
cjwatsonmaxb: my non-flippant answer is in http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=572204; that would be automatable in bzr-builddeb, I'm sure00:00
ubot2Debian bug 572204 in dpkg-dev "dpkg-dev: maintainer workflow problems with 3.0 (quilt) and VCS" [Wishlist,Open]00:00
* cjwatson -> bed00:02
* maxb drops a quick mail to u-distributed-devel@ about this00:04
cjwatsonI think at the time it seemed quite intrusive, but now bzr-builddeb is doing lots of quilt munging already ...00:05
* skaet --> EOd02:20
slangasekskaet: 'night02:28
ScottKNice.  caph and chort both building the same package on the same arch at the same time.03:25
pittislangasek: as I said, I don't veto gnome-session, I just don't think it's very useful or wise05:00
slangasekpitti: yep - I understand your position, my point is merely that the arguments here are no different during a freeze than not05:01
pittislangasek: yes, I agree05:01
pittiit's not risky at all05:01
pittioh, someone rejected it?05:02
slangasekanyway, I would love for there to be a non-sucky session manager solution that upstream would back... in the meantime, I'll take what I can get ;)05:02
pittiI reject one of the two kubunut-default-settings (identical), leaving the other one as per pad05:02
* slangasek nods05:03
slangasekI really don't think kubuntu-default-settings needs to block on plymouth, but it shouldn't matter as plymouth should come later today (according to cjwatson)05:03
pitti-Command: /usr/lib/update-notifier/package-data-downloader05:04
pitti+Command: gksudo /usr/lib/update-notifier/package-data-downloader05:04
pittislangasek: does that file not apply to Kubuntu?05:04
pitti(also, "gksu" is the canonical command, but not a biggie)05:04
pittiargh, so once again powerpc backlog is causing trouble05:06
slangasekpitti: well.... I don't see any available alternative that works in kubuntu (see changelog, & bug comments about policykit not happening for final)05:06
slangasekso calling gksudo, so that it fails only on Kubuntu, is better than calling the raw command and having it fail everywhere05:06
pittihm, but these two changes together don't make much sense to me05:07
pittisudo does not keep the proxy variables from the user, so we rely on the user to have clicked "apply system wide" when configuring the proxy05:08
pittibut wouldn't that set the proxy in apt, too?05:08
pittiah, you hope that the general proxy in /etc/environment is better for the auxiliary downloads than apt's, I see05:09
slangasekit's imperfect, but, well, apparently there are some large deployments of Ubuntu whose proxy usage conflicts with my previous assumption05:12
slangasekusers relying on the apt proxy setting for package data downloads before couldn't get ubuntu-restricted-extras anyway... because msttcorefonts implemented this one way, flashplugin-nonfree implemented it the other way05:13
pittididrocks: good morning05:17
pittididrocks: is the unity FTBFS on arm due to the nux changes?05:17
didrockshey pitti :)05:17
didrockspitti: hum, can be yeah, let me look05:18
pittislangasek: I'll move some built -proposed stuff to release now (eglibc, etc.), ok?05:19
slangasekpitti: if powerpc is caught up, sure - it wasn't last I'd looked05:20
pittiyes, for glibc; it's currently chewing on the KDE rebuilds05:20
pittiI guess infinity nudged it a bit :)05:21
didrockspitti: so:05:24
didrockshttps://launchpadlibrarian.net/101498332/buildlog_ubuntu-precise-armhf.unity_5.8.0%2Bbzr2276ubuntu0%2B677_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz didn't built on armhf05:24
didrockshttps://launchpadlibrarian.net/101346712/buildlog_ubuntu-precise-armhf.unity_5.8.0%2Bbzr2275ubuntu0%2B677_BUILDING.txt.gz built05:24
didrocksthe libnux version commit between the two isn't meaningfull05:24
didrockslooking for compiz05:24
didrocksas linaro changed compiz as well05:24
didrocks(the packaging is the same, so it's not the nux change)05:25
pittierk, accidentally copied to -updates; please ignore the following flood of new/rejects in -updates05:25
didrockspitti: the only thing that seems to be have meaningfully changes is compiz05:26
didrockspitti: so it's the linaro patch for compiz05:26
didrockspitti: can try in a ppa building unity with the previous compiz (without their patch)05:26
pittididrocks: you have an arm PPA?05:26
didrockspitti: I do ;)05:27
didrocks(well, the unity one)05:27
didrocksnot really done for that, but I guess it can be used for that05:27
pittididrocks: ok, please prod me for build score bumps if needed05:27
didrockspitti: it's already a priority ppa, heh ;)05:28
didrocksok, compiz first05:28
* pitti hugs didrocks05:28
* didrocks hugs pitti back05:29
pittiso, -proposed flushed as much as possible05:30
slangasekdid samba make it into the flushed set?  I see that it's published now, and I was watching for it05:36
didrockspitti: oh wait05:38
pittislangasek: yes05:38
slangasekok, cool05:38
didrockspitti: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/1: no give back done?05:38
didrockspitti: it seems to be some archive skew to me05:38
pittierk, that looks bad; these can be retried?05:38
didrocksyeah, failing due to kde-workspace-dev05:38
didrocksso I guess some arch skew because of kde?05:39
pittiretried, bumping05:39
didrockspitti: that still doesn't fix the FTBFS on armel, I uploaded compiz in the ppa05:39
didrockswaiting for armhf to build to retry unity05:39
didrocks(in the ppa)05:40
rsalvetiweird, maybe the unity issue might be related with the compiz changes05:41
rsalvetilet me rebuild compiz locally to see if I can also reproduce it here05:41
didrocksrsalveti: thanks! I can say that from my build logs, armhf started to fail to build once the compiz version with the armel patch was made available05:42
didrockslibnux just had an irrelevant commit change between the two05:42
didrocksand the rest of the stack didn't change05:42
didrockspitti: thanks for the give back, compiz rebuilt on amd64 in the archive05:53
didrockspitti: maybe you will till be able to score the build a little bit more for the ppa: https://launchpad.net/~unity-team/+archive/ppa/+build/340249905:54
pittididrocks: done05:54
didrockssweet! :)05:55
didrockspitti: argh, I need to remove some build-dep as well on armel for the ppa, one sec06:01
* didrocks not really happy with the intrusive changes that linaro introduced at the last minute…06:02
rsalvetihm, locally compiz failed to build because of the way the extra patch is applied06:08
rsalvetiwhen generating the source it failed to remove the already applied patches, because the gles related one was not removed before the others06:08
didrocksrsalveti: interesting, it built on the ppa, so I guess the way the patch is applied/unapplied is right (and ogra checked it)06:09
didrockspitti: a small help? https://launchpad.net/~unity-team/+archive/ppa/+build/3402518 ;)06:09
rsalvetididrocks: yeah, could be related with my local options06:09
pittididrocks: I can't get it below 27 minutes, sorry06:09
pittithe buildds seem all busy06:09
rsalvetiI got the debs, just failed in the end06:09
didrockspitti: ok, let's see how it goes06:10
rsalvetilet me check compiz-plugins-main now06:10
didrocksrsalveti: seeing the source, the failure seems to really be due to an interface that compiz proposed that has been removed for unity06:10
didrocksseems that the patch wasn't tested against unity06:10
rsalvetithat's weird, I know alf tested it with unity as well06:11
rsalvetimaybe because of an upstream update?06:11
didrocksrsalveti: can be yeah06:11
didrocksrsalveti: however, the first version we had a failure on armhf is not touching the file which is failing06:12
didrocks(and not including it)06:12
pittisplendid, amd64 builders build three gccs in parallel06:13
didrocksso the only obvious diff I can see between the two builds is this compiz armel patch06:13
rsalvetihm, ok06:13
* rsalveti loves icecc, building compiz in minutes 06:13
rsalvetiI know that ogra_ was fighting with an upstream rebase/update06:14
didrocksrsalveti: yeah, and alf_ reupdated the patch06:14
rsalvetimaybe something was removed or missed during the patch update06:14
didrocksthe patch update was done by alf, so I though he tested it against last unity :)06:14
rsalveticompiz-plugins-main also built fine, trying unity now06:16
didrocksrsalveti: unity isn't that fast to build even with icecc, isn't it? ;)06:26
didrocks(and be happy, the tests are not building, which doubles the compilation time ;))06:26
rsalvetididrocks: seems the unity package is not yet enabling gles compatible builds06:26
rsalvetinot using BUILD_GLES nor USE_GLES06:26
rsalvetiwell, it's a lot better than using one single host :-)06:27
didrocksrsalveti: well, nothing was merged upstream for opengles, that's what I was telling yesterday06:27
rsalvetigot 5 different machines here06:27
rsalvetithe support seems to be already avialable at upstream, just not enabled at the package06:27
rsalvetilet me try to build it with GLES06:27
didrocksrsalveti: ok, keep me posted06:27
didrocks(nobody told me anything about the new option, I thought ogra will take care of this as it was part of the deal)06:28
rsalvetinux was still building for GL until yesterday, so that's seems to still be a wip06:29
rsalvetithe focus was more at compiz, because it needed the extra big patch06:29
didrocksright ;) let's figure unity out now06:29
didrocksif there is an option to enable for unity on armhf, we can do that06:29
didrocks(as anyway, before, it was simply useless on that arch)06:29
pittimy evo-exchange upload reverts the previous upload which can't possibly work (FTBFS)06:36
pittireview appreciated06:37
pittiinfinity: if you have a sec, can you please look at evolution-exchange?06:40
pittiwrt. http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/testing/precise_outdate.html, I pinged ev about whoopsie, uploaded fix for evo-exchange, retried network-manager (arch skew), and compiz is needs buildl06:41
pittiand ran NBS for the old linux bits06:42
pittididrocks: compiz built everywhere (in precise)06:43
pittididrocks: when that's published, does it make any sense to retry unity, or are you still figuring that out?06:43
didrockspitti: I don't think so, as the diff of the FTBFS I showed before was with the new compiz (and the armel patch was already here)06:44
rsalvetipitti: not yet, it'll fail06:44
didrocksso, two choices from here:06:44
rsalvetihm, got the following now:06:44
pittiok, so we'll either need a new unity, or revert compiz?06:44
didrocks- either rsalveti enabled the right option in upstream unity06:44
rsalveti/home/linaro/compiz/unity-5.8.0/plugins/unityshell/src/unityshell.cpp:610:2: error: #warning Panel shadow not properly implemented for GLES2 [-Werror=cpp]06:44
didrocksand this work06:44
didrocks- either my ppa test build shows that the armel patch is guilty (compiz is still building) and we revert the armel patch06:44
didrocksI think everyone will prefer #106:44
pittiok, I'll let you guys figure this out06:45
* pitti toddles off for a bit06:45
didrocksironically this means that for a week, we couldn't rebuild unity if we needed due to the compiz armel patch ;)06:45
didrocksrsalveti: your warning is happening with the opengles option enabled?06:46
rsalvetiyup, and it's part of the code06:46
rsalvetibut it's failing because of -Werror06:46
rsalvetiso I believe this is expected06:47
didrocksyeah, we try to keep the source cleaned :)06:47
didrocksrsalveti: any progress?07:03
rsalvetididrocks: still building07:03
didrocksok, unity's story ;) building builing ;)07:03
rsalvetididrocks: check bug 98054407:10
ubot2Launchpad bug 980544 in unity "Unity should be built with OpenGL ES2.0 support at ARM " [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98054407:10
rsalvetididrocks: added a debdiff with the packaging changes there07:10
rsalvetiand finally got it to build here07:10
rsalvetiwith gles we need to use -DDISABLE_MAINTAINER_CFLAGS=ON07:10
didrocksrsalveti: ok, so no additional patch, what about the warning you had?07:11
rsalvetibecause it's not completely implemented07:11
didrocksyou disbale maintainer cflags07:11
didrocksso no Werror07:11
didrocksfine with me anyway, as its on arm only :)07:11
didrocksrsalveti: need sponsoring?07:11
rsalvetiarm/gles support is kind of experimental at this phase, so should be fine07:11
rsalvetididrocks: yup07:11
didrocksdoing then07:11
rsalvetididrocks: thanks07:12
didrocks(just changing debian/changeog to target -proposed)07:12
didrocksah, rejection before you didn't pick the last changelog, fixing that :)07:12
rsalvetithere's a new release on proposes, right?07:13
didrocksyeah ;)07:13
didrocksdone, no worry!07:13
rsalvetigreat, thanks07:13
didrocksthank to you for the quick look :)07:14
didrockspitti: available and waiting approval ^07:21
pittiok, looks like a no-change for x8607:22
pittididrocks: I guess I should wait until compiz is published everywhere in precise? or does it have b-deps?07:22
pitti(still pending publishing on armhf and i386)07:23
didrockspitti: maybe better to wait, the armel patch changed. I know there is no ABI change for x86, but as we saw, the armel diff is big ;)07:23
pittiok, I'll better wait07:23
infinitypitti: evo-exchange is straightforward enough.07:39
ogra_didrocks, ouch, i was somewhat relying on upstream to include an arch sepcific default when they included the patch, sorry08:19
didrocksogra_: no worry, all sorted out now  :)08:19
didrocksogra_: but this whole arm story hasn't been painless ;)08:19
ogra_yeah, i see, thanks so much and sorry again08:19
ogra_didrocks, no, it hasnt, thats why i asked for having all patches ready by last UDS so we could have them in before A1 :P08:20
ogra_well, at least we'll have it in Q08:20
ogra_from the beginning08:20
didrocksogra_: yeah, it's just the timing which made it worse… but well, it's in now, let's hope that the story in Q will be better :)08:20
jamespagehas final freeze been announced yet? piloting this morning and want to ensure that I'm focussed on the right things...08:47
pittididrocks: ok, compiz is published, accepting unity08:56
didrockspitti: sweet!08:56
* pitti bumps build score08:56
RAOFWe're not in final freeze yet, right?08:57
pittiwe are supposed to be08:57
RAOFShall someone update the topic in #ubuntu-devel, then?08:58
* ogra_ guesses once kate gets up we are 08:59
ogra_RAOF, there was no official announcement yet08:59
ogra_(unless i missed it)08:59
pitticjwatson: should we move linux-ti-omap4 from -proposed to release, or do you want to stage d-i in -proposed for that as well?09:01
RAOFOk :)09:01
pittiRAOF: in practice we've been frozen for a week already anyway09:01
RAOFRight, but final freeze changes whether or not I upload this xxi-synatpics09:02
ogra_RAOF, -proposed is open as well ;)09:02
Davieymaas-enlist incoming, basically a Arch s/all/any change.  My upload, please can someone else review.09:16
Daviey(also accept the bin NEW's)09:17
pittididrocks: meh @ unity armhf FTBFS :/09:19
didrocksrsalveti: ^09:19
pittinot found09:19
pittimissing build dep?09:20
didrocksrsalveti: any special build-dep for opengles?09:20
didrocksrsalveti: the compiz-dev and nux are supposed to provide everything09:20
didrockspitti:  ^09:20
didrocksogra_: maybe you have a clue on this stack09:20
pittididrocks: we'll keep control-center in -proposed until unity and -2d are released, right?09:21
didrockspitti: yeah, because it's using an unity-2d new gsettings key09:21
didrocksso will crash without it09:21
didrocksI didn't want to put an explicit dep or breaks just for that09:22
pittiright, that's what I meant09:22
didrockspitti: ok, I'm not found of to have unity stalled on proposed forever. The deal was that if arm fails because of the linaro patch, we can go ahead and they have to fix it09:23
didrockspitti: if it's not fixed in one hour, should we revert all the linaro changes?09:23
pittididrocks: WFM09:23
didrocksogra_: in case you didn't see ^09:24
ogra_i did have a reconnect09:24
ogra_seems i miss the beginning09:24
infinityYou didn't give people much chance to respond. :P09:24
* ogra_ just noticed that lubuntu-desktop doesnt have armhf support at all :/09:24
ogra_didrocks, whats the issue ? how can i help ?09:25
infinityogra_: At a quick glance, it looks like compiz-dev is missing dependencies.09:25
ogra_hmm, it shouldnt, i used the linaro branches for the deps ...09:26
infinityThough, maybe not..09:26
* ogra_ downloads the source package09:26
didrocksogra_: it's unity which FTBFS09:26
infinityKay, compiz-dev's deps are fine.09:27
infinitySo, it's the CMake test that's wrong, I assume.09:27
didrocksyeah, can be the CMake one I guess09:27
* tumbleweed hopes we get a name for Q soon09:29
infinityOr is the GLES support in Unity not mutually exclusive with GL?  If so, then it just needs libgl1-mesa-dev installed too.09:29
ogra_no. it should have the same !armhf/armhf setup as compiz09:29
infinityogra_: Kay, then I contend that the CMake test is wrong, and probably looking for libgl unconditionally, even if the source doesn't need it when building for EGL.09:30
infinitypitti: I see no advantage in leaving the ti-omap kernel in -proposed...09:31
infinitypitti: We kinda want it for image builds too.09:31
pittiinfinity: right, but it's an ABI bump, so needs to go along with a d-i upload and seed changes09:32
infinitypitti: Yeahp.09:32
* ogra_ pinged alf, i think he has a unity packaging branch somewhere 09:33
didrocksogra_: keep us posted, I wanted to have feedback on the upgrade before the week-end, but I guess this won't happen :(09:35
ogra_didrocks, lets see ... i found the linaro packaging branch, doesnt seem it touches any cmake stuff nor deps09:36
ogra_didrocks, hmm, are all compiz builds published already ? could be that compiz-dev is to old09:39
pittiyes, I waited for that09:39
ogra_(seems the versioned dep is outdated)09:40
didrocksogra_: well, it's not a versioned dep because there is no ABI change09:40
didrocksat least on i386/amd64 not sure what happened on arm09:40
ogra_GLES support was added ... i reflected that in the versioned dep in compiz-dev but indeed not in unity09:41
ogra_but if compiz is up to date that doesnt matter anyway09:41
infinityWell, you can tell from the build log if it was.09:41
didrocksogra_: right09:41
infinity(and it was)09:43
ogra_AHA !09:45
ogra_"Disable standalone-clients as it forces opengl (testing related)"09:45
didrocksogra_: so we will need your quilt hack09:46
ogra_yup, looks like09:46
didrocksfor arm only09:46
didrocksogra_: I can give it a try, but not build to confirm09:46
didrocksapart from pushing to a ppa09:47
ogra_right, let me make sure thats the only missing thing first though09:47
ogra_did you plan to have that -proposed upload in the release ?09:47
didrocksogra_: what do you mean?09:48
ogra_or is that a zero day update ?09:48
didrocksogra_: oh, it's in the release09:48
ogra_just wanted to know about the time pressure ;)09:48
didrockswell, I guess it's high :p I rushed to get everything in shape yesterday evening09:48
didrocksand hoped I can have a quiet Friday :p09:49
didrocksbut pinged 5s after connection because of arm :(09:49
ogra_i only noticed it was uploaded to -proposed09:49
ogra_so i thought i'd better ask09:49
didrocksogra_: yeah, please upload with -v also09:49
didrocks(to include the 2 previous ones)09:49
ogra_anyway, doesnt look like there is anything in the linaro branch that touches any other cmake stuff09:50
didrocksso that bugs are closed when syncing09:50
ogra_so i guess that patch is it, let me add the quilt stuff and to an armel testbuild09:50
didrocksgreat ;)09:50
infinityogra_: Please do test locally in a clean chroot before uploading another FTBFS. ;)09:50
ogra_infinity, indeed :P09:50
=== debfx_ is now known as debfx
cjwatsonslangasek: gksudo> you could use something like ubiquity's wrapper that tries to escalate using whatever means is available10:13
cjwatsonpitti: no point staging d-i in -proposed for ti-omap4, we should just move it10:13
pitticjwatson: ack, doing that then10:13
ogra_gah, ricardo made his -Werror dircetly in the code10:22
* infinity notes that doing all the proposed->release copies as syncs makes pitti looks very active on -changes...10:23
pittiI hope in the not too distant future that's going to be done by a bot :)10:23
didrockswhat? pitti isn't a bot? how can he possibly achieve that much work then? ;)10:26
ogra_phew, finally building ...10:29
ogra_and passed the error :)10:29
didrockssweet, let's wait for it to successfully finish building10:29
ogra_indeed :)10:29
ogra_didrocks, do you think we could disable -Werror across the board for the release ? seemingly that option leaves me with a modified Cmake setup, so dpkg-source complains about upstream changes when trying to roll a source package on arm10:51
didrocksogra_: I prefer keeping -Werror for non arm if possible (and so, please ask linaro to fix the arm case), it saved us from some issues that happened in the pasts10:53
ogra_i dont think its that important :)10:54
didrocksogra_: TBH, dpkg-source should already complain when I'm cherry-picking patches from upstream, it just enables us to see what files are touched ;)10:55
didrocks(I bzr merge upstream-branch in packaging branch)10:56
ogra_didrocks, i pushed my changes (UNRELEASED yet) to lp:~ubuntu-desktop/unity/ubuntu/ ... so you could start a PPA build i suppose if you want10:58
ogra_oh crap !10:58
didrocksah :(10:58
didrocksogra_: aren't the linaro guys around to help us on this?10:59
ogra_apparently not10:59
didrocksI'm just about considering reverting if that can't be fixed10:59
ogra_alf is greek ... its good friday in the greek chruch today10:59
didrockspitti: wdyt? ^10:59
* ogra_ found another patch ... gimme a sec10:59
ogra_ah, no, seems unrelated11:00
ogra_didrocks, would you keep my package changes but drop the patch ? that way we can easily SRU a new patch in ...11:01
didrocksogra_: I want the release team to agree first, but yeah, dropping the patch and the custom .install file in compiz should be enough, right?11:02
ogra_didrocks, err, why compiz ?11:02
ogra_compiz is fine11:02
ogra_i'm only talking about unity, i would like to have the package prepared as well as we can so i only need to dump that single quilt patch in11:03
didrocksogra_: no, it's compiz on arm which doesn't provided the opengl-es dep11:03
didrocksogra_: you are talking about the revert first, right?11:03
ogra_i'm only talking about unity11:03
didrocksogra_: right, but basically, since you landed the compiz patch a week ago, we can't build unity on armel11:03
ogra_if there need to be fixes in compiz i would prefer to keep them as small as possible ... as long as it builds it wont do no harm11:04
didrocksbecause compiz is providing opengles build-dep11:04
didrocksso unity has opengles build-dep only on arm11:04
ogra_it doesnt build if you revert the changes ricardo made ?11:04
didrocksogra_: no, ricardo did those changes because it FTBFS11:04
ogra_right, that was the bit of the conversation i missed above11:04
* ogra_ curses loudly 11:05
didrocksso that would mean: reverting compiz and c-p-m11:05
didrocksthe arm part11:05
ogra_yeah, thats a very bad idea11:05
didrockswell, unity can't build for a week since those patches were introduced into ubuntu11:05
didrocks(on arm)11:06
ogra_you didnt tell me ... i thought all was fine (though i also though the unity changes were in since ages since i was told everything for this was done upstream and we wouldnt need to care)11:06
didrocksogra_: well I didn't know until this morning, remember that you uploaded it in the archive whereas we were testing a newer version in the ppa? :)11:07
didrocksso we never got the issue until this morning11:07
ogra_didrocks, do you mind if we wait until ricardo gets up again, probably he has an easy fix in the drawer11:07
didrocksogra_: let's see with the release team11:07
didrocksI was hoping getting feedback on the new release today11:07
ogra_it survives 80% of the build and fails in a single declaration atm11:08
didrocksbut seems that despite rushing and working like mad yesterday, it's not possible11:08
didrocksor we can as well declare the armel image failing to build this week-end11:08
didrocksand copying to the release pocket for now11:08
ogra_i'm really sorry for that, i hinestly was 100% convinced we dont need to touch the unity package at all11:08
ogra_i dont think LP allows that ... we had a similar issue in B211:09
didrocksogra_: no worry, I would have prefered that linaro gave the patch to you sooner and not at the last minute ;)11:09
ogra_you need to copy over all arches or you lose11:09
ogra_intrestingly the build seems to fail in a nux function11:10
ogra_hmm, how did libglu1-mesa end up in the chroot, that cant work11:11
ogra_seems the former nux version pulled that in11:12
* ogra_ retires the build 11:13
didrocksboth were valid :p11:14
didrocksogra_: https://code.launchpad.net/~linaro-graphics-wg/unity/fix-gles2-build/+merge/10108711:18
* ogra_ looks11:18
didrocksI saw that patch pending, told to ricardo this morning that some patchs were not approved (as we agreed) in unity and he answered that nothing was pending for him11:18
* ogra_ hugs didrocks, thats the one 11:18
ogra_well, at least thats the file it failed in11:19
didrocksogra_: testing with it? ;)11:19
didrocksok, let's cross fingers11:19
ogra_not yet, let me add it11:19
didrocksogra_: you can bzr merge it directly11:19
didrocks(as it's an ifdef)11:19
didrocksit that works, I'll accept it upstream, even if that's not what we agreed on first :/11:20
ogra_yeah, pretty much nothing is ...11:20
ogra_building again11:22
pittididrocks: I don't think we can copy unity to precise without completely breaking arm, can we?11:37
ogra_not if the binaries are missing, no11:37
didrockspitti: no, we can't, let's hope that the branch I pointed ogra too will fix it11:37
pittiright, we'd potentially end up releasing with NBS11:37
ogra_will break -desktop deps11:37
* ogra_ is confident the patch will make it work 11:38
pittiI think we should upload a reversion of compiz, then build unity against it, move both to release11:38
pittiand then we can re-stage compiz/unity with gles in -proposed11:38
ogra_build is at 34%11:38
didrockspitti: it's compiz, compiz-plugins-main, nux and then unity11:38
ogra_pitti, that measn SRUing a 300-400k patch11:38
didrocksso not that straightforward :)11:38
ogra_i would love to avoid that11:38
pittiwell, if you SRU something that jst enables a 300 k patch in debian/patches/series, the net effect is the very same11:39
pittiSRUs are bound by regression potential, not primarily by patch size (although the two certainly correlate)11:39
ogra_its also package changes that have to be reverted across the chain ...11:39
ogra_(and re-enabled for the SRU)11:39
pittiwell, other suggestions appreciated11:40
didrockspitti: I pointed ogra to an unity patch that can help11:40
pittibut we are supposed to have a releasable image since today, and right now we don't11:40
ogra_i would really prefer to get it into a building state now ... keep possible fixes for SRUs then11:40
didrockspitti: even if the first deal was linaro was "only compiz and c-p-m"11:40
ogra_but reverting the world is hell11:40
didrocksbut it seems they broke the deal11:40
didrockswhich doesn't really make me happy about how hard they pushed it and how they delivered it11:41
pittiso, if the gles-enabled unity can be made to work this afternoon, sure, but it doesn't currently look like we'd have a robust and solid plan for that11:41
didrocksbut that's another story11:41
ogra_right, deal was no ifdefs and package changes for unity and nux ... but we cant change that now11:41
pittithis really sounds like something which ought to be staged up in -proposed without blocking the current release11:41
didrockspitti: 13:40:30  didrocks | pitti: I pointed ogra to an unity patch that can help11:41
pittiwe could also release precise with unity 5.8, but I'm not sure folks would be happy about that11:42
didrocksit's building right now11:42
ogra_pitti, how long is your definition of afternoon ;)11:42
ogra_build is at 38%11:42
ogra_should be done soon11:42
pittiogra_: given that the stuff needs a couple of hours to build, we should get it in before release team meeting IMHO11:42
ogra_(if it survives)11:42
ogra_pitti, its only unity itself11:43
ogra_wont need a couple of hours11:43
pittinot if we need to revert compiz/c-p-m/nux/whatever, too11:43
ogra_oh, you mean the reverting11:44
* ogra_ was thinking positive :) 11:44
pittiwell, that's like the third or fourth patch we are trying now; if it works now, fine, but none of this sounds very reliable TBH11:45
pittithe result will not have been tested _at all_11:45
ogra_doesnt matter ... if we revert the patches it segfaults completely11:45
ogra_these patches are all arm only on which without the patches unity doesnt work at all11:45
pittiso whichever solution gets us a working unity stack in precise by EOD11:45
cjwatsonhm, http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ doesn't seem to be answering me11:47
* ogra_ noticed that last night already but thought it was my side since i had LAN issues11:47
infinitypitti: I'm pretty unhappy about the current state too, but reverting will leave ARM just as broken.  We could copy everything (despite the missing ARM binaries), and let the next upload sort it out.11:49
infinityIt's not like we care about ever having the current version build on ARM (cause it can't).11:49
pittiinfinity: that would introduce NBS again11:50
pittierr, what? unity always built on arm before11:50
ogra_the unity build takes 1h ... i'm 50% through ...11:50
ogra_lets just see if it finishes11:50
didrocksit built but never started as there is no opengl capable hw, right?11:50
infinityNo, I mean the current version won't build, so copying it won't hurt (cause it won't magically build later).11:50
ogra_pitti, it built but wasnt executable11:50
pittiinfinity: right, hence introducing NBS11:51
infinityAnd yeah, what ogra said.11:51
infinitypitti: NBS on one arch for a day isn't world-ending, surely.11:51
pittiwell, _I_ won't copy it11:51
infinitypitti: The concern for !arm seems to just be having the whole stack in and working, no?11:51
pittijust about the last thing I want to do at this point is deliberately introducing archive breakage and broken image builds11:51
infinityWhereas, for ARM, it's either broken, or broken, or we fix it. :P11:51
infinity(ie: reverting just takes it from broken to broken, for the sake of archive tidyness)11:52
pittiarm images curretnly have unity-2d workign, and this is also blocking unity-2d, gnome-control-cetner, and nux for precise11:52
infinityThe only real option is fixing it.11:52
pittiit's not as simple as "make it work on arm"11:52
* ogra_ thinks it is as simple as "get that next upload to build"11:53
pittiogra_: FSVO "simple"..11:53
pittiinfinity: reverting the compiz/cpm uploads and uplaoding the unity that was actually tested is a real option11:55
didrocksat least, I confirm it's what worked on the ppa11:55
infinityAnd nux.11:55
didrocksright, nux in addition now11:55
infinitypitti: That all takes a lot longer than just hunting down what's broken, I suspect.11:56
didrockspitti: well, you mean, reverting the arm part of compiz/cpm, isn't it?11:56
pittiinfinity: *shrug*, given that several people desperately fight with this problem for at least 7 hours now..11:56
infinity(And isn't dealing with breakage half the point of staging in -proposed?)11:56
pittibut I disagree that it's ok to copy it to precise at this point11:57
infinitySure, so don't.11:57
pittiso if we don't revert, and don't get this to work, we'll just release with 5.11:57
infinityThat's the part I don't follow.11:57
pittiand I'd rather relelase with 5.1011:57
infinityWe release in 15 days.  Holding up this pocket copy for a day doesn't magically make the world explode.11:58
pittias that also unblocks a few other things, including UIFEs11:58
pittiand has been tested in the PPA11:58
* infinity notes that it hasn't build on PPC either...12:00
pittididrocks: is the current (precise) unity 5.8.0-0ubuntu2 even buildable with the new compiz that's in precise?12:04
didrockspitti: no, that's what I told above ^12:04
pittiok, that's what I figured12:04
didrockspitti: my bet is that since last Friday and the compiz upload that was done unnoticed why we were testing the new version, it's not buildable12:05
didrocksbut I never tried, we always had the newer version in the ppa12:05
didrocksit's 90% sure it's not (if not more)12:05
ogra_ok, its in unitydialog ... i think i'm past the last failure12:13
* ogra_ crosses fingers for the last 25% to go12:14
ogra_   dh_builddeb12:20
ogra_dpkg-deb: building package `unity' in `../unity_5.10.0-0ubuntu2_armhf.deb'.12:20
ogra_dpkg-deb: building package `unity-services' in `../unity-services_5.10.0-0ubuntu2_armhf.deb'.12:20
ogra_dpkg-deb: building package `unity-common' in `../unity-common_5.10.0-0ubuntu2_all.deb'.12:20
ogra_DONE !12:21
pittiogra_: \o/12:21
ogra_didrocks, could i ask you to roll the new package i'm scared i'll catch the wrong branches again or some such12:21
ogra_i merged the linaro patch and all my patches and pushed everything to lp:~ubuntu-desktop/unity/ubuntu/12:22
didrocksogra_: ok, looking12:23
seb128ogra_, switch to v3 format ... is that needed?12:23
ogra_tellk me if i did anythign wrong12:24
ogra_seb128, yes, for the subarch specific patching12:24
seb128ogra_, it creates issues with cherrypick done with bzr merge for sources like dx ones12:24
ogra_it needs full quilt support12:24
seb128not cool :-(12:24
didrocksyeah, not cool :/12:24
didrockswe wanted to avoid v312:24
* ogra_ wanted to avoid touching unity ... sorry 12:24
didrocksogra_: don't you want to do the same trick than with compiz?12:25
ogra_if you can make quilt properly work with dh_quilt_patch/unpatch another way, please revert12:25
didrocksah you need12:25
seb128ogra_, debian/patches/series.armel@ .. is the "@" right there?12:25
didrockswhy v3 is needed then?12:26
ogra_didrocks, yeah, it is the exact same thing12:26
didrocksseb128: yeah, symlink12:26
ogra_seb128, yes, it links to armhf12:26
seb128oh ok12:26
didrocksbut a build-dep on quilt and dh --with quilt should be enough, isn't it?12:26
seb128didrocks, ogra_: thanks ;-) (learning every day)12:26
didrockswithout v3?12:26
ogra_didrocks, hmm, not sure, does that properly trigger debhelpers scripts ?12:27
didrocksI think so12:27
didrocksogra_: let me push something and tell me if that applies on bzr bd12:27
ogra_all i need is that override_dh_quilt_patch/unpatch work12:28
cjwatsondh --with quilt will work with overrides12:28
ogra_i didnt think thats doable without v3.0 ... if it is, i'm fine12:28
cjwatsonif anything I'd have expected 3.0 (quilt) to make matters harder in this case, not easier12:28
didrocksyeah, it's called12:29
ogra_then just revert the 3.0 stuff12:29
ogra_issues ?12:30
didrocksyeah, dpkg-source complains about diff not serializable12:30
didrockshowever, the changes are just in  plugins/unityshell/src/DashController.cpp12:30
didrocks plugins/unityshell/src/OverlayRenderer.cpp12:30
didrocks services/CMakeLists.txt12:30
didrocksthe symlink maybe?12:30
ogra_i think its the first change from ricardo12:31
ogra_no, that one was in the source directly12:31
ogra_before i added anything12:32
didrocksno, the issue was the symlink12:32
ogra_seems configure ran before the tarball was rolled, i had complaints here as well and had to revert the changes that override_dh_gencontrol had produced12:32
ogra_really ?!?12:32
* ogra_ has never had issues with symlinks in bzr 12:33
didrocksogra_: source 3 only? :p12:33
cjwatson1.0 diffs don't support symlinks not in the original tarball, indeed12:33
* ogra_ echoes seb128 (learning every day)12:34
didrocksok, override_dh_quilt_unpatch and override_dh_quilt_patch are called12:34
ogra_cjwatson, i only had symlinks in the debian dir12:34
infinityogra_: Right, "not in the original tarball".12:36
didrocksogra_: pushed, do you want a last sanity check? (just start the build to ensure the patch is applied?)12:36
infinityogra_: As in, diff.gz can't represent a symlink.12:36
ogra_i missed the "not" :P12:36
ogra_thanks for repeating ti for that old blind man :)12:37
infinity(Though, I thought it just represented it as a dereferenced copy of the file...)12:37
cjwatsonactually maybe it can, I'm sure I remember using symlinks in debian/ pre-3.012:37
ogra_didrocks, pulling12:37
cjwatsonyeah, don't take my word as gospel here, I don't have time to check properly right now12:37
didrocksdpkg-source yielled at me though ;)12:37
didrockscjwatson: ^12:37
infinitydidrocks: I assume you just did a cp -a and called it good? :P12:38
didrocksinfinity: bzr rm, cp -a and bzr add yeah, because bzr wasn't happy I cheated on a symlink :)12:38
infinitycjwatson: Actually, I'm betting the remembering symlinks pre-3.0 was always in native packages.12:39
infinitycjwatson: Cause there really is no way to sanely represent a symlink in pre-3.0 non-native.  After the first pack/unpack, it would be a copy.12:39
cjwatsonoh, could well be, yes12:39
* ogra_ twiddles thumbs ... why is bzr so slow now12:39
infinity(And I think dpkg just says "no" instead of giving you that confusing result)12:40
* didrocks is just a dput away once ogra_ confirms the patch is applied on his armel system :)12:42
ogra_yeah, seems my pandas network connection is a bit unhappy, bzr pull takes a century here12:42
ogra_didrocks, applies, i'll leave the build run so we can see weverthing is right12:45
didrocksok, pushing12:45
ogra_thanks for taking over that bit12:46
didrocksas I guess we don't want to wait on your build again :)12:46
didrocksogra_: thanks for looking into the issue and trying the branch I pointed ;)12:46
ogra_nah, just as additional measure :)12:46
ogra_well, without you pointiing at it i would have given up12:46
didrocksogra_: I'm forced to approve the branch upstream now :p12:46
* ogra_ thinks there will have to be a lot beer flowing back and forth at UDS12:47
didrocksheh, as usual, ;)12:47
didrockspitti: ^ you maybe heard about that… an incoming unity fixing some issues on arm we might care about ;)12:51
pittididrocks: no idea what you are talking about, I'll just reject it12:52
didrockspitti: please do reject ;)12:52
infinityOh look, langpack spam day.12:53
pittiat it12:53
* infinity goes to update the i386 chroot to keep build times down.12:53
* pitti disables the automatic langpack cron job now; we'll get a fresh -base rebuild next Tuesday12:53
pittiinfinity: ok, cancelling my q accept run until you're done; thanks12:55
ogra_yay, and lubuntu-desktop is finally installable on armhf12:55
infinitypitti: Nah, accept away.  No point delaying.12:55
infinityNew chroot will be there in a few minutes.12:56
* infinity gives allspice to i386.12:56
pittididrocks: do we need to reupload unity-2d for that, or is that fine? (ISTR that it build-deps on unity)13:00
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didrockspitti: it doesn't, at east, I didn't spot an ABI break13:01
didrockspitti: I'll test from proposed right now13:01
pitticjwatson: want me to upload d-i for new l-ti-omap4, or are you already at it?13:01
pitti(and seeds)13:01
cjwatsonpitti: go ahead, I've been working on a couple of other things13:02
cjwatsonlooking into a workaround for bug 92294913:02
ubot2Launchpad bug 922949 in apt "installation process can crash due to an issue with one package when choosing "install updates" as part of the install" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92294913:02
infinitypitti: I did the seeds.13:03
infinitypitti: I can do d-i too, if you like.13:03
pittiI don't mind much either way, it's mostly mechanical anyway13:04
* infinity nods.13:04
pittiflip a coin?13:04
infinityHeh.  I'll do it in just a second. ;)13:05
infinityJust want to make sure I didn't break the world with the new i386 chroot.13:05
infinityWorld looks decidedly unbroken.13:08
infinitypitti: Uploaded.13:15
pitticheers, will review in a bit13:15
ScottKDaviey: horizon just made component mismatches explode.  You may want to have someone look into it.13:42
ogra_didrocks, oh, just FYI, the other build is done too13:46
didrocksogra_: nice to hear! Now let's wait a little bit less anxiously :)13:47
ogra_yeah :)13:47
ogra_infinity, oh, btw, did you change the omap4 cmdline in debian-cd yet (vram=40 ... and dropping the memory hole etc)13:50
infinityDid rsalveti file that bug for me and I missed it?13:53
infinityDropping the memory hole can't be done until 3.3+, AIUI, it was just the vram bump we need for now...13:53
infinity(Which can also be dropped in 3.3+)13:53
ogra_i dont think he filed any bug13:54
ogra_i just remembered you had a conversation about it with him13:54
infinityYeah, which ended in "file a bug so I don't forget". :P13:55
ogra_if you didnt do it i'll make sure it happens before release13:55
ogra_wforget it13:55
ogra_*e just shouldnt forget ot13:55
ogra_sigh, why is my system swallowing letters13:55
ogra_whole words actually13:55
infinityIf it's only debian-cd, it's a quick change.  I'll do it right now.13:56
infinityI wasn't sure if it popped up in other places.13:56
infinityBut I can't find it in flash-kernel.13:56
ogra_its in omap4_boot13:56
ogra_flash-kernel shouldnt touch the cmdline (f-k-i should though, but we dont use it)13:56
infinityOh, right, I meant to fix that.13:56
infinityNot enough hours in the day.13:57
infinityFor Q, I guess.13:57
ogra_what ?13:57
ogra_the cmdline fix ?13:57
ogra_or f-k13:57
infinityYeah, make f-k-i DTRT with custom command lines and such.13:57
ogra_ah, k13:57
infinityWas just some caro-culting from grub-installer that I didn't get to, but I'm not going to do it now.13:58
ogra_well, for preinstalled thats moot13:58
ogra_since f-k isnt used for anything but mkimage there anyway ...13:58
ogra_its debian-cd and jasper13:58
ogra_but jasper only takes the existing cmdline and parses the serial and debconf bits out ... the rest is used unmodified ... so the change is debian-cd only13:59
infinityRight, I meant fixing f-k-i to actually do sensible things in the face of custom commandlines. :P13:59
infinitydebian-cd is already fixed.13:59
infinityWell, when I commit.13:59
ogra_well, lets revisit the "burn jasper" spec in Q14:00
ogra_and actually implement the fixes we defined14:00
ogra_f-k-i was one of the bits iirc14:00
infinityWe might be getting dangerously close to just dropping preinstalled entirely.  I dunno.14:00
ogra_or that, yeah14:00
ogra_which will still need f-k-i touching though14:01
ogra_and i would still like to work on  the "d-i as tarball installer" bit14:02
ogra_(which is indeed more ac100 than preinstalled)14:02
DavieyScottK: looking, thanks14:09
cjwatsonsent the foundations report now, sorry that was late14:09
cjwatson^- that's the reupload expected from last night14:17
cjwatsonworks around our oldest rls-p-tracking bug sufficiently to consider it closed for now, yay14:17
ScottKcjwatson: Does that include the Kubuntu changes too?14:18
ScottKCool.  Thanks.14:19
cjwatsonthough I didn't verify against the rejected upload, it was what was in bzr14:19
ScottKThat should be correct.  The same person did both.14:19
brendandskaet - no release meeting today?14:26
ogra_brendand, in 30min, no ?14:26
skaetbrendand,  there's a release meeting today.  1500 GMT14:26
skaetbrendand,  can you please summarize in the meeting or in email,  who each of the bugs you've listed as blockers is waiting on?14:49
skaet(ie.  waiting on validation, waiting on fix - is what I'm trying to understand)14:50
pittihey skaet14:50
pittididrocks: so once unity is built in -proposed, do we need any other packages?14:51
skaethiya pitti,   just doing the pass through the weeklies to find out issues.14:51
* skaet still sees we're pending unity builds...14:51
didrockspitti: no, everything should be fine, copy g-c-c, nux, unity, unity-2d14:52
pittiskaet: yeah, that was a bit of a pain, but should hopefully be good now14:52
skaetam thinking that once its build,  recreating the images before tonight and seeing if we've got issues before the weekend would be prudent.14:52
didrocksand life will be beautiful ;)14:52
pittididrocks: ack; just wanted to triple-check14:52
pittiskaet: *nod*14:52
* skaet likes tripple checking..... 14:52
pittistill waiting on powerpc, once again14:52
pitti(as we have done all day for flushing -proposed ...)14:52
ScottKI think it's been over three days since a Universe package got built on powerpc.14:54
ScottKWill the kde-workspace/qt4-x11 syncs that just showed up in the queue cause the packages to get rebuilt?14:58
ScottKThat certainly isn't what we want.14:58
pittithey include binaries14:58
pittithat's the very point of using -proposed, after all14:59
pittiI'm waiting until they built on all arches, then move them over14:59
pittiwe got some 40 of them yesterday to update the .pot, I think14:59
ScottKYes.  Precisely my concern.  The LP U/I gives no indication that the binaries are included.14:59
ScottKThat was the reason.14:59
pittiit's exactly the same script as we use for releasing SRUs, FYI14:59
pitti(in case you are curious, it's sru-release in lp:ubuntu-archive-tools)15:00
ScottKDoes it still have to be run in the data center or can any archive admin run it?15:00
pittiScottK: the latter15:02
pittiit's lplib15:02
pittiI don't use the DC at all any more for SRU work15:02
pittithe new version cannot time out any more, as it's fully async15:02
pittiso we also process kernels that way now15:03
pittiah, for them I do need DC access for change-override15:03
ScottKSo I could do that for non-AA SRU people.15:03
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cjwatsonScottK: yep15:08
slangasekcjwatson: is that ubiquity escalation wrapper in a package that we could pull in?15:08
cjwatsonslangasek: no15:08
slangasekI'm going to stand pat for .0 then :)15:08
cjwatsonslangasek: you'd need to extract bits from lp:ubiquity bin/ubiquity-wrapper15:08
cjwatsonand probably tweak15:08
cjwatsondunno if you need the tedious dbus and xauth munging15:09
cjwatson(actually not dbus)15:09
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rsalvetididrocks: ogra_: I'm back15:18
rsalvetiwhat is the extra change that needed to land at unity15:18
ogra_rsalveti, to late, all fixed :P15:18
didrocksrsalveti: it's all sorted, seems I was right, a change was needed :p15:19
rsalvetiseems my build worked fine because for some reason libgl1 was also included during the build15:19
ScottK^^^ was me15:19
ogra_rsalveti, the fix is already merged upstream by didrocks15:19
rsalvetithen not causing the ftbfs while build the tests15:19
ogra_i had a similar issue doing the testbuild here15:19
rsalvetilet me check the changes15:19
ogra_older nux had pulled in libgl1 to the chroot15:19
rsalvetiwhich packages got changed? just unity?15:20
ogra_one quilt patch and one upstream fix additionally to your change15:20
rsalvetithe upstream fix kinds of surprised me, I thought it was all in15:21
ogra_it was a linaro merge request15:21
rsalvetioh, it was approved way back15:22
ogra_apparently missed or late15:22
rsalvetijust not merged15:22
ogra_well, all done now, and i belive infinity also changed to vram=40 already15:22
rsalvetiogra_: removed the mem whole also?15:23
ogra_so in tomorrows image unity should be testable15:23
ogra_i think so ...15:23
ogra_ask him ;)15:23
rsalvetiended up not opening I bug directly because I thought you'd do the changes :-)15:23
rsalvetibut seems infinity did it all15:23
ogra_we talked about both ... but i didnt check if he did it15:23
ogra_yeah, he was on it already, else i had done it15:23
rsalveti<infinity> Dropping the memory hole can't be done until 3.3+, AIUI, it was just the vram bump we need for now...15:24
ogra_thats wrong15:24
rsalvetiwell, we're not going to get video decoding at all with this kernel15:24
rsalvetiwe don't have a compatible kernel and userspace for it15:24
ogra_thats whys we want to drop it and keep the ram for the system15:25
ogra_well, if there is anything missing i'll fix it, i know whats needed15:25
ogra_no worries15:25
rsalvetiok :-)15:25
pittiunity built on all arches now, at last!15:26
ScottKskaet: It was a mail to ubuntu-devel on stuff to discuss at UDS.15:26
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pitticjwatson: just spoke with seb128; he and I can team up on Monday to work on a fix, if you think bug 942539 should be rls-p-tracking, ubuntu-12.04 milestoned, and all that15:42
ubot2Launchpad bug 942539 in nautilus "Ubiquity desktop icon text looks messy" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94253915:42
pittiit's certainly a visual wart15:42
cjwatsonI think it should be, yes - it seems like it shouldn't be that intrusive a fix, once identified15:43
seb128pitti, I've pinged upstream nautilus in case they have a clue where to start looking at it15:43
pitticjwatson: yes, I agree; we basically need to teach it to not break on '.' unless followed by whitespace15:43
evjdstrand: might I convince you to have a gander at bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/syslinux-legacy/+bug/966135 ?15:44
ubot2Launchpad bug 966135 in syslinux-legacy "[MIR] syslinux-legacy" [Undecided,New]15:44
evthere's candy and other delicious things inside15:44
evpay no attention to ubot215:45
seb128pitti, I fear it's not going to be "that easy", unicode text wrapping have lot of rules and can be complex, but let's see15:45
jdstrandev: sure15:45
pittiseb128, cjwatson: I updated the bug15:45
seb128pitti, ok, I got a pointer for upstream, I'm looking at it15:46
seb128pitti, http://git.gnome.org/browse/nautilus/tree/libnautilus-private/nautilus-icon-canvas-item.c#n147915:46
seb128if (*p == '_' || *p == '-' || (*p == '.' && ZERO_OR_THREE_DIGITS (p+1))) {15:47
seb128/* Ensure that we allow to break after '_' or '.' characters,15:47
seb128 * if they are not likely to be part of a version information, to15:47
seb128 * not break wrapping of foobar-
seb128 * Wrap before IPs and long numbers, though. */15:47
seb128pitti, should be easy now that I know where to look at ;-)15:47
pittiah, indeed15:47
didrocksoh great :)15:47
pittiall clear again15:53
pittiso, just waiting for the publisher to pick up the powerpc unity binary, then we can flush the lot15:54
pittiand http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/testing/precise_outdate.html is starting to look sane again, too15:56
pittiev knows about that and is on it15:56
* pitti flushes NBS15:57
rsalvetiinfinity: jbicha: ogra_: I attached the debdiff for bug 935124, if it's still useful16:01
ubot2Launchpad bug 935124 in gnome-shell "gnome-shell version 3.3.92-0ubuntu1 FTBFS on armhf in precise" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/93512416:01
jbicharsalveti: it's definitely useful, so it builds on ARM with that patch?16:01
rsalvetijbicha: yup16:02
pittididrocks: do you want to have the honor of copying the stuff to -release? I fixed teh tool since the last time16:02
ogra_does it run ?16:02
ogra_or does it only fix the build failure16:02
pittididrocks: (I can do it, just asking)16:02
didrockspitti: let me do that, it's a nice way to finish the week! :)16:02
* ogra_ cant imagine it runs without a lot more changes16:02
pittididrocks: it's sru-release -r precise unity unity-2d ...16:02
didrockspitti: sweet! doing ;)16:03
pittididrocks: mind the "-r" to copy to release instead of -updates16:03
rsalvetiogra_: I'm still to fully test it, but clutter/cogl is running and fixed for gles16:03
pittididrocks: hold your horses16:03
ogra_rsalveti, oh, cool !16:03
pittididrocks: still needs to be published, should be in a couple of mins16:03
rsalvetiand the fixes I proposed at the debdiff are all from upstream16:03
pittididrocks: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/5.10.0-0ubuntu316:03
didrockspitti: ok, just the time to finish an email then! ;)16:03
pittididrocks: ppc is "accepted"16:03
slangasekskaet: verdict is in; we're changing the armhf PI to the new, really-really-agreed-upstream path16:03
slangasekskaet: so that's the glibc and gcc uploads we discussed earlier - infinity will drive16:04
ogra_rsalveti, well, definitely SRU-worthy  even if it wont make release16:04
pittididrocks: the publisher starts at :03, and it should be published (in LP's mind) shortly after16:04
rsalvetiogra_: yeah16:04
pittididrocks: (it does not actually need to be on archive.u.c., which takes some 30 mins)16:04
didrockspitti: ok, just published on launchpad?16:04
pittididrocks: yes, i. e. in the DB (not necessary to be on archive.u.c.)16:04
didrocksok, thanks, will deal with that :)16:05
pittididrocks: and there we go16:05
* pitti waves the black-white flag16:05
didrocksgo go go ;)16:06
pittididrocks: wohoo! now go approve them16:08
cjwatsonslangasek: so a symlink, and binaries built after the gcc change will use the new path?16:08
didrockspitti: and done! :)16:08
* pitti flushes two more16:09
* ogra_ hears the gurgling sound 16:09
slangasekcjwatson: yes16:09
slangasekcjwatson: and I guess we keep the symlink until 14.0416:09
cjwatsonpresumably, and make sure everything gets rebuilt16:09
slangasekinfinity: ^^ probably a good thing to notate in the source package..16:10
cjwatsonuntil *after* 14.0416:10
slangasekcjwatson, jodh: so the plymouth change is a "temporary workaround" - this is the stopgap checking for the reference in the specific list before deallocing?16:11
cjwatsonthat's right16:11
cjwatsonor indeed before doing anything with the event source16:11
slangasekyou guys think that'll hold up?16:11
cjwatsonit looks solid so far16:11
slangasekok cool16:12
slangasekI guess the bug traffic will let us know if we're wrong16:12
skaetslangasek, infinity.   understood.   -proposed please.16:12
jodhslangasek: still investigating epoll semantics and adding instrumentation to plymouth...16:12
slangasekdo we want to assume that all the other crashes are the same bug?16:12
slangasekskaet: definitely16:12
slangasekjodh: ack :)16:12
cjwatsonanything that's a crash somewhere under ply_event_loop_process_pending_events that seems to be due to a bogus event source pointer is probably this16:13
infinityslangasek: We have no symlink to worry about.16:13
slangasekinfinity: what now?  /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ld-linux.so.3 ?16:14
infinityslangasek: We install *all* our PIs to multiarch paths anyway, and then link from the compiler-derived location.16:14
jodhslangasek: adding in extra asserts, we see epoll_ctl calls failing and some of the errno handling is dubious, however we still can't yet pin down the exact cause.16:14
slangasekinfinity: oh... so this is The Right Thing going forward anyway16:14
cjwatsonjodh: I'm still not entirely convinced that those epoll_ctl failures are causes rather than symptoms, though16:15
infinityslangasek: Now, this may take some wrangling in glibc once I do a couple of rounds of rebuilds and realise it's about to do something silly, but I'll find that out today.16:15
slangasekyep, understood16:15
cjwatsonyou'd see a failing epoll_ctl if it tried to remove a source that had already been removd16:15
jodhcjwatson: right - could well be, however the asserts fire pretty consistently - I can guarantee a crash within 2 invocations of plymouthd which is significant I think compared to what we were seeing yesterday.16:17
cjwatsonso the question is whether that has anything to do with the bug, or just a spurious double-removal16:18
evfixing the whoopsie unit tests on arm is going to have to spill over into the weekend / monday16:18
pittigood night everyone, have a nice weekend!16:19
evpitti: and you!16:19
didrockshave a nice week-end pitti ;)16:21
skaethave  good weekend pitti,  thanks!16:21
jodhcjwatson: it's invalid on the very first call to ply_event_loop_remove_source_node().16:21
cjwatsonjodh: so that sounds like something closing an fd before disconnecting the epoll source16:26
jodhcjwatson: confirmed its the source->fd that's invalid. will look for rogue closes...16:32
slangasekinfinity: are you bumping shlibs for libc6, or how are you expressing the dependency on the new PI path for binaries built with the new gcc?16:33
cjwatsonI tried a quick audit and it wasn't trivial to find; I wouldn't be confident we'd got them all16:33
cjwatsonso I'm glad we have the workaround in place as insurance16:33
cjwatsonslangasek: for that matter, how would we express that shlibs for binaries built between new gcc and new libc?16:33
cjwatsonwe might have to put armhf on manual for the duration ...16:34
cjwatsonor perhaps do it all in a PPA16:34
slangasekcjwatson: if it's via -proposed?16:34
cjwatsonwe'd have to make sure that nothing else landed in -proposed; I'm not that confident in our communication over extended periods16:35
cjwatsona non-virt PPA would be safer16:35
slangasekthe bootstrap is eglibc->gcc->eglibc16:35
slangasekthe first eglibc that adds the new PI path can also add the bumped shlibs16:35
slangasekit's slightly overbroad, but safe16:36
cjwatsonoh, the new PI is in the first eglibc?16:36
slangasekyes, AIUI / IIRC16:36
slangasekinfinity: ^^ can you confirm?16:36
slangasekjdstrand: is the 'ubiquity' task on bug #980772 a misunderstanding?  ubiquity is only used for desktop CDs, and the bug report says this only applies to non-desktop16:38
ubot2Launchpad bug 980772 in ubiquity "Various files and directories created with odd permissions on precise" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98077216:38
cjwatsonthe bug report lists desktop problems ...16:39
cjwatsonalbeit one I can't reproduce16:39
slangasek"The desktop install does not seem to be affected:"16:39
cjwatson"Other directories:16:40
cjwatsondrwsrwsrwt 2 root root 40 Apr 13 06:59 /run/initramfs/ (desktop and server)"16:40
infinityslangasek: I wasn't entirely sure I was going to care about upgrade paths, given that this is unreleased, but I could bump shlibs on armhf, sure.16:40
slangasekinfinity: these aren't the last binaries being built in precise; we'd certainly like out-of-order upgrades to not explode on impact over the next two weeks16:40
jodhcjwatson: looks like ply_boot_connection_free() is closing the fd source->fd refers to.16:40
* jodh -> afk16:41
infinityslangasek: Sure, I'll do that, then.16:41
infinityslangasek: I was going to have to for Debian anyway, where I certainly have less control over things like the buildd network.16:41
infinityslangasek: So, I'll bump shlibs for both.16:41
infinitycjwatson / slangasek: As for "in between" issues, I'm not bootstrapping it in the archive, unless people give me a really solid excuse to.16:43
slangasekinfinity: because we don't trust your scary out-of-archive binaries :P16:43
infinitycjwatson / slangasek: I have to do test builds locally anyway, to make sure everything's just so, so once those are done, I can toss them on archive-team.internal, and pull them in for one gcc and eglibc build.16:43
slangasekyeah, ok16:44
cjwatsonjodh: so http://paste.ubuntu.com/928183/, maybe16:44
slangasekinfinity: it spares powerpc some pain, so I guess that's best16:44
cjwatsonjodh: (assuming that's the only event loop user with this problem)16:44
infinityslangasek: It's how I did the rest of the port, why stop now? ;)16:44
* infinity goes back to setting his local ARM machines on fire.16:44
* pitti pleasantly sees that today's image is _well_ under the limit16:45
pittithanks Tim Gardner16:45
infinityslangasek: The only other question I have is if you'll be cool with me swapping in Michael Hope's GCC patch instead of the one we've been using.  Our compiler is broken for any non-glibc targets (which would matter if people wanted to use Ubuntu to develop for uclibc, bionic, etc)16:46
slangasekpitti: what did he jettison? :-)16:46
cjwatsonunused firmware16:46
pittithrowing out obsolete firmware from linux-firmware16:46
slangasekinfinity: I haven't seen the delta; want to throw it my way for pre-approval?16:46
infinityslangasek: It's patching an entirely different file (ie: the right one).16:47
slangasekjdstrand: bug #980772 again - did you use encrypted home dirs when installing?16:47
ubot2Launchpad bug 980772 in ubiquity "Various files and directories created with odd permissions on precise" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98077216:47
slangasekinfinity: then can you throw me two deltas?16:47
infinityslangasek: http://lists.linaro.org/pipermail/cross-distro/2012-April/000160.html16:49
slangasekcjwatson: aha, I'm seeing bug #980772 on an upgrade - so this isn't the installer, it's something amok with initramfs or a udev rule at boot time16:49
ubot2Launchpad bug 980772 in ubiquity "Various files and directories created with odd permissions on precise" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98077216:49
cjwatsonslangasek: heh, we commented two seconds apart16:49
infinityslangasek: http://paste.ubuntu.com/928192/ <-- Our current patch16:49
cjwatsonslangasek: how about /media16:49
slangasek /media is fine for me16:50
slangasek(new install and also upgrade)16:50
cjwatsonwell, I stand by my Incomplete status :)16:50
slangasekyes :)16:50
cjwatsoninstaller bugs with no logs => not fun16:50
jdstrandslangasek: yes16:51
slangasekI'm tentatively blaming cryptsetup16:51
slangasekjdstrand: is cryptsetup there on the server test too?16:51
jdstrandslangasek: 2:1.4.1-2ubuntu316:52
slangaseknow the question is, why/where16:52
cjwatsoncan somebody review ubiquity in the queue, so I can nuke the rls-p-tracking tag off apt?16:52
cjwatson(problem with tags for this: they can't be bug-task-specific)16:53
* skaet nods at that16:53
jdstrandI should note that these are just straight up iso installs in a vm. for desktop, I used encrypted home and 3rd party. for server encrypted home and all tasks in tasksel (except manual). otherwise default installs16:53
jdstrandslangasek, cjwatson16:53
jdstrandcjwatson: which logs do you want?16:53
jdstrandthe machine is still up16:54
slangasekplymouth touches /run/initramfs if it's in the initramfs, which it is if cryptsetup is installed16:54
gotwigcritical broken package for precise !! : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/npm/+bug/86309416:54
ubot2Launchpad bug 863094 in npm "npm versions less than 1.1 will not work with registry.npmjs.org" [Unknown,Fix released]16:54
cjwatsonjdstrand: the standard installer log is /var/log/installer/syslog16:54
cjwatsonjdstrand: but it doesn't sound like this is actually an installer bug anyway16:54
jdstrandit might not be the installer btw-- I just didn't know where else to put it16:54
jdstrand(but I'm sure you know that :)16:54
gotwigplease help16:54
cjwatsongotwig: please don't shout at us16:55
gotwigcjwatson: oups... sry16:55
slangasekcjwatson: looking at ubiquity16:55
gotwigcjwatson: you know, its important....16:55
cjwatsonSpamapS: ^- can you look at the npm bug above?16:55
* gotwig likes to use a packaged node.js16:55
* SpamapS looks16:55
SpamapSperhaps we should move the discussion to #ubuntu-motu though?16:55
cjwatsonyeah, not really a -release matter16:56
JohnLeaslangasek; hyia, would it be possible to take a look at bug #959339 ?  This is a really critical bug that seems to have fallen through the cracks on the Unity 3d side, and we are trying to get it fixed in time for SRU-016:56
ubot2Launchpad bug 959339 in unity "Launcher, Alt-Tab - clicking on launcher item or selecting a app in Alt-Tab raises all app windows, not just most recently focused" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95933916:56
gotwigSpamapS: I reported it there, too...16:56
slangasekJohnLea: I'm a bit contended at the moment; perhaps another release-teamer can look16:57
slangasekcjwatson: has the ubiquity change been tested in anger?  I'm not going to effectively review the exception handling here16:58
JohnLeaslangasek, np, thx16:59
skaetJohnLea, its being targetted to SRU-0.16:59
cjwatsonslangasek: I can't reproduce the corruption itself, but I've given it a straight run-through in an install that was doing language pack downloading, and confirmed that language packs are still downloaded correctly16:59
cjwatson(and installed)17:00
cjwatsonslangasek: I can see if I can forcibly corrupt things in situ or something17:00
JohnLeaskaet; and that is all good at your end?  I'm trying to get everything lined up for the fix for this bug to be landed.17:00
slangasekcjwatson: nah, I'm satisfied if we haven't regressed in the non-corrupted case17:01
cjwatsonIOError is what the consumer of this code is expecting in the "the network ate my homework" case17:01
slangasekgot it17:01
infinityJohnLea: FWIW, I think it should be fixed.  Shame it was broken in the first place. :P17:01
slangasekthat was about to be my question :-)17:01
slangasekcjwatson: accepted17:02
cjwatsonand the result of IOError is "shrug, log it, carry on"17:02
cjwatsongreat, thanks17:02
skaetJohnLea,  been reading through the bug.  possibly this is something to cherry pick a fix up for.   Want you and didrocks on the same page thought before we do.17:02
jdstrandslangasek, cjwatson: ok, updated the bug with the installer logs and an updated description for what install options I used17:02
didrocksskaet: hum, it's changing the behavior17:02
didrocksskaet: so if you click on an icon in the launcher, you won't get the same action17:02
didrocksskaet: my recommendation is either get it early next week, like before tuesday17:03
didrocksor not17:03
didrocksas changing a behavior post release is bad17:03
infinitydidrocks: It's bringing the behaviour in line with 2d, and yeah, if there's a solid patch ready to do, I say soon, soon, soon.17:03
didrocksinfinity: agreed, I'm arguing on that one for 8 monthes as you can see on the bug :)17:03
skaetdidrocks,  yes,   agree,  by monday actually would be the preference if we want to cherry pick this up.     Not happy with it, at all.17:03
infinityYeah. :/17:03
didrocksskaet: so am I…17:04
infinitydidrocks: If it can be done over the weekend, some of us are a bit flexible in what we call "work hours" (ie: me)17:04
skaetDon't think it should be SRU0 material.17:04
infinitydidrocks: I'd happily review and accept it anytime, as long as it's Really Soon.17:04
skaeti'll be around as well this weekend.17:05
didrocksinfinity: I won't be here on the week-end, I'm already crossing the 80 hours this week ;)17:05
didrocksbut let me try to get people on that17:05
infinitydidrocks: Great.  Have your people call our people.17:05
infinitydidrocks: (Our people can sponsor too, if you're the only uploader they have...)17:06
didrocksinfinity: sure, just bzr branch lp:~ubuntu-desktop/unity/ubuntu and bzr merge the branch17:07
didrocks(full source derived from upstream branch FTW \o/)17:07
didrocksI'm just trying to find anyone right now ;)17:07
infinitydidrocks: Check. ;)17:07
* ogra_ wishes that bug would have come up this morning17:08
ogra_we could have easily included the fix17:08
ogra_while waiting for arm testbuilds17:08
didrocksogra_: indeed17:09
slangasekinfinity:  gcc patch looks safe enough17:10
slangasekinfinity: michaelh1's gcc patch looks good to me... will you test that armel doesn't get broken before uploading?17:11
infinityslangasek: Yeah.17:12
infinityslangasek: I've got a weekend to burn CPU time, I'll make sure I get it all just right.17:12
slangasekgreat, thanks17:13
infinity(I do like that he tested so extensively, though, gives me some confidence)17:13
cjwatsonslangasek: hmm.  good news, it didn't crash when I forcibly corrupted a file; bad news, it didn't notice either17:22
* cjwatson goes to do a better job17:22
cjwatson(or rather, it did crash, but not any worse than before)17:22
cjwatsonsorry, I clearly should have tried that17:23
skaetogra_,  is there an ordering between the linux-ac100,  and linux-meta-ac100 we're going to need to worry about in the acceptance ordering.   (ie. don't accept meta until the linux-ac100 is through?)17:31
slangasekthat's the general rule for linux meta packages, yes17:31
ogra_skaet, well, same as for the normal kernels17:31
ogra_(what slangasek said)17:32
skaetNCommander,  can you please look at the linux-ac100 and linux-meta-ac100?17:32
cjwatsonthough it doesn't break the archive if you don't17:32
infinityskaet: Accepting it all at once is fine.17:32
cjwatsonoh, wait, *that* ordering17:32
cjwatsonit doesn't break the archive if you accept linux-ac100 without linux-meta-ac10017:32
cjwatsonthe other way round would17:33
infinityYeah, but the other way around shouldn't happen.17:33
infinitySince linux-ac100 is in binary NEW.17:33
cjwatsonindeed, would have to be archive admin asleep at the wheel17:33
skaetyeah, spotted it and didn't realize initially that linux-ac100 was in NEW.17:33
infinitySo, it's all the same round.17:33
* skaet noting17:33
infinityDid someone already accept the armhf build?17:33
skaetnot sure...17:33
infinityLooks like.17:33
* infinity accepts the armel.17:34
infinity(and the meta)17:35
skaetthanks infinity,   NCommander, ignore request.17:35
zulcan someone accept horizon..it fixes a regression that was introduced in the last upload17:44
infinityzul: It might have to be in the queue first.17:46
zulit is..17:46
zul-queuebot/#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted horizon [source] (precise-release) [2012.1-0ubuntu4]17:46
infinityzul: Err, note the "accepted" there.17:46
zulright...nm.....im going back to sleep :P17:46
skaetlaunchpad is timing out on trying to approve software-center for me.  (It has fixes we want to get in, and seems sane from scan perspective).17:58
skaetcan someone else try and see if they have better luck goosing it through the queue?17:59
skaetI've been trying and timing out for last 15+ minutes17:59
infinityskaet: Done.18:00
skaetThanks infinity.18:01
cjwatsonslangasek: ah, I think my ubiquity workaround just failed to handle epochs18:06
cjwatsonsilly python-apt making life hard18:06
infinitypitti: I assume this apport workaround is just meant to be closing a large race window with a smaller one?18:27
infinitypitti: Did mvo's small patch to GTK+ scare you too much to go that route?18:30
slangasekjdstrand: thanks for this bug - I've never seen a value like that passed to chmod before, makes for interesting reading ;)19:13
slangasekjdstrand: is your filesystem perms audit something that could be wired up to QA's daily upgrade+install tests as a pass/fail?19:13
cjwatsonslangasek: wow what19:16
slangasekcjwatson: when you failed to reproduce this, were you on i386 by chance?19:16
cjwatsonbut jdstrand said i38619:16
slangasekoh, did he?19:16
cjwatsonwait, no he didn't19:16
cjwatsongah, I managed to misread 12.04 as i386, I think19:17
cjwatsonthat would have saved some time :-/19:17
slangasek        org_mask = cur_mask = (mode_t)-1L;19:17
slangasekhaha what19:17
jdstrandI was on amd6419:17
jdstrandslangasek: sure-- it is just part of qrt19:18
jdstrandpass fail might be difficult19:18
jdstrandbut someone interested could do it19:18
slangasekjdstrand: well, "pass" could be "no bogons found", and everything else a failure?19:19
cjwatson(mode_t)-1L is a sentinel value there19:19
jdstrand(it is part of the security team's release cycle duties to run these tests and compare to previous releases/milestones19:19
cjwatsonI suspect the bug is in parse_mode19:19
cjwatsoner bb_parse_mode19:19
cjwatsonhm, maybe not actually, mkdir -m isn't used here19:20
slangasekjdstrand: would having it in the jenkins automation save you guys time?19:20
jdstrandslangasek: eh..19:21
jdstrandprobably not19:21
slangasekok then19:21
jdstrandit isn't a pass/fail with me19:21
jdstrandthere is a lot of manual inspection19:21
slangasekI was just thinking it might be nice to know about this sort of thing earlier in the cycle19:21
jdstrandeg, things like those permissions are pass fail, but then even just changing group ownership on a directory, etc19:22
cjwatsonso why is mkdir calling chmod when called without -m?19:22
jdstrandwe investigate it and see if it is ok and then document it19:22
cjwatson    mode_t mode = (mode_t)(-1);19:22
cjwatson!= (mode_t)(-1L)19:22
ubot2Factoid 'mode_t)(-1L)' not found19:22
jdstrandslangasek: I can try to make these happen earlier in the cycle19:22
cjwatsonshut up ubot219:22
cjwatsonthat's in coreutils/mkdir.c19:22
jdstrandnormally we shoot for beta and then again with rc19:22
jdstrandbut beta didn't happen due to being crazy busy19:23
cjwatsonslangasek: http://git.busybox.net/busybox/commit/?id=af36ba206f7cf0eef77a82af741766a2d03c51ad19:24
slangasekcjwatson: thanks19:24
* skaet --> appt, back later.19:25
slangasekthough this only fixes mkdir, so doesn't explain what jdstrand saw under /dev19:26
slangasekso maybe there's a corresponding bug + fix for mknod19:27
cjwatsonnot sure I see anything relevant upstram19:29
cjwatsonsurely udev doesn't shell out to mknod though?19:30
slangasekI'm not convinced these are udev's doing19:30
slangasek/dev/autofs?  what the heck is that?19:30
cjwatsonrules/rules.d/50-udev-default.rules:94:KERNEL=="tun",                   MODE="0666", OPTIONS+="static_node=net/tun"19:30
slangasekno /dev/autofs in my /var/log/udev19:31
cjwatson                        /* set sticky bit, so we do not remove the node on module unload */19:31
cjwatson                        mode |= 01000;19:31
cjwatsonin udev19:31
slangasekso do we think that's non-buggy?19:32
cjwatsonso that will account for at least some of those19:32
cjwatsonit's an exotic use for the sticky bit, but it seems entirely deliberate (it's in the udev ChangeLog for 174, even) and not totally unreasonable19:33
cjwatsonit's not like it means anything else19:33
slangasekuploading just the busybox fix then19:33
jdstrandI will document that19:33
jdstranddoes that account for all of the sticky bits?19:34
cjwatsonI think so; udev forces the sticky bit on devices that the kernel tells it to create in some cases, too19:34
cjwatsonyou can grep -r sticky yourself :-)19:34
cjwatsonI can't think how it would be security-harmful19:35
jdstrandcjwatson: cool. thanks19:36
* jdstrand documents19:36
slangasekbdmurray: when you reproduced bug #874774... did it only happen for you on the first boot after install?19:36
ubot2Launchpad bug 874774 in cryptsetup "could not mount /dev/mapper/cryptswap1" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87477419:36
slangasekbdmurray: because that's what I've gotten here :P19:36
cjwatsonI don't know at the moment why it's only applied to some device nodes and not others19:37
cjwatsonbusybox LGTM, accepting19:38
cjwatsonwe'll probably want a d-i upload later to pull that in19:39
bdmurrayslangasek: I didn't watch the 2nd boot closely but could check again19:40
cjwatsoncan somebody review my go-around on ubiquity?19:40
jdstrandcjwatson: thanks for looking at those sticky files btw-- I got distracted by the tty business and forgot to circle back around19:41
cjwatsonthis time it correctly detected corruption and smoothly elected not to install language packs19:41
cjwatsonhmm, busybox-initramfs doesn't actually call update-initramfs on upgrade; I hope there'll be something else that does that before release19:43
cjwatsonthere was a circularity problem with it doing so way back in the old days19:43
cjwatsonI don't know if there still is, and there may not be since that was before we had triggers, but I'm not entirely certain I want to find out just now19:44
slangasekunless jdstrand thinks this is USN-worthy, I'm inclined not to worry about it... it's a DoS if someone fills /run, but it seems to only be that one dir that's affected and we can count on a kernel SRU soon enough19:45
slangaseklooking at ubiquity19:46
slangasekwebkit's cache> oho19:50
cjwatsonnot quite sure if it will do the job but certainly worth a shot19:50
cjwatsonand it doesn't regress installation, at least19:50
slangasekubiquity accepted19:51
slangasekreviewing django-nose (MIR prereq, python-support deprecation)19:51
jdstrandslangasek: and thank you for digging in and fixing busybox. kinda a neat bug :)19:56
slangasekno worries19:56
slangasekthose are always the fun amd64 bugs19:56
slangasekthe unfun ones are the 50th time a GNOME application segfaults in gobject because the upstream gtk docs give bad advice that seduces people into not being 64-bit-clean19:57
slangaseky'know, I've never done an install in asturianu before19:58
slangaseklet's give it a try19:59
slangaseklamont: welcome to final freeze? :P20:11
lamontslangasek: I discussed it with scottk before uploading20:11
slangasekok :)20:11
lamontbind9 is me fixing my "chown 644" typo20:12
jdstrandSpamapS: fyi, just noticed that python-ceph Depends on librgw1, but we don't build librgw1 any more20:12
lamontpostfix is one that fails to _start_ _sometimes_ because of a typo in the ssl cert handling20:12
* jdstrand looks curiously at the same version of unity building in two different native ppas and taking up powerpc's resources20:15
jdstrandSpamapS: ok, filed 981130 and assigned to you so we wouldn't lose it. feel free to reassign/etc20:18
* ScottK is reviewing bind9 and postfix20:23
ScottKjdstrand: I'm sure it's critical due to the large Unity on Power userbase.20:30
jdstrandone finished. it just looked funny20:30
SpamapSjdstrand: will look into it.20:33
bdmurrayslangasek: the cryptswap message appeared again on my 3rd(?) bot20:45
slangasekbdmurray: interesting, ok20:45
slangasekso it seems to be racy in some way20:45
slangasekor there are multiple causes20:45
slangasekbdmurray: do you have /var/log/upstart/cryptdisks-enable.log on this system?20:55
cjwatsonah, good, openjdk-{6,7} have both finished20:58
* cjwatson copies20:58
bdmurrayslangasek: http://paste.ubuntu.com/928514/20:58
slangasekbdmurray: yep, looking familiar20:59
cjwatsonyay for job logging20:59
slangasekyep :)20:59
cjwatsonmade use of it in anger yesterday when working on mountall, too20:59
cjwatsoncleaned up the pad too21:02
cjwatsoncopying ubiquity, which has built21:26
cjwatsonstgraber: ^- "/primary"?21:26
cjwatsonsyncs from a PPA causing confusion maybe?21:26
cjwatsonor something to do with them being new?21:27
cjwatson... they're syncs from Debian, not from a PPA, it seems21:28
cjwatsonSpamapS: is there an FFe for all the node-* stuff?21:28
ScottKcjwatson: There is.  I'm taking care of it.21:28
cjwatsonOK, cool21:28
stgrabercjwatson: Were these new source packages or just binary?21:31
cjwatsonstgraber: source21:31
cjwatsonsyncs of source packages from Debian, not previously in Ubuntu21:31
stgrabercjwatson: I seem to remember writting some code where it'd print the archive name (primary or partner) when it can't figure out a component (as a new source, as far as LP is concerned, doesn't have a component yet)21:32
stgraberthat's mostly useful to spot partner uploads really21:32
cjwatsonmm - but in this case it's printing the archive name from Debian, which is dubiously useful without qualification21:32
stgraber>>> list(lp.distributions['ubuntu'].archives)21:34
stgraber[<archive at https://api.launchpad.net/1.0/ubuntu/+archive/primary>, <archive at https://api.launchpad.net/1.0/ubuntu/+archive/partner>]21:34
stgrabercjwatson: ^21:34
cjwatsonstgraber: oh, the web UI said "Sync from Primary Archive for Debian GNU/Linux" or some such, so I thought that was what you were using21:38
cjwatsonOK, fair enough21:38
cjwatson>>> list(lp.distributions['debian'].archives)21:39
cjwatson[<archive at https://api.launchpad.net/1.0/debian/+archive/primary>]21:39
slangasekcjwatson: 848915> I'm getting the overall impression that "partial upgrade" is more trouble than it's worth and we should kill it off as an option21:39
slangasekcjwatson: there's a bug from mpt about this which I think mvo has weighed in on, let me fetch21:39
cjwatsonslangasek: so am I, but I'm not going to do that now21:39
cjwatsonyeah, I believe I've seen it21:39
slangasekyou think it's too high-risk?21:40
slangasekit would be a small change to just never present that option21:40
cjwatsonI don't want to suddenly find out that we needed it after all for some reason and then have to fix this bug anyway ...21:40
cjwatsonI don't feel I know u-m well enough to judge that21:41
cjwatsonbut based on experience from ubiquity it seems that this bug shouldn't be too hard to fix directly - *if* we can reproduce it21:41
slangasekfair enough21:41
slangasekbug #955022 was the one, fwiw21:57
ubot2Launchpad bug 955022 in update-manager ""Not all updates can be installed" requires a decision most people can't make" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95502221:57
cjwatsonslangasek: I'm sceptical that this actually has anything to do with partial upgrade mode, anyway22:04
slangasekfair 'nuff22:04
cjwatsonslangasek: out of 17 duplicates, only two have "PythonArgs: ['/usr/bin/update-manager', '--dist-upgrade']", and the rest have other arguments22:05
cjwatsonslangasek: also, only one of those bugs is from the final oneiric version or newer22:05
cjwatsonwhich might just mean poor duplication, but22:06
slangasekor was there a bug pattern for this?22:06
cjwatsonoh, could be, I should check22:07
cjwatsonI don't see a bug pattern22:09
cjwatsonthere's one mention in bug 350988 of running update-manager from cron and it getting upset22:11
ubot2Launchpad bug 350988 in update-manager "update 8.10 to 9.04 ==> Pb with udevinfo (not found)" [Undecided,Opinion] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35098822:11
cjwatsonto which I say meh22:11
NCommanderskaet: bah, sorry about that22:11
cjwatsonall but three of the bugs had recently upgraded from natty to oneiric, and two of the remainder from oneiric beta to oneiric; recently enough that they might not have restarted yet, perhaps22:14
cjwatsontwo of the bugs used --no-focus-on-map, I think implying that it was launched from update-notifier22:23
cjwatsoncan't reproduce it that way either.  trying a natty install22:36
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