
lvelinuxhi everyone00:36
lvelinuxi get an error  when trying to install ubuntu server on my dell server poweredge 220000:36
canthus13What error?00:37
lvelinuxthe first error i got  that it was unable to copy the  image to the disk ,00:37
lvelinuxlet me boot it up again so that i can give  you the error00:37
* canthus13 nods.00:37
* canthus13 is at work, may be slow to answer.00:37
lvelinuxoh ok00:38
lvelinuxwhat type of work canthus00:38
canthus13Tech support. :/00:38
lvelinuxwhat  company00:38
canthus13a regional ISP.00:39
* canthus13 doesn't name names. :)00:39
lvelinuxso i have an scsi hard drive00:39
canthus13Could be a scsi driver issue.00:39
lvelinuxbut i could install freenas00:40
canthus13you'd probably do better asking in #ubuntu? It's pretty well-staffed.00:40
lvelinuxoh ok :(00:40
lvelinuxhow do i get into their chatrooms00:40
yano/join #ubuntu00:41
lvelinuxthank you veru much00:41
yanoyep :-)00:42
jrgiffordyano: yeah, i should be there. see you there? i should be wearing a ubuntu tshirt.02:02
yanojrgifford: yea06:20
thafreakmy boss is driving me nuts13:50
thafreaktotally drops on me like last week, hey can we get a system set up to do xyz13:50
thafreakapparently she wants to have something to demo to people at a large gov't inst next week13:51
thafreakbut she picked OSS that doesn't quite work 100%13:51
thafreakso every damn day, hows it coming hows it coming13:51
yanohello from notacon16:04
Unit193What'd they do now?18:12
paultagthafreak: lolwut?18:14
thafreakrubbing in they're at notacon18:14
paultagthafreak: also, salt, want to help me get it set up this weekend?18:14
paultagthafreak: yano's still here :)18:15
* yano flees18:15
thafreakwife wants the basement finished before the baby is born...my weekends for the next few weeks are spent doing construction18:15
yanothe bandwidth here has been pretty crappy all day :-(18:15
Unit193Always seems to be.18:17
Unit193From what others have said.18:17
yanothough the reverse ip for the network notacon is using comes back to their domain18:17
yanoSSH is lagging pretty badly, though earlier while someone was doing a huge debian update (they said it was estimated at 53 minutes of downloading) that it appeared that they had QoS'ed SSH18:18
yanoif you need to download anything or do any updates, their internet here is not the place to do it :-P18:20
thafreakthat's how it always ends up though...i don't think about something i want installed till I'm at a conference18:21
yanothat's what i like about PyOhio is that OSU let's the conference use it's wi-fi, so you get access to university speeds on the weekend (when less students are using it)18:23
jrgiffordyano: yeah, the internet here at notacon isn't that good.18:25
Unit193jrgifford: You did it wrong, you were supposed to tell him it was great where you were. :P18:26
jrgiffordUnit193: heh. :P18:27
Unit193...I'm a nice person.18:27
yanohave me running all around this hotel trying to find the good connection :-P18:28
jrgiffordyano: what session are you in right now?18:28
yanojrgifford: i'm not in a session right now, i'm chilling in the PixelJam room18:28
thafreaki'm chilling in the champagne room18:29
thafreaktoo bad there's no sex here...18:30
jrgiffordi haven't had a chance to get back there, it looks cool. i'm doing ipv6 right now, which is pretty cool and boring.18:30
thafreakno one catches the chris rock reference huh...damn18:30
jrgiffordoh, crap. someone is downloading railsinstaller right in front of me.18:31
jrgiffordthat means the internet is going to die.18:31
Unit193jrgifford: Ah, awesome!18:31
jrgiffordthats like, 300MB right there. :S18:31
thafreakisn't that called aptitude...install rails18:33
jrgiffordnot for windows.18:33
thafreakhahahaha windows....silly kids18:33
jrgiffordfor a hacker con, i see a lot of windows here18:33
thafreakwell, you need some one to test your skills on i guess18:34
thafreakCan anyone explain why WD's internal drives mostly suck, but their external drives are the best I've used so far?18:36
thafreakand the opposite for seagate...18:36
thafreaktheir internal drives are some of the more reliable, but their external drives aren't that great...18:37
jrgiffordweird, i swear by WD internal drives, and for external.18:37
yanoi think something is up with my vps box, i can't ssh to it all of a sudden but i can ssh to another box i have access to. though if i ssh to the other box then ssh to my vps it works...18:38
thafreaki avoided them for years, and finally gave the black drives a shot recently...had one in four die like immediately18:38
thafreakyano: i was having similar problems recently...it's an inter-network provider problem usually18:39
thafreaklike I think hurricane electric and cogent weren't playing nice the one day18:39
yanoah, yea my vps is through Linode and 'the other box' is in Columbus18:40
thafreakit's probably a routing issue out of your control18:41
thafreakcan be frustrating at times18:41
thafreakGotta love python -m SimpleHTTPServer18:42
jrgiffordyano: yeah, i can get to my other box but not my ec2 instance.18:43
thafreaktraceroute, see where it dies18:43
yanowell i can ping my linode, but i can't ssh. so i'm not sure if it is entirely a routing issue18:44
yanoi'd hate to have to ssh into a vps i have that's hosted in germany, given my ping times to google ( are ~60ms18:45
Unit193\I can ssh in for you, if you'll just give me your info. :D18:46
yanosure, you have my ssh private key or the password? :-P18:47
yanowell the password changes every 30 seconds18:47
Unit193I'll take the key. :D18:47
Unit193...But I'd not do much on it. :P18:47
yanoi found a cool setup where you can use Google Authenticator android app to generate one time passwords18:48
yanothe gift shop / hacking shop has those powerful green lasers18:50
Unit193yano: Have you found  jrgifford yet?18:53
yanoUnit193: not in person, yet18:54
yanojrgifford: btw, i'm wearing a google shirt18:55
* canthus13 is wearing pants. :P18:56
* yano is wearing more than just a google shirt :-P18:56
canthus13yano: so am I. I just wish I weren't.18:56
* Unit193 thinks he should go put something on to fit in... >_>18:56
yanocanthus13: why?18:57
canthus13yano: Pants suck. :)18:57
yanodepends on the pants18:57
Unit193Military pants are actually great, strong, great pockets, everything you'd want.18:58
canthus13Unit193: except the not wearing pants thing.19:00
Unit193I've got some on thankfully, as I'm not the only one here.19:00
* canthus13 is at work, and is thus forced to wear pants. :(19:01
Unit193Knowing you, only because they make you.19:02
jrgiffordyano: i should be right over, ipv6 101 is over in edison 1.19:04
yanocool, yea i'm still in the west conf room (pixeljam). past the lock demos19:05
yano(#*FSJD(#JSD argh, now http traffic is crawling.19:09
yanoi'd probably get a faster connection tethering on my phone here19:10
jrgiffordi don't see you.19:10
yanoi'm sitting at the end of a table with a macbook19:10
yanoin the room with the projectors on the wall19:10
jrgiffordyano: so the website for that thing i was talking about is http://www.yubico.com19:30
canthus13"Can you check your phone for a dial tone please?" "NOOO!!!!! THAT'S TOO TECHNICAL!!!!!!!!!!!!! <click>"20:17
jrgiffordhey paultag - there is a session on civic hacking. he's talking about openstates and how awesome it is. :D20:23
paultagno shit jrgifford20:23
paultagjrgifford: pass on our love20:23
jrgiffordpaultag: will do.20:23
jrgiffordpaultag: you can send this into your guys or something if you want - http://www.websubstrate.com/share/deck.js/civic-hacking/notacon.html20:26
jrgifford(those are the slides)20:26
paultagjrgifford: thanks :)20:27
paultagjrgifford: haha, you know that bearded guy20:28
paultagjrgifford: max ogden?20:28
paultagjrgifford: he's here @ bocoup (or he was yesterday) :)20:28
jrgiffordpaultag: nope, i don't know him.20:28
paultagjrgifford: I mean, you know the guy who was in that slide deck?20:29
jrgiffordno, i don't. we're not done with presentation yet.20:29
* jrgifford looks ahead20:29
paultagjrgifford: :)20:45
paultagjrgifford: I twitted'20:45
jrgiffordpaultag: i saw. :)20:52
yanothe Water talk is mostly about convenience and money versus security21:40
yanomobile phones to control SCADA systems?21:40
yanothat sounds like a program waiting to happen21:40
canthus13yano: a TI calculator could control most SCADA systems.21:40
yanocanthus13: heh21:41
jrgiffordi'm in the devops talk. i want to figure out if there is anything really cool that they bring up.22:03
yanojrgifford: cool, what's that mostly covering?22:05
jrgiffordyano: so he talked about a lot of stuff23:47
jrgiffordpuppet, chef23:48
yanojrgifford: nice23:48
yanotelecomix seems pretty aweome23:48
yanoi didn't realize what all they did besides provide a DNS server23:48
yanobut they got an IRC network23:48
jrgiffordmainly about how we should treat our infrastructure as code and such.23:48
jrgiffordoh cool.23:48
yanoi like having the ipv6 available here, i can test my sites23:51

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