart ppl tho17:43
adrien2well i better learn to configure tht now17:43
adrien2neither is ubuntu17:44
adrien2because otherwise i'm asking for trouble17:44
dackyshawnyour ubuntu machine isnt facing the outside world so it doesnt matter17:44
dackyshawnyou have router that handles that17:44
adrien2i right for having a inkling this thing was as secure as a peice of swiss cheese17:44
adrien2yes it is17:44
adrien2I' m talking to you.17:44
dackyshawnthrough a router17:44
dackyshawnyour router is your firewall17:44
syslqdackyshawn: based on what peremises have you reached the conclusion that windows is not for smart people?17:44
adrien2yes, though you probably can see my IP on freenode17:44
dackyshawnsyslq: it was intended as a joke17:45
syslqdackyshawn: :)17:45
dackyshawnadrien2: that doesnt matter17:45
ActionParsnipadrien2: by its nature NAT will act as an ok firewall17:45
adrien2that really doesnt matter if it's miss configured and the router does not belong to me so i dont know17:45
wyldeadrien2: the ip we will see is that internet facing ip of your router.17:45
adrien2yeah i know17:45
dackyshawnadrien2: if i try to get into your ubuntu machine i'm only get as far as your router17:45
adrien2though i dont know what kind of router is here, it doesnt belong to me17:45
syslqdackyshawn: new firewall is quite nice, has an option to filter inbound / outbound on 2,3 and 7 level17:45
dackyshawnmy ubuntu machine faces the outside17:46
adrien2though that still doesnt reassure me, well i guess i can learn how to configure ipttabless17:46
rfictusanyone else has xchat crash when maximize screen ??17:46
adrien2thanks guys i'm glad i talked to you17:46
dackyshawnbut i must admit to using webmin for configuring my iptable policies17:46
dackyshawnbut i dont have ubuntu desktop17:46
dackyshawnadrien2: make sure your router is set to forward port 6667 to the ubuntu machine17:47
adrien2well i herd of an easy to use one that is based on iptables, i need security since i'm on the internet, but i dont need much17:47
adrien2well that's out of my hands, though i could ask my landlord.17:47
dackyshawnright now what might be happening is that someone sends a request to your router for the IRC server but your router doesnt know where to direct them to17:47
adrien2i dont need much security***17:47
wyldeadrien2: if you want to know what ports my be visible to the internet check out -  http://www.grc.com  services --> ShieldsUP!17:47
dackyshawnso you have a forward set up to forward port 6667 to the internal IP17:47
adrien2though i need some... my god what were they thinking17:48
adrien2okay... good to know wylde though i'm not that concerned17:48
jpdsadrien2: You know you can use ufw instead of iptables?17:48
dackyshawnadrien2 does your ubuntu machine have an IP in the 192.168.x.x range or something like that17:48
adrien2yes it does17:48
jpds!ufw | adrien217:48
ubottuadrien2: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE from Lucid onwards) also exist.17:48
dackyshawnthats why they cant access it silly17:48
adrien2though it appears different to people outside17:48
dackyshawnyes cuz you have a public IP and a private17:48
adrien2ah okay but you guys said it accepts all thats like having none17:48
adrien2that's insane17:48
adrien2i'm glad i'm switching to debian son17:48
dackyshawnadrien2: u misunderstand17:49
adrien2well you said point blank it accepts all17:49
adrien2i miss understood nothing17:49
dackyshawnadrien2: it does accept all but thats cuz it should17:49
wyldeadrien2: it will accept all on the internal network, not the internet because that is prevented by the NAT firewall.17:49
dackyshawnwylde explains it correct17:49
adrien2why should it, you dont seem to understand how moronic that is...17:49
dackyshawnthe NAT firewall is your Router17:49
adrien2yes you told me that three times17:49
dackyshawnlol dont call us a moron if you want to understand why ask us17:49
jpdsadrien2: Hrm, there's nothing listening by default on Ubuntu.17:49
adrien2and i know what NAT is17:50
adrien2anyways if you guys are going to talk down to me i will find a better room17:50
dackyshawni'm not talking down17:50
dackyshawnok w/e17:50
rfictusxchat crashes when maximized, where can I see log ?17:51
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=== GirlyGirl is now known as GirlyGirl_
dlentzrfictus, start xchat from terminal ?17:51
wyldeI'll never understand why people bother asking for an explanation when they are of the opinion that they already know.... *sigh* </ot>17:51
rfictusdlentz: also17:51
dackyshawnwylde: agreed17:51
=== GirlyGirl_ is now known as GirlyGirl
=== GirlyGirl is now known as Guest39305
dackyshawnwylde: was I wrong??17:51
rfictusHi GirlyGirl17:51
rfictusare you really a girl ?17:52
dlentzdackyshawn, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink..17:52
rfictusmy xchat is maximized now17:52
wyldedackyshawn: nope, that individual needs to learn about subnets, and basic networking.17:52
dackyshawnoh well his issue17:52
rfictusgonna tab away for a bit and return17:52
LjLrfictus: that's not really relevant to this channel17:52
dackyshawncould have had his IRC server working in seconds but whatever17:52
rfictusLjL: what isn't ??17:53
LjLrfictus: whether someone is a girl17:53
zerefI'm trying to fire up ubuntu-one, but i keep getting: Authorization Eror, Error showing url:failed to execute child..ss "iceweasel" (no such  file or directory)17:53
rfictusLjL: true17:53
wyldewe're getting !ot though :)17:53
sstazeref: you're on Debian?17:53
i7cwhen i install themes my panel (task bar) never changes the design. are there no themes that adapt the panels too?17:53
sstazeref: iceweasel is what Debian calls firefox.  Clearly something somewhere is from Debian...17:54
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dlentzthat's the second time today i've seen someone mention iceweasel in here :)17:55
jacob`hi guys. I'm using Ubuntu in a corporate environment. I cannot enter the Intranet site, I enter my credentials in the box in fx, press ENTER, and again the same box pops up. I was able to log on with fx on Windows. The address ends with .aspx, so I guess they're using some IIS AD mechanisms or something. Is there any way to log on with GNU/Linux to such site?17:55
* dlentz is a Debian/iceweasel user17:55
zerefssta: where do i start?17:55
dackyshawnjacob is it on the domain17:55
dackyshawnjacob`: ^17:55
sstajacob`: usually the username is: DOMAIN/username17:55
sstazeref: not enough information to know, sorry.17:56
jacob`dackyshawn: shit, I tried DOMAIN\username17:56
dackyshawnjacob`: do u have winbind install?17:56
jacob`dackyshawn: I'll try at work tomorrow. What if it will not work, any ideas?17:56
l3dwas wondering if there is a easy way to make 11.10 look like  10.10?17:56
sstait doesn't have to be on the domain.  It's easier if it is though17:56
dackyshawnjacob`: u need winbind i think17:56
dackyshawnit allows you to resolve windows hostnames and access domain resources17:56
jacob`dackyshawn: I don't think I have it. It seems useful here17:57
sstal3d: not really.  You can use gnome-session-fallbak, turn off the scrollbars and the menu stuff, but it's still not really like 10.1017:57
dackyshawnjacob`: yea u need it17:57
GirlyGirl_Hi all, please help quickly... for some reason my touchpad (synaptic) suddenly stopped. it appears to be permanently scrolling stuff only with normal (non-scroll) motion. My external mouse works fine though! I am on kde17:57
jacob`dackyshawn: is it easy to configure, what do I have to know?17:57
dackyshawnjacob`: fairly straightforward to set up17:58
jacob`dackyshawn: I'd like make it clear that I'm not an administrator there, but a normal user17:58
dackyshawnjacob`: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ActiveDirectoryWinbindHowto17:58
dackyshawnjacob`: do u have sudo access to the ubuntu box tho?17:59
jacob`dackyshawn: yes, I do17:59
dackyshawnjacob`: in theory you should be fine (assuming that the network doesnt have anything special blocking the ubuntu machine of course)17:59
sstadackyshawn: you need AD rights to join to the domain to use winbind normally17:59
GirlyGirl_I believe the touch pad is constantly detecting two fingers when there is only one!18:00
dackyshawnssta yes true but not to authenticate against it18:00
dackyshawnssta: i.e. like accessing an intranet site18:00
dackyshawnif he can access the sites from a non domain computer using his AD creditentials then winbind should work without any special permissions on the network end18:00
dackyshawnkey word being SHOULD18:01
rfictusHow to get more information on a running process ??18:01
dackyshawnrfictus: what type of info u looking for?18:01
sstadackyshawn: maybe.  I've seen it fail many times more than I've seen it work18:01
dackyshawnssta: works for me... :-\18:01
rfictus@dackyshawn not sure18:01
maxmustermanncan someone tell me how to turn the fan to the max? the heat keeps shuting my computer down18:01
dackyshawnrfictus: u dont know what info you need?18:01
sstadackyshawn: works for me too...but then I have the appropriate AD permissions18:02
dackyshawnrfictus: then it's hard to answer your question18:02
jacob`dackyshawn: but what do you mean by 'access'? I cannot access it now on Ubuntu now18:02
rfictusdackyshawn: want to know more about the 'pager' process18:02
rfictus 4530 pts/0    00:00:00 page18:02
rfictus 4530 pts/0    00:00:00 pager18:02
dackyshawnssta: i have it on my laptop and can access AD resources pretty much everywhere i go if i have an account of course18:02
rfictusdackyshawn:  4530 pts/0    00:00:00 pager18:03
rfictusany code for this ?18:03
rfictusi know how to kill it18:03
dackyshawnjacob`: thats cuz it cant resolve the domain and cant pass NTLM through18:03
dackyshawnjacob`: if you try pinging a server on the network by name it wotn respond cuz it cant see windows host names18:03
dackyshawnjacob`: if you ping by IP should work18:04
dackyshawnbut with winbind it will allow you to resolve windows hostnames as well as authenticate against the AD directory18:04
sstajacob`: another thing you can try is ntlmaps (when it works it's great, but it can be hit and miss)18:04
dackyshawnagain this is all assuming the network allows non-domain machines to access it's resources18:05
jacob`well that may also solve my another problem with SIPE addon to Pidgin, it says something about NTLM error in the debugging mode. I could finally replace Office Communicator with Pidgin18:05
dackyshawnjacob`: can you use a windows computer that hasnt been on the domain to access these intranet sites?18:05
dackyshawnyea jacob` ntlm will be supported with winbind installed18:05
jacob`dackyshawn: I don't know how to check it. This is the Intranet, I cannot access it form home now18:06
dackyshawnno i understand...18:06
dackyshawnjacob`: is this a school network by chance?18:06
dackyshawnthe one you want to access with the ubuntu machine18:06
jacob`dackyshawn: it's a corporate environment18:07
dackyshawnjacob`: in my opinion when u set up winbind you should be able to use DOMAIN\username to access the intranet sites18:07
dackyshawnalso that's been my experience too18:07
jacob`i'm fed up with switching to Windows laptop just to use the Intranet and the communicator18:08
jacob`dackyshawn: thanks, I'll try it18:08
dackyshawnok is your windows laptop on their domain normally?18:08
dackyshawnjacob`: ^18:08
=== GirlyGirl_ is now known as GirlyGirl
dackyshawnlike is it ACTUALLY joined to the domain as a domain memember18:08
dackyshawnor is it just a personal laptop?18:08
dackyshawnthat u have to type domain\username to gain access to teh intranet site18:09
jacob`dackyshawn: it's not personal laptop, they gave me it18:09
rfictuswhat is /usr/bin/ssh-agent ??18:09
dackyshawnoh so it's a domain machine most likely18:09
jacob`dackyshawn: I don't have to enter domain name on Windows18:09
dackyshawnjacob`: thats cuz you re logged on as a domain user18:09
dackyshawnon the windows machine18:09
jacob`dackyshawn: yes, probably ;p18:09
jacob`dackyshawn: I'm afraid that chances are low18:10
jacob`to do what I want18:10
dackyshawnyea it wont ask it will pass the user and password through18:10
dackyshawnno they arent low at all18:10
dackyshawnu just need to be able to resolve windows hostnames and pass NTLM creditentials18:10
jacob`but do I have to join AD on my demand?18:11
dackyshawnby default u cant do that in ubuntu as far as i know.... u need to use something like winbind18:11
sstapresumably he can resolve if he gets a login box18:11
dackyshawnjacob`: nope... that's why you type in DOMAIN\username18:11
dackyshawnthe DOMAIN is telling to authenticate with a windows domain18:11
dackyshawnur machine DOES NOT need to be a member18:11
dackyshawn(In MOST cases)18:11
jacob`dackyshawn: ok, I se18:11
dackyshawnas long as you say DOMAIN\username it will then go out and find the AD controller and pass that username and password to it and it should grant you access to those resources18:12
dackyshawnsame way you would do it with a windows machine not joined to the domain18:12
dackyshawnu only need a valid username and password on the domain to access the domain18:12
dackyshawnthe machine does not have to be a memeber per say18:13
dackyshawn /list18:13
jacob`dackyshawn: but it's still possible that administrator has put some restrictions on non-windows boxes?18:13
dackyshawnjacob`: possible but doubtful.. if you are getting a prompt for your username and password then no probablyu not18:13
ubottummiikkee: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».18:13
dackyshawnif they were blocking it you'd never even see that18:13
deinspanjerI am trying to troubleshoot a problem with DNS resolution where a particular program (znc) seems to be querying some DNS servers that I have tried to remove from my config.  I made the changes to /etc/network/interfaces, but after an ifdown/ifup, znc still complained so I just rebooted.18:14
jacob`dackyshawn: ok, that sounds promising18:14
dackyshawnmmiikkee: no it's /list to list channels18:14
deinspanjerWhat is the best way I could make a DNS call similar to what znc is trying to do and see what IP the request is made to and what the response is?18:14
deinspanjerIt seems that dig and such don't use the same settings or the same code path that znc is using. :/18:14
dackyshawnjacob`: only one way to find out18:15
dackyshawnjacob`: u do need to add something to one file for winbind to work after u install it18:15
dackyshawnjacob`: let me find it and tell you waht to add just give me a minute18:15
MrUnagiI have smb set up....with read only = no.....but I cant write to it....any ideas18:15
dackyshawnjacob`: also i think you will need SMB installed as well  just do sudo apt-get install smb18:16
dackyshawnno config needed18:16
dackyshawnand then sudo apt-get install winbind18:16
dackyshawnno config needed there18:16
mmiikkeeact of  valor18:16
dackyshawnbut u need to add something to a file to resolve the names18:16
deinspanjeroh man.. I wonder if this could be something to do with it trying to use ipv6 instead of ipv418:17
ubottuexplorer789: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».18:17
dackyshawnjacob`: you need to add to the file /etc/nsswitch.conf under the line that starts with "hosts"  wins18:18
dackyshawnafter installing winbind jacob`18:18
dackyshawnso it should look like this....      Home18:19
dackyshawn    an introduction18:19
dackyshawn    What I Do18:19
dackyshawn oops18:19
dackyshawnjacob`: should look like this:   hosts:      files dns wins18:19
dackyshawnthen thats it18:19
joshua|1983Hi i'm looking for a python channel18:20
dackyshawn#python maybe18:20
ubottualis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*18:20
dackyshawnjacob`: if you find me on here when u have access to the machine i can help u out18:22
MrUnagiI cant make smb shares on ubuntu writable any ideas?18:24
dackyshawn MrUnagi user needs write permissions18:24
dackyshawnMrUnagi: u also need to make sure writeable = yes in the smb.conf file for that share18:26
jacob`dackyshawn: thank you so much, but I'm at home right now, I don't want to ask such question with their IP, soon I'm going to set up ZNC on my home router and create a tunnel18:26
dackyshawnjacob`: why wouldnt u want to ask from their IP???18:27
MrUnagiCrap it's because root owns everything isn't it18:28
dackyshawnummm no MrUnagi i just told you why18:28
MrUnagiYea....user needs write permissions18:29
MrUnagiRoot owns everything18:29
dackyshawnMrUnagi: u need to set the share to be writable18:29
MrUnagiSo user cant write18:29
MrUnagiI did that18:29
dackyshawnowner doesnt matter18:29
dackyshawnfile permissions matter18:29
wyldeMrUnagi: you're trying to share directories out /home aren't you?18:29
jacob`dackyshawn: well because they already bashed for using IRC channel to ask question and talk in general, they say I represent the company when I'm at work and there are many malicious people who can figure out some details about their IT security policy basing on what I might say18:29
MrUnagiwylde: Yes and no18:30
dackyshawnjacob`: u should set up ssh :-P18:30
MrUnagidackyshawn: 775?18:30
dackyshawnjacob`: if they were so concerned about their policies they should block irc in the first place18:30
dackyshawnMrUnagi: or 77718:30
dackyshawnbut 775 is fine too i think18:30
level09how do I configure my server to it wont drop my ssh session18:30
level09I basically want to be connected forever18:30
dackyshawnlevel09: what do u mean?18:30
jacob`dackyshawn: ports like 6667 are blocked, I used webchat18:31
level09dackyshawn: when I connect to the server through ssh18:31
level09if I leave my laptop for some time18:31
level09the server will disconnect me18:31
kuzushisometimes with ubuntu my screen freezes and I have to switch off to a raw terminal and back to get it to 'unfreeze'18:31
dackyshawnah jacob` then we'd see the ip for the webchat site wouldnt we?18:31
level09I want to keep my ssh session forever18:31
rfictuswth is mission-control process??18:31
kuzushiany chance that is a known issue or am I just dumb?18:31
dackyshawnlevel09: maybe there's a timeout option in the ssh config18:31
jacob`dackyshawn: we here would see webchat IP, but they at webchat would know my real IP18:32
MrUnagiIt's now 777 and still access is denied18:32
dackyshawnlevel09: u need to adjust the variable that says "ServerAliveInterval"18:32
level09dackyshawn: I tried from the client side, but it did not work, I want to change it from the remote side18:32
level09dackyshawn: yes, that variabel did not do it for me, perhaps its better to do it from the sshd_config side18:33
dackyshawnlevel09: add to /etc/ssh_config18:33
dackyshawnyes its a server side variable18:33
dackyshawnnot client i think18:33
level09dackyshawn: ssh_config is the client, but sshd_config is the server18:33
level09dackyshawn:  still what should I put in there ? a small number or a big number ?18:33
dackyshawnlevel09: http://docs.oseems.com/application/ssh/disable-timeout18:34
level09dackyshawn: thanks ! reading ..18:34
dackyshawnlevel09: doesnt matter what the number is i dont think... as long as it's within range of the normal timeout i think18:34
dackyshawnso like 5 i think would do every 5 seconds a keep alive packet18:34
MarKsaitishow can I view and switch to different shells/ptys - whatever u call them?18:35
level09dackyshawn:  thanks, that article mentions sshd as well, but the page seems messed up18:35
level09ah now fine , just had to refresh18:35
wyldeMarKsaitis: ctrl+alt+f1 or f2 or f3 etc.18:36
tyler_dsorry, dackyshawn and level09 whats wrong with just modifying your keepalive, should already be set to yes(that is teh default)18:37
level09tyler_d: it did not work for me18:37
level09tyler_d: u mean on the server ?18:37
tyler_dlevel09: define that. what do you mean didn't work18:37
level09tyler_d: so far I only tried on the client side18:37
tyler_don your local machine level0918:38
level09tyler_d: I am getting errors , socket error : connection reset by peer18:38
level09or broken pipe18:38
level09ssh exception : session is not active18:38
level09tyler_d:  yes18:38
MrUnagiNtfs sucks18:38
sstatyler_d: because TCPKeepAlive is at the TCP levevl...many NATting routers don't bother passing them along.  ServerAliveInterval is an application level keepalive that IS passsed through18:38
jacob`dackyshawn: the other thing is, that even if I accessed the intranet, there are probably plenty of MS activex elements and other frills. Address ends with .aspx, so it's probably the case18:39
tyler_dssta: tyvm, that is more like what I was looking for :)18:39
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level09I actually have that setting inside an app, I think I can also keep it going by executing some dummy command every few minutes18:40
sstajacob`: considered running a small windows VM (something like virtualbox works well)18:40
sstaand FYI ServerAliveInterval is a client setting...18:42
cogHow do I get rid of the little silhouette in the right upper corner of my desktop?18:42
jacob`ssta: they'd have to buy another license, and I'd have to fill in 1000 papers for it to happen18:42
sstajacob`: ah...shame.  I find VMs very handy for stuff like that18:43
sstajacob`: don't suppose they have a citrix server to run IE from?18:43
jacob`ssta: I don't know, I'll ask. But that's the last thing I'll use, IE is unusable for me18:45
sstajacob`: agreed, but if they have activex stuff then it might be the only option (thought you said there was?)18:45
jacob`I think there are, so far I used only on Windows and IE18:47
sstahave you tried on windows with !IE?  (firefox or chrome or whatnot...)18:47
cogHow do I get rid of the little silhouette in the right upper corner of my desktop?18:48
GirlyGirlcog: silhouette in the corner?18:49
GirlyGirlcog: screenshot please18:50
cognext to my username18:50
jacob`ssta: maybe i did, but I don't remember, sorry ;p But if this site was filled up with activex and stuff, is the VM the only way to go to display it properly, there are no open activex implementations for Linux?18:50
sstajacob`: none that I'm aware of.  I doubt that they're really possible.  There *might* be some way under wine, nut I don't know for sure18:51
jacob`ssta: it's a shame18:52
GirlyGirlcog: Us imagebin18:54
sstajacob`: basically an activeX control is a COM object, which is microsoft specific.  All of the languages they can be written in are windows specific AFAIK and need the ATL/MFC libraries.  Personally I think it's fine that Linux doesn't support them...I've never seen them do anything that you *should* be doing that couldn't be done in a platform independent way.  LOTS of stuff that you really shouldn't be doing though (hence th18:55
ubottuThe Empathy Instant Messenger is installed by default and supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and  variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete and !pidgin18:56
Tob0hi where i can chat with ubuntu users?18:56
LjLTob0: #ubuntu-offtopic is the general chat channel18:56
ultrixx /join #ubuntu-de18:58
GirlyGirlcog: the user name is the silhouette?18:59
jacob`ssta: also for me there are no benefits of using activeX, but some ppl think different, and they say that everybody uses Windows18:59
sstajacob`: yeah.  Some people are misguided imo :)18:59
cogNo, left of the username on the same panel.18:59
ultrixxTob0: that was not for you :-)19:00
Tob0ok ok sorry :P19:00
aj__where is proxy setting for empathy?19:01
mrDoes anyone know of a free vpn service?19:04
Kanerixmr: What makes you think a linux help channel is the best place to ask about an online service that has nothing to do with linux?19:07
Kanerixjust wondering19:07
FerkSweHey! Is there any way to send the sounds out like a mic, so I can hook it up to applications and stuff. Similar to stereo mix on windows19:07
KanerixFerkSwe, what input are you trying to map to what output?19:08
Kanerixlet's start there19:08
ox1deI have this error on boot: "no init found. try passing init= bootarg. - busybox v1.13.3 (ubuntu 1:1.13.3-1ubuntu11) built in shell (ash) - enter 'help' for listo f built in commands. - (initramfs) [  3.056257] ieee1394: host added: IDbus[0-00:1023} guid[000ae4aaaa27c398]" - need reconisence becuz I need to fix my laptop! msg me any help19:10
Kanerixox1de, nobody is going to msg you for a question you ask here19:10
Kanerixalso, your root file system seems to be missing19:10
=== tazjin is now known as tazjin|away
ox1dewhere did it go?19:11
ox1dewhat is the method of repairing it?19:11
Kanerixhaha I'm not psychic19:11
KanerixWell, first you need to figure out what happened to it19:11
Kanerixor tell us what you did19:11
cogHow do I get rid of the little silhouette in the right upper corner of my desktop?19:12
Kanerixcog: what19:12
GirlyGirlmr: yes19:13
cogKanerix I have a silhouette next to my user name that I don't want to see!  How do I get rid of it?19:13
ox1deit just failed to boot and gave that message19:13
ox1deis there a command sequence I can input to repair it?19:13
GirlyGirlcog: You can't according to me but I don't know19:13
Kanerixox1de, dude, what did you do before you booted it up19:13
ox1dei didnt make any error really that i'm aware of19:14
KanerixThere is no command sequence to repair it if you don't know what caused it19:14
Kanerixdid you remove the hard drive?19:14
Kanerixdid you format something and miss?19:14
ox1dethe hard drive is still in there..19:14
ox1deit ran well for 8 months19:14
Kanerixdid you install something over the top of it?19:14
ox1deno i didnt format it19:14
KanerixThere are almost infinite amount of things that could have happened to it19:15
Kanerixand I'm not going to play the guessing game with you19:15
KanerixWhat did you do the last time it was booted19:15
Kanerixsimple question19:15
ox1deI didnt perceive any error19:16
ox1deit was just a random reboot19:16
KanerixI said nothing about errors19:16
=== axl___ is now known as axl_
KanerixI asked what you did19:16
KanerixWhat did you do19:16
aj__@Kanerix what about proxy support in empathy?19:17
timoharlinganybody really good with remmina?19:17
Kanerixaj_ what? I have no idea19:17
ox1dewhat is a good comand string to input into the glitched load?19:17
ox1defor this: "no init found. try passing init= bootarg. - busybox v1.13.3 (ubuntu 1:1.13.3-1ubuntu11) built in shell (ash) - enter 'help' for listo f built in commands. - (initramfs) [  3.056257] ieee1394: host added: IDbus[0-00:1023} guid[000ae4aaaa27c398]19:18
aj__empathy does not use system proxy setting if you are behind a proxy!19:18
Kanerixox1de, you can't fix it without finding where the root filesystem is19:18
Kanerixnot liking the answer doesn't change the answer19:18
ox1dehow can i scan for a root?19:18
KanerixThe only guaranteed option, ox1de is to reinstall19:18
Kanerixox1de, again, we can't help you find it if we don't know what you did last time the machine was running19:20
kamemkdir doesn't work because filesystem is only readable19:21
kamewhat can I doß19:21
Kanerixmount -o remount,rw /path/to/filesystem19:21
Pl3nar1usHello all :)19:21
=== lonewolf is now known as Guest40382
kameKanerix mount: /media/sda1 not mounted already19:24
Kanerixkame, um is that the actual mount point?19:25
Kanerixtype mount19:26
Kanerixand see what things are mounted where19:26
kameKanerix but I cant find sda1,2 or 319:26
kameKanerix wait :)19:26
ubottuebby: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».19:26
MarKsaitisI got E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)19:26
MarKsaitis. I had apt-get install some soft at a first prompt and got interrupted network.19:26
MarKsaitishow do I clear it?19:26
kameKanerix   /dev/sda1 on /media/sda1 type ext2 ....         but mount -o remount,rw /dev/sda1 doesn't work19:28
alternativei have an issue with my wirlees card19:28
=== alternative is now known as Guest53903
Kanerixare you root, kame?19:28
Kanerixsudo it19:28
FerkSweOh sorry, I wnet afk, What i wanted to do is make a "Mic" that listens to all the sounds my computer makes so just like if I say it it's recorded as a mic, but from programs. You know what I mean?19:28
imbezolKanerix: should be mount -o remount,rw /media/sda119:29
kameKanerix no19:29
Kaneriximbezol, you can use the mount path or the device, it doesn't matter19:29
Kanerixbut you need to use sudo19:29
imbezolKanerix: so what if it's mounted in more than one spot?19:29
kameKanerix only readable filesystem also with sudo19:29
Kanerix(sorry, I'm not used to ubuntu yet. I'm used to just using the root user for stuff)19:29
Kaneriximbezol, doesn't matter if the thing he's trying to access is in a particular mount point19:30
alternativerock1hello. I have a usb wireless "zappa zw-uw11nt" but it dont works on ubuntu 10.04.4. can someone help me?19:30
kameKanerix I want to reinstall Linux now19:30
Kanerixalternativerock1, is there a windows driver for it? If so, you might want to use ndiswrapper19:30
alternativerock1Yes, but it runs native in 10.10+19:31
kameKanerix because it got broken :/   I used gentoo and cross-development but I dont know how to make my folder writeable :D19:31
Kanerixis the file system mounted read-write and your directory permissions are set wrong?19:31
alternativerock1Kanerix : if I update the kernel, may it works ?19:32
Kanerixalternativerock1, yeah, most likely19:32
alternativerock1I will try19:32
Kanerixit'll be either in the kernel or a module attached to the kernel19:32
kameKanerix you mean chmod?19:32
Kanerixkame, yep19:33
kameKamerix error, filesystem is only readable :)19:34
alternativerock1Kanerix : do you know if it is vey updated ubuntu 10.04.4 ?19:34
EvilResistancealternativerock1, updated it how?19:34
alternativerock1the packages. i mean like wine19:35
Kanerixalternativerock1, I don't know19:35
alternativerock1ok, thanks19:35
EvilResistancealternativerock1, you could check the lucid-updates repository, most unsupported updates go there, not sure how "updated" it is though19:35
imbezolKanerix: interesting.. seems to be some bugs with remount and multiple mounts of a filesystem19:36
alternativerock1EvilResistance : thanks. do you know if it is possible to have ubuntu maveric updated? sorry for my bad english19:36
imbezolKanerix: using either the device, or mountpoints, it gets confused about which filesystems are rw and which are ro19:36
Kaneriximbezol, I haven't seen any issue with it, tbh19:37
KanerixI used embedded systems more than not, though19:37
imbezolKanerix: for example.. if you have a device mounted twice, and use either the device or the dir to make it RO, then try to write, it's RO on both spots19:37
ubottuUbuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) was the thirteenth release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 10th, 2012, see http://ubottu.com/y/maverick for details.19:37
imbezolKanerix: however, if you then make it rw using the dir, it affects only one dir19:37
imbezolKanerix: so.. it's inconsistent19:38
EvilResistancealternativerock1, Maverick's past EOL19:38
alternativerock1yeah i know is dead but is the best version19:38
EvilResistancealternativerock1, Maverick is past EOL.  its not going to be updated19:38
Kaneriximbezol, alright. Fair enough. There's not a whole lot of reasons to mount the same file system multiple times though19:38
GirlyGirlalternativerock1: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades19:38
kameimbezol now I use a knoppix-LiveCD an try to create the basic folders19:38
imbezolKanerix: no.. but the mount options should stay with the mountpoint you're working on19:38
GirlyGirlalternativerock1: If you dislike unity, you should give kde a shot in precise19:39
lo0malternativerock1: it's linux.. if you've configured it to your liking, just dist-upgrade, your settings will stay19:39
KanerixGirlyGirl, yeah, I prefer either KDE or LXDE personally =)19:39
* Psi-Jack chants, XFCE! XFCE! XFCE! and runs off.19:40
imbezolKDE seems to be the lesser of evils for me too19:40
KanerixPsi-Jack, pssh19:40
KanerixXFCE is become bloaty19:40
Psi-JackIt's no more "bloated" than it was when it was a CDE-like clone.19:41
imbezolxfce is ok too.. i don't like the menu bar at the bottom and the task bar at the top though that's probably configurable19:41
GirlyGirlKanerix: Interesting as KDE 4 just began losing its bloat very recently19:41
Psi-Jackimbezol: Quite configurable, and easily so. ;)19:41
Psi-Jackimbezol: Different distros pre-configure it differently.19:41
imbezolPsi-Jack: yeah i remember back in the gentoo days it seemed to have a nice settings area19:42
imbezolPsi-Jack: didn't see that the other day when i was messing with it19:42
KanerixGirlyGirl, KDE may be bloated, but at least it's PRETTY and bloated19:42
Psi-Jackimbezol: It's always had that, even when it was a CDE-like clone. ;)19:42
imbezolKanerix: my beef with KDE is that the ui is just so buggy.. all the fancy config drop downs and stuff are seriously buggy19:42
futurianNever thought I'd say it, but Unity's starting to grow on me a little..19:42
imbezolKanerix: plus it has some really annoying cludges with multimonitor19:42
jann`babble online?19:43
GirlyGirlKanerix: It feels faster than untiy now since 4.819:43
GirlyGirlimbezol: When did you last try KDE?19:43
Kaneriximbezol, hmm... I haven't experienced that much. I also don't do multimonitor either, though.19:43
imbezolKanerix: i still think kde 3.6 or whatever the last version was is the best desktop that ever lived on linux19:43
Psi-JackUnity... Is... VERY... Slow.19:43
imbezolGirlyGirl: i use it now19:43
KanerixGirlyGirl, haha yeah19:43
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GirlyGirlimbezol: Which version?19:43
Psi-JackHeck, Unity was first introduced for intended use for NETBOOKS.. However, it was too much for even some of the more powerful Netbooks out there.19:43
imbezolwhatever's latest on 11.1019:44
futurian@psi-jack... Not running too bad over here on the latest LTS beta..19:44
jann`gonna install 12.04 on zenbook ux31 that's gonna be awsome19:44
GirlyGirlimbezol: Ah ok you should see a big change on 12.0419:44
KanerixHmm I probably shouldn't mention that I'm not technically using ubuntu huh...19:44
imbezolHostname: castle - OS: Linux 3.0.0-19-generic/x86_64 - Distro: Ubuntu 11.10 - CPU: 4 x AMD Phenom II X4 940 (3010.318 MHz) - Processes: 198 - Uptime: 2d 14h 48m - Users: 2 - Load Average: 0.00 - Memory Usage: 1878.80MB/8001.78MB (23.48%) - Disk Usage: 1702.88GB/2368.42GB (71.90%)19:44
kameKanerix Any ideas?19:45
imbezolGirlyGirl: is 12.04 official yet?19:45
Kanerixkame: um did you check the permissions?19:45
GirlyGirlimbezol: no19:45
GirlyGirlimbezol: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/How%20to%20make%20Kubuntu%20(KDE)%20blazing%20fast%20and%20optimise%20it%20for%20performance%20%7C%20kio_http19:45
Kanerixkame: You might try unmounting the file system and running a fsck on it19:45
GirlyGirlimbezol: interesting read for you19:45
jann`12.04 off in may ?19:45
jann`i belive19:45
EvilResistanceimbezol, 12.04 isnt released yet as stable19:46
ubottuUbuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+119:46
kameKanerix 731 for /mnt19:46
alteregoddarmok and jalad at tanagra19:46
imbezolGirlyGirl: cool.. i'll take a look in the evening one of these days (ie, when i'm not at work :)19:46
futurian@jann.. I thought April 26th ish..?19:46
Kanerixkame, you said it was mounted at /media/sda119:46
jann`ï see, i might be mistaken though.19:46
imbezoli still run 11.04 on my work lappy cuz gnome just works and i can't afford to have it broke19:46
Psi-JackThe problem I have with KDE and Kubuntu is, well, Kubuntu makes KDE look horrible, and they just cut funding for the Kubuntu project.. KDE devs actually do not like bug reports from Kubuntu maintainers because they'r eusually creating new bugs, not finding actual bugs.19:46
Psi-JackEssentially, manufacturing bugs. ;)19:47
alteregodimbezol: yeah don't touch a running system, and you got enough back ports for 11.0419:47
KanerixPsi-Jack, KDE on opensuse ain't so bad, if you de-ugly it19:48
futurianHmm.. Conspiricy theory?!?19:48
kvgeorge1I am trying to setup fstab to mount an already mount point to be read-only using Ubuntu 11.10 64bit, but having serious issues getting it working19:48
kameKanerix yes19:48
futurianKDE looked better then it played :-S19:48
Psi-JackKanerix: It's definitely their flagship. But openSUSE's gone downhill for me. I won't even use it anymore/19:48
kvgeorge1I have a mp called /root/snapshot that is mounted to /dev/sdb119:48
GirlyGirlPsi-Jack: http://www.h-online.com/open/news/item/Blue-Systems-to-sponsor-Kubuntu-1518345.html19:48
alteregodimbezol:  you have to wait a few months till so called (stable releases) are fixed from bugs so its recommend to wait a year for the current release19:48
Psi-JackGirlyGirl: Sigh...19:48
kvgeorge1I want /snapshot to be available to all users, but in a RO state of /root/snapshot19:49
Psi-JackGirlyGirl: So the agony continues.19:49
KanerixPsi-Jack, yeah... I've been using it for years and its decline is disappointing19:49
alteregodubuntu is just a bunch of debian patches, with all the bugs19:49
Psi-JackGirlyGirl: Well, I HOPE they can finally get to actually packing it /correctly/ for once. Because they've been failing that for years.19:49
kvgeorge1anyone know how to set this up with fstab?19:49
Kanerixkame: so what does permissions of /mnt/ have to do with the permissions of /media/sda1/whatever19:49
GirlyGirlPsi-Jack: In what sense? What was wrongly packed?19:50
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imbezolalteregod: yeah.. i've done an enormous amount of pulling my hair out with 11.10 on my home system19:51
imbezolalteregod: not to complain or anything, but it's definitely way out in front for the "worst release ubuntu has ever done" award19:51
alteregodyeah maybe the pancreatic pangolin or whatever may be a little bit better but wait a few months till june19:52
KanerixI'm damn close to building an LFS system19:52
imbezolKanerix: i got part way through a few times :)19:52
kameKanerix same permissions in mnt and media19:52
imbezolKanerix: something always seemed to break and i'd run out of time to figure out why19:52
Kaneriximbezol, I think I know enough now to do it19:53
jigrapis there a way to switch back to the old interface in ubuntu 12.04? (remove the ubuntu one)19:53
imbezolKanerix: yeah.. and it's probably better19:53
Kaneriximbezol, I'd also try it on some non-critical system (like my laptop) on a spare partition or somesuch19:53
gnuskoolhowdy! anyone here got zarafa mail on ubuntu?19:53
imbezolKanerix: but i do have almost 15 years of experience including coding, building clusters, and admining several other unix OSes19:53
alteregodor wait for the quirky quagga19:53
gnuskoolcan zarafa be used to send and rercieve mail from my isp on IMAP?19:54
aeon-ltd!nounity | jigrap19:54
ubottujigrap: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic19:54
imbezolKanerix: i even built a few custom kernel modules for sun cobalt RAQ servers19:54
Kaneriximbezol, heh nice. I'm not THAT experienced, but I'm pretty damn good at learning things19:54
kvgeorge1anyone used FSTAB to mount a dir as ro?19:54
jigrapaeon-ltd: is it the same for 12.04?19:54
Kanerixkvgeorge1, yeah, you just specify "ro" in the options area19:54
gnuskoolimbezol: used zarafa by any chance ?19:55
kvgeorge1did that, but it19:55
aeon-ltdjigrap: if it's still unity it's prob still 95% true19:55
Kanerixgnuskool, I haven't heard of it. Sorry, mate.19:55
jigrapaeon-ltd: thanks19:55
kvgeorge1kanerix:  did that, but doesn't work.  Basically, mount comes back stating that it is already mounted as 'rw'19:55
futurianfor gnome classic.. install gnome-panel and select the different desktop environment at the login screen19:55
imbezolgnuskool: nope19:55
aeon-ltdjigrap: i don't think gnome will ever go back though, have you considered other desktop environments?19:55
Kanerixkvgeorge1, pastebin your /etc/fstab19:56
Kanerixkame, how many times is /dev/sda1 mounted on your machine?19:56
kvgeorge1kanerix: #mount /root/snapshot19:56
Kanerixkvgeorge1, if you run "mount -o remount,ro /root/snapshot" what happens?19:58
kvgeorge1kanerix: it works19:59
jigrapaeon-ltd: i've used xfce but i didnt like it as much19:59
jigrapaeon-ltd: whats another alternative thats good?19:59
ox1destill having problems... this is what loads on boot "no init found. try passing init= bootarg. - busybox v1.13.3 (ubuntu 1:1.13.3-1ubuntu11) built in shell (ash) - enter 'help' for listo f built in commands. - (initramfs) [  3.056257] ieee1394: host added: IDbus[0-00:1023} guid[000ae4aaaa27c398]"19:59
kvgeorge1kanerix:  I just can't seem to get it to work in fstab19:59
* Kanerix sighs at ox1de 19:59
Pl3nar1usDo you have to use synaptic in order to install deb repositories in 11.10?19:59
ox1dehow do i fix my filesystem?19:59
aeon-ltdjigrap: lxde? or just openbox by itself is pretty good but you will need a separate app for a panel/taskbar19:59
Kanerixyou have to find it first19:59
GirlyGirlPl3nar1us: "gksudo software-properties-gtk"20:00
kvgeorge1kanerix:  was that to me?20:00
jigrapaeon-ltd: cool i'll check that out I used to use windowmaker years ago and i loved the next look20:00
Kanerixkvgeorge1, have you tried remount,ro in the options? not sure that'll work20:00
jigrapnot sure if that window manager even exists today20:00
Kanerixkvgeorge1, no it was to ox1de20:00
Pl3nar1usGirlygirl: Ty20:00
Kanerixhe keeps asking the same question20:00
kvgeorge1kanerix:  yes, but remount is not a valid option20:00
Kanerixand his root filesystem is gone20:00
ox1dehow do i get it back?20:01
ox1deis my cpu dead or is there a way to repair it?20:02
Kanerixyour CPU has nothing to do with your root file system20:02
ox1deare you a robot?20:02
KanerixReally, dude?20:02
KanerixNo, I'm impatient and tired of giving you the same answer20:02
kvgeorge1kanerix: is there somewhere that shows the valid options for fstab in ubuntu 11.10?20:03
Kanerixkvgeorge1, man fstab usually has a rundown20:03
KanerixI don't have a machine at my disposal at the moment to check20:04
kvgeorge1kanerix:  didn't find it there either.... :-(20:04
Kanerixyou might also try man mount20:04
Kanerixand see if there's something in there that we're missing20:04
Bndrrhi all20:04
kvgeorge1kanerix: man mount mentions the "bind" option, but not "remount"20:04
Kanerixwell, remount does exactly what it says on the tin ;)20:05
Kanerixhave you tried it? or are you not trying it because it's not listed?20:05
kvgeorge1kanerix:  right.  I have tried it, it is not a recognized option20:06
_MarcusWhat is the command to install GNU GMP, MPFR, and MPC?20:06
kvgeorge1kanerix:  which is strange since error=remount-ro seems to be valid20:06
KanerixI use it all the time20:06
ox1deis there a way to repair the root?20:06
kvgeorge1kanerix:  I wonder if bind,ro,remount cannot be done on the same line20:06
Kanerixox1de, only if you know where it was and you can find it again20:06
Kanerixkvgeorge1, um why are you putting it in that order?20:07
imbezolkvgeorge1: are you working from an ubuntu system, or an install cd?20:07
kvgeorge1kanerix:  no reason....let me try your order20:07
Kanerixnot sure that'll make a difference20:07
* Kanerix shrugs20:07
kvgeorge1imbezol:  no, installed system20:07
imbezolmount --bind20:07
goddardcan anyone answer this question? http://askubuntu.com/questions/121265/get-the-11-04-ubuntu-icon-back20:08
KooolaNLcan anyone tell me how to install freenx ?20:08
KooolaNLwhen i try i see package missing20:08
Kaneriximbezol, he's trying to do it from ftsab20:08
KanerixKooolaNL, have you googled it first?20:08
kvgeorge1kanerix:  get this error when I do 'mount -a'  ->  mount: /snapshot not mounted already, or bad option20:08
KooolaNLkanerix yep20:09
KooolaNLstuck @ step 520:09
Kanerixkvgeorge1, well, see that's a clue right there20:09
kvgeorge1kanerix: if I remove the "remount" option, the error goes away20:09
imbezolKanerix: hmm.. never seen a bind in an fstab20:09
imbezol                     /olddir /newdir none bind20:10
imbezolaccording to man page20:10
Kaneriximbezol, yeah he's trying to mount the bind read only20:10
Kanerix*as read only20:10
Bndrra good screenshot for ubuntu ?20:10
imbezol"/olddir /newdir ro bind" ?20:11
imbezolactually.. nm... i see20:11
imbezolright.. the none is the fstype20:11
kvgeorge1kanerix:  I FIGURED IT OUT!!!!!!!20:11
GirlyGirlBndrr: http://imagebin.org/20773020:11
kvgeorge1kanerix, imbezol:  needed to mount the drive using bind, THEN mount again using remount,ro20:12
GirlyGirlBndrr: Why do you need a screenshot?20:12
kvgeorge1kanerix: imbezol:  new fstab looks like this: #mount /root/snapshot20:12
imbezolkanerix: kvgeorge1: so going back to the conversion we had earlier.. test what you just did.. because on my system setting a second mountpoint RO sets the original RO too20:12
BndrrGirlyGirl, for do photos for my desktop :4example20:13
vexaxvanybody able to help me out?20:13
kvgeorge1kanerix:.....:(  yup - you are right.  mount still shows it as 'rw', but it is 'ro'  Dang!20:13
BndrrGirlyGirl, what is that ¿ your paste.20:13
Kanerixkvgeorge1, hah nice20:14
Kaneriximbezol, hah true enough20:14
GirlyGirlBndrr: A screenshot ... of Kubuntu (KDE) actually20:14
BndrrGirlyGirl, your desktop is similar as w720:14
craigbass1976Ok, I type samba -version and get The program 'samba' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing...  Then I type apt-get install samba, and get samba is already the newest version blahblahblah.  Meh?20:14
Kanerixcraigbass1976, smb20:14
BndrrGirlyGirl, what programm yu usess ?20:14
GirlyGirlBndrr: http://kubuntu.org20:14
imbezolkvgeorge1: and it's weird because you can set the original back to rw now.. and the bind mountpoint will stay ro20:15
craigbass1976Kanerix, aha...20:15
Bndrrim with lubuntu atm,lol20:15
imbezolkvgeorge1: it's kinda screwy20:15
craigbass1976Kanerix, samba is the client, no?20:15
kvgeorge1imbezol:  true that20:15
Bndrri say the tool for to do the screenshots,pls.20:15
cordovalis there a tool to read back to you a ticket description over and over?20:15
jigraphow does one right click with a touchpad in ubuntu 12.04?20:15
Kanerixcraigbass1976, smbclient or mount.cifs20:16
meethi. i created a separate 20gb partition in windows to install ubuntu. so how do i select that while installing ubuntu20:16
Kanerixmeet: you should see a 20GB partition in the installer...20:17
Jordan_Umeet: Why did you create the partition from within Windows? It's easier to just let the installer do partitioning for you.20:17
kvgeorge1kanerix,imbezol:....finally got it this time (and tested it)....here is the new fstab: #mount /root/snapshot20:17
=== supernovae_ is now known as supernovae
kvgeorge1/root/snapshot  /snapshotnonebind,remount,ro0020:17
FloodBot1kvgeorge1: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:17
Kanerixkvgeorge1, you really need to use pastebin20:17
meetjordan u now that i have done it20:17
meetwhat can i do20:18
Kanerixwhich is why I said to pastebin it the first time20:18
Kanerixfloobots will kick you20:18
Jordan_UKanerix: Our floodbots are nice and will only quiet flodders :)20:18
kvgeorge1kaneirx:  so the trick was to mount the directory with 'bind' the first time, then mount again using 'bind,remount,ro'20:19
KanerixJordan_U ah alright20:19
kvgeorge1kanerix, imbezol:  thanks for all your assistance.....have a nice day20:19
Jordan_Umeet: You will want two partitions for Ubuntu, one for '/' and one for swap. And since you didn't create an ext4 partition in Windows you're going to need to delete the partition you created at some point in the process. I would recommend that you simply delete the new partition (leaving the space free if you'd like) and then run Ubuntu's installer normally. You can also use the manual partitioning option to create the swap and root partitions ...20:21
Jordan_U... manually from the space currently occupied by the new partition you created.20:21
NutilyHello, how i can check if i have 64bit java installed?20:22
ProgrammerKidim a n00b at ubuntu i have been using it for 2 weeks20:22
ProgrammerKidso in reality im not that helpful sorry20:23
ProgrammerKidIM just on here to test my xchat irc20:23
Jordan_UProgrammerKid: Please use ##test for that. This channel is for Ubuntu support only.20:23
NutilyProgrammerKid, so good luck then.. :)20:23
ProgrammerKidim sorry, can i stay20:23
skunkworksrandom question..  Does anyone know if macs can create working symlinks on a samba server setup on ubuntu?20:23
ProgrammerKidi have some questions20:23
Jordan_UProgrammerKid: Yes, just please keep your discussion to Ubuntu support.20:24
ProgrammerKidone is i have installed ubuntu and xubuntu in total combined around 10 times, i try to install either netbeans or skype and their are problems eventually20:24
KooolaNLanyone ?20:24
ProgrammerKidhave an ideas20:24
ubuntu-usercan someone help with multi touch?20:24
ProgrammerKidor maybe you have a skype20:24
KooolaNLsudo apt-get install freenx20:25
KooolaNLpackage missing20:25
* jordan wakes up, rolls over, goes back to sleep20:25
KooolaNLReading state information... Done20:25
KooolaNLE: Couldn't find package freenx20:25
KooolaNLhello ?20:25
ProgrammerKidi also wanna start coding groovy, :D its simplified java, man at 13 im coding, when im older ima be a friggen geniues20:25
ubuntu-usercan someone help me with multi touch?20:25
ProgrammerKidlol no help...20:26
ProgrammerKidman, ima try to find somepeople on skype20:26
ProgrammerKidbut oh wait20:26
KooolaNL^ a funny20:26
ProgrammerKidima go20:26
lo0mwait guys, we dont have like 100 f#cking fingers :-)20:27
imbezolpretty sure a genius would have just apt-get installed skype20:27
Jordan_Ulo0m: Please watch your language, obfuscated or not.20:27
lo0mJordan_U: no prob20:27
HelenBtsimpson, Are the FloodBot's in here yours too?20:28
KooolaNLhow come i cant install Freenx guys ?20:28
KooolaNLanyone here with some tips20:28
tsimpsonHelenB: they are hosted by various people, but lets not talk about that in here20:28
Bndrrwhats Freenx ?20:28
HelenBKooolaNL, No.20:28
lo0mKooolaNL: freenx is not in repos.. there should be DEBs somewhere20:28
KooolaNLstep 5 =  Reading state information... Done20:28
KooolaNLE: Couldn't find package freenx20:28
UtenteAnonimo90buonasera a tutti , good evening for all !!!20:29
NutilyProgrammerKid, so good luck then.. :)20:30
KooolaNLno help her :(20:30
NutilyHow to check if i have 64bit java installed?20:30
lo0mKooolaNL: did you try adding that PPA mentioned on the wiki?20:30
Bndrrsomone know a good alarm for ubuntu ??20:30
KooolaNLppa ?20:30
Bndrrkalarm is to big20:31
lo0mKooolaNL: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:freenxx-team20:31
KooolaNLNutily offcourse :P20:31
KooolaNLReading state information... Done20:31
KooolaNLE: Couldn't find package freenx20:31
KooolaNLi did that20:31
NutilyKooolaNL, can you realy help..?20:32
ubuntu-usercan someone help me with multi touch?20:32
ubuntu-usercan someone help me with trackpad multi touch?20:32
KooolaNLNutily wat do u mean ?20:32
Jordan_Uubuntu-user: Try describing the exact problem you're having.20:33
KooolaNLNutily ?20:34
KooolaNLhow am i going to get the freenx package20:35
KooolaNLhello Nutily are u still there20:35
KooolaNL:/ ?20:35
NutilyKooolaNL, i instaleed sun java 64 bit from bin and now it dosnt work20:35
UtenteAnonimo90there is italian ???20:36
NutilyKooolaNL, i think it dont work maybe it just dont work in chromium20:36
guntbert!it | UtenteAnonimo9020:36
ubottuUtenteAnonimo90: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)20:36
KooolaNLit should work in ubuntu20:36
guntbert!enter | KooolaNL20:36
ubottuKooolaNL: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:36
k1ll3rcan someone help me?20:36
lo0mKooolaNL: so did you add the freenx ppa and did apt-get update?20:37
KooolaNLlo0m: yse20:37
=== himcesjf|py is now known as himcesjf
KooolaNLstep 3 gives me error tho20:39
Jordan_UBndrr: My standard alarm is this command: printf "mplayer %q\n" Music/Cobancat\ 1.flac | at 8:00 AM20:40
lo0mKooolaNL: there seems to be no such package.. did you mean freenx-server ?20:40
TimsuHello why does git clone doesn´t work? it says clone: command not found?20:40
BndrrJordan_U, what music ?20:40
Jordan_UBndrr: Whatever audio file you want to play.20:41
Bndrrwhere can i put the fileaudio.mp3 in that command ?20:41
KooolaNLlo0m the tutorial says it without -server20:41
Timsuhow i do make git clone?20:41
KooolaNLReading state information... Done20:41
KooolaNLE: Couldn't find package freenx-server20:41
lo0mKooolaNL: there is freenx package, sorry... are you sure you did apt-get update?20:42
Jordan_UBndrr: printf "mplayer %q\n" /path/to/fileaudio.mp3 | at 8:00 AM20:42
lo0mKooolaNL: i tried it right now and sudo apt-cache search freenx shows positive match20:43
Bndrri have installed vlc20:43
hanstechHi All, I am trying to install Java Webservice developer kit. I tried with openjdk, sun-java with no success20:43
Nutilyneed help with installed sun java 64..20:43
hanstechany one can help me ?20:43
Bndrrcan i change for printf "vlc %q\n" /path/to/fileaudio.mp3 | at 8:30 AM20:43
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Ska8erboi69anybody here?20:44
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Ska8erboi69anyone here a girl?20:45
guntbertSka8erboi69: a lot :)  Do you have an ubuntu support question?20:45
Ska8erboi69is anyone a girl20:45
MrUnagiAny way to run a script as root at boot20:45
KooolaNLlo0m yes i am sure20:45
LjLSka8erboi69: that's not an Ubuntu support question, try again20:45
HelenBSka8erboi69, I hope I am. :o20:45
Ska8erboi69soo koolanl your a gilr20:46
BndrrJordan_U, did u check my changes ?20:46
lo0mKooolaNL: that's really strange.. what ubuntu version are you using?20:46
guntbert!ot | Ska8erboi6920:46
ubottuSka8erboi69: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:46
KooolaNLi did the update thing again and now it seems to install it correctly20:46
vexaxvhey guys i need some help with a printer20:46
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Jordan_UBndrr: Unfortunately no, because vlc by default needs to use a GUI, and commands run by at won't have the $DISPLAY environment variable properly set. You should be able to use cvlc, though.20:47
avatarPartoIs there any way vlc can be incorporated in the sound menu?20:47
Jordan_UBndrr: And the more I think about this, while this solution works great for me you probably will be more happy with an actual alarm application.20:48
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innocivhttp://pastie.org/3776492 What am I missing so I can communicate with paypal IPN?  if I telnet www.paypal.net 443 it just hangs.20:49
innocivunless i flush20:49
BndrrJordan_U, nope i like is simple and easy. just i need how it works,word by word. u there ?20:49
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guntbertinnociv: you cannot test https so easily20:50
innocivWell what do I need to do?  I'm not getting paypal IPN notifications20:50
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=== Lupinedk is now known as lupinedk
Jordan_UBndrr: "at" is a utility for scheduling commands to run at a specified time (see "man at"). It's similar to cron, except cron is used to schedule recurring tasks (like if you wanted an 8:00 AM alarm on all weekdays).20:52
Bndrrhave i mplayer installed ? how can I see that ?20:52
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Jordan_UBndrr: It doesn't come installed by default, so probably not. "cvlc" should serve the same purpose though.20:53
Bndrrnp. i want try with printf20:53
=== RealPedo is now known as HueloPedo
Jordan_UBndrr: The way you tell at what command to run is by sending that command to it via stdin (if you don't know what that is I'll explain more). The string that it gets via stdin is stored, and then at the specified time is executed using "sh".20:55
BndrrJordan_U, can i install with apt-get install mplayer ?20:55
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Jordan_UBndrr: Yes.20:55
Bndrris already installed20:55
=== andopedo is now known as RealFart
vexaxvhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/BrotherDriverPackaging ive got the lpr and cups drivers installed and that page shows the 440 cn is supported..so how do i get it to work?20:56
BndrrJordan_U, this msg Hour too large for AM. Last token seen: AM20:56
BndrrGarbled time20:56
Bndrrprintf "mplayer %q\n" /home/zuser/Música/JumpStyle Music.mp3 | at 22:59 AM20:56
Bndrris PM ?20:57
RealFartare you all sick of niggers?20:57
RealFartI am!20:57
RealFartThat is why I joined a forum20:57
aeon-ltd!ops | RealOpty20:57
FloodBot1RealFart: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:57
ubottuRealOpty: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler or Jordan_U!20:57
aeon-ltdRealOpty: sorry20:57
aeon-ltdops sorry20:57
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.20:57
Bndrrfor me np. i dont understant very well20:57
Jordan_UBndrr: at uses 24 hour time by default, so if you prefer 24 hour time simply ommit the "AM" or "PM".20:57
Bndrrok just the numbers20:58
lo0mJordan_U: how do you "snooze" that quickly?20:58
Bndrrthen warning: commands will be executed using /bin/sh20:58
Bndrrjob 1 at Thu Apr 12 22:59:00 201220:58
Bndrri was confused with GMT20:59
Bndrrluis_, hola20:59
Jordan_Ulo0m: That's one of the main problems with the command that makes it not suitable for others. I either let the song play all the way through or "pkill mplayer" which is kind of ugly.20:59
BndrrJordan_U,  can I Close then mplayer automatically after the song ??21:00
lo0mJordan_U: pkill cvlc doesnt seem to work, nor killing parent21:00
luis_Bndrr hola, ¿qué tal?21:00
Bndrraquí estamos aprendiendo un poco.21:00
luis_jejeje, igual que yo21:00
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.21:00
Jordan_UBndrr: Mplayer will exit automatically when the song file finishes.21:01
BndrrI tryied and doesnt work21:01
Bndrrwhat does it means commands will be executed using /bin/s )21:02
Jordan_UBndrr: Because the string is executed by sh, we need to be careful to qoute things properly. For instance, in my example the filename had a space in it. If I had simply used "echo mplayer Music/Cobankat\ 1.flac | at 8:00" then at would have recieved the string "mplayer Music/Cobankat 1.flac" which when executed by sh would have told mplayer to play "Music/Cobankat" then "1.flac". printf %q tells printf to escape spaces, or any other characters which ...21:03
Jordan_U... the shell might interpret specially.21:04
Jordan_UBndrr: What is the exact command you ran?21:04
Bndrrprintf "mplayer %q\n" /home/zuser/Música/JumpStyle Music.mp3 | at 23:0321:05
Jordan_UBndrr: You need to escape the space between 'JumpStyle' and 'Music.mp3'.21:06
Jordan_UBndrr: printf "mplayer %q\n" /home/zuser/Música/JumpStyle\ Music.mp3 | at 23:0321:06
BndrrI deleted now.i go to try again (changing the song name and all)21:07
Bndrrtoo :)21:07
Jordan_UBndrr: Quoting the entire file path works as well, like: printf "mplayer %q\n" "/home/zuser/Música/JumpStyle Music.mp3" | at 23:0321:07
BndrrI dont understant just this %q\n"21:08
BndrrJordan_U,  nop doesnt work for me21:09
=== LinoSP_ is now known as LinoSP
tanio\n there is becouse whit this the output continued in the after line21:09
BndrrJordan_U,  zuser@ubuntu-laptop:~$ printf "mplayer %q\n" "/home/zuser/Música/JumpStyle\ Music.mp3" | at 23:1121:11
Bndrrwarning: commands will be executed using /bin/sh21:11
Bndrrjob 6 at Thu Apr 12 23:11:00 201221:11
Jordan_UBndrr: Try just "mplayer /path/to/file.mp3" (as in completely removing printf, at, and anything else).21:11
BndrrJordan_U, it works21:13
Bndrrand any realplayer around hmm21:13
BndrrOpening audio decoder: [mp3lib] MPEG layer-2, layer-321:14
BndrrAUDIO: 44100 Hz, 2 ch, s16le, 128.0 kbit/9.07% (ratio: 16000->176400)21:14
BndrrSelected audio codec: [mp3] afm: mp3lib (mp3lib MPEG layer-2, layer-3)21:14
Jordan_UBndrr: OK, what mplayer command works?21:14
MohammadSyriaالأردن ؟21:14
Bndrrthis without quotes mplayer /home/zuser/Música/JumpStyle\ Music.mp321:14
Jordan_U!arabic | MohammadSyria21:16
ubottuMohammadSyria: For Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية21:16
chillpill_ Translation (ar|en): | MohammadSyria21:16
=== diegovieiraeti is now known as diegovieira
Jordan_Uchillpill_: What do you mean by that comment?21:17
Jordan_UBndrr: Let's continue this discussion in #bash.21:18
vexaxvhey guys need help i cant become root21:18
BndrrJordan_U,  really ?21:18
vexaxvit says authentication failure21:18
Bndrram I accepted there ?21:18
RickJamestried google and the grub man page, as well as the html link posted here. attempting to change the default menu enrty on ubuntu 11.10 grub2 please advise21:19
Jordan_UBndrr: Yes, the people in #bash are just smarter than me when it comes to shell scripting so they'll probably be able to help :)21:19
lo0mvexaxv: su root is disabled by deafult in ubuntu imho21:20
vexaxvlo0m how do i turn it on i need it on so i can install drivers for a printer of mine21:20
Nach0zvexaxv: just sudo su, it'll let you act as root21:20
Nach0zor sudo -i21:20
Nach0zwhichever you prefer.21:21
vexaxvsays unable to resolve host but it worked thanks21:21
vexaxvhow do i resolve my host21:21
MohammadSyria                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               <ubottu>        Thank you very much21:21
Morpheus90gelp me21:21
Morpheus90help me21:21
Morpheus90comand restart firefox?21:22
vexaxvand why is it sudo su now when i had ubuntu a long time ago u just typed sudo21:22
Bndrrnop, u re more smart21:22
lo0mMorpheus90: pkill firefox21:22
lo0mthen start it again21:22
Morpheus90lo0m,  global kill?21:22
Morpheus90Firefox is already running, but is not responding. To open a new window, you must first close the existing Firefox process, or restart your system.21:22
Nach0zvexaxv: you can sudo <command> to run the command as root, but sudo su will actually MAKE you root, so you don't have to do sudo in front of each command21:22
Bndrrpkill ff sount good21:23
Nach0zMorpheus90: kill -9 $(pidof firefox-bin)21:23
vexaxvokay thanks, how do i resolve my host nach0z21:23
Nach0zvexaxv: what's the command that's telling you it can't resolve the host?21:23
Morpheus90kill all program21:23
vexaxvwhenever i typed sudo su21:23
vexaxvor whenever i try to become root21:23
Nach0zvexaxv: ?21:24
mac_Hey, I'm not sure ho this works at all21:24
tonyyarussoIs there a way to make an Ubuntu install "CD" USB drive from an OS other than Ubuntu?  As in, in Ubuntu there's the handy "Create USB Startup Disk" utility, but I'm wondering if I can accomplish the same thing from an OS X machine.21:24
Nach0zvexaxv: sudo su shouldn't be trying to resolve any kind of host...21:24
mac_but I have a questions. I'm using a Zenbook, and i'm trying to fix my suspend issue21:24
vexaxvi just typed sudo su21:24
Morpheus90Nach0z,  Firefox is already running, but is not responding. To open a new window, you must first close the existing Firefox process, or restart your system.21:24
vexaxvit said cannot resolve host21:24
vexaxvthen password21:24
Nach0zMorpheus90: kill -9 $(pidof firefox)   maybe21:24
mac_I used the instructions posted here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AsusZenbook#Suspend21:25
mac_but it still doesnt work21:25
Fyodorovnatonyyarusso, you want to load a usb from apple?21:25
Nach0zvexaxv: just put in your password then when it asks for it, chances are it's another program that's unable to resolve the host21:25
kbrosnanMorpheus90: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/Firefox%20is%20already%20running%20but%20is%20not%20responding#w_remove-the-profile-lock-file21:25
squidNach0z...are there any iptables to worry about?21:26
x010100xhello, again21:26
Nach0zsquid: what do you mean?21:26
mac_anyone help ??21:26
tonyyarussoFyodorovna: Correct.  I have the ISO on my Mac, and want to put it on a USB stick to install to another machine.21:26
dackyshawntonyyarusso: that's easy21:26
Fyodorovnatonyyarusso, here is one. http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/21:27
dackyshawnsorry quit client by accident21:27
x010100xneed help with setting up nagios on ubuntu, does any one have a good manual to make this but to monitoring cisco devices21:27
tonyyarussoFyodorovna: thanks; didn't know that had an OS X version.  Silly me.21:27
[Corp]hi guys, any good new/updated guide/article on how to distribute ubuntu desktop unattended using pxe?21:27
squidiptables is the firewall builtin...you might have a rule there conflicting21:27
dackyshawni tried nagios but ended up setteling on hobbit21:27
vexaxvso how do u resolve host in general??21:28
tonyyarussox010100x: I can probably help you - is there a particular thing you're getting hung up on?21:28
squiddo this command....sudo iptables -nvL21:28
dackyshawncant disk utility on apple make clone the iso to a usb drive tonyyarusso21:28
dackyshawnand make it bootable21:28
squidvexaxv .... do this -> cat /etc/resolv.conf21:28
squidwhat are your name servers21:28
tonyyarussodackyshawn: Maybe?  I'm not actually sure - OS X is just what I use for work; I don't actually know my way around it that well.21:29
vexaxvk i did21:29
mac_I have an Asus Zenbook, trying to fix my suspend issue.21:29
vexaxvit says name server and an ip21:29
mac_Anyone have an ideas or tips?21:29
RickJamestried google and the grub man page, as well as the html link posted here. attempting to change the default menu enrty on ubuntu 11.10 grub2 please advise21:29
squidis that IP address private or public?21:29
=== lupinedk is now known as Lupinedk
squidprivate IP addressess start with 10. 172.16 - 172.32 and 192.16821:30
Morpheus90ufffff all blocched21:30
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=== soreau__ is now known as soreau
mac_I have an Asus Zenbook, i'm trying to fix my suspend issue. Anyone have any help??21:32
squidvexaxv -> can you ping that ip address in the /etc/resolv.conf21:32
buhmanwhere can I find out what ubuntu-specific patches have been applied to upstream software ?21:32
squidmac -> im assuming that thing has GUI...doesn't the gui has a settings panels or something where you can control the Power settings?21:33
buhmanare there package-release changelogs?21:33
mac_@Squid, yes it has a power settings gui21:33
mac_https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AsusZenbook#Suspend has a post for help, I did the steps, but it still does not work21:33
vexaxvdamn this is ridiculous to get a printer working on linux21:34
[Corp]is there any good new/updated guide/article on how to distribute ubuntu desktop unattended using pxe?21:34
Nach0zvexaxv: some printers aren't easy to get working with ubuntu, yeah21:34
vexaxvive got a brother mfc 440 cn21:35
Morpheus90Nach0z,  help me please.. i'm have firefox blocched...21:35
Morpheus90ubuntu blocched21:35
Nach0zMorpheus90: do this command: pidof firefox-bin21:35
vexaxvhttp://voices.yahoo.com/the-retail-detail-brother-releases-drivers-installer-7131276.html ive been using this guide but i cant get it to work21:35
mac_can ANYONe help me with my suspend issue??21:35
Nach0ztell me if it says anything21:35
Nach0zmac_: don't have a clue, sorry :/21:35
mac_lol thanks nach0z21:36
Morpheus90Nach0z,  no.... UBUNTU blocched...21:37
Morpheus90firefox, xchat, amsn21:37
Nach0zMorpheus90: I'm gonna need a little more information than that. are you able to open up a terminal window at least?21:37
mac_ok, well what about if im moving a file21:38
mac_but it says permission denied21:38
Morpheus90moment Nach0z21:38
mac_how do i stop that??21:38
Nach0zmac_: use sudo. lol. or, re-do the permissions of the file using chown21:38
mac_I'm new to Linux, my professor told me about it in class yesterday and i've been full blast since21:39
Nach0zyes. chown. man chown to get a good detailed explanation on it21:40
Nach0zbut for your issues it sounds like you want sudo21:40
Onnonymousmac_: about the suspend, could you try running /etc/pm/sleep.d/20_zenbook ? It should not give any output.21:40
mac_i made the file and placed it in the folder21:40
Nach0zmac_: ok. and you can't copy it somewhere else, right?21:41
mac_but it still basically doesn't wake up when i press suspend or close it21:41
mac_i think one problem may be, before i made it executable, I hae a 20_zenbook file in there also that's just there. I was thinking maybe if i deleted it, it would then work21:41
vexaxvive got a red circle with a white dash in it at the top right of my screen21:41
Onnonymousmac_: have you made /etc/pm/sleep.d/20_zenbook executable? Try on a command line: ls -l /etc/pm/sleep.d/20_zenbook21:41
vexaxvsays messed up package21:41
Nach0zvexaxv: open a terminal, do sudo apt-get update, followed by sudo apt-get upgrade21:43
mac_Onnonymous, do i nee d to be in root before doing that??21:43
vexaxvcorey@Ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get upgrade21:44
vexaxvsudo: unable to resolve host Ubuntu21:44
vexaxvE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)21:44
vexaxvE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?21:44
mac_it says ls invalid option21:45
vexaxvnm i got it21:45
vexaxvsynpatic was open21:45
Onnonymousmac_: I'm not sure, just try and we'll see. ls -l gives a file listing including the permissions.21:45
vexaxvand thanks but it says nothing was upgraded removed or installed so why did i have to red icon21:45
vexaxvokay nach0z can u help me with this21:46
vexaxvhttp://welcome.solutions.brother.com/bsc/public_s/id/linux/en/faq_prn.html#f00104 click im having issues installing the first link (i have a brother mfc 440 cn it IS on the supported for this driver list)21:46
vexaxvive done everything it said21:47
vexaxvfinished the whole thing21:47
vexaxvbut i still cant print21:47
mac_it says -rw -r --r-- 1 root root 4921:47
mac_then gives time and that directory again21:47
Morpheus90Could not update ICEauthority file /home/gabriele/.ICEauthority21:49
KooolaNLnx is still not setupo21:49
KooolaNLcant get it working21:50
monokromeAnyone know where I can find the list of officual Ubuntu EC2 AMIs? This is broken: http://cloud.ubuntu.com/ami/21:50
mac_I really like ubuntu, but hopefully i can get these tweaks21:51
Onnonymousmac_: The doc says "make it executable", so let's do that. The command is: chmod +x /etc/pm/sleep.d/20_zenbook21:51
mac_so that i can actually use it21:51
mac_thanks alot21:51
=== FBI is now known as MrElendig
Onnonymousmac_: If you get an error message while doing that, try again with "sudo" in front of it, to have root permissions.21:53
OomElvisQ: how does ubuntu's mail thing work? like, with php i could send myself a mail to myusername@localhost21:53
OomElvisbut theres no port 110 open on localhost21:53
syddrafIs there some utility that I can run a program through that will generate a memory-usage graph as it executes?21:53
OomElvisyet i can send myself a mail21:53
OomElvisport 25 is open though21:54
dofflesoomelvis, use mail -s "mail to self" myusername@localhost. type yr message. end with a . ( period ) on a line21:54
BndrrOomElvis, a mail by web browser or by terminal ?21:54
mac_ok, it didn't say anything after doing it21:54
OomElvisBndrr: terminal21:54
mac_I think that means it worked. Hopefully21:55
Onnonymousmac_: Try again: ls -l /etc/pm/sleep.d/20_zenbook, you should see some x'es.21:55
dofflescheck if sendmail daemon is running21:55
OomElvisdoffles: i want to send a raw mail message with headers , base 64 encoded attachment ... could mail do that as well?21:55
mac_Yeah it showed some x's and the path in green21:56
Onnonymousmac_: yes, usually no output is good output, like no news is good news ;-)21:56
mac_Ok good, I've been on this all day since installing it. My GF even got mad because she was trying to sleep. lol thanks for the help21:56
Onnonymousmac_: Try again to suspend your machine, to seee if it works.21:57
dofflesoomelvis, you might want to uuencode21:57
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dofflescat attachment | uuencode > mail21:57
mac_lets see if it does when i close it21:58
OnnonymousOomElvis: try "echo Blah blah | mutt -a attachment -s subject email@address.com"21:58
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lo0mhow do i reenable hibernate option in unity 12.04 ?21:59
MonkeyDust!12.04| lo0m21:59
ubottulo0m: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+121:59
OomElvisOnnonymous: cool, will do21:59
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OomElvisOnnonymous: cool, will try22:01
tech936ok anyone used blackubuntu22:01
zacktuI am trying to create and format a partition; gParted says that it is already in use by the system.   It's not in fstab.  How can I find out what's going on?22:01
BlueClawI tried to install Ubuntu 12.04 last night but it installed it to one my external drives (making a partition). Windows cannot see the partition and the bootloader is not on the main drive so it just boots up to windows (7) still. Ideally I would like to move my windows from my ssd to the hdd and install Ubuntu on my ssd. Anyone know if there is a way to do that?22:02
DeathTheKidwhat is blackubuntu never heard of it22:02
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legaspzacktu, it might still be mounted somehow... have you tried using gparted from a livecd ? just my 2 cents22:03
legaspi'm pretty sure you can get gparted on a livecd, if not I know puppy linux has it by default22:04
POMPINS_Qualcuno può darmi supporto in italiano?22:05
DeathTheKidlast i checked gparted was in 10.04. the other ones I am not so sure about.22:05
legaspif it is, an ubuntu livecd would work for this too haha22:06
zacktulegasp: Yes, I've used the live cd also.   When I do that I can delete, create, and format the partition.   After that I can reboot ubuntu, and the partition is there, and the ubuntu gparted recognizes the partition.  I've installed the partition into fstab, but the next time I boot the partition is gone.22:06
Myrtti!it | POMPINS_22:06
ubottuPOMPINS_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)22:06
POMPINS_Grazie mille.22:07
legasphmm not really sure then.. I don't know much about fstab22:08
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xorptThis annoying bug happens to me, someone please do the following to confirm it. Run Transmission, tile it to the right, the go to the workspace on the right and alt+tab. I get Transmission available on alt+tab even though it was opened on another workspace.22:09
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BlueClawIs it possible to migrate the "boot" files (I think they are paging files?) from one drive to another, so the OS (win7) can be moved from one drive to another?22:09
xorptI'm running 12.04, but 11.10 or 11.04 will be fine I guess.22:09
hanasakiany word on fixing the openjdk-7 package that brings in openjdk6 and results in "java -version" returning v6?22:10
finish06BlueClaw, .... you can .22:10
finish06BlueClaw, wait ... you mean transfer grub-installer from drive A to drive B?  correct?22:10
BlueClawfinish06: no, incorrect. Rather I tried to install ubuntu but it only allowed me to install it to a single drive (an external hdd), I thought iwas t my internal hdd... (that is probably all irrelevant data) the main issue is that I want Ubuntu (12.04) on my ssd.22:13
BlueClawedit:*thought I was on my*22:13
ShinkaI'm looking for a good wireless router. I know absolutely nothing about networks: is there a better/worst kind for Linux or, as I suspect, it doesn't matter (it's the wireless card of my laptop that matters)?22:14
finish06BlueClaw, you just need to reinstall it.  is that going to be a problem?22:15
BlueClawIf I don't need the paging files that windows uses (and use a linux bootloader instead) then that would work, but not sure if that would work.22:15
scientesShinka, does matter the slightest22:16
finish06Shinka, do you like to have fun with routers and do lots of stuff or do you want a basic "it works!"??22:16
scientesShinka, all that matters is the wireless card (stay away from broadcom)22:16
Shinkascientes: OK!22:16
Shinkafinish06: I like to have fun with things, software things, not routers :P22:16
finish06Shinka, look at one that is compatible with DD-WRT.   http://www.dd-wrt.com/site/support/router-database22:17
Shinkafinish06: OK thanks22:17
finish06Shinka, ... the first time I installed the DD-WRT firmware, I was worried I would "brick" my router, so to minimize this worry, I purchased it at BestBuy.  Then if I bricked it, I would just take it back to bestbuy and say, "It didn't work.. "  I need to return it.  HAHA22:18
finish06what is new in 12.04?22:19
Jordan_U!12.04 | finish0622:22
ubottufinish06: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+122:22
finish06O that is cool!  thanks Jordan_U22:23
finish06, but that doesn't say what is new22:23
Jordan_Ufinish06: No, but it does say that the correct channel for discussing what's new in 12.04 is #ubuntu+1.22:24
finish06o!  I missed that,  thanks!!!!!!!!22:24
Jordan_Ufinish06: You're welcome.22:26
mac_Thankns for all the help, it worked22:27
sirknighthow do i open /etc/avahi/services? it terminal?22:28
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KooolaNLsirknight i think cd /etc/avahi/services22:30
sirknightKooolaNL,  thanks22:34
sirknightavahi services how do i install ?22:35
squidhello root22:38
subrosaHey guys I'm trying to install from source but I get this error ./configure: error: C compiler gcc is not found22:44
subrosaanyone know what Im doing wrong?22:45
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squidcan anybody share a good site where I can read about the rc0 rc1 rc2 and all those run levels for the startup scripts.....22:45
squidif anybody know...please feel free to explain22:45
thesheff17squid, you want to use upstart...are you creating them?22:46
squidsubrosa try this... sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade22:46
squidthesheff17 thats correct.22:47
squidsubrosa then do this...sudo apt-get install gcc22:47
subrosaThat worked, thanks squid!22:48
thesheff17squid, this looks like a good start http://upstart.ubuntu.com/getting-started.html22:48
thesheff17there is also a book :) http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/22:48
innocivhttp://pastie.org/3776492 What am I missing so I can communicate with paypal IPN?  if I telnet www.paypal.net 443 it just hangs.22:49
the_filedoes any1 use hdmi on an amd card here22:50
L3mceHi the_file what is the problem22:52
brianp1992how can i get specs on my mobo?22:54
scienteshow do i make the Music, Movies, etc all link to somewhere else?22:55
scienteseven when they are translated?22:55
scientesso i can put media on a hard drive, instead of SSD22:55
jribscientes: use a symlink22:55
scientesfinish06, Music, and Movies, get changed to Music, etc22:55
scientesjrib, but that doesn't deal with language changing22:55
scientesand direct XDG_DOWNLOAD_DIR there22:56
jribscientes: how so?  Maybe I don't understand what exactly you want to accomplish.  Anyway, those things are defined in ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs22:56
cuddylier1How do I see in "ps x" command what process is using the most resources?22:57
finish06scientes, it doesn't matter if you use to original music/ movie/ etc. folder ... just go to where you music/ movies, etc are now and right click, and chose "create link"22:58
thesheff17cuddylier1, I use top22:58
Kanerixcuddylier1, this is why the process "top" was created22:58
finish06what is "ps x"22:58
thesheff17ps aux displays processes22:58
scientesfinish06, i want to make it scripted, and work with new users, and users with differn't languages, etc22:58
squidI use htop which is a nicer interface than the traditional top22:58
cuddylier1How do I get out of top Kanerix ?22:59
finish06oo!!!!  got ya, so you want it to link even though the words would be differe?22:59
cuddylier1Is there anything here http://pastebin.com/1G8MpFdM I could stop as it is lagging my 16GB Intel i5 process server? I run a mincraft server on it. Kanerix23:00
squidCoilDomain ... how is the connection of Verizon FIOS over there in Tampa?23:00
innocivhttp://pastie.org/3776492 What am I missing with iptables so I can communicate with paypal IPN?  if I telnet www.paypal.net 443 it just hangs.  If I flush iptables it works.23:00
jribscientes: what exactly do you want to happen?  Give a specific example please.23:00
CoilDomainits really 30/25~23:00
squidshow me your iptables -nvL23:00
KooolaNLhow do i go back 1 directory in unbuntu23:01
KooolaNLlike cd.. in dos23:01
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cuddylier1Is there anything here http://pastebin.com/1G8MpFdM I could stop as it is lagging my 16GB Intel i5 process server? I run a mincraft server on it. Kanerix23:01
scientesjrib, i think i am going to use the sticky bit. Anyways, 4 users, homes on SSDs, their media and downloads go the the hard drive, but they dont have to know that. if you create a new user and it asks "do you want to change the names of /Music, etc" then it will still work, and the same with new users23:01
finish06KooolaNL, "cd .."23:01
scientesjrib, seems like i could change that file in /etc/skel23:01
KooolaNLjust cd.. but not connected23:01
finish06not connected :)23:02
Boohbahcuddylier1: ps -eo pmem,pcpu,rss,vsize,args | sort -k 123:02
scientesand should i use ext4 or xfs jrib ?23:02
jribscientes: the system-wide config is in /etc/xdg.  Though it seems like you can't avoid creating symlinks unless you don't care that the users won't have those directories available to them under their $HOME23:03
jribscientes: when in doubt, go with default: ext423:03
cuddylier1Boohbah: Here is the result http://pastebin.com/5ZtA4YHN23:03
finish06what is the benefit of xfs??23:03
Boohbahcuddylier1: looks like some java processes using your memory...23:04
cuddylier1Boohbah: How many is there? I may not need them all23:04
L3mcefinish06: xfs is good for media storage. Its journaling system is unique for handling large streaming files.23:05
PhonicUKsomeone said McMyAdmin?23:05
cuddylier1Yes...My server with 16GB RAM and i5 processor is lagging, PhonicUK23:05
Boohbahahh, minecraft23:05
meisth0thquick question, if i install ubuntu 12.04 beta today, will my system be 12.04 stable with update when it's released?23:05
cuddylier1Yes :(23:06
PhonicUKcuddylier1, pop into #McMyAdmin on irc.esper.net23:06
jrib!final | meisth0th23:06
ubottumeisth0th: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Precise and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 12.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1.23:06
cuddylier1Boohbah: I stopped a Damaen process before and the lag on my server went instantly23:06
cuddylier1PhonicUK: Are you there?23:06
PhonicUKyes, and a bunch of other people who may be able to help23:06
PhonicUKits an active channe23:06
meisth0thjrib, thanks23:06
finish06L3mce, interesting!  that is why it is used in some media storages! that are found on xbmc forums :)23:06
cuddylier1Okay, good, with linux?23:07
innocivhttp://pastie.org/3776492 What am I missing with iptables so I can communicate with paypal IPN?  if I telnet www.paypal.net 443 it just hangs.  If I flush iptables it works.23:07
PhonicUKmost people run it so yes23:07
meisth0thalso, is it better for an end user to install 12.04 final beta now?23:07
L3mcecuddylier1: top will tell you what is eating your resources23:07
squidinnociv -> please understand this...23:07
L3mce!ubuntu+1 | meisth0th23:07
ubottumeisth0th: Precise Pangolin is the codename for Ubuntu 12.04 - Support only in #ubuntu+123:07
Boohbahhttp://wiki.bukkit.org/Main_Page  ?23:07
cuddylier1L3mce Yeah, it is some java processes23:07
squidoh ok..let me see the iptables first :)23:08
L3mcewhat have you installed recently that uses java? And does top tell you more specifically what the application is?23:08
Boohbahcuddylier1: Craftbukkit, to be exact23:08
cuddylier1L3mce But, I stopped a process before and my server lag went instantly23:08
L3mceso what?23:09
L3mceYou want to do that every time, or figure out the problem?23:09
BoohbahL3mce: it's minecraft and associated software23:09
L3mceI dont know anything about that, sorry23:09
cuddylier1L3mce: http://pastebin.com/rDJYSmat Here is the result of top23:10
L3topI don't know anything about minecraft cuddylier1.23:10
cuddylier1L3mce I really want the problem sorted for good, my hardware isn't bad, it's a process somewhere that is useless and doesn't need to be running23:10
squidinnociv -> i found your problem23:10
cuddylier1What is fibrelamp? L3top ?23:10
L3topI can't help you... back... back!23:11
* L3top beats with stick23:11
squidinnociv -> -A INPUT -p tcp -j DROP23:11
squiddo this instead...23:11
squidnslookup www.paypal.com23:11
innocivRight I want to drop everything that's not accepted.23:12
squidget paypal servers IPs and add them to your INPUT table23:12
squiddont Append!!!23:12
squidlet me know if you need help23:12
cuddylier1Does anyone know any useless processes running here? http://pastebin.com/rDJYSmat23:12
StepNjumphi guys, my optical reader works on read but not on write. I tried GnomeBaker. Nothing works23:13
innocivThat worked, squid, but i dont get why just opening 443 didn't.23:14
L3topStepNjump: chances are you have a bad burner. They are remarkably cheap, and a bit of you get what you pay for. Try burning on the slowest speeds possible... might be hit or miss. Might not burn at all anymore. They are notorious for going bad.23:15
atifalhazmihow are you ?23:18
squidinnociv -> any luck?23:18
squidif you need help creating the rules....just ask23:19
innocivYes it worked by allowing the ips23:19
innocivi guess it answers back on port 80 or something23:19
o-skyhi, i need to help... can someone help me?23:19
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squido-sky -> whazzup?23:20
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squidwow...a bunch people from Tampa, FL23:20
`Korvinmy sound stopped working>.<23:21
`Korvinsays it's playing23:21
`Korvinnothing comes out23:21
chiliredtrying to get audio over hdmi working on a  nvidia 21023:21
o-skysquid,  I use fedora and am having problems in webcam ... I heard that ubuntu is better to recognize hardware, it worth changing just because of that?23:22
chiliredmainly for xbmc, found a openelec howto, just wondering if I can use it to get things working in ubuntu23:22
ActionParsnip`Korvin: try:  killall pulseaudio; rm -r ~/.pulse*    wait 10 seconds then try sound23:25
ActionParsnipo-sky: use a USB install and try it23:25
pilotbububuntu installer is seriously retarded23:25
ActionParsnippilotbub: how so?23:25
pilotbubit says "replace lmde with ubuntu" but then if you click it it formats the whole drive23:26
pilotbubno root filesystem is defined what is this nonsense23:27
pilotbubclassic linux23:27
StepNjumpL3top: thank you. Well, I will try it under winxp. I am on a dboot system. It's almost like the burning apps dont find the burner. Lets say when I put a CD that was already burned, then it will recognize it but when I put in a blank one, nautilus doesn't load it up... is this normal?23:28
o-skyActionParsnip, my webcam is not usb23:29
Jordan_Upilotbub: If you're using manual partitioning you need to set the mountpoint of whatever partition you want to be the root partition to '/'.23:29
StepNjumpsorry for that23:29
L3topStepNjump: oh... that is different23:29
StepNjumpYes I know it's weird23:29
pilotbubnow it needs a swap space23:31
pilotbuball for slower performance than win 8 hurrah23:31
ActionParsnipo-sky: it is connected to the USB bus23:31
o-skymy webcam is internal from laptop23:32
ActionParsnipo-sky: yes, it connects to the USB bus internally, run:  lsusb    and you will see it listed23:32
L3topGive it a try under win... then maybe try and burn it from cli with growisofs...23:32
ActionParsnipo-sky: if you want to try ubuntu, you can use tools to put the install ISO on a USB stick and test it23:33
pilotbubLMDE wins the installer race I've had enough of this purple OS and I haven't even installed it23:33
ActionParsnippilotbub: LMDE is also not supported here23:34
vexaxvhey guys after i ./configure make make install can i delete all the files i used in my downloads?23:34
ActionParsnipvexaxv: I suggest you use checkinstall to make a deb of your binaries23:34
bcuraboyhi everyone.where can i find this package gir1.2-dee-0.5  ?????23:34
StepNjumpyes? L3top23:35
vexaxvso instead of make install type checkinstall23:35
ubottucheckinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!23:35
vexaxvoo thanks23:35
ActionParsnipbcuraboy: try searching http://packages.ubuntu.com23:35
StepNjumpany suggestion L3top23:35
L3topGive it a try under win... then maybe try and burn it from cli with growisofs...23:36
vexaxvso like i said after "make" i type "checkinstall"?23:36
L3topassuming that works there and not here23:36
StepNjumpL3top: its like a driver issue23:36
bcuraboyit seems it's only available for oneiric23:36
bcuraboyno chance it might land in precise?23:36
ActionParsnipbcuraboy: precise isn't supported here, ask in #ubuntu+123:37
vexaxvafter i run checkinstall and i get the deb it will already be installed right?23:38
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ActionParsnipvexaxv: the files will be in place but the package system doesn't know of it23:39
vexaxvso will i get a .deb in my downloads or what..and how will i uninstall it23:40
ubottuilmachico: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».23:41
toraux_Hopefully someone can help me - just built a media pc and have ubuntu on it... the wireless works fine when I start and usually 25 minutes to an hour after startup I get some heavy duty packet loss.  Rebooting usually fixes it23:41
ActionParsnipvexaxv: you will get a deb of the binaries you installed when you ran 'sudo make install'23:41
whitneyandbobbyhey galen23:41
ActionParsnipvexaxv: it makes the files gel better with your OS as it is a package based OS23:41
vexaxvi ran checkinstall23:42
vexaxvbut it said installing with make install23:42
toraux_anyone have any suggestions for identifying the cause of my wifi issues?23:43
GeForce88ubuntu 11.10. where is the screensaver feature and how do i enable screensavers and how do i get electric sheep to work ? all video drivers updated and installed.23:45
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cantonic_hey guys. hope you can help me fixing a problem. the ssh connection to my ubuntu server breaks up and i cannot even ping it. have to restart and it works for some minutes and happens again23:47
cantonic_please help23:47
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danny_hello i am using juli cloud witcth is based off ubuntu and uses the same monitors program and i am wondering if someone can point me in the right direction on how to fit my tv to dislpay my computer correctly righ tnow i can only see the middle of my screen and the rest is off the edges of the tv is there another aplication that will give me mroe options for resolutution ?23:48
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eggheadhey #ubuntu, anyone have any experience setting up a laptop w/ a docking station?23:55
Delitorin #it13423:55
eggheadI've got a dell latitude e6420 that i'm trying to set up, it keeps crapping out when I try to configure it for dual monitors (it's got nvidia optimus too)23:55
OerHeksegghead optimus, check out bumblebee >> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bumblebee and the irc channel #Bumblebee those guys are up2date23:56
eggheadthanks OerHeks, i'll try it out23:57
OerHeksit is still far from perfect, bumblebee still uses a double xorg23:57
ignoredthoughtshow do i uninstall a driver for a laptop battery23:57
ignoredthoughtsand will it automatically reinstall23:57
eggheadOerHeks: do you know if I can use nvidia-settings w/ bumblebee?23:57
ActionParsnipOerHeks: doesn't ironhide supercedee bumblebee?23:58
finish06i need to burn an windows 7 .iso to a DVD... what is the best way to do that in ubuntu???  i need to install windows7 on a laptop that has ATI graphics... :(23:58
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OerHeksActionParsnip, i heard that before, but i am not sure it is ?23:58
eggheadfinish06: brasero?23:58
JermBobhey im still having trouble getting the new hard disks i have installed in my machine to show or be usable can someone help me ?23:58
OerHeksegghead, yes you can switch23:58
finish06egghead, idk?  i have no idea what to use, that is why I was asking you all!!  :D23:58
xxx---xxxxchat or irssi?23:59
Bndrrhello. someone know how to close a port with nmap ??23:59

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