
jrwrenre: shaving soap. pretty much anything will work too. Ivory or Dove are both gental and super cheap.01:01
jrwrendon't skimp on brush.01:02
jrwrenI had a boar brush for a while, it was terrible.01:02
jrwrenBadger is where it is at.01:02
snap-ljcastro: How does this remind you of me?01:19
jcastrosnap-l: no idea01:19
jcastrolike he'd be your brother or something01:19
snap-lAh, if I had a dopey brother that obsessed over shaving.01:22
jrwrenjcastro: for what is the witch hazel?01:22
rick_hjcastro: I kind of a agree, though I don't think I saw it until you said something01:23
jcastrojrwren: I think people use it for like an aftershave01:29
jcastroand astrigen01:29
jrwrenyeah, i use it as an astringent, hopefully to minimize my pores, so I can be more perty :p01:34
jrwrenbut I dunno what it does for my shaving.01:34
jrwreni shall try it as aftershave.01:34
jcastroI don't use it01:42
jcastroI am trying to avoid turning into a crazy person01:42
jcastrolike audiophiles with cable elevators01:43
snap-ljcastro: Too late01:51
jrwrenwell, a pint of whichhazel is like $0.79 at meijer :)01:51
snap-lI expect you to be putting ferrite cores in your bathroom01:51
jcastrosnap-l: oxygen free01:53
snap-ljrwren: http://www.michiguide.com/archives2012/2012/04/newsmakers-and-links-april-12.html01:57
jrwrenwell that is great. I hope they get some $$$ and increase their signal02:00
jrwrenbecause its a weak signal even on campus02:00
rick_hmorning party people11:52
snap-lGoooood morning12:09
jrwrenanyone else get spammed by mug announce this morning ?12:44
rick_hyea, last night got two of them for last tues's meetings12:44
snap-lYes, it's my fault12:44
rick_hget him!12:44
snap-lI've been playing with r2e, and accidentally did a reset12:44
rick_hgrrr, bzr die!12:47
snap-lmy poor mail server is getting hammered as well. :)12:52
snap-l337 feeds, some of which go back to 200712:52
rick_hdoesn't it limit it at all?12:53
snap-lnot well12:53
rick_hI mean I load a feed into greader it only grabs the last 1012:53
rick_hugh, that's off. My poor notmuch db would get hammered and seaching my email would be forever corrupt12:53
snap-lThere is a --no-send flag12:53
snap-lbut, when it runs in cron, there's not nuck you can do about it without killing it12:54
rick_hfinally got the old backups to the nas. Found out I copied an rsync command from their docs that did symlink copying which made for a much larger copy that I intended12:54
snap-lOh, lovely12:54
rick_hyea, so ended up blowing away some stuff and restarting some backups12:55
rick_hso only took a week to get the backups off, now to get the curent systems copying there now12:55
brouschi am experiencing the future, and it sucks12:57
rick_hwhat broke now brousch ?12:57
brouschWe wanted to get a backup set of keys for the new used car12:57
brouschthe key has some encryption chip in it that pairs with a chip in the ignition12:58
rick_hah yea12:58
brouschthey have to program it, and only dealerships can do it12:58
rick_hcar keys these days...can't keep people out of hte cars, but they can try to keep them from starting it12:58
brousch$230 for a key. these guys have their dicks in the peanut butter12:59
brouschyou know what it costed to have a guy come out and break into the car when my wife locked herself out? $4513:00
brouschso she can lock herself out 5x for the price of a key13:00
snap-lbrousch: Even better are the rfid keys13:00
snap-lexpect those in the near future13:01
brouschrfid is cheap. that's the whole point13:01
snap-lso some thief will still be able to hotwire your car, but he'll be able to do it from 50 feet away13:01
brouschso why does it cost $230 to put it in a key?13:01
snap-land you'll have to pay $500 for their newfangled keyfob13:01
rick_hwell if anyone at the dealership touched it you nkow you add $100 to it13:01
snap-lbrousch: the same reason it costs $600 for an in-dash radio that sounds worse than a college boombox13:02
rick_hand the programmer probably costs the dealership $100,000,00013:02
brouschthat's maybe the most annoying part. only the dealership has the equipment to make a new key13:02
rick_hyea, else break-ins would be easy!13:02
brouschlocked in tighter than an iphone13:02
snap-lbrousch: Come to Detroit. I'm sure some warehouse somewhere has the same exact equipment13:02
brouschi mean come on, i live in grand rapids. my car is never going to be stolen13:03
snap-lbrousch: It'll be moved if you happen to park on a nickel, though.13:08
snap-lProbably towed13:08
brouschso the key itself is $10 and the fob is $70. $70 for a nickle worth of plastick and a dollar in electronics13:08
snap-lI <3 MUG13:09
snap-lSent out a message about the r2e screw up13:09
snap-lHi Craig.13:09
snap-lDo you have any experience with building home media pc that utilizes things like XMBC ?13:09
rick_hdoh, krondor is doing his charm school at the same time as the web bof? booo13:10
rick_hcrap, can we edit the PC schedule stuff at all? Where's waldo...13:19
* brousch snickers13:19
brouschsorry, couldn't help it13:19
rick_hit was intentional :)13:24
jrwrenbrousch: i have solved this exact key problem.13:31
jrwreni just don't lock my car doors.13:31
brouschi think i can get a remote door fob for cheap and program it myself13:32
brouschthat will be good enough for now13:33
brouschstill $7013:33
jrwrendist-upgrade is listing some NEW packages to be installed. how can I pin them as not install?13:36
brouschi found a programmable aftermarket fob for $40. at least i can open the doors even if i won't be able to start the car13:38
jrwrena my own q: use upgrade instead of dist-upgrade13:45
brouschrick_h: i just saw your team pic from budapest. you've lost a lot of weight since i last saw you. good job!14:29
jrwrenhttp://gizmodo.com/5901263/court-rules-it-is-impossible-to-steal-computer-code  I preduct that SCOTUS will overturn this case.14:40
snap-lgreg-g: http://www.randi.org/site/index.php/swift-blog/1680-how-boiron-scammed-me-and-paid-for-it.html15:01
snap-ljrwren: I expect the scotus to overturn something specific to this case, but nothing more15:02
snap-lthe SCOTUS doesn't give the broad sweeps that I wish it would.15:02
rick_hsend help to the first person that ever sends me a MP with a doctest in it.15:20
rick_hthe fury that will be unleashed...15:20
jrwrenEVERY scotus ruling IS broad sweeping.15:22
jrwrenMP ?15:22
* jrwren sends rick_h an MP15:22
rick_hjrwren: merge proposal sorry15:23
rick_hpull request, pick your term15:23
jrwrensnap-l: I'm most amused that its posed on teh James Randi page.15:24
jrwrenpatch ?15:24
rick_hjrwren: sure, that'll count15:24
snap-ljrwren: Which, the homeopathy page?15:27
snap-lThere's a whole foundation with James Randi's name on it15:27
snap-lThe James Randi Educational Foundation (jref)15:27
snap-lI got JoDee a membership to it15:28
jrwrensnap-l: yes, the homoepath page.15:44
jrwrenyeah, Janice hosted James Randi for Ann ARbor Science and Sceptics.15:44
jrwrenonly reason I know of the guy15:44
snap-lHe's the closest the skeptical community has to a religious figure.15:45
ColonelPanic001I don't believe that15:46
greg-gsnap-l: re those accidental MUG announce mails: they're also in HTML :/15:55
snap-lyou're welcome.15:55
* snap-l needs to split out a separate r2e instance for that.15:55
rick_hhttp://www.kickstarter.com/projects/597507018/pebble-e-paper-watch-for-iphone-and-android seems like a pretty sweet idea17:48
rick_hmore clocks than KDE!17:48
greg-gbtw, we had an honest to goodness thunderstorm in SF last night. That never happens. I mean, people who have lived here for over a decade said that there was more lightnight and thunder last night than the whole time they've been here18:02
rick_hyea, saw that pic, awesome18:03
greg-gand just so you aren't momemtarily confused like I was, that is the Bay Bridge, not the Golden Gate :)18:04
greg-gI know it is in the title/url/etc, but they also said "iconic" which most people would assume refers to the GG18:04
snap-lI thought that referred to the Greg Grossmeier18:26
greg-ghaha, nice, I didn't even realize that when I typed it18:26
greg-galso, Rowan loved it. He was so intrigued by it all18:26
greg-gaha! i figured out the muttrc problem!18:52
greg-gnow, just need to figure out how to fix it18:52
greg-gthe problem and explanation ^^^ for those who care to look18:54
* jrwren contemplates moving to mutt18:54
rick_hgreg-g: is there a space in between sent and mail?18:55
rick_hif so you might have to escape it?18:55
greg-gI know it is an escaping issue, but man, I'm bad at remembering all the little.....18:55
greg-gyes, there is (stupid gmail's "imap" server implementation)18:56
rick_hfolder-hook +mitechie.* set query_command='"goobook query \'%s\'"'18:56
rick_hso I've had to do that where I have spaces/etc in there18:56
rick_hfolder-hook +mitechie.* set sendmail='"/usr/bin/msmtp -a mitechie"'18:57
rick_hsame thing there18:57
greg-gthat was it (adding the 's)18:57
greg-gthanks rick_h18:57
greg-gI'm so bad at remember the escaping rules18:57
rick_hyea, it's strange in there, I can't explain it, but know it works for my rules18:58
greg-gjrwren: do it, you'll have tons of config file support from rick_h  and I19:01
jrwrenok, i will.19:11
jrwrengot a getting started guide?19:20
jrwrenor should I just look for rich_h dotfiles on github?19:20
rick_hI don't keep my email stuff on github since it's pretty personal19:20
rick_hhttps://bmark.us/recent/mutt has some good mutt links/info19:21
jrwrenmultiaccount mutt looks like shit.20:09
jrwrenI think I'll pass for now.20:10
greg-gjrwren: wha? nah, I love it20:53
greg-gI use 3 imap accounts plus 5 From: addresses with no problem20:53
jrwrenall the multiacct things I saw looked ugly config20:55
greg-gconfig may be 'ugly' but use isn't.21:12
greg-greally, my sig/default FROM is auto-set based on which folder the email I am reply to is in (or which one I'm just looking at right now).21:12
greg-gbut I can change the from: by just doing one of v1, v2, v3, v4, v521:13
greg-gn0p: :) http://flixel.com/flixel/9fb92fe986fe799834ee21:18
jcastrorick_h: your gear get in yet?22:39
jcastrogreg-g: that is one awesome pic22:40
rick_hjcastro: what gear?23:26
rick_hjrwren: I don't use the sidebar. I just use . and such to know which dirs have new email and jump to them23:26
rick_hjrwren: but I did end up aggregating my accounts into one single imap account I manage now23:27
snap-lgreg-g: Those "Flixel" images (cinemagraphs) are CREEPY23:53

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