
rsalvetiand goes fine at qemu, just when running the tests that everything breaks00:46
rsalvetijimerickson: do you have the pvr driver installed?00:47
rsalvetidid you try to login at ubuntu 2d?00:47
infinityrsalveti: Did you break something?00:50
rsalvetiinfinity: nops, just wanted to know if the issue is related with unity 3d00:51
rsalvetibut I noticed today that nux also got updated to a newer version00:52
rsalvetiseems to be still at proposed00:52
infinityI think that's all waiting on some co-ordinated unity release.00:52
infinityI've lost track.00:53
rsalvetiI'm scared that this could break the desktop again, we'll see00:53
rsalvetiat beta 2 I couldn't even login at unity 3d00:53
jimericksonrsalveti: yes i had the pvr driver installed. yes tried login at 2D.02:45
rsalvetijimerickson: even 2d failed?02:45
rsalvetiI'm updating my rootfs, will check in a few minutes02:46
jimericksoni am re-imaging my sd card with yesterdays image. will try again without pvr driver installed.02:47
rsalvetisgx shouldn't interfere at unity-2d02:49
rsalvetihm, ubuntu-desktop is not installable anymore02:53
rsalvetithe update removed a few packages as well02:53
rsalvetiprobably archive out-of-sync issues02:54
jimericksonshould i wait to update?02:59
jimericksonrsalveti: ok i will wait.03:16
jimericksonrsalveti: ok i am back to normal with yesterdays image. no pvr driver installed this time.03:25
djszapiHey! Which ubuntu image do you recommend for Pandaboard ? http://www.omappedia.org/wiki/Prebuilt_ubuntu_binaries07:06
djszapiperhaps this one ? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/OMAPHeadlessInstall07:06
djszapioh probably even this one: wget http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-core/releases/11.10/release/ubuntu-core-11.10-core-armel.tar.gz07:10
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infinityjanimo`: Why did your last ac100 kernel upload make zcache builtin?  It's modular everywhere else..13:35
ogra_as long as zram isnt gone ...13:36
infinityZRAM didn't appear to change, no.13:38
infinitySo, I'm sure it's all fine.13:38
ogra_iirc zcache doesnt work without kernel cmdline option anyway13:39
janimo`infinity, it was suggested on the ac100 mailing list by marvin2413:44
marvin24_DTinfinity: basicly, zcache as a module doesn't work15:08
marvin24_DTeither built-in or nothing15:08
marvin24_DTlooks like my 3.2.0 from precise also has zcache=m ...15:08
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jimericksonhmm no more gwibber. sad.21:24
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