
jkyleI've put a series of bonding configurations in my /etc/rc.local. What I'm noticing is that it seems only the first line of them are executed.00:10
jkylewhat might be causing rc.local to short00:11
mdlueckI know Synaptic has a menu choice to force reinstall of a package. Where is the equivalent in aptitude?00:18
mdlueckOr must I force reinstall via dpkg?00:18
qman__mdlueck, apt-get install --reinstall00:20
qman__don't know what it would be for aptitude but it should have an option like it in the manual00:21
mdlueckqman__, yes that would work too. No wat via aptitude?00:21
mdlueckthen I will just apt-get, thanks00:21
jkylestgraber: all good reasons00:28
zulDaviey:  yep00:28
mklappstuhlI would like to setup a new Xen guest with 12.04 ... apparently this is not easily possible using the dist option00:45
mklappstuhlhow would you recommend to do it?00:45
patdk-lapmklappstuhl, easy, install 12.04 with the ec2 kernel01:02
patdk-lapsame way it's been done since 10.0401:03
mklappstuhlpatdk-lap: I am not using ec2 but it reads like this is not a requirement01:06
patdk-lapwhat are you talking about? you asked for xen, the answer is ec201:07
mklappstuhlpatdk-lap: can you point me to some more information?01:07
patdk-lapsure, the kernel-ec2 config file01:07
patdk-lapapt-get show linux-ec2?01:08
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mklappstuhland I dont understand how ec2 is related to the problem and also there is now package as kernel-ec2 or linux-ec201:12
patdk-lapyour failing is that ubuntu doesn't maintain a xen base image01:13
patdk-lapthe next failing is that, xen guest stuff was merged into the kernel01:13
patdk-lapand the 3rd is that, ec2 is based on xen01:13
patdk-laptherefor, to have a xen compatable image, ec2 is the 1 stop shop01:14
patdk-lapwho cares if you use amazon or not, you want xen, install ec2 kernel01:14
mklappstuhlI know that ec2 builds up on top of xen but01:14
mklappstuhlI can install ubuntu versions on my hypervisor .. it works fine with debian and lucid and many others01:15
patdk-lapif your using a hypervisor, then you don't need xen support, cause your using qemu01:16
mklappstuhlin my understanding the hypervisor is the Dom001:16
mklappstuhlAnd I am also not looking for "xen-support"01:16
patdk-lapfor paravirtual01:17
patdk-lapfor real virtual machines, hvm mode, it uses qemu01:17
mklappstuhlI want to install 12.04 as easy as the other debian based distributions by using the --dist flag01:17
patdk-lapwhat --dist flag?01:17
* patdk-lap doesn't remember any --dist flag01:17
mklappstuhlbut there are not instructions shipped for the version I am running xen and probably that will take a while since ubuntu 12.04 is not even released01:17
mklappstuhlxen-create-image --hostname bla --dist lucid01:18
mklappstuhlsomething like the abote01:18
patdk-lapoh, xen-tools, that isn't a part of xen :)01:18
mklappstuhlhaha okay01:20
mklappstuhlbut it has xen in its name :D01:20
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ariesThoughts on Webin for ubuntu03:03
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.03:04
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.03:08
ariesVery interesting03:08
ariesany ideas why this is the case/03:08
ariesI'm having some issues managing my web sevrer03:08
ariesany other graphical front ends03:08
ariesmake my life easier?03:08
twb<dpkg> Webmin is a lame web-based interface for unsafe system administration for Unix.  Check it out at http://webmin.com/  Remember, dondelelcaro *hates* webmin.  "i'd rather sit on the floor shoving table knives into live electrical outlets than run webmin on an exposed server."  Removed from Debian post-Sarge, see http://bugs.debian.org/343897 .  The Debian package from webmin.com is of poor quality.  See <free wh03:13
twbcp> for alternatives.03:13
twb^^ that's the Debian version of that info entry.03:14
uvirtbottwb: Error: "^" is not a valid command.03:14
twbYou can /msg dpkg to ask about it if you are in #debian03:14
ariesPerl web host control panel?03:17
twbI am not interesting in discussing it with you further.03:17
arieshow come?03:17
ariesI guess the commad line way is the best.03:18
twbWhy does /lib/udev/devices need a loop0 ?04:32
twbIt is pissing me off because when copied to a solaris/ZFS backup server, I get this:04:32
twb$ du --apparent-size /tank/hosted-backup/backups/cybersource/alpha.cyber.com.au:./.zfs/snapshot/2012-03-28T14:05:01Z/lib/udev/devices/loop004:32
twb9007199254740992        /tank/hosted-backup/backups/cybersource/alpha.cyber.com.au:./.zfs/snapshot/2012-03-28T14:05:01Z/lib/udev/devices/loop004:32
twbI was just going to instruct the backup to be --one-file-system, but it turns out /lib/udev/devices isn't (as I had assumed) a separate pseudofs04:34
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koolhead11hi all09:22
lynxmanmorning o/10:34
uvirtbotNew bug: #980682 in bind9 (main) "package bind9 1:9.8.1.dfsg.P1-3 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98068210:41
JoeyJoeJo If I go to http://mysite.com, my browser downloads the index.php file instead of displaying it. However if I go to http://mysite.com/index.php, it works correctly. What causes that problem?11:05
uvirtbotNew bug: #980712 in samba (main) "Package winbind 2:3.6.3-2ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: subprocess new pre-removal script returned error exit status 143" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98071211:21
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airtonixquestion about lstp server, i notice that the next version of zentyal (aka zentyal 3.0) will be providing a very nice lstp configuration module for lstp.. so my question is this : 20 workstations running a gnome shell desktop with thunderbird and chrome, libre office etc does the actual video rendering processing happen on the workstation or the server ?11:55
airtonixi mean LTSP11:56
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uvirtbotNew bug: #980758 in samba (main) "new buffer overflow attack on samba 3.6.3 -> enables unauthenticated remote root access" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98075812:31
koolhead17zul, around12:32
zulkoolhead17: no12:33
koolhead17zul, hehe. :)12:33
* koolhead17 wonders if there has been some major changes in dash yesterday12:35
koolhead17dash == horizon12:35
zulkoolhead17: why?12:50
koolhead17zul, because some one told me upgade asks you for DEBUG = False12:51
koolhead17and new package python-django-horizon12:52
zulkoolhead17: ok yes the configuration has changed to turn off debug12:52
koolhead17zul, and that breaks the css apparently which it should not.12:52
zulcan you please open up a bug then?12:52
koolhead17zul, even in my un-upgraded horizon pkg if am doing DEBUG = False  it breaks12:54
zulkoolhead17: ok can you please open up a bug then12:54
koolhead17am doing it right away12:55
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zulkoolhead17: if you set it back to True then it works like normal right?13:02
koolhead17zul, https://bugs.launchpad.net/horizon/+bug/98078713:03
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 980787 in horizon "openstack-dashboard breaks with option DEBUG =False in config file" [Undecided,New]13:03
uvirtbotNew bug: #980798 in bind9 (main) "incorrect owner '644' for /etc/bind/named.conf.options" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98079813:31
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hallynutlemming: for bug 979996, does your fix still work with precise?  doesn't look like it should, becuase you unconditionally switch to $release-*, but in precise it's still ubuntu-12.04* ?14:15
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 979996 in lxc "ubuntu-cloud template can't find .img" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97999614:15
utlemminghallyn: I tested it...but let me double check again to be sure.14:16
zulDaviey: the horizon i did this morning fixes a regression from the last upload14:17
hallynutlemming: while I'm converting lxc-test to pyunit, I'm gogn to add ubuntu-cloud to the tests14:20
utlemminghallyn: nice14:20
hallynjust playing whack-a-bug with my typos right now :)14:21
utlemminghallyn: I just re-confimred the patch works with precise released (beta images) and re-confirmed it works with dailies.14:26
koolhead17zul, the fresh upload of horizon add deps of python-memcache and memcahed right ?14:30
zulno it fixes the regression14:30
zulkoolhead17: ill get the memcached in for an SRU14:30
koolhead17zul, it be cool to have CACHE_BACKEND = 'memcached://'14:31
koolhead17  line added inside  vim /etc/openstack-dashboard/local_settings.py14:31
zulkoolhead17: yes i know14:31
hallynutlemming: so just 'lxc-create -t ubuntu-cloud -n c1' works?14:41
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serueNAMES #ubuntu-devel15:20
serue/NAMES #ubuntu-devel15:20
serue/N #ubuntu-devel15:21
serue/NAMES #ubuntu-devel15:21
uvirtbotNew bug: #980902 in lxc (universe) "lxc-destroy -f needs to lxc-wait, or use lxc-shutdown" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98090215:21
uvirtbotNew bug: #980905 in lxc (universe) "lxc-shutdown -h calls undefined 'help' function" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98090515:21
serueoh, sorry for the noise, didn't realize it caches the last channel I wrote to :)15:21
BluesKajI'm having problems with an /etc/rcX.d  startup script ... it's not starting the service , altho I followed the readme instructions for invoking the script at startup. Is the /etc/rcX.d file the right place or have things changed?15:22
genii-aroundBluesKaj: Did you use the update-rc.d script?15:23
BluesKajhey genii-around , I did update-rc.d15:23
genii-aroundBluesKaj: upstart has the /etc/init/rc-sysinit.conf which should still start any old stuff which is still using the init.d way. Is it giving any error message or just not starting at all?15:26
rbasakjamespage: I'm getting jenkins.JenkinsException: Error in request. Possibly authentication failed [403] using python-jenkins on an internal jenkins instance with open access. Do you happen to know what this might be? Do I need to create users with permissions?15:26
uvirtbotNew bug: #980910 in lxc (universe) "Merge 0.8.0~rc1-4 from debian" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98091015:26
jamespagerbasak, auth in jenkins is a bit of a back art15:27
jamespagedo you have users/perms setup?15:27
rbasakjamespage: no, none at all15:27
BluesKajgenii-around, it's the no-ip dns app which tracks the dynamic IP automatically ...no error message , but it tries to start kate and fails , then freezes the desktop15:27
jamespagerbasak, are you passing any using python-jenkins?15:27
rbasakI'm passing None, None15:27
rbasakBut wait15:27
rbasakLooks like others have created some users15:28
rbasakjamespage: I have three people but no sign of any passwords or anywhere to set them up15:30
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rbasakjamespage: where did you say the jenkins PPA was? I'm going to try and upgrade from the oneiric version.15:52
jamespagerbasak, ppa:hudson-ubuntu/backports15:53
jamespagesorry - just been debugging something else15:53
jamespageBTW 403's are a guess when it comes to authentication - it might actually be a different issue15:53
rbasakI think I needed to update anyway - the build publisher plugin wasn't working and I'll need that15:55
uvirtbotNew bug: #980930 in nova (main) "nova client does not respect regions" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98093015:55
raubvogelWhen you do "sudo -i" which pam modules are being looked?15:59
jcastroSpamapS: what day are you coming to UDS?16:06
uvirtbotNew bug: #980940 in euca2ools (main) "euca2ools does not respect the --region option correctly" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98094016:06
jcastroSpamapS: we need to make sure the mysql sessions are on the day you are there.16:06
SpamapSjcastro: Tuesday for sure16:19
SpamapSjcastro: thats the day I registered for16:20
SpamapSjcastro: I will also try to make it for Thursday16:20
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jcastroSpamapS: ok and you told launchpad you can only be there on tuesday and mark yourself required?16:20
jcastro(on the mysql blueprint?)16:21
SpamapSjcastro: yes16:27
jcastroSpamapS: have you submitted the blueprint for approval?16:27
jkylefew questions on maas. does the maas server just tie into cobbler? can I manage my nodes via cobbler and they'll register with maas?16:27
SpamapSjcastro: bug report for launchpad.. need to be able to specify non-contiguous days ;)16:27
jcastroSpamapS: yeah, I only care about the blueprint right now, I need to manually schedule it anyway, is it submitted for approval or still drafting?16:29
SpamapSroaksoax: ^^ do you know the answer to that?16:29
SpamapSroaksoax: re jkyle's maas question16:29
SpamapSjkyle: That wouldn't really make much sense.. ;)16:29
SpamapSjkyle: cobbler mostly is just used for pxe/pre-seed ..16:30
jkyleSpamapS: right, but I was thinking maybe maas got the list of nodes from cobbler's list. currently deleting nodes is bugged16:33
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 978706 in maas "Internal Server Error when deleting a node (interface needs to be defined)" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:33
jkyleso, if deleting them with cobbler was registered by maas...it'd be a work around :P16:33
jcastroSpamapS: ok it looks like it's on a tuesday: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-q/2012-05-08/display16:34
jcastroSpamapS: ok good, I just wanted to make sure we weren't scheduling it when you were not there, etc.16:34
hallynphew, debootstraps seem to be failing bc hte archive is updating so fast right now (or something)16:40
jkyleok, I have a maas setup. I entered the mac addresses of a couple of nodes, booted them with pxe enabled. dnsmasq detects them and offers an ip on the right range. But the node never pxe boots16:43
roaksoaxjkyle: nope you cant16:44
roaksoaxjkyle: (manage nodes in cobbler)16:45
roaksoaxjkyle: and do you have several nic's on the MAAS server?16:45
jkyleroaksoax: yes, 4 nic's. 2x1gb, 2x10gb with both pairs bonded (one mode 4, one mode 1)16:46
jkylethen, each of the bonds have multiple vlan trunks16:46
jkylethat's the maas node16:47
roaksoaxjkyle: ok, so I'm guessing the interface that connects to the external network, or has the default route is not the interface you use for PXE booting?16:47
jkylethe clients currently run one bonded pair with no trunking, and the 10gb pair has two vlan's16:47
jkyleroaksoax: correct. I noted the default conf is listening on all nics. I'll tweak that later (currently securing it via iptable rules)16:48
roaksoaxjkyle: ok so the problme might be that MAAS has autodetected the default IP address to be one different from the one you are PXE'ing from16:48
roaksoaxjkyle: so I just filed related bug16:50
roaksoaxjkyle: but to fix, please sudo dpkg-reconfigure cobbler16:50
jkylethat would be here? /etc/maas/maas_local_settings.py16:50
roaksoaxjkyle: and set the correct IP address for cobbler Boot and PXE Server IP address16:51
roaksoaxjkyle: and yes, also set the correct IP address for DEFAULT_MAAS_URL16:51
jkylek, I'm very comfortable with dnsmasq, pxe, etc. but wasn't familiar with cobbler16:51
jkyleI currently have it on a public ip...reconfigured for https..for convenience16:52
jkyledoes the DEFAULT_MAAS_URL have to match the address of the primary management ip?16:52
roaksoaxjkyle: right, but if you sudo dpkg-reconfigure cobbler, it will first prompt you to enter cobbler's password, you can leave that blank16:52
roaksoaxjkyle: but it will ask you for the IP address for Boot and PXE. This has to be the IP address of the nic on the MAAS srver that the clients can access to for PXE booting16:52
jkyleyou were correct, it was listening on teh public ip16:53
roaksoaxjkyle: and DEFAULT_MAAS_URL can be any IP address of the MAAS server *as long as* the clients can access it16:53
roaksoaxjkyle: obviously it is recommended it to be the samve as above16:53
jkylek, seems practical that this should be my management ip than16:53
roaksoaxjkyle: exaclty, so, I'll file a bug and fix it so we can easily change that with sudo dpkg-reconfigure maas16:54
jkylenow, teh DEFAULT_MAAS_URL seems to be unrelated to the web ui url that apache serves16:55
AarondsHi, just wondering how I should manage something on my server... I need a user to be able to run a shell script which moves a folder into /var/. However, folder doesn't have the permissions for this by default... Is the only option to basically remove the write protection on that directory?16:55
jkyleroaksoax: I wonder if this misconfiguration is related to the bug I linked...I'll test and see :P16:56
roaksoaxjkyle: aesome, you might wanna run sudo cobbler sync to update the PXE address after changing it with dpkg-reconfigure cobbler16:57
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jkyleok, so far. same behavior16:58
jkyleI restarted the maas-pserv too16:58
jkylepxe still timing out though16:59
roaksoaxjkyle: sudo cobbler sync17:01
jkyleI did, lemme do it again17:02
* jkyle cycles server17:03
roaksoaxhggdh: do you still experience bug #97760917:04
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 977609 in maas "MAAS barfs with 'Internal server error' when clicking on Settings" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97760917:04
hggdhroaksoax: yes, still happens17:05
jkyleyeah, still not serving pxe images on that interface17:05
roaksoaxjkyle: can you pastebin /var/lib/tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/default ?17:06
jkyleI verified the /etc/cobbler/settings:next_server value as the ip of the interface I'm listening on17:07
jkyleroaksoax: sure, sec17:07
jkyleroaksoax: https://gist.github.com/237841217:09
jkylelog host is set to the public ip, probably not good. the url= arg is st to the proper interface though17:09
* jkyle wonders where its getting the log host value..it doesn't appear in /etc/cobbler/17:10
roaksoaxjkyle: if url=... is set correctly, then there maybe something else17:10
jkylethat's the correct ip. and dnsmasq is serving the specified mac address an ip17:11
roaksoaxjkyle: can you check what's in /etc/cobbler/settings in ^server: and ^next_server:17:12
roaksoaxjkyle: and you should be able to update it by running: sudo maas-import-isos --update-settings17:12
jkylenext_server points to the addy17:12
jkyleserver: points to the addy17:13
roaksoaxjkyle: ok so run "sudo maas-import-isos --update-settings"17:13
roaksoaxjkyle: and check that the default file provides the correct IP address17:13
roaksoaxjkyle: and check if there';s any dnsmasq output when you runn it (as in started successfully)17:14
jkylethe default looks good on teh url's..though its log_host is off on a couple of menu items. been watching the dnsmasq logs. nothing looks bad there. it serves up the ip on request17:15
jkylehm, maybe it's a firewall issue. our rules were set up for a more vanilla environment17:17
roaksoaxmaybe, cause if it can get the PXE file, might be DHCP issue17:18
jkyledropping firewall  for a bit17:19
jkylenope, that's not it. same behavior when wide open17:21
roaksoaxjkyle: can you psatebin the output of sudo cobbler sync?17:21
uvirtbotNew bug: #975655 in glance "Migration 012_id_to_uuid attempts to convert IDs twice for non-sqlite databases" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97565517:41
roastedQuestion - 11.04, DHCP, I run sudo /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server start, NO error, yet its still - when I run service --status-all17:41
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guntbertroasted: what do the log say?18:17
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roastedguntbert: nothing18:20
roastedliterally, no errors for dhcp18:20
roastedit may be windows related18:20
roastedI was just told the server was part of the domain via likewise-open. a controller went down and they shuffled things around, and magically ubuntu stopped working18:21
roastedfar too werid to be inconvenient timing18:21
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gary_posterhallyn, the workaround to bug 974584 (rmdir /dev/shm from existing instances) is not working for us (same symptoms, ENOSYS).  I looked at the description of your fix in the upcoming package and made a symlink (rootfs/dev/shm -> /run/shm), but still no fix.  What is the proper workaround?  the mount worked, but I'd like to verify that the new approach also works for us.18:51
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 974584 in sysvinit "Semaphores cannot be created in lxc container" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97458418:51
hallyngary_poster: in precise contaienrs?18:51
gary_posterhallyn, lucid18:52
hallyngary_poster: i should comment in the bug18:52
hallynin lucid, the fix is to add dev/shm entry to the contaienr's fstab18:52
hallynhold on lemme comment18:52
gary_posterhallyn, cool, thanks18:52
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esuaveso im trying to remove a word off mulitple files.. ex: processed_1234, processed_4567..  I just want to remove the processed_ off all the files19:07
esuaveis this possible?19:07
chmacNo sysbench in repos for hardy, any suggestions on where to get a .deb?19:11
jkyleok, so the maas stack. What apps provide dhcp & tftp. I'm poking around packages and it looks like dnsmasq for dhcp...but I see the tftpd-hpa package is also installed19:20
jkyleso dnsmasq is doing dhcp only?19:20
chmacSlammed on the debs from lucid, seems to have done the trick :-)19:20
chmacjkyle: I believe dnsmasq is a dns / dhcp server, not sure if it has any ftp stuff, but I really don't know19:21
jkylewhat I'm seeing when I start cobbler up, is that dnsmasq + cobblerd are started. But tftpd-hpa is not19:21
jkylechmac: tftp, pxe boot :)19:21
chmacjkyle: Double dutch to me :-)19:21
Davieyadam_g / zul: I just thought, the horizon css issue with Debug.. there is a convention in Django to serve static media through django app server if Debug = True.. This doesn't scale.  What should happen is that /media should be directly served through apache vhost config, bypassing django.  Is this the issue?19:25
zulsounds like it19:26
kaffienis it possible to shut off a nic so that the link light goes dead on the back of the server?19:46
kaffienI'm trying to identify the cord i do not need plugged in19:46
kaffiennm ethtool has an id tool i can use.  thanks19:48
jkylethis bug now says fixed: released => https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/maas/+bug/978706?comments=all19:50
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 978706 in maas "Internal Server Error when deleting a node (interface needs to be defined)" [Undecided,Fix released]19:50
jkyledoes this mean the package is updated or I need to pull source down?19:50
adam_gDaviey: well spotted. adding an alias to the apache config fixes the issue and lets debug = false. is it worth another upload?19:52
Davieyadam_g: yes19:52
adam_gDaviey: k19:52
* koolhead17 is famous today!! :)19:54
Davieykoolhead17: trouble maker ! :)19:55
Davieykoolhead17: will you be at ODS?19:55
koolhead17Daviey, yes sir. very much. am all ser19:55
koolhead17Daviey, i mailed you, seems like your mailbox is full or gmail goes to spam folder19:56
Davieykoolhead17: When did you send that?  I've ben somewhat overwhelmed by email this week.19:56
jkyleroaksoax: ping19:56
koolhead17Daviey, i think last week. I thought better mail you rather troubling you here:)19:57
* koolhead17 checks his mail box to find send date19:57
koolhead17Daviey, 3ed apr :)19:58
Davieyi suck so bad.19:58
koolhead17Daviey, you were busy with release so no issue :D19:59
koolhead17i just needed your suggestion 4 head on collision  and if its good. :D hehe19:59
Davieykoolhead17: ok, lets catch up next week.20:00
koolhead17Daviey, just buzz me whenever you have sometime. We still have around 15 days before UDS :D20:00
Davieykoolhead17: sorry, will you be at *ODS*20:01
koolhead17lol. no no.20:01
koolhead17i will be sir20:01
Davieyok, cool20:02
koolhead17althought i would have loved to b there TBH :(20:02
koolhead17so many awesome peeps coming in20:02
* Daviey blushes.20:02
koolhead17Daviey, and espacially that gartner lady i was interested to meet. cloudpundit :P20:04
koolhead17she had so much issue with openstack20:04
matsubarajcastro, hey, do you have any docs on how to deploy openstack using juju?20:05
koolhead17matsubara, i thought there already was one20:06
koolhead17not sure i its on ubuntu server blog page20:06
koolhead17adam_g, hi there20:06
adam_gDaviey: horizon_2012.1-0ubuntu520:06
adam_gkoolhead17: ole20:07
koolhead17adam_g, was wondering if we should write a keystone-GUI20:07
koolhead17or keystone browser20:07
adam_gkoolhead17: hmm20:07
koolhead17too lazy to add the values20:07
adam_gkoolhead17: horizon basically is that20:07
adam_gkoolhead17: well, for the user at least20:07
adam_gkoolhead17: initial config, you mean? of endpoints, services, etc?20:07
matsubarakoolhead17, could you point me to it?20:07
koolhead17adam_g, horizon comes once keystone gets done with its action :P20:08
koolhead17matsubara, 1 sec20:08
koolhead17adam_g, yes20:08
koolhead17and we can easily see and modify stuff from our browser20:09
Davieymatsubara: i have one20:09
koolhead17that way we have complete control on whats happening with keystone20:09
adam_gkoolhead17: wouldnt be difficult, the keystoneclient library is easy to use stuff20:09
koolhead17adam_g, yes sir.20:09
Davieymatsubara: as if by magic, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuCloudInfrastructure :)20:09
koolhead17thanks Daviey for that :P20:10
Davieycourtesy of adam_g20:10
roaksoaxjkyle: pong20:10
matsubarathanks DavidLevin20:10
koolhead17adam_g, and for my understanding i added each tenat/service/user/role one by one20:10
matsubaraerr, thanks Daviey20:10
adam_gDaviey: disregard that upload, it was rejected?20:15
uvirtbotNew bug: #981121 in samba (main) "package winbind 2:3.6.3-2ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98112120:16
Davieyadam_g: i didn't see it hit the queue20:16
Davieyadam_g: Ah, is it in ubuntu-server-dev pakcageset?20:17
adam_gDaviey: it should be, i uploaded it yesterday20:18
Davieyadam_g: don't think it is NOW.20:20
jkyleroaksoax: the problem was the dnsmasq.conf did not specify a tftp-root path20:21
Daviey$ edit_acl.py --person=gandelman-a --series=precise --source=horizon check20:22
DavieyAdam Gandelman (gandelman-a) cannot upload horizon to Precise20:22
adam_gDaviey: where can i get that script?20:22
roaksoaxjkyle: I see20:23
adam_gDaviey: i pushed update to lp:~ubuntu-server-dev/horizon/essex in the meantime20:23
jkyleroaksoax: tried to put a tftp-root=/var/lib/tftpboot in the /etc/cobbler/dnsmasq.conf.template, but now it's not expanding the cobbler variables. I assume this is a maas debinstaller issue?20:23
Davieyadam_g: lp:ubuntu-archive-tools20:24
koolhead17adam_g, did you fixed bug i filed :P20:24
koolhead17i had pointed zul about it20:24
roaksoaxjkyle: maas doesn't really do anything to dnsmasq than just set 3 things, 1. domain, 2. network range, 3. gateway to hand out to the clients20:24
adam_gkoolhead17: yeah, as daviey spotted the apache config file for that dashboard needed an update20:25
koolhead17ooh okey. in order to have disabled DEBUG20:26
koolhead17and about the memcached/python-memcache dependency ?20:26
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jkylehm, interesting20:28
adam_gkoolhead17: i didn't see a bug about memcache, but perhaps it should be added too20:29
koolhead17adam_g, horizon breaks if it does not have memcached and python-memcache20:29
koolhead17let me pastebin what all i found compulsary20:29
adam_gkoolhead17: i believe you20:30
adam_g python-keystoneclient,20:30
adam_g python-memcache,20:30
adam_g python-django-nose20:30
adam_gits listed as a Depends of python-django-horizon20:30
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koolhead17adam_g, and python-memcache depands on memcached?20:30
koolhead17correct me if am wrong?20:31
adam_gkoolhead17: no, it does not20:32
adam_gkoolhead17: it Suggests memcache20:32
koolhead17adam_g, well then we need to pull in memcached as well20:32
* koolhead17 rechecks his doc20:34
koolhead17adam_g, yes we need memcached python-memcache both and then the local_settings.py with CACHE_BACKEND = 'memcached://'20:42
uvirtbotNew bug: #980956 in glance (main) "No module named MySQLdb from glance-registry" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98095621:35
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jkylejoin cobbler22:23
jkyleso, with maas...how can I script the adding of nodes? can I use cobbler or is there an api reference?22:27
roaksoaxjkyle: there's an API you can access with curl22:29
roaksoaxjkyle: though would be better if you use maas-enlist22:29
roaksoaxjkyle: so all the nodes in the network will automatically enlist themselves into maas22:29
jkyleroaksoax: ah, so you just serve a pxe image that selects teh maas-enlist debian-installer option at boot22:32
roaksoaxjkyle: yes basically22:33
jkyleok, that'll work22:33
roaksoaxjkyle: so basically, it pxe boots, downloads an image, maas-enlist-udeb during install, enlists itself into maas, then powers off22:34
roaksoaxjkyle: and in maas you have to accept the enlistment and it will be ready for you to use22:34
jkylek, so, fixed that glitch in the dnsmasq. now when the nodes boot, it loads up the pxe initrd.gz...................ready22:34
jkyleand pauses. I assume it's in a waiting state for provisioning by juju?22:34
roaksoaxjkyle: what maas version are you using?22:35
jkylelemme check, fresh 12.0422:35
roaksoaxjkyle: it might be outputting to serial console instead of VGA22:35
jkyleii  maas                             0.1+bzr415+dfsg-0ubuntu2         Ubuntu MAAS Server22:35
roaksoaxjkyle: ah yes, then the output is to serial console, that's why you are not seeing anythjing on VGA22:35
roaksoaxjkyle: that's fixed in the latest release22:36
jkyleroaksoax: him, it's been there for quite a while..hours22:36
jkyleroaksoax: should I pull from the source or use the 12.04 packages?22:36
roaksoaxjkyle: packages22:36
roaksoaxjkyle: upgrade to the latest in archive, then run 'sudo maas-import-isos'22:37
jkyleyep, there's the updates22:37
jkylehm, looking at the diffs there's a lot of default password and empty password action going on22:43
roaksoaxjkyle: passwords should be updated automatically, you *must* accept overwritting the config files22:43
jkyleah, good to know22:43
jkylelooks like some services failed to come up (I accepted the package changes for all confs)22:44
roaksoaxjkyle: which one?22:45
jkylerabbitmq failed to connect, I assume it didn't update the password22:46
jkylemaas-txlongpoll failed22:47
jkyledpkg: error processing maas (--configure): subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 122:47
roaksoaxjkyle: could you pastebin please?22:47
jkyledpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of maas-dhcp: maas-dhcp depends on maas; however:22:47
jkyleah, sure. sorry bout that22:47
* jkyle shoulda thunk22:47
roaksoaxyeah it seems rabbitmq was stopped on the upgrade22:50
roaksoaxwhen it should have been running :S22:50
jkylepulling isos down, I'll try to manually start them up22:50
jkyleI didn't think to check the rabbitmq process22:51
roaksoaxjkyle: it should have been running22:53
roaksoaxjkyle: in the log somewhere does it show that rabbimq was stopped?22:55
jkyleroaksoax: yeah, I'm not going to blame the system. I've been mucking around trying to solve my other issues. not editing files, but bringing services down and upa nd such22:55
roaksoaxjkyle: ahh, then good to now, I should make sure the services are up before upgrading ;)22:55
jkyleonly one entry in the shutdown log for rabbit: Thu Apr 12 20:22:55 PDT 2012 - rabbitmq successfully stopped22:56
jkylemust've shut it down yesterday some time22:57
jkylethat would have been beer and chips in front of the tv work at 8pm hehe22:57
roaksoaxhehe, yeah either way, I'llmake sure rbabitmq is started on upgrade22:58
jkyleroaksoax: you coming to the openstack conference?23:00
roaksoaxjkyle: yes23:00
roaksoaxi';ll be there the whole week23:00
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jkyleok, so what did I probably break in that upgrade? would a dpkg-reconfigure maas do the trick?23:28
TohuwI'm unable to install sun-java6-jre on 10.04, even though I have the partner repo enabled. I get "no installation candidate". Any ideas?23:46

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