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* skaet waves14:59
* scott-work waves back14:59
* ScottK is here for Kubuntu - jr is out.15:01
skaethmm... why isn't the meeting starting....15:01
roadmrbot broken?15:01
ogra_seems all bots are confused a bit the last days15:01
skaetappears so.15:01
* ogra_ had issues in other channels with the bugbots15:01
skaet[TOPIC] Release general overview - skaet15:01
skaetPlease remember to .. when you're done, and o/ if you want us to pause and ask questions. :)15:01
skaetAgenda can be found:15:01
skaet#link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseTeam/Meeting/2012-04-1315:01
skaetIndividual team status links will be added to it from:15:01
tumbleweedbot missing15:01
skaet#link https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2012-April/thread.html15:01
skaetWe've now passed Final Freeze, and the archive is frozen.    Changes to the unseeded universe can continue to go in, but changes to seeded packages will need to be release critical at this point before they'll be accepted.15:01
skaet#ubuntu-release if questions, please.15:01
skaetSchedule is at:15:02
skaet #link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseSchedule15:02
skaetKey Upcoming Dates:15:02
skaet• 2012/04/13 - LanguagePackTestRebuild15:02
skaet• 2012/04/17 - LanguagePackTranslationDeadline15:02
skaet• 2012/04/19 - Release Candidate Images start15:02
skaet• 2012/04/24 - Unseeded Universe Final Freeze at 1200 UTC15:02
skaet• 2012/04/26 - Release15:02
skaetBugs committed to be fixed by the engineering teams can be found:15:02
skaet#link http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/kernel-bugs/reports/rls-p-tracking-bugs.html15:02
skaetBugs that you would like the engineering teams to consider for fixing, should be assigned to specific teams, so they can be found.15:02
skaetIndividual Team Statuses Received by 1500 UTC:15:02
skaetHardware Certification - https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2012-April/001130.html- brendand15:02
* stgraber waves15:02
skaetQuality Assurance -  https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2012-April/001132.html - jibel15:02
skaetSecurity team  - https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2012-April/001120.html - jdstrand15:02
skaetKernel team -  https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2012-April/001119.html- ogasawara15:02
skaetFoundations - https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2012-April/001134.html-  cjwatson15:02
skaetServer - https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2012-April/001136.html -arosales15:02
skaetLinaro - https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2012-April/001126.html  - fabo15:02
skaetUbuntu One - https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2012-April/001122.html -  joshuahoover15:02
skaetDesktop Team - https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2012-April/001124.html - pitti15:02
skaetUnity Framework Team -  https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2012-April/001125.html - dbarth15:02
skaetUnity Services and Settings -  https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2012-April/001129.html- Cimi15:03
skaetKubuntu - https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2012-April/001133.html -  Riddell15:03
skaetEdubuntu - https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2012-April/001123.html- stgraber or highvoltage15:03
skaetXubuntu -  https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2012-April/001128.html - astraljava15:03
skaetUbuntu Studio -  https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2012-April/001135.html- scott-work15:03
skaetLubuntu - https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2012-April/001127.html - gilir15:03
skaetMythbuntu -  - superm115:03
skaethi all,   I figure we'll just  carry on without the bot,  and use the IRC logs for this one.15:03
* arosales apologies for the late submission for server15:03
skaetThanks to all who had their status in last night.   There were lots of late adittions,  so if something is mentioned that is in your status,  please be patient.  :)15:04
skaet[TOPIC] Comments, Question and Answer Session15:04
skaetTeams are encouraged to start testing in earnest now.  We have this upcoming week to find and fix the release critical bugs.15:04
cjwatsonyes, sorry, I was travelling last night15:04
skaetcjwatson, lots of meat in your, just didn't digest it all yet.  :)15:04
pittiFTR, we are this -> <- close to finishing unity 5.10, should be in precise in an hour or two15:05
skaetanyhow,   please,  please,  please... start testing the images emerging.   We need to find any blockers ASAP.15:05
skaetgilir,  is Bug:967348 a blocker for release for your team?  couldn't quite tell from your description in the weekly.15:06
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stgraberbug 96734815:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 967348 in lubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "obconf is in the seed, but not in the ISO" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96734815:07
gilirskaet, not a blocker for the release, could be deal with an SRU15:07
cjwatsonlast I looked it wasn't actually still happening15:07
skaetthanks gilir.   noted.  :)15:07
cjwatsonbut I hadn't had time to do the archaeology to determine why it happened at some point in the past15:07
gilirI will check with the last ISO15:07
gilircjwatson, I can probably workaround it by adding depends instead of recommends15:08
jbichagood morning15:08
skaetogra_, infinity, fabo - From fabo's status,  OpenGL ES2.0 for ARM - will we be trying for this as SRU or still trying to squeeze this in for ARM?15:09
skaetor for 10.04.1?15:09
skaetheh,  12.04.115:09
ogra_skaet, its all done15:09
cjwatsongilir: not entirely sure you should need to, although you guys sure do have schizophrenia about recommends :)15:10
skaetogra_, done as in,  in and working,  or .... ?15:10
ogra_in and building15:10
ogra_(and "more" working than before for sure ... )15:10
skaetogra_  ok,  so still bugs may emerge and will be area of churn next week.   Lots of testing requested here,  yes?15:11
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ogra_sure, but what we have now, even if it would be buggy is more than nothing15:11
ogra_which we had before15:11
* skaet nods15:12
ogra_(nothing meaning unity immediately segfaulting)15:12
skaetLate landings requested:  Desktop:Gnome 3.4.1 tarballs(4/16), Edubuntu:ldm, Server:MaaS, OpenStack, Quantum anything else?15:12
pittilangpacks, FTR15:13
pittiand apport/kerneloops for disabling for release15:13
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pittinote this time we won't disable apport completely, just disable crashh reports to LP15:13
pittiwe'll keep crash reports to whoopsie15:14
skaetlangpacks are scheduled for 4/17  (see backscroll). :)   Will add apport/kerneloops to plan - thanks.15:14
skaetarosales, Daviey - have I caught the key server ones?  or more looming?15:15
skaetScottK, any last ones from Kubuntu?15:15
arosalesskaet: there ~may~ be a late CEPH landing, but that is still under review.15:15
skaetnoted arosales,  thanks.15:15
cjwatsonwe have at least one more ubiquity upload, for bug 92294915:16
ScottKskaet: No. The plymouth upload I mentioned in the mail is in queue now.15:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 922949 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Precise) "installation process can crash due to an issue with one package when choosing "install updates" as part of the install" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92294915:16
cjwatsonthat'll be today15:16
ScottKThere is potential for Active related surprises, but they would be surprises.15:16
cjwatsonpossibly update-manager changes as well15:16
skaetthanks ScottK, cjwatson, pitti.    will add that data to the list.15:17
stgraberfor ldm, I've been told by the debian maintainer that he'll upload in a few hours, so I'm hoping to have the sync in the queue later today (can take a while before a debian upload is syncable though)15:17
* mvo would like to get some software-center fixes in if possible, if not I will start using precise-proposed now15:17
cjwatsonyou can use precise-proposed anyway, and we can sync to release if there's time15:17
* highvoltage is doing some Edubuntu/LTSP testing today and have a few bugs to file, nothing too serious though15:18
skaetthanks mvo,  highvoltage.15:18
stgraberhighvoltage: for that installer checkbox theme, can you check if it also happens in regular (non-ubiquity) apps? (thinking of edubuntu-menueditor as a good example of a similar layout)15:19
stgraberhighvoltage: if it's ubiquity-only, I should be able to do a css override to make them look right15:19
stgraber(the issue I'm referring to here is visible in15:20
highvoltagestgraber: yes, I'll try it out15:20
skaetok,  will move on,  if others think of things,  please add to discussion before end of meeting.   All data is useful right now so we can navigate this upcoming week with as few bumps as possible.15:20
stgraber(basically checkboxes in the installer look like they're inactive/grayed out when they aren't, that's minor but should be easy to override in ubiquity's css override)15:20
ScottKI think archive skew is our biggest near term problem.15:21
skaetScottK,  arm & powerpc?   -things going into -proposed not helping?15:21
skaetcan you elaborate15:21
cjwatsonlooks like it should catch up over the weekend15:21
ScottKPutting stuff in proposed helps at any given instant, but to get to final we still need them all built.15:22
ScottKcjwatson: Agreed.15:22
* skaet nods15:22
cjwatsonthough much though I'm sure it's fun to beat on minority architectures, i386 is currently furthest behind :-P15:22
ScottKPart of that's the rebuild though15:22
ScottKWe're up at or new half a week since a Universe package got built on powerpc (as an example)15:23
cjwatsonstill working on getting that extra powerpc buildd, apparently sulfur is now ready for installation as a livefs buildd15:23
ScottKArm was similar until today.15:23
pitticjwatson: we got new delta langpacks today, before i386 was fine, FTR15:23
cjwatsonalso I suspect the ppl build fix single-handedly set powerpc back quite a bit15:24
ScottKThis was part of the genesis of my suggestion about prioritizing builds differently (watching this week)15:24
skaetScottK,  I appear to have missed it in the backscrolls,  can you point me to the right location from the IRC backscrolls after the meeting, so I can catch up,  its definitely worth discussing in #ubuntu-release later.15:25
cjwatsonskaet: the prioritisation suggestion was on ubuntu-devel (e-mail)15:26
skaetthanks cjwatson,  ok,  hadn't gotten to that email list yet this morning.   will follow up there.15:26
skaetCimi,  are the bugs listed in your summary ones that are in now,  or target for this next week and SRUs?15:26
skaet   Which are the ones that must go in (true Release Critical)?15:26
Cimiskaet, current week, utouch SRU15:27
Cimiskaet, all indicator bugs landed in the releases15:27
Cimiskaet, utouch will be proposed as SRUs15:27
skaetCimi,  anything release critical between now and next Thursday?15:28
Cimiskaet, no, all fine15:28
skaetCimi,  thanks.  :D  glad to hear.15:29
skaetGeneral question to each of the teams:  are there any known bugs that are NOT SRU-able, and have not been mentioned in the discussion already,  that MUST be fixed before release (ie. release critical) that are NOT on http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/kernel-bugs/reports/rls-p-tracking-bugs.html?15:30
cjwatsonbug 980772 needs investigation from us15:31
jdstrandnone from the security team15:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 980772 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Precise) "Various files and directories created with odd permissions on precise" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98077215:31
jibelbug 979350 worries me15:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 979350 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Precise) "install with encrypted home failed near the end: OSError: [Errno 12] Cannot allocate memory" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97935015:31
cjwatsonmm, I wondered if that was a webkit bug15:31
jdstrandcjwatson: this one is interesting too: bug 98083515:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 980835 in util-linux (Ubuntu) "tty[1-6] is now root:tty 0660 instead of root:root 0600" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98083515:31
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cjwatsonjdstrand: I saw your discussion about that on #ubuntu-devel and was inclined to agree with what appeared to be consensus that it wasn't a real problem in practice15:32
jdstrandprobably sru-able, but I'll let others decide15:32
jdstrandcjwatson: did you see my further comments in the bug?15:32
cjwatsonjibel: I do most of my testing in 512MB VMs and haven't noticed that kind of slideshow memory use15:32
cjwatsonjdstrand: no, I've been too busy15:32
jdstrandcjwatson: we are providing looser permissions than the udev default of 062015:32
jdstrandand I can't see why it is justified15:32
jdstrandanyhoo, that can be looked at later15:33
cjwatsonI'm not opposed to 0620 but maybe infinity can look into that, since he was already active in the discussion15:33
cjwatson(basically 'mesg y' vs. 'mesg n')15:33
jdstrandI'm fine with someone saying "Won't Fix" we want this change. it just seemed odd to override udev without a reason15:34
skaetthanks cjwatson, jibel, jdstrand.15:35
skaetogasawara - have noted the ones you want to include if there's a good reason from your email.15:35
skaetpitti,  anything beyond what's already mentioned/in your email?15:36
skaetogra_, anything release critical known at this point, or wait for testing mode right now?15:36
pittiskaet: not from my side; I'm not currently aware of desktop-ish RC bugs that can't be SRU, with maybe the exception of bug 94253915:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 942539 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "Ubiquity desktop icon text looks messy" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94253915:36
ogasawaraskaet: ack.  they're not release critical, but would be nice to have if we are forced to upload for a release critical issue.15:37
pitti^ this has a workaround by adding some \n, but it's a bit messy15:37
ogra_skaet, testing all the way15:37
pittiI can try and look into nautilus for that, but not before Monday15:37
ogra_eventhing unity GLES releated has to be SRU now15:37
cjwatsonpitti: adding some \n is an unacceptable workaround - not sustainable with translations15:37
ogra_important was that we get the infrastructure into the packages and that the patches dont make them FTBFS15:37
pittiyes, that's what I mentioned in the bug15:37
cjwatsonso IMO that's not "has a workaround" :-)15:38
skaetthanks ogasawara, pitti, ogra_15:38
skaetDaviey, arosales - any release critical bugs known at this point,  that can't be SRU'd or are we waiting the results of testing.15:39
arosalesskaet: we have a few moving targets with MAAS, but it looks like we have the bits in we need. Couple of new bugs this week we are looking at. Nothing at the moment that we already haven't mentioned that needs to go in without an SRU15:40
skaetthanks arosales.15:40
skaetdbarth,  how about your team's perspective?   nothing known other than what we find pending testing of the newest drop at this point?15:41
* skaet had gotten Cimi's imput earlier. :)15:42
didrocksskaet: nothing really worrying, we hope to be able to land fixes for bug #97977015:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 979770 in compizconfig-backend-gconf (Ubuntu) "[regression] Precise: GNOME Classic starts without any compiz plugins loaded for Guest and new users" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97977015:42
didrocks(this one has a fix and it's confirmed already)15:42
didrocksand bug #978401 which is a long bamf standing bug15:42
skaetthanks didrocks15:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 978401 in unity (Ubuntu Precise) "Missing Application Instance In Unity Launcher" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97840115:42
didrocksapart from that, there is no known worrying crashers for the past week on the tested version15:43
didrocksthat's it for me ;)15:44
skaetthanks didrocks.  :)15:45
didrocksI meant, the current version in proposed is already tested for a week and we didn't get any crashers we didn't fix15:45
skaetyup.  and am keeping my fingers crossed too that no surprises show up once its in the daily images.15:46
skaetScottK, stgraber, highvoltage, astraljava, scott-work, gilir, superm1 - any release critical bugs on your radar not already mentioned earlier today or in the emails?15:46
ScottKNot that I know of.  There was a cluster-glue one, but that's fixed.15:46
skaetthanks ScottK, stgraber, gilir.    I'll follow up with the others we haven't heard from after the meeting.15:48
skaetDoes anyone have other questions to bring up?15:48
scott-workskaet: not release critical bugs of which i am aware15:51
skaetthanks scott-work15:52
skaetOk,  before we end the meeting,  just wanted to say thank you to all the teams for the excellent work that's been going on over the last week and the bug fixes that have been coming in.    Please keep up the testing.    This release is shaping up well to be something we can all be very proud of!15:52
pitti+1, too!15:53
skaetNext week will be last weekly meeting until we resume for q-series after UDS.15:54
skaetThanks for your participation, brendand, jibel, jdstrand, cjwatson, ogra_, pitti,  arosales,  fabo, Cimi, ScottK, gilir, jbicha, ogasawara,  scott-work, didrocks.15:54
pittithanks skaet15:54
pittihave a nice weekend everyone!15:54
ogra_thanks skaet !15:54
arosalesthanks for chairing skaet15:54
jibelthanks skaet15:54
didrocksthanks skaet ;)15:54
roadmrskaet, thanks! heh15:55
skaetsorry roadmr,  my oops on that.15:55
skaetthanks for participating.  :)15:55
scott-workskaet: i noticed that our development (i.e. bug fixes) became rather frantic towards to the end of hte cycle, indeed, we probably had the most activity during this time15:58
scott-workskaet: is this going to be a "normal" or routine occourence?15:58
jdstrandskaet: thanks15:58
skaetscott-work,   there's a tension between feature creation and bug fixing, in terms of where the development focus is.16:01
skaetwhat we've been seeing is fairly normal, for a development only release,  less than ideal for an LTS one.16:02
scott-workskaet: i should be clearer, my focus was only intended for the ubuntu studio group, not ubuntu as a whole16:03
scott-workand i contrast this release against the recent previous releases as we actually had substantial development this cycle16:03
skaetscott-work,  :)   ah then,  yes,  pattern is normal when there's been development.16:11
astraljavaskaet: Sorry I missed the meeting. No critical bugs have surfaced thus far.16:44
skaetthanks astraljava.  :)16:49
bdfhjkHello, if someone is waiting here for Ubuntu Algorithm Classes - chat room was changed, now it is on #ubuntu-classroom16:57
dbarthskaet: sorry, was in other meetings; yes, nothing else, and what didrocks contributed in the discussion; i proposed him to attend17:30
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