
=== jtrucks is now known as jdevil
=== jdevil is now known as jtrucks
bazhangwhy do people feel compelled to answer, even if they are giving the wrong support13:33
ikoniawho did it this time ?13:41
gnomefreak:O people do that!!!13:42
ikoniahe is very keen13:51
bazhangheads up in -irc fujisan13:59
ikonia16:54 -!- TorbenBeta [~torben@p3EE2A53C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu15:55
ikoniahe was in earlier using a different nick and being an idiot15:55
Picino surprise there15:55
mneptokheh. i last logged in to the forums in 2009. i can;t edit any user settings, as i have fewer than 50 posts.16:54
mneptokit's safe to say i'm not really a forums person.16:54
MyrttiI'm not even sure I've got an account on the ubuntuforums16:55
PiciI used to be a forums person, until I discovered IRC... but I'm pretty sure I don't have any posts on my forums account.16:55
PriceyI don't eith.... oh wait.16:58
mneptok!mark #ubuntu bladernr_ had /away script. asked to disable. immediate and friendly response. thinks issue is gone. ops should show latitude.16:58
ubottumneptok: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:58
mneptok@mark #ubuntu bladernr_ had /away script. asked to disable. immediate and friendly response. thinks issue is gone. ops should show latitude.16:58
* mneptok nudges ubottu 16:59
ubottuThe operation succeeded.16:59
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!17:00
pangolin@mark #ubuntu-ops mneptok 500 years as a op and still can't work the bot17:00
ubottuThe operation succeeded.17:00
mneptokwhen is pangolin coming out?17:01
genii-aroundThurs 26th17:01
mneptoknot what i meant.17:01
pangolinquestioning my sexuality is clearly against the guidelines and CoC. I HATE YOU!17:02
pangolinmneptok, when you coming for a visit? you must be missing poutine by now17:03
mneptokpangolin: i was missing that by day 2 of the drive here in 2009.17:03
mneptokpangolin: if i was to visit QC, it would be either 3 week nice period in April or September17:04
mneptokin spring, defintiely after dog-poop season. although i hear this year was mild, so maybe not as much is encrusted into the landscape.17:05
pangolinJune or July would be better.17:05
mneptok(for those of you not from very cold very inhabited places ... this happens)17:05
pangolinno festivals in April17:05
mneptokyeah, but humidity. bleh.17:05
pangolinyour dried out skin from NM could use some humidity17:06
mneptokafter three years with none, i'm a complete lightweight in dealing with it.17:06
mneptoki'd do better in winter. it was -25F here in Feb 2011.17:07
mneptoki have some recent memory17:07
mneptokikonia: keeping ops in #u for a while, or an oversight?18:23
ikoniano, trying to clean up while also juggling something else18:23
ikoniaI'll be done in a minute18:23
mneptokroger that18:24
mneptokjust checking. you're aware.18:24
ikoniano no, I know, appreciate it18:25
ikoniaI'll be done asasp18:25
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (MrUnagi appears to be flooding, but emergency mode is on)23:00
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kevinisexploiterhey can i get back on #ubuntu23:41
bazhangkevinisexploiter, no23:43
bazhangkevinisexploiter, we've been over this enough times23:44
kevinisexploiterand still u give no reason23:44
bazhangkevinisexploiter, when you blame 8-9 other people for your actions23:44
bazhang"id theft"23:44
kevinisexploiterohh so u know how it really is huh???23:44
kevinisexploiteru are all knowing23:45
bazhangkevinisexploiter, you should contact your ISP if your connection is so deeply compromised23:45
bazhangkevinisexploiter, we cannot afford to let that go on in #ubuntu23:46
kevinisexploiterwhat dammit23:46
bazhangaskubuntu.com kevinisexploiter is a good resource23:46
kevinisexploiternothing bad ever has happened on #ubuntu wtf23:46
bazhangkevinisexploiter, around 10 nicks coming from your exact IP address have caused problems there23:47
kevinisexploiteru are wrong23:47
bazhangkevinisexploiter, check the logs if in doubt23:47
bazhang!1984 | kevinisexploiter23:48
ubottukevinisexploiter: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too; for older LoCo channel logs, see http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/23:48
kevinisexploiterwitch one is for #ubuntu i cant see the one to choose23:51
bazhangkevinisexploiter, so you need to explain your behavior and take responsibility for it23:51
kevinisexploiterwhitch log do i look in none of them say just #ubuntu23:52
kevinisexploiteru mean i need to accept your lieing alegations and agrre i did somethingt i did not23:53
kevinisexploiterexplain to me how to find the logs please23:56
tsimpsonclick the link, choose a year, month, day, then channel23:58

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