
GridCubeknome, i think i could make a guide to alternate installation, like in plain html or something, if i do so, would you like it to go to the xubuntu site?02:10
GridCubeor i should do it in the ubuntu wiki?02:10
Unit193micahg: The server hosting them (the bots) went down, it should be back in time.02:16
micahgUnit193: thanks02:17
Unit193micahg: Did you really need it tonight?02:40
micahgno, just thought itance was a one-off occur02:41
astraljavaWas arandr installed by default in Xubuntu? I don't have a session running anywhere right now.04:19
Unit193I don't have it, and I don't remember purging it.04:21
astraljavaOk, thanks!04:22
micahgastraljava: studio installs it by default :)04:24
astraljavamicahg: I noticed, that's why I asked cause I wasn't sure whether it came from here or some other outer space. :)04:26
micahgastraljava: apt-cache show arandr | grep Task04:26
astraljavamicahg: Oh right, I forgot there was that info right there. Thanks for the reminder!04:26
knomeastraljava, you going to FT tonight?10:05
astraljavaknome: Nope, didn't have to come to Helsinki earlier, so I'm arriving on Sunday afternoon.10:06
knomeok :)10:06
astraljavaMight get the apartment, though. Will hopefully hear the confirmation this week, still.10:06
* knome was unsure of attending too10:06
knomegood luck! :)10:06
astraljavaLet's go in May, then. :)10:06
knomesure! :)10:07
knomemaybe we can get edii to join us, too10:17
ochosiknome: with "us" you mean xubuntu or just you guys who like to hang out in .fi?11:23
knomeochosi, me and astraljava to join an event in helsinki in may :)11:25
knomewell, tbe, every month :P11:25
madnickIf it'd had been tomorrow I could be there :P13:16
knomenext month then? ;)13:20
madnickI wish I had that much money to spend on trips :P13:20
knomeviking line is much cheaper ! :P13:21
madnickmaybe, but my friend wont be around to pay then :P13:22
* knome is having some barbãr13:23
knomedamn this is good beer13:23
madnick8% beer13:24
madnickThats quite a lot13:24
knomeyup, that13:24
knomebut it's sweetened with honey.. mmm...13:24
knome16:42  pitti: tgardner: sabdfl approved 750 MB USB media next cycle13:43
knomethat might be one of the things making us oversize13:43
knomeor, at least, will be in the 12.10 cycle13:43
ochosileo-unglaub: hey, how's it going?16:05
leo-unglaubbad, bad and bad again ...16:05
knome? :P16:05
ochosiwhat's up? too much work?16:05
leo-unglaubsadly yes16:05
knomeleo-unglaub, i heard you had problems with keyboard shortcuts. did you get to fix that?16:06
leo-unglaubknome: yes is did via restoring the defaults...16:06
knomeleo-unglaub, ok16:06
leo-unglaubbut sadly i did that bvefore i figured out what the real error was...16:07
ochosii think mr_pouit said that it's a problem when upgrading16:07
ochosiand not really avoidable for now16:07
knomeochosi, he said there's a problem with shortcuts with ctrl, but that's it16:07
ochosiyes, but that was upgrade-specific16:08
knomeyes, but i thought you were referring to "when upgrading"16:08
leo-unglaubonly after an upgrade16:09
ochosiknome: i mostly mentioned that because i remembered that leo-unglaub upgraded ;)16:09
knomewell yeah, i also had that after upgrade16:10
leo-unglaubknome: according to someone here it also happens for arch users16:11
knomethe ctrl-keys issue, or the all keys issue?16:12
leo-unglaubthe ctrl issue16:12
leo-unglaubbut there where some other strange issues after upgrading16:12
leo-unglaubbut i am soo fucked up in work here so i had no time reporting them all..16:13
leo-unglaub*shame on me*16:13
ochosiknome: did you ever ask sean davis to join the testing team?16:30
GridCubewhen is the next (and i presume last) meeting before the final release?16:30
knomeochosi, no16:38
knomeGridCube, no idea. is there something you'd like to go through?16:38
knomeGridCube, btw, writing the article on installing alternate sounds good. feel free to start a draft in xubuntu.org :)16:39
GridCube:D ok16:40
GridCubeknome: well, mostly to keep up to date info about how things are goind16:40
GridCubestuff we can link people too so they can blog or whatever about whats gonna happen in this release16:41
knomethere's nothing new since a long time, since we've past all freezes16:41
GridCubealso there was a rumor about  PAE kernels being droped for 12.10 in mainbuntu16:42
ochosii never really understood the whole PAE kernel story16:42
ochosicould anybody enlighten me?16:42
knomeGridCube, http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-precise/group/topic-precise-flavor-xubuntu.html tells a lot16:42
micahgGridCube: yes, that most likely will happen16:42
knomeochosi, not all computers support PAE16:42
micahganyone with PAE should stay on 12.04 until 201716:42
micahgI mean without on i386 :)16:43
GridCubeochosi: PAE kernels allows non amd 64 installs to use more than i386  ram limit, that is about 3.8gb16:43
knomeyes, but otoh, if you don't have PAE-supporting kernel, you're not able to boot at all16:43
GridCubemost microprocesors today are PAE enabled, like most of them are amd64 already, but installing a PAE kernel allows you to install an i386 install and it will still use the whole amounts of ram your heart happens to desire16:44
GridCubeforced PAE means that old microprocesors, like previous to PIV, wont probably work16:45
GridCubemicahg: if that happens then xubuntu wont target aging computers anymore?16:47
knomeGridCube, xubuntu will use non-pae on i386 on precise16:47
micahgGridCube: it can still target aging computers :)16:47
GridCubeknome: im talking about 12.1016:47
knomeGridCube, unknown...16:48
knomeGridCube, as long as non-pae is in main, we probably use it16:48
GridCubebut... micahg is saying that that wont probably be the case...16:48
knomewe have to rethink that in Q cycle16:49
knomewe don't have the workforce to maintain the non-pae kernel ourself16:49
GridCubethat was something i wanted to talk on a meeting :P16:49
ochosiwell, lucky we're all here :)16:50
GridCubeim worried about our market target16:50
ochositbh that is one thing about meetings: people often aren't there and it feels more hasty16:50
micahgthere are still 10+ year old computers with PAE support16:50
GridCubebut i guess thats a huge problem to lubuntu as well16:50
knomeit's probably more of a problem to lubuntu16:50
ochosithe thing is: (and this has been a problem for a while) what is the target group of xubuntu?16:50
ochosiit's not extremely lightweight anymore, and imo it shouldn't necessarily be16:51
ochosimaybe we should redefine that for Q16:51
GridCubei think that too16:51
ochosior at least make it even more explicit16:51
GridCubewith all the unity people running around16:51
GridCubexubuntu should target traditional desktop users and no more16:51
ochosithe whole idea of different app-sets on install-time was to give people with less resources one more option16:51
ochosiyeah, i agree16:52
ochosiit should be the one xfce distro where everything looks nice and works smoothly16:52
ochosias in: not do what fedora does and ship stuff as vanilla as possible16:52
GridCubei think that people wanting an usable desktop, for example for an office, they should know that xubuntu IS the option :D16:53
martinphoneno, they will turn to windows16:53
martinphoneas most of them do16:53
GridCubebut w8 looks like unity aswell16:54
ochosioh well, let's not dive into this too much... i think it's important to know who we want to target, whether people accept the offer or not is up to them16:54
ochosione thing we could investigate for Q is a backup tool16:55
ochosimany desktop-users need that16:55
ochosi(knome, i hope you're taking notes ;) )16:55
ochosisomething like deja-dup16:55
GridCubeive used it, and it did the work16:56
knomeochosi, not16:56
knomeochosi, but there will be logs16:56
ochosii like it because it's both for offline and online backups16:56
GridCubealso a webcam program16:56
GridCubelike cheese16:56
ochosiknome: what about scheduling two meetings: one before the release ("last doubts") one after the release ("party and looking ahead")?16:57
ochosiGridCube: yeah maybe, i think it'd be good to rethink our appset in general16:57
knomeochosi, worksforme16:57
ochosiknome: at least by labelling the meetings like that it's no tragedy if noone shows up for the last meeting, because there might not be last doubts16:58
GridCubeall n[et|ote]books come with cameras, why dont ship anything for them16:58
ochosiGridCube: if you have energy for that now you could start a wikipage with gathering thoughts for Q and put that there16:59
GridCubeochosi: yes, i think i can do that17:01
ochosihmm, i need someone with unity installed17:03
GridCubeochosi: i can get you one :P17:05
ochosiGridCube: that'd be great. i'm considering unity-support for our themes17:05
GridCubewelp, no one answers 17:08
ochosino problem, ping me whenever someone shows up17:08
ochosii can meanwhile push the theme changes to a branch so that people can start testing it17:09
GridCubeochosi: bazhang uses unity17:12
ochosihey bazhang 17:13
leo-unglaubso, i am on my way home17:13
ochosiwould you mind testing a gtk-theme for me?17:13
bazhanghi ochosi 17:13
leo-unglaubi worked 2 days without sleep17:13
leo-unglaubnow i am going to bed17:13
GridCubeochosi: carnau also uses Unity17:13
bazhangcan it wait for a few? I'm heading off to bed soon17:13
carnauyes, I'm on 12.0417:14
ochosibazhang: sure, no hurry, ping me whenever17:14
bazhangok cool17:14
knometime to cook food17:14
GridCubeit would be really weird to cook not food, but ok17:14
leo-unglaubare there no pizza delivery companys in cour country?17:14
ochosicarnau: do you feel like testing the theme with unity?17:15
carnauyes, sure17:16
ochosiif not, no problem, i'll just push it and hopefully someone gets around to testing it at some point :)17:16
carnauochosi, provide link17:17
leo-unglaubochosi: another upgrade-problem i know think of is that after the dist-upgrade the default font was not ubuntu anymore17:17
leo-unglaubit was samething hard readable17:17
ochosicarnau: sure, just one sec, i need to decide whether to do the window-buttons as well. but i guess for now i'll just do the panel17:18
carnauok, take your time :)17:18
ochosileo-unglaub: the default font never was ubuntu, it's droid sans17:18
leo-unglaubah, okay. that expßlains why it was changed17:18
ochosicarnau: grab it here: https://github.com/shimmerproject/Greybird/tarball/unity17:22
ochosicarnau: do you need help with installing the theme?17:23
ochosi(btw, the important thing would be the unity-panel)17:23
carnauochosi, don't think so17:23
ochosia screenshot of your test would be nice, so that i know what needs tweaking (e.g. gtk3 indicators)17:24
carnauochosi, ok, give me 5 min17:29
carnauor less :)17:29
ochosisure :)17:30
raevolare any changes being made to how desktop notifications work in 12.04?17:38
carnauochosi, http://i40.tinypic.com/25a4yg3.png17:41
ochosicarnau: are you sure you set Greybird as your theme? that looks like adwaita...17:43
ochosiraevol: nope17:43
carnauochosi, ouch :_(17:44
carnauochosi, it goes in the ~/.themes folder?17:46
carnaui think so, but it not appears in the menu17:47
ochosiyes, it goes into the .themes folder17:47
ochosistrange, i saw bluebird used on webupd8 with unity, so i thought that would work...17:48
carnauit doesn't :_(17:50
ochosihm, sorry, since i never used unity i have no clue how to help here...17:52
ochosibut since there's a gtk3 version of greybird it should work17:52
carnauochosi, i'm trying it18:03
carnauochosi, not shows in the menu after reloading user, and placing it in /usr/share/themes18:09
ochosicarnau: strange strange, i'll try to investigate tomorrow and ping you as soon as i have something18:23
carnauochosi, I can see it with metacity-theme-viewer18:40
carnaulooks like it's not defined where it has to be. Well, we'll see tomorrow :)18:41
carnauochosi, ping18:52
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