
=== wylde_ is now known as wylde
mikeconceptsto  update that just became available for network-manager fixed the greyed out wireless issue00:05
BarkingFishyofel, I figured out what the problem was.  The dkms module was still installed, but the issue is that when I upgrade to the next kernel, I have to run  dkms install to rebuild it for the next kernel up.00:05
BarkingFishI want to really automate that in some way, so when a new kernel comes along or a change is detected, it rebuilds automagically00:06
yofelBarkingFish: that is *supposed* to be automatic00:08
yofelI'll blame the broken dkms.conf for now00:08
BarkingFishthe question is, how the heck do I fix it? :)00:08
BarkingFishi'd never even dabbled in dkms until this came along00:08
yofelwell, you could try removing the new kernel, then install it again, and see if dkms auto-builds00:09
yofelwhich it *should* do00:09
yofelthat's the whole point in using dkms00:09
BarkingFishfrankly, having spoken to #kernel, the dkms is nothing to do with them, that's to do with us, and I propose outright that we dump it. I never had this much grief with ndiswrapper in its normal state :)00:10
yofelwell, it works perfectly fine for any other dkms module I've used till now00:10
BarkingFishdkms... "don't know, might 'splode"00:10
yofelmeaning virtualbox, nvidia and tp-smapi00:11
BarkingFishever tried ndiswrapper on it?00:11
yofelI don't have a use for ndiswrapper - but as long as you can't confirm it's broken with the fixed ndiswrapper I would believe it'll work from now on00:11
BarkingFishi have about 8 years worth of experience as an end user of ndiswrapper, it being the only way I can get on the internet.  I don't know it's broken with the "fixed" ndiswrapper, until I update my kernel to the next one which comes along :)00:12
BarkingFishi do know that up until one week ago, when I went up to a, ndiswrapper worked, and now it doesn't. Not properly, anyhow00:13
yofelwell, don't aks me why they converted that00:14
yofeland from the build-on-demand solutions dkms is about the sanest one00:14
BarkingFishthere was no need for a build on demand solution though, that's the problem.  It worked perfectly fine in its previous form.00:15
BarkingFishAn insight into the developers mind... "OK, It works. Let's mess with it, break it, and then spend ages trying to fix it, when we needn't have broken it." :P00:15
yofelpretty accurate :D00:16
* BarkingFish shakes his head, hits it on the keyboard and facepalms at fail :)00:17
BarkingFishthank the lord this is only a beta, let's hope stuff gets fixed prior to launch day00:18
fall0utwhats wrong with fakeraid support in the installer>00:20
fall0utdmraid drives don't show up at all00:20
fall0uteven in the daily00:20
fall0utgo to console activate dmraid (dmraid -aY) and click next for drive selection etc00:23
fall0utand partman/70update_partitions and 20detected_filesystem hangs00:24
bjsniderBarkingFish, in 8 years you couldn't find hardware that has a good native linux driver?00:28
bjsnidercome on, man00:29
BarkingFishbjsnider, i've tried 10 wifi adapters, 8 different chipsets, and no native drivers which work them00:29
BarkingFishfrankly, ndiswrapper has been the only solution I've been able to get to work00:29
bjsniderever hear of atheros?00:30
BarkingFishyes, I did. My current USB Wifi adapter has an atheros chipset, and the native driver which "should" support it, doesn't.00:30
bjsniderBarkingFish, ok, i will tell you which one to buy00:30
bjsnideri have it right here00:31
bjsniderit is flawless00:31
bjsniderhold on a minute while i find it00:31
bjsniderairlink 101 AWLL3026/NA00:32
bjsniderit should be cheap too00:32
BarkingFishI would assume I can get that for a European setup00:32
bjsnideri don't know00:32
BarkingFishThe AWLL3026 is on the North American regulatory system00:32
bjsniderit's a usb device with a good driver00:32
BarkingFishi don't know if the frequencies are the same as the UK00:33
bjsniderjust get a euro device with that chip00:33
BarkingFishbjsnider, could you give me the VID/PID for it please?00:33
bjsnideri don't want to load it because it will bring in all of the wifi-related modules like mac80211 and whatnot00:34
bjsnideryou can google it00:34
BarkingFishgot it, bjsnider - VID:0ace, PID:1211 - and unfortunately there doesn't appear to be a UK version of it. I'll see if I can locate something with the same chipset though00:43
pilotbubcan someone help with STA drivers00:52
bazhang!details | pilotbub00:52
ubottupilotbub: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."00:52
pilotbubtrying to activate wireless nic00:52
pilotbubbroadcom STA driver00:52
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx00:52
pilotbubgot a patch cable and doing an upgrade will that fix it00:53
BarkingFishoops, wrong one, sorry00:53
bazhangpilotbub, check the broadcom link00:53
BarkingFishor maybe not00:53
ActionParsnipdid pilotbub get sorted out?01:29
agentsoulhow to exclude some folder from the DASH search? p mode for 12.0401:39
pangolinperhaps make them hidden by adding a . to the foldername01:40
pangolini.e. .Downloads01:40
pangolinor .whatever01:41
rfmI'm having problems with nfs shares not being mounted at boot time.  searching launchpad shows #972214 which suggests configuring the (static) ip in /etc/network/interfaces.  This would work fine for me (only one interface in this system, wired) but should I un-install network-manager to keep it from trying to handle the interfaces?01:41
rfm(this is a xubuntu desktop system, if it matters, which I doubt)01:42
agentsoul. something with p01:43
agentsoulis working thanks, but it would be nice to have it as a feature to exclude some stuff from search01:44
pilotbubok the system says STA is installed but still no wireless01:49
pilotbubhow can it be this bad01:52
pilotbubdont business use this "software"01:53
pangolinpilotbub, what version of Ubuntu are you running right now?01:53
pilotbubim running the one with broken wifi01:53
pilotbubthe pathetic one01:53
pangolinversion number, not your definition01:54
pangolinI already warned you about crossposting. having an issue in one version does not mean the issue exists in an other01:54
pilotbubthe issue is ubuntu is a nightmare01:55
pangolinpilotbub, try arch01:55
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pangolinbut if I see you cross posting again i will ban you from both channels.01:55
ActionParsnippilotbub: its not, you have one of the most abundant an cheap wifi chips around01:55
pilotbuball i ask is hammer down the wifi before you start stealing docks01:56
ActionParsnippilotbub: the additional drivers app does the work for you, you may have to blacklist a driver module or two but they are simple to get going01:56
pilotbubwell it says its installed but nothing is showing up anywhere01:56
ActionParsnippilotbub: if you run:  sudo iwlist scan    do you see wireless networks?01:57
BarkingFishdo you see anything under iwconfig?01:58
pilotbubno wireless extensions01:58
ActionParsnippilotbub: if you run:  dmesg | grep -i firm    do you get messages about firmware missing?01:59
pilotbubcant copy that02:00
ActionParsnippilotbub: just type it then02:01
* snadge loves his working wifi :p02:04
snadgepilotbub: have you tried turning the wifi on?02:04
snadgesome netbooks/laptops have a function/wifi button which will turn it off and on02:05
snadgei was a noob once and spent about an hour or two trying to figure out why wifi was working in windows.. but not ubuntu.. until someone else suggested i tried turning it on ;)02:06
pilotbubthis driver is activated and currently in use...02:06
ActionParsnippilotbub: what does the command I last give output?02:07
snadgeyeah the driver would load.. but no networks would appear02:07
snadgei could associate with the ap.. i could even see the ap.. or get an ip address etc02:07
pilotbubx264 performance is poor02:07
ActionParsnippilotbub: try:  echo "blacklist bcma" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf > /dev/null02:10
ActionParsnippilotbub: also try: echo "b43" | sudo tee -a /etc/modules02:13
ActionParsnippilotbub: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-nettool/+question/193150   see #3 here02:15
ActionParsnippilotbub: reboot to test once you make the changes02:22
pilotbubstill no wireless02:25
pilotbubnow its saying install drivers what a load of shite02:26
pilotbubstupid thing has an icon in the taskbar saying install drivers02:27
pilotbubfinally an OS for Africa to be embarrassed about02:28
Theta_Rayoh hey look a release schedule02:32
Theta_RayThat answers my question before it was even asked.02:32
Theta_RayI'm looking forward to the next LTS release! I installed Ubuntu 11.10 on a cobbled together box earlier today and i really like it02:33
Theta_RayMessed around for 20 minutes getting a feel for things. I've been told the next LTS iteration is quite good so this gives me something to look forward to nearing the end of the month.02:34
Theta_RayThanks for all your hard work for us poors of the world.02:34
snadgei can afford to run windows.. and macos x.. financially that is02:37
snadgeits the cost to my sanity that i cant afford :p02:37
phrakthi guys, did anyone else just run an update and have their close, minimize, and maximize buttons moved over to the right?02:42
|Slacker|how can I fix this: E: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/extras.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_precise_main_binary-amd64_Packages02:42
|Slacker|nevermind, I guess I fixed it02:47
snadgehmm.. latest upgrade wants to remove unity.. why? :P02:57
ActionParsnipsnadge: are there any bugs reported?02:59
snadgeim just dowing another package update.. it could be a repository sync issue03:02
snadgethere was an update to nux03:02
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trismsnadge: see the /topic03:05
snadgedisable proposed repos?03:14
snadgeill just do an upgrade instead of dist-upgrade.. im already running precise.. so *shrugs*03:16
snadgealso noticed a few :i386 libs havnen't been updated yet.. which will uninstall skype03:16
trismsnadge: sorry my thought was you had precise-proposed enabled, since I just updated and upgraded fine a minute ago03:18
snadgeyeah its enabled03:19
snadgebut its a known breakage.. update has been pushed to nux, but not unity.. im cool with that ;)03:19
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FerchoLPHi. I'm running Xubuntu 11.10. I have /home in a separate partition. If I do a fresh install of Xubuntu 12.04, is it expected to work? I know simple programs like  .dropbox, .filezilla and that kind of stuff won't be a problem, but will I have problems with folders like .libreoffice, .gconf, .config/xfce4 ?03:55
jetsaredimis there an easy way to enable remote X connections to the ubuntu desktop?03:57
jetsaredimwant to setup x2x03:57
holsteinteamviewer is pretty easy... or any VNC server/client03:59
jetsaredimholstein: so you think it would be easier to setup a vnc server rather than allow x connections to the default desktop?04:01
holsteindepends on the need i suppose... freenx is not too crasy.. or nomachine04:02
ActionParsnipjetsaredim: why do you need remote desktop, what is your goal?04:12
jetsaredimActionParsnip: desktop/laptop side-by-side04:16
jetsaredimi think i got it tho04:16
jetsaredimturned on remote desktop on one system and then just x2vnc on the other04:16
ActionParsnipjetsaredim: but what are you doing on the remote system that needs the whole desktop?04:16
jetsaredimActionParsnip: i want the extra real estate04:16
ian_macso my current load averages are hovering about 1 after upgrading to precise with nothing really running.  top reports a tie in CPU usage roughly between compiz Xorg and Chrome.  I don't recall it being this high on Oneiric.  Is this normal?04:18
snadgeit depends what chrome is doing04:19
snadgeif flash is involved.. then thats to be expected04:20
ian_macno flash04:20
snadgeif its just a single blank window in chrome.. then no04:20
ian_macand only 7 tabs04:20
ian_macwell Chrome isn't reported as using a lot04:20
ian_maclike 1-4%04:20
ian_macand that's the thing - none of the processes seem to use a lot of CPU but the CPU usage is high04:21
snadgechrome is quite possibly displaying stuff.. which is why xorg and compiz are also doing stuff04:21
jetsaredimian_mac: when i have load issues it's usually compiz04:21
snadgeif you kill chrome the cpu load will probably go down04:21
ian_machmm down to about .8504:22
ian_macso should I try adjusting compiz settings?04:22
snadgeunity-panel-service, indicator-application-service, compiz, are all using about 3% for me04:23
snadgeplus xorg 1%.. firefox 1%04:23
snadgei have a load indicator applet running though.. which appears to use quite a bit04:23
ian_macyes I had psensor applet running and that seemed to consume resources.  Seemed... counterproductive04:24
ian_macoh well04:24
ian_macI guess such is life04:25
snadgeyeah quitting that has dropped cpu usage considerably04:26
snadgeindicator-multiload im using04:26
snadgemeh ;)04:26
snadgeits a conspiracy to try to stop us from monitoring our system resources04:26
snadgeso the nsa can spy on us04:26
ian_macwell, maybe this is just the price you pay for the polish that Precise brings04:27
jetsaredimi noticed that if i walk away from my system and let it time out to a blank screen04:27
jetsaredimcompiz will essentially take over everything04:27
ian_macah so maybe that is happening too. What initially got me looking was noticing that if I left my laptop sitting and came back it would be a lot hotter than  I expected04:28
ActionParsnipjetsaredim: is it ok in Unity2D?04:28
jetsaredimActionParsnip: it didn't seem to matter04:35
ActionParsnipjetsaredim: bah04:35
snadgeare you using fglrx? :p04:36
billybigriggeranyone alive?05:42
billybigriggerjust wondering if anyone else has had issues doing an upgrade from 11.10 where the upgrade is taking 6+ hours05:43
billybigriggeroriginally update manager told me 20 mins, and thats about how fast the packages downloaded...05:43
billybigriggerbut now that dpkg is "preparing" all the packages it's telling me around 7 hours05:43
ttl-there seems to be a problem with network-manager-gnome, left or right click on the icon gives the same menu: Enable networking, Connection information, Edit connections...05:44
billybigriggeri thought dpkg might be doing all the work from ram, but i have 9g free on my /05:45
billybigrigger...any suggestions?05:45
Name141Will the Beta be a pretty good idea on how the final product will look/feel like/turn out ?05:50
GirlyGirlName141: Yes05:52
Name141GirlyGirl: are all the *buntu's avalable ? or just Ubuntu05:52
GirlyGirlName141: You shouldn't expect any visible changes to the user experience. Although any critical bugs will be fixed. Yes all official varriants05:53
Name141GirlyGirl: ok.  I'll check it out on a virtual machine and then wait on the real release for an install.05:53
GirlyGirlName141: Instead of installing beta and then updates ... better use the daily images here http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/05:54
Name141GirlyGirl: was just wondering if Ubuntu will still be all Unityfied05:56
Name141I'm assuming yes05:56
GirlyGirlName141: I assume yes ... haven't tried Ubuntu yet as I use Kubuntu05:57
Name141GirlyGirl: yeah.  I suppose I'll try to get the Lubuntu one.05:58
Name141since it's all offical now05:58
Name141GirlyGirl: however I'm not seeing a big easy "download now" button for Lubuntu :/06:00
GirlyGirlName141: you can use the daily image like I said06:01
GirlyGirlComes to the same but if you use beta 2 you will have to eventually update to the same thing06:03
GirlyGirlWhich varriant do you use now?06:03
Name141Windows XP count? :/06:03
Name141I haven't ran Ubuntu since hardy.06:03
Name141and I decided to buy steam games.06:03
Name141(thus, back to windows...)06:04
GirlyGirlYou might like to try Kubuntu ... seems really fast and functional compared to Ubuntu with unity. Or you can just try all varriants.06:04
GirlyGirlYou can dual boot you know06:04
Name141Yeah. I'm just looking for something to get my machines off of XP.06:05
Name141now that I bought a 'gaming machine' and all06:05
GirlyGirlWhat are the specs?06:05
Name141this one?06:06
Name141or the other?06:06
ActionParsnipGirlyGirl: Lubuntu is even faster still :)06:07
Name141ActionParsnip: I may go Xubuntu.. not sure.  Or just try to get rid of that evil Unity on Ubuntu06:08
Ian_Corneor you can adapt and learn to work with it06:08
Name141Ian_Corne: Or shoot it.06:08
ActionParsnipName141: its not everyone's cup of tea, I don't mind it tbh06:10
Name141ActionParsnip: it sure aint mine.06:11
GirlyGirlName141: The one you want to install it on obviously06:11
Name141GirlyGirl: E2160 + 4670 + WD Blue (probably SATA3 ? ) , 2 GB RAM06:11
Name141A dell Inspiron 530.06:12
GirlyGirlActionParsnip: I wouldn't use lubuntu unless its for a pentium 3 or something06:12
GirlyGirlName141: All varriants should work fine ... which graphic card06:12
ActionParsnipGirlyGirl: frees up more resources for apps, plus no Compiz making a stink06:12
Name141GirlyGirl: "+ 4670 +"06:12
Name141Radeon 4670.06:12
Name141XP + MSE = nightmare for me.06:13
Name141is the actual only reason I want to change.06:13
Name141I remember hardy running smoothly, besides FireFox06:13
GirlyGirlActionParsnip: Yeah well but for me the resources used by kde vs its functionality fit my needs better than lubuntu.06:14
ElmseekerHi guys06:21
ElmseekerMy network is having issues and I was wondering if anyone could help.06:21
ElmseekerI have 90% packet loss in ubuntu with either wired or wireless, but the same machine dualbooted into windows 7 experiences no issues.06:21
GirlyGirlElmseeker: Which card do you have and which version of Ubuntu is this? (I noticed you crossposted in #ubuntu)06:24
ElmseekerYeah, sorry for the crosspost I had missed the msg to come here for 12.0406:25
ElmseekerI'm not sure what the card is, it's built in to the laptop06:25
GirlyGirlElmseeker: use lspci to identify the card06:25
Elmseekerbut it's the same for both the ethernet and the wifi06:26
Elmseekerk, brb06:26
varikonniemihello, is there some thing i am missing, chmod does not seem to work in 12.04 ?06:27
Elmseekerrealtek 8168B06:27
Elmseekeractually says 8111/8168B06:27
ElmseekerI have wifi disabled through the HW switch atm so I can't get that one.06:27
GirlyGirlElmseeker: see this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=189006006:28
bobo37773Elmseeker: Did you figure it out?06:29
ElmseekerNot yet06:30
ElmseekerI am having to read the post then run to the other room to try stuff lol06:30
Elmseekerbut the mtu thing didn't work :(06:30
GirlyGirlElmseeker: You need to find the correct mtu value from windows, not use the mtu in the thread command06:31
GirlyGirlElmseeker: And also use the correct interface names in place of eth006:31
bobo37773GirlyGirl: mtu values? I came late. What kind of chipset was it? Did you get that from elms dmesg or is it a normal ubuntu thing?06:32
bluefrogvarikonniemi, with what command on what file?06:33
varikonniemisorry, i got it to work, it just seems that my os is unable to launch the executable06:33
varikonniemiand the weird thing is, it says it is not found06:34
varikonniemiand the weird thing is, it says it is not found q@varikonniemi-desktop:~/Desktop$ ./X-Plane\ 10\ Demo\ Installer\ Linux06:34
varikonniemibash: ./X-Plane 10 Demo Installer Linux: No such file or directory06:34
GirlyGirlElmseeker: Try doing this http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=10283670&postcount=206:35
GirlyGirlIt seems that ubuntu loads the driver of 8169 instead of 8168B06:35
Elmseekermtu is correct still same thing, I doubt it's a driver issue since it does the same thing with wifi06:41
varikonniemix-plane worked fine on 11.1006:42
Elmseekerbut I will try it, be bck in a few, hopefully the driver won't be too big so I can get it during one of the short times I actually internet lol06:42
ElmseekerNew driver in and loaded, mtu is right, still same thing :(07:03
ElmseekerThink I am just gonna reinstall ubuntu, make sure I didn't miss something.07:06
prodigel hi all. I've tried dist-upgrading yesterday and now I'm stuck with a dependency error on libc-bin and a "A copy of the C library was found in an unexpected directory:  '/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.15.so'" error if trying a force install. Any known cure for these issue?07:24
bkerensaprodigel: did it hang?07:28
prodigelbkerensa, it stops the install process07:28
bkerensadid you run all updates before you attempted upgrading?07:28
bkerensaand are you just trying to upgrade from 11.10 to precise?07:29
prodigelbkerensa, I did upgrade from 11.10 some time ago, and since them doing regular updates/dist-upgrades07:29
prodigelthis one showed up only last night07:29
bkerensaprodigel: it is not necessary to do dist-upgrade07:30
bkerensaprodigel: you can just "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y upgrade07:30
prodigelbkerensa, still doesn't work. breaks with the same errors07:31
prodigelbkerensa, I guessthe libc problem is a blocker07:32
bkerensaprodigel: You will need to open a bug on this07:32
bkerensaprodigel: in reality dist-upgrade is more dynamic then a normal upgrade but it can cause issues07:33
bkerensain this case dist-upgrade should sort out depends07:33
bkerensabut for some reason it is not which to me suggests something is broken ;)07:33
alkisgHow can I tell resolvconf to ignore the DNS servers provided by a VPN? I even tried specifying my own DNS servers at the network-manager "VPN settings" dialog, but *they* are ignored instead! :(07:38
bkerensaalkisg: if its not respecting your settings then perhaps file a bug?07:40
alkisgbkerensa: sure, if it's not a PEBKAC...07:41
bkerensaalkisg: but here is some info about resolvconf and VNC07:41
alkisgI've disabled the "local resolver" dnsmasq instance, as I'm using a regular dnsmasq server instance instead. But I fear that some network manager ubuntu-specific patches are badly written and assume that the local resolver is always present... :(07:45
egolostI think resolveconf is the worst name for that application. Try to google it :D07:58
egolostyou will only get resolv.conf hits.07:59
c_smithegolost, well, that's what resolvconf is written to manage if I'm reading some of these results correctly, so I don't see a problem with it myself.08:00
topelowell update is finished hope everything works better08:01
alkisgfiled https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/98057908:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 980579 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "It's impossible to ignore VPN provided DNS servers" [Undecided,New]08:01
alkisgegolost: google for "resolvconf" in quotes instead08:01
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topelocheese still don't work but if i change device with tvtime video cam works08:08
topelook now tvtime or MEtv don't work i'll try to uninstall and reinstall later08:13
topelothis is after the update08:13
topelobefore the update tvtime and MEtv worked08:15
topelousing the hauppuage 850 usb tv adapter08:16
everylOkay, so it seems that after installing 12.04, the upper bar and the left bar that activates on mouse-over don't ever appear. Any idea how I could invoke a shell?08:18
Ian_CorneAnyone installed 12.04 server yet?08:18
topeloyoutube videos work good after update08:19
* topelo is sleepy08:23
everylok, this happens: http://i.imgur.com/BAMUf.jpg08:24
everylthe left bar never appears on mouse-over either08:24
everylI think it's a problem with compiz08:24
everyl(this is on a newly installed 12.04b4). any tips on what could be done?08:24
everylI will be one sad panda if I have to just throw this out, I'll be most happy if this install can be salvaged somehow :)08:25
everylI want to invoke a terminal08:31
everylsomeone tell me its path08:31
everylsince I still have the browser, etc.08:31
everylQUICK! COME ON!08:32
MasterOfDisasterhey, upgrading to precise seems to break groupwise (http://paste.ubuntu.com/926070). This happens when opening an email (i.e. rendering html), other functionality doesn't seem to be affected. Any idea on how to get to the bottom of this?08:37
ikoniaeveryl: do not cross post - what distro are you using ?08:37
z4k4ri4Hi, I'm having problem with usb modem (EVDO), could somebody point me the procedure to debug it?08:38
everylikonia: Ubuntu 12.04 (beta 2), as I am in #ubuntu+108:39
everylunless I misunderstood your question?08:39
ikoniaeveryl: ok, please don't ask for 12.04 questions in #ubuntu08:39
ikoniaplease keep it in this channel08:39
everylikonia: this channel is dead. And the question I was asking was a pretty general one that it would apply to really both :)08:40
ikoniano - it doesn't08:41
ikoniaplease keep 12.04 to this channel, it's not dead but it's not as active as the main channel, that is part of price of running beta software, it's less supported and has more problems08:41
everylI see where you're coming from, I guess08:42
ikonianot really no08:43
everylthat was totally really mean. I am so sad now08:52
varikonniemiHello, i have a bug to report. Spring RTS, the most popular opensource RTS engine does not work nice with unity and precise. When in windowed mode, it insists on having the window with windows decorations on (it does not maximize properly)08:52
Ian_Corneeveryl: try ctrl + alt + t08:53
varikonniemiunder gnome-shell it maximizes properly, this is something you really should have a look at08:53
Ian_Corneotherwise it's /usr/bin/gnome-terminal08:54
everylIan_Corne: seems to have effect. I was able to invoke a shell by going to /usb/bin and double-clicking xterm though08:54
Ian_Corneand everyl did you install, using an "old" home partition?08:54
GirlyGirleveryl: Try "unity --reset"08:54
Ian_Cornethat's why I asked GirlyGirl :)08:55
everyl"unity: command not found"08:55
Ian_Cornewhat are you running?08:56
Ian_Corneregular ubuntu 12.04?08:56
phibxrWhile running through my updates today, one update stops to display a changelog. This works fine while updating through the terminal, since I can close the changelog with Q, but I guess it will cause problems for the Update Manager?08:56
GirlyGirlAnd "less support is part of the price of running beta software" or whatever is not the point  ... people use 12.04 for bug triage and testing purposes08:56
everylthe problem dominantly seems to be with compiz and / or nvidia drivers. That's what it keeps telling me is acting up, and tells me to restart.. and still the problem occurs, in an endless cycle08:58
Ian_Corneyou're not answering the question08:59
Ian_Corneare you running ubuntu 12.0408:59
GirlyGirleveryl: sudo apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop then sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop, then unity --reset09:01
everyl(though I worry still!)09:04
haroldI suppose it's interesting the installation iso is 735 MB09:17
haroldjust marginally larger than a standard blank disc's storage capacity09:17
haroldif it was going to exceed 700mb, why not just go all the way up to 2gb+ or whatever09:18
GirlyGirlharold: It will probably change by final09:26
GirlyGirlI can't be bothered to burn a disk every 6 months, so its always dd to the usb disk for me09:27
GirlyGirlharold: Which iso are you referring to?09:28
haroldfor x8609:28
GirlyGirlharold: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/204/builds/15301/downloads  ... its not 735 mb09:29
everylhm, where is the size specified on that page?09:36
everylor did you initiate download and see?09:36
yofeleveryl: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/ has the sizes09:38
haroldah ok, those are the daily builds.09:41
dupondjeException during pm.DoInstall():  E:Couldn't configure pre-depend libc6 for libnih1, probably a dependency cycle.09:43
dupondjeis this known ? :)09:43
haroldthere was a command that would keep ubuntu as up to date as possible11:15
haroldwhat was it again?11:15
tomodachiharold: apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade11:16
tomodachii presume11:16
ironhalikharold, tomodachi: you should be very carefull with dist-upgrade11:32
ironhalikit has very agressive dependancies resolving, if you do it at the wrong moment, lets say, when not all needed packages are in the repos11:33
ironhalikit can delete half of your system11:33
tomodachiironhalik: when would the needed packages not be in the repos?11:35
ironhalikwhen some projects got updated, and others didnt11:37
ironhalikbelieve me, check if something, and what, is being removed during dist-upgrade11:37
ironhalikit happens once in ten times, but I learned that after I lost ubuntu-desktop :)11:38
gnomefreakanyone know how to use aplay to test sound in terminal?11:40
martinphoneis the 32lib-multiarch fixed?11:45
* gnomefreak didnt know it was broken11:46
martinphoneit works? then where from can I download it?11:46
martinphoneI have a 64bit architecture and want to install google earth 64 bit, for that I need that lib11:47
gnomefreakmartinphone: i dont know if it works i dont have itinstalled11:47
* gnomefreak running 32bit :)11:47
martinphoneis there a ubuntu 64 bit channel?11:47
gnomefreaki would file a bug on it being this late in devel11:48
martinphonei do need an account to fill a bug, dont i?11:48
gnomefreaka ;aunchpad one yes11:49
gnomefreaklaunchpad even11:50
gnomefreakvery easy and fast to set up. at least it used to gbe when i got mine11:50
gnomefreakjussi: any idea on how to use aplay to test term11:51
gnomefreaki know aplay -P but it needs a file afaict11:51
martinphonewhat if I download http://pkgs.org/download/ia32-libs-multiarch ?11:54
gnomefreakthat should be upgraded its a bit old11:55
martinphoneor, can anyone say why that package is not in the repo but in an external repo?11:56
gnomefreakmartinphone: with libs i would be careful what you install11:56
gnomefreakmartinphone: its in universe (that is not an outside repo)11:57
gnomefreakit is supported by our devs11:57
martinphonewhy cant I see it? letme re check11:57
gnomefreakmartinphone: apt-cache policy ia32-libs-multiarch   will tell yyou the repo11:58
gnomefreakmy typing really is bad today. brb smoke11:58
ironhalikgnomefreak: not sure what you mena exactly, but Ive got ia32-libs installed, running wine and android emulators without any problems11:58
gnomefreakironhalik: i dont have an issue with it see martinphone about it11:59
martinphoneI see the ia32-libs too11:59
ironhalika, yeah, it was the next line :P11:59
martinphonenot the ia32bits-multiarch11:59
ironhalikmartinphone: yeah, I believe its what you want11:59
martinphoneeven when its not multiarch?12:00
martinphoneill give it a try12:00
ironhalikmartinphone: I think its the same thing :)12:01
martinphonedoes any of you run google earth too?12:02
Wolfsherzhifi, there still seems to be a bug with the close button on maximised windows in precise... it seems to be distorted as if it overlaps with another close button some pixels apart. anyone else having this issue?12:02
Wolfsherzhifi was meant to be just hi12:03
martinphoneno, I only have a nonworking plymouth welcoming screen, logging out screen works12:03
martinphoneand other bluetooth bug that has already been filled12:04
ironhalikhuh, same here12:05
ironhalikuglu plymouth, though it works in livecd12:05
ironhalikmhm launchpad could be alittle bit snappier ;)12:06
ironhalikWolfsherz: yeah, Ive got the same problem - sometimes you will close the window beneath the one you were trying to close - Im looking for some bug report now12:07
martinphoneshould I make a clean install when 12.04 is officially released?12:08
gnomefreakmartinphone: no need to unless you feel like it12:09
* gnomefreak cant figure out what you need bluetooth for on a pc :(12:10
martinphonenot really sure, but I think it came with the machine12:10
colo-workfor a bluetooth headset, for instance. those things are awesome.12:10
gnomefreaklike the phone kind or more pc output kind12:11
cccangelhey... i know Ubuntu 12.04 is in beta and I haven't tried it yet.  I was wondering if its worth updating too...12:11
ironhalikcccangel: sure it is12:11
gnomefreakcccangel: if you can deal with problems12:11
Stanley00cccangel: pretty sure ;012:11
ironhalikfor me, it was more or less problem free since alpha212:12
ironhalikexcept lost partition table on ma lappy, and it was on beta 2 :P12:12
cccangeli can deal with minor problems.... i just put it on my usb but i am transfering some win32 games to try it out with the new wine and ubuntu.12:12
cccangelthen im going to update it ... and try it all out :)12:12
martinphonehelp: after adding more sources (restricted, universe and so on), I do now see a ia32-libs and a ia32-libsmultiarch:i38612:13
gnomefreakcccangel: disable proposed repo first12:13
martinphoneare those conflicting? should I get rid of one?12:13
cccangelgnomefreak, ok. thanks.12:13
gnomefreakalways check /topic before doing anything please12:15
Wolfsherzalso, the first letter in the global menu is distorted.12:15
gnomefreaklolo the relase schedule days are wrong12:17
gnomefreaktues should be thurs12:17
physically_fiti'm having a problem with my Wired Connection: i have to start it manually (click on its name). why is this happening now? i tried to create it again and the issue remains.12:18
* gnomefreak doesnt have the power to change it12:18
physically_fitis this a known bug?12:19
colo-workgnomefreak, I have a bt stereo headset. like, for listening to music, and stuff.12:19
gnomefreakphysically_fit: someone yesterday mentioned a probgblem with network manager but i dont recall the issue12:19
colo-workthis one: http://www.bazoo.eu/sound/?we_objectID=11112:20
gnomefreakcolo-work: ah that sounds like fun, maybe ill look at picking one up as long as they are under $10012:20
gnomefreakits not  in english :(12:21
gnomefreaklooks german to me12:22
colo-workgnomefreak, just click the GB flag on the right top of the page12:23
gnomefreaklo0oks liek i found a way to turn it british12:23
gnomefreak:) thanks12:23
gnomefreakcolo-work: do you remember how much they were. i cant find a price anywhere12:24
colo-workabout 50€ on amazon, I believe12:24
ezoeHi. I want to learn about the decision for removing mono from 12.04? Not that I fever or against it. I want to know the reason. Is there any public document for explaining the background?12:24
Alex_GaynorSo, since I updates yesterday I can't boot into unity.  Anyone else seeing this?12:25
gnomefreakoh cool they have it on amazon. not to find it. colo-work thanks again12:25
gnomefreakAlex_Gaynor: what verasion of libnux do you have?12:25
gnomefreakAlex_Gaynor: make sure proposeed repos are disabled before upgrading it12:26
Alex_Gaynorgnomefreak: not sure, how do I check (I can boot to a recovery console, but that's it)12:26
gnomefreakproposed even12:26
gnomefreakhold on let me get the full name of it12:26
Alex_GaynorWhere's the file to see if proposed is enabled?12:26
Alex_GaynorI don't think I did, but I'm the guy running a beta OS, so who knows.12:26
gnomefreakAlex_Gaynor: what is the output for the line installed when running apt-cache policy libnux-2.0-012:27
cccangelnice ... now fullscreen works and still leaves access to launcher...12:27
gnomefreakAlex_Gaynor: you will see proposed in /etc/apt/sources.list12:27
Alex_Gaynorgnomefreak: Installed: 2.8.0-0ubuntu212:27
Alex_Gaynornope, proposed isn't in there12:28
TimvdeIs there any way to downgrade Compiz in Precise to 0.8.x?12:28
gnomefreakAlex_Gaynor: ok good. than i dont know the issue. libnux-2.0-0 2.10 is broken in proposed it removes ubuntu-desktop and unity that is why i wanted you to check12:28
cccangelfunny story, for school, teacher recommended using a cloud service for backup and recommended dropbox.  with ubuntu one,12:28
gnomefreakTimvde: thinking you dont want to do that12:28
cccangeli was already setup :)12:29
Timvdegnomefreak: Why not? I'm using Gnome Classic anyway12:29
gnomefreakTimvde: due to the depends it has. im not sure how it will affest classic desktop though12:29
martinphoneI need to get rid of a defective google earth I installed via the .deb file in their site. I installed it before I added the correct libraries: now the thing is installed, there is an access icon, but when I try to install google earth after the correct libraries are in place, it says that it conflicts with the old installation12:29
Alex_Gaynorgnomefreak: ok, I filed a bug on this a little while ago, I guess I'll just wait to see what happens there.12:30
gnomefreakmartinphone: it is most likely looking for lib version you no longer have12:30
gnomefreakAlex_Gaynor: thanks12:31
martinphonei see12:31
Timvdegnomefreak: But 0.9.x just feels buggy, really :/ In just one day, I broke my desktop at least 5 times (recoverable, luckily) just by changing some settings which used to work well together.12:31
gnomefreakok brb i really need to think how to test this :(12:31
Timvdegnomefreak: Note that I was still on 10.10 until now12:31
martinphoneapparently I can install now12:31
TimvdeSo I didn't use compiz 0.9.x before12:32
cccangelis the wine 1.5.x found under wine1.3 still?12:40
gnomefreakcan soneone please type my screenname for me12:42
=== jdrab is now known as cortex_sk
jtrucksgnomefreak: what?12:42
gnomefreakthanks guys12:42
jtruckshilight failing?12:42
gnomefreaktry once more please12:42
gnomefreakanyone know the command to test sound in term using aplay?12:44
gnomefreakjetsaredim: that is ther man page. not helpful yesterday12:46
jetsaredimgnomefreak: depends on what you are trying to do methinks12:46
EdicoI experience a problem with the colors, only on youtube. The skin of people is blue like of those creatures in Avatar movie12:47
gnomefreakjetsaredim: im trying to test and see if any sound works in gnome-term12:47
jetsaredimgnomefreak: what type of file12:47
gnomefreakEdico: can i have the link12:48
gnomefreakjetsaredim: any12:48
jetsaredimgnomefreak: just point aplay at any audio file12:48
Edicognomefreak, is on any clip on youtube12:48
* gnomefreak doesnt care if it is just a thump12:48
jetsaredimi think you should at least just get noise12:48
gnomefreakjetsaredim: i dont have any unless you know the path to where default ones are kept12:49
jetsaredimgnomefreak: is this a server or something?12:49
gnomefreakEdico: you tube works here just fine. are3 you on 32 or 64bit?12:50
gnomefreakjetsaredim: no just a terminal sound. i have no sound in irssi so i need to see if terminal puts out any sound12:50
gnomefreakjust a ding or a thunk or something.12:50
Edicognomefreak, 64bit12:51
gnomefreaki dont need to play a sound or anything else. sound works in browser but not in irssi so terminal is next best6 test12:51
gnomefreakEdico: that maybe why12:51
Edicognomefreak, why's that?12:52
jetsaredimEdico: i'm running 64-bit an youtube works fine here too12:52
gnomefreakEdico: 64flash is garbage if we packaged it yet. other waise 32bit flash on 64bit system also is kind of problematic or at least has been in the recent past12:53
jetsaredimEdico: what is the video12:53
jetsaredimgnomefreak: why not just download some random mp3 file from the interwebs12:53
gnomefreakjetsaredim: said any of them12:53
jetsaredimok - but give me a specific example so I can try it12:53
gnomefreakbecaseu ther eis a simple command to test and i just cant remember it12:54
gnomefreakthere is12:54
jetsaredimaplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav12:55
jetsaredimalso - Noise.wav12:55
gnomefreakjetsaredim: i have mp3s well 2 but i cant get aplay to recognise the full path12:56
jetsaredimgnomefreak: aplay doesn't like mp3 files anyway12:57
gnomefreakjetsaredim: thanks12:57
jetsaredimjust use that command I just gave you12:57
gnomefreaki did12:57
gnomefreakit played but that just made this that much worse :(12:58
gnomefreaki was hoping no sound12:58
gnomefreakwas that command testing speakers or terminal output12:58
Timvdegnomefreak: Damn, I found a repository, but it has build errors :(12:58
jetsaredimgnomefreak: terminal output12:58
gnomefreaki would love to find the default sound in terminal bark/drip/glass something like that12:59
Timvdegnomefreak: Could you provide me a way to downgrade to Compiz 0.8.x? Risk is on me.12:59
jetsaredimI'd guess you'd have to play with the aplay options to get the speakers to respend individually12:59
jetsaredimwow i can't type12:59
gnomefreaksomeone type my nick again please13:11
bazhanggnomefreak, no13:12
jetsaredimgnomefreak: do you have irssi bell turned on?13:12
gnomefreakok i can play mp3s i can play sounds all over the web including but not limited to flash but system beep(or what we use now since it was disabled) doesnt work13:13
gnomefreakjetsaredim: yes13:13
gnomefreakalwasy on13:13
jetsaredimwhat about just a normal terminal?13:13
jetsaredimaplay worked?13:13
gnomefreakjetsaredim: cant test the sound. thats what i have been terying to do13:13
gnomefreakaplay worked13:13
jetsaredimok what about system bell?13:14
* gnomefreak listening to avenged sevenfold13:14
gnomefreakjetsaredim: how do i test it? i tested the options in sound menu and they worked but nothing in terminal so far13:14
jetsaredimgnomefreak: ok - it's probably the system bell13:17
jetsaredimi think it was turned off13:17
gnomefreakjetsaredim: it has been turned off since 11.04 IIRC13:18
jetsaredimright - that would be the thing to turn back on13:18
jetsaredimi think13:18
gnomefreakbut sound was working until recently13:18
* gnomefreak moving all my music back onto pc :)13:21
gnomefreakits moving impossibly fast13:22
jetsaredimgnomefreak: maybe set beep_cmd in irssi13:22
gnomefreakjetsaredim: beep in irssi is turned on13:23
jetsaredimgnomefreak: no i mean set an actual command in irssi that will play the sound13:23
gnomefreaktrust me i checked that when this happened. my irssi file is perfect from what i can tell and since i made most of it its all good :)13:23
jetsaredimin your config file what is beep_cmd set to?13:24
gnomefreakjetsaredim: is this what you meant13:26
jetsaredimgnomefreak: yes, but apparently there is also a beep_cmd setting that you can set the actual shell command to play the notification sound13:27
gnomefreakanother one/13:27
jetsaredimgnomefreak: none of what you have in that paste has a command to play sound13:27
sylvesterwhere can I find the german channel for Ubuntu 12.04?13:28
yofelsylvester: #ubuntu-de+113:29
gnomefreakjetsaredim: how do i enable it13:30
gnomefreakmaybe /set13:30
jetsaredimplay /usr/share/sounds/ubuntu/stereo/bell.ogg13:32
gnomefreakthat worked the bell.ogg13:33
jetsaredimin irssi?13:34
gnomefreakok now try13:34
gnomefreakjetsaredim: nope sorry13:34
gnomefreakhow do you play it in irssi?13:35
jetsaredimpersonally i use pidgin and i have all sounds turned off13:35
gnomefreakbrb trying somehting13:36
gnomefreakjetsaredim: .:09:36:52:. ==> Irssi: Unknown setting beep_cmd13:37
jetsaredimgnomefreak: well - that's about the extent of my google search13:38
gnomefreakok try my nick now please13:38
gnomefreakjetsaredim: np13:38
gnomefreakthanks it still didnt work damn, i have a strong feeling its g-t not so much irssi13:39
jetsaredimmay want to check in #irssi13:40
gnomefreakjetsaredim: yeah i will again soon, i have other things to work on atm i spent way too long on this beep crap13:40
GlaceeHi guys, is there a "ga" pnfs client in precise?13:41
jetsaredimGlacee: have you checked http://packages.ubuntu.com/13:44
mikislavhello, I am on Xubuntu 12.04. Have multiple LED samsung monitor with higher reoslution as my laptop. When I go on full screen on external monitor, it set up just 1280:800 no needed 1920:108013:45
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mikislavhello, I am on Xubuntu 12.04. Have multiple LED samsung monitor with higher resolution as my laptop. When I go on full screen on external monitor, it set up just 1280:800 no needed 1920:108013:46
lun4tichttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/adobe-flashplugin/+bug/967091 <-- hat jemand auch das problem, dass das nur bei nem 32bit system auftaucht?13:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 967091 in adobe-flashplugin (Ubuntu) "Wrong tint with Nvidia after upgrading to 11.2" [Undecided,Confirmed]13:46
lun4ticoops sry13:46
lun4tichttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/adobe-flashplugin/+bug/967091 <-- does somebody have that problem only on 32bit?13:46
mikislavhello, I am on Xubuntu 12.04. Have multiple LED samsung monitor with higher reoslution as my laptop. When I go full screen on flash web video, external monitor, it set up just 1280:800 no needed 1920:108013:48
lun4ticI have all the most recent updates but that problem only occurs on my 64bit system which also uses the nvidia driver. It seems to only occur on some nvidia cards not on all13:48
jetsaredimmikislav: did you check in the Display Settings?13:49
jetsaredimlun4tic: can you link to a specific video?13:50
cccangelhmm.... ubuntu 12.04 seems to be slower/stalling on preconfig pkgs than normal...13:51
lun4ticrandom example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gkl4UxyGgI813:51
lun4ticseems to be only h264 afaik13:51
lun4ticHTML5 plays normal and some non youtube flashplayers too13:52
jetsaredimlun4tic: odd - that video plays fine for me13:52
jetsaredimno blue faces13:52
lun4tichttp://vimeo.com/39678855 this one for example plays normal13:53
lun4ticit was supposed to be fixed today. at least somebody in the bugreport said so13:54
lun4ticso there must be some kind of user settings and stuff13:54
lun4ticI'll try to make a fresh user account and see what i get13:54
jetsaredimi just installed my system the other day13:54
jetsaredimi don't usually upgrade - i like to reinstall fresh13:55
jetsaredimlun4tic: what version of flashplugin-installer are you running?13:55
cccangeli just installed ubuntu 12.04 and i am trying to do update-manger but it winds up saying "The package system is broken"14:05
cccangelso basically i cant get updates to work...14:05
jetsaredimcccangel: try from the terminal?14:05
cccangelupdate-manager? or something else?14:06
cccangelthis is a gui window saying this.14:06
cccangelcool... i figured it out thanks jetsaredim14:13
graingertis anyone having a problem with accelerated desktops?14:15
graingerteg gnome-shell or unity14:15
graingertthey all seem to be very slow and or freeze14:15
mkultra_i get the browser crash for seamonkey only14:24
mkultra_firefox works good, ive only lightly tested chrome14:25
roothorickglxinfo says "Direct rendering: Yes" and the right renderer string but I'm still getting HORRENDOUS OpenGL performance. only 5fps in glxgears. This is new as of yesterday. nV binary drivers. What broke?14:25
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mkultra_yeah, i am also getting laggy video14:26
roothoricklaggy doesn't even begin to describe it. I'm getting about 90 SECONDS PER FRAME at the main menu of Minecraft14:27
roothoricknot in game. Just the menu.14:27
mkultra_lol yeah laggy14:28
mkultra_im updating right now in synaptic14:28
roothorickso now I know why Unity won't start :/14:28
mkultra_they keep hammering stuff out14:28
mkultra_i gotta start clearing old kernels out of my boot partition14:29
submanAfter the last update as of this morning, now my Ubuntu will not boot up properly in 3D.  Compiz crashes, Unity crashes.  No menu bar at the top or side any more.  Only option is to boot into 2D mode.  Anyone else with this issue?14:32
mkultra_i run xfce14:32
mkultra_my 3d is working right now, but im updating14:32
mkultra_ive updated like 7 times this week14:33
submanYeah, me too.  This is the first time I've had an issue.14:33
mkultra_my audio's screwed up, my seamonkey freezes (its from mozilla not repo)14:33
submanhmmm.  It won't even report the errors as it says that some of the compiz libraries are obsolete?14:34
mkultra_update lol14:34
mkultra_update then let it hit the fan and send moar feedback lol14:35
lun4ticjetsaredim: sec14:35
lun4tic11.2.202.228ub on 64bit and on 64bit14:37
lun4ticwhats the difference between the two?14:38
lun4ticthe 32bit version is not an flashplugin-installer its only the "adobe-flashplugin"14:38
jetsaredimlun4tic: that's the same version I'm running14:40
hoHow do I change or reset the keyring password?14:42
lun4ticlet me test the flasgplugin installer14:43
lun4ticmaybe these are different builts after all14:43
lasherHi' I just downloaded 12.04 beta but it hangs trying to boot live cd. I have 32bit desktop.14:44
holsteinho: its likely similar to this still http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2010/01/16/reset-gnome-keyring-password-on-ubuntu/14:44
hoholstein, nice, thank you14:44
cryptotheslylasher, at what point does it hang?14:45
lasheri see a message about kernal14:45
lasheri dont remember exact14:45
lasher[<5beeade>]kernal_blah_blah 06x1014:46
koen_Hey bleeding edge guys =D14:46
koen_Can anybody tell me why I get: sudo useradd -d /home/tempuser -m -s /bin/bash -G admin tempuser14:47
koen_useradd: group 'admin' does not exist14:47
koen_I believe I didn't have this is 11.1014:47
lun4ticjetsaredim: nope still blue with flashplugin-installer14:47
topylinot very hopeful to find another epiphany user on the planet, but if there is one: does epiphany hang for a while when you close it, and then when you launch it again it will ask if you want to recover the last session? as it had crashed?14:47
lun4ticsame versions on both systems. seems to be connected with the type of nvidia chip your system has14:47
roothorickI have a 6150...14:48
roothorickit's an onboard integrated-but-not-really in a laptop14:48
lun4ticmine are 9800GTX on the desktop and 9600M GT on the Laptop and the laptop flashplayer shows blueish colors with the exact same version of flashplayer -.-14:48
roothorickI've had to pull the HSF off, it's a physically separate chip next to the CPU, Xbox-style14:48
roothorickthen the north bridge is a little ways away14:49
roothorickbut yeah, I'm having absolutely dreadful anything-3D performance and Unity won't start at all14:50
cryptotheslylasher, with just that information it is hard to know what to suggest other than perhaps trying some kernel boot options like nomodeset. This may help explain those: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=161313214:50
roothorickglxinfo shows "GeForce Go 6150/integrated/SSE2" and claims direct rendering is on14:50
lashercryptothesly: I did have the error and found something similar - it recommended the alt-cd. D/l now14:51
roothorickis there any way to roll back to a previous nvidia driver?14:51
tomodachiroothorick: i would use the "additional drivers" app for it14:52
Daekdroomlun4tic, are you sure both desktop and laptop are using video acceleration for Flash?14:53
lasherI have an older ATI video card and I am under the impression there is better support for this in 12.04?14:54
roothorickwhat card?14:55
natmananyone know if HP touchpads will be fully supported in 12.04?14:55
roothorickuse DRI radeon, not fglrx14:55
roothorickDRI does a better job with older hardware14:55
roothorickI don't know which Precise defaults to14:56
Daekdroomroothorick, lasher X1650PRO is not supported by fglrx for a long time.14:57
roothorickoh right14:57
roothorickthey've been pulling fglrx support for older cards as DRI matures14:57
Daekdroomalso, the opensource driver for that card has been in a good shape for quite awhile, but there are improvements, I think14:57
roothorickright now fglrx is only for VERY new Radeons14:58
DaekdroomNot VERY new Radeons. X1650 is only one generation behind.14:58
lashercurrently i am using 10.04 and it's virtually unusable14:58
DaekdroomPretty much everything that came afterwards is very similar in its internals, so..14:58
roothorickuh, it's a lot farther than just one14:58
Daekdroom10.04 is a bit old.14:58
roothorickHD4xxx, HD5xxx, now there's HD6xxx out14:58
Daekdroomroothorick, HD2xxx (except rebrands) are supported by fglrx.14:58
roothorickyeah, I suppose 2xxx isn't all that new14:59
lun4ticDaekdroom: when i tried to deactivate it on the laptop the colors were fine but flash kept crashing. on the PC everything was fine and i did nothing besides updating14:59
roothorickstill, the HD2xxx are probably better supported in DRI14:59
lun4ticDaekdroom: im pretty sure both use acceleration14:59
lun4ticDaekdroom: i dont have anything set in /etc/adobe so its just the default settings15:00
Daekdroomroothorick, they have better powermanagement in fglrx15:00
Daekdroomand better 3D too15:00
ScorpKinghi guys. I'm having problems with high cpu usage from the migration/0/1 processes. is there something I can do to sort it out?15:01
roothorickDaekdroom: is it worth the 2D problems though? (Not just performance issues, but I had serious artifacting problems with my 4850)15:01
georgelappieswhy does empathy irc client thrash the disc so much?15:05
=== bulldog98_ is now known as bulldog98
boumahello guys i just downloaded the desktop-amd iso for ub1204beta2 and unfortunately when the installer starts the screen goes blank and it is not possible to interact15:13
boumacan someone recommend a kernel option?15:13
boumai'd love to check out 1204b2 i've made a partition specially15:13
kklimondanomodeset xforcevesa15:14
boumaeither or one at a time?15:14
boumaor both15:14
kklimondatry either one, and if it's not enough you can as well try both - I haven't used it in a long time so I don't quite remember how they work15:14
boumaive got a nvidia gtx550ti so i'm surprised that its balking15:15
kklimondayeah, that's weird15:15
boumawould it be using nouveau's fb now rather than in previous installer?15:15
kklimondait should be supported perfectly by nouveau, mine 560ti was15:16
kklimondayou could also try downloading the current daily live cd15:16
boumahrm. well im happy to provide support15:16
boumauh i might try zsyncing it against the beta215:16
boumais that likely to save much bandwith?15:16
boumaunfortunately my "broadband" is slower than a modem :(15:17
kklimondawell, you can try but it's been some time since beta2 release so the diff is going to be rather big15:17
boumakklimonda: hrm the daily should be more stable than beta2 right?15:18
boumai mean theyre only adding fixes now15:18
kklimondadepends on a day, but yeah ;)15:18
boumaalthough software has sideeffects etc15:18
boumayeah knowing my luck and the date it would wipe all my hdds15:19
boumais xen working well with precise ?15:19
kklimondafirst try with nomodeset xforcevesa, it may help get through the installer15:19
kklimondathen you can install binary nvidia blob15:20
boumaim looking forward to using it specifically because im hoping it will work better than in previous ubuntus15:20
kklimondadunno about dom0, but domU works fine15:20
boumaoh well i was thinking a ub1204 dom015:21
boumaperhaps debian is keeping it simpler15:21
kklimondait's definitely in the kernel, but most focus goes to kvm (and, recently, lxc)15:22
boumabut im strangely getting to like unity. the keyboard use case is quite nice, once they get 'files' and different media actually searching the filesystem effectively it will be awesome15:22
boumabtw i could never figure out if you find a file in unity you cant right click and find out where it is or interact with it. its a pity its not a nautilus widget15:23
boumaor that it didnt behave more like one15:23
athleticdudeyeah right click is sort of a thing of the past in unity and gnome-shell15:24
athleticdudeit's really had to decide whether i like gnome-shell or unity better, every day i usually find something i really like about both of them15:26
athleticdudei hated unity for the longest time, especially how slow it behaved in 11.1015:26
kklimondaboth are nice, it really comes down to your personal preference15:26
athleticdudebut in 12.04 it's zippy15:26
kklimondaalthough Ubuntu is not the best distribution if you want to use pure gnome15:27
boumawhat are the chances i'll get a good result by upgrading 11.0815:27
kklimondaupgrades have always been hit&miss15:28
kklimondadepends on what you have installed15:28
athleticdudewhy not? i think it runs pretty well on 12.0415:28
boumai've got matlab and mathematica and it would be nice to not have to reactive them15:28
kklimondathe more packages, the more local changes you make, the less likely is that the upgrade is going to be smooth15:28
kklimondabut I  did upgrade 11.10 to 12.04 recently without any issues15:28
kklimondaathleticdude: it's not really being a focus of canonical anymore so quite a lot packages are lagging behind15:29
kklimondaathleticdude: just to mention old gdm and totem versions15:29
boumafew local changes, just a range of apt-get installed packages, ie tex.. etc.. the only manually installed stuff is in /opt.. ie intel non comercial compiler, cuda sdk, matlab, mathematica15:29
athleticdudethe shell works pretty well for me and the repos in ubuntu are much more to my liking than fedora or debian15:32
mkultra_k upon update my video broke also15:33
athleticdudei suggest a clean install at some point, unless you want to do a lot of cleanup of old configs, etc15:35
lun4ticok i have hardrive space issues on my laptop as well. time to get rid of them windows partitions for good :D15:36
roothorickhave we figured anything out related to the abysmal nvidia performance yet?15:37
kklimondaworks fine here15:37
roothorickalso, nouveau is worthless. Serious graphics corruption, totally unusable15:37
roothorickapparently it's certain GPUs15:38
athleticduderoothorick, with the most recent kernel they've been trying to improve it, what kernel are you running?15:38
ArnoldFrom my end, it works fast, I guess even faster than with Nouveau. But compiz still consumes enormous amount of memory while in use.15:38
roothorickso it's a kernel thing?15:39
roothorickshould I try an older kernel?15:40
=== krnekhelesh is now known as nik90
mkultra_i found out that i suffer from it too15:42
kklimondaroothorick: you don't get any errors in dmesg/Xorg.log.0 ?15:42
egolostif people have problems with nvidia drivers being unable to load at boot sometimes.15:42
egolostthere is a race condition.15:42
roothorickit loads, but OGL performance is absolutely abysmal15:42
egolostadding sleep 2 to the lightdm startup will temp fix it.15:42
mkultra_my opengl is CRAWLING right now15:42
athleticdudeunfortunately if you haven't been fixed in the most recent kernel you probably won't see any improvement until 12.04.1 or 12.04.2   :(15:42
roothorickI can't use full Unity at all. I'm stuck with 2D.15:43
roothorickit doesn't even switch over correctly15:43
egolostroothorick: ohh :(15:43
kklimondaroothorick: I'd try asking on #ubuntu-x15:43
mkultra_30 frames in 5.1 seconds =  5.830 FPS15:43
roothorickthat's exactly what I'm seeing15:43
athleticdudefill out a bug report on launchpad15:44
mkultra_somethings totally messed up15:44
mkultra_i did15:44
mkultra_idk i just filed it and leave it to the stack15:44
mkultra_give the devs something to look at15:45
roothorickif I manually select unity2d at the login screen I get a usable desktop15:45
roothorickbut glxgears runs 5fps and anything else 3D just freezes15:45
mkultra_yeah i only have 2d right now also15:45
mkultra_before update it worked lol15:46
mkultra_someone put a wrench in a gear15:46
athleticdudehave you tried a daily iso?15:46
mkultra_ive been updating daily15:46
mkultra_giving more and more feedback15:46
c_smith2hello, I'm trying to transfer some songs to my MTP device with Rhythmbox and I keep getting errors like Unable to send file to MTP device: PTP Layer error 02fe: get_u64_from_object(): could not get unsigned 64bit integer from object. is there anything I could try?15:47
gnu-dioIf you don't update daily, you end up with hundreds of megs in updates pretty quick ;)15:47
roothorickgreat, launchpad search is broken15:47
mkultra_you probably need to load the device in nautilus first, then transfer to it15:47
athleticdudethat sucks, i had the same problem with nvidia about a month ago but updates cleared it up15:48
roothorickmkultra_: I'd really appreciate it if you could dig through your browser history for that bug15:48
athleticdudei've found a lot of help with workarounds for bugs on ubuntuforums, some pretty smart people on the precise forum in there15:49
mkultra_i do alot of stuff from source15:49
mkultra_yeah my systems all messed up16:12
kklimondawell, it's not a problem - just install everything in /opt16:15
roothorickit's a regression!16:17
roothorickI rolled back to 295.33 and have 3D Unity back16:17
snadgeis gnome-session-fallback supposed to be removed in the latest updates? :p16:19
=== franklinr is now known as mysticalone
mysticaloneAnyone known issues updating packages with kernel 3.3?16:23
genii-aroundSmall but annoying: "asking for cache data failed" ..."Assuming drive cache: write through" streaming continuously to the console for my CD drive. Even when I have write_cache = off, lookahead = off, and quiet set in my hdparm.conf16:23
kklimondasnadge: mirror skew16:24
mysticaloneis there a way to roll back the updates from apt-get upgrade?16:25
kklimondamysticalone: you should still have old packages in /var/cache/apt/archives and you can try downgrading them, but it's not supported and there were cases when something broke after doing that16:26
doug_fWhen is the final freeze?16:27
mkultra_im just gonna wait for a fix16:27
mysticaloneI'll try to image the disk then16:28
doug_fIs it today or last tuesday?16:28
kklimondadoug_f: last tuesday16:29
doug_fkklimonda thanks.16:29
mysticalonedd sure is amazing16:31
mkultra_yeah dd is the 116:32
doug_fhas anyone had some trouble with Ubuntu-classic? Alt+Tab will not work in my upgrade.16:34
mysticalonehave you checked the keyboard shortcuts?16:36
doug_fmysticalone, not really didnt think there. I will have to check it next time I am in there. Thanks for the heads up.16:37
mysticaloneI seem to have jumped the gun when installing Kernel 3.316:47
mysticaloneis there any improvement over 3.2 ? From my understanding the power management is already included with 12.0416:48
veinosHey, im new to linux and gave ubuntu 12.04 a go hoping it had better dual monitor support, anyone with some knowledge in that aspect?17:00
veinosI have it setted up, but can't configure as I'd like to, (different wallpaper etc)17:00
veinosmy desktop cube also only has 1 face (2 virtual workspace) while I have 417:01
veinosalrighty, cube thing is fixed :)17:04
veinoshad the horizontal/vertical number of desktop set wrong17:04
xslguys is it ok to install basket on unity ?17:22
xslit asks for alot of kde stuff17:22
jtaylorxsl: thats normally no problem17:23
ironhalikhmm, ok17:39
ironhalikwanted to try out some new feature - how do I install software, via software center, with drag and drop?17:39
AlfE_i have a problem with kubuntu 12.0417:42
AlfE_specificially this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde-workspace/+bug/97709417:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 977094 in kde-workspace (Ubuntu) "Device notifier does not let you automount attached storage " [Undecided,New]17:43
AlfE_is there some temporary fix for this?17:44
AlfE_as this happens on a fresh iso in live mode too, it is quite a showstopper17:48
GirlyGirlAlfE_: There is an option in system settings to automount storage devices17:54
graingertsubman: I'm getting the same issue as you17:59
graingertsubman: very bad 3d desktop support18:00
submangraingert, It seems to be affecting many....18:00
graingertsubman: is it nvidia only?18:00
submangraingert, not sure, but I think so.18:00
graingerthave you written up a bug report?18:01
graingertsubman: or shall I?18:01
submangraingert, If you can that would be great.  I tried to submit one but it told me that I couldn't because my compiz packages were obsolete!18:02
graingertwell I'm just running an up(date/grade)18:02
submangraingert, let's see what that does.18:03
graingertapt-get update updates repo info, update-manager runs apt-get upgrade18:03
graingertshould be upgrade-manager18:03
Daekdroomupdate-manager does both.18:03
graingertwhat about up(date/grade)-manager18:03
DaekdroomWhat about sticking with the name already out there for the sake of not breaking compatibility and making a bunch of tutorials obsolete?18:04
AlfE_GirlyGirl: Yes, but shouldn't it work either if you do it directly in the device notifier settings?18:04
DaekdroomBut yeah, the name bothers me too18:04
graingerttechnicalities > usability18:04
graingertsubman: what's the issue you get?18:05
graingertI get accelerated/3D desktops are unusably slow or freeze18:05
submangraingert, 3D Unity won't book correctly.  No menu bar at top or side.  Compiz crashes and so does Unity18:05
graingertsubman: what about gnome-shell ?18:06
TimvdeWhy is amsn not in the 12.04 repositories?18:06
graingertTimvde: because empathy is better?18:06
Timvdegraingert: Everybody has his own preference, that's not a valid reason18:07
graingertamsn lost support from its devs18:07
trismTimvde: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=65454018:07
submangraingert, Have to reboot....back in a few (I hope!)18:07
ubottuDebian bug 654540 in ftp.debian.org "RM: amsn -- RoQA; 5 years with no upstream security support, other better solutions available" [Normal,Open]18:07
graingertsubman: don't reboot18:07
GirlyGirlAlfE_: It should but it doesn't due to the bug18:07
TimvdeThat is a valid reason though :)18:07
graingertsubman: just ctrl+alt+backspace18:07
graingert!google RoQA18:07
ubottuI have no google command, use http://www.google.com/18:07
richardlxcResults for RoQA on Google:18:07
submanctrl+alt+backspace does nothing and has not for some releases now.18:07
TimvdeAlthough I still prefer aMSN's interface over emesene for example18:08
trismDaekdroom: RoQA == Requested by the QA team18:08
DaekdroomaMSN doesn't seem to fit the Ubuntu desktop (or any other, for that matter) at all18:08
graingertsubman: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-common/+bug/98101918:09
GirlyGirl!dontzap | graingert18:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 981019 in nvidia-common (Ubuntu) "3D desktops crash or are unusably slow" [Undecided,New]18:09
ubottugraingert: To re-enable the Ctrl-Alt-Backspace combination that restarts your X server see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/DontZap18:09
graingert!dontzap | subman18:09
ubottusubman: To re-enable the Ctrl-Alt-Backspace combination that restarts your X server see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/DontZap18:09
submangraingert, thanks.  I so rarely have to reboot/restart my x server!18:11
graingertsubman: mark that bug report as affecting you18:11
graingertsubman: are you being sarchastic?18:11
Ian_Cornethe ctrl alt backspace has been gone for long, right?18:11
graingertroothorick: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-common/+bug/98101918:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 981019 in nvidia-common (Ubuntu) "3D desktops crash or are unusably slow" [Undecided,Confirmed]18:12
submangraingert, actually no.  I really don't reboot all that often!18:12
submangraingert, ok, marked bug report as affecting me as well.  Thanks for submitting.18:12
* astraljava doesn't recall when he last had to zap X, other than install nVidia proprietary drivers, in which case he Ctrl+Alt+F1'ed and service stopped lightdm.18:13
submangraingert, I don't remember the last time I actually had to reboot due to a lockup/x server problem.18:13
AlfE_GirlyGirl: Thanks for confirmation, configuring it in system settings works for now, but it is a bit of an inconvenience18:14
graingertanyone know how to get back to neuvou?18:15
kklimondauninstall binary nvidia driver18:17
cccangelwow... after doing system updates this version is a little snappier in a few ways.  i like it!18:18
GirlyGirlcccangel: What is your hardware config?18:19
cccangelLaptop, 64 bit, Acer Aspire.18:19
cccangelmore detailed would include Intel HD, 4 GB DDR3... hmm... what else...18:20
cccangelIntel Pentium P610018:20
cccangelim setting up new wine to see what the new open source intel drivers compare to windows... something that is always fun to test which involves me playing games :)18:22
GirlyGirlcccangel: Wondering whether I should give it a go on an Intel Atom 1.6 Ghz, 2GB RAM, GMA 95018:23
cccangeli actually have one in the house to test it on... maybe. its my fiance's18:23
cccangelshe does want to try it herself... so i might give it a shot later.18:23
GirlyGirlcccangel: You can't compare drivers like that.18:23
kklimondaGirlyGirl: it doesn't work too well on atom 1.6 + 2GB ram + i915 gpu (whatever it is)18:24
cccangeli know. im looking at fps differences from win32 to linux... but18:24
cccangelmy fiance used ubuntu before i got her that notebook with windows and she loves how much responsive it is compared to windows ...18:25
cccangelwhen it comes to smaller and cheaper equipment, ubuntu multitasks a lot better.18:25
GirlyGirlcccangel: Windows 7 and especially 8 are a lot more snappy than Gnome 3 based shell and unity if you ask me18:26
GirlyGirlspeaking for 11.10 here ...18:26
kklimondaunity got faster on 12.0418:27
cccangelwell my definition of snappy is the ability to multitask without ridiculous lag... something you start getting with windows easily with the spyware, antivirus, and firewall constantly spinning the harddrive (i believe) to check for security intrusions... ontop of running possibly photoshop, web browsing, skype and a variety of other software without closing them out...18:28
cccangelon my fiance's netbook it cannot handle too much in windows but even in ubuntu 11.10 it was able to multitask a lot better.18:29
GirlyGirlcccangel: I tried 11.10 on my EeePC 1005HA and it was too slow for me ... might have been gtk3 in general as the UI of gtk3 stuff was slow even under kde18:30
GirlyGirlcccangel: But I've been using KDE since 2004 so I don't really care about unity but just wanted to try it out18:31
cccangelhmm... meh.18:31
cccangelmeh, i know KDE is more modern but i always feel like its too bubbly for me.18:33
GirlyGirlI'll probably try 12.04 again just to have a peek.18:33
GirlyGirlUnity is to much of a resource hog ... my kde desktop looks like this http://imagebin.org/207946 and has more graphical effects and way more features than Unity but still performs better18:35
MyrttiGirlyGirl: have fun with KDE then?18:36
GirlyGirlAnd on netbooks its more sensible to have the dock at the bottom as horizontal scrolling is not as conveniant as vertical. Netbooks with 1024 horrizontal pixels are an exact fit for most webpages18:37
rotundnutso guys I installed 12.04 daily build today and I want to revert to normal scrolling, right now the elantech touchpad is scrolling in reverse( as in mobile)!!18:37
rotundnutplease help18:37
graingertGirlyGirl: gnome-shell all the way18:39
submangraingert, Even my keyboard does not respond in Unity!  Num Lock and Caps Lock works, but when I try to type into a text box in Firefox to submit yet another bug report, I find I cannot type.18:40
cccangelwell another beautiful thing, is you can have ubuntu and change your layout instead of sticking with something that bothers you.18:40
graingertsubman: try disabling nvidia drivers in jockey18:40
graingertalso remember to comment out the lines in /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia-current-updates_hybrid.conf18:40
GirlyGirlrotundnut: In system settings , Input devices uncheck reverse scrolling ... see http://imagebin.org/20794918:43
rotundnutGirlyGirl: Hey thanks! let me try that18:43
GirlyGirlrotundnut: Nevermind sorry I though I was in #kubuntu ... that is for kde but there should be something similar in your system settings18:44
submangraingert, I might just stop messing with things at this point and stick it out in 2D until things get resolved (hopefully)18:45
rotundnutGirlyGirl: ohh! and I was feeling like a dumbass for not being able to find that setting18:45
graingertsubman: can you see if you are effected by the jockey issue?18:46
submangraingert, what is the jockey issue?18:46
GirlyGirlrotundnut: I'm guessing that there must be a similar preference pane in Gnome's system settings under touchpad or mouse or something18:46
graingertsubman: uninstalling nvidia drivers doesn't clean up properly18:46
graingertthere is a module file that kills neuvuea18:47
submangraingert, Ah, so you'd like me to remove the two drivers and then restart?18:47
graingertone driver18:47
graingertdisable nvidia from jockey-gtk18:47
rotundnutGirlyGirl: but thanks to gnome devs there are tons of configuration options in ubuntu .../sarcasm18:47
graingertsubman: you should expect not to be able to boot without commenting out all the lines in the file mentioned, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/jockey/+bug/98104818:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 981048 in jockey (Ubuntu) "nvidia-current-updates_hybrid.conf persists after nvidia drivers are disabled" [Undecided,New]18:48
graingertsubman: does that file exist on your machine18:48
graingertbasically I want to get it confirmed because it affects multiple users18:48
submangraingert, 'Additional Drivers' program?  Only has option to Remove the drivers18:48
GirlyGirlrotundnut: That is expected ... Gnome 3 is new. KDE 4 was worse in the earlier releases like 4.0 but 3x was still maintained at the time18:48
graingertsubman: really18:48
submanYes.  Two drivers are available to activate.18:49
graingertsubman: none are active?18:49
submanYes, I've tried both.  Same result18:49
graingertsubman: can you pastebin your /etc/X11/xorg.conf18:49
rotundnutgirlygirl: sometimes I think I should have stayed with vanilla kde on arch but 12.04 made me a convert18:49
graingertand pastebin the output of jockey-text --list18:50
graingertsubman: ^18:50
rotundnutHow do you know someone uses/used arch ?18:50
rotundnutthey tell you18:50
submangraingert, sure, give me a few moments.18:50
GirlyGirlrotundnut: You can try Kubuntu if you are familiar with kde then18:51
submangraingert, xorg.conf:  http://pastebin.ca/213580918:52
graingertFirefox can't establish a connection to the server at pastebin.ca.18:52
rotundnutGirlyGirl: I think I will.. let me first try sycnlient and manual editing of xorg.conf18:52
submangraingert, jockey-text --list:  http://pastebin.ca/213581118:53
graingertsubman: okay try disabling xorg:nvidia_current_updates18:54
graingertsubman: can you just run cat /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia-current-updates_hybrid.conf18:54
submangraingert, http://pastebin.ca/213581318:56
graingertsubman: hmm18:56
graingertsubman: okay disable or uninstall using jockey-gtk then reboot18:56
graingertsubman: your machine should become unusable18:57
submangraingert, And that will help me in exactly what way???18:57
graingertsubman: if it is unusable use the recovery console to remove that file18:57
graingertor comment out those lines 05 -0718:57
jinjorgeanyone notice that in System Settings when in Gnome desktop, one can't add a printer18:58
graingertsubman: basically I need to get that bug confirmed so it will be looked at18:58
glosoliAnyone else getting stuck on reboot or shutdown from time to time ?18:58
graingertsubman: or you could just mark it as effecting you18:58
graingertsubman: and say you tried it18:58
submangraingert, I did that awhile ago.18:58
submangraingert, I will bring a spare netbook with me tomorrow and mess around again.  This is my only machine I have at the moment!18:59
alkisgHow can I set gnome-fallback as the system-wide default session for all users?19:18
alkisgIt's not listed in update-alternatives --config x-session-manager19:19
Gorilla_No_Bakahello everyone..19:20
Gorilla_No_Bakaright.. Quick question... why has been the graphical root login disabled in pangolin?19:21
guntbertGorilla_No_Baka: support channels are ususally not the places for "why" questions, more  so for "how" questions19:23
Gorilla_No_Bakaguntbert:  true :)19:23
Gorilla_No_Bakai was just curious..19:23
Gorilla_No_Bakanormal procedure was you enable the root account and password from terminal and then you can log in on restart19:24
Gorilla_No_Bakawell not anymore.. as i just find out19:24
guntbertGorilla_No_Baka: apart from that: enabling root is generally not supported19:25
Gorilla_No_Bakabut of course is not..19:26
Gorilla_No_Bakai am not asking how (i already know how) i was curious WHY19:26
guntbertGorilla_No_Baka: and its off topic in a support channel19:27
Gorilla_No_Bakaasking WHY is off topic?!! wow..!! Really?19:27
guntbertGorilla_No_Baka: asking about root login is...19:28
Gorilla_No_Bakaread my lines above.. I am not asking about what you are thinking i was asking.. (i already know how to..) i was aking WHY19:28
Piciiirc, logging in with the root account graphically has been disabled for a while.19:29
PiciI remember trying it for some reason or other at some point and getting an error message.19:29
Myrttiin my books logging in as root into the GUI is ... oh man.19:30
Gorilla_No_BakaPici:  there is no error message.. it worky quite nicely..19:30
cccangelGorilla_No_Baka, the common idea is you always need admin access throughout your session (for example windows).  If we do use windows as an example whereas many are using admin, your basically telling every process that it access close to immediate access to altering your system.19:30
MyrttiGorilla_No_Baka: since you like asking "why", may I ask "why not"? Because I can't for the life of me understand WHY you'd need root for the whole session.19:31
cccangelthis common idea is not necessary in using Ubuntu19:31
Gorilla_No_BakaMyrtti:  oh man.. well.. i know you are a hard core terminal user.. but even you have to recognize sometimes is a lot more convenient to be in a gui :)19:31
MyrttiGorilla_No_Baka: gksudo is for that19:31
cccangelif you seriously want to login at root (only at terminal) type in sudo -i19:32
Myrttiapplications that require root access generally know how to ask for it, and even if they don't know, they can be elevated with gksudo. But *most* applications in GUI Ubuntu should not be run with root priviledges, so, again: "Why would you need the whole session to be running on root privs?"19:32
* cccangel wonders why the many of users that turn off UAC have problems with windows...19:33
Gorilla_No_Bakasudo /gksudo they all work nice.. no probs from this part.. is the fact that well .. you know what i mean.. One would like to have full control on  his OS as it sees fits. having to go the /etc/gdm/ and mess around there should not be neccessary once you did your terminal thing and enabled root19:33
Gorilla_No_Bakamy 2 cents19:33
cccangelyou DO have full control over the system.19:34
alkisgsudo nautilus /etc/gdm, if you want that19:34
Myrttisudo nautilus.... just not19:34
cccangelwant root access to nautilus? go to terminal and type sudo nautilus.  want root terminal access, type sudo -i19:34
Pici!gksudo | alkisg cccangel19:34
ubottualkisg cccangel: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)19:34
Myrttiif you need root access in nautilus, atleast use gksudo19:35
PiciMyrtti: sorry, lurking and typing fast.19:35
cccangelmeh... gksudo must be new b/c i seen it but never used it yet lol19:35
MyrttiPici: I was too busy facepalming, you did better19:35
cccangeloff to install a printer now19:35
Myrtticccangel: been in Ubuntu since the start19:35
alkisgThere's sudo -i, sudo -E, su -, lots of ways to modify your environment properly19:35
cccangelpretty much...19:36
Myrttialkisg: and for GUI apps it's gksudo, always and almost without exceptions.19:36
Gorilla_No_Bakaanyway.. nevermind.. that's just one of the little annoyances in ubuntu i guess.. I always tell my friend he should switch over to debian where life is a lot more simpler :)19:38
cccangelhehe... print test is different from 11.10 to 12.0419:39
Gorilla_No_Bakaon a different note.. On a ubuntu 12 on a  btrfs partition currently gets me an "Error: sparse files not allowed" has anybody experienced that?19:40
graingertsubman: kk19:44
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submangraingert, I'm running version of 2.1.2 NVIDIA 295.40,  same for you?  Can we not just regress to a previous version?20:02
skywatcher78hi to everyone!! ;-)20:05
skywatcher78in behalf of precise [12.04] i have a question regarding utf8 support in mysql package - is there anybody who might be able to help me?20:06
graingertsubman: could do20:07
graingertbut using the os drivers works for me20:07
submangraingert, ah, got you.20:15
skywatcher78in behalf of precise [12.04] i have a question regarding utf8 support in mysql package - is there anybody who might be able to help me?20:27
spacecase-25Hello, I'm having trouble connecting to network shares.  I can connect to and browse AFP shares, but as soon as i try to upload a file it unmounts and I get an error saying the share isn't mounted.  If I try to connect to an SMB server, it just ask me for my password over and over20:28
skywatcher78in behalf of precise [12.04] i have a question regarding utf8 support in mysql package - is there anybody who might be able to help me?20:39
Ian_Cornejust ask your question20:49
vatueilhi, in 12.04 how can i disable the scrollbar buttons that show on hover?20:52
david_rHi folks, I'm trying to maximize a window across multiple monitors -- http://askubuntu.com/questions/73573/how-to-maximise-a-window-across-two-monitors -- this worked for me in 11.10 but not now in 12.04.  Any advice?20:55
LetterRiphi all - any idea why ubuntu is downloading all i386 and x64 packages instead of just the x64 packages?20:55
LetterRipi'm on an amd6420:55
jtaylorLetterRip: you probably installed a 32 bit program20:56
LetterRipjtaylor - quite possibly i have one 32 bit program on here, somewhere, pretty sure it doesn't require every 32 bit package to be installed20:57
jtaylorit probably does20:57
jtayloryou need a 32 bit version of all libraries it needs20:58
LetterRipjtaylor: ubuntu might be configured to install all 32 bit libraries because of it - but there isn't any actual dependency20:58
jtaylorLetterRip: do you have ia32-libs-multiarch installed?20:59
jtaylorLetterRip: that pulls a bunch of stuff you likely don't need20:59
LetterRipjtaylor: that does appear to be installed21:00
jtaylorLetterRip: you could autoremove it, but then your 32 bit application may stop working until you installed what is needed again21:01
KiryxIf I installed ubuntu beta right now, Would I be able to update to full release cleanly, or should I wait for official release ?21:04
jtaylorKiryx: update will very likely be clean21:04
jtaylorarchive is in final freeze21:04
Kiryxjtaylor: Thanks21:05
Kiryxoh, btw, do you happen to know how does support for Intel HD 3000 Graphics go with 12.04 ?21:05
jtaylorno idea21:08
skywatcher78i have a problem setting standard collation to utf8_general_ci21:09
skywatcher78in old 10.04 this worked with default-character-set=utf8, now this should work with character-set-server  ??21:10
skywatcher78but it doesn't21:10
skywatcher78i tried it approx. 20 times or so21:10
skywatcher78when i let the typo3 installer create the needed tables in the mysql db it creates those in utf8_swedish_ci instead of general_ci21:11
skywatcher78am i doing sth wrong?21:12
skywatcher78see this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mysql-5.5/+bug/95812021:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 958120 in mysql-5.5 (Ubuntu) "MySQL does not start with utf8 options" [Undecided,Confirmed]21:12
smallfoot-GNOME Classic (gnome-session-fallback) is broken21:17
skywatcher78ubottu: i am the one who confirmed the bug. what can i do? is it my fault? maybe i'm doing something terribly wrong??21:17
ubottuskywatcher78: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:17
skywatcher78somebody else than the bot maybe??21:18
kklimondasmallfoot-: it's a bit vague for a bug report21:22
kklimondasmallfoot-: I'd suggest reporting it on LP with ubuntu-bug gnome-session-fallback21:22
smallfoot-they dont fix it21:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 973559 in compiz (Ubuntu) "Window decoration not showing up" [Undecided,Confirmed]21:28
yofelhm. Anyone else get an unstable wireless connection with iwlwifi on the last ~2 kernels when connected over 11n? Here it randomly stops transferring data and pinging the router results in http://paste.ubuntu.com/928547/ (notice the packet loss)21:28
yofeldoesn't happen when connected to a 11g network interestingly21:28
yofelrestarting the kernel module works for a few hours, but then fails again21:29
vexati0nhow do i get rid of this ridiculous on-screen keyboard when unlocking the computer ?21:37
skywatcher78no idea at all?? so its my fault, but where or how?21:41
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Polivhi all22:35
Polivwill the next lubuntu 12.04 alternate support full disk encryption ? please22:35
astraljavaPoliv: As far as I know, FDE still isn't an option, the boot partition still needs to be left un-encrypted.22:44
astraljavaPoliv: But there are the daily install images, you could test it in a virtual manager of choice, I am not 100% about this.22:45
Polivastraljava: yes sorry my fault, i meant encryption as older versions of alternate, with boot unencrypted22:50
astraljavaPoliv: Yeah, I doubt they'd have dropped that.22:51
Polivastraljava: hope that but i didn't saw it on the link .. i was scared :) thanks !22:52
pangolinSince the upgrade to 3.2.0-23-generic my system is basically unusable. Desktop loads slowly and after it is fully loaded it is basically a screen saver because no matter what i click there is no response, this is with Kubuntu. Anybody experience this?23:00
pangolincurrently booted to 3.2.0-22-generic, runs fine.23:00
pangolinoh, also have nvidia-current Installed: 295.40-0ubuntu123:00
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submanpangolin, 3D desktops with NVidia card?23:14
pangolinsubman, umm, I suppose so. I don't use any special effects or anything.23:15
submanNo, I have the same issue.  I have to use 2D desktop for now.  Bug has been submitted23:15
pangolinyou have a bug number?23:16
submanLet me look it up again...23:16
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submanpangolin, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-common/+bug/98101923:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 981019 in nvidia-common (Ubuntu) "3D desktops crash or are unusably slow" [Undecided,Confirmed]23:17
pangolinthank you23:17
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bjsniderwhy is that a bug in nvidia-common?23:26
EvilResistancegood question23:27
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scientes_gnome shell and unity dont work since i upgraded to 3.2.0-2223:40
scientes_however glxgears still works23:40
Fudgehi is it possible to get a precise powerpc image that isnt oversized?23:58

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