
dholbachgood morning06:57
ajmitchmorning dholbach07:05
dholbachhi ajmitch07:05
dholbachhuats, warp10, broder: any comments on the report?07:15
huatsmorning !07:16
dholbachsalut huats07:16
huatsdholbach: honnestly I found it great07:16
huatsand I am really impressed by the work done07:17
dholbachhuats, you had some comments about the 'conclusions' section - if you could look over it again and suggest something that is missing, that'd be nice07:17
huatsdholbach: sure07:17
Zhenechmh, how are my chances to upload a new upstream minor(bugsfix) release to debian tomorrow and get it synced in time for precise?07:36
dholbachzhenech: which package is it?07:38
Zhenechdholbach, pokerth (a poker game/client), so pretty leaf-package07:38
dholbachit certainly sounds doable07:39
Zhenechcool, thanks07:40
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Whoopiebroder: Hi, have you found some time to look at bug 898003? Or could another dev have a look? The new package is to avoid a regression in precise.09:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 898003 in usbip (Ubuntu) "usbip source is maintained in kernel tree now" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89800309:40
Whoopiedholbach: ^ do you have perhaps some time?09:43
dholbachWhoopie, can you maybe ask in #ubuntu-devel - it looks like there are currently two patch pilots available09:44
dholbachI'm a bit busy with something else right now09:44
Whoopiedholbach: sure, thanks for the hint.09:45
dholbachde nada09:45
dholbach(just check the topic)09:46
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broderdholbach: sorry, i've basically not been reading any ubuntu-related emails since starting my new job last week. i think i'm likely to be pretty useless until uds11:27
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ScottKtumbleweed: Thanks for taking care of my u-d-t bug so quickly.13:29
dholbachbroder, no, that's fine :)13:39
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vibhavIs ubuntuwire down?13:46
tumbleweedScottK: np13:50
ScottKvibhav: It seems so.13:51
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jtayloris it possible to add an rc to precise and possible update it to final also after release?16:34
jtaylorconcerns matplotlib16:35
tumbleweedthat's a question for the SRU team. But I don't know of this ever happening16:37
gotwigI think I found a broken package16:39
gotwignpm and/or nodejs(-dev) seems to be broken16:40
gotwigpeople on the web said the npm version is too old16:40
gotwigRadium: hey16:41
gotwigDo you want a paste ?16:41
gotwigtough its very easy to install npm without a package16:41
gotwigok, here is the paste....16:42
jtaylorgotwig: does the version in debian work?16:47
gotwigjtaylor: yes16:48
gotwigjtaylor: I think so16:48
gotwigthey have a newer version16:48
gotwigits an old bug16:48
gotwigbut its a shame16:48
gotwigthat a broken packages comes into precise16:48
jtaylorit has no rdepends and ts broken, I guess its feasable to update it16:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 863094 in npm (Ubuntu) "npm versions less than 1.1 will not work with registry.npmjs.org" [Critical,Triaged]16:48
gotwigcritical but triaged :/16:49
gotwigjtaylor: do you think there is a way? couse of feature freeze16:49
jtaylorcan you need a feature freeze exception16:49
gotwigbecouse if there is no way; you are not able to use node.js with packages16:50
gotwigif that affects ubuntu server16:50
gotwigits very very16:50
gotwigand I think; it does!16:50
gotwigjtaylor: please help16:50
gotwigphilipballew: hey16:50
gotwigmay anyone else help???16:52
jtaylorhm it needs a whole tail of other packages ...16:52
gotwigbecouse this is critical16:52
gotwigjtaylor: example?16:52
jtaylorsome of them are RC in debian16:52
gotwigjtaylor: hm, so what can we do...?16:53
jtaylorgotwig: let me check what is all needed16:54
SpamapSgotwig: hi!16:56
tumbleweedSpamapS: there's been a fair bit of discussion of that here too16:56
gotwigSpamapS: hey16:57
jtaylorgotwig: we'd ahve to pull a huge node stack for it which has never reached debian testing16:57
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too; for older LoCo channel logs, see http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/16:57
jtaylor+ the main executable has 2 RC bugs one of them might cause a name change in future16:57
tumbleweedSpamapS: http://paste.ubuntu.com/928200/16:57
jtaylorI think its better to remove it from precise16:57
SpamapSIf we ship npm, we're shipping it alone16:57
tumbleweedgotwig: logs only update hourly16:57
SpamapSthe debian version is pretty much dead16:57
SpamapSunless something changed in the last 2 weeks16:58
jtaylorits been updated16:58
jtaylor5 days ago16:58
SpamapSoh thats good to hear16:58
SpamapSso what else are we missing?16:58
jtaylor~ 10 packages16:58
jtaylorlots of node-+ stuff16:58
gotwigthat also affects ubuntu server, right?16:59
jtaylorI don't like debian bug 61169817:00
ubottuDebian bug 611698 in nodejs "nodejs: conflicts with package node needlessly" [Serious,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/61169817:00
tumbleweedgotwig: ubuntu server is ubuntu. Just some different packages installed by default17:00
tumbleweedjtaylor: that bug isn't particularly new, thuogh17:01
jtayloryes have it in oneiric already17:01
jtaylorso its probably not so bud17:01
jtaylorthough it will cause problem when the debian maintainer gives in and renames it17:01
tumbleweedit sounds like ax25 node is being renamed17:01
SpamapSnot having /usr/bin/node as nodejs binary path will without any17:01
SpamapSdoubt render nodejs package unuseful for a vast majority of users.17:01
SpamapSI have to agree with that17:01
tumbleweedIIRC ax25 node doesn't need to be on PATH, and really, *who* uses it...17:02
SpamapSThe fact that node.js, a widly popular program, uses the same namespace as node, an almost completely unknown program, should not mean that node.js has to call itself something else. That is *insanity*17:02
tumbleweedOTOH, the debian policy around that is sane17:03
tumbleweedthings just take time to shake out17:03
SpamapSSo, I'd rather ship with a Conflicts to node, than not ship at all17:04
SpamapSinappropriate? yes, likely to cause problems? no.17:04
jtaylorok then who files the FFE for all the node- packages? :)17:04
jtaylordoing it on so short notice risks that we ship with a new but broken node stack :/17:05
gotwig+1 :/17:05
tumbleweedjtaylor: none of the node stack is seeded, so we have some time still17:06
jtaylorgotwig, SpamapS: if you get an FFe I can help with syncing etc but I'm not using node myself, so you need to do some testing17:07
SpamapSWe have some node.js apps in the juju charm store. Testing is as easy as 'juju bootstrap && juju deploy subway' :)17:08
SpamapSIn fact subway uses npm too17:08
SpamapS(it points at the PPA right now.. so we'd have to tinker a bit, but yeah, I can test easily enough)17:08
SpamapSSo is this an FFE just for syncs from debian?17:09
jtaylorand the new version of npm17:09
gotwigjtaylor: I am not a packager, or what ever :(17:10
jtaylorgotwig: but you can test?17:10
gotwigjtaylor: yes, but I also dont have *much* time17:10
gotwigonly a few hours :X17:10
SpamapSI can put an hour into testing.17:11
gotwighm, so *what* exactly17:11
gotwigis there a stable package somewhere?17:12
gotwigthere are few ubuntu ppa's with packages, right... ?17:12
gotwigbut they are not actual, I think17:12
gotwigso whats with all these dependencies?17:16
onlihi. can someone direct me to what i should do if i have a new version of a program, which is in universe but not developed anymore, and would like the ubuntu-package to use the new version (which is on github instead of sourceforge, where the original version was?)?17:18
tumbleweedonli: contact the debian maintainer of the package (possibly by filing a bug)17:19
onlitumbleweed: i tried that. he is not active anymore (he lead me here ;) )17:20
tumbleweedonli: which package?17:20
onlitumbleweed, simdock17:20
SpamapSgotwig: So what we should probably do is pull the desired packages into a clean precise PPA and test them, then if we're satisfied that this is what we want for precise, file the FFE.17:20
gotwigSpamapS: ok. It looks that there not a few packages that are dependencies and right now not part of universe17:22
SpamapSgotwig: if you can note all of them, I can put them into a precise PPA.17:22
gotwigSpamapS: hm, I try to...17:23
SpamapSpart of me wants to say meh.. and just drop node and npm.. they move pretty fast.. and in a year, nobody will want the version in precise anyway17:25
gotwigSpamapS: but than the whole infrastructure cra*hes17:25
gotwigSpamapS: http://packages.qa.debian.org/n/npm.html that does not look good, the thing in ()17:26
gotwigall unconsidered17:26
jtaylorit all goes down to nodejs17:26
gotwigSpamapS: Are you able import these packages for testing into a ppa ?17:26
jtayloris it likely that there is a "whole infrastructure" ?17:26
jtaylornpm only exists in oneiric17:26
gotwigjtaylor: not exactly npm17:27
gotwigjtaylor: but the whole charms thing... etc.17:27
gotwignpm is needed to install dependencies, etc...17:27
SpamapSnpm is node's cpan17:28
jtaylorthen they are already broken17:28
gotwigjtaylor: seems so17:28
gotwigSpamapS: ^17:28
SpamapSgotwig: ?17:28
gotwigSpamapS: are you able to import these packages, directly?17:28
SpamapSwhich packages?17:29
gotwigSpamapS: the dependencies for the "new" npm on http://packages.qa.debian.org/n/npm.html17:29
gotwigSpamapS: and npm17:29
jtaylorthey should all be syncable17:29
SpamapSyeah thats easy enough17:30
SpamapShow do we handle NEW on syncs?17:30
SpamapSlike do we just let it go through since it already passed debian's NEW?17:30
gotwigwhat do you mean17:31
jtaylorsomeone from -release needs to check them17:31
SpamapSpackages that don't exist in ubuntu hit the "NEW" queue17:31
gotwigoh 1.1.16 ?17:32
Laneytechnically it is the same, practically it is just approved17:32
gotwigohh ok17:32
Laneybut it is still manual17:32
gotwigSpamapS: why dont package the very new version...?17:32
gotwigSpamapS: or is that not stable? :X17:32
SpamapSwhy don't we package everything from trunk?17:32
SpamapSat some point..17:33
* EvilResistance chuckles17:33
SpamapSpick a version.. and test it17:33
gotwigSpamapS: what xD?17:33
gotwigSpamapS: :/ but that testing may take very long17:33
* SpamapS is so tired of working on the bleeding edge all the time.. :-P17:33
EvilResistanceanyways, can someone point me to the formatting for package update/sync requests for post-release versions of Ubuntu?17:33
EvilResistanceSpamapS:  you and me both :p17:33
* gotwig likes to dance, but he is unable17:34
* gotwig has dreams of a better npm for Ubuntu and the World17:34
SpamapSgotwig: it will be better.. until the next NPM shift where they break their repo's again..17:34
jtaylorfast moving large stacks are not things that work well in ubuntu :/17:35
SpamapSYeah, universe is meant to be a convenience for tools and things that will be useful for a while. node developers are going to hate the version from precise.17:35
SpamapSIts already 0.6.12 and 0.6.14 is out.. quick call the flying monkies and get me that new version!17:36
tumbleweedeven if it wsa brand new today, they'll hate it in6 months, never mind 5 years17:36
* gotwig_ 's internet is broken17:38
gotwig_do you got my last message?17:38
gotwig_SpamapS: so are you going to use 1.1.16?17:38
SpamapSgotwig_: no, I'm going to at best sync what is in Debian17:39
SpamapSif it all builds fine17:40
gotwig_SpamapS: ok, I hope that version is fine17:40
SpamapSok I'm uploading all of those packages to this PPA https://launchpad.net/~clint-fewbar/+archive/latesyncs17:40
SpamapSI'll try the subway nodejs app with it once it all builds. If that succeeds, I'll file the FFE to sync all those packages in and do the sync myself.17:41
jtayloryou need someone to ack a whole bunch of packages, maybe its better to file the FFe first to see if someone is willing to do that?17:42
gotwig_SpamapS: and please dont forget the viruses lol17:42
gotwig_SpamapS: how have you synced them so fast :O ?17:43
tumbleweedI'm happy to review the FFe, if nobody gets there earlier17:43
gotwig_tumbleweed: oh yes, please ^^17:43
gotwig_tumbleweed: what do you mean :X17:43
SpamapSgotwig_: backportpackage .. amazing tool17:44
jtaylor:( seeded-in-ubuntu times out17:44
SpamapS$ for i in npm node-abbrev node-fstream node-graceful-fs node-ini node-minimatch node-mkdirp node-nopt node-request node-rimraf node-semver node-tar node-which ; do backportpackage -u ppa:clint-fewbar/latesyncs -s unstable -d precise -y -w . $i ; done17:44
jtaylorjust for me or everyone?17:44
tumbleweedjtaylor: ubuntuwire is down17:44
tumbleweedI'll set up another source for that data17:44
gotwig_tumbleweed: can you make a FFe?17:44
tumbleweedgotwig_: can't review it until you've done the testing :)17:45
gotwig_tumbleweed: oh thats what you want ;)17:46
SpamapSgotwig_: take a deep breath. :)17:46
gotwig_alright, but I have to note, I only noted the error when I wanted to install npm to install dependencies xD17:46
gotwig_so I can try node.js I am a total noob...17:47
SpamapSgotwig_: looks like the PPA builders are about 20 minutes behind, so it will be about an hour before we can test those17:47
gotwig_SpamapS: you can count on me ;)17:47
SpamapSgotwig_: use this time wisely. Get yourself a clean precise VM setup (to the cloud!) and then be ready to add the PPA and test.17:48
gotwig_SpamapS: what17:50
gotwig_SpamapS: to the cloud?17:50
SpamapSgotwig_: just suggesting that the cloud would be useful here. :)17:50
gotwig_I am a total noob17:50
gotwig_I have to drink my big boy milk first :O17:51
gotwig_SpamapS: or with chroot17:51
SpamapSgotwig_: yeah that should work fine too17:51
tumbleweedjtaylor: http://corelli.tumbleweed.org.za/ubuntu-qa/ubuntu-seeded-packages/seeded.json.gz17:52
gotwig_SpamapS: are there ubuntu cloud * images out there?17:54
gotwig_SpamapS: got a link for me ?17:54
SpamapSgotwig_: https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/17:54
gotwig_oh that was easy thanks17:54
gotwig_SpamapS: server?17:55
gotwig_SpamapS: or precise/ ?17:55
SpamapSgotwig_: you'll want precise I think17:56
gotwig_SpamapS: but that are no isos17:57
SpamapSgotwig_: images != isos17:57
gotwig_SpamapS: I know17:58
SpamapSgotwig_: those are installed images. You can boot them up as a VM.17:58
gotwig_SpamapS: but now I download a tar gz17:58
gotwig_I just pressed 64 bit17:58
gotwig_is that wrong :/ ?17:58
gotwig_SpamapS: btw can I use that with virtualbox, too ?17:59
SpamapSgotwig_: in theory yes17:59
SpamapSgotwig_: though I don't know how to make that work18:00
gotwig_SpamapS: I am going to take a look for that..18:00
gotwig_SpamapS: why cant I choose my normal notebook for the tests?18:06
SpamapSgotwig_: you can, but its more meaningful if you test without any extra packages installed.18:08
SpamapSgotwig_: test with both!18:08
gotwig_SpamapS: of course, Sir18:08
tumbleweedmost of use use minimal schroots for testing things18:08
gotwig_SpamapS: Do you have no test environmen ? Germany has slow Internet.18:08
SpamapSyeah chroot should be fine for this case18:09
gotwig_SpamapS: I am downloading ubuntu core right now, too18:14
EvilResistanceare Universe repositories still being updated for precise?18:14
gotwig_SpamapS: do you think that works?18:14
EvilResistancei.e. not completely frozen18:14
SpamapSEvilResistance: yeah, they need release team ACK, but can be uploaded to right up to release day.18:14
Laneyyou shouldn't rely on being able to upload your crack18:14
SpamapSEvilResistance: should only be bug fixes at this point.18:14
Laneybut bug fixes are welcome18:15
SpamapSLaney: if node.js isn't crack.. I don't know what is. :)18:15
Laneyif it's that fast moving then some kind of SRU thing should be worked out18:15
EvilResistancei think i know of a few bugs in ZNC that were released with the recent 0.206-1 in Debian, i'm digging up the changelogs now (which are semi vague), and am checking against the devs18:15
gotwig_SpamapS: I love node.js... So you should )18:15
gotwig_*should you - hard english18:16
EvilResistanceSpamapS:  what do i need to submit to get a sync from sid to precise for a specific package?18:18
EvilResistance(its got a few bugfixes)18:18
SpamapSEvilResistance: file a bug. You can even use the 'requestsync' tool to do it from the CLI18:20
SpamapSEvilResistance: then you probably want to mention it in here so somebody can help get it done foryou.18:21
EvilResistancemmkay, gimme a few minutes, my internet is laggy as [CENSORED]18:21
EvilResistanceSpamapS: as the debian changelogs dont outline the changes between 0.204-1 (Precise) and 0.206-1 (Debian Unstable), should i add to the sync request the changelogs from ZNC's main site to detail the specific changes?18:26
SpamapSEvilResistance: if it helps support the case for the sync, yes.18:28
SpamapSEvilResistance: or if it has anything that might be a concern.. so.. actually, no if.. just include it :)18:28
Laneyyes, you should definitely include that18:30
Laneyas well as evidence you have build, installed, upgraded and tested it18:31
gotwig_SpamapS: got my chroot18:31
EvilResistanceLaney:  getting to that, the download/build is *slow* on this network18:33
* EvilResistance blames the massive number of ARP packets floating around on said network18:33
gotwig_SpamapS: in which package is "add-apt-repository" ?18:35
gotwig_SpamapS: so what tests I have to run? I test every package , ok?18:36
gotwig_SpamapS: do you know a test command or something like that?18:37
EvilResistanceisnt it in some dev tools thing?18:37
* EvilResistance forgets the specific package name18:37
tumbleweedgotwig_: python-software-properties18:37
gotwig_tumbleweed: yeah, I already knew it thanks18:38
gotwig_tumbleweed: btw the ubuntu core image is a very good thing18:38
tumbleweedgotwig_: for chroots, I use mk-sbuild (in ubuntu-dev-tools)18:38
gotwig_I use chroots directly18:39
tumbleweedif you're doing a lot of this, you'll find some automation handy :)18:39
gotwig_tumbleweed: I know what you mean, I did it always on my own18:39
gotwig_becouse of virtual filesystems and such stuff18:39
gotwig_in this case not important, I think...18:39
SpamapSgotwig_: for npm, you should install some of the libraries18:41
gotwig_SpamapS: eh yeah18:42
gotwig_SpamapS: I have a problem somehow18:42
gotwig_SpamapS: PM would be better, kay?18:42
gotwig_SpamapS: ^18:57
tumbleweedonli: sorry, forgot to reply19:12
tumbleweedso, simbock has never been in Debian, only Ubuntu19:13
tumbleweedand it hasn't been touched since the initial upload to hardy :/19:13
tumbleweedonli: so, there's still time to update it before precise releases, but you need to go through the feature freeze exception process19:15
ubottuFeature Freeze Exception. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess for the freeze exception process.19:16
tumbleweedalternatively, if it's totally broken, we should remove it19:16
onlitumbleweed: i dont know if it's broken, its just really old20:07
tumbleweedif there are good upsides to updating it, and not too much risk, we can do it20:08
onliok. think their should be (and the risks are low, it's a not much known desktop-app, nothing depends on it)20:09
onli"Please note that we expect requesters to have an updated package already prepared and tested!"20:10
onlithink that will be the issue. i dont have that - that was kind of the reason why i reached out to the original maintainer20:10
tumbleweedonli: yes, it does need someone to do the work20:11
tumbleweedbut that could be you20:11
onliok. i never done that cleanly, only with debinstall or plainly with dpkg -b, without the schroot-environment for dependency-checking20:11
tumbleweedmk-sbuild can get you going pretty quickly20:12
tumbleweedor you could use pbuilder / pbuilder-dist20:12
onlipbuilder sounded great20:12
tumbleweedor test-build in a PPA, but the turnaround there is slower20:12
onlithat was my original plan, especially if universe wouldn't work ;)20:13
onliok, now i know the general proceedings20:13
onlithank you20:13
onli(if you have an motu-apprentice on hand who wants to learn how to package, i would have a testproject for him now^^)20:14
gotwig_why is packaging so hard :O ?20:24
tumbleweedthere's a lot to learn, but it's not that hard20:26
fo0bar_time permitting, could I get a review on #946067 please?  it affects cricket and mrtg, throwing warnings during cron runs.  thanks.20:45
=== fo0bar_ is now known as fo0bar
SpamapSOk, testing is successful for a sync of npm+deps from Debian20:49
SpamapSI marked bug 863094 as a FFE and subscribed ubuntu-release20:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 863094 in npm (Ubuntu Precise) "[FFE] npm versions less than 1.1 will not work with registry.npmjs.org" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86309420:49
gotwig_what version should we pick ? debian  http://packages.qa.debian.org/n/npm.html     OR newer PPA ppa:chris-lea/node.js20:56
SpamapSgotwig_: *debian*20:58
SpamapSnew is great, but I'm not really going to put in the time to resolve the diff20:58
SpamapSFACEFOX: can you perhaps fix your IRC client?21:12
SpamapSFACEFOX: btw, howdy from a neighbor also in Los Angeles ;)21:12
EvilResistancehe's doing this across the network i think21:12
ScottKSpamapS: Approved npm21:14
SpamapSScottK: thanks!21:14
gotwig_ScottK: huh=21:21
gotwig_so what's now about npm?21:22
gotwig_I sent the maintainer of the PPA a mail21:22
gotwig_maybe he helps...21:22
ScottKSpamapS: Accepted.21:24
SpamapSgotwig_: the PPA is something to look at next cycle. Its over. Syncing > trying to figure out if that PPA is worth using21:25
SpamapSScottK: I hope I didn't misunderstand, I submitted syncs for all the deps too21:25
SpamapSwhich was rather tedious because syncpackage has no -y21:25
ScottKSpamapS: That's the only one I saw in the queue.21:25
gotwig_just becouse the different packages21:26
ScottKIt's also the only one I saw in the FFe.21:26
SpamapSScottK: ahh, the FFE asked for all the deps21:26
SpamapSbut maybe only in the comments, and not clearly enough21:26
gotwig_but how do we later remove all these packages, if there is no need for them?21:26
* ScottK looks again21:26
SpamapSgotwig_: there *is* need for them21:26
gotwig_why does the PPA not have all these packages21:27
SpamapSgotwig_: people will want to use those libraries without npm.. hence them being split out.21:27
SpamapSgotwig_: thats exactly the kind of question I don't have time to answer ;)21:27
gotwig_oh I understand21:27
ScottKSpamapS: Are they all unseeded/universe?21:27
SpamapSScottK: they're all NEW21:27
gotwig_that is better than I tought...21:27
ScottKAh.  Different screen.21:28
gotwig_SpamapS: thank you for syncing21:28
ScottKGot it.21:28
* ScottK will take care of.21:28
SpamapSScottK: you're my hero.21:28
gotwig_SpamapS: and you are my one ^^21:29
gotwig_I am happy that you react so fast21:30
SpamapSgotwig_: you happened to catch me at a unique moment of clarity + interest :)21:30
gotwig_I have to go to sleep... too late for a 17 years old boy ^^21:30
gotwig_thank you all. So that is going to come into the release, right?21:31
gotwig_got any link :X ?21:31
gotwig_no link, good night :(21:34
ScottKSpamapS: I think that's the lot of them.21:43
SpamapSScottK: indeed I counted 14+npm21:44
EvilResistancethanks SpamapS for helping me get the sync request created quickly with requestsync.21:46
EvilResistancefor MOTUs: LP Bug #98104421:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 981044 in znc (Ubuntu) "Sync znc 0.206-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98104421:46
EvilResistanceor anyone who can process that sync request21:47
jtaylorEvilResistance: does it have a granted FFe?21:49
EvilResistancejtaylor:  FFe = ?21:49
EvilResistancei only just filed the sync request, who else do i need to poke21:49
jtayloror does itneed one21:49
* EvilResistance points out ZNC is already in Precise, this is just an update from Debian sid to that version in precise21:49
EvilResistancethat'd be a question for you guys, as ZNC is already in, 0.206-1 from Debian fixes several bugs, as to whether it needs a FFe, i'd have to look into it21:51
jtaylorit does have a couple of changes21:51
EvilResistancewho do i need to poke then regarding whether it needs an FFe or not?21:52
EvilResistancebecause one of the bugs addressed is a crash bug when ZNC is told to shutdown or restart21:52
tumbleweedEvilResistance: you make that decision yourself21:52
EvilResistanceah, see i forgot about feature freeze >.>21:53
EvilResistanceshows you what happens when someone gets too busy to monitor release schedules >.>21:54
tumbleweedEvilResistance: that's why you subscribe to ubuntu-devel-announce21:54
Laneyit's basically the same every cycle ...21:55
EvilResistancei'm already subscribed to enough mailing lists, any more and my emails will be flooded :/21:55
tumbleweedannounce lists are low traffic21:55
EvilResistancetrue, but i'm on multiple non-announce lists, so they can be pretty high-traffic21:55
EvilResistanceit might just be prudent to wait until precise is released as stable, then SRU it *shrugs*21:56
EvilResistances/to/for me to wait/21:57
jtaylorthe changes look quite small21:57
tumbleweedif it's SRU worthy, do it now21:57
jtaylorif it fixes a bug it should be synced now21:57
EvilResistanceit fixes a couple of bugs including RFC compliance bugs, but they werent filed on LP21:58
EvilResistanceas for whether it needs an FFe, i'm unsure, so...21:58
EvilResistancebecause it not only is a newer upstream release, but also contains bugfixes21:58
gotwig_SpamapS: I want to report an dependency21:59
Laneyyes, it does21:59
gotwig_for npm21:59
gotwig_SpamapS: that is not included in the debian package21:59
Laneyideally you would test an upgrade from oneiric and lucid21:59
gotwig_SpamapS: buildutils becouse of make21:59
gotwig_SpamapS: very often people complain about the error that make is not found; so there have to be the dependency for make; for npm install21:59
EvilResistanceLaney:  which is why i might have to wait until after release, this system here is extremely close to death (hard drive death), so i dont have the luxury of test-upgrading22:00
Laneydo you have chroots?22:00
gotwig_like just now in my case when I did npm install express ; than entered that directory and than ran npm install; I got error becouse make isnt installed22:00
EvilResistanceLaney: crupted by bad sectors22:00
EvilResistanceas i said this system is *VERY* close to death, almost half the drive is riddled with bad sectors22:00
EvilResistance(unfortunately its the only system i have at the moment)22:01
* EvilResistance likely won't get a replacement drive until after release occurs, hence why this sync request may become an SRU22:03
EvilResistanceso unless you're volunteering to test, Laney, this'll remain pretty much stagnant22:03
jtayloran sru is a lot more work22:03
jtayloryou need to extract the bugfixes from the changes22:04
EvilResistancetell that to the Debian packager for ZNC, they refuse to use patches22:04
* EvilResistance has said this to them time and time again22:04
EvilResistanceoh, and what's more, their trunk on github doesnt have logs for when a stable release occurs, making finding bugfixes exceptionally harder22:05
jtaylorwhy should they use patches?22:05
kklimondaEvilResistance: the diff for znc 0.206-1 looks simple enough, and I don't see us maintaining znc ourselves anyway so I'd be for syncing it now22:05
kklimondathe actual code diff is small: "10 files changed, 55 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)"22:06
gotwig_SpamapS: sorry, just the packages 'make' and 'g++' are missing .22:06
gotwig_SpamapS: make sure you add them both to dependency list. Seems that these packages also are missing in the dependency list of the version of that PPA packager.22:07
SpamapSgotwig_: Thats certainly a bug, but its not critical. Should probably be in the Recommends, since many of the npm packages will work w/o make.22:07
EvilResistanceugh, system finally froze up and died, now i'm IRC-ing via my ZNC with my phone (EVIL way of IRCing... >.>)22:07
gotwig_SpamapS: ok.. I find it critical :X I mean very many noobs wrote about that (on mac) in forums22:07
SpamapSthings that affect noobs are important, but they're not critical.22:07
EvilResistancekklimonda:  this'd need an FFe according to Laney, and since my system is dead, i cant file an FFe (given that my phone is limited in capabilities)22:08
gotwig_SpamapS: so are you adding the both somehow?22:08
SpamapSgotwig_: when make is not installed, you can work around it, by.. installing make :)22:08
gotwig_SpamapS: :O you're so smart ^^22:08
SpamapSgotwig_: no, but it should be opened as a bug against the Debian package.22:08
gotwig_SpamapS: hm, so why not22:08
SpamapSgotwig_: its a legitimate issue. Please file a bug.22:09
gotwig_SpamapS: yes... I have to look...22:10
gotwig_SpamapS: does Ubuntu sync Debian packages one to one?22:12
SpamapSgotwig_: yes22:13
SpamapSgotwig_: for the first half of the release cycle, they're automatically synced22:13
SpamapSgotwig_: unless the Ubuntu package has changed22:14
gotwig_SpamapS: ok, I am unfamiliar with reporting debian bugs :(22:14
SpamapSgotwig_: report it in Ubuntu then, and it will get forwarded22:14
gotwig_SpamapS: for that package? but its not included in ubuntu yet22:15
SpamapSgotwig_: npm or something else?22:15
SpamapSvery much included in Ubuntu :)22:15
gotwig_that was * fast22:16
SpamapSgotwig_: well it was included long before we started22:16
SpamapSjust at an older version22:16
gotwig_SpamapS: and does oneiric get an update, too?22:17
kklimondaEvilResistance: I can test upgrade from znc lucid version to precise, if someone else can test upgrade from oneiric I don't see why would that even need a FFe - there aren't really any new "features" and FinalFreeze doesn't affect unseeded packages afair (although this one could be better documented).22:18
kklimonda(in other news, sbuild is a terrible tool for building packages - any idea if pbuilder supports lvm snapshots? ;))22:18
gotwig_SpamapS: https://bugs.launchpad.net/iranpm/+bug/981213 , correct?22:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 981213 in npm (Ubuntu) "Add g++ and make to Dependency/Recommend list" [Undecided,New]22:22
gotwig_SpamapS: could you please change the "affects debian" or something like that, part?22:23
SpamapSgotwig_: it will get picked up during normal triage22:27
EvilResistancekklimonda:  if you upgrade in that fashion, you may need to change the debian requirements, remove 'swig' as a build-dep, not sure about Lucid's ability to upgrade easily (given that there've been significant changes since lucid's version)22:28
gotwig_SpamapS: do you have found any other bugs?22:28
SpamapSgotwig_: no22:28
gotwig_SpamapS: so does it work for you :) ?22:28
kklimondaEvilResistance: that will affect upgrades to 0.204-1 anyway, right?22:28
EvilResistancekklimonda: there'll also be build dep errors on lucid, because swig2.0 isnt available in lucid (last i checked) and won't backport22:29
kklimondaEvilResistance: I don't have to build it on lucid though22:29
EvilResistance(same applies to maverick, and natty), but when upgrading from lucid to precise, it should work (as swig2.0 exists on precise)22:29
EvilResistanceah, right, upgrading direct from lucid -> precise, that'd fix the builddeps issues22:30
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=== ogra_- is now known as ogra_
=== Resistance is now known as EvilResistance
=== lan3y is now known as Laney
=== Laney is now known as Guest91745
=== Guest91745 is now known as Laney

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