
bkerensac_smith: you around?01:34
blkperlwhere did steve go..03:38
blkperllaunchpad you should really recognize redmine when you see it, or not complain...03:39
bkerensahello gaspasser05:19
gaspasserGood day.  Just stopped by to see if there was any activity05:20
bkerensagaspasser: only a little :)05:20
* bkerensa runs to take garbage out before he forgets05:21
gaspasserI am playing in Precise and having a blast with it.  Waiting for the Cinnamon desktop to come back into play05:21
* slangasek waves05:21
bkerensagaspasser: You can install that right now if you would like05:21
bkerensablkperl: ^05:21
* bkerensa really goes to take out trash and compost now05:21
gaspasserLast time I tried, the ppa for precise had been taken down05:22
gaspasserIf it's back up I will reinstall05:22
gaspasserAll I find is version 1.2.  I had 1.4 installed.  It crashed.05:30
gaspasserInstalled Cinnamon ver 1.4...let's see how well it plays05:58
* gaspasser waves goodnight05:58
=== bkerensa changed the topic of #ubuntu-us-or to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Oregon Local Community (LoCo) Team! | Webpage: http://ubuntu-oregon.org (has links to mailing list, forum, and more!) | IRC Meeting 2nd Sunday of Every Month @ 7pm | This channel is publicly logged at irclogs.ubuntu.com | Precise Release Party Coming Up! -> http://j.mp/PreciseParty | Ubuntu Oregon Giveaway -> http://bit.ly/HCfymC
c_smithyay for having homework take all day and close to half the night and still not fully finished.07:42
bkerensac_smith: you are up quite late07:42
c_smithyep, need to read chapters 1-10 of Jane Eyre, and then write an essay on it, I'm only on  chapter four.07:43
c_smiththis essay is due at 8AM tomorrow.07:43
c_smithWriting 121 is nothing to take with a light heart or busy schedule.07:44
c_smithanywho, I took a short break, and found a topic you had posted on Reddit about (through another person) that would affect people like me.08:04
c_smithhttp://www.usatoday.com/news/health/story/2012-04-05/doctors-change-autism-definition/54047994/1#.T4Iu5RKvODA.reddit just to name the topic.08:05
orebuntuc_smith's tiny URL is http://tinyurl.com/7xhcyh408:05
c_smithok.... not sure what use that orebuntu message was at the moment, but ok.08:05
bkerensa!weather 9730308:06
orebuntubkerensa: Current weather for Salem, OR08:06
orebuntuClear, Temp: 43, Wind Chill: 41 F, Humidity: 89%, Pressure: 29.75", Wind: North 4mph08:06
orebuntuForecast: Partly Cloudy, High: 73 F, Low: 36 F08:06
c_smithfeels about that temperature in my room.08:06
bkerensa!figlet Cold08:06
orebuntu  ____      _     _08:06
orebuntu / ___|___ | | __| |08:06
orebuntu| |   / _ \| |/ _` |08:06
orebuntu| |__| (_) | | (_| |08:06
orebuntu \____\___/|_|\__,_|08:06
* bkerensa pets orebuntu08:07
c_smithnow that, that has me laughing a little bit.08:07
* c_smith checks his email to confirm when the rescheduled IRC meeting was08:07
bkerensac_smith: which subreddit was that article on?08:08
bkerensac_smith: this Sunday as much as I really dont wanna do it ;)08:08
bkerensaunfortunately nathwill_gone likely has plans or I would ask him to hold it08:09
c_smithbkerensa, I just looked at the link, let me check what the subreddit is.08:09
c_smithwait, that article wasn't on reddit, but USA Today.08:10
c_smith>.< my bad, still relevant to people like me.08:10
bkerensac_smith: yeahs its going to change things pretty radically I hear.... Apparently a couple experts left the task force because they felt the changes they are proposing would harm children and adults who were severely autistic and leave them without services and medical care08:12
c_smithWhat I believe Autism needs to be seen as is more of something along the lines of a type of person instead of disease. as those of us with it will never be rid of it, however normal we may look.08:12
c_smithme included.08:12
bkerensaI am not sure why Psychiatrists are redefining Autism anyways since it is not a Mental Health disorder but instead is Neurodevelopmental08:13
bkerensawhich is in the realm of heavily specialized MD's who usually have a Phd to boot08:13
c_smithhaha, this is like if a plumber tried to change something in the government himself, eh?08:14
c_smithwithout petition, and acting as if he were in the government.08:14
c_smithGonna change the subject here to get one remark about the current Unity state: it's a heck of a lot more useable in my opinion than 11.10. and has some nice features.08:16
c_smithStill haven't figured HUD out, though.08:16
bkerensaits fun08:18
c_smithit's installed by default in Beta 2, right?08:19
bkerensayes I think08:20
bkerensaSystem Settings in 12.04 is going to get a small change :P08:20
c_smithlooks like it is, doesn't seem to open on Firefox, or any app I have tried it on.08:22
c_smithoh, that's why, wrong alt key.08:23
c_smithnice feature. I'll definitely have to make use of it.08:23
c_smithbkerensa, has the system settings change landed in the beta that you know of?08:23
bkerensanot yet I am waiting for a core developer to review my change08:24
c_smithnice. mind if I ask what the change is?08:24
bkerensac_smith: it wont occur due to string freeze08:28
c_smithah, I see.08:28
c_smithbugfix, then?08:28
blkperlslangasek: any chance this will be fixed before precise comes out?  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/upstart/+bug/55278614:58
lubotu1Launchpad bug 552786 in upstart "initctl: lacks proper exit codes" [Medium,Triaged]14:58
slangasekblkperl: nope, sorry15:12
blkperlslangasek: :(15:12
slangasekblkperl: can't commit right now :)15:13
slangasekpatches welcome!15:13
blkperldoes 12.10 have a name yet?15:16
bkerensawell maybe in sabdfl's head but not public yet15:17
bkerensanathwill_gone: you left your work screen up? :P if you get this hit me up on text15:23
bkerensaBrian_H: How does Lunch next Thursday at at the place I mentioned sound?16:23
Brian_Hawesome :) let me know what time16:23
bkerensaBrian_H: What time works for you? Its out here in Northeast16:28
bkerensabdmurray: is it safe to assume that any maverick bug can be marked won't fix?16:32
bdmurraybkerensa: How do you know its a maverick bug?16:34
bdmurrayand not a precise bug too?16:34
bkerensabdmurray: I see... even if its series targeted and pretty old?16:39
bdmurraywell if it has bug task targetted to maverick then that task should be closed as won't fix16:40
bdmurraybut if a bug was just reported a maverick it should be assumed to still affect precise and even Q16:40
tgm4883bkerensa, http://www.ubuntu-oregon.org/2012/04/12/lets-get-social-giveaway/ seems to be taking forever to load16:40
bkerensatgm4883: cloudflare16:41
bkerensatgm4883: they are under a DDoS I think16:41
nathwill!figlet DSPAM17:43
orebuntu ____  ____  ____   _    __  __17:43
orebuntu|  _ \/ ___||  _ \ / \  |  \/  |17:43
orebuntu| | | \___ \| |_) / _ \ | |\/| |17:43
orebuntu| |_| |___) |  __/ ___ \| |  | |17:43
orebuntu|____/|____/|_| /_/   \_\_|  |_|17:43
blkperlslangasek: have you noticed that switching between unity and virtual terminals makes unity choke on rendering the bar17:44
blkperl[xfixes] Barrier event queue full.  Dropping further events17:46
blkperlwhat does that mean ^17:46
kees!googlepage msg . --version17:46
orebuntuGoing to search google...17:46
lubotu1kees: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:46
orebuntugrep (GNU grep) 2.1017:46
orebuntuCopyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.17:46
orebuntuLicense GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>.17:46
orebuntuThis is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.17:46
orebuntuThere is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.17:46
orebuntuWritten by Mike Haertel and others, see <http://git.sv.gnu.org/cgit/grep.git/tree/AUTHORS>.17:46
orebuntuWhen . is googled, --version is found on page 1: http://www.google.com/search?q=.&start=017:46
* kees whistles innocently17:47
blkperlslangasek: i gurantee if you bring a precise box that i can make unity slow down to a crawl17:47
bkerensanathwill: I got a e-mail from dspam@configureme.com17:47
slangasekwell, you asked me if I've noticed this, and I haven't :)17:47
bkerensatalking about DSPAM17:47
blkperlslangasek: alright run a memory intensive process, switch to vt, kill the process, and switch back to desktop and unity will be in angry mode :)17:48
bkerensakees: do u know how to hack pulseaudio :P17:48
slangasek!googlepage msg . `ls /`17:49
lubotu1slangasek: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:49
orebuntuGoing to search google...17:49
orebuntuSorry, `ls was not found in the first 1000 results of the search .. Looks like you need to blog more.17:49
bkerensawatch the bot crashes17:49
slangasekblkperl: I'm running unity-2d, so my results may not match anyway17:49
bkerensa!googlepage msg . "ls/"17:49
lubotu1bkerensa: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:49
orebuntuGoing to search google...17:49
keesbkerensa: "hack"? a tiny bit17:49
blkperlslangasek: compiz is stealling all the cpu too :(17:50
bkerensakees: I am just trying to find someone to help me fix my bluetooth bug :P17:50
keesbkerensa: oh, dunno about that bit17:50
orebuntuSorry, "ls/" was not found in the first 1000 results of the search .. Looks like you need to blog more.17:50
kees!googlepage msg . --file=.bash_history17:51
orebuntuGoing to search google...17:51
lubotu1kees: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:51
orebuntuSorry, --file=.bash_history was not found in the first 1000 results of the search .. Looks like you need to blog more.17:51
bkerensanathwill: what modules are loaded ^17:51
bkerensadoes it do dice?17:51
nathwillbkerensa, check in ~nathwill/src/hackabot/commands17:52
nathwillalright, i'm outta here y'all, gotta 2 hr drive to go see my folks tonite17:52
orebuntuCommands: 8ball about admin asshat bc blame cowsay date dc distro echo fail figlet fire fob fortune google googlefight googlepage group hacker hangman help insult limerick lunch me msg notice ping praise proverb quote remindme s score seen slogan tardhat topic uptime urban weather whip wikipath wikipedia wiktionary win woot wtf yoda zima17:52
lubotu1Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:52
bkerensanathwill: oh have fun17:52
nathwillhave a great day all!17:52
bkerensanathwill: seeya thursday17:53
lubotu1Other !Linux distributions besides !Ubuntu include: Debian, Mepis (using !APT); RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva (using !RPM); Gentoo, Slackware (using other packaging systems)17:53
orebuntuAV Linux17:53
lubotu1APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)17:53
orebuntu ___________17:53
orebuntu/           \17:53
orebuntu\           /17:53
orebuntu \  HECK   /17:53
orebuntu  \  YEA! /17:53
orebuntu   \     /17:53
orebuntu    \___/17:53
slangasekwhat?  how can it not know cupt?17:58
slangasekthe reimplementation of apt in perl is the most important development in software since the reimplementation of java in haskell17:59
kees!cowsay -f owl cupt18:00
orebuntu ______18:00
orebuntu< cupt >18:00
orebuntu ------18:00
orebuntu  \ _v_18:00
orebuntu   <@,@>18:00
lubotu1kees: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:00
orebuntu   [`-']18:00
orebuntu   -"-"-18:00
orebuntuUsage: !cowsay -l OR !cowsay [-f critter] phrase...18:18
bkerensa!cowsay  -l18:18
orebuntuCritters: bunny default koala small tux beaver owl shamrock clover sun koolaid18:18
bkerensa!cowsay -f tux moar juju18:18
lubotu1bkerensa: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:18
orebuntu ___________18:18
orebuntu< moar juju >18:18
orebuntu -----------18:18
orebuntu   \18:18
orebuntu    \18:18
orebuntu        .--.18:18
orebuntu       |o_o |18:18
orebuntu       |:_/ |18:18
orebuntu      //   \ \18:18
orebuntu     (|     | )18:18
orebuntu    /'\_   _/`\18:18
orebuntu    \___)=(___/18:18
blkperl!cowsay -f tux puppet master online, resistance is futile18:21
orebuntu _____________________________________18:21
orebuntu/ puppet master online, resistance is \18:21
orebuntu\ futile                              /18:21
orebuntu -------------------------------------18:21
orebuntu   \18:21
lubotu1blkperl: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:21
orebuntu    \18:21
orebuntu        .--.18:21
orebuntu       |o_o |18:21
orebuntu       |:_/ |18:21
orebuntu      //   \ \18:21
orebuntu     (|     | )18:21
orebuntu    /'\_   _/`\18:21
orebuntu    \___)=(___/18:21
blkperlbkerensa: ^18:22
bkerensa!cowsay -f beaver fwah bkero19:52
lubotu1bkerensa: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:52
orebuntu ____________19:52
orebuntu< fwah bkero >19:52
orebuntu ------------19:52
orebuntu              ___   \19:52
orebuntu           .="   "=._.---.19:52
orebuntu         ."         c ' Y'`p19:52
orebuntu        /   ,       `.  w_/19:52
orebuntu        |   '-.   /     /19:52
orebuntu  _,..._|      )_-\ \_=.\19:52
orebuntu `-....-'`------)))`=-'"`'"19:52
bkero!cowsay -f sun nyaa!20:02
orebuntu _______20:02
orebuntu< nyaa! >20:02
orebuntu -------20:02
orebuntu   \  \|/ ____ \|/20:02
orebuntu      "@'/ .. \`@"20:02
lubotu1bkero: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:02
orebuntu      /_| \__/ |_\20:02
orebuntu         \__U_/20:02

Generated by irclog2html.py 2.7 by Marius Gedminas - find it at mg.pov.lt!