
Bndrrxchat xxx---xxx , xd00:00
toraux_I'm having an issue where wifi starts fine on bootup and then sometime later packet loss goes through the roof and performance becomes horrible, any ideas?00:00
GeForce88ubuntu 11.10. where is the screensaver feature and how do i enable screensavers and how do i get electric sheep to work ? all video drivers updated and installed.00:00
BoohbahBndrr: you would have to stop the service that is running on that port. nmap does not do that00:00
TimvdeCorrect me if I'm wrong: nvidia drivers current will install the current newest drivers and keep them forever, while current-updates will keep them up-to-date whenever nvidia releases a new version,00:01
Bndrrand then how can I close that port ?or stop the service00:01
=== wylde_ is now known as wylde
dasenBndrr: one way is to configure  your firewall to block incoming connections to that specified port, try gufw00:02
OerHeksGeForce88, maybe this page is any help >> http://www.liberiangeek.net/2011/10/enable-screensavers-in-ubuntu-11-10-oneiric-ocelot/00:02
Bndrrgufw ?00:02
wylde!ufw | Bndrr00:02
ubottuBndrr: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE from Lucid onwards) also exist.00:02
OerHeksTimvde, yes nvidia will be up2date00:02
pilotbubwhere do I find wifi drivers for dell integrated chipset00:03
ActionParsnippilotbub: run:  sudo lshw -C network    what is the product line for the wifi?00:06
pilotbubPCI (sysfs)00:07
ActionParsnippilotbub: wait, your pci bus is slow00:08
ActionParsnippilotbub: is that all it says for the product line?00:08
ActionParsnip!broadcom | pilotbub00:09
ubottupilotbub: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx00:09
pilotbubthank you00:09
pilotbubwhat would you advise for getting STA to an unnetworked laptop00:10
GeForce88OerHeks, yea, but i'm still not finding electric sheep in the pull down list like i did with 10.10i'll keep looking i reckon00:11
OerHeksGeForce88, electric sheep i don't know00:12
doctrhuhello all00:12
ActionParsnippilotbub: use a wired connection00:13
pilotbubthis is such a pita00:14
StepNjumpAnybody of you guys ever experience that your USB mouse disapears?00:14
StepNjumpI'm plugged in a USB router00:14
ActionParsnippilotbub: imagine if you had windows and no driver disks...same deal00:14
pilotbubwindows support OTB00:15
ActionParsnippilotbub: there is the offline way using the install CD as a source of packages but a wired conenction will make it a LOT easier00:15
ActionParsnippilotbub: not ALL wireless adapters00:15
OerHeks!offline | pilotbub00:15
ubottupilotbub: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD00:15
pilotbubmy install doesnt appear to have synaptic00:15
OerHekstrue, synaptic is not default installed anymore00:16
pilotbububuntu partnered with dell im surprised its this complex00:16
ActionParsnippilotbub: use software centre00:17
=== P4R4N01D1 is now known as P4R4N01D
ActionParsnippilotbub: its not complex. You run an application and click 'enable driver'00:17
eggheadwhy might I get a blank screen after enabling nvidia drivers? (nvs4200m w/ optimus)00:17
ActionParsnippilotbub: how much easier can it get00:17
pilotbubwhat app00:17
eggheadshould I try disabling optimus?00:17
ActionParsnippilotbub: 'additional drivers'00:17
ActionParsnipegghead: optimus can be a real pain00:18
eggheadya it can00:18
eggheadbut if I disable optimus does that disable the nvidia card00:18
ActionParsnippilotbub: yuo can also use the wired connection to get full updates00:20
eggheadhmm, specifically the xorg log is showing 'no screens found'00:20
pilotbubhow about the install from cd method00:21
ActionParsnippilotbub: its on the guide ubottu gave....00:21
ActionParsnippilotbub: the wired connection is a lot easier00:21
pilotbubno patch cable atm00:23
pilotbubi mounted the ISO00:23
pilotbubwhat next?00:24
* wylde_ puts his spoon away and goes for coffee ;)00:24
fishcookeri've connect the bluetooth device with my ubuntu-box00:24
fishcookeron what /dev/XXXX it should be mounted00:25
fishcookeri can't see the log on $ dmesg00:25
SuperbestWhat's a good size for my xubuntu 11.04 /boot/ partition?00:25
fishcookerit would be enough00:26
Superbestfishcooker, 100+ or 100-?00:26
ActionParsnippilotbub: read the guide, 3rd time...00:26
fishcookerif u don't want collect many kernels00:26
DropsOfSerenitySuperbest, don't need more than 100Mb00:26
pilotbubthe guide says double click the deb00:26
pilotbubsoftware centre cant handle it00:27
fishcooker100- superbest00:27
ActionParsnippilotbub: it doesn't, not for the offline install.00:27
Superbestah okay, thanks fishcooker / DropsOfSerenity00:27
pilotbubNavigate the install media and install the packages listed below by double clicking or navigate the install media and install these packages consecutively in a terminal00:27
fishcookercan u help solving my probs00:27
L3topegghead, do you want to try some experiments? May work, may make things worse.00:28
splicHello, I have a quick question: I've made a long bash pipeline that really only depends on one variable, what's the easiest way I can reuse it? Thank you.00:28
L3topegghead: I am currently working on trying to disable the discrete hw for auto detection on a project I work on, but I don't have the hardware.00:28
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solcoset -o vi00:29
solcothen esc00:29
solcoyou are in vi mode00:29
pilotbubsoftware centre says its all installed but still no wireless00:29
ActionParsnippilotbub: http://paste.ubuntu.com/927257/00:30
ActionParsnippilotbub: why you just won't use the wired connection is beyond me, unless you like doing things the hard way just for kicks00:30
doctrhucan someone pm me to help me install a program ive never used ubuntu before00:31
ActionParsnippilotbub: that pastebin is a direct copy/paste from the page ubottu gave00:31
phillijwdoctrhu: just type sudo apt-get install programname00:31
chiliredwhat do you want to install00:31
Superbestis ext4 fine for /boot?00:31
pilotbubfatal; module ssb in ue00:31
dv310p3rCan I make the launcher smaller?00:31
dv310p3rSorry in Unity.00:31
OerHeksdv310p3r, i use my-unity for control of that sidebar00:32
doctrhuchilired can i pm plz00:33
pilotbubnop same crapola00:33
dv310p3rOerHeks, that only allows you to make it 32 pixels. I'd like it to go smaller.00:33
=== Fizzik is now known as Troy^
pilotbubgood ol linux always ready to disappoint00:34
OerHeksdv310p3r, nope, maybe it can be done in 12.0400:34
ActionParsnippilotbub: windows would be the same00:34
pilotbubwindows works otb00:34
ActionParsnippilotbub: get a wired connection and it will work without issue00:34
ActionParsnippilotbub: my wifi works ootb in Linux, not in Windows00:34
fishcookerin which /dev/X my bluetooth device should be mounted.. ive connected my bluetooth device00:35
fishcookerbut i can't see it on $dmesg00:35
pilotbubI cant even trust the package manager to install the drivers00:35
tireddoes anybody know ninjam?00:35
pilotbubwhat is this anarchy00:35
TimvdeOerHeks: Nope, running 12.04 and the minimum in the basic settings is still 3200:35
ActionParsnippilotbub: get a wired connection, its a laptop so is easily movable, connect to your router using a patch cable and you will have an easy life00:35
pilotbubyeah but its a LAP TOP00:35
tiredninjam anybody?00:36
ActionParsnippilotbub: yes, I can also read lower case00:36
ActionParsnippilotbub: once you get the driver installed it will be fine. Why can you not see where you are falling short, not the OS00:36
wyldepilotbub: and you are being told to connect to a wired connection long enough to fix your issue.00:37
tireddoes anybody know some audio software that runs vsti plugins?00:37
L3topI would like to complain even though there is an easy solution because things don't work like I expect, not knowing anything about the system.00:37
L3topIf I were you pilotbub, I would ask Ubuntu for my money back.00:37
OerHekspilotbub, how are you connected now? use that cable or if you are wireless now, use the unused utp port for ICS internet connection sharing.00:38
wyldelmao >.<00:38
ActionParsniptired: lmms apparently: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=97607900:39
no-name-hi. I'm trying to access my ~ directory from a live cd but when I type ecryptfs-mount-private I get ERROR: Encrypted private directory is not setup properly00:39
tiredthank you00:39
ActionParsnippilotbub: ok lets swing it another way. You have a clean install of windows and there is no wireless functionality (wifi not working ootb) and you have no driver CD. What do you do?00:39
ActionParsnippilotbub: you know the wired connectin works and the system is a laptop...00:39
=== BlancheDevereaux is now known as Dorothy
lvelinuxhello everyone am trying to install ubuntu server on my dell poweredge 220000:42
L3toppilotbub? You got quiet.00:42
bazhangknytmare, wrong channel00:42
lvelinuxand i am having trouble installing it on my scsi  hard drive any ideas how to fix00:42
KooolaNLknytmare why would they go WRONG way00:42
ActionParsniplvelinux: details please.00:42
lotus-bladei am getting all splotchy menues in all window environments except default00:42
lvelinuxlet me give you the error00:42
ActionParsniplotus-blade: same with all users?00:43
ActionParsniplotus-blade: make a new one if needed00:43
knytmaresorry, wrong channel i was about to send it to piratebay00:43
lvelinuxyay for the priatebay :-D00:43
pilotbubalright found a patch where do I go once Im connected00:43
lotus-bladeyes all users get it00:43
lvelinuxubuntu server 8 does it  have issue with the scsi hard drives its a 4gb one00:43
lotus-bladedriver issue?00:44
=== Dorothy is now known as Bela-Lugosi
no-name-ahh, got around the "ERROR: Encrypted private directory is not setup properly" with chroot but now at "Enter your login passphrase:" my password doesn't work :/ is it asking for that or the long thing you get with the encrypted drive00:44
lvelinuxi get an error that  it can read the cd00:44
pilotbubit still doesnt work unbelievable00:45
triscuitthere's a way to have it show you the pass00:45
lvelinuxis their a way i can install ubuntu server  from the internet ?00:45
ActionParsnippilotbub: did you get fully updated?00:45
ActionParsniplvelinux: sure, use the minimal ISO00:45
ActionParsnippilotbub: I suggest you do00:45
no-name-yeah, I recall having this problem before "ERROR: Your passphrase is incorrect" is what I get whether I enter my password or passphrase :(00:46
lvelinuxi have  a ubuntu server 8.00 installing  cd what do i do00:46
lvelinuxi boot off the cd then how can i get  it to ask me the method00:46
ActionParsniplvelinux: grab the minimal ISO (12Mb) and use that to instal. It will use the repos to install from00:46
pilotbubwheres the update thing00:46
lvelinuxok thank you00:47
ActionParsnippilotbub: you can use software centre. Or in CLI:  sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade00:47
ActionParsnippilotbub: what is the output of: lsb_release -sc   too please00:47
OerHeksuh oh00:48
ActionParsnippilotbub: ask in #ubuntu+1 then please, precise is not supoprted here til release day00:48
pilotbubok hopefully this upgrade fixes it00:49
pilotbubsoftware center says nothing about updates00:49
francineAnyone familiar with Xubuntu here ?00:50
ActionParsnippilotbub: thats fine, but stil ask in #ubuntu+1 only. Precise is not released and not ready yet00:51
ActionParsnippilotbub: after it is officially released it will be supported here00:51
airlynxI installed UbuntuStudio to an external USB hard drive, but now I can't boot into it, can only boot into it using the emergency mode then selecting "Resume Normal Boot" at the menu00:51
ActionParsnippilotbub: thanks :)00:52
airlynxalso Grub won't load unless that external drive is plugged in00:54
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fishcookershow desktop on ubuntu where00:57
fishcookeri need shortcut on ubuntu esp unity im on PP00:58
escottfishcooker, try ctrl-alt-d00:58
finish06airlynx, where is your boot folder @???  which drive?  it will be under /00:59
fishcookernot work escott00:59
finish06airlynx, /boot00:59
bobbycd \ then do a cd to home00:59
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bobbythen cd to your user00:59
bazhang!12.04 | fishcooker00:59
ubottufishcooker: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+100:59
=== Bndr is now known as Bndrr
airlynxfinish06, I have a boot folder on both drives, internal and external01:00
bazhangfishcooker, /join #ubuntu+1 for that01:00
finish06airlynx, within your bios, what drive is set at the boot drive?  maybe the external is set at boot drive, therefore that is the reason for needing it???01:00
ActionParsnipfishcooker: in precise if you hold down the SuperL key it will show a lot of shortcuts01:00
ActionParsnipfishcooker: ctrl+shift+d maybe01:00
spdupeehow can i tell if ati drver is working properly?\01:01
=== bobby is now known as FattyMcFat
airlynxfinish06, in order to get grub to show up at all I have to select the internal drive from the BIOS, but all installations show up in grub, nothing happens (i.e. black screen) when I select the installation located on the external drive01:01
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.01:01
ActionParsnipspdupee: sudo lshw -C display      should show drive=fglrx   or similar, meaning its loaded and in use. May help01:02
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finish06airlynx, how is the external connected??01:02
airlynxfinish06, USB 2.001:02
fishcookerthanks fellas01:02
wolfrichey samba patch is out for ubuntu half an hour ago01:02
finish06thanks wolfbyte01:03
finish06thanks wolfric01:03
escottairlynx, i think there are two different issues. one is !nomodeset. the other is the configuration of your boot disks and the bios boot order01:03
wolfbyteI get thanked a lot, wolfy nicks are very popular I guess01:03
finish06airlynx, idk if it is possible via your motherboard manufacturer to boot from a USB connected external drive...  have you done it in the past with like Windows?  or not?01:04
doctrhucan someone help me to get kismet running  i got it installed but i dont see a icon for it anywhere01:04
airlynxyes, I don't have a working CD-ROM, had to install the image on a different USB drive to boot the install process, lol01:04
finish06escott, why would booting from internal be ok, but only external be black screen if it is nomodeset?01:05
ActionParsnipdoctrhu: http://www.twistedethics.com/2007/04/25/how-to-setup-kismet-in-ubuntu-704/   seems to be a terminal app01:05
Bndrrhow can I select if i want kde or gnome at startup ??01:05
luxgeekOk, I'm running mint 12 64bit, wine 1.4 and world of warcraft 4.3.3, wow is crashing just after entering world...here's the pastebing from a term: http://paste.ubuntu.com/927281/01:05
airlynxfinish06, yes (forgot to address my reply)01:05
ActionParsnipbazhang: use the cog icon next to your username01:06
bazhangluxgeek, check mintsupport then01:06
finish06airlynx, i saw it, no big :)01:06
bazhangActionParsnip, ok01:06
ActionParsnipluxgeek: mint isnt supported here01:06
ActionParsnip!mint | luxgeek01:06
ubottuluxgeek: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org01:06
no-name-http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9681682 <-- I tried this and got "Error mounting eCryptfs: [-2] No such file or directory"01:06
escottfinish06, did he say he had a successful boot of 11.10 on the internal? i thought he was saying he could only boot via the recovery option01:06
luxgeekAre you kidding me? It's based on ubuntu? (and I AM talking to them too)01:06
no-name-I cannot access my encrypted home directory from a live CD >:/01:06
bazhangluxgeek, no not kidding01:07
ActionParsnipluxgeek: NONE of the 'ubuntu based' spinoffs are supoprted here01:07
finish06escott, oo.... I thought he did, you are probably right!  you have helped me on many occasions haha!  i bow to your knowledge01:07
ActionParsnipluxgeek: ubuntu is based non Debian but if you ask for support in #debian you will be pointed here01:07
airlynxfinish06, I did it more or less as an experiment, but if I don't have the USB drive plugged in when I boot up now grub crashes and gives me an error about no device or something01:07
airlynxfinish06, but to load grub I have to boot from the internal drive01:07
escottfinish06, i could have misread his comments.01:08
finish06airlynx, so you have to have the internal drive set as the boot drive, AND the external drive plugged in?  without both of those variables as mentioned, it fails, correct?01:08
airlynxfinish06, correct01:09
escottairlynx, finish06 i doubt an mbr on an internal could access a grub.cfg on a usb device01:09
mustuHi, I need to read about managing power & cpu utilization in Ubuntu. any good resource01:10
airlynxescott, I'm pretty sure the grub.cfg is on the internal drive, if I try to select the external drive from the BIOS it gives me a black screen and never does anything01:10
escottno-name-, have you tried chrooting into the system. that might be easier01:10
airlynxfinish06, escott, if I select the internal drive from BIOS it loads grub but when I select the external installation from grub it gives me a black screen as well01:11
no-name-escott: yep01:11
mustuI've a HP proBook 4530s Ci7 Quad Edition. I feel that Ubnutu does utilizes the CPU at it's maximum. It gets heatup quickly and consumes battery more. When I run Windows 7 I get more time from my battery and less heat issue.01:11
doctrhucan someone help me to get kismet running  i got it installed but i dont see a icon for it anywhere01:11
escottairlynx, what do you want your boot process to be. -- why are you messing around with this usb external drive01:11
jenifferrrhello how do I mount my windows disk? im in live cd01:11
escottdoctrhu, open a terminal, type kismet[TAB]?01:12
ActionParsnipjenifferrr: its a windows partition01:12
escottmustu, powertop is a good utility to use, but it can also be a graphics card driver issue01:12
ActionParsnipjenifferrr: use nautilus01:12
mustuescott: yes I have ATI Radeon 1gb card... but I haven't installed the proprietery drivers for my vga ..as it doesn't work well01:13
JermBobhey im still having trouble getting the new hard disks i have installed in my machine to show or be usable can someone help me ?01:14
ActionParsnipJermBob: does it show in BIOS?01:14
mustuescott: in windows performance manager i haave noticed that only 4 cores do work and 4 cores are totaly sleep...  in ubuntu performance graph all 8 cores are active... i feel i need to turn some core off when not needed.. m searching how to do tht also01:14
mustuescott: powertop seems good. installing it01:15
ActionParsnipmustu: there is a boot option for max cores01:15
JermBobActionParsnip: yup01:15
vexaxvhey guys i got a lock on my .deb files how do i remove them so i can uninstall em01:15
escottmustu, you can also play around with the cpu performance governor01:16
ActionParsnipmustu: boot option is:   maxcores=401:16
ActionParsnipJermBob: ok then run gparted and partition it01:16
JermBobActionParsnip: thanks no one would tell me the utility name other than fdisk01:17
JermBobActionParsnip: its not installed and the discs are allready partitioned01:18
JermBobActionParsnip: do i need to mount them or something ?01:19
vexaxvanybody know how to fix a locked deb file??01:19
escott!aptlock | vexaxv01:19
ubottuvexaxv: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »01:19
vexaxvhow do i use aptlock01:20
AquaguyHey there, i currently have 2 apache servers installed on my machine, I'm trying to remove them but apt-get remove apache2 only removes one of 'em how can I remove the other one?01:20
howardcan ubuntu be installed on the HTC Shift X9500 (UMPC)01:20
mustuActionParsnip: but if i need some high performance would I be abel to turn the remaing four or would need to reboot?01:21
nishttal2hi i am running gnome3 on ubuntu 11.1001:21
mustuI just ran cpufreq-info and it says the same against all of my cores "no or unknown cpufreq driver is active on this CPU"01:22
pilotbubhow is ubuntu x264 performance01:22
nishttal2and i keep getting alerts from empathy in my task bar even when i quit it01:22
nishttal2how can i fix this?01:23
DropsOfSerenitynishttal2, ctrl-q is quit, just closing it will keep it running01:23
airlynxescott, the external drive was just a test to see if I could do it and to see the latest Ubuntu, I'd rather not have to have the external plugged in to access grub though01:24
FattyMcFatc ya guys later good luck with that bootloader01:24
snickers_How do we kill tcp connections without closeing the applicaiton that is opening01:24
nishttal2DropsOfSerenity, no i quit from the menu01:25
nishttal2is there no way to remove the alerts01:25
escottnishttal2, why not go to the upper right where your name is and click off the notifications01:27
nishttal2escott, oh that would only disable empathy notifications?01:28
escottnishttal2, yes01:28
nishttal2escott, perfect.. thanks01:28
Gracenotesis there a way to set a keybinding to log off?01:31
ActionParsnipsnickers_: good question01:31
ActionParsnipsnickers_: could stop and start the networking service01:31
Gracenotesi.e. go back to window manager login screen01:32
ActionParsnipGracenotes: could bind it to:   killall -u $USER01:32
snickers_i dont want to interupt other connections01:33
ActionParsnipsnickers_: ah, not sure dude. I'd be interested in the solution though just for curiosity01:34
ActionParsnipsnickers_:  tcpkill01:35
airlynxgonna go play around, wish me luck01:35
scienteshow do i get copy-paste to work?01:36
finish06I wish grub was as pretty as chameleon was with osx8601:36
pangolinscientes, work in what sense? where?01:37
agentsoul12.04 how to exclude some folder from the DASH search? p mode for 12.0401:38
ActionParsnipfinish06: it can be pretty-ish. If you put an image in a certain folder, it will use it as the background image01:38
Gaming4JCDoes anyone know a ProxyCap alternative for Ubuntu? I tried tsocks but it doesn't support UDP :/01:38
ActionParsnipagentsoul: ask in #ubuntu+101:38
scientespangolin, between apps, without first copy/paste inside the app01:38
scientespangolin, like from firefox to xchat01:38
pangolinscientes, I am not sure what you mean by "without first copy/paste inside the app"01:39
scientespangolin, it doesn't work if you just copy in firefox and then try to paste in xchat01:39
scientesyou have to copy in firefox, and then paste in firefox, and THEN it will work in xchat01:39
pangolinscientes, strange, it is working fine here01:39
scientesi've seen this problem before01:39
escottscientes, you might want to install some kind of xclipboard manager (although usually that is done to syncronize the select and cut buffers it might have the side effect of doing what you want)01:41
Jordan_Ufinish06: http://apebox.org/wordpress/linux/261/01:42
scientesescott, yeah select/middle-click is also nice01:42
frankaa112plz guys wich of the channel to get some ccv01:43
y0om4how do i install the latest vlc rather than the one frozen at 11.10 release?01:43
ActionParsnipfinish06: put the image in /boot/grub and run:  sudo update-grub01:43
ActionParsnip!ppa | y0om401:44
ubottuy0om4: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge01:44
monadistwhen i try to run django... eg 'django-admin runserver' I get the error Error: Settings cannot be imported, because environment variable DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE is undefined.01:46
monadisthow do i fix this?01:46
pangolinwild guess here but define DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE and also try asking in a django channel01:47
mustuHi, I found the following two resources best for laptop heatup issue in Ubuntu http://cisight.com/install-amd-radeon-hd-6470m-and-solve-overheat-on-ubuntu-1110-oneiric/    &    http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Precise_Installation_Guide01:48
mustufollowing the first one which uses the second link in fact in the guide steps01:48
pilotbubSTA driver recognized but still no wifi01:49
pangolinpilotbub, Please don't crosspost and if you are running 12.04 ask in #ubuntu+101:50
pilotbubi downgraded01:50
pilotbubstill no dice with wifi01:50
pangolinif you are not running 12.04 don't ask in #ubuntu+101:50
GracenotesActionParsnip: did not know about custom commands. killall seems to make gdm not pop back (yet to add lightdm), but gnome-session-save looks promising01:51
pilotbub2 different ones a ppc no hope for that but x86 is truly disappointing01:51
Guzmanhello ubuntusaurios01:51
GuzmanI have a question how to reset the menu bar where applications and acessories menu are01:52
pangolinGuzman, unity --reset01:52
Guzmanis that command on my kernel01:54
tapoutmmaI want to fix my partitions...  does gparted 'fix'/extend partitions properly?  I want to boot from livecd, and move my C:\ partition to the left and extend it.  I have :   <free> <system restore> <c:\>  .. I can't extend c:\ with the free because it's on the left.. if it were on the right, it would extend without issue... any ideas?01:55
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escotttapoutmma, you should take a backup before you do anything but yes it should be able to move/resize as needed01:59
no-name-I'm running Ubuntu 10.04. I accidentally put sudo make install instead of sudo make altinstall when building python2.7.. now gnome is acting screwy... some programs don't start, panel applets crash... how do I fix it?01:59
jenifferrrwhere do I find my windows partition in the terminal?01:59
deper29jenifferrr, which drive is it on?02:00
BarkingFishjenifferrr, if it's mounted, it's normally under /media/windows02:00
deper29no, I mean, sdb1, sdb2,??02:00
BarkingFishor /mnt/windows depending on where ubuntu puts them02:00
jenifferrr none02:01
jenifferrrdeper29: dont know02:01
jenifferrrim new02:01
pangolinjenifferrr, paste the output of "sudo blkid" no quotes to paste.ubuntu.com please02:01
pangolinjenifferrr, then make sure to give us the url of the paste02:01
pangolinjenifferrr, actually you don't even need to paste it. look for TYPE="ntfs"  and that will be your windows partition, mine is /dev/sdb102:03
finish06thanks ActionParsnip !!!!!02:04
deper29jenifferrr, here is how I would mount my windows drive: sudo mount /dev/sdb2 /mnt02:04
deper29so do what pangolin says and then run that command and you should be able to access windows stuff02:05
ActionParsnipfinish06: simple stuff dude02:06
airlynxI'm back, booted into both systems somewhat okay, booted to my internal drive now, gonna wipe the external drive and start over, but I need to remove the settings for the external drive from grub, but there's a catch.  Before I did this I had grub, now I think I have grub2, and the contents of the /boot directory on each the internal and external are completely different.  Where do I even start?02:08
no-name-I did a sudo make install of python2.7 when I should have done sudo make altinstall.. it's messed some things, up some programs won't start. how do I reverse it?02:08
airlynxI'm checking in Synaptic on both the external and internal system, external drive reported that I had grub2 installed, internal drive reports that I have grub installed.  But I select the internal drive at BIOS to load grub, and get a menu that looks like grub2, wtf is going on here?02:11
Guzmanpangolin, how to use unity command is not available02:11
escottairlynx, there is a boot-info script which might be useful to you02:13
jiffe2anyone know how to troubleshoot printer printing blank pages ?  I have an HP laserjet 5m and I'm printing over the network, I can print to it fine from within windows02:13
escottairlynx, http://sourceforge.net/projects/bootinfoscript/02:13
escottno-name-, if you make uninstall you will likely hose your python 2.x install, but you could hope to recover it by reinstalling with apt02:15
airlynxperhaps I should just back up my files and do a complete reinstall, lol02:16
no-name-escott: what dir do I make uninstall from?02:16
escottno-name-, the same one you ran make install from. make sure you have an install cd in case you need to reinstall the os02:17
no-name-I do02:17
no-name-make: *** No rule to make target `uninstall'.  Stop.02:17
no-name-yeah. I guess I'll just reinstall Ubuntu, hehe02:17
airlynxescott, thank you for the boot info script info, I'll let you know how it works out02:18
no-name-or maybe I should just build 2.6 from source?02:18
ActionParsnipjiffe2: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc02:18
kevdogaww shucks, same damn people here today as yesterday :)02:19
ActionParsnipkevdog: I'm sure there are subtle differences02:19
jiffe2AcidRain2012, oneiric02:19
kevdogActionParsnip: hardly discernable02:19
ActionParsnipjiffe2: you could delete the printer then install the latest HPLIP frmo the HPLIP site, then re-add02:20
ActionParsnipkevdog: possibly02:20
finish06ActionParsnip, indeed!!  I got it!  thank you for the accurate link.  that is often the hardest part before doign something "off radar" to me, finding a link I trust!!!  I don't want to move files, etc when I not know what I am doiong.02:20
ActionParsnipfinish06: you'll learn with time02:21
wyldekeeping recent backups is good too!02:22
ActionParsnipoh definitely02:22
kevdogany reason rsync kind of craps out on me after transfer of between 2-4 gb worth of data?02:23
kevdogthats my problem with backups!02:23
ActionParsnipkevdog: what about a cp instead, is that ok?02:23
wyldeI actually turned the machine I use for backups into an ltsp server and have all the homes on a cron with rsync to pull from each users /home. If a machine ends up with an unbootable HD it'll boot of the network. :)02:24
kevdogHaven't tried cp specifically however I guess I might off indirectly since Ive dragged and droppped in the gui over smb which does work -- which should imply its not a networking/network card issue02:25
vexaxvi got a .deb file with a little lock icon on it how do i uninstall debs like this it was creating using checkinstall02:25
wyldevexaxv: if you used sudo with checkinstall root owns the resulting package.02:26
phixvexaxv: you uninstall using the package management app02:26
phixvexaxv: like aptitude ot synaptic02:26
wyldevexaxv: what phix said, I misread the question.02:26
vexaxvk got it thanks guys02:27
phixunless you mean you want to delete the file02:27
phixawesome, glad i could help02:27
Guzmansomebody please give me option to reset the menu bar of my ubuntu my dad came and remove all menus and messed stuff up I want default layout please02:27
vexaxvwell i did uninstall but the .deb with the lock icon it created is still in my folder02:27
airlynxescott, here is the output of the boot info script: http://pastebin.com/nVcSVj7k but I don't really understand it02:28
phixGuzman: easiest way is to move or delete your .gconf and maybe .config and .local directories from home directory02:28
wyldevexaxv: you can just chmod the file, or sudo rm /path/to/filename. Just be careful when using sudo with rm. Typos can cause issues that way.02:29
phixand you should set your display to lock and require a password plus make your dad an account he can use and wreck :)02:29
vexaxvChecking for Boost iostreams library version >= 1.34.1... (cached) no02:29
vexaxvim trying to install wesnoth 1002:30
vexaxvbut this version of boost iostream isnt in the repos02:30
vexaxvi got version 1.40 somethin02:30
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wylde!info wesnoth02:30
vexaxvanybody play wesnoth and compile 10 on there own?02:30
ubottuwesnoth (source: wesnoth-1.8): fantasy turn-based strategy game - complete suite (metapackage). In component universe, is extra. Version 1:1.8.6-1 (oneiric), package size 1 kB, installed size 24 kB02:30
wyldevexaxv: not I. The only package I've built renetly is squashfs-tools so I could get it with xz compression. :)02:31
vexaxvwell the last requisite i need is boost iostream02:32
vexaxvi got 1.40 somethin downloaded but it needs 1.3602:32
vexaxvdunno why i cant just use 1.4602:32
vexaxvor whatever it is02:32
vexaxvyeah 1.4602:32
vexaxvYou'll need to have these libraries and their development headers to build Wesnoth:02:33
vexaxv boost_iostreams >= 1.36.002:33
vexaxvcrappppppppp >.>02:33
trismvexaxv: notice the >= part02:33
wyldevexaxv: I don't suppose the source package came from official repos. I don't think apt-get build-dep will work with 3rd party source. But I'm not sure02:33
vexaxvgreater than or equals too02:34
vexaxvive got 1.4602:34
vexaxvit did02:34
escottairlynx, i think i can see what went wrong02:35
trismvexaxv: sudo apt-get build-dep wesnoth02:35
vexaxvi got 1.42 boost-iostreams02:35
vexaxvwont work withought the right boost io file02:35
pangolin!enter | vexaxv02:35
ubottuvexaxv: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!02:35
vexaxvah sorry02:35
trismvexaxv: I doubt you do, you need the -dev packages (it is built against 1.46 in precise)02:35
vexaxv-dev packages?02:36
vexaxvin the rep if u look up boost-iostreams theres only 1.4 +02:36
trismvexaxv: just type: sudo apt-get build-dep wesnoth-1.8;02:36
vexaxvnot 1.3602:36
vexaxvlol i dont want 1.802:36
vexaxvi want 1.1002:36
escottairlynx, it appears you had grub1 installed on sda with sda5 as the partition containing /boot. you think installed ubuntu to sdb, but installed grub to the mbr of sda, and it needs to load sdb1 as the partition containing /boot. thats likely not supported by the bios hence your non-bootable system.02:36
trismvexaxv: it will not install wesnoth-1.8, it will just install the libraries necessary to build02:37
JulinBM /msg NickServ identify 3445158402:37
escottairlynx, to fix things up boot a livecd and chroot into the respective systems and grub-install to the respective devices, you might also want to update the sda system to using grub2 instead of using grub102:37
vexaxvquick question why build "dep"02:37
trismvexaxv: yes02:37
vexaxvk hang on02:37
pangolinJulinBM, change your nickserv password02:38
airlynxescott, okay but I did get it to boot from the external drive, right now I don't really care anymore I'd rather just remove any record of the external drive from grub02:38
vexaxvE: Unable to find a source package for wesnoth-1.802:38
trismvexaxv: which version of ubuntu are you on02:39
airlynxescott, right now I cannot boot my computer without the external drive connected. If select the internal drive at the BIOS it will look for the external drive right away and then kicks me out to a grub rescue prompt with an error message that the external drive does not exist02:39
phraktdid anyone elses 12.04 change the close, minimize, and maximize buttons over to the other side?02:40
JulinBMpangolin, but i don't know02:40
wyldevexaxv: try without the trailing version numbers, it should look for the most recent anyway.02:40
Guzmanmy .config directory delete it all? which part of it should I delete? phix02:40
trismvexaxv: maybe you don't have the source repos enabled, check software-properties-gtk02:40
vexaxvhang on02:40
escottairlynx, so go ahead and boot the external drive, and then chroot yourself into the installed system. you can upgrade to grub2 in that system at that point if you wish, or just rerun grub-install /dev/sda02:41
pangolinJulinBM, /msg nickserv help set password02:41
xanguaphrakt: for pangolin support /join #ubuntu+102:41
vexaxvi didnt but i do now hang on ill retry02:41
phraktthank you xangua02:41
trismvexaxv: you will need to sudo apt-get update; after changing it02:41
vexaxvk thanks02:41
JulinBMpangolin thanks02:41
pangolinJulinBM, welcome02:41
JulinBMthank you02:42
airlynxescott, just so I'm clear, I can run "sudo grub-install /dev/sda" from the external drive to remove its record from grub?02:42
JulinBMpangolin, I always do I do these things in frenode?02:43
vexaxvits takin forever02:44
cchildresshi everyone. i've got this weird problem i've not encountered, and as i'm returning to linux after a few years i'm not familiar with grub 2. i have three hard drives and one dvdr, all sata. i had windows 7 installed on /dev/sda. i installed ubuntu to /dev/sdb because the ubuntu installer wouldn't recognize /dev/sda (even though it installed grub there!) (cont)02:44
pangolinJulinBM, I did not understand your question02:44
JulinBMpangolin, quero dizer, antes de entrar no canal?02:44
cchildressso after installation, i can boot into ubuntu but windows isn't an option. however, now ubuntu detects both ntfs partitions on /dev/sda and will mount them, no problem. i want to add windows to the choice of bootable os. what's teh best way to do this?02:44
JulinBMpangolin, well, sorry...02:44
escottairlynx, from the external drive it adds its record to the mbr. from a chroot into the internal drive (with the external as the boot device) it installs the internal drives record to the mbr02:44
pangolinJulinBM, use the server window to send nickserv command02:45
kevdogWhats a good pdf joiner program to join a lot of pdfs?02:45
pangolinJulinBM, that way you will not send it to channel by accindent02:45
JulinBMpangolin, I always log into freenode, before entering the channel02:45
trismkevdog: pdftk works pretty well02:45
airlynxescott, so how is that different from running it right now while I'm booted to the internal drive?02:45
JulinBMpangolin, ok! is this02:46
kevdogpdftk -- Does this require kde libraries?02:46
escottairlynx, in other words. if you dont chroot you have the version of grub on the external (grub2) if you chroot you have grub1. if you don't chroot your /boot is sdb1 on the external and grub-install by default points to that, within the chroot it looks like sda5/boot is /boot and by default it points to that02:46
JulinBMpangolin, it was an accident02:46
vexaxvdang this is takin forever02:46
trismkevdog: it uses very few libraries, apt-cache depends pdftk02:46
escottairlynx, i thought you couldn't boot the internal at all02:46
escottairlynx, if you have booted the internal then just grub-install /dev/sda02:47
Bndrr hi, how can I encrypt a file or a directory ?02:47
pangolinJulinBM, I know. but 1500 users in here saw your password. That is why I told you to change it.02:47
airlynxescott, I'm running on the internal right now, so okay, just did it02:47
kevdogtrism: Installing it now02:47
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airlynxescott, I'll be back in a few minutes, gonna go test it out02:48
JulinBMpangolin, ok,  I've changed02:48
JulinBMpangolin, I type in the server room I see only ok?02:48
trismkevdog: basic usage is just: pdftk pdf_1 pdf_2 ... pdf_n output combined.pdf02:49
escottBndrr, gpg is great for single files and one-off encryption. ecryptfs for regularly used folders02:49
JulinBMpangolin, I'm new this universe02:50
pangolin!es | JulinBM02:50
ubottuJulinBM: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.02:50
Bndrrescott, others ?02:50
pangolinJulinBM, Welcome to our little universe :)02:50
JulinBMkk, ok. Sorry, but i'm speak portugues from Brasil02:51
JulinBMpangolin, kk, ok. Sorry, but i'm speak portugues from Brasil02:52
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.02:52
escottBndrr, rot13?02:52
JulinBMpangolin, I know this, but was a error02:52
pangolinJulinBM, ok.02:52
kevdogpdftk -- looking like the bomb -- very full featured02:52
vexaxvheyw hat was the code for wesnoth 1.8 again02:54
vexaxvto get the dep files02:54
JulinBMpangolin, I entered the channel ubuntu-br, but now I try to help with bluetooth and still could not.02:54
ActionParsnipvexaxv: sudo apt-get -f install02:54
trismvexaxv: apt-get build-dep wesnoth-1.8;02:54
escottBndrr, the main programs are pretty much limited to three (although you may find guis for some of these) gpg, ecryptfs, mdcrypt (but thats for devices not files or folders)02:54
gr8tripstrcan anyone help me install utorrent server?02:54
trismvexaxv: you can actually use any package and it will find the source package and get the build deps02:54
gr8tripstrcan anyone help me install utorrent server?02:55
gr8tripstranyone here help out noobs?02:56
xanguahttp://askubuntu.com/questions/104094/how-to-install-utorrent-step-by-step gr8tripstr02:56
MrUnagiHow can I modprobe nbd at boot02:56
gr8tripstrthanks xangua! so i jus read...lol got it02:56
ActionParsnipMrUnagi: run:  echo "nbd" | sudo tee -a /etc/modules > /dev/null02:57
airlynxescott, thank you very much, that worked, now theoretically if I wanted to turn that external drive into a LiveCD (which was what I was trying to do in the first place) what would I need to do?02:57
MrUnagiOr permanently02:57
ActionParsnipMrUnagi: yes it will get loaded at boot02:57
escottairlynx, i think you just need to do a grub-install /dev/sdb once you have booted the external drive02:58
escottairlynx, but it still requires some bios support that not all bioses will have02:58
airlynxescott, maybe I should do some research before I try it again, lol, but thank you very much for your help02:58
escottairlynx, the bios on your system probably does (based on your ability to boot with grub on sda pointing to sdb02:59
MrUnagiActionParsnip: Can /dev/nbd0p1 be auto mounted afterward?03:00
airlynxescott, my system does not have a working CD-ROM drive, I did all this with 2 USB hard drives (installed the Ubuntu install image on a second HDD) so I know my BIOS has full capability to do so03:00
ActionParsnipMrUnagi: you could add the mount command in /etc/rc.local above the exit 0 line and mount it, it may work if you add it in fstab then simply add: mount -a    in rc.local03:01
MrUnagiSeems nbd didn't load03:01
MrUnagiActionParsnip: I though about that but it requires sudo03:02
ActionParsnipMrUnagi: or add the modprobe command in /etc/rc.local03:02
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MrUnagiWill rc.local run as root03:03
ActionParsnipMrUnagi: indeed03:04
ActionParsnipMrUnagi: add commands above the exit 0 line or they won't run03:04
vexaxvwell that fixed the issue however now it says i need boost library03:04
MrUnagiSo modprobe nbd && mount /dev/nbd0p1 /media/foo?03:04
trismvexaxv: what does it say exactly?03:05
ActionParsnipMrUnagi: sure :)03:06
MrUnagiActionParsnip: DIDN'T WORK :(03:08
MrUnagisorry caps03:08
trismvexaxv: libboost-system1.46-dev03:08
ActionParsnipMrUnagi: did you reboot?03:08
MrUnagiShutdown -r now03:08
trismvexaxv: if you prefer, or just: sudo apt-get install package;03:08
ActionParsnipMrUnagi: very weird03:09
trismvexaxv: also very helpful when compiling: apt-cache search -n libsomething dev03:09
vexaxvnow im missing boost thread library lol03:09
vexaxvill download that too >.<03:09
vexaxvi thought i already downloaded all this..03:10
trismvexaxv: might want: libboost1.46-all-dev if you don't want to track them all down, they may be new deps for the 1.10 version03:10
MrUnagiOh wait03:10
MrUnagiI forgot a command im sorry03:10
hieunguyenI backed up my harddisk by using CloneZilla. Now I want to read the image file created by CloneZilla to extract some files. I followed the instruction here: http://drbl.org/faq/fine-print.php?path=./2_System/43_read_ntfsimg_content.faq#43_read_ntfsimg_content.faq . When I run the command "cat sda1.ntfs-ptcl-img.gz.* | gzip -d -c | ntfsclone --restore-image -o sda1.img -" it said: ntfsclone v2011.4.12AR.4 (libntfs-3g)03:11
hieunguyenERROR: Input file is not an image! (invalid magic)03:11
hieunguyenhow do i fix it?03:11
vexaxvdamn too many deps..03:11
ActionParsniphieunguyen: i'd ask in a clonezilla channel03:12
vexaxvholy crap its building03:12
vexaxvafter 1000 deps03:12
trismvexaxv: success!03:13
vexaxv:) ty03:13
hieunguyenActionParsnip: if you know the channel name, please point me to03:13
hieunguyenotherwise, i will google03:13
ActionParsniphieunguyen: #clonezilla03:13
vexaxvwhen u build03:13
vexaxvu can use scons03:13
vexaxvso it says just type scons03:13
vexaxvits building03:13
ActionParsniphieunguyen: didn't think to try the obvious first...?03:13
vexaxvis that gonna install it for me or what03:13
hieunguyenActionParsnip: good advice03:13
vexaxvor just build itself into the folder03:14
hauxUnrelated to Ubuntu, but does anyone know of a firefox plugin that will let you start a new download and merge with an existing partially downloaded file?03:14
ActionParsniphieunguyen: ;)03:14
trismvexaxv: it will probably just compile it, there may be an install target, should check out the README03:14
vexaxvif it does install can i delete the folder that i used to compile it with03:14
vexaxvthe source code folder03:15
gr8tripstris there any reason to use utorrent server? it appears theres a built in torrent downloader...03:15
xanguagr8tripstr: you are the one that asked for it, you tell us03:15
wyldegr8tripstr: if all you wanted was to download using torrents, the you most certainly didn't need the server.03:16
donavan01can someone tell me how to search for file from the command line or do I have to have nautilus to do that03:16
gr8tripstrhaha, well i love it on windows...thought i needed it but then when i clicked on a torrent it didnt even load in the utorrent and just started downloading on its own03:16
ActionParsnipgr8tripstr: no idea, familiarity I guess03:16
gr8tripstrya no need for utorrent til they get the gui finished03:17
trismvexaxv: yes, you can delete the source directory once you install it if you wish (often, if they use autotools they may have an uninstall target, so it may be good to keep those around for later)03:17
escotthaux, very much server dependent. not all servers support http resume. firefox will resume when it can03:17
MrUnagiActionParsnip: Rebooting again I bet it works this time03:18
vexaxvk brb hang on03:18
ActionParsnipMrUnagi: here's hoping :D03:18
engkuri use transmission for torrent03:18
MrUnagiSetting up a "Dropbox" for my dad03:18
MrUnagiLearned today I despise ntfs03:18
engkurand aria2 for textmode torrent03:18
ActionParsnipengkur: if you leave the system on and enabled the web ui, you can remote manage torrents via web interface or even android phone / iphone etc03:19
hauxescott, I understand that. However, if the session ends with the site, firefox will no longer let you resume a partially downloaded file, whether the server allows it or not. I used to use a windows program called GetRight back in dialup days. You could resume a download days after starting it.03:19
MrUnagiI think everything is working except the mount03:19
scienteshaux, works for me03:19
scienteswith ff 1103:19
scientesbut yeah, i still end up using wget -c sometimes....03:19
gr8tripstrya transmission all the way03:20
scientesgr8tripstr, thats only for torrents03:20
scientesbut wget -c will always work....03:20
hauxscientes, seriously? If you clear your download list and start a new download, ff 11 will ask you if you want to resume the partially downloaded file?03:20
gr8tripstrya i figured that out after i spent an hour trying to install utorrent server ( which i did suceed) haha03:20
scientesMrUnagi, yeah ntfs sucks, but what specifically are your problems with it?03:20
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MrUnagiscientes: Has problems with special characters03:21
scienteshaux, oh no, then use wget, its cross platform, and will work with started downloads from any program03:21
MrUnagiBut more maddening....Leno chmod, or chown03:21
scientesMrUnagi, actually no, it doesn't. NTFS works will all characters but / and NULL03:21
scientesMrUnagi, its explorer that adds those limitations, but the filesystem is fine03:22
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gr8tripstrso whats so cool about ubuntu...i jus find everything to be twice as hard...i guess i only know windows tho03:22
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escotthaux, you could try wget, but if its requiring some kind of login thats going to be tough03:22
scientesgr8tripstr, what do you need help with?03:22
hauxscientes, the issue is, I mostly have a need for this on youtube. Using DownloadHelper to download youtube videos. There isn't really a direct link to the file that I can use with wget. At least not that I've been able to find03:22
MrUnagiOk well I don't like it03:22
napalm54In ubuntu 12.04, I am trying to set an audio device to surround sound, but I do not see an option to.  Anyone know how to?03:22
scienteshaux, ahh, well with youtube, you can just install htop, fine the PID of the flash process, and then copy out of /proc/$UID/fd/N03:22
scienteshaux, it use to be in /tmp for easy copying, but that stopped quite a few flash version ago03:23
gr8tripstrscientes, i really don't know...jus new exploring this os...trying to find some reasons to stick with it and not go back to windows 803:23
scientesgr8tripstr, its a way better OS, there are tons of things that windows people think they are "haxors" for using in windows, that are just standard in linux, like mounting CD's for example, that is one line in linux, and part of the core os03:24
teligardHi all.  Could someone help me get my audio working in Ubuntu 11.10?03:24
hauxscientes, the DownloadHelper addon lets you download youtube videos. That's not the problem. I was just looking to see if there was an addon for a different download manager that had better support for pausing/resuming downloads.03:24
scientesgr8tripstr, and the whole OS upgrades as one piece, which works much better and is far less annoying03:24
scienteshaux, yeah but downloadhelper requires you to download the video twice03:24
hauxscientes, I don't think so? You don't have to load the video to download it.03:25
scienteshaux, you could use youtube-dl alternatively, but b/c the double-download it is not good for my purpose-----apt-get install youtube-dl03:25
hauxI use it every day.03:25
scienteshaux, yeah, it downloads it twice03:25
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gr8tripstrgotcha, ya i did upgrade the os and it was super smooth03:25
scientesthe only way to not download twice is to take it from the flash process haux03:25
MrUnagiActionParsnip: /etc/fstab just needs /dev/nbd0p2 /media/foo?03:25
napalm54gr8tripstr: I am an avid Windows user (for games), but I also love Ubuntu and Linux in general. Can take some time to get use to though03:25
mhazpay attention03:25
hauxWell, for me it doesn't. I've downloading 4 videos right now, once. I don't need to let the video load to do this. I open the page, start the download, close the page.03:26
scientesgr8tripstr, there are bazillions more reason, like that old hardware never goes "unsupported" where you are stuck to an old windows cause the manufacture wants you to buy new stuff, for example03:26
hauxmhaz, I'm checking that out03:26
napalm54Anyone know how to set an audio device to surround sound in Ubuntu 12.04, was easy to in 11.10, but cant find the option now.03:26
scientesgr8tripstr, read this: http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html03:26
gr8tripstrso whats the deal with asking for my password constantly...03:26
ActionParsnipMrUnagi: it needs file system type too, the other lines will five clues03:26
gr8tripstrthanks guys i love the feedback03:26
napalm54gr8tripstr: Protection, you can turn that off, but that isn't a good idea03:26
MrUnagiIs nbd the fs type?03:27
napalm54gr8tripstr: Kind of like UAC in Windows vista/703:27
gr8tripstrk ya thats what i've read03:27
ActionParsnipMrUnagi: its will be vfat, ntfs, ext4 etc etc03:27
scientesnapalm54, except it actually works03:27
gr8tripstrya i always disable that uac hah03:27
napalm54scientes: I was not sure UAC did not work03:27
scientesgr8tripstr, UAC is fundamentally broken www.pretentiousname.com/misc/win7_uac_whitelist2.html napalm5403:27
scientesCALCULATOR runs elevated in windows03:28
napalm54Needs more processing time03:28
gr8tripstrso is google chrome not the most awesome browser ever?03:29
napalm54I have had to turn UAC off, some programs had issues installing with it.  But UAC isnt needed if you are smart and/or have good internet security (Kaspersky :) )03:29
teligardUAC is funny.  It bludgeons you with requests and warnings, and dulls your senses until you hit that do it key one the 210th time (when you shouldn't have), then the general copout is "weren't you warned"?03:29
napalm54Chrome is awesome :)03:29
MrUnagiIs scientes  the windows defender (pun)03:29
napalm54I am pretty much using everything Google right now, except Chrome OS03:29
napalm54Windows Firewall03:30
gr8tripstrchrome os?03:30
teligardAny ideas on how to get my audio working?03:30
napalm54Another OS from Google, based on linux, supposed to be very light weight03:30
teligardIt's a hit or miss proposition for me so far03:30
napalm54what Version of ubuntu?03:30
gr8tripstrnice, how can u go wrong...03:30
scientesgr8tripstr, google chrome is proprietary software that neglects your privacy03:31
napalm54I believe you can search sound in unity, bring up the sound options and select the audio device you want03:31
napalm54scientes: How so?03:31
scientesgr8tripstr, chromium IS available in ubuntu, but google doesn't make it easy to package03:31
MrUnagiI lost contact with my server :(03:31
napalm54scientes: Chromium is in the ubuntu software center right?03:31
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scientesnapalm54, it keeps a uniquie ID from downloading, that it sends with every google request, and tries to get you to link the browser with a google account (BTW you can only get google accounts with a mobile phone these days)03:32
MrUnagiUh....I think I really messed something up03:32
MrUnagiNetwork is up but I cant reach my ubuntu box03:33
scientesnapalm54, http://spot.livejournal.com/312320.html03:33
napalm54scientes: I am already linked lol03:33
ActionParsnipMrUnagi: can you ping
teligardnapalm54: I'm going to reboot and see if anything changes.  I am not running unity03:33
hauxmhaz, from the looks of it, that may be even more than I was hoping for. I'm trying to install it now, but I'm getting a Not Found error in the software center03:33
MrUnagiI don't know why my fstab entry would make it unreadable03:33
MrUnagiBlah I hate it when I lose ash03:35
MrUnagiOh well good night03:36
mhazhaux- download the .deb from the site03:37
mhazhaux- gdebi will install it03:37
austin182The Linux Community is amazing!03:38
vexaxvwhats the difference between wesnoth and wesnothd03:38
jenifferrrhow do I see my windows partition files?03:38
jenifferrrI want to move them to other partition03:38
jenifferrrplease I am new in linux03:39
jenifferrrim in a live cd03:39
wyldevexaxv: wesnoth = client and wesnothd = server. Or so I'd suspect.03:39
vexaxvyay finally got wesnoth 10 compiled03:40
vexaxvis there anyway i can take a source compiled game and put the shortcut in the unity bar?03:40
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jenifferrrplease anyone03:42
cperalesnapalm54: yes03:42
wylde!ntfs | jenifferrr03:42
ubottujenifferrr: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE03:42
napalm54cperales: ?03:42
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cperalesnapalm54: sorry i just read your question about chromium03:43
ActionParsnipvexaxv: sure, just make a .desktop file for it in /usr/share/applications03:43
SuperbestHi, I'm using the xubuntu 11.10 alternate install cd for i386 from a usb drive and my install is failing on the "select and install software" step03:43
napalm54cperales: Oh ok lol03:43
jDogis ubuntu good for serving a php/mysql stack?03:44
ActionParsnipvexaxv: I suggest you use checkinstall to make a deb of your efforts for easy installation if you need it again :)03:44
ActionParsnip!lamp | jDog03:44
ubottujDog: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)03:44
vexaxvi sconned it03:44
vexaxvits wesnoth 1003:44
vexaxvbut yes i love the check install ty :)03:44
vexaxvso how do i do the desktop thing03:45
ActionParsnipvexaxv: look at the files in the applications folder, you'll see what's going on :)03:45
wyldevexaxv: you can even get your very own ppa on launchpad to keep it backed up :) and even have launchpad do builds for other arch's03:46
vexaxvi gotta be honest03:46
vexaxvu guys have frickin lost me03:46
vexaxvim still sorta new03:46
FloodBot1vexaxv: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:46
vexaxvhow do i place a shortcut on th eunity bar03:47
gr8tripstrya thats a great link about the uac crap...microsoft are definitely some bastards03:48
austin182Can I dual Boot Windows XP pro and Ubuntu?03:49
wuerobuenas colegas necesito un favor ayuda urguente para configurar tor03:49
ActionParsnipvexaxv: open the /usr/share/applications folder and you will see all the launchers Unity uses. If you copy one and edit it so it runs your command it can be yused03:49
ActionParsnipaustin182: sure03:49
wyldeaustin182: yes03:49
vexaxvah thanks03:50
wueroya cheke todos los tutoriales que hay en la red03:50
wylde!es | wuero03:50
ubottuwuero: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.03:50
austin182sweet thanks guys! linux people are so nice03:50
vexaxvsays i dont have permission03:51
vexaxvhow do i sudo move a file to somewhere else03:51
wyldevexaxv: sudo mv /path/to/file /path/to/destination03:51
ActionParsnipaustin182: install windows first, leave free space if you are clean installing, or the Ubuntu installer can resize the current NTFS03:51
gr8tripstrI think im gonna burn all my windows discs...i heard they scream "don't use linux" before they turn to ashes...03:51
ActionParsnipvexaxv: run:  gksudo nautilus /usr/share/applications03:52
austin182Okay I will do that sorta makes sense I am new to this computer stuff03:53
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vexaxvk i put the wesnoth file in applications03:54
vexaxvbut when i click the dash i cant find wesnoth03:54
ActionParsnipvexaxv: its not the file, you need to make a NEW desktop file to run your command03:55
vexaxvdo i have to restart unity03:55
vexaxvhow do i do that03:55
ActionParsnipvexaxv: I never said to copy the file.03:55
ActionParsnipvexaxv: copy one of the existing files in that folder and make a copy, then open the copy in gedit and change it03:56
vexaxvsmart dude over here03:56
vexaxvwhats the terminal command for copy n paste03:56
wyldevexaxv: cp /path/to/file /path/to/destination03:58
ActionParsnipvexaxv: if you copy one that's already a game, it will appear in the games section03:58
ActionParsnipvexaxv: you will need sudo as the folder is owned by root03:59
austin182Ubuntu boots up into recovery mood every time...how do I make Ubuntu boot straight to my desktop?03:59
ActionParsnipvexaxv: you can do the copy and edit in the nautilus you ran earlier too, probably easier03:59
ActionParsnipaustin182: hold shift at boot and select the none recovery mode04:00
vexaxvdang wont let me copy n paste04:00
wyldevexaxv: but it's good to get familiar with command line too :)04:00
austin182Thanks again!04:00
ActionParsnipvexaxv: do you have gnomine installed?04:00
ActionParsnipvexaxv: is there a file in /usr/share/applications to run gnomine?04:01
paulus68If I want to setup a pxe server can I do this on an existing one that I use as fileserver at the moment or is it better to start from scratch on a seperate machine?04:01
PartFormatI have two partitions on a single external hdd. I need to partition and format it so that it is a single blank drive. How do I do this?04:01
vexaxvwell shit04:01
vexaxvthere was in the command line04:01
vexaxvnot in the gui04:01
FloodBot1vexaxv: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:01
ActionParsnipvexaxv: what icons do you have in there for games>?04:02
vexaxvtheres one04:03
gr8tripstrwhy isn't my launcher autohiding?04:03
PartFormatHow do I format a hdd using command line?04:04
ActionParsnipvexaxv: is the filename 'mahjong'?04:04
totesmuhgoatsPartFormat: what filesystem?04:04
totesmuhgoatsPartFormat: man mkfs04:04
ActionParsnipPartFormat: use mkfs.<file system type wanted>    e.g. mkfs.ext204:05
PartFormatNTFS I guess? How can I tell what it is currently? It has two partitions04:05
totesmuhgoatsPartFormat: you can't format to ntfs from linux04:05
totesmuhgoatsand if you could you wouldn't want to04:05
ActionParsnipvexaxv: ok then run:  sudo cp /usr/share/applications/mahjong.desktop /usr/share/applications/wesnoth.desktop04:05
ActionParsniptotesmuhgoats: you can with ntfsprogs04:05
totesmuhgoatsActionParsnip: hmm, i was unaware. well you still probably wouldn't want to04:06
PartFormatI just need to format it to anything at all tht windows can see (It is currently partitioned and one of the partitions is not a format Windows even sees, so I cannot format it from windows).04:06
ActionParsniptotesmuhgoats: http://paste.ubuntu.com/927391/04:06
ActionParsniptotesmuhgoats: I wouldn't either, I'd use an MS OS to format it so I know it's good04:06
vexaxvk i got it04:07
vexaxvnow how do i edit it to open wesnoth in my  home folder04:07
totesmuhgoatsPartFormat: i think the link ActionParsnip sent is intended for you04:07
ActionParsnipvexaxv: ok now run: gksudo gedit /usr/share/applications/wesnoth.desktop    and change it all :)04:07
totesmuhgoatsbut ntfs has issues even being read in linux, so i would just boot into windows to format it04:07
totesmuhgoatsor connect the drive to a windows pc04:07
totesmuhgoatsmight even be able to do it with iscsi, not too familiar with iscsi to be honest04:08
vexaxvk how do i edit this lol04:08
vexaxvah wait i got it sorry04:08
vexaxvk whats gksudo do04:08
PartFormatIt is a 2tb external hdd.. I canot see 500gb of it in windows, so I cannot even format that part from windows (at least not to my knowledge).04:08
ActionParsnipvexaxv: runs graphical apps as root04:08
vexaxvk hang on :)04:08
vexaxvthanks for all your help today by the way lol04:09
ActionParsnipvexaxv: np man, its simple stuff once you do it once or twice04:09
chocolatesSELLING PARA DEF RING04:09
totesmuhgoatsis 12.4 shipping with wayland instead of x.org/04:09
xanguatotesmuhgoats: #ubuntu+1 for pangolin04:10
vexaxvah alright i got it all done thanks alot :)04:10
PartFormatWhat is a termanal command to list all hdds currently mounted?04:10
ActionParsnipPartFormat: mount04:11
ActionParsnipPartFormat: you mount partitions too, not drives04:11
totesmuhgoatsubuntu ran out of adjectives i'm familiar with in 11.10 it seems04:11
jDoganyone got a list of essential unix shell commands04:12
jDogubuntu even04:12
xangua!terminal | jDog04:12
ubottujDog: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal04:12
vexaxvokay so when u copied and pasted04:12
vexaxvwhat was that code again04:12
vexaxvthat made another mahjong pop up again04:12
zerocrisis* would like to get streets&trips working in wine.04:13
ActionParsnipvexaxv: the sudo cp command you ran, you will need to grab an icon file of your liking and set that in the Icon=   line in the file04:14
vexaxvoh i did04:15
PartFormatOk so using 'mount' I discovered /sdc1 and /sdc5 are the two partitions on the external that I need to format back into a single drive that windows can read. How do I format them both to a single partition/drive? like fat32?04:15
vexaxvim just wondering what was that command incase i need to place another shortcut on unity04:15
ian_macis it normal for Precise to idle a lot higher than Oneiric?04:15
ActionParsnipvexaxv: and change the Exec= line    the rest is purely cosmetic but is good to just get done :)04:15
ActionParsnipian_mac: ask in #ubuntu+104:15
ian_macoh sorry04:15
ActionParsnipian_mac: np :)04:15
=== PinballReviewer is now known as PBR_Away
vexaxvit was sudo cp /usr/share/applications/majongg /usr/share/applications/wesnoth04:16
vexaxvno no it was sudo cp /usr/share/applications/majongg /usr/share/applications/majongg04:16
ActionParsnipvexaxv: you need the .desktop extension04:16
ActionParsnipvexaxv: your second command won't work as source == dest04:17
vexaxvi thought so04:17
vexaxvbut i had two majonggs04:17
vexaxvnot one majongg and one wesnoth04:17
ActionParsnipvexaxv: yes but you editted the wesnoth one, right?04:17
vexaxvi got it workin04:18
vexaxvi checked it04:18
PartFormatIs it possible to format a partiton to fat32 using a linux terminal?04:18
vexaxvbut u copied majongg04:18
ActionParsnipvexaxv: so press F5 in nautilus and the icon should change04:18
vexaxvi dont think u understand me lol04:18
ActionParsnipvexaxv: yes copied mahjong so it appears in the games folder04:18
vexaxvexplain the code u wrote04:18
vexaxvsudo cp /usr/share/applications/majongg /usr/share/applications/wesnoth04:19
vexaxvthats the code right04:19
ActionParsnipvexaxv: it just duplicates the desktop file that runs mahjong so you can edit it to make it run your wesnoth command. We copied the mahjong file so that it appears in the games section of dash04:19
ActionParsnipvexaxv: yno, it: sudo cp /usr/share/applications/majongg.desktop /usr/share/applications/wesnoth.desktop04:19
ActionParsnipwesley: you missed the fiel extension04:20
vexaxvbut that copys majongg to wesnoth04:20
ActionParsnipvexaxv: you missed the file extension. the file /usr/share/applications/majongg doesn't exist04:20
vexaxvi had two majonggs04:20
ActionParsnipvexaxv: yes you said, several times now04:20
legaspmisssssing file extensssionss?04:21
vexaxvi must be havin a slow night or somethin..so u copied and pasted it but instead of getting a wesnoth.desktop i got another majongg, whys that04:21
ActionParsnipvexaxv: you edit the wesnoth one so that it executes your wesnoth binary, you ALSO edit the icon line to a file of your choosing so it looks different04:21
ActionParsnipvexaxv: its just got the same details inside it, as we only copied it, so it will look exactly the same04:21
vexaxvi got all that lol04:21
ActionParsnipvexaxv: you now need to edit it04:21
ActionParsnipvexaxv: so where is the issue?04:22
paulus68If I want to setup a pxe server can I do this on an existing one that I use as fileserver at the moment or is it better to start from scratch on a seperate machine?04:22
vexaxvi know, im just wondering why did u copy majongg to wesnoth04:22
vexaxvi got two majonggs04:22
ActionParsnipvexaxv: you don't. One runs wesnoth and the othjer runs mahjong as you editted the file04:22
ActionParsnipvexaxv: it only LOOKS like you do as you didn't change the icon file04:22
ActionParsnipvexaxv: well, line04:22
ActionParsnipvexaxv: I suggest you download an icon you like from the web and put it in your file system some place out of the way, you can then change the Icon= line in wesnoth.desktop to point to it, and it will be used04:24
ActionParsnipvexaxv: the file will then change appearence and be what you want. It will also appear in dash and you can even drag it to the Unity bar if you wish04:24
tewecskeI use 11.04 and yesterday i upgraded my system and now if i start ubuntu the whole UI is freezed, the terminal on tty1 works fine and i can boot with failsafeX, i had a few segfaults with nvidia http://pastebin.com/EVUMKmaL but i downgraded to an old nvidia driver and the UI is even worse but no segfault at this boot, any idea where to look for the cause of the problem?04:25
ActionParsniptewecske: what if you remove the nvidia driver altogether and boot using the open source driver04:26
tewecskei'm gonna try that now, just removed it but maybe someone have a better idea :)04:27
ActionParsniptewecske: did you upgrade the packages nly and stil stay in Natty?04:27
tewecskeyes I'm still on Natty04:28
zerocrisis* had a very similar problem,. thought it was video,.. chased it for days,.. and found out it was, of all things,.. a wireless keyboard issue.04:28
tewecskekernel and nvidia upgrades were there too04:28
chown_guys im trying to make a shell script here and it has 2 statements that requires a password, the thing is: when i 1st execute, it ask me for the 1st password, so i answer it and it execute that statement, the problem is that the 2nd statement isnt executed04:28
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wyldechown_: I bet you'd get some good answers for that in #bash :)04:29
ActionParsnipchown_: can ou pastebin the script please04:29
tewecskezerocrisis: i have a wireless keyboard, but i hope it's not the case (i like my keyboard :))04:29
tewecskei'm trying to reboot without nvidia drivers now...04:30
chown_ActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/kL7mHsvD04:30
busybyeskihey guys! i'm currently running on a live usb.. is there any way i can access the other files on the same usb? can't find it in the filesystem04:31
ActionParsnipchown_: that won't work04:32
chown_ActionParsnip: oh, really?04:32
paulus68chown_: I think you have to name your ethernet card eth0 if I am not mistaken04:32
ActionParsnipchown_: you'll need:     su admin04:32
ActionParsnip    sudo ifconfig en1 ether 00:11:22:33:44:5504:32
ActionParsnipi'll pastebin04:33
vexaxvokay well thanks again action04:33
gr33n7007hifconfig en1 hw ether 00:11:22:33:44:55 you missed hw04:33
GuestForIs exFAT better than NTFS for Ubuntu (I am formating an external HDD and heard NTFS has some problems with linux)?04:33
chown_Those commands is working fine when entered by me04:33
Random832does ubuntu even support exfat04:34
ActionParsnipchown_: http://pastie.org/377841004:34
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Random832GuestFor: do you need to share it beteen indows and linux04:34
GuestForIdeally yeah04:34
GuestForRandom832: Does that mean NTFS is best?04:35
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ActionParsnipGuestFor: NTFS will work fine in both, just remember to safe remove the device when you are done in ANY OS and you will have fewer issues04:36
busybyeskianyone know how i can get see the usb drive i booted off of?04:36
ActionParsnipbusybyeski: sudo parted -l    will show the UI04:38
GuestForSo the next step is installing Ubuntu on my SSD. Should I make a partition (while in windows) for it? Or just start the Ubuntu (12.04) install (from cd) and try to get it to share a location on the C drive with win7?04:38
ActionParsnipGuestFor: the installer can make partitions04:38
hauxHow do you remove "gmusicbrowser" from the sound menu?04:39
hauxI did this before but I forgot how...04:39
tewecskerebooted without nvidia, first it hanged then i restored default settings in failsafex and now it works04:40
busybyeskiActionParsnip: you mean like /dev/sdb? can i view that in the file browser or terminal?04:40
tewecskebut it's not as good as it was before, so how can I found out why the UI freezes with nvidia driver?04:41
ActionParsnipbusybyeski: technically both04:41
busybyeskiActionParsnip: how can i browse there in the gui :$04:42
zerocrisistewecske: i had lots of driver issues with one of my comps running a cheaper $40.00 nvidia card. bought a twin-frozer III to replace it, and problems went away. was told that cheaper cards, even tho same chipset. don't always have full chipset support.04:43
ActionParsnipbusybyeski: nautilus04:43
busybyeskiActionParsnip: i'm using nautilus, but even "go to location" doesn't allow for /dev/sdb/ input04:44
tewecskezerocrisis: but it worked for about 4 years and the problem occurd first after yesterday's upgrade04:44
tewecskeit's a 8800 GTS04:45
gr33n7007hbusybyeski, is it mounted04:47
busybyeskigr33n7007h: i don't believe so. it isn't found in /mnt/04:47
ezoethere are OpenGL related updates available now.04:47
gr33n7007hmount it first then04:47
ezoemaybe this cause the problem... I wonder if it's wise to install it since I'm using GeForce GTX560Ti too.04:48
busybyeskigr33n7007h: how can i mount it without just replugging it?04:49
chown_ActionParsnip: man, u were a lifesaver, i had to change your script a littlebit because of my su was a little different, but it worked like a charm04:49
gr33n7007hbusybyeski, mkdir /mnt/sdb then mount /dev/sdb /mnt/sdb04:50
busybyeskiahhhhh gr33n7007h i tried it and i found that it has "already been mounted to /cdrom/". didn't think to look there. -.- ahah thanks04:50
chown_ActionParsnip: thank you so much, i`ll use that in a lot of little scripts i have04:50
gr33n7007hoh ok04:50
gr33n7007hbusybyeski, to see thing mount just type mount04:50
tewecskeI try with the latest nvidia drivers (295.40)04:54
danielbrownDo any of you know if it is possible to dual boot Ubuntu and Mac OS X on an iMac? I don't know if it's EFI compatible.04:55
tewecskecan't install nvidia driver while running X? WTF? :)04:55
gr33n7007htewecske, ctrl + alt + f1 then ./nvidia-driver04:56
tewecskedoesn't work, I have to quit X04:57
gr33n7007hwhat doesnt worl04:57
tewecskectrl+alt+f1 and running nvidia from terminal04:58
ActionParsniptewecske: add the xorg edgers update PPA04:59
ActionParsniptewecske: less fresh more stable04:59
xanguahow is xorg edgers ppa more stable¿ :/ ActionParsnip04:59
ActionParsniptewecske: fyi, in a CTRL+ALT+F1 terminal, the X server is still running04:59
ActionParsnipxangua: the less fresh lot is, the main edgers ppa is not very stable at all05:00
jDogdoes anyone shell script like alot05:00
jDogi mean alot05:00
ActionParsnipjDog: I do some but its stuff to make my life easier05:01
ActionParsnipjDog: essentially I'm lazy :)05:01
jDogdo you do it for screen rotation?05:01
jDogdo ya05:01
jDoggot any good references for shell nooblet?05:02
gr33n7007hjDog, what do you need to know>05:02
ActionParsnipjDog: no I use xorg.conf for my nvidia systems and udev does the job on my laptop05:02
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phillijwwhy doesn't windows have multiple desktops? So nice...05:03
jDoggr33n7007h: all shell commands i must know05:04
vexaxvhey guys05:04
vexaxvwhats wrong with his code sudo cp /usr/share/applications/Gwibber.desktop /usr/share/applications/Gwibbergt.desktop05:04
gr33n7007hjDog, Google is your friend!05:05
fridgeratorI am running openvpn client in ubuntu 11.10 command line box, is it possible to save my username / password so i dont have to type it in every time?05:05
Booya_Is there any reason why running 'sudo apt-get update' takes ~5 minutes on a relatively new install on a relatively modern machine on decent broadband?05:05
jDoggoogle is my enemy05:06
vexaxvdoes anyone know?05:06
* jDog tightens tin foil hat05:06
Booya_I'm running Ubuntu 12.04, I have not changed much in the sources file05:06
vexaxvsudo cp /usr/share/applications/Gwibber.desktop /usr/share/applications/Gwibbergt.desktop whats wrong with this code05:06
fridgeratorvexaxv, nothing, does /usr/share/applications exist?05:07
vexaxvbut it says it doesent05:08
vexaxvbut ive opened it up and looked myself05:08
vexaxvits where the unity shortcuts are05:08
vexaxvcorey@linux:~$ sudo cp /usr/share/applications/Gwibber.desktop /usr/share/applications/Gwibbergt.desktop05:09
vexaxv[sudo] password for corey:05:09
vexaxvcp: cannot stat `/usr/share/applications/Gwibber.desktop': No such file or directory05:09
tewecskeinstalled nvidia driver from xorg edgers, reboot now...05:10
zerocrisisvexaxv: you capitolized the Gwibber.desktop, try without the capitol G...05:15
zerocrisissudo cp /usr/share/applications/gwibber.desktop  /usr/share/applications/gwibbergt.desktop05:16
JermBobhey im still having trouble getting the new hard disks i have installed in my machine to show or be usable can someone help me ?05:18
vexaxvzero your good05:18
vexaxvbut its capitolized05:18
vexaxvwhy cant it be capitolized05:19
zerocrisisit shows no capitol G in a listing...   ls /usr/share/applications/gw*05:20
vexaxvbut it shows it when u open it in non terminal05:21
vexaxvdoes the terminal show the way its truely spelled or somethin05:22
vexaxvwell alright thanks zero05:23
vexaxvgotta run05:23
zerocrisisvexaxv: might have something to do with the filetypes database for the system.05:24
=== lupinedk is now known as Lupinedk
dabirhow do I turn off system beep for shutdown / reboot commands05:33
dabiri silenced with xset b 0 0 0  but useless when I use sudo shutdown05:33
=== mike is now known as Guest85054
vnis there a command I can use to see which files a process uses in a refresh style just like tail -f does?05:37
peruhi all05:38
possible1994Hi I have a "Dell Studio XPS 1340" and want to update the BIOS. Can I do this natively in Ubuntu?05:39
vexaxvhey guys how do i get themes for ubuntu 11.1005:39
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rainmakrvn: would    watch -d 'lsof -d yourprog'    work?05:41
vexaxvanybody know how to get themes for ubuntu 11.10?05:41
rainmakrvn: lsof -p <pid of your prog>  sorry05:42
vnrainmakr: WOA, awesome, thanks a lot05:43
rainmakrvn: welcome05:45
possible1994If I have a .hdr BiOS file can I install it natively in Linux?05:46
possible1994OK then, windows it is05:46
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
tewecskeit works! with xorg edgers nvidia drivers05:51
tewecskethanks all05:52
=== scottala1 is now known as scottalan
BootGuyI just installed Ubuntu (12.04) on a partition of my main drive. However when restartined I didn't run into the linux boot laoder (Grup? Or named something like that). How can I get it to reach the boot loader when first booting up?05:55
StarminnI have multiple GPG keys on my system. I am currently signing the Ubuntu Code of Conduct (or trying to), but it is using the default key, which is not the one I want it to use. How can I specify which key to use?05:56
iqueeR3C.user FloodBot105:57
BootGuyThe win7 has a small partition (system) that I think might have its own boot loader on it? I am not sure how te computer decides where to look for a boot loader when first starting.05:57
StarminnI tried changing the default key >>gpg --default-key [name]<< but I'm not sure what [name] is asking for.05:57
vexaxvfor ubuntu 11.10 should i install gtk 3 or 2 themes06:01
subdesignvexaxv, i made some background for ubuntu : www.devartpro.com/en/downloads06:01
subdesigncheck it06:01
ksinkarkirti: hello06:02
vexaxvi like it man06:02
subdesigndl it , they are big sizes06:02
vexaxvill check em out soon06:02
vexaxvcan anyone tell me how the heck to get themes with ubuntu 11.1006:02
subdesignanyway its hard to find good themes for ubuntu06:02
subdesigni mean real themes not backgrounds06:03
vexaxvwell i found the gnome look page but i see gtk 1 2 and 306:03
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vexaxvdunno which one ubuntu 11.10 uses06:03
=== Guest32758 is now known as crlcan81
subdesignvexaxv, http://goo.gl/89XUr06:05
ActionParsnipvexaxv: http://www.liberiangeek.net/2012/02/manually-install-desktop-themes-in-ubuntu-11-10-oneiric-ocelot/06:05
StarminnI have multiple GPG keys on my system. I am currently signing the Ubuntu Code of Conduct (or trying to), but it is using the default key, which is not the one I want it to use. How can I specify which key to use? I tried changing the default key >>gpg --default-key [name]<< but I'm not sure what [name] is asking for.06:06
vexaxvthanks sub action to the rescue again man im gonna have to give u my damn cell number dude lol06:06
vexaxvbeen here all day helpin me out.06:06
ActionParsnipvexaxv: http://palupix.blogspot.co.uk/2011/10/how-to-install-mac-theme-on-ubuntu-1110.html06:06
ActionParsnipvexaxv: just coming to he end of my 12 hour shift :)06:07
subdesignyes helpful channel06:07
vexaxvlol nice.06:07
vexaxvvery thanks again sub and ill check your stuff out later06:07
ElmseekerAnyone around good with networking?06:19
ElmseekerI seem to have a problem on my ubuntu network, 90% packet loss on wired and wirless, same machine when booted into windows 7 has 0% packet loss. Any ideas?06:19
bobo37773Elmseeker: Did you look at dmesg? Any clues? What wireless card do you have? Do you use something other then your router for dns? Is ipv6 enabled? What are you using to manage your network (networkmanager, wicd, wpa_supplicant)?06:23
GirlyGirlbobo37773: He left06:24
deper29I like when people do that06:24
bobo37773GirlyGirl: Oh. Okay. Problem solved. Next. hahaha06:24
GirlyGirldeper29: bobo37773 Actually he went and asked the same in #ubuntu+1 . He is still there06:25
bobo37773GirlyGirl: Sounds like a lot of work. Maybe he/she will come back.06:26
bobo37773GirlyGirl: +1 is for beta right?06:26
Wildbatubuntu 10.04; i don't seems to able install sun java 6 jdk ~ i have already added partner repo. any help ?06:27
=== chalced is now known as chalcedony`
deper29Wildbat, yeah, I just did this a couple days ago06:27
deper29hold on a second06:27
GirlyGirlbobo37773: precise yes06:27
bobo37773GirlyGirl: Ah I see. Hmm. Maybe I will go take a peak.06:28
deper29Wildbat, I believe this is what I did http://askubuntu.com/questions/67909/how-do-i-install-oracles-jdk-606:29
Wildbatdeper29, thanks i will take a look at it now06:30
deper29Wildbat, let me know if that works for you.06:30
BootGuyI installed Ubuntu but the win7 boot still occurs. What am I doing wrong? How do I automaticly reach grub when I boot?06:31
HFW_TwoWhere am I ?06:32
Wildbatdeper29, oh it moved to oracle now , i see ~ i think that will work ~ just can't apt-get anymore :< thanks ~06:33
bobo37773HFW_Two: Ubuntu Gnu / Linux chat room.06:33
deper29Wildbat, never did get an apt-get working for it06:34
Wildbatdeper29, is okay ~ just no more auto update XD06:36
deper29Wildbat, yeah, I never did get that working. if you come across something, do let me know :P06:36
Wildbatdeper29, sure ~06:37
=== ubuntu64bit is now known as topelo
RuJNHi, I have a problem reading a Cd - just doesn't see it! Maybe it is made for Windows but it should see it06:43
RuJNno problwems with reading audio CDs06:44
ActionParsnipRuJN: CDs use standards for data06:44
julrecan someone tell me how i can change the clk and voltage of my radeon manually?06:44
RuJNActionParsnip: how to see the standart?06:45
RuJNIt should be a simple video or two on a CD06:45
ActionParsnipRuJN: is it a data cd?06:45
RuJNActionParsnip: It should be a simple video or two on a CD06:46
RuJNa data one, I suppose06:46
RuJNActionParsnip: it cannot be played on a DVD player (not a very new one06:47
Newbuntu2i'm trying to connect to my NAS directly via wired connection, while I remain connected to the internet via wireless. How can i set it up? Do I need to run a dhcp server on eth0?06:47
deviliriumRuJN: Test your software and hardware.06:47
ActionParsnipRuJN: try: sudo mkdir /media/cdrom0; sudo mount /dev/sr0 /media/cdrom006:47
TriupsHelp: I installed ubuntu.  I log in with gui...all I see is cusor and wallpaper.  (12.04   I think this machine did the same thing with 10.10 a long time ago)06:47
RuJNActionParsnip: tanks, i'll try just now06:48
Chris52Hello I would like to asks some helo with my ubuntu 11.10 installation. When the system boots up it simply shows the boot terminal (where it says starting services and all short of things) and stucks there.06:48
mi3is there any hardware channel on freenode?06:48
mi3computer hardware.....06:48
ActionParsnipNewbuntu2: you can add a route to the ip to tell routing to use eth0 as the device06:48
auronandace!alis | mi306:48
ubottumi3: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*06:48
phh451How to find out where is my network traffic from/to and for what process?06:48
ActionParsnipMi3 ##hardware06:49
mi3hi ActionParsnip !!06:49
RuJNActionParsnip: the answer is mount: блочное устройство /dev/sr0 защищен от записи, монтируется только для чтения06:49
Newbuntu2ActionParsnip: so i don't need a DHC06:49
mi3thanks, ActionParsnip !06:49
Newbuntu2ActionParsnip: dhcp server to run? what ip do I connect to?06:49
gimbalhi all, so I'm getting back into ubuntu after a bit of a hiatus in toying around with windoz. Right now, I'm trying to build a package from source, using dbuild. I'm familiar with this process, and the concept of build-depends. My question centers around that there's a script I know used to be available for downloading build-deps by parsind debian/control - I just can't remember the name of it...06:49
RuJNActionParsnip: it means the device is protected from being recorded, can be mounted only for reading06:50
ActionParsnipNewbuntu2: you'll find examples of the route command online, or read:   man route     i'd search too but on GSM its gonna be painfully slow06:50
RuJNActionParsnip: it means the device is protected from being recorded, can be mounted only for reading06:51
RuJNActionParsnip: the answer was: mount: блочное устройство /dev/sr0 защищен от записи, монтируется только для чтения06:51
bobo37773gimbal: get-build-deps?06:51
ActionParsnipNewbuntu2: you can add the command in /etc/rc.local to run at boot. Add it above the exit 0 line06:52
topelohow do i get into grub on startup?06:52
gimbalbobo37773: I found something like that in a haskell related package. As I recall, the script I remember wasn't packaged specific to haskell06:52
auronandacetopelo: hold shift06:52
topelothx auronandace06:52
ActionParsnipRuJN: well yeah, its an optical media. Think about it06:52
ActionParsnipRuJN: you should be able to access the data from /media/cdrom006:53
bobo37773gimbal: Yeah I am not sure. I usually either builkd the dependencies for packages before hand or let my package manager handle it.06:54
BootGuyI am trying to recover grub after windows wiped it out. after typing 'root (hd0,0)' I tried 'setup (hd0)' but I got the error 'Error 17: Cannot mount selected partition' am I using the wrong partition?06:54
RuJNActionParsnip: there is such device but it's a USB mobile internet modem, maybe it's the problem?06:55
ActionParsnipBootguy: omgubuntu has a guide called: sticking it to grub. It uses a livecd/usb. You can reinstate grub there06:55
ActionParsnipRuJN: i thought you said it was a cd..?06:56
=== ubuntu64bit is now known as topelo
ActionParsnipRuJN: what happened to a couple of videos on a CD?06:56
RuJNActionParsnip: yes it's. The CD is insrected, but the modem is also and on windown and on ubuntu it's recognised as a cd06:57
gimbalwell I guess the thing from haskell-debian-utils will work - just wish I could remember what that other cmd was and where it was from; one of those "got it on the tip of my tongue" kind of things06:58
RuJNActionParsnip: so the system should think i have 2 cds06:58
ActionParsnipRuJN: does the cd by any chance contain drivers for the USB device?06:58
RuJNthe modem which is recognised as a cd - yes06:58
RuJNit's HUAWEI06:59
ActionParsnipRujn: those are windows drivers. Ubuntu isn't windows06:59
RuJNthe real CD no06:59
ActionParsnipRuJN: run: lsusb    use the 8 character hex ID to find guides06:59
ax562Been having a nightmare tring to compile c++ code07:00
ActionParsnipax562: asked in #c++  ?07:01
RuJNActionParsnip: you see, the modem is working properly and it is a USB and it is recognised as a CD and it contains HUawei drivers07:01
ax562I believe I have 3 itirations of g++ installed and they aren't playing well together07:01
deper29ax562, what are you doing?07:01
ax562its a package install issue07:01
ax562deper29- trying to compile c++ code07:01
RuJNActionParsnip: The real dick that the system DOEsN'T see should contain only video and maybe an .exe file07:01
ActionParsnipRuJN: yes ubuntu doesnt need those, you just need to flip it with usb-modeswitch07:02
ActionParsnipRujn: as I said, lsusb will find you guides. You don't need any additional drivers07:02
ax562was looking for help07:02
ax562been researching for a few days now.  With no luck.07:03
deper29ax562, I gathered that. that doesn't help me. what is your input?07:03
hydrox24ax562: what code are you compiling?07:03
deper29what are you doing to compile?07:03
hydrox24ax562: with what commands?07:03
* gimbal inputs, in the voice of Rinzler, I fight for the user! lol07:03
RuJNActionParsnip: Ok, thank you, I'll try to disconnect.07:03
RuJNActionParsnip: there isa driver07:04
RuJNBus 006 Device 003: ID 12d1:14ac Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.07:04
ax562oh just any simple code.  Using netbeans using netbeans welcome sample code07:04
gimbalax562: could it have something to do with netbeans config?07:04
ax562I finally figured out today its a package issue because I cannot compile even through terminal using g++ command07:04
ActionParsnipRuJN: i suggest you run: sudo umount /media/cdrom007:04
gimbalax562: sorry to just throw out random questions, but can you simply uninstall some of the other gcc version?07:05
ActionParsnipRuJN: ok search the web for: 12d1: 14ac ubuntu07:06
ActionParsnipRuJN: the hexadecimal values are the ID07:06
=== gimbal is now known as rinzler
RuJNActionParsnip: thank you07:07
deper29ax562, here is what I do: g++ foo.cpp -o foo07:07
=== rinzler is now known as rinzler42
ax562deper29- doesn't work07:07
ax562g++ is looking for cc1plus07:07
ax562g++ is in /usr/bin07:08
ax562cc1plus is in /somewhereelse07:08
ActionParsnipax562: did you install build-essential07:08
ax562I copied a pointer to the directory cc1plus is in and then it asked for another file that wasn't in the cc1plus directory07:09
ax562yes i installed build essential07:09
ax562also g++4.4 I believe...07:09
ax562and also installed c/c++ plugin from netbeans (not sure if that also installed g++)07:10
ax562new to linux but having a nightmare with bad install dependencies etc.07:10
ax562I don't quit easily though07:11
ActionParsnipax562: what is the output of: lsb_release -sc07:11
ax562I actually tried #c++ and #android-dev but I think I got banned for asking this same quesstion...07:11
auronandaceax562: here's a good tip: you never get any dependency issues if you only stick to the default repos07:12
* rinzler42 cheers07:12
ax562I have only installed thrugh synaptic and apt-get...same thing?07:12
auronandaceax562: and where did you get netbeans from?07:13
ActionParsnipax562: what is the output of my command please...07:13
ax562pleas hold07:13
wyldeax562: have you done 'sudo apt-get build-dep <packagename>'  ?07:13
ActionParsnipax562: yes apt-get and synaptic will achieve the same end07:14
wesleyIs there any way I can 'set' my displays ? right now when I try to 'drag' (or touch) a tab, the tab appears on my other screen - really annoying when working with tabs and it's so sensitive that when i touch one the tab goes out of it's window :(07:14
wesleyI have three monitors btw.07:14
ActionParsnipax562: maverick is EOL dude07:14
rinzler42end of lifetime07:14
ActionParsnipax562: no support + no updates07:14
wylde!eol | ax56207:14
ubottuax562: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades07:14
rinzler42or in tron speak: end of line lol07:14
ax562I am running this off my droid bionic..07:15
ActionParsnipax562: i suggest you wipe it out and install a clean install of Precise07:15
ax562pretty sure I don't have another option07:15
=== ashish is now known as Guest61305
neo31hello, does anyone have an idea on how to automatically execute a command on user login to a runlevel 3 tty ? thx07:16
ActionParsnipax562: yes, ubuntu 12.04 released real soon and is LTS07:16
wyldeax562: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, it will be released in 13 days.07:16
Puck1980that soon cant wait for 12.0407:17
topelome has 12.04 now07:17
ActionParsnipPuck1980: the beta is around07:17
Puck1980yes saw the beta, was not brave enough to go for it as need the puter for a few thngs right now07:18
ax562yeah but I'm 99% sure I can't run that of my cell phone07:18
ax562what was precise?07:19
rinzler42neo31: some ass'y required, yeah. For the run-on-login behavior, you could execte it from ~user/.profile  assuming conventional shell semantics for the user; for runlevel-specific behaviors, can check the output of the `runlevel' cmd07:19
=== subdesign is now known as sub|work
deper29Wildbat, did you get the jdk okay?07:20
rinzler42neo31: as far as tty-specific stuff, there's also the 'tty' cmd07:20
neo31thx, and sry for the noob/lazy question rinzler42 (though I have looked on the net :p )07:21
rinzler42neo31: hey np07:21
ax562So.....just reinstall everything?07:21
Wildbatdeper29, ya ~07:21
neo31I think .profile will do it. i have just lost my memory :p07:21
rinzler42ax562: for what it's worth, if you're looking to set up a linux devel environment wihtout committing to a full install, and you have an mswin or osx comp available, it's possible to install ubuntu to a virtualbox image and give it a try from there07:22
topeloughh can't see chat 351 updates07:22
Merwin_Hi. I'm trying to uninstall gnome-terminal on 12.04 because I installed terminator, but it wants to remove ubuntu-desktop. Why? Is it a problem ?07:23
ax562I know I used to have dual boot of ubuntu 10.04 a while bac07:23
ax562I also have virtual maching on my windows pc07:23
rinzler42Merwin_:  apt-cache show ubuntu-desktop | grep gnome-terminal07:24
rinzler42It's a dep of ubuntu-desktop07:24
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade07:24
ax562The thing is I bought a lapdock for my phone and I modded the crap out of the webtop partition07:24
Merwin_rinzler42, so I can't uninstall it ?07:25
ax562I'm 99% sure I cannot upgrade my maverick because I will probably break my webtop and wont be able to use my lapdock07:25
Merwin_When I search for "term" in Unity, I got Terminal at first answer, that's boring because I want to use terminator...07:26
rinzler42Merwin_: you can uninstall it, but either that'll break ubuntu-desktop or necessitate its consequant removal from the system too. They can live side by side, I'd wager ;)07:26
dfcnvtI'm looking for a software that can translate from qwerty keyboard setting to stenotype keyboard... I couldn't find it.07:26
Merwin_rinzler42, maybe a way to "hide" it in the search ?07:27
rinzler42ax562: heh, priorities ><07:27
rinzler42Merwin_: hide it in what search? it's just a basic sorting algorithm afaik - a dependency is a dependency07:28
Merwin_rinzler42, I don't know what's the name of this, but when you hit the "Windows" key on the keyboard, you can search for apps07:28
Merwin_When I search for "term" I got Terminal first, not Terminator, that's why I want to uninstall it. I don't use it, why should I keep it ?07:29
rinzler42Merwin_: ahh, I think I get what you're getting at. You don't like it coming up in the menu when you want that other terminal you mentioned first?  You can define a launcher for that other terminal, just push a button and make it go ...07:29
=== b3rgler is now known as s1cre
Merwin_But that's just a workaround :)07:30
rinzler42or right click it in the unity menu and add it to your favories menu07:30
Merwin_Anyway, thanks07:30
* rinzler42 is off grid07:31
hyper_chI wonder how to find out which java environment is being used on my comp by default07:31
deper29hyper_ch, java -version07:32
hyper_chdeper29: I tried "--version" :)07:32
* topelo ponders while waiting to see what new updates will do07:33
wyldehyper_ch: apt-cache policy <packagename>07:33
ax562feel kind of bad once I mentioned maverick the lights turned off07:34
hyper_chwylde: thx :)07:34
hyper_chso, bug report update :)07:34
shani0610Hello guys linux newb here.07:36
shani0610I would like to know if a 10 gig is enough for fed14?07:36
wyldeshani0610: uhhh maybe you should ask in a Redhat channel. Redhat != Ubuntu07:37
shani0610ups sorry I wanted to know for ubuntu 10.1007:37
icerootshani0610: 10gb is enough for the system itself you need about 4gb07:37
icerootshani0610: + swap + your personal data, i am running ubuntu here with 8gb hdd07:38
wylde10.10 is EOL I believe.07:38
shani0610yeah thnx I am giving it a shot,07:38
icerootshani0610: ah yes and ubuntu 10.10 is not supported anymore, please use 11.10 or 10.04 if you want a stable long-term support07:38
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades07:38
hyper_chshani0610: why ubuntu 10.10? that's not being supported for much longer07:38
shani0610yes I know that07:39
iceroothyper_ch: its already out of support07:39
shani0610I am currently downloading it07:39
hyper_chiceroot: it is? but 18 months would be end ofr april 201207:39
iceroothyper_ch: 10.04.201207:39
ubottuUbuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) was the thirteenth release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 10th, 2012, see http://ubottu.com/y/maverick for details.07:39
hyper_chiceroot: ah, I always counted in full months ;)07:39
icerootshani0610: please dont use 10.10 its not getting security updates anymore07:39
shani0610Thnx guys...07:39
iceroothyper_ch: me too :)07:40
shani0610I am just trying to get a lose grasp of it07:40
shani0610nothing else07:40
hyper_chshani0610: default ubuntu installation requires about 1.5 GB diskspace... so 10GB is plenty for running the system with more applications... however to store videos and pictures it might be a bit limited07:40
icerootshani0610: if i am correct 10.10 is using the old desktop gnome2 which is not available anymore and replaced with unity07:40
napalm54Seems a lot of people hate on mono, why so?07:40
icerootnapalm54: no free software07:41
shani0610Yep know that too07:41
iceroot!free | napalm5407:41
ubottunapalm54: freedom is important. Ubuntu is as free as we can make it, which means mostly free software. See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/licensing07:41
ax562dam it...now I try to uninstall and I get errors...07:42
icerootnapalm54: so we removed everything from the 12.04 which is using mono07:42
napalm54Mono is open source though right?07:42
icerootfrom the 12.04 cd07:42
icerootnapalm54: "yes" but its using protected things by microsoft07:42
shani0610I am feeling like a kid against a buncha spartans or shaolin monks... man I am outta here adios!07:42
icerootnapalm54: just a matter of time when microsoft will go crazy and sue the hell out of everything07:42
hyper_chshani0610: better go with 12.04 directly... it still has a few bugs but it will be LTS (long term support) and should be officially released later this month07:43
ezoeif I upgrade to 12.04 from 11.10, is mono automatically removed?07:43
icerootezoe: no07:43
AquaguyI'm installing php5-mysql, it should create 3 files under /etc/php5/conf.d07:43
Aquaguybut it is not07:43
=== misha is now known as Guest35202
ezoeiceroot: glad it's no. I don't want upgrade to remove something.07:43
icerootAquaguy: dpkg -L php5-mysql  is showing the files?07:43
=== Guest35202 is now known as Misha_Alchevsk
icerootezoe: mono is still in ubuntu just a new installation of 12.04 will not install mono by default because its not needed for the default software anymore but srtill in the repos and useable07:44
ezoeIs it hard to manually removed mono and all mono dependent software?07:45
icerootezoe: no07:45
Misha_AlchevskЗдравствуйте. Подскажите, пожалуйста, есть ли здесь славяне?07:45
iceroot!ru | Misha_Alchevsk07:45
ubottuMisha_Alchevsk: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.07:45
ax562this is my original error07:46
Aquaguyiceroot, thank you07:46
topelowhat is 3.2.0-23 is that kernel release update?07:46
iceroottopelo: its kernel 3.2 with security-patch-level -2307:46
napalm54So is it the .Net libraries or the C# language that has people worried?07:47
topelonice thx iceroot07:47
iceroot!info linux-image precise07:47
ubottulinux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (precise), package size 1 kB, installed size 31 kB07:47
ax562but I got new dependicies error when I tried to uninstall07:47
icerootax562: what is the exact command you used?07:50
ax562iceroot- in terminal?07:50
icerootax562: yes, what you did to get that errors07:51
ax562I first ran this in netbeans and it gave me this error07:51
ax562when I tried to compile in terminal it gave me the exact same error07:51
icerootax562: cc1plus is missing07:52
ax562"cc1plus no such file or directory07:52
icerootax562: gcc should bring it07:53
icerootax562: sudo apt-get install gcc07:53
ax562exactly but when I put a pointer in /usr/bin to cc1plus it then stated that it needed another file but that wasnot in cc1plus's directory07:53
icerootax562: dont do that, install gcc from the repos07:53
=== Thunder_ is now known as oh_no
darbe(gedit:365): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_object_ref: assertion `G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed07:54
ax562I tried to uninstall g++ now and im getting this..07:54
darbeit is library error.07:54
darbeI need to use new librarybut how?07:54
darbedo you know how I can do it?07:55
ax562let me try that...I believe every time I tried to install it gave errors..07:55
robertzaccourI'm trying to record my screen with ffmpeg, but I don't know how to make it use my webcam mic for the sound recording. The command I use is ffmpeg -f alsa -ac 2 -i pulse -r 30 -s 1366x768 -f x11grab -i :0.0 -vcodec msmpeg4v2 -qscale 2 screencast.avi and that uses the internal mic.07:56
darbedo you know any solution?07:57
robertzaccourdoes anyone know how I could find out what to input for the webcam mic and where to put the number in the command?07:57
phh45How to log firewall events (all network traffic and IP addresses)?07:57
ax562this is what I get.  It then tries to install other programs that weren't installed properly but then bugs out07:58
darbe(gedit:365): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_object_ref: assertion `G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed07:59
darbeany idea?07:59
ax562funny part is I tried to install tree today.07:59
darbereinstallin doesn't work08:00
ax562any thoughts?08:01
ax562how can a force uninstall of a package?08:01
ikoniaax562: what's the actual issue ?08:03
ax562the actual issue is g++ is broken08:03
ikoniain what way ?08:04
ax562but can't uninstall it or reinstall it08:04
ikoniain what way broken ?08:04
ikoniaax562: why do you think it's broken ?08:05
ikoniayeah, I saw the link, but why do you think it's broken ?08:06
ax562when I compile in terminal I get the same error also08:06
ax562it's a package issue08:06
ikoniayeah, that's not unexpected08:06
ikoniaax562: why do you think it's a package issue ?08:06
everylthis happens. Just installed ubuntu 12.04b2 -- that happens when I start up the computer. Any tips on what I can do?08:07
ax562because the compiler is looking for a file that isn't in the right place and because I can't uninstall it08:07
ax562and when I point to the missing file g++ needs another missing file that is mia08:08
Misha_Alchevskthe truth is that "ubuntu" is supported by volunteers all over the world?08:08
ikoniaax562: files aren't just "mia" nor is that package broken, so what has happened08:08
ikoniaMisha_Alchevsk: what ?08:08
ikoniaax562: please show me the output of g++ -v08:09
Misha_Alchevsk<ikonia> nothing )08:09
ikoniaMisha_Alchevsk: ok, so please don't make random/pointless statements08:09
=== Cain is now known as Guest86917
ikoniaax562: no, please show me the full output08:13
Ch4rAssdoes ubunutu download page work for you? http://www.ubuntu.com/download08:14
ikoniaCh4rAss: yes08:14
Ch4rAssok :/08:14
matcoutoGuys, Is it woth to install the 64bits version if I have only 4gb RAM ?08:16
ikoniamatcouto: sure08:16
icerootmatcouto: yes08:17
everylOkay, so it seems that after installing 12.04, the upper bar and the left bar that activates on mouse-over don't ever appear. Any idea how I could invoke a shell?08:17
matcoutoikonia, but what about the applications? Would I be limited to use some kind of apps?!08:17
icerooteveryl: #ubuntu+108:17
ikoniamatcouto: no08:17
matcoutonice ikonia  thanks08:19
ikoniaax562: Linaro ?08:19
ikoniaax562: what version of ubuntu is this ?08:20
robertzaccourwebcam display freezes when it sits there for a while. I'm trying to record my mug for picture in picture editing. any way to keep the webcam display from freezing like that?08:20
ikoniatarget arm ?08:20
ikoniaax562: yeah, look at the version info08:20
ikoniaax562: what distro is this ?08:20
ikonia!info g++08:20
ubottug++ (source: gcc-defaults (1.107ubuntu5)): GNU C++ compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.6.1-2ubuntu5 (oneiric), package size 1 kB, installed size 40 kB08:20
ax562it's webtop version I think maverick?08:21
ikoniawebtop version ?08:22
ax562I'm running ubungtu off my droid bionic08:22
robertzaccouranyone else have an issue with webcam display freezing?08:22
ikoniaax562: what is webtop08:22
ikoniaax562: is this the motorola distribution ?08:22
ax562It's the hdmi OS off my phone08:23
ikoniait's not ubuntu08:23
ikoniait looks like it's a version of a linux distro that motorola built08:23
ax562It is ubuntu but stripped down version08:25
ikoniaax562: it's not ubuntu, it has customisation08:25
ax562not sure what that meanss08:25
ikoniaax562: I'd suggest contacting the vendor, they must have support resources for this distro08:25
ikoniaax562: who makes your phone08:25
ax562someone here asked me to tell them the version and its maverick08:25
ax562They will not help because it's modified08:26
ikoniaax562: it's not maverick, it appears to be based on maverick, but from what I'm reading it's a motorolla created08:26
ax562I have terminal and runing xfce408:27
ax562I'm sure it's ubuntu08:27
ax562not sure how  how I can prove it to you08:28
ikoniaax562: it's based on ubuntu, it's not ubuntu08:28
ax562ok but thats not the problem08:28
ikoniaax562: contact motorolla08:29
ikoniaax562: yup08:29
robertzaccourdoes guvcview webcam display normally freeze up after several minutes being displayed or is it most likely my new webcam?08:30
z4k4ri4Hi, I just installed precise and having some trouble with usb evdo modem08:31
z4k4ri4Could somebody point to the right procedure/forums?08:31
ax562I just mentioned they won't help08:31
ikoniaax562: yes, but it is THEIR product, it is there responsability08:32
ikoniaax562: we only support the ubuntu released products, not modified versions08:32
everylthe normal term, what is its path in ubuntu?08:32
ax562who is we?08:33
everylyou and i08:33
ikoniaax562: this channel/the ubuntu support community08:33
ax562dude, because you say it's not ubuntu?08:34
ikoniaax562: correct, it's not ubuntu, it's a comercial product built by motorola based on the ubuntu platform08:34
* z4k4ri4 waiting for answers...08:34
Ben64mint and backtrack are closer to ubuntu than webtop is, and they aren't supported here either08:35
Ben64!precise | z4k4ri408:36
ubottuz4k4ri4: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+108:36
everylno seriously, what's the path of a term08:37
everylso I can find it, and open it08:37
h4xx0rHelp me guys! Im stuck and dont know how to reboot ubuntu! Please help me please08:38
ikoniah4xx0r: sudo reboot08:38
h4xx0rjk! :P08:38
h4xx0rwas kidding08:38
ikoniah4xx0r: right, don't make stupid jokes, it's not funny08:38
h4xx0rwho here using xubuntu 11.04?08:38
ikoniah4xx0r: it's a support channel, you need help, anything else, don't08:38
Ben64everyl: what do you mean08:38
tianhong-wangsudo init 608:39
h4xx0rreal problem now08:39
h4xx0rdoes xchat have an option to sit in the tray while im doing other stuff?08:39
h4xx0rclosing it just terminates the whole application08:39
tianhong-wangh4xx0r, yeah, no tray function08:40
everylBen64: the absolute path of a terminal. So I can find my way to it and start it up (my window manager is acting up, thus the inability to start it up normally)08:41
ikoniaeveryl: #ubuntu+1 please.08:41
ax562so if I'm running 12 you can share your expertise but if im not I'm a waste of "the community's" time?08:42
ikoniaax562: you're not running 1208:42
ikoniaax562: please don't lie, you've given us the info, we've pointed you at the right place to get support08:42
jham_any web dev here?08:42
ikoniajham_: try #web08:42
jham_who can help me on xampp? thanks08:42
Ben64everyl: /usr/bin/xterm ?08:42
h4xx0ryeh tell me08:42
ikoniajham_: you may want to try lamp, xampp is a self contained platform that not many people will be interested in helping with08:43
everylBen64: YES. thanks man08:44
ikoniaax562: you have told us the distro/product you are using08:44
ikoniaax562: you can't just lie and say you are using something different to try to get support08:44
ax562your community sounds more like a culkt08:45
h4xx0rdoes anyone here have a workaround to get OpenVPN working in xubuntu 11.0408:45
ax562that would be retarted...not what I was trying to say08:45
ikoniaax562: no, it just supports official ubuntu products/releases.08:45
ax562only right?08:45
ikoniaax562: motorolla is your support vendor, there maybe other support resources for webtop on the web, but not here08:46
everylduring installation I never set up a root account, only a normal account. is there some default root password, or what? How would I su in a term?08:46
Ben64ax562: everyone in here knows about ubuntu, not about webtop, so any advice wouldn't be applicable for your situation08:46
Ben64oh well08:46
ikoniaax562: enough now08:46
delethi all08:46
ikoniaax562: it's been made clear this channel does not support webtop, you've been given suggestions on where to go, please stop this discussion08:46
h4xx0rA workaround to get openVPN working on Xubuntu 11.04. ANYONE?08:46
ikoniah4xx0r: just repeating it over and over won't change anything08:47
ShapeHello, I have installed Ubuntu (shriked my secondary partition with Gparted) and Windows Xp won't load anymore. "hal.dll" problem08:47
ax562I'm having package issues but since I'm not on the "community's" version I am not worthy08:47
ikoniaShape: the guys in ##windows will show you how to recover that08:47
ikoniaShape: you may have to re-apply grub after the windows fix08:47
deletпо русски кто нибудь говорит?08:49
everylHey guys. So, I just installed Ubuntu 11.10 on my laptop, and I'm wondering what the deal is with su / normal user. Specifically, how do I elevate to a root account in a terminal session?08:49
Ben64!sudo | everyl08:50
ubottueveryl: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo08:50
Myrtti!ru | delet08:50
ubottudelet: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.08:50
everylwait, out of curiosity, what is that?08:51
everyl!ru | delet08:51
ubottudelet: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.08:51
everyloh, the characters weren't rendering for me, sorry, nevermind08:51
opalepatrickcan I install gdk-pixbuf-2.0 >= 2.24.1 on ubuntu 11.10 and if so, where can I get a package from? NOt available in standard repos08:53
zeroblockSteell: Hello08:56
internetkinghey all on the gnome files display how do i display dot files?08:56
Steellctrl + h08:56
fidelinternetking: you know nautilus has a menu? ;)08:57
fidelwhich helps finding functions and even the related shortcuts - just as hint08:57
internetkingactually i am using default files display that came with ubinu but will  look into it08:59
paulus68where can I find a alternate server installation for 11.10 not available for an x386?09:00
ne2kI am trying to connect a bluetooth headset to my Natty machine. I can pair the device and get a connection that shows with hcitool con, but it never shows in the hardware list in sound preferences09:01
Xtremeguys, i created a adhoc network. but whenever i connect any device to it.. the device restarts.. any help?09:06
nunnsbyhi all, I have a question re syslogs on ubuntu server 11.1009:07
nunnsbyI see there are 209:08
nunnsbysyslog-ng and rsyslog09:08
nunnsbylooked at the differences online but can't see too much difference. does one run by default, and the other not?09:08
fidelnunnsby: ps xau | grep sysl09:09
fidelshould tell you what might currently running09:09
OnnonymousXtreme: have you looked for clues in /var/log ?09:09
fidelnunnsby: a 10.04 box i have right here is using rsyslogd out of the box - if that helps09:10
nunnsbythanks guys, yeah, rsyslogd09:11
nunnsbyrsyslogd -c409:11
nunnsbyokay, just wondering as need to setup a syslogging box for networks devices, so at least I know what it is running then09:12
nunnsbycheers for the help :)09:12
nunnsbyfidel: I'm running it on 11.10, so yeah it is on that too then09:12
nunnsbythanks man09:12
nunnsbynext question, while I think it through09:13
nunnsbyis there any benefit on exporting logs to sql, apart from searching I suppose, as opposed to just letting them lie in /var/logs09:13
nunnsbyand let them just retain that way?09:13
nunnsbyany thoughts on the matter09:14
Xtreme0nnonymous, looking09:14
realusanyone know how to fix screen brightness shortcut key for Vaio VPCCW16FG ?09:15
XtremeOnnonymous: nothing there09:15
Xtremewhen i tried to connect with android device, the driver used to restart. when i conncted with nokia, whole device used to restart09:16
GirlyGirlrealus: Try booting with an "acpi_backlight=vendor" kernel boot option09:17
realusCould yu explain the procedure plz09:17
GirlyGirlrealus: 1 sec09:18
rubertoexposing log info to sql attacks can be risky! there may be advantages, but i am a pesimist09:18
realus<GirlyGirl> you know, the brightness adjust works until I surpass the second set of updates09:18
realusthe ones after the recommended security updates09:18
realusif you know what I mean ?09:18
realusso one of those update somehow disables the brightness changing09:19
GirlyGirlrealus: try this http://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?f=42&t=4527109:19
GirlyGirlrealus: Also if the update breaks it, you should file a bug report on launchpad09:19
realushow do I do that Girly ??09:20
realuswhere to find launchpad ?09:20
Xtremehello.. pleasse anyone?09:20
Xtremewhy is room so silent09:30
GirlyGirlXtreme: shh09:30
MonkeyDustssh ;)09:31
kealxulu_HI GUYS09:36
kealxulu_you people suck exe09:37
kealxulu_how are09:37
=== hussain is now known as Guest89281
Guest89281help me09:37
Guest89281i am a newcie09:37
kealxulu_do what09:37
* ruberto just got UT2004 working with sound in 11.0409:37
kealxulu_ mee too09:38
XtremeGirlyGirl: how can i ssh without connecting to wlan?09:38
GirlyGirlXtreme: You can't!09:38
ikoniaGuest89281: what's the problem ?09:38
Xtremetrue, u only told me to ssh09:38
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diverdudeHow can i see if my laptop has a usb 3 port?09:39
XtremeGirlyGirl: it tried all i can, searched many forums.. no one reported such problem09:39
XtremeGirlyGirl: should i report it as bug at ubuntu?09:39
Xtremecoz it works when i do it with windows09:39
rubertousb3 ports are usully colored blue09:39
Guest89281anyone there09:39
GirlyGirlXtreme: I told you shh MonkeyDust said ssh09:40
rubertoif your in windows run dxdiag, or check systems requirements.09:40
XtremeGirlyGirl: but shud i report? what u say?09:40
Xtremeubuntu bug. wifi error Lebbbzzzzzzzzzie09:41
GirlyGirlXtreme: How on earth would you use ssh without a network connection?09:41
Lebbbzzzzzzzzziethis is cool i just discovered this now09:41
XtremeGirlyGirl: that is true,, so i got confused09:41
MonkeyDustXtreme  i use ssh, what is it you ant to do?09:42
rubertolol, why would you want to ssh without an internet connection09:42
Xtremewell, i got nothing to do with ssh09:42
GirlyGirlruberto: You can with LAN as well09:42
Xtremei created a ad-hoc network09:42
Xtremeand whenever a devices tried to conenct to it, it reboots09:42
Lebbbzzzzzzzzziei like chocolate09:42
Xtremei tried with three devices and they all rebooted09:42
Lebbbzzzzzzzzziehow cool.09:42
Xtremewhen i created ad-hoc in windows, it worked09:43
Xtremeso my guess it, its ubuntu problem.09:43
Lebbbzzzzzzzzziecool story bru.09:43
Xtremei searched many forumns, but no one reported any such issue09:43
LebbbzzzzzzzzzieOKAY SHUT UP09:43
Xtremeso i was wondering i should report this bug to ubuntu or not09:43
rubertoyou would have to set up some sort of virtual server, ssh wont just send over you would need to have it run over a dns09:44
tktiddlehow can i search aptitude to find a package that provides a particular file?09:44
Xtremeruberto: bro, i dont want ssh09:44
Xtremei just misread GirlyGirl09:44
rubertooh lol soz no prob09:45
Xtremeruberto: well, only 1.. when i try to connect to my ad-hoc, the other device reboots09:45
Xtremewell, honestly. i dont know why everyone assumed i want to do ssh without network connection.. coz that is just impossible..09:46
rubertothats odd behavior.. what are you running09:46
Xtremeubuntu, 10.409:46
iceroottktiddle: apt-file for not installed packages, dpkg -S for installed packages09:47
Xtremeruberto: nokia mobile restarteed.. android's wifi was getting reseted continuously09:47
Xtremeruberto: i thought it was my hw issue, but it worked in window09:47
rubertowhat noikia is it??09:48
Xtremei think 76 something.. i dont have it now.. android was samsung galaxy pop..09:48
Xtremei have another micromax, it also reboots09:48
=== Shaun_ is now known as Shaun
Xtremei tried with adhoc.. then i tried setting up Fake AP, just to test.. same issue09:49
Xtremeits like no one can connect to my ubuntu via wifi09:49
rubertothere have been known issues with the E71, it sounds like a hardware issue09:50
Xtremewell, i can understand if single mobile was facing problem.. but how u explain 3 different mobiles...  and second, i also thought hardware, but then how everything works in windows?09:51
rubertobut you say it works with windows?09:51
Xtremeruberto: exactly09:51
Xtremeso i am confused09:51
ruberto(o_O) mmm, ill do a bit of research09:52
Xtremethanks bro..09:52
Xtrememy sis is calling me for lunch, i will be back in 10 mins09:52
Xtremethanks a lot.09:52
=== grimeton is now known as Guest32093
eclipse3000hi!i'm a new users10:00
eclipse3000how i use a irc chat?10:01
fideleclipse3000: welcome10:01
fideleclipse3000: irc is heavily topic-based10:01
fidelso in this channel - only ubuntu-issues are discussed10:02
fidelno offtopic-chat usually if that helps you started10:02
fidelbesides: freenode offers a good getting-started collection if you are completly new to irc10:02
TimvdeShould I install Java 6 or Java 7 on a new install?10:04
realusGirlyGirl: The solution didn't help fix backlight issue10:04
Timvde(Might not be the right place to ask the question, but #Java is invite only :( )10:04
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realusGirlyGirl: this url -> http://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?f=42&t=4527110:05
ezoeI still can't fully understand the directory usage of Linux. Do I need root privilege for modifying non-home directory?10:05
ezoeeven under /usr ?10:05
MonkeyDustezoe  yes, you need sudo for everything outside /home10:05
MonkeyDust!java | Timvde10:06
ubottuTimvde: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.10:06
=== n is now known as njan
NQTropiceclipse3000, don't PM me or DCC, that is rude10:09
MonkeyDusteclipse3000  or me10:09
eclipse3000help me10:12
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NQTropicdoes the Huawei E173 modem work in ubuntu 11.10 ?10:16
cippihi  everyone,  im a newbe in  ubuntu but  i  like  to  try to use it on  a old laptop a  easy note e1275 from packard bell . is it possible?  thank you  for  yr  attention10:17
=== Lupinedk is now known as lupinedk
=== Fellipe is now known as LipeOlive
paulus68where can I find a alternate server installation for 11.10 not available for an x386?10:26
DarkStar1Hi.. I need to pull jdk7 down from Oracle10:28
DarkStar1via the CLI10:28
DarkStar1but I can't use wget10:28
DarkStar1(due to the need to accept th EULA)10:29
DarkStar1Anyone know how I can get around this?10:29
Ghrimis the x86 iso for both x86 and x86-64?10:30
MonkeyDustDarkStar1  scroll down to Java 7 https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java10:31
realushow to launch a complaint in launchpad ??10:32
DarkStar1MonkeyDust: Doesn't help with cli download10:34
MonkeyDustDarkStar1  it says "Installing Oracle Java 7 from the command line" etc10:35
PourfendeurQuelqu'un s'y connait en conky? J'arrive pas à faire apparaitre les images du conky que j'ai téléchargé -_-10:38
Marzataif install 12.04 beta, any need to install the final rel?10:38
Name141is it OK to skip language packs during install ?10:38
MonkeyDust!fr| Pourfendeur10:38
ubottuPourfendeur: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.10:38
PourfendeurMonkeyDust: I forgot the "fr", sorry ^^'10:39
MonkeyDustMarzata  better ask in #ubuntu+110:39
DarkStar1MonkeyDust: The links provided go to the stack website which tell you to download it via a web browser10:40
PourfendeurIs someone here used to use conky? I  can't make the "ring" pictures appear, and I am using the conkyrc of the pack I downloaded :/10:40
subthalamuswhat fstab options do I need to mount RW a windows 7 share which is wide open?10:44
MonkeyDustDarkStar1  copy the link on the website and then use wget to get it10:44
HDroidWhat nvidia driver version should I expect when using (post-release updates) (version current-updates)? nvidia-settings shows 280.13 which is a bit old.10:44
ikoniasubthalamus: it's mounted in fuser, userspace, not in fstab10:44
subthalamusit keeps mounting read only10:44
DarkStar1MonkeyDust: you can't you get folied by the OTN agreement10:45
subthalamusi have tried //   /path_to/mount   cifs   guest,_netdev   0 010:46
subthalamus/   /path_to/mount   cifs   defaults   0 010:46
subthalamusikonia: I'm not sure how that helps me..?10:46
MonkeyDustsubthalamus  try NFS, not CIFS10:46
subthalamusI dont have control over the windows box10:47
subthalamusat least not easily right now10:47
subthalamusactually, he just told me its XP10:47
BndrrI'm trying to run a program called Pokerth, but i cant establish connexion, someone know why or know this program for linux ??10:48
woozlyguys, when I try to install Ubuntu10:49
woozlyI can't tap on Next button10:49
woozlybecause my monitor 9"10:49
woozlyand window size > monitor dimension10:49
woozlyhow to click Next button? :)))10:49
MonkeyDustwoozly  use tab on your keyboard10:50
BndrrI'm trying to run a program called Pokerth, but i cant establish connexion, someone know why or know this program for linux ??10:50
mao123i dont know10:51
yellabs-r2hello there , how would i get libexpat.so.0 in my natty system ?10:52
yellabs-r2any tips are welcome10:52
mao123what is the "tips?"10:53
Marzatawhat will be the new "unity" in 12.04?10:53
mao123who know qq for linux??10:54
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fidelMarzata: what do you mean by "what"? version?10:56
fidelanyone into current laser-printer models which might come with full driver support for ubuntu?10:58
mao123what conutry are your?10:59
fideli am kinda lost in the linux-printer-support-area - as i personly dont use printers at all - but am in need to get one for a non-tech-interested friend10:59
fidelmao123: this chat limits itself to ubuntu-related topics. general chat is usualy in the offtopic channel10:59
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zvacetfidel: see if https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers helps11:03
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fidelthanks zvacet - but it has no real context for single models and is at least partly outdated i guess11:06
bastidrazoryellabs-r2: that file does not exist in natty.11:07
fideli hoped canonical might maintain some kind of list of compatible devices (similar to laptop modells) but seems like they didnt11:07
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Salariahi i downloaded a theme from net.. i want to install it . how to install? im using ubuntu 10.0411:08
duryhi there channel :)11:09
tomgeorgeAre there any tutorials or books for Glade Interface Designer?11:09
NoobyguyHey guys, is there any way to stop Mono from running? It's now running 3 of them at once and its taking up all the resources11:09
durytomgeorge: http://glade.gnome.org/11:10
zvacetfidel:  try http://linuxhcl.com/browse/search11:11
tomgeorgedury, been through that...11:11
peterflocke76Hi, how cna i delete all entrys in my routing table? i dont want to delete all by using sudo route del <ip adress>11:11
fidelzvacet: thanks once again11:11
tomgeorgeneed something simpler or at least  from a different perspective..11:12
zvacetfidel: np11:12
appi_uppihow to check the firewall status in ubuntu without sudo?11:12
durytomgeorge: all right.. it's not enough for u?11:12
tomgeorgedury, no I want something with examples...11:13
zvacetappi_uppi: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW11:13
durytomgeorge: I know what u mean11:13
appi_uppizvacet: thank you11:13
zvacetappi_uppi: np11:13
MonkeyDustSalaria  i have 10.04 in vbox -- right click on the desktop, Theme - Install11:13
appi_uppizvacet: i think the link doesn't mention anything about ::: services ufw status11:14
Marzatafidel: what unity? once were the buttons on the right, than came some unity, ...11:14
fidelMarzata: 12.04 comes with an updated unity version11:15
Salariathanks. it worked MonkeyDust  :)11:15
fidelconsider checking the package list if you are interested in the version-number11:15
fideli stil ldont get what you are really asking for11:15
zvacetappi_uppi:  you have to scroll little bit  sudo ufw status11:15
Marzataif we upgrade 10.04 to 12.04 will we be forced to use unity?11:15
appi_uppioh yeah11:15
fidelMarzata: no11:15
fidelMarzata: you can always choose what desktop env you want to use - unity is just the default11:16
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MonkeyDustMarzata  unity is just the default, you can easily change it - i do11:16
fidelMarzata: if you prefer kde - install it- if you prefer gnome-shell ..install it ....i think you got the idea11:16
appi_uppizvacet: thnx zvacet again..... i had already checked the link but without sudo i was trying to know the status11:16
zvacetMarzata: witch DE do you use11:16
Marzatafidel: we have nice desktops from 10.04, but once upgrade to 12.04 what will happened?11:17
zvacetappi_uppi: so now eveeryhing is o.k.?11:17
fidelMarzata: the clock will still tick ;)11:17
fidelMarzata: ask a real question11:17
MonkeyDust!nounity| Marzata11:17
ubottuMarzata: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic11:17
appi_uppizvacet: yes yes :)11:18
Marzata10.04 to 12.04, the desktop will be the same or no?11:18
zvacetappi_uppi:  8-)11:18
MonkeyDustMarzata  no, 10.04 uses gnome2, 12.04 gnome311:18
auronandaceMarzata: gnome2 will be dropped, plain and simple11:18
duryI want to know if 11.10 release will detect webcams11:19
Marzataso we have to teach our users to the new interface?11:19
MonkeyDustMarzata  yes11:19
auronandaceMarzata: gnome2 is no longer supported by the gnome devs11:19
duryin a laptop or desktop boxes11:19
fideldury: it will detect at least some out of the box11:19
Marzatawe spent 2 years to make their minds move to this interface...11:19
MonkeyDustMarzata  ubuntu classic looks very much like gnome2, but it *is* gnome311:19
crayHello, can someone please help me edit my boot order in grub.cfg. I`m on an old grub because I`m running linuxcnc but I have opened grub.cfg and I just don`t understand what to change. I can`t pastebin because it is on another computer with no net access.11:20
fidelMarzata: well - gnome 3 isnt totally different , and there are other options like xfce aswell11:20
auronandaceMarzata: 2 years is a long time in software11:20
duryfidel: connected by usb port?11:20
Marzataauronandace: it depends how old you are, son11:20
duryfidel: or what?11:20
NoobyguyGuys i need to know quick how you kill the Mono process ;_;11:20
craygrub is 1.98 - I can see XP which I want to boot first and see the other options, I just can`t see anything regarding the order!11:20
fideldury: you asked a pretty general question without real hardware-context11:20
MonkeyDustNoobyguy  ps -e Mono11:20
MonkeyDustNoobyguy  ps -e | grep Mono11:21
fidelso i cant tell you if your modell - which you havent even mentioned afaik works directly after install or not11:21
jribcray: I'll send you the ubuntu grub link, but this channel is only for ubuntu support; we can't support linuxnc11:21
jrib!grub > cray11:21
ubottucray, please see my private message11:21
claudioHi. I'm using Upstart to run my program, but I'd like to rely on Redis being already started. Redis is not under Upstart (and I'd like it to remain this way). How could I "start on" depending on another non-upstarted process?11:22
zvacetcray: do you want to change boot order?11:22
crayI`ve done it before years ago and it was simply a case of changing something in this file, just can`t remeber what!!11:22
jribclaudio: try #upstart11:22
duryfidel: for instance... in a laptop the webcam it's integrated. will it detect?11:23
zvacetcray: install startup manager and with it do what you want to do11:23
auronandaceMarzata: starting with 12.04 the lts releases get 5 years support, that is rather reasonable11:23
fideldury: as i told you before: - it might depend on the hardware / webcam modell11:23
Noobyguyps -e | grep mono gives me 14259 ?        01:53:27 mono 14415 ?        01:55:34 mono11:23
MonkeyDustNoobyguy  then kill 1425911:23
fideldury: it detected the inbuild wevcam in the last 3 laptops i had in my fingers - which still doenst cover your question - as it is too general11:24
crayzvacet - ~~OK , I don`t understand why everyone and all the google links tell me to install something. It is a hastle since the computer is not connected to the net. I did it just by simply editing so,mething last time!!11:24
auronandaceMarzata: another year to go for 10.04 desktop support to end, so you still have time to transitiom11:24
claudiojrib, thx!11:24
NoobyguyGreat thanks alot11:24
crayis there a reason I can no longer edit the boot order just by manually editing this grub.cfg file??11:25
fideldury: to make sure you might need to go the step from a general question -> to a hardware-specific question. So check what webcam might be in that specific laptop and then start the search for support over again11:25
jribcray: you're on linuxnc; we can't tell you.  This channel is for ubuntu support only11:25
auronandacecray: grub.cfg is generated from the files in /etc/grub.d/ you are meant to edit those and then issue update-grub11:25
zvacetcray:I think on http://members.iinet.net/~herman546/index.html you will find whaty are you looking for11:26
crayjrib - linuxcnc is just a programme no???11:26
duryfidel: well... can you  use it with skype... does it work?11:26
jribcray: it's a distro, is it not?11:26
fideldury: i dont use skype11:26
duryfidel: all right11:26
crayjrib - what is a distro?11:27
jribcray: how did you install your linux?11:27
fidelwe need a wiki-plugin for the bot ;)11:27
zvacetdury: boot live cd and see if your webcam is working11:27
crayI went on the internet and downloaded an iso11:28
crayburnt to disk and then installed11:28
duryzvacet: it doesn't11:28
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jribcray: an iso of what? From where?11:29
BndrrI'm trying to run a program called Pokerth, but i cant establish connexion, someone know why or know this program for linux ??11:29
fidelBndrr: is that some kind of browser game or where did you get the package/src from?11:30
zvacetcray: try on  #linuxcnc11:30
fidelBndrr: dont expect we know some random game - feed us with some informations which might help us helping you ;)11:30
Bndrrfrom the website www.pokerth.net11:30
MonkeyDustBndrr  i have it too, click on one of the non-local option, then click Create user account11:30
BndrrIt works for windows11:31
Bndrrbut i cant establish a connection in linux11:31
MonkeyDustBndrr  pokerth is in the ubuntu repos11:31
Bndrryesi have installed11:31
engkurcray: did you want setup linuxcnc ?11:31
ikoniaBndrr: that website works fine in linux11:31
Bndrryes the same here11:31
ikoniaBndrr: it's more likley you don't have dns setup correctly in linux or something like that11:32
subthalamusikonia: the answer was to add "file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777" in the options in the fstab11:32
BndrrI'm trying to Internet game11:32
haroldsay my nvidia drivers are screwing up... and on TTY1 I'm doing stuff, what can I do to essentially restart tty7 after doing things in tty1?11:32
Bndrrhow can I check the dns for this game ?11:32
ikoniasubthalamus: that will still use the ntfs kernel module rather than fuse11:32
ikoniaBndrr: do other websites work ?11:32
Bndrrbrowser works fine.11:32
Bndrris just this app11:33
subthalamusikonia: dont understand the relevance11:33
rAg3-nixharold: [ctrl][alt]F711:33
subthalamusikonia: I wanted to mount the share permanently without credentials and with RW11:33
windowsmakerHello peoplehi11:33
subthalamusikonia: this accomplishes that11:33
Bndrrsomeone can Givme an IP for this game ??11:33
ikoniasubthalamus: the kernel module is not stable for read/write functionliaty11:33
ikoniaBndrr: you don't need an IP if dns is working11:34
windowsmakerneed help11:34
subthalamusikonia: ok, thanks, can u point me to a howto for switching to fuse then?11:34
haroldrAg3-nix: ... yeah, but how can, for an instance, log it out?11:34
ikoniasubthalamus: it's userspace, not /etc/fstab global as I said earlier11:34
BndrrI see all the time an error during the connexion11:34
Bndrrfor Internet game,11:34
windowsmakerhi need help11:34
ikoniawindowsmaker: ask a question then11:35
rAg3-nixharold: i dnt understand , rephrase ?11:35
windowsmakerikonia: i do not need a question i need an answer11:35
ikoniawindowsmaker: to give you an answer, we need to know the question11:35
Kre10swhat app is responsible for locking the screen in ubuntu?11:35
ikoniaooh what a surprise, Lars11:35
BndrrThis is the msg, conexion closed by server11:35
Bndrrany idea? pokerth11:35
windowsmakerikonia: hehe that is true i know11:35
Kre10sits neither xscreensaver of xlock...11:36
subthalamusikonia: um, I know the difference between userspace and kernel space, but I've avoided fuse when possible supposedly because of performance issues11:36
windowsmakerikonia: i have read your sentence wrong11:36
windowsmakerikonia: what surprise? i am not lars11:36
windowsmakerwell i set up ubuntu on an old machine but it is rery slow. what can i do11:36
haroldrAg3-nix: sorry - i guess I'll get to the point: my nvidia drivers are acting up. I want to start using the non-proprietary ones -- how can I do this? which conf file would I have to edit?11:37
BndrrI have this issue in pokerth someone know how to help ? http://i40.tinypic.com/2aj5nnk.png11:38
engkurwindowmaker: using debian, much light than ubuntu, suitable for ram 128mb text mode11:38
ikoniaengkur: nonsense, they are pretty much the same running in text mode11:39
engkurikonia, or using old distro11:40
_255Hello folks!11:41
_255After I had Ubuntu installed at my machine when I restart it follows directly to the bios, what could that be?11:42
jamjamI'm currently reading about limits.conf, how can i set chromium to highest priority? like this? >> chromium-browser hard priority 10011:42
ikonia_255: nothing to do with ubuntu, sounds like your motherboard has a fault or someone is leaning on the keyboard11:42
_255ikonia, is there a way to test it?11:43
duryzvacet: what are the webcam brands that are suitable for ubuntu?11:43
jatthow do I get the screen resolution using the command line?11:43
ikonia_255: unplug the keyboard, if it still goes straight to the bios, suggest you contact the vendor11:43
ikoniajatt: xrandr11:43
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ikonia!hcl | dury11:43
ubottudury: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection11:43
_255ikonia, ok, thanx11:44
jamjamanyone familiar with limits.conf? is this correct? >> chromium-browser hard priority 10011:44
jamjamto set chromium higher priority?11:45
zvacetdury: see on http://linuxhcl.com/browse/search11:45
duryzvacet: all right really appreciate it .-)11:46
duryzvacet: :-)11:46
haroldhow do I kill my TTY7?11:47
haroldI recall it was something like ctrl + alt + bkspc11:47
haroldneed to basically restart x (but tty7 is sort of being unresponsive)11:47
harold(so that means i can't just gracefully do it)11:48
Bndrrsomeone know this : OpenSSH 5.3p1 Debian 3ubuntu7 (protocol 2.0)11:48
OerHeksharold, ctrl + alt + backspace is replaced with " ctrl + printscreen + K "11:48
zvacetharold: that command is replaced with other one but O can remember right now11:48
shnatselOerHeks: Ctrl+Alt+PrintScreen+K11:49
Bndrrall the fingers in the keyboard, løl11:50
shnatselOerHeks: Alt is needed because many DEs intercept Ctrl+PrintScreen+...11:50
OerHeksshnatsel, sorry, forgot the alt ?11:50
OerHeksanyway, it is not the clean way to end a session11:51
Bndrrsomeone know this : OpenSSH 5.3p1 Debian 3ubuntu7 (protocol 2.0)?11:51
shnatselOerHeks: but it's reliable ;)11:51
OerHeksBNddr for precise pangolin 12.04 ?11:52
ResQueser theme rev111:54
ResQueset theme rev111:54
jamjamlooks like I need a negative value, is this enough/correct? chromium-browser hard priority -1011:55
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duryjust want your opinion guys.... are thinkpad laptops suitable for ubuntu if it's not which brand is it more?11:56
fetzbeastrauchen mal ne liste11:57
dskwimo, thinkpad laptops have great compatibility with ubuntu. which thinkpad are you looking at?11:58
Avaszyeah, almost all thinkpads work great with ubuntu as well as other linux distros! Thinkpad FTW!!11:59
gattacciobuon giorno12:00
ubottugattaccio: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».12:00
kapzHi, I have installed a nice theme called mediterrnean and faenza icon theme but when I open any app via gksu the theme is basic-gnome theme...how do I correct it?12:04
durydskw: X112:04
ubottuLuigi1993: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».12:05
haroldif I want to use oss drivers instead of the proprietary ones, all I basically have to do is change Driver from "nvidia" to "nouveau" in /etc/X11/xorg.conf, right?12:06
dskwdury: consider this post - http://29a.ch/2011/10/14/review:-ubuntu-linux-on-thinkpad-x112:07
duryAvasz: even nowadays thinkpads from Lenovo?12:07
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durydskw: great really appreciate it thanks indeed :-)12:08
dskwyou're welcome12:09
durybbl have to go12:09
Sc0riani had to force install a package.. now i run apt-get it wants to uninstall gnome and everything.. how can i get apt-get to forget what it has to do? http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=11365674&postcount=112:09
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peterflocke76Hi, i have set new route .. with sudo route add .. but they dont work?! must is restart any task or demon!?12:11
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meethow to join more channels?12:19
meetand how to auto connect those channels at xchat startup12:20
Cyberspaceloameet: type "/join #channel" into your chat dialog12:20
Cyberspaceloawithout the quotes12:20
MonkeyDustmeet  start here http://xchat.org/faq/12:21
ezoeI wonder why they removed mono from 12.04. Is there a document for explaining the background?12:21
physically_fiti'm having a problem with my Wired Connection: i have to start it manually (click on its name). why is this happening? i tried to create the connection again and the issue remains. this is happening in 12.04 but maybe a general solution could help me.12:22
ezoeMy guess is Mono is not free enough.12:22
ikoniaphysically_fit: wrong channel here too12:22
MonkeyDustezoe  physically_fit better ask in #ubuntu+112:23
peterflocke76Hi, i have set new route .. with sudo route add .. but they dont work?! must is restart any task or demon!?12:23
ezoeMonkeyDust: Thanks.12:23
anathema_hi is there any way to upgrade samba in 10.10? (I know that the support is ended but I need to upgrade samba because of the new vulnerability)12:23
despe70I've updated my /etc/syslog.conf - how can I now restart syslog or reload that new config?12:25
GeForce88nvclock 0.8b4-1ubuntu6 causes seg fault when attempting to use any flag except -h. is this known? and is there another program to use to adjust fan speed for an 8800 gts?12:26
paulus68are there alternate installation cd's available for servers ?12:26
shnatseldespe70: try "sudo restart syslog" or "sudo restart rsyslog"; sorry I can't test it, I don't have it installed.12:27
shnatselGeForce88: probably a known upstream bug, Phoronix mentioned it in yesterday's benchmark12:27
shnatselpaulus68: I think all server images are alternate12:28
GeForce88shnatsel, did he mention another program? or a workaround ?12:28
despe70shnatsel: seems restart rsyyslog works. output was "rsyslog start/running, process 14029"12:28
shnatselGeForce88: nope, just stated it's borked.12:28
shnatselGeForce88: it was about reclocking though, not fan speed12:28
GeForce88i shall attempt to use rivatuner + wine. cheers12:29
paulus68shnatsel: the thing is I need to be able to launch a commandline so that I can launch a preseed file and this is not possible with the usual setup cd's12:29
shnatselpaulus68: well, it might be available somewhere in the installer, or maybe recovery mode... I don't remember, sorry. LiveCDs have it as boot parameter, but this is not the case. They also fall back to busybox, but I have no idea if alternate images do that.12:30
despe70I've updated my /etc/syslog.conf file, restarted syslog but it seems that the changes in my conf file are not taken into account. Any ideas ?  I have added local0.*                -/var/log/pgsql in the file, to let the postgresql messages be sent to a sepate file, but they are added to /var/log/messages12:32
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vexaxvidk why i keep seeying install classic gnome ubuntu 11.10 gnome 3 comes with ubuntu 11.1012:37
bazhang!notunity | vexaxv12:38
ubottuvexaxv: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic12:38
vexaxvactually i like unity alot better, dunno why people shit talk it so much im on gnome 3 right now.12:38
vexaxvdont have to install anything lol12:38
bazhangvexaxv, no cursing please12:38
marcusAnyone know how to remove Wine top bar, when playing Diablo II? or how to change screen size when shutting it down12:39
GeForce88yea, don't want to offend the Americans...12:39
vexaxvdiabloooo 212:39
bazhangmarcus, #winehq for particular apps12:39
marcuskk, then nvm12:40
jirihi, I've just installed Ubuntu 11.10 i386 on laptap with Radeon graphic card. I would like to use seecond monitor, but it's everytime white.. And gnome shows some strange colors.. Anyone can give me a tip for ati drivers update?12:44
ShapeHello, can anyone please point me to a link or some information on how I should set up partitions for ubuntu?12:46
marculesjiri, what does your system-info say about your graphics card?12:46
icerootShape: the best is to use the defaults ubuntu is suggesting12:47
icerootShape: everything else depends on your needs12:47
Shapeiceroot: what is a lba partition for example, do I need it?12:48
MonkeyDustShape start here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowtoPartition12:48
ShapeMonkeyDust: thanks!12:48
jirimarcules: driver VESA:SUMO and AMD catalyst says hd 6620 G. My graphic card is HD 6740G212:48
Benkinoobyhi is there a pdf reader that can copy mathematical expressions from pdf files?12:49
icerootShape: as minimum you need one partition for / and for swap, everyting else is not needed for a running system12:49
Benkinoobyokular and evince do not recognize them and skipt them12:49
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Shapeiceroot: So how will it know how to boot? If you are using Windows as well? Which paritition do you assign for booting? The Windows one?12:50
Shapeiceroot: will Grub automatically rewrite the MBR on the Win paritition?12:50
icerootShape: the MBR is doing the boot-part12:50
marculesCh4rAss, I'm not sure, I haven't set up a radeon in ages12:50
icerootShape: yes12:50
MonkeyDustShape  easiest is to follow the installer12:50
icerootShape: just use what the installer is suggesting12:51
marculesI've got a similar problem with my TP, but it resolved itself after upgrading12:51
ShapeMonkeyDust: I'm using Gparted though, I couldnt shrink with the original installer12:51
MonkeyDustShape  i missed the part about shrinking a partition12:51
Ch4rAssmarcules: I will install newest drivers directly from amd.. I think12:52
ShapeMonkeyDust: I didn't specify that earlier, sorry12:52
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MrUnagiHow can a botched fstab entry cause me to lose SSH access?12:57
jribMrUnagi: your system doesn't boot?12:58
MrUnagiIt's a second HD though12:58
MrUnagiI find it odd12:58
fireshroomhello can anyone give me quick hang with samba? i have a silly problem12:59
MrUnagiSo how does one prevent these things from happening.......that feels like a silly question12:59
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MrUnagifireshroom: Ask away12:59
banseljajMy hard disk is failing. I want o kow if it's a false positive and if nt, can i recover from it?13:00
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MrUnagibanseljaj: Could be.....I had a drive cut out all the time, reformatted it, been working ever since13:01
fireshroomI have a samba setup, everything is correct, subnet required access is allowed, the nmb and smb service are started. there is no firewall blocking, the user was added to OS and added to samba using smbpasswd -a, the share is setup in the conf, and valid user is setup.13:01
meetwill cairo dock work well on lubuntu? got an old pc with low specs13:01
MonkeyDustMrUnagi  I use ssh and have two HDD on the remote PC -- you mean the remote fstab?13:01
banseljajMrUnagi: I also don't want to format it.. I13:01
MrUnagiMonkeyDust: Yea13:01
auronandacemeet: i've never used it but try it and see13:02
MrUnagibanseljaj: Well.....I hope you don't have important data on there then13:02
BndrrI have this issue in pokerth someone know how to help ? http://i40.tinypic.com/2aj5nnk.png13:02
banseljajMrUnagi: It's a brand new laptop. it shouldn't be happening. And I'm only concerned about the data13:02
MonkeyDustMrUnagi  then the remote fstab entry must be wrong and the second HDD is not correctly mounted13:02
banseljajMrUnagi: It's my primary coding computer. ;-;13:02
MrUnagiMonkeyDust: But why wouldn't the primary drive boot13:02
MrUnagibanseljaj: Where is your backup13:02
banseljajMrUnagi: Is ti possible to unmount swap while operational?13:03
MrUnagibanseljaj: Im not sure but I would guess no13:03
escottMrUnagi, swapoff13:03
banseljajMrUnagi: No backup, for now. :\13:03
jribbanseljaj: you can turn off swap (see swapoff command)13:04
escottbanseljaj, swapoff (sorry MrUnagi13:04
MrUnagibanseljaj: I'd backup, reformat, restore13:04
fireshroomI followed just about everything posted in regards to simple and more advanced samba setups13:04
escottbanseljaj, you should check the output of free -m and make sure you won't trigger an OOM condition13:04
banseljajAnd what is suggested for incremental backup?13:04
MonkeyDustMrUnagi  you would need error messages to find the cause of the error, but I guess you need physciall access for that13:04
MrUnagiMonkeyDust: That's what I mean.....how do remote admins make sure they have access even if ere are issues13:05
jribbanseljaj: I like rsnapshot (see ubottu for more options)13:05
jrib!backup > banseljaj13:05
ubottubanseljaj, please see my private message13:05
meethow do i remove it just in case auronandace13:05
banseljajLaptop has a 2 gig RAM, escott13:05
auronandacemeet: how are you installing it?13:05
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate13:06
ServerCrashhi, i am trying to get audio via HDMI on NVIDIA card13:09
ServerCrashpavumeter shows all 5.1 channels audio is comming fine, but the same is not reaching to my AV13:10
banseljajjrib, escott, MrUnagi: One more stupid question. If i colne my current HDD, and restore it back, will it fix any misalignment errors?13:10
donavan1010hey if my session is stuck in IRC and I was disconnected how can I get that username back?13:11
auronandacedonavan1010: /nick yournick13:11
MonkeyDustMrUnagi  is it possible that admins have remote access to a BIOS?13:12
MrUnagibanseljaj: Likely13:12
banseljajhmm. Thanks. :)13:13
MrUnagiMonkeyDust: I want that!13:13
auronandaceric: greetings13:14
ricsono nuovo e ora?13:14
banseljajdonavan1010: Also, if your nick is registered, use /ghost <nick>13:14
riccan i see a film?13:14
auronandaceric: need help with ubuntu?13:15
escottbanseljaj, no13:15
escottbanseljaj, assuming you mean a low level dd clone13:15
auronandaceric: got the right codecs installed?13:16
banseljajescott: I did mean a low level dd clone. Is there a way to just clone the partition table and data, without cloning the sectors?13:16
meetmostly through terminal auronandace13:17
auronandacemeet: how?13:17
riccodecs installed?13:17
kesaraAny workaround for zegeist-damon high processing issue?13:17
auronandaceric: how are you trying to watch a film?13:17
meetmostly through terminal auronandace13:18
auronandacemeet: i asked how13:18
meetsudo -v13:18
meetsudo add-apt-repository ppa:cairo-dock-team/ppa13:18
meetsudo apt-get update13:18
meetsudo apt-get install cairo-dock cairo-dock-plug-ins13:18
FloodBot1meet: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:18
MonkeyDustMrUnagi  on this Suse forum, it is suggested to try and access the remote boot manager using VNC, somehow13:18
auronandacemeet: we don't support ppas here13:18
auronandace!ppa-purge | meet13:18
ubottumeet: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html13:18
MonkeyDustMrUnagi  http://club.myce.com/f3/remote-desktop-allows-bios-access-223712/13:18
MrUnagiI bet I would likely need a hardware solution for my needs13:20
escottbanseljaj, im not sure i follow. clone the table and data, but not the sectors. where is the data if not in sectors? Why don't you just move/resize your partititons with gparted13:20
ricil postino?13:22
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donavan01banseljaj thanks13:25
auronandace!codecs | ric13:25
ubotturic: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats13:25
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banseljajescott: I'm doing that. Thanks. Thanks jrib and MrUnagi13:26
Dice-Manhello i'm on oneiric i have a problem with synaptic13:29
Dice-Manit opens then suddenly close13:29
auronandace!fixapt | Dice-Man13:29
ubottuDice-Man: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »13:29
Dice-Mani found on a forum that it is caused by orca screen reader13:29
adacfaces in youtube are blue13:29
adacany ideas?13:30
Dice-Manauronandace: let me paste the terminal log13:30
bazhangadac, go to full screen flash then disable hw acceleration13:30
reflexrgubuntu 11.10 power pc minimal installation on imac g5 it says "driver needed for your disk drive" and gives me a huge list to choose from what should I select?13:30
MonkeyDustadac  you have to activate hardware accelleration13:31
bazhangMonkeyDust, disable you mean13:31
MonkeyDustbazhang  correct13:32
Dice-Manauronandace: http://www.pastebin.ca/213571513:32
MonkeyDustit says here: UNtick hardware accelleration, I misread13:32
adacbazhang, worked, thanks13:32
teligardHi everyone13:33
teligardwas wondering if anyone had insight as to why I'll have audio after 1 boot, then not have it the next.13:34
auronandaceDice-Man: odd, what network connection you using?13:34
teligardI don't know which log file to look at to even start to identify the actual problem13:34
Dice-Manauronandace: a common wired connection13:35
gr8tripstrim trying to extend my display on my plasma tv keep getting error "('The required size is not supported', (2464, 900), (1920, 320))13:35
Dice-Manauronandace: i've found this problem is from orca screenreader http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=185447013:37
gr8tripstri can clone the screens fine but when i try to extend it using disper it won't work13:37
auronandaceDice-Man: are you using kde?13:37
Dice-Mannope gnome13:37
compdocdoes anyone have the ability to wake up remote machines using WOL? What software do you use to wake them up?13:38
heckmancompdoc: the wake lan command-line utility13:38
Dice-Manauronandace: i can't open orca screenreader :(13:38
heckmanI believe the package is quite literally "wakeonlan"13:39
auronandaceDice-Man: can you try from the terminal: sudo apt-get install -f13:39
compdocheckman, what package would I install?13:39
heckmanApr13 09:39 < heckman> I believe the package is quite literally "wakeonlan"13:39
Dice-Manauronandace: install -f synaptic ?13:39
auronandaceDice-Man: no, just what i wrote13:40
Dice-Manyeah done13:40
auronandaceDice-Man: what is the output?13:40
GlaceeIs there a "ga" pnfs client in precise?13:40
Dice-ManReading package lists... Done13:40
Dice-ManBuilding dependency tree13:40
Dice-ManReading state information... Done13:40
Dice-Man0 mis à jour, 0 nouvellement installés, 0 à enlever et 366 non mis à jour13:40
FloodBot1Dice-Man: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:41
MonkeyDustGlacee  better ask in #ubuntu+113:41
Dice-Man0 updated13:41
Dice-Man0 newly installed13:41
GlaceeMonkeydust: ok thanks13:41
Dice-Man0 to remove 366 non updated13:41
auronandaceDice-Man: when was the last time you updated?13:41
makezanits kinda hard to figure out what's going on in this terminal13:42
johnfghi folks13:42
makezani have a question13:43
mikislavhello, I am on Xubuntu 12.04. Have multiple LED samsung monitor with higher reoslution as my laptop. When I go on full screen on external monitor, it set up just 1280:800 no needed 1920:108013:43
makezanhow can you see the other #ubuntu subchannels13:43
MonkeyDustmikislav   better ask in #ubuntu+113:44
auronandaceDice-Man: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade13:44
ChaosadndAnyone else having problems with connecting network shares after the newest windows 7 updates?13:45
johnfgJust installing latest server.  But last night it hung up when trying to 'Select and Install Software'.13:45
bazhang!alis | makezan13:45
ubottumakezan: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*13:45
aromanHi, how can I run a PHP file in my browser? Do I need to install Apache AND PHP or can I use JUST PHP?13:45
Dice-Manauronandace: well i've found the solution on lauchpad, the problem is related to accessibility problems13:45
Dice-Mangsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface toolkit-accessibility false13:45
fireshroomaroman: Apache is the web server platform. Its required to render the page.13:46
Dice-Mansynaptic runs now13:46
auronandaceDice-Man: i noticed that in the forums you showed me earlier too13:46
ubottualis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*13:46
aromanfireshroom: PHP doesn't have the capability of serving HTTP docs itself?13:46
johnfgThe install just stopped at the same place!  And there's no problem with the internet connection.13:46
ChaosadndAnyone having a problem with samba shares on a windows 7 machine after windows 7 updates last night?13:47
Dice-Manthanks for help anyway auronandace13:47
compdocChaosadnd, I can still open and copy files to an ubuntu share13:48
bananapieI am using the ssh command in the console. I often get the 'remote identity has changed'. Is there a command line parameter I can pass to ssh to ignore the message and/or update the file without having to go play in .ssh/known_hosts ?13:48
auronandaceDice-Man: no worries, glad you sorted it out13:48
fireshroomaroman: you want php to act as a webserver? I am not sure what your trying to do here13:49
johnfgbananapie, What's going on that the identity in the machine your connecting to has changed its identity?13:51
aromanfireshroom: well, other scripting languages, such as ruby or python, have the ability to serve a file by themselves. So I'd just ./whatever.php and it'd serve the webpage. I was wondering if PHP could do something similar. If not, no worries, but I'd rather not run the whole of Apache if I just want to serve one single php file without a database.13:51
johnfgbananapie, The only time I get that is if the remote machine has somehow13:52
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fireshroomaroman: http://php.net/manual/en/features.commandline.webserver.php13:54
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aromanfireshroom: exactly what I was looking for. thanks!13:55
fireshroomaroman: no problem13:55
eddy_000at last :D13:55
notanothernuchi all. How would one go about applying the samba patch on an ubuntu machine that was installed with apt-get?13:55
eddy_000Can someone help me with a lamp issue ive been having for erm..... 5 hours now :D13:56
eddy_000Plase :(13:56
jrib!ask | eddy_00013:56
ubottueddy_000: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:56
eddy_000!ask how to fix phpmyadmin13:56
ubottueddy_000: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:56
jribeddy_000: just ask your actual question13:56
escottbananapie, i doubt you can disable that. its the only warning that the server is not who you think it is13:56
eddy_000how to instal phpmyadmin on unbuntu13:57
geekbrii wish phpmyadmin would just cease to exist.13:57
jorhazeyou can try  ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null13:57
johnfgescott, I agree.  it's doing what it's supposed to be doing.13:57
johnfgLike if our identity was verified that we are who our nick says we are.13:57
jribbananapie: read « man ssh_config ».  Pretty sure there's an option to disable the check...13:58
jribbananapie: but why would you constantly be getting that message for the same server?13:58
johnfgI kinda 'solved' my problem with the server install of 11.10 by doing the manual config of Select and Install Software.13:58
jribeddy_000: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/phpMyAdmin14:01
bananapieever ssh to ? a huge number of networks use this subnet14:01
MonkeyDustbananapie is most likely your router14:02
jribbananapie: so turn it off for
toonernot sure if this is the best place to ask but hopefully someone can help.. ive cloned a failing raid5 ntfs array using clonezilla and crc failed but im hoping i can recover something.. im trying now to get it in a format where i can read the files.. any suggestions?14:02
meethow to setup a network between to ubuntu computer?14:03
bazhangtooner, perhaps #clonezilla14:03
toonerworth a try :)14:03
MonkeyDustbananapie  if ssh to says the identity has changed, maybe it's because it got new WAN ip address from your ISP14:03
MonkeyDustmeet  ssh is very easy14:04
meetcould u please explain?14:05
MonkeyDustmeet  install ssh on both pc's, then, in a terminal, type ssh [remote user]@[remote ip address]14:06
meetso no new software or setup is required?14:06
johnfgOk, looks like the install succeeded and it has rebooted and I'm logged into the server.14:06
johnfgFrom the server, since it's cli at this point, how can I see what desktops are available?14:07
escottmeet, you have to install openssh-server on the server, but the server automatically starts14:07
meeti want to creat a home network as in windows. is this what itt is escott?14:08
escottjohnfg, if you ran ssh -X you can just start the gui apps as needed14:08
escottmeet, if you want to share files with windows computers use samba14:08
killercan anyone suggest me a goodd irc channel for security14:09
bazhangkiller, ##security14:09
auronandace!alis | killer14:09
ubottukiller: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*14:09
mcb_escott: Have you looked in "man 5 ssh_config". I think "ssh -o CheckHostIP=no <host>"  should do as you like.14:09
johnfgescott, right.  I14:09
killerbazhang : i went there but no body's seems to be online there14:09
johnfgI'm just lookin at the sources.list.  Is it recommended to uncomment the Canonicaland the extras repos?14:10
escottmcb_, i think bananapie wanted to disable it. i was discouraging his doing so14:10
mcb_escott: Agrees with you. But it can be done.14:11
auronandacejohnfg: recommended in what sense? that you don't want to recieve updates?14:11
auronandacejohnfg: sorry, misread your question, i thought you said comment (not uncomment)14:15
johnfgauronandace, I'm comin from debian squeeze and wondered about those repos.14:16
auronandacejohnfg: can you paste your sources.list14:17
eddy_000Error when installing phpmyadmin: "missing destination file operant after `phpmyadmin`14:17
johnfgauronandace, I can, but it's the standard after a fresh install.14:18
johnfgauronandace, Still want I should paste it?14:18
auronandacejohnfg: yes please14:19
Dudemister1999xD floodbot14:23
Dudemister19993 of 'em14:23
Dudemister1999Jesus, is ANYONE on these chat nodes?14:23
LjLonly 1647 people14:23
Dudemister1999xD wow14:24
Dudemister1999But how many talk?14:24
Dudemister1999I mean, no one has said anything but me and Ljl14:24
LjLDudemister1999: often enough, too many at a time14:24
LjLDudemister1999: you just joined during a quiet moment14:25
Dudemister1999Who is Ljl?14:25
LjLDudemister1999: which is not necessarily bad. if you ask your Ubuntu question now, chances are people will be able to see it for a while.14:25
ResQueanyone know the command line option to add a file to vlc playlist. i do not want to open a new instance of vlc just add something new to the current playlist14:25
Dudemister1999Umm, why did your name just become red?14:26
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MonkeyDustDudemister1999  i guess #ubuntu-offtopic is more the place you want14:26
Dudemister1999Why are peoples names turning red? :314:26
wylde!ot | Dudemister199914:27
ubottuDudemister1999: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:27
Dudemister1999Okay, but the red is kinda wierd14:27
notanothernucdoes anyone know where I can find an edgy repo?14:28
* notanothernuc ducks14:28
jrib!upgrade | notanothernuc14:28
ubottunotanothernuc: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade14:28
jribnotanothernuc: see the eol upgrade page14:28
johnfgauronandace, Sorry, had to go out and feed the hosses :-)14:29
Aggerhi all...where can i download the sources for the PLANK docking panel, if indeed available. I'd like to build these sources myslef?14:29
MonkeyDustnotanothernuc  http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/14:29
jeroenpraatI just bought a new PC. I like to install (as before) Ubuntu now. Should I install 12.04 beta2 or 11.10 and in 2 weeks 12.04 final???14:29
mkultra_id do beta and test garbage 4 them14:30
jribAgger: is it packaged in ubuntu?14:30
mkultra_make a good partition scheme where you can easily wipe the os and have storage on another drive14:30
Aggererr it can be retrieved via apt14:30
jribAgger: I'm going to take that as a yes...14:30
jrib!source | Agger14:30
ubottuAgger: You can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html14:30
jribAgger: make sure you have deb-src lines uncommented in /etc/apt/sources.list (or use software manager to enable source repositories)14:31
Aggerinteresting thanks...checking out14:31
mkultra_i apt-getted synaptic and let synaptic deal with packaging14:31
johnfgSomeone asked a question earlier about samba...I note that on my debian squeeze server there are 9 updates to samba and friends.14:32
escottjohnfg, which you should apply14:33
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johnfgauronandace, It will be a minute.  Oops...I just installed gdm by accident instead of gpm.14:33
johnfgescott, Of course, installing now, but thanks.14:33
johnfgescott, Did those show up for ubuntu server too?14:34
Marzatain distrowatch mint goes up, unity goes down...14:35
icemandnaI switched to Mint and feel so much better using it14:35
dddyyyyyyyyis there a good Usenet client on ubuntu ?14:36
sipiordddyyyyyyyy: pan's all right.14:36
jeroenpraat[Bump] I just bought a new PC. I like to install (as before) Ubuntu now. Should I install 12.04 beta2 or 11.10 and in 2 weeks 12.04 final???14:37
escottjohnfg, yes they are showing up everywhere. remote root security issue in samba14:37
dddyyyyyyyysipior: en14:37
notanothernucI asked the samba question. I've got an old edgy server which im rebuilding but it needs the latest security patch until the replacement server is ready. As edgy's not getting updates, I have to do it myself14:37
cristian_cI would like to set the file /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-synaptics.conf correctly14:37
cristian_cto configure the touchpad gestures14:37
MonkeyDustjeroenpraat  precise is in the Final Freeze stadium, so i guess it's stable enough14:38
icemandnajeroenpraat: I'd install 11.10 and wait for the final. Too many issues are sorted out in the early days that the new version comes out14:38
cristian_cI would like to set the pinch, the drag, the circular scrolling and tap with two fingers or more14:38
cristian_cany suggestions?14:38
jeroenpraatThank you MonkeyDust14:38
cristian_cI can also post the current contents of synaptics.conf14:38
MonkeyDustjeroenpraat  gee dank graag gedaan :p14:39
jeroenpraaticemandna: I'm quit technical, so issues can be fixed. It's more like: is it stable enough for daily use?14:39
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cryptotheslyjeroenpraat, Been using 12.04 here since mid-Jan as a daily use and had no show-stopping problems. Your mileage may vary of course :)14:40
icemandnaI haven't had much fun installing 'brand new' versions myself and I'm quite technical too. Just want to keep up with my interests and not have to deal with sorting out new release issues14:41
jorhazeI have a segmentation fault in a strace of apache2 on 11.10 while making a soap call with nusoap - how do I go about posting this as a bug?14:42
jorhazeit works fine on debian 614:42
auronandace!bug | jorhaze14:42
ubottujorhaze: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.14:42
lasherHi' I just downloaded 12.04 beta but it hangs trying to boot live cd. I have 32bit desktop.14:43
MonkeyDustlasher  better ask in #ubuntu+114:43
farkerhaikuFor support with 12.04 beta, /join #ubuntu+114:43
lasherthanx MonkeyDust14:44
ubottutrimar: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».14:44
matissehi, how often will unattended-upgrades will check for updates?14:45
=== Guest90899 is now known as Dorito
koen_Hey guys! can anybody explain me why I get the following in Ubuntu 12.04: /home/koen $ sudo useradd -d /home/tempuser -m -s /bin/bash -G admin tempuser14:45
koen_useradd: group 'admin' does not exist14:45
jorhazereporting bugs seems like a lot of work14:46
MonkeyDustmatisse  System Settings - Software Sources - Updates14:46
auronandace!12.04 | koen_14:46
ubottukoen_: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+114:46
koen_+1 =D14:46
OnkeltemHi all. I'm going to purchase a video card to connect 3 monitors. Can anybody recommend a good card for this?14:46
cristian_cjorhaze, it's not difficult14:46
=== gonzo is now known as Guest74131
auronandacejorhaze: worth the effort if you want to improve ubuntu14:47
jorhazeI'll give it a go14:48
dddyyyyyyyywho can tell me a Server ,i use pan14:49
dddyyyyyyyysipior: could you tell me a server address of usenet ,i open Pan14:52
roastedRandom Question - Is HUD from Ubuntu open source? Is HUD dependent upon Unity to function? I'm curious what other distros could pick up HUD... any insight?14:53
eddy_000Can someone help, My server wont install PHPMYADMIN, I searched for it and it just doesnt exist14:54
MonkeyDustroasted  HUD is a Unity feature14:55
roastedMonkeyDust: I see. Well Unity is open source no? I assume HUD is too?14:56
LjLroasted: sure14:56
MonkeyDustroasted  Unity = Gnome3 + Compiz14:56
eddy_000None know my answer :S14:57
mneptok!info phpmyadmin14:57
ubottuphpmyadmin (source: phpmyadmin): MySQL web administration tool. In component universe, is extra. Version 4:3.4.5-1 (oneiric), package size 5115 kB, installed size 17692 kB14:57
Timmyhow can i configure package manager to keep downloaded packages under /var/cache/apt/archive? i mean after a while it removes them but i want to keep all of them14:57
johnfgOn another note...I see that using lvm2 for disk partitioning in server 11.10, that the default was still to use ext2 for /boot.14:57
johnfgShouldn't grub be able to handle ext4?14:57
mneptokeddy_000: there's the package right there in the universe repo14:57
jorhazeeddy do: "dpkg -l|grep phpmyadmin" to see if it is installed14:58
johnfgfor boot, i.e.?14:58
escottjohnfg, ext4 has not real advantages for a small infrequently used partition like /boot14:58
auronandacejohnfg: sure, but /boot is meant to be small and doesn't really need journal support so ext2 is a good choice14:58
eddy_000jorhaze :  says need an aciton option :S14:59
jorhazeyou forgot the lowercase L15:00
johnfgOk, just wondered.  Had no problems with it, and on 3 debian machines, 2 squeeze are ext3 and a lenny ext3 for /boot.15:00
johnfgSince I installed gdm 'by mistake', is it gnome3?15:01
johnfgIt's still going, so I can't tell yet.15:02
auronandacejohnfg: what do you mean?15:02
escottjohnfg, it has been ported to gtk3 but it is not "gnome3"15:02
MonkeyDustjohnfg  gnome3 uses lightdm15:02
freko28Hi all, how can I add a PAT rule on ubuntu to forward the tcp port 6000 on the tcp port 8080?15:02
johnfgSo, it's gnome 2?15:03
escottjohnfg, saying a gdm is gnome3 is comparable to saying a ford truck is exxon gasoline15:03
auronandacejohnfg: you need to explain what you mean15:03
auronandacejohnfg: gdm is just a login manager, lightdm is default from 11.10 onwards15:03
johnfgSo are you saying that the gnome desktop manager may not be the same version as the gnome desktop?15:04
escottjohnfg, you can use kdm with gnome if you want15:04
johnfgauronandace, Ok, I think I see what you mean.15:04
=== q0rban is now known as q-rban
johnfgSo, now that I've got gdm almost installed, I suppose I have to install a desktop?  Or will lightdm be already installed, by default?15:05
auronandacejohnfg: what are you using? the minimal iso or default ubuntu?15:05
escottjohnfg, by installing gdm you have probably disabled/removed lightdm15:06
Ricazanyone have any experience using a wifi Epson printer on ubuntu?15:06
johnfgI installed from ubuntu-11.10-server-i386.iso15:07
mneptokRicaz: does openprinting.org say that the device actually has Linux support?15:07
johnfgescott, Just a sec...did you mean how did I install server or how did I install gdm?15:07
Ricazi.. don't know, mneptok. But I found some drivers on their website15:08
mneptokRicaz: check openprinting first15:08
realuswhen in nexuiz, and want minimize to do something else ??15:08
MonkeyDustjohnfg  i guess server is for more experienced users15:08
auronandacejohnfg: the server iso doesn't come with a gui by default so by installing gdm you may have triggered the install of xorg and maybe gnome315:09
johnfgMonkeyDust, I'm experienced with debian and the redhat clones, but wanted to give ubuntu server a try.15:09
escottjohnfg, auronandace is asking what disc you were using. some disks like minimal or server do not include the ubuntu-desktop package which installs a gui, some like the standard disc do15:09
mneptokjohnfg: you have yet to explain why you're installing a display manager *at all*15:09
escottjohnfg, i was saying that since you installed gdm, your lightdm installation (if it existed) would be disabled since you need only one DM15:10
MonkeyDustjohnfg  server is not supposed to be used with a GUI, it's only optional15:11
Ricazmneptok: This is the printer: http://www.openprinting.org/printer/Epson/Epson-SX235_Series15:11
johnfgmneptok, Actually, you may not have seen that I did it by mistake.  I was gonna copy & paste from the cli with gpm, but noted the mouse wasn't active.  Then, by mistake, I did apt-get install gdm, instead of gpm.  Get it?15:11
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mneptokjohnfg: so purge the package once it's installed.15:12
Ricazmneptok: the problem is, there was no USB cable with the printer15:12
johnfgI know I could have just copied or read into pastezone by sources.list15:12
mneptokRicaz: so download the driver OpenPrinting recommends and install the package.15:12
johnfgmneptok, ya,already thought of doing that.15:13
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mneptok!away > bladernr_15:14
ubottubladernr_, please see my private message15:14
A_I_hi there15:17
A_I_any idea about :     │ ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)                                                                                                                 │15:17
A_I_this happens during installation of "cacti"15:17
A_I_I have set a password for root on mysql server15:18
A_I_so now package won't install15:18
A_I_any suggestion ?15:18
MonkeyDust!enter| A_I_15:19
ubottuA_I_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!15:19
A_I_ubottu no pb15:19
A_I_MonkeyDust no pb :-)15:19
A_I_when I install cacti I get an error : "ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)", is there any way to give root's password via a file or so ?15:20
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johnfgMy guess was right.  After reboot I'm in gdm, but it's looking for session ubuntu, which I don't have (or any other).15:22
A_I_any idea ?15:23
Unknown0BChi, which packages must I install on oneiric to have apache with php ?15:24
auronandace!lamp | Unknown0BC15:25
ubottuUnknown0BC: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)15:25
meeti was able to play a game on ubuntu using wine .. but its not working on lubuntu..what could be the reason?15:25
Unknown0BCauronandace, thanks but I already have apache2 installed. Cant I just add something to have PHP ?15:27
almostahelالسلام عليكم15:28
auronandace!info php5 | Unknown0BC15:28
MonkeyDustUnknown0BC  start here https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/php5.html15:28
ubottuUnknown0BC: php5 (source: php5): server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (metapackage). In component main, is optional. Version 5.3.6-13ubuntu3.6 (oneiric), package size 1 kB, installed size 20 kB15:28
MohammadSyriaوعليكم السلام15:28
realusanyone know a good vpn service for ubuntu15:31
realuslike replace my ip ??15:31
Unknown0BCyeah !15:32
Unknown0BCthanks guys.15:32
MonkeyDustrealus  start here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN15:32
realusthanks MonkeyDust15:32
realusanyone else using tor ??15:32
realusanyone know a good free vpn service I can connect to ?15:33
familycan someone take a quick look as this instll compile, why does it not work as the readme says.. http://imagebin.org/20788115:33
compdocrealus, most ppl connect to their own vpn service. what are you trying to do?15:34
realuscompdoc: want to connect to someones VPN server to get a new ip15:34
realuscompdoc: traffic tunnel15:35
compdocgood luck with that15:35
zxiestHello :-)15:37
familycan someone take a quick look as this instll compile, why does it not work as the readme says.. http://imagebin.org/20788115:38
zxiestSo I pressed ctrl+alt+f1 ... how can I get back to visual ubuntu?15:38
Picizxiest: ctrl+alt+f715:38
zykotick9zxiest: alt+f715:38
zxiestPici zykotick9 thanks :-)15:38
zykotick9Pici: ctrl only required when in Xorg ;)15:38
=== donavan01 is now known as donavan_away
MonkeyDustor alt-F1 arrow left ;)15:39
MonkeyDusti mean alt arrow left15:39
dmiles_afkwhere can i find a apt-get repo for Jaunty?15:41
auronandace!jaunty | dmiles_afk15:41
ubottudmiles_afk: Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) was the tenth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 23, 2010. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.15:41
auronandacedmiles_afk: no longer supported15:41
dmiles_afki am trying a bit of software that requires several programs to work together and only ever worked on authors machine for about a week.. she used Jaunty15:42
familypici: i know your amazing! then you get a min can you help me.15:42
ulziibuyandmiles_afk: http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/allpackages15:43
dmiles_afkif i could get openssh-server isntlaled on it i'd be happy enough :)15:43
dmiles_afkthank you ulziibuyan and auronandace15:43
=== geek is now known as c_smith2
c_smith2hello, I'm trying to transfer some songs to my MTP device with Banshee and I keep getting errors like Unable to send file to MTP device: PTP Layer error 02fe: get_u64_from_object(): could not get unsigned 64bit integer from object. is there anything I could try?15:46
c_smith2*rhythmbox, not banshee15:46
c_smith2oh, shoot, this isn't Ubuntu+1.15:46
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familycan someone take a quick look as this instll compile, why does it not work as the readme says.. http://imagebin.org/20788115:49
MrUnagiHow can I runs sudo mount /dev/nbd0p2 /media/foo automatically15:52
MarKsaitishow do I tell what .deb file to install to apt-get?15:52
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dddyyyyyyyywhy i download nothing from news.aioe.org with Pan15:53
zykotick9!fstab | MrUnagi15:56
ubottuMrUnagi: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions15:56
MrUnagizykotick9: Fstab won't work in my case because rc.local has to fire first before fstab15:56
MrUnagiFstab apparently tries to mount before rc.local fires and errors15:57
cargo23MrUnagi: you mean you want it to run during startup?15:57
familycan someone take a quick look as this instll compile, why does it not work as the readme says.. http://imagebin.org/20788115:58
MrUnagicargo23: I have mod probe nbd && que-something -c /dec/nbd0 /path/to/vdi15:58
MrUnagiThat has to run before I can mount15:59
zykotick9MrUnagi: this is andlinux related somehow?16:00
bibic682hello....is there any advantage in upgrading to 11.0416:00
zykotick9MrUnagi: guess not... ;)16:00
MonkeyDustbibic682  if you're planning to upgrade: 12.04 will soon come out16:01
MrUnagiIs this a difficult task?16:02
bastidrazorMrUnagi: issue the mount in rc.local after the previous line you stated.16:02
OinsI'm looking for kbibtex but can't find it at the software center (Ubuntu 11.10). Why is it removed from the repository ?16:02
MrUnagiThe mount doesn't fire when I dothat bastidrazor16:03
bibic682I like the older desktop16:03
bastidrazor!find kbibtex | Oins16:04
ubottuOins: File kbibtex found in gnome-icon-theme-gartoon-redux16:04
Oinsbastidrazor: nice, only the icon is left? :D16:04
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bastidrazorOins: it appears that way.16:07
eddy_000Hey can someone help me plz :D i got a bit further16:08
MrUnagiI use to like kubuntu over ubuntu16:08
eddy_000The requested URL /phpmyadmin/ was not found on this server.  WTF16:08
MrUnagiBut since unity, I like ubuntu better16:08
eddy_000And ubuntu console says cannot install phpmyadmin latest version installed :S16:08
bastidrazorOins: kbibtex is in precise but not 11.10. weird16:08
eddy_000mind = blown16:08
jbrksI need help with ssh, can someone help me?16:09
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MonkeyDusteddy_000  type apt-cache policy [phpmyadmin package name]16:09
Oinsbastidrazor: yes, have seen this at this moment. very weird16:09
Oinsbut why? is there a reason?16:09
MrUnagijbrks: What's the issue16:09
MrUnagibastidrazor  mount /dev/nbd0p2 /media/foo doesn't work in rc.local16:10
OinsIts in 11.04, 12.04 but not in 11.10 :(16:10
bastidrazorOins: i do not know the answer.16:10
realuscan anyone tell me how to install polkit directly from terminal ??16:10
MrUnagibastidrazor: mount /dev/nbd0p2 /media/foo doesn't work in rc.local16:10
MrUnagiAm I doing something wrong16:10
bastidrazorMrUnagi: you need the full path of mount16:10
MrUnagiFull path?16:10
bastidrazorMrUnagi: /bin/mount /dev...16:10
mneptokeddy_000: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/phpMyAdmin16:11
Oinsbastidrazor: anyway. thanks for your help16:11
bastidrazorOins: yeah, good luck :)16:11
MonkeyDust!pm| eddy_00016:12
ubottueddy_000: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.16:12
familycan someone take a quick look as this instll compile, why does it not work as the readme says.. http://imagebin.org/20788116:12
paulus68I want to load a preseed file  before installing my server however I am not able to get into cli how do I achieve this? with an alternate install cd or is there another solution?16:12
MrUnagiIs it strange for someone to ask you to SSH to their computer?16:13
realusanyone has polkit installed?16:14
MrUnagibastidrazor: Full path still didnt mount16:14
paulus68MrUnagi: it's not standard procedure :p16:14
MrUnagipaulus68: Didn't think so lol16:15
* jbrks jbrks is ~online@modemcable192.189-178-173.mc.videotron.ca * jb16:15
paulus68MrUnagi: do you have any idea how to start the server installation from the commandline?16:15
eddy_000Can spomeone please tell me where phpmyadmin isntalls its self on unbunt?16:16
genii-around!tasksel | paulus6816:16
ubottupaulus68: Tasksel is a Debian/Ubuntu tool that installs multiple related packages as a co-ordinated "task" onto your system, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Tasksel for more information. Use tasksel only to INSTALL tasks, not to remove them. It will remove every package listed within the removed task! see https://launchpad.net/bugs/57428716:16
MonkeyDustpaulus68  try tasksel (task select)16:17
MrUnagimount /dev/nbd0p2 /media/foo doesn't work in rc.local  any ideas why16:17
mneptokeddy_000: did you add the include directive to Apache's config?16:17
eddy_000no whats this?16:18
eddy_000i did eactly what the tutorial told me to do16:18
eddy_000and that wasnt there16:18
mneptokeddy_000: it's advice i gave you 10 minutes ago that you seem to be ignoring.16:18
jbshow do i uninstall unity16:18
mneptokeddy_000: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/phpMyAdmin16:18
MonkeyDust!nounity| jbs16:18
ubottujbs: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic16:18
eddy_000ill click that now16:18
=== donavan_away is now known as donavan01
jbrksI'll ask publicly, whoever wants to test my ssh prompt because I can't test it from the outside can pm me instead of harrasing me publicly.. (because i cant test it from the wan point).. I know there are really good people out here. I helped someone test this so I thought i might ask the same..(if you have nothing good to say then don't insult me. Thanks.)16:19
jbsgnome3 is just as bad16:19
jbshow do i get gnome216:19
MonkeyDustjbs  unity is gnome3 with compiz16:19
jbsi just want gnome216:19
jpdsMonkeyDust: Err, that's not true.16:20
MonkeyDustjbs  gnome2 is no longer maintained or upgraded16:20
zykotick9jbs: gnome2 is dead (development wise).  xfce is popular alternative.16:20
mneptokjbs: not a long-term viable approach. GNOME2 is disappearing across distros.16:20
jpdsMonkeyDust: Unity and GNOME 3 are two completely different projects.16:20
jbsok i don't care about support. i just want gnome216:21
jbshow do i do that16:21
cortmanHi Nava_ open a terminal and type synclient16:21
jpdsjbs: Install 10.04.16:21
paulus68MonkeyDust: well I am familiar with that however I want to use a preseed file and the example sais that I have to use the server installation cd and as soon as the language prompt has come up you hit F6 and proceed from there16:21
Nava_Ok. doing it now16:21
jpdsjbs: But you'll have to move on at some point in the future, as noone maintains GNOME 2 code.16:21
cortmanNava_, does it return an error or give you a list of synclient commands?16:21
mneptokjbs: what do you do next year when not a single distro offers GNOME2?16:21
jbsi thought open source was supposed to be about choice?16:21
zykotick9jbs: use 10.04 if you need gnome2 over all else16:22
jpdsjbs: That has nothing to do with it.16:22
mneptokjbs: it is. start maintaining GNOME2. no one is stopping you.16:22
mneptokjbs: and there are more choices than something deprecated. try XFCE like zykotick9 suggested.16:23
green_nineanyone plays minecraft?16:23
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mneptok!away > n716:23
ubottun7, please see my private message16:23
familycan someone take a quick look as this instll compile, why does it not work as the readme says.. http://imagebin.org/20788116:24
Nava_k, back. Couldn't find synaptic properties. Nos synaptics driver loaded16:24
jpdsfamily: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-generic16:25
jpdsfamily: Is probably what you need.16:25
GirlyGirlIs there any application that can provide me an offline dictionarry and thesaurus?16:26
aggrav8dhi, ubuntu.  I'm getting a LOT of error emails about "unable to load mhash.so".  I found some google docs about deleting /etc/php5/conf.d/mhash.ini.  it didn't help.16:26
zykotick9family: what device is this it9135 for?  specifically, usb or some card?16:26
aggrav8dany ideas, please?16:26
jpdsGirlyGirl: aspell is installed by default?16:26
jbsaggrav8d, they'll just tell you to use python or something here16:26
cortmanNava_, run sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-input-synaptics16:27
familyzykotick9: TV Card16:27
jpdsjbs: Hi, please be constructive.16:27
aggrav8djbs - not really applicable.16:27
jbsi asked about gnome2 and just got nonsense16:27
familyzykotick9: USB TV Card16:27
GirlyGirljpds: Referring to definitions here16:27
GirlyGirljpds: Not spellcheck support16:27
aggrav8djbs - well did you sweet talk them first by saying thank you for all the great advice with the last problem you had?16:27
zykotick9family: USB :(  i can't help - good luck.16:27
oslinux23I have many many scanned pages that have black borders and I want to remove those. I found that unpaper can make that really easy16:27
aggrav8da pinch of sugar helps the medicine go down.16:27
familyzykotick9: USB TV Card16:27
familyzykotick9: Thanks anyway..16:28
jbrksfamily, probably it's an old driver source, you have anything more recent?16:28
familyjpds: i think it worked.16:28
jpdsfamily: Cool.16:29
oslinux23but I am unable to do that16:29
paulus68I want to load a preseed file  before installing my server however I am not able to get into cli how do I achieve this? with an alternate install cd or is there another solution?16:29
wyldeGirlyGirl: see http://paste.ubuntu.com/928161/ <-- for the output of apt-cache search english dictionary.16:29
mneptokaggrav8d: is PHP supposed to provide the mhash stuff you need?16:29
zykotick9paulus68: are you doing some multi-install roll out or something?  why use preseed?16:29
oslinux23I get the same output with the input file16:29
familyjpds: well now thats done. no error's do i need to install or did it do that as well16:29
cortmanNava_, if/when you post back, type cortm+TAB to address your post to me, otherwise I'll miss it.16:29
aggrav8dmneptok - i understand mhash has been integrated into the latest php so the external mhash is no longer needed.  unfortunately something still refers to it somewhere in the code, so when I ran apt-upgrade it kinda broke and now I get 20 emails a minute about a cron() task I can't even find.16:30
Nava_got it16:30
jpdsfamily: Carry on with the instructions.16:30
aggrav8d"PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib/php5/20090626+lfs/mhash.so' - /usr/lib/php5/20090626+lfs/mhash.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in Unknown on line 0"16:30
mneptokaggrav8d: see if installing the libmhash2 package helps.16:31
mneptokaggrav8d: PHP is calling a shared object that does not exist.16:31
familyjpds: well the next bit says to check /var/log/messages for errors.16:32
Nava_cortman: Processing was halted because there were too many errors. E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg retured an error code(1)16:32
familyjpds: that file does not exist.16:32
cortmanNava_, do you have an ubuntu forums account?16:32
jbrksfamily, where did you download the source code?16:32
mneptokaggrav8d: and seeing that PHP is looking within its own directory structure for it, it seems to be solely an issue with PHP.16:32
familyjpds: came on the cd with device.16:32
Nava_cortman: yes i do16:33
familyjbrks: came on cd with device16:33
cortmanNava_, start a thread and give me a link. Sounds like some other issues besides just touchpad.16:33
renard-Can't copy-paste between monitors in a dual-screen setup (single X) with 11.10/Unity, anybody knows why?16:33
oslinux23Who can help me this unpaper or pnm crop ?16:33
aggrav8dmneptok - libmhash2 already installed at latest version16:34
mneptokcortman: referring people to the forums renders IRC moot, no?16:34
zykotick9renard-: can you drag windows from one to the other?16:34
renard-zykotick9, yes16:34
zykotick9renard-: weird.  no idea.  good luck.16:34
mneptokaggrav8d: i'd ask around PHP places instead of Ubuntu places.16:34
aggrav8dmneptok -  i'll ask php and see what they say.16:34
paulus68zykotick9: Well I want to experiment with it and that's why I want to find out if this is what I want, might also be usefull for desktop installs16:34
cortmanmneptok, not at all. It appears this problem may be a little involved to just solve over IRC- I'll need command ouputs and othe rinfo.16:34
Nava_cortman: yea, most likely. these things  always seem to happen after upgrades16:34
jbrksfamily, it's old source code, i see other people mention it on forums.. try using the latest source code..16:34
mneptokcortman: it does not mean others cannot help.16:35
jpdsfamily: /var/log/dmesg16:35
renard-Tried some clipboard software such as Glippy, but Unity integration is broken16:35
jbrksfamily, btw, what's the device id from lspci or lsusb ?16:35
nothingspecialmneptok: Nope, we encourage forum users to try irc16:35
paulus68zykotick9: might also be tempted to create a pxe server although I am not certain if this can be installed on my current server16:35
realusfree vpn service providers ??16:35
cortmanmneptok, If you can solve it right now over IRC, you're more than welcome to! :)16:35
zykotick9paulus68: :) i've need reading the preseed documentation (looks pretty cool actually).  I'm going to play with it someday for sure (would make my installs REALLY fast to deploy).  Best of luck.16:35
familyjbrks: lsusb it's shown16:36
paulus68zykotick9: thx do you have any Idea how to launch the 11.10 server cd into cli?16:36
realusFound one: https://www.vpnreactor.com/linux_openvpn.html16:36
oCeanrealus: this channel is for ubuntu technical support only16:37
familyjpds: i stared again and the same error as in jpg was displayed16:37
zykotick9paulus68: you could boot the iso from grub2 perhaps.  you can't really "launch" the install.16:37
jbrksfamily, i'm guessing you mean 048d:9135 shows..16:37
zykotick9paulus68: the tasksel suggestions are as close to the installer as you16:37
zykotick9'll probably get16:37
oslinux23@oCean is there anyone who can help me with this http://unpaper.berlios.de/#overview ?16:38
familyjbrks:ID 048d:9005 Integrated Technology Express, Inc.16:38
mneptokcortman: i would, except there is no record of any original question.16:38
paulus68zykotick9: fair enough but why do they suggest the unattended setup? or does the alternate cd containst the required images to install the server from16:38
jbrksoslinux23, ocr stuff.. good luck16:39
oCeanoslinux23: I have no idea what your issue is. To be sure, describe it detailed in single line here in the channel16:39
oslinux23I have a many pages that have black borders16:39
oslinux23I want to crop those16:39
zykotick9paulus68: you might try the mini install (it might have preseed in the advanced options) [warning! pure speculation]16:39
familyjbrks:can you see newer drivers?16:39
zykotick9!mini | paulus6816:39
ubottupaulus68: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD16:39
AethelredI upgraded to Lucid (10.04) yesterday. I'm having video problems. The desktop launches fine, but I'm getting very slow and quirky behaviour. Compiz and workspaces and animations etc. all worked fine before. Is there someone here who can help me find the problem if I describe symptoms?16:40
cortmanmneptok, right. That's because I redirected Nava from the forums social channel, and said I'd help them out.16:40
mneptokcortman: you cannot get help with a question you never ask.16:40
paulus68zykotick9: only for desktop installs thanks anyway16:40
zykotick9Aethelred: 2 questions.  1) what did you upgrade from?  2) what video card?  "lspci | grep -i vga" if not sure.16:41
zykotick9paulus68: what's only for desktop installs?16:41
jbrksfamily, it says it's supported but from kernel 3.2 ( http://www.linuxtv.org/wiki/index.php/DVB-T_USB_Devices/Full )16:41
jbrksfamily, scratch that..16:41
zykotick9paulus68: mini isn't!  it's got everything available in it's tasksel (server, ubuntu, kubuntu, edubuntu, etc)16:41
oslinux23@oCean should I always tag specific people here in order to communicate ? :P16:42
Aethelredzykotick9: (1) from Karmic (9.10)  (2) Nvidia 8800GTS16:42
familyjbrks: is it supported then?16:42
jbrksfamily, i dont see the deviceid mentioned on that page, but someone on a forum referred to that post with your device, and tried the latest kernel with it..16:43
cortmanmneptok, sigh. Do I have to say "I was wrong, you were right" for everyone to be happy again? :S16:43
jbrksfamily, try kernel of at least 3.2.xx16:43
mneptokcortman: no, but my PayPal address is .... ;)16:43
Aethelredzykotick9: I was running Nvidia's driver before. It seems to still be used.16:43
cortmanmneptok, I promise I won't spam the channel with redirects to the forums. :)16:43
zykotick9Aethelred: by nvidia's driver do you mean from nvidia.com?16:43
oCeanoslinux23: no need, just state your question, here in the channel. Someone who can help, will likely reply :)16:43
familyjbrks: umm that might be too advaned for me.16:44
jbrksfamily, this means you don't use need to use any other source code.. because the usbtv sourcecode should already be with the kernel3.2.xx16:44
Aethelredzykotick9: Yes.16:44
oslinux23@oCean thanks16:44
jbrksfamily, it may already be in your repos.. did u try apt-upgrading, or using the latest ubuntu?16:44
familyjbrks: easy to change kernal?16:44
zykotick9Aethelred: too bad.  I can't help then - good luck.16:44
jbrksfamily, kernels dont always replace, apt might add an option to the grub menu..16:45
aggrav8dmneptok - how do i purge a package?  http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=593266  suggests that purging the package will make the mhash error go away.16:45
ubottuDebian bug 593266 in php5 "php5 startup warning in cron output after removing (and not purging) package with php5 extension" [Normal,Fixed]16:45
jbrksfamily, oh.. so perhaps you may be on kernel3.0xx already..16:45
familyjbrks: ok, i will google it and come back if needed.16:45
familyjbrks: thanks16:46
Aethelredzykotick9: Is there something wrong with that driver?  ... or do you just not help with proprietary stuff?16:46
jbrksfamily, you'd need at least 3.2.xx16:46
zykotick9aggrav8d: "sudo apt-get purge foo"16:46
madohello everyone :)16:46
Aethelredzykotick9: Could you suggest an alternative?16:46
oslinux23I have many pnm scanned pages and they have black borders. I want to crop those. It seems that unpaper can help me, but I havent figure out how to do that. Any suggestions ?16:46
GirlyGirlwylde: Nevermind, kthesaurus does what I need16:46
wyldeGirlyGirl: alrighty.16:46
zykotick9Aethelred: :) i was going to make an exception to my upgrade issues run for you (because it's lucid).  AND i have used that exact same model nvidia 8800 since lucid in my machine!  BUT, as soon as an nvidia.com driver has been installed on a system - i won't touch that system, i consider installing a 3rd party driver like that a "sin" sorry.16:48
madoI don't know if this sounds strange, weird in your ears but i was wondering ... ... ... Can you tell me, show me, help me find one, suggest one, etc ... a new desktop pc ... for playing games (some on ms windows ... some i will try on ubuntu) , office-work, internet and such stuff?16:48
Aethelredzykotick9: Well I won't condemn a person for their religious beliefs. Perhaps you know of someone else who might offer assistance?16:49
MonkeyDustmado  better ask in #ubuntu-offtopic16:49
johnfghi again folks16:49
madothank you MonkeyDust :)16:49
johnfgHad to get to the office.  So, I'm at a root prompt in the server, and gdm is installed, but no session.16:49
zykotick9Aethelred: wait a little while, then restate your issue with as much details as possible to the channel.  good luck man.16:50
johnfgIf I want a gui desktop, what's a good one to install?16:50
Nava_cortman: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11841381#post1184138116:50
madoi'd say it depends on what you'd like johnfg16:50
MonkeyDustjohnfg  a lot of people have just entered while you were away, repeat your question from the beginning, what you did and tried etc16:51
johnfgmado, Since I can't see what's available, and I'm used to gnome2 & 3, xfce, what's recommended?16:51
=== Guest12807 is now known as Cain
CQjohnfg: sudo apt-get install gnome-session-fallback ... gets you teh plain gnome3 desktop16:51
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madohmmm ... under ubuntu ... many are available as far as i know (last time i was playing around a bit with LXDE :) )16:51
johnfgMonkeyDust, ok, I mistakenly installed gdm in a fresh install of server 11.10.  I had meant to install mouse support, i.e., gpm.16:52
Aethelredzykotick9: Thank you.16:52
madoin a few days i will take a look on gnome316:52
johnfgmado, Can you tell me the pkg name for lxde?16:52
wylde!info lxde16:53
ubottulxde (source: lxde-common): Meta-package for the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.0-4ubuntu3 (oneiric), package size 5 kB, installed size 36 kB16:53
johnfgYeah, just lxde didn't work.16:53
madomaybe it's lubuntu-desktop? *thinking*16:53
madoit's been a while ... and i'm currently on this windoze-laptop :(16:54
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wyldemado: I think you're right.16:54
madosudo apt-cache search <>16:54
blitzhow do I add cp437 encoding to my terminal? I don't see it in the available encodings list16:54
madoi'd use that johnfg16:54
wylde!info lubuntu-desktop16:54
ubottulubuntu-desktop (source: lubuntu-meta): Lubuntu Desktop environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.28 (oneiric), package size 1 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; powerpc; ia64; sparc; lpia; armel)16:54
zykotick9mado: fyi you don't need sudo for apt-cache (save some typing)16:55
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madozykotick9, thank you :) ... didn't know that for sure ... you see ... i'm just a beginner with computers and all that :)16:55
johnfgAnd now, when I boot in recovery mode, the net's not configured, so I can't install it.16:56
zykotick9mado: don't use sudo unless you need to.  BUT, apt-cache is tricky ;)  many advanced users use sudo for it.16:57
wyldemado: it's best to try first if not sure without sudo. Using sudo when not needed can cause issues with your system, eg. typos with root permissions can have nasty side effects. :)16:57
johnfgmado, But you were thinking that the name of the pkg was lubuntu-desktop?16:57
madoyes i thought so johnfg16:58
zykotick9johnfg: the lubuntu-desktop package will contain more packages then the xfce package (will lead to duplications of some apps, which you may or maynot want?)16:58
madowylde, and zykotick9 ... thank you for that info :)16:58
johnfgzykotick9, You know what the package is for xfce?17:01
zykotick9johnfg: xfce4 probably17:01
zykotick9!info xfce417:01
ubottuxfce4 (source: xfce4): Meta-package for the Xfce Lightweight Desktop Environment. In component universe, is optional. Version (oneiric), package size 5 kB, installed size 40 kB17:01
Bndrrsomeone can help me to install Lineage 2 in ubuntu please ?¿17:02
johnfgOk, I'm removing gdm and will then see about installing the xfce4 after a clean boot.17:02
johnfgI assume if lightdm isn't installed that the xfce4 will grab it?17:02
zykotick9johnfg: probably not.  manually install lightdm will probably be required.17:03
zykotick9johnfg: or startx ;)17:03
johnfgstartx probably have less overhead?17:04
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zykotick9johnfg: sure does.  do you have wireless on this system?17:04
zykotick9johnfg: you'll probably need gdm/lightdm then :(17:05
familyjbrks:do you know of any software to test tv card in linux?17:05
Aethelredzykotick9: I'm (slowly) delving in to this and it seems my driver is part of the Ubuntu repos. It's in Synaptic, with the little ubuntu symbol and everything:  nvidia-current   195.36.24-0ubuntu1~10.04.217:06
Aethelredzykotick9: Can we go on a date now?   :)17:06
zykotick9Aethelred: nope sorry.  the issue i have is there is no way to be sure the nvidia.com driver didn't change something on the system - and the system is unable to remove said changes.  so, as soon as that nvidia.com driver gets install, i consider it a compromised/unstable system.  sorry man.  but best of luck!  try reinstall the driver from "additional drivers" or whatever and reboot.17:08
aggrav8dzykotick9 - thanks for the purge tip.  worked great!  sudo dpkg -P php5-mhash  fixed the 2500 error emails I got in the last 10 minutes.17:08
Bndrrhow can I see my memory with terminal ?? i need the command17:08
mneptokBndrr: free -m17:09
veinosAnyone knows how to set up different wall paper on dual monitor setup/ 4 virtual desktop setup ? I'm using ubuntu 12.0417:09
veinosI've seen a video where that seemed possible, is it implemented yet?17:10
zykotick9veinos: reask in #ubuntu+117:10
Aethelredzykotick9: Ok.17:10
veinosalready did :) but its dead there for now, so i tried my luck here17:10
veinosbeing googling for hours trying to find any info on that17:11
zykotick9veinos: by choosing to run 12.04 now, you "choose" not to get support here :|  downside of beta ;)17:11
veinoshehe fair enough17:11
familyanyone know of any software to test tv card in linux?17:11
veinosbut then, it isn't possible in 11.x  right?17:11
veinosfamily, I've seen some nvidia apps in the software center for the tv tuner, if that's the brand u use17:12
jbrkscan someone test the wan side of my network?17:14
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zykotick9veinos: (you need to check what dependencies this will install!  if it's all of mythtv then i'd suggest NOT doing it!) you could try installing mythbuntu-control-centre for a GUI tool to setting up TV cards.17:16
zykotick9family: ^^17:16
wadI need to run a command when I shutdown my machine. Is there a way to set up a shellscript that will be run when I press the power button? I've got my laptop configured so that pressing the power button shuts down.17:16
wad(I've got a headless VirtualBox linux image that sometimes runs, and I'd like it to cleanly exit when I tell my laptop to power down.)17:17
zykotick9wad: MAN i wish VBox had better integration for that!17:17
wadzykotick9, yeah. I've got a little script that I run, "vmoff", that just ssh's in and does "sudo init 0". I figure I can just run that, sleep for a few seconds, and it will be good.17:18
xslhello all17:18
_255I am trying to fix my computer to boot from cd in order to install Ubuntu, could someone help me to figure out how to make it work please?17:18
xslis it ok to install basket in unity ?17:19
veinos_255, you either have to hit some key at bootup (F8 on my asus motherboard) to select the booting device17:19
veinosor to enter bios and set your primary booting device in there17:20
pipipohi, anyone knows what can draw on top of the desktop with transparency, like it does when dragging a window to the sides?17:22
pipipowhich lib, cairo?17:22
xslguys is it ok to install basket in unity, it asks for alot of kde libs17:23
Flyinghey guys, I'm trying to run an Ubuntu live USB but my computer's bios only support USB-FDD. The optical diskdrive doesn't work, and it's a faily old version of ubuntu I am trying to update. Anything I can do??17:24
compdocyou can copy it to a usb flash drive. would that work?17:25
Flyingcompdoc, what do you mean?17:25
compdocput the installer on a usb stick17:26
Flyinghow does that make it bootable?17:26
compdocthats what I was asking - can you boot from a flash drive?17:26
xworld__hai Guys , anyone know how to connect iphone 3gs in ubuntu 11.1017:27
Flyingno because my computer's bios only support USB-FDD. Pendrivelinux says it doesn't support USB-FDD17:27
ubottufrancesco_: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».17:27
KanerixFlying: is there a USB-HDD option?17:28
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FlyingKanerix, no there isn't. The computer I have is an HP Pavilion 304w, it's really old.17:29
KanerixI don't memorize computer models and their BIOS setups, believe it or not17:29
FlyingKanerix, I am also unable to download an update because I can't get into any OS17:29
compdocsometimes, there are bios updates that add features17:29
johnfgI'm bugged.  I installed lightdm and xfce4 with no errors.  However, even thought I'm seeing the lightdm at login, and with me as a user, after entering my password I still get the error, Failed to load session ubuntu :-(17:29
johnfgWhat am I missing?17:30
KanerixFlying, often times there's an option that says something along the lines of "Allow booting of other devices"17:30
FlyingKanerix, I don' expect for you to memorize it in the least bit. I was just giving you information in case it would help.17:30
Kanerixthen you can disable your hard drives and let it try to boot17:30
KanerixIn the end, there's no way to compensate for a BIOS that can't boot the device that you're trying to17:31
despe70I'm using rsyslog to log my messages. I've just added a rule to catch those of postgresql to be logged to a separate file. Works fine, but all messages are logged twice now, once in the file and once in the /var/log/messages ... how can I prevent that?17:31
lmsenswhy does ubuntu loses touchad17:31
lmsenspsmouse serio1: TouchPad at isa0060/serio1/input0 lost synchronization, throwing 2 bytes away.17:31
Flyingwhat I did was enter the bios and the boot order to all USB, and it didn't detect it. then I tried the same with CD-ROM which didn't work, so I'm like damnnit17:31
lmsensI want my bytes back17:32
andre_plI'm trying to install 12.04 beta 2. I've done 2 clean installs, and both times I end with a login screen that wraps horribly across my 2 monitors, and then just hangs there with nothing but a wallpaper after I try to log in17:32
StepNjumpmy mouse is connected on a USB router, since a few days, I keep having to unplug it and then replug it in a different port in order to revive my mouse. Any idea why this happens?17:32
andre_plthe live environment is awesome, works perfectly, but as soon as I do first boot its just screwed17:32
KanerixFlying, that's not what I'm saying17:32
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StepNjumpeven an application no longer runs. This is very weird...17:33
FlyingI understand, but is there a way to make a live usb with FDD capabilities, or are they all ZIP/HDD?17:33
johnfgAny ideas on the failed to load session "ubuntu"?17:33
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Flyingor is there a way to update bios without an OS? (like downloading them to a removable media?)17:35
johnfggoogling the error isn't producing anything very helpful.17:35
FlyingKanerix, because here's the thing, it will load past grub, to the ubuntu OS loading screen, then it just goes blank17:36
compdocFlying, that could be a siple setting17:36
KanerixWell that's not a bios problem dude17:36
david-goodgerI'm unable to build a program (http://burrtools.sf.net). It needs OpenGL, I have Mesa installed, but ./compile tells me "checking for OpenGL... yes17:37
david-goodgerconfigure: error: no openGL found, openGL is needed for burrtools"17:37
david-goodgerAny pointers?17:37
david-goodgersorry, ./configure, not ./compile17:37
Flyingcompdoc, meaning? How could I go about fixing it, hpefully??17:37
KanerixFlying, try adding "nomodeset" to the kernel options for ubuntu17:37
Kanerixit's probably that the kernel is setting a video mode that your video card doesn't like17:37
FlyingKanerix, how do I do that? Do I need to run the command17:37
Kanerixwhich has absolutely nothing to do with the bios17:37
FlyingI know, I was trying to do a clean install through USB, which was why I was tryna mess with the bios17:38
Fyodorovna!nomodeset > Flying17:38
ubottuFlying, please see my private message17:38
KanerixI don't remember Ubuntu's bootloader implementation >_>17:38
compdocgoogle nomodeset17:38
KanerixFyodorovna, thanks17:38
Fyodorovnakandinski, no problem.17:39
Flyingthanks Fyodorovna17:39
andre_plFlying: did you set it to login automatically? sorry for jumping in but our problems could be similar i get nothing after logging in. but not a blank screen, just a hanging wallpaper17:39
Kanerixdavid-goodger, that's funky17:39
Flyingandre_pl, no I don't after the ubuntu screen it just goes black and leaves it there17:40
KanerixFlying, yeah that's the symptom that nomodeset should fix17:40
compdocFlying, yeah, common problem17:40
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter17:40
compdocits a parameter? I didnt think it was that serious17:41
FlyingI'll check that out, thankfully I've got a couple of PC's so I can make it work17:41
Kanerixyeah you just add it to the kernel options line17:41
FlyingI dont even know what a parameter is17:41
Kanerixsimple really17:41
MrWGWhey there, I'm still running 10.10 and want to keep running it due to the horror of later releases17:41
MrWGWanyway I can disable those annoying "your release is unsupported" popups?17:41
FlyingKanarix, is how to add it to the kernel options line n that ubuntuforums thread?17:41
compdocMrWGW, yes17:42
jbrksanybody knows what i can do to prevent my network card from going to sleep? (but the rest of the machine can)17:42
MrWGWmainly due to Unity et cetera, I'm sure you hear that a lot17:42
KanerixFlying, I didn't click it. Did you?17:42
Guest59506I need to run a command to make this bootable usb work but I get an error http://paste.ubuntu.com/928260/17:42
jbrksKanerix, i did. <click>17:42
* Kanerix is how it's spelled17:42
Flyingnot yes, I've been reading what you guys have been saying for help. I really appreciate it17:42
* jbrks clicked it17:43
compdocdont be clicking on my screen - its delicate17:43
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Flyinggonna read it over, I just didn't want to miss any info here17:43
KanerixFlying, there's a nice graphical rundown of it on that forum post =p17:43
KanerixGuest59506, mount /dev/sdc1 to /media/sdc117:44
kreativeI am running a mac server ( lets say on local.domain.com and the server resolves the the mac wiki and what not from public requests for local.domain.com. I am also running a ubuntu bridged (apologies i wrote nat previously) virtualized server ( and would like it to resolve to server.local.domain.com.17:44
Flyingthe only thing is, the ubuntu version I have is 8.04, think it'd be a problem17:44
Guest59506Kanerix, do I  cd mount /dev/sdc117:45
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KanerixGuest59506, mount /dev/sdc1 /media/sdc117:46
jbrkskreative, make it simpler.. make a zone 'localdomain' and go down one child namespace.. like a.localdomain  (or if u prefer domain.com that's fine, but don't go so far as server.local.domain.dom, it's too far -- server.domain.com would be easier)17:46
Flyingcan someone direct me to a how-to on how to set nomodeset on an outdate version of ubuntu (8.04)?17:50
KanerixFlying, did you try the things that the forum post mentioned?17:50
jbrksFlying, you mean kernelmodesetting (kms).. kms is pretty new, it wouldnt be on 8.0417:50
Kanerixregardless of version, it's still valid17:50
Kanerixjbrks, really? I thought it had been around for a while17:51
FlyingKenarix, I don't have a graphical interface when I try to.17:51
KanerixFlying, please stop misspelling my name. It's quite annoying17:51
trismdavid-goodger: check out config.log and search for "no openGL found", if you scroll up a little bit you will see the error, for me it was "cannot find -lXmu", so I needed libxmu-dev as well (so, their configure script is kind of broken)17:51
FlyingKanerix, sorry, I'm (no shit) dyslexic17:52
Kanerixauto-complete is your friend17:52
david-goodgertrism: thanks, will do!17:52
KanerixI don't have any experience in older ubuntu stuffs17:52
KanerixWhy not upgrade?17:53
rasheeddoes htc cell phones work with ubuntu17:53
jbrksKanerix, you don't want that. Older ubuntu's have security issues, I see no point looking back..17:53
Flyingbbecause I don't know how to upgrade without a CD, a USB, or actually being inside the OS17:53
Kanerixjbrks, hah okay17:53
KanerixIsn't there a way to force it to run in VESA mode>17:54
FlyingI'm not very well versed with Linux, and a lot of the jargon used by the techies honestly just confuses me. It looks like chinese to me17:54
jbrksKanerix, also older X didnt do autoconfiguration as good now. For eg: in the past you needed an xorg.conf file, now X doesnt need one at all and dynamically can detect hardware much better.17:55
Flyinglike, I have no idea what it means to run it in VESA mode17:55
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Kanerixjbrks, I have experience with older linux, just not older ubuntu. I miss the days of xorg.conf actually17:55
jbrksKanerix, I say use virtualbox and do whatever the hell you like17:56
Flyinghow can I upgrade my current version, in the most noobfriendly way to a more recent one without actually going in the OS? can I do it through recovery? can I do it through the command line?17:57
KanerixKanerix, um why would I need to? I was talking about not having experience for helping Flying. I have no interest in running old Ubuntu and I'm not quite sure why you think I need it17:57
Kanerixthat was to jbrks17:57
FlyingI'm just at a loss17:57
jbrksKanerix is a noob17:58
KanerixFlying, well there's actually a way to highjack the running bootloader to boot USB, but it's not very friendly17:58
Kanerixjbrks, um, no17:58
Kanerixvery much not17:58
erselhi all17:58
Kanerixjbrks, don't mistake lack of experience with ubuntu for lack of experience with linux. I've been using opensuse for over a decade =p17:59
jbrksI dont think opensuse was out that long17:59
jbrksyou really are making things up.. but nways.. get the topics rolling people18:00
Kanerixjbrks, wow, really dude?18:01
Kanerixjbrks, congrats on being that ignorant18:01
jbrksopensuse was out for 5 years, not over a decade.18:01
* jbrks ends noob discussion18:02
KanerixTry 199418:02
KanerixYou really aren't getting it, are you18:02
Flyingok, jbrks I have Ubuntu 8.04 installed on my computer. Since I can't do nomodeset on it for the reason you stated above and I'd like to upgrade anyway (but can't because I am unable to boot from USB/CD and I get a black screen after the Ubuntu load screen). Is there any way that I can do this either in recovery mode, or through the command line "press C for command" (as I get this option in my grub menu)? If so, can you please give me18:03
Flyingreally, all I want is someone to help me... and I get many suggestions that just confuse me a lot more and never really solve anything :/18:04
GirlyGirlKanerix: Suse was out for a longtime. But OpenSuse is a recent thing18:04
compdoc8.04 is quite old and does not support newer hardware as well. dump it18:04
KanerixGirlyGirl, yeah, it's habit to type opensuse. I started on SuSE 7.3, technically18:04
jbrksFlying, people here don't even know what you're asking. Maybe the video hardware is kaput.. did you try hardware tests/memory tests?18:05
Kanerixcompdoc, he's trying to. He can't boot a live disk of any sort, and the hard drive only has 8.04 on it18:05
Flyingjbrks, yes I did.18:05
Flyingno errors18:05
david-goodgertrism: success with BurrTools, thanks!18:05
jbrksFlying, I won't help anybody with a ubuntu that old.. upgrade18:05
trismdavid-goodger: excellent, you're welcome18:06
KanerixFlying, the problem is that you have to edit the GRUB boot parameters to tell it to boot a live disk instead of what's installed on the hard drive18:06
FlyingWELL NO SHIT....18:06
FlyingIm asking for the command to upgrade18:06
FloodBot1Flying: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:06
Guest59506Someone take a look and tell me where I'm going wrong http://paste.ubuntu.com/928280/18:06
KanerixFlying: I'm trying to help you. Calm down please18:06
pangolin!language | Flying18:06
ubottuFlying: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.18:06
jbrksKanerix, upgrade with a cd or usb, make it easier for recovery18:06
KanerixGuest59506, why did you completely screw up the command I gave you?18:07
Flyingjbrks, dude just shut up, You don't know what my problem is and you can't help for anything. jesus18:07
jbrksKanerix, so get a new cd drive if you have to.. I can't guarantee it'll be problem free18:07
Guest59506I also tried yours18:07
FlyingI've said like 4 times I can't boot from CD or USB18:07
Flyingand I cant get into my OS18:07
KanerixGuest59506, no, you didn't. You put "cd" in front of it18:07
KanerixFlying, I don't think he realizes that you and I are different people18:08
jbrksFlying, then ask your friend for the password. You've used enough profanities on me. Bye.18:08
roastedQuestion - Unable to start DHCP Server on 10.04... No error when I start the service, but it still brings up a - instead of + when I do service --status-all. /etc/defaults is listed for eth0 and eth1 (the NICs in use for DHCP), but still no further luck. Any idea?18:08
fellayaboyis there a way i could use ssh a key file instead of a password  to authenicate my ssh connection18:08
Flyingyou're still retarded, I'm putting you on my ignore list.18:08
KanerixFlying: okay how many drives do you have in this machine? I know you have a hard drive and an optical drive, right?18:08
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mneptokFlying: have you tried either booting with -nosplash or just seeing if you can get to a TTY after a little while? while GUI stuff may be broken, the CLI is probably still around.18:08
mneptokand that's the end of that.18:09
KanerixI was trying to help him -_-18:09
MonkeyDustFlying  if you have more than one pc, you can ssh to your not-working pc and try to repair from there18:09
Tom5_how the hell does freenode not have a java channel?18:09
KanerixMonkeyDust, he's banned =/18:09
Kanerixfellayaboy, it is possible, but I'm not sure how to configure it18:09
mneptokTom5_: ##java18:10
fellayaboydo u nkow a website atleast18:10
cccangelis there a PPA for Wine 1.5? the wine1.3 (which should point to rolling releases) now references stable wine1.418:10
MonkeyDustTom5_  that's double #18:10
sharkmonkeyxfce4-power-manager only works for me if i launch it as root. Is there some group or something I need to be a member of for it to be able to suspend/hibernate and whatnot?18:11
mneptokfellayaboy: you configure the sshd to accept keys (and maybe only keys) and then put the public key in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys18:11
Kanerixfellayaboy, google ;)18:11
fellayaboyok i just have to figure out how to generate a keyh18:11
mneptokfellayaboy: ssh-keygen18:12
KanerixGuest59506, sudo mkdir /media/sdc118:12
Kanerixthen try it again18:12
trismcccangel: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-wine/+archive/ppa18:12
fellayaboythanks menptok18:12
fellayaboymneptok wheres the sshd.conf file in ubuntu 11.10?18:12
mneptokfellayaboy: /etc/ssh/sshd_config18:13
MonkeyDustfellayaboy  use locate sshd to find out18:13
sharkmonkeymaybe i need to do something with policy kit?18:14
fellayaboymneptok i see just ssh_config thats fine right?18:14
mneptokfellayaboy: no18:14
mneptokfellayaboy: ssh is not the same as sshd18:15
mneptokfellayaboy: is sshd installed on that machine?18:15
fellayaboyMonkeydust i shoudl use locate sshd in terminal? i did and i didnt get that18:15
foxbuntuanyone ever used nmcli to connect to a wireless network? I figured out 90% of the command to do it but dont know what is supposed to be the con id for the wireless card18:15
jrib_iron: you really want to make sure he's unbanned huh...18:15
jribikonia: *18:15
fellayaboymneptok i realldy dont know18:15
fellayaboyhow do i find out mneptok18:15
ikoniajrib: foolish18:15
fellayaboyoh ok..i put locate sshd and i got nothing in terminal18:16
zykotick9fellayaboy: "apt-get install ssh" will work, or openssh-server18:16
jribfellayaboy: if you haven't installed it, it's not installed18:16
mneptokfellayaboy: well, if you want an ssh server, install the package. if it's already installed, the package manager will tell you18:16
fellayaboyi just have the client18:16
phelevenOne of my 10.04 systems had an update this morning (likely delayed for a few days or weeks by the user) kill the Nvidia drivers (Nvidia Kernel module failed to load). Nothing exciting happened to cause it, as far as I can tell. The user is running the standard 2.6.32-40-generic kernel, and i reinstalled the nvidia drivers (they built against the correct kernel). It seems that the update installed the noveau drivers, which I removed prior to reinstalling18:16
pheleven the nvidia drivers... having no luck so far. Any suggestions?18:16
fellayaboyoh okay so stupid of me i have to go to the server18:16
fellayaboyim so dumb18:16
fellayaboyok mneptok i got it18:17
fellayaboymneptok what should i configure on sshd.confg18:18
mneptokfellayaboy: you should open the file as the root user in a text editor, and look through it and learn the settings. you'll see everything you want to know about keys and passphrases.18:19
paulus68ikonia: is there to your knowledge a way to start the 11.10 server cd with commandline (this should allow me to tell the installer to use the preseed file that I created18:20
ikoniapaulus68: you can't start a CD18:21
* mneptok pours icing on ikonia's cinnamon roll18:22
fellayaboythank u guys18:22
fellayaboyi appreciate mneptok18:22
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paulus68ikonia: meaning when the cd is in the cdrom drive booting up and tell the installer through the cli  where the preseed file is located18:23
ikoniapaulus68: it's more than that, as it's a squashed file system that decompresses and runs things from certain locations18:23
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paulus68ikonia: I used an example from this book prentice hall: the official Ubuntu server book 2010 2nd edition where it states that when the installation cd is booting up and gets to the screen where you can select the language you have to hit F6 in order to alter the standard preseed location18:27
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ikoniapaulus68: yes, and the key thing is "booting" so it's already decompressed, rather than running it as an executable as you want to do18:28
hplcdoes ReiserFS have any future? or one should go with ext4?18:29
ikoniahplc: ext4 is current and being developed18:29
KanerixSince Reiser murdered his wife, it's... unmaintained18:29
paulus68ikonia: sorry for the wrong explanation on my behalf the purpose is that I get the possibility to alter this18:29
Kanerixand yes, that's why18:29
ikoniapaulus68: no need to apologize, just explain what you need if I'm not understanding18:30
paulus68ikonia: hold on18:30
hplcwell it could have been a mistake, he perhaps intended to kill a process?18:30
ikoniaok, no more silly jokes please18:31
Kanerixkillall -9 wife18:31
Kanerixk hehe18:31
rotundnuthey guys need your help18:31
Kanerixask your question18:31
rotundnutinstalled ubuntu 12.04 daily build..running excellent, but how do i fucking revert this reverse scrolling thing? my touchpad is elantech18:32
ikoniarotundnut: you need to start to moderate your language18:32
ikoniarotundnut: it is totally uncalled for and not welcome18:32
sharkmonkeyCould  someone give me the output of "find /etc/polkit-1/ -type f -exec echo {} \; -exec cat {} \;" on a standard ubuntu install?18:33
hylianis there a way to directly access the ubuntu one music store via website? or do i have to use something like rhythmbox?18:33
rotundnutikonia: ok not saying again, but is there a way to revert this "natural scrolling"?18:33
ikoniarotundnut: no idea without checking18:34
Myrttirotundnut: also, #ubuntu+1 for 12.04 issues18:34
rotundnutok going there18:34
ubottuTesting... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use #test )18:39
paulus68it's getting slow here18:39
waxstoneshh you'll jinx it18:40
paulus68ikonia: on an alternate installation cd you have this option available didn't find it for the server installation cd18:41
tj2My laptop is running Ubuntu 10.10 and for some reason it is booting into tty1 instead of gnome.18:41
pickelssscan an upstart job with a instance not start on reboot?18:41
mraxiluscan anyone help me, my notifyosd notification appear to have stopped working...18:41
ikoniapaulus68: what option ?18:41
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ikoniapaulus68: bottom line is, you can't "boot" something from a running OS18:41
paulus68ikonia: to hit F6 hit escape and alter the location of the preseed file18:42
ikoniait won't work18:42
ikoniapaulus68: that is from a non-booted system18:42
ikoniapaulus68: you cannot "run" the cd from within a booted system18:42
paulus68ikonia: correct but on that line you can inform the installer that the preseed file is located on http://someplace/preseed.cfg and hit enter the setup is going to continue using the preseed file if it's correctly build up18:44
douglI had to reinstall windows on my dual boot ubuntu box and now my grub is gone - is there a way to recover grub?18:44
sstadougl: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows18:46
ikoniapaulus68: it's not going to work....try it,18:46
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)18:46
douglssta, thanks18:46
paulus68ikonia: check the image on page 87 from the pdf that I sent you in pm and I am sorry to inform you I was able to do exactly this using the alternate installation cd now only searching for a way to achieve this with the installation cd for ubuntu server18:47
ikoniapaulus68: great, then why are you asking for help if you know you can do it and know it works ?18:48
ikoniain honesty, I don't see the point of what you are doing, if you are booting a CD to point at a CD image, why not just install from the CD rather than an image on a disk18:49
ikoniayou've already got the working image if you are infact booting it18:49
paulus68ikonia: because I miss this particular option when I launch the server installation cd it goes directly to install the system and I don't have to my knowledge a way to alter the path of the preseed file location18:49
ikoniait seems like a flawd problem with a pointless fix18:49
ikoniapaulus68: right, so the server install doesn't allow it18:49
ikoniapaulus68: so there is your answer, that option is not there18:49
paulus68ikonia: the point is that I want to launch a unattended setup18:49
paulus68ikonia: and I am also looking into a pxe server18:50
ikoniapaulus68: launching a unattended setup is is different than pointing at an image of a cd18:50
paulus68ikonia: in order to achieve just that18:50
MonkeyDustsounds like a OEM setup to me18:50
mraxilusmy notifyosd notifications are not working lately can anyone help?18:50
paulus68ikonia: agreed that it's different and with the alternate cd it's working for the desktop envirement however would have liked to achieve this for the server aswell18:51
paulus68ikonia: I will experiment a little bit more with the preseed file for desktop thanks for your help and if you like the pdf just copy it :)18:53
speekeasyhey can anyone help me out with an issue im having with ubuntu 11.1018:53
ikoniapdf ?18:53
DeLorean731does 11.10 come with a utility to password protect (encrypt) a folder?18:53
paulus68ikonia: the link I sent you in pm18:53
ikoniaoh, I didn't see a pm18:53
ikoniaI'll have a read later18:53
sstaDeLorean731: you can encrypt a filesystem...don't think you can encrypt just a directory18:53
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:54
DeLorean731ssta: hmm... do you know of a third-party utility that isn't too hard to use?18:54
sstaDeLorean731: what you're looking to do can't be done.  Any third party utility will bundle the folder into a loopback mounted filesystem that's encrypted.18:55
debian_noobwhat utility should I use to repair a FAT filesystem on a microSD memory card?18:55
sstaDeLorean731: which is something you can already do yourself18:55
jbrksdebian_noob, what do you mean repair? undelete?18:56
genii-arounddebian_noob: dosfsck18:56
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debian_noobim getting CRC errors18:56
jbrksdebian_noob, there's things like e2fsck.vfat or similar.. ya. dosfsck18:56
sstaDeLorean731: see tools like encfs and cryptmount18:57
debian_noobdosfsck didnt work18:57
debian_noobi formatted it]18:57
debian_noobdeleted partition18:57
debian_noobused mkdosfs18:57
debian_noobin short, everything18:57
debian_noobis it safe to assume that the card is dying?18:58
diimdeephello why via apt-get available nginx/0.7.65 or tmux/1.1-1 when available 1.0.15 and 1.6 ? 10.04 by the way..18:59
jbrksdebian_noob, do you get errors in the log (type dmesg<enter>)18:59
sstadiimdeep: because 10.04 is 2 years old?19:00
Pici!latest | diimdeep19:00
ubottudiimdeep: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.19:00
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debian_noobjbrks, hold on a minute im running fsck again, will remount and tell you19:00
ludwin01how to sinchronyse ipod touch 2 gen via banshee19:00
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diimdeepssta: waht packages available for latest dictro ?19:01
sstadiimdeep: 12.04 is a long-term support release.  It's due the end of the month19:01
jbrksdebian_noob, try using the mountpoint, like -> find /mnt/mymountpoint,  if find says an error, then type dmesg19:01
Pici!info nginx precise19:01
ubottunginx (source: nginx): small, but very powerful and efficient web server and mail proxy. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.17-2 (precise), package size 5 kB, installed size 81 kB19:01
jbrksdebian_noob, using the find command like forces it to use the disk alot and see what happens19:02
diimdeepi see now19:02
debian_noobjbrks, reading isnt a problem19:02
debian_noobwriting is19:03
debian_noobafter writing a few MB, it stops19:03
ludwin01im using 10.04 lts distro, i need to sync an ipod touch19:03
jbrksdebian_noob, ok then see if there are any reset or hw messages related to the card in dmesg19:03
jbrksdebian_noob, u of course have things backed up? you should anyways..19:04
debian_noobjbrks, yes i do..but putting it back on the card is a pain..19:05
debian_noobi have to use windows and connect the phone in Samsung Kies mode19:05
debian_nooband strangely, i can write stuff onto it without problems19:06
debian_noobbut of course it is really slow19:06
jbrksdebian_noob, you sure you're writing to the card, and not to the built-in storage of the phone?19:06
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debian_noobjbrks, yes i'm sure19:07
jbrksdebian_noob, it may be certain parts of the card not workingn well.. try dumping the whole card to /dev/null19:07
jbrksdebian_noob, you dont need to mount it, just -> cat /dev/<the device>  >  /dev/null    and wait for it to finish..19:07
debian_noobwell, fsck.vfat is still running..19:07
jbrksdebian_noob, fsck.vfat doesnt see if it can read all the sectors19:08
debian_noobjbrks, yeah, but i better let it finish19:08
digitald2help me guys i have a printer that isnt supported but ubuntu Epson AcuLaser M120019:10
digitald2im desperate19:10
debian_noobjbrks, i used the -a option with fsck. would it be safe to Ctrl+C now?19:10
digitald2i can't continue with linux if my printer is not supported19:11
flamen7join #ubuntu-es-cafe19:11
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digitald2help me guys i have a printer that isnt supported but ubuntu Epson AcuLaser M120019:13
sstadigitald2: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11615257 (might be useful)19:14
digitald2i did that19:14
digitald2it doesn't work properly19:15
digitald2it has problems19:15
digitald2for example if i try to give more than one copies...19:15
FloodBot1Deneme123: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:16
Guest29925I've installed the beta version of Ubuntu 12.04. Now I'm trying to complete multimedia support. Streaming media won't work as before (10.04). I'm only using the totem-mozilla plugin and I've installed ubuntu-restricted-extras, w32codecs and non-free-codecs. Whenever I open an audio stream the totem-mozilla player displays visual effects which can't be disabled and no buttons are visible. Is this a known issue with the latest version19:17
Guest29925of totem/totem-mozilla? Here is a test stream: http://www.england.fm/ (liquidfm for example)19:17
digitald2help me guys i have a printer that isnt supported but ubuntu Epson AcuLaser M120019:17
Guest59506sudo mount /dev/sdc1 to /media/sdc1 http://paste.ubuntu.com/928402/19:18
Guest59506Did I liave something out of that command19:18
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compdocdont use 'to'19:19
compdocyou should google examples of the command19:19
digitald2can't print properly here19:20
digitald2have my windows 7 dvd on my hand and im ready to insert it to my cd drive19:21
guntbertGuest59506: the syntax is:   sudo mkdir /media/mydisk     and then       sudo mount /dev/sdc1 /media/mydisk19:21
sstadigitald2: if it's not supported, there's not much we can do19:22
Kanerixguntbert, man I told him that like an hour ago... sigh19:22
digitald2ssta , yes i understand but i just bought it19:23
digitald2and i'm not gonna buy a new one19:23
javierf_it's not possible anymore to download a video by saving the video file from tmp folder?19:23
digitald2i'd rather format to windows and forget this whole thing is more logical to me19:23
sstadigitald2: bring it back.  Google suggests it's possible to make it work albeit with some effort.  I've never used that printer so I dunno for sure19:23
sstadigitald2: you have to do whatever you have to do19:24
digitald2i have no choice19:24
EvilResistancedigitald2:  you may be able to find drivers if you google for em though19:24
digitald2and not much money19:24
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EvilResistancei know recommending google is bad, but still19:24
digitald2EvilRes i've googled it19:24
digitald2i got used to ubuntu was cool and safe19:25
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SomelauwIs there a way in nautilus to open a terminal in the current folder?19:25
sstadigitald2: you can dual boot if you want to.  I agree that sometimes the lack of easy driver support can be annoying.  Usually I look at all the positives and weight them up and stick to Linux myself.19:26
Guest29925Somelauw, install nautilus-open-terminal19:26
digitald2i believe you should choose an os only19:27
digitald2thank for your help19:27
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chaospsychexcan someone help me to install restricted drivers for wireless? i installed 10.10 from usb and i can't get them installed and they are on the usb19:27
SomelauwGuest29925: thanks19:27
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_255Hello guys!19:28
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Guest29925Somelauw, you're welcome19:28
digitald2i was stupid i bought a printer that isn't supported and i didn't even check if its compatible with linux .  my old inkjet printer was compatible19:28
_255When I try to boot from Ubuntu desktop installer cd this screen show up and I get stuck : http://imagebin.org/20793319:28
_255Could someone help me to figure out what does it means please?19:28
SomelauwProbably needs a reboot, since it isn't working yet.19:30
sstadigitald2: Linux should do better for drivers.  Sometimes it's the fault of the manufacturer and can't be helped.  I know that's not must consolation to you though :)19:30
digitald2dont buy from epson19:30
digitald2hp has better support19:30
guntbert!enter | digitald219:31
ubottudigitald2: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:31
ice_is it possible to mount ufs2 with write support in kernel.. sitting on a ubuntu 12 live cd and I can mount my ufs disks with option ro19:31
sstaI tend to only buy HP laser printers...preferably with onboard postscript support.  They Just Work :)19:31
Somelauwdigitald2: I have the same problem. Both my printer and scanner don't run under linux. Well, my printer actually works fine for black-white.19:31
digitald2i was stupid ... what i was thinking ?? (i guess only the price) i thought linux would support my printer it has support for many devices...19:32
digitald2im ungry19:33
digitald2thank you for your help bye bye and dont buy epson19:33
digitald2or lexmark19:33
TheFuzz4howdy, anyone in here a good kernel compiler expert?  I'm trying to compile the kernel for sisusbvga but after the kernel finished its compile I don't have a new .ko file in the drivers folder19:33
sstaTheFuzz4: that module is included in the standard Ubuntu kernel moduleset...no need to recompile19:35
TheFuzz4I had to recompile it in order for my usb device to be included19:36
TheFuzz4I'm trying to get a stupid USBVGA dongle to work lol19:36
realuswhen opening nexuiz, Couldn't find matching GLX visual Initializing Video Mode19:36
TheFuzz4I followed the guide here http://www.comerma.net/usb2vga_en.html19:37
loxsfolks, is there some sane way to enforce once and for all my grub splash + boot splash? I often install deinstall xubuntu-desktop and kubuntu-desktop and they always change my splashes19:38
loxsand searching on google mostly finds results from 2006 and refers packages that no more exist (like usplash)19:39
TheFuzz4I haven't done a grub splash in a long time19:39
Piciloxs: well, for updating your plymouth theme, you can use: sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth && sudo update-initramfs -u19:39
loxsPici, ah, it's called plymouth, thanks dude. you saved my day :)19:42
kaffienI need to identify which ethernet port is being used on a server.    how can i identify which is not being used?19:42
kaffiencan i turn off a eth1 so the link light goes out?19:43
mcb_kaffien: you can use mii-tools or ethtool, both will tell you if there is link UP.19:44
kaffientheres link up on both19:44
sstakaffien: sudo ifconfig eth1 down19:44
kaffieni need to find out which port is which and unplug the one i dont need19:44
kaffienbut its a critical application so i cant just unplug them both19:44
zykotick9realus: 1) do other 3d games work?  2) what graphics card do you use?19:46
realuszykotick9: haven't tried others yet19:47
realusI know it will work after i install the oneiric updates pack19:47
realuszykotick9:  total of 308 updates19:47
realusbut I want to know which on specifically is necessary to run the game19:48
realusdon't want to install all of them19:48
guntbert!enter > realus19:48
ubotturealus, please see my private message19:48
kaffienfigured it out19:48
kaffienethtool has a identify feature19:48
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realuszykotick9: which updates do I need to run the game ??19:49
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:49
J_ROUstupid ? here, well im new to linux...if i let my brother use my computer can he damage it without root pw? he is 619:51
TheFuzz4J_ROU, you should be fine19:51
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TheFuzz4as long as he doesn't spill a drink on it19:51
zykotick9J_ROU: create a new account19:51
J_ROUok lol19:51
J_ROUthanks Fuzz19:51
TheFuzz4and also do what zykotick9 said about a new account just for him19:52
TheFuzz4thats what I do with my 7 year old sone19:52
TheFuzz4err son*19:52
J_ROUok cool19:52
J_ROUhe never messed win7 up so that should of told me right there19:52
li0scan someone help me install a unity theme in ubuntu 11.10? i've been trying for five hours but i'm newbie in these matters19:52
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sstamadafaka: umm...if you say so.19:55
li0smadafaka, your posting a local ip address, we're not in your lan19:55
savagewow this is new.19:56
savagewell... hello all. i am new to the world of linux19:57
J_ROU_hello me 2 :)19:57
savageand i sure with just about every newbie, i have a problem19:57
realusWhich updates are necessary to run nexuiz ?19:58
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:58
zykotick9savage: post your question/issue with details all on one line for the channel to see (like !ask just said ;)19:58
a0lexhey, how to show processes in console20:00
zykotick9a0lex: "ps aux" is one way, top or htop is another20:00
bittinhttp://www.acc.umu.se/~tjoppen/files/pictures/revision2012/Song,%20bittin%20dancing.JPG :D20:00
a0lexthnx :)20:00
savageinstalled 10.04 just fine, on a partition. dual boot with windows 7, had it set up with windows loader first the grub2.  after playing with some android dev tool, it changed my grub version i think, it looks different anyway. upon reboot i get the new or different grub then if i choose i get windows loader then i have the choice to go back to grub again.  regardless of either grub i use to enter linux it wont boot, if i choose to boot 20:03
savagei have more info20:03
li0sI need some help guys ('n girls if so) to install this theme in ubuntu unity 11.10 http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/A+New+Start?content=12843120:04
savagei put in the live cd to see if i can fix the issue and it comes up with "NO ROOT DIRECTORY FOUND, PLEASE FIX IN PARTITION MANAGER"20:05
roastedQuestion - is there any way to create a custom entry on the LightDM login screen? It's a long story but I basically want the ability to select an option (perhaps another user, I don't know) that will run a terminal command, and then reset the login screen as if it was a fresh boot. Any idea?20:05
CrellHi folks.  I'm using Ubuntu 11.10 and trying to mount an sshfs remote using this tutorial: http://www.howtoforge.com/mounting-remote-directories-with-sshfs-on-ubuntu-11.1020:07
li0sis there any tutorial on how to install themes in ubuntu unity 11.10 ?20:07
CrellIt seems to work fine, but only for root.20:07
CrellIs there no way to mount an sshfs remote and make it accessible to normal users?  I have the directory I'm mounting to owned by the user I want, but it's still not picking up.20:08
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sstaCrell: how exactly are you mounting it?20:08
zykotick9roasted: [just an idea] but solaris used to have a shutdown user, who's interpreter just pointed to the shutdown command.  perhaps you couse create a script with the command you need followed by a restart of you DM?  then create a user with that script as it's interpreter?  i'm sure there's a better way ;)  good luck though.20:08
TheFuzz4Crell, let me see if I can find the answer to that20:08
TheFuzz4I've fixed that before20:09
Crellssta: With sshfs, per section 3 on that tutorial.20:09
roastedzykotick9: ehh, I need this to be at the login screen, not shut down... we're running 11.04 on some laptops here (moving to 12.04 very soon), but sometimes the generic profiles we have on them get corrupt and won't log in. We go to log in and they just loop back to login, over, and over, and over.20:09
_255Any idas folks?20:09
roastedzykotick9: I set up a simple script on a flash drive I run under the local administrator account, which rm -rf's the home directory, recopies it from /etc/skel, and chown + chmod's it properly and it works great.20:10
CrellOh now this is interesting...20:10
sstaCrell: the tutorial seems massively xomplex.  It's as simple as: sshfs user@host:/path mountpoint/20:10
zykotick9roasted: that's what i'm suggesting.  when you log in as that user, it's going to run your script...20:10
savageIVE LOST ROOT DIRECTORY, can anyone point to a fix20:10
roastedzykotick9: I want to take that script, except add it as a login option via radio button... so if the teacher is having issues with a particular student, he/she can click, it runs, log in, bam done20:10
CrellTheFuzz4, ssta: If I run sshfs as my own user without sudo, it succeeds and mounts the directory but then root cannot access it.  JUST my user.20:10
CrellThat's bizarre.20:10
sstaCrell: you do NOT use sshfs as root (usually)...unless you have a good reason to20:10
roastedzykotick9: you're proposing run it EVERY time they boot up?20:10
sstaCrell: yes...that's how it should be.  Why would root want to access it?20:11
CrellDoesn't root get access to everything by definition?20:11
sstaCrell: only locally.  Not remotely20:11
noname120[Hi ! I've network issues with my broadcom 43xx wifi card : I've xubuntu and I installed the driver, the network manager of xubuntu don't show the wireless connections . I tried to install wicd but this can't find any network neither . But with backtrack, a bunch of wireless network are found and I can connect on them20:11
zykotick9roasted: no, only when you want/need to.  it won't be the default user in anyway - but there could be a choice for "RESET SYSTEM" as a user that would run whatever you need it to - then restart to DM, so the real user could then log in.20:11
sstaCrell: otherwise the fact that I'm root on THIS system would give me ownership of everyone's systems20:12
CrellHm.  OK, fair point.20:12
roastedzykotick9: hm, do you have any sort of link that might build on this a bit more? This is sounding like an attractive idea.20:12
roastedzykotick9: is there a proper name for this that I could Google?20:12
noname120Can anyone help me please ?20:12
sstaCrell: in general, just mount the sshfs again if more than one user needs it (it's the simplest way)20:13
zykotick9roasted: sorry - no idea!  i haven't tested this - but don't see why it wouldn't work ;)  good luck man.  PS. there might be a better way?20:13
* Crell nods.20:13
CrellOK.  Now to figure out why some mounts are working and others not. :-)20:13
jolahi. after a BSOD I can't boot windows anymore. grub says "error: no such device: B248C33048C2F261. error: no such disk". the BSOD said: DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL [...] NDIS.SYS [...], and when it occured I hadn't been starting any programs for quite a while, I was just writing an email in firefox when it suddenly happened. I'm dual booting windows xp and xubuntu. I'm on xubuntu now, the windows partition doesn't appear in Thunar (t20:13
jolahe file manager) either. but "fdisk -l" shows the partition (also marked as bootable). I want to use xubuntu to check for what's causing the issue but I don't know what it could be or what to test for and how. some driver screwed with the partition20:13
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zykotick9roasted: just creating the user "RESET SYSTEM" and have your script(s) called from the default autorun or session type thing might be even easier to setup.20:14
noname120I've network issues with my broadcom 43xx wifi card : I've xubuntu and I installed the driver, the network manager of xubuntu don't show the wireless connections . I tried to install wicd but this can't find any network neither . But with backtrack, a bunch of wireless network are found and I can connect on them . How can I fix it ?20:14
sstajola: sounds to me like your windows partition is toast.  You'll probably have to try using the windows CD to recover it20:15
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jolassta, oh no :(20:15
noname120Please help me !!    I've network issues with my broadcom 43xx wifi card : I've xubuntu and I installed the driver, the network manager of xubuntu don't show the wireless connections . I tried to install wicd but this can't find any network neither . But with backtrack, a bunch of wireless network are found and I can connect on them20:15
jolaI just moved to a new apartment and need my data, the new semester starts on monday20:16
Crellssta: OK, this is probably also "normal" but differs from my Mac experience.20:16
sstajola the windows CD might be able to recover the install20:16
jolassta, I don't know where it is20:16
CrellSymlinks in the remote file system are resolving relative to my local file system, not remote.20:16
noname120jola : then download it and burn it20:17
Crellaka, I cannot traverse them because the target path doesn't exist locally.20:17
sstajola: hmm, then I fear you're in trouble...20:17
thundxnoname120: upgrade to FreeBSD. Linux has been crap for video cards and 802.11 lately.20:17
zykotick9noname120: sounds like your missing firmware or something... have you followed !broadcom?20:17
zykotick9!broadcom | noname12020:17
ubottunoname120: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx20:17
sstajola: try the microsoft site, there might be an iso you can burn20:17
sstaCrell: they will if they are absolute paths.20:17
noname120jola : try the tpb site , there must be an iso to burn20:18
Crellssta: When I mount the same share on my Mac at work I do not get that.20:18
sstaCrell: I dunno how Mac does things20:18
jolanoname120, a normal xp install iso? or a special recovery cd iso?20:18
sstajola: the standard XP install iso has a recovery mode20:19
jolaand what commands should I run in the recovery console?20:19
noname120don't open the recovery console20:19
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents20:19
sstait's XP, it's all wizardy.  You say "try to recover" and then wait a few hours while it tries.  It will either work or not20:20
jolazykotick9, I asked there, they sent me here -.-20:20
noname120guys I can't find how to fix my problem with my broadcom 43xx wifi chip :/20:20
noname120Please help me20:20
jolassta, what can I do if that doesn't work? can I access the data from linux somehow? fdisk recognizes the partition, can I mount it?20:21
zykotick9!helpme > noname12020:21
ubottunoname120, please see my private message20:21
sstajola: you can try mounting it, yes20:21
rinzler!wifi > noname12020:21
jolassta, fdisk shows for it"/dev/sda2   *        9729       19456    78140160    7  HPFS/NTFS", but "sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sda2 /mnt" outputs: "NTFS signature is missing. Failed to mount '/dev/sda2': Invalid argument. The device '/dev/sda2' doesn't seem to have a valid NTFS."20:24
noname120guys : I don't understand these documentations: why does it work flawlessly in backtrack-linux or even windows with a single action but in ubuntu, we need 200 command to try to make it work and it's not sure. Is there no way to fix it without 200 lines of command line etc ?20:24
sstajola: hmm, looks like a dead filesystem.  Sorry20:24
thundxjola: looks like your disk is bad20:25
roastedzykotick9: oh okay... so I assume I just need to create a script, tag it to startup applications for "RESET SYSTEM", and that's it, eh? I guess I just need to tag at the end of the script "when complete, log out" etc?20:26
jolassta, thundx: but it's not physical, right?20:26
thundxnoname120: when you can explain why Linux has decades of Laptop support but no docking station support at all, then I'll tell you the mystery of why 802.11 is junk under Linux.20:27
zykotick9roasted: if you wanted to get fancy, your script could restart Xorg / DM.20:27
thundxYes, your physical disk probably has bad sectors.20:27
sstajola: probably not, but it's impossible to tell20:27
thundxdepending on the manufacturer, there might be a usable boot disk which can diagnose bad sectors20:27
roastedzykotick9: that may be best... for waht it's worth, if I add the script to startup applications that's just for THAT user, right?20:27
jolassta, how could I check?20:27
thundxIf you can find them, you may be able to skip them when you create new partitions.20:28
noname120"tell you the mystery of why 802.11 is junk under Linux." <-- I wanna fix it: why is ubuntu so crappy foe that ?20:28
ZeloZelosbad sectors are like cancer, it will get worse even if you find the sectors, i suggest replacing asap20:28
noname120*foe--> for20:28
_255I need help here please!20:28
zykotick9roasted: RIGHT!  only for that user.  (i think it would be ideal if you enter the password and there is no interaction, until the DM returns)20:28
thundxIt's not just Ubuntu. Linux, in general, has terribad WiFi support.20:29
sstajola: you can't without destroying the data.  THe only hope you have is rescue from a windows CD...but you might be completely hosed.  Sorry20:29
roastedthundx: I've never really had much of an issue with wifi, except for broadcom chips, and even they have been better in the last year.20:29
jolathe data of years of work are on that partition20:29
noname120thundx : works flawlessly on backtrack-linux :/20:29
roastedzykotick9: appreciate the input. thanks a lot!20:29
ZeloZelos256 ?20:29
noname120jola : some experts can retrieve your data but it'll cost you avout 100$20:29
thundxthat's because BT is a tool set designed specifically to work with mobile pen testing.20:29
bernkuubuntu and linux in gereanl, work greate with wifi20:30
roastedthundx: to the contrary, there's been times windows has magically dropped my wifi and never reconnected unless I remove the ssid and re-add it, whereas ubuntu works flawless. Gotta love technology...20:30
roastedanyway, I'm out. thanks!20:30
noname120thundx : too bad: what linux distrib that works with ubuntu packets does support this ?20:30
ZeloZelos_255: what is your question20:30
_255ZeloZelos, When I try to boot I got stuck on this screen : http://imagebin.org/20793320:30
_255ZeloZelos, I am trying to install ubuntu-11.10-desktop-i38620:31
thundxGeneral question: does Ubuntu have the same broken NetworkManager that Debian has? e.g.  wireless interfaces are unmanaged20:31
_255Have you ever seen such a thing?20:32
ZeloZelos_255: i have no idea what that ss is of, to follow, you inserted disk, booted from disk, ran live/ or not ran the installer?20:32
noname120_255 : describe the steps and where it bug20:32
_255ZeloZelos, I am booting from a toasted cd.20:32
ZeloZelos_255: toasted?20:32
snoHi, sendmail by default will try to deliver an email for up to five days, does anyone know how often it retries to send an email?  I can't seem to find that information?20:33
_255ZeloZelos, well, I used to have XP running but got borrowed about blue screen, then I installed this new Ubuntu 12 version which is completly full of bugs. I suspected this machine may be with some hardware issues.20:33
thundxnoname120: does your /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf have [ifupdown] managed=false?20:34
grendal-primehey anyone have any luck with netmrg ?20:34
_255Then I removed some drives and try to keep as few hardware as possible to start a investigation.20:34
thundxe.g. NetworkManager is not managing the wifi interface....20:34
ssta_255: 12.04 isn't released yet, it's still in beta...20:34
BersamHello everybody! i made a script (download list) with synaptic in ubuntu 10.04 ... can i use that for ubuntu 11.10? or apps in 11.10 is newer than lucid?20:34
ZeloZelos_255: that ss sort of reminds me of a system error, like the processor isnt functioning right or somehting, aaa, the big blue..ok...it probably is something to do with hardware, what machine, how old?20:35
_255ssta, yes, but when you go to www.ubuntu.com the first option is to download a beta version, quite hard to figure where is the old version.20:35
jolassta, noname120: and if recovery fails, can I at least format the partition if it can't be mounted, and then reinstall windows?20:35
thundx12.04 beta2 isn't too bad.20:35
_255ZeloZelos, not sure I know its a ADM processor and should be quite old already.20:35
ssta_255: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/download20:35
thundxjola: you familiar with dd ?20:36
_255ssta, yes, I already figured.20:36
noname120jola : better you try a file recovering tool before20:36
jolathundx, I only know that it does raw copy20:36
_255But I thing Ubuntu guys should avoid putting a beta version in such a hightlight20:36
sstajola: depends.  If the drive has hardware errors, might be better to get your data off it and replace it (I make a policy to bin a drive that doesn't feel reliable as soon as spossible...compared to losing data, drives are cheap)20:36
thundxif you have the free space, I'd try to dd the contents of the bad partition to a file. That way, if it happens to be that just the fstype sig is bad, you can edit it and mount it via loopback20:37
thundxif the dd won't complete, then you know for sure the drive is bad20:37
ZeloZelos_255: im almost positive thats saying that either there is bad memory, bad processor/controller or something else with the board. you will need to know the make/model to determine...that appears even if you dont have a disk in the drive right?20:37
jolathundx, but how can I copy from it if I can't mount it?20:37
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thundxyou can try this (assuming /dev/sda1 is windows): dd if=/dev/sda1 of=/dev/null bs=51220:37
eddy_000Help Please: error processing configuration file '/etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf'   ( PROFTPF)20:37
sstajola: dd if=/dev/sdX of=myFile bs=102420:37
sstathundx: umm, that won't save a copy :)20:38
thundxif that doesn't hang, and you don't hear clicking noises, then change the of= to be a file20:38
thundxright, just need to check the drive first :)20:38
eddy_000PROFTP will not boot up anyone know anything about this suject?20:38
Bndrreddy_000, u need to configure that file if u want a goof ftpd service20:38
Bndrrgood *20:38
eddy_000Bndrr i opened it, it says read only?20:38
_255ZeloZelos, not really, it apears after ISOLINUX 4.04 201105`8 ETCD Copyright ? 1994-2011 Peter Amuim et al20:38
eddy_000could this be the problem then?20:38
ZeloZelos_255: do you have another disk? perhaps something went wrong with dl or burning20:39
jolathundx, how long is it supposed to take? it runs for more than 10 secs now20:39
thundxdd doesn't care about signatures - so if it is a corrupted file system then dd will complete. If its a bad hdd then dd will, normally, hang20:39
sstajola: how big is the drive?20:39
thundxcould be a very long time20:39
Bndrreddy_000, maybe something in proftpd.conf is worng20:39
thundxhow big is the partition, in GB?20:39
eddy_000well Bndrr how can i edit this file?20:39
jolathundx, ssta, it's a 53GB partition on a 160GB drive20:39
_255ZeloZelos, I started with Ubuntu, then I moved to Kubuntu then I moved back to Ubuntu again, always same issue.20:39
thundxhow big is the windows partition, in GB?20:39
Bndrrput some ## before the lines and check up line bu line.20:39
jolaah no, 80 GB partition20:40
eddy_000the file hasnt been edited by me and its a clean instal :S20:40
_255ZeloZelos, I am all day long testing it.20:40
Bndrrfor edit u can for example gedit /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf20:40
thundxthen it should run for > 10 minutes.20:40
sstajola: typical drives read at (about) 50-100MB/second.  (say 80 to make the math easy).  80GB is 1000 times that, so 1000 seconds (about 20 minutes)20:40
thundxI don't remember the CTRL- key sequence to make it spit out progress20:40
jolathundx, is it 512 MB? or byte?20:40
thundx512 in the command line is 512k20:41
Bndrrcopy the context,go to pastebin, and let me see .maybe i can help.20:41
jolathundx, but why does that depend on the partition size?20:41
jolait can read from the start20:41
thundxwhy does what depend?20:41
sstathundx: umm, no it's not.  it's bytes20:41
jolathundx, how long it takes20:41
jolareading 512 bytes shouldn't take 10 secs20:41
ZeloZelos_255: ah, ok, then it could be the disk drive idk, that ss is very strange. none of those codes are showing in google for me, cept error 3, but thats a huge hit20:41
thundxduh, yeah, I fat fingered that...was thinking ahead about the 4k block size drives20:42
_255ZeloZelos, what I did mess a lot is this machine bios20:42
eddy_000Bndrr : it opened up the file but its not letting me touch it, says its read only and the save option is coloured out also :S20:42
sstajola: no, you're reading it 512 bytes at a time.  It weill read the whole partition20:42
thundxits not reading 512 bytes, its reading chunks of 512 bytes until EOF or you stop it20:42
ZeloZelos_255: what did you mess with, can you get it back to default?20:42
jolassta, ah!20:42
_255ZeloZelos, maybe it's something I did at bios.20:42
ZeloZelosvery possible20:42
Bndrreddy_000,  try with sudo su and then the gedit command.20:42
Bndrror nano /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf20:42
thundxif you want to only read a certain number, add "count=X" to the end, where count is the number of 512 byte blocks to read20:43
jolathundx, ssta, so how long should I wait until I know if it hangs? (the partition is 80GB)20:43
Bndrrbut with superpowers. :)20:43
_255ZeloZelos, well yes, I did set it to default already, but this machine has 2 hdds and 2 cd-rom drives.20:43
thundxto be sure, wait till tomorrow :)20:43
ZeloZelos_255: what bios is it?20:43
bekksBndrr: sudo su is useless use of su. sudo -i does the same, as well as gksu/kdesudo gedit in that case.20:43
sstajola: I'd say if it's not done in 3-4 hours, there's probably a problem20:43
thundxyou can stop it after a few minutes. if CTRL-C doesn't kill it, or the "blocks copied" in the output doesn't look kosher then the drive is toast20:43
_255ZeloZelos, I did remove one of each but I don't know if the jumpers are all set.20:44
jolathundx, why pipe it to /dev/null though. wouldn't it be better to save it in a file?20:44
_255ZeloZelos, it's a AwardBios20:44
thundxdo some math on the number of blocks copied and see if, based onthe interface type, the numbers look right20:44
sstajola: I think a file is better...especially if the drive is dying.20:44
jolathundx, what amount of "blocks copied" could be considered kosher after x minutes?20:44
jolassta, but my linux partition is smaller than 80 gb20:45
thundxbecause /dev/null is faster. we just want to test read - and writing it to a file might trip on another bad block20:45
sstajola: oh, then you're in trouble...20:45
ubottuGuest66992: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».20:45
jolassta, I'll try to make space on my external drive. will that work?20:45
ZeloZelos_255: did you check them, because thats making sense, if both hd's or disks are not on the right cable, or have the jumpers mixed up it will show stuff like that, do you know how to arrange the drives (primary, slave+ etc)?20:45
sstajola: yes, if there's enough space.  Typically it will be slower though20:46
david_rHi folks, I'm trying to maximize a window across multiple monitors -- http://askubuntu.com/questions/73573/how-to-maximise-a-window-across-two-monitors -- this worked for me in 11.10 but not now in 12.04.  Any advice?20:46
jolassta, so then it would be of=/path/to/file ?20:46
thundxwell, when you stop it you will see a time in seconds and a block count transfered. if you see that you were getting 2kb/sec or something very low......20:46
_255ZeloZelos, no, not really.20:46
sstajola: yep.  Using a bigger block size might help too (say bs=10k)20:46
_255ZeloZelos, I may have messed with the cables order and position...20:47
thundxheck, if you are going bigger try bs=1M20:47
thundxbs=512 should give you, if you can see where it hangs, the block on the drive which is bad AND that number should align with what you get in fdisk. that's the only reason I usually start out with bs=51220:48
ZeloZelos_255:  ah ok, so heres the short, to have 2 hd's, one will be master and one will be slave, both on the same cable, the master probably will not need a jumper, the slave will need one but there should be a diagram on the drive its self, the same for disk drives. just make sure both hd's are on the same cable (or the cables they are connect to go to the same area of the board)20:48
azertylwell is there any web based version of ubuntu available here ?20:48
sstaazertyl: "web based version"?20:49
ZeloZelos_255: the best thing to do for now is only use 1 hd and 1 disk drive (not inc a floppy if its there) set all to master20:49
azertylhold down i back20:49
jolassta, thundx: results: 57326153+0 records in, 57326152+0 records out, 29350989824 bytes (29 GB) copied, 640.507 s, 45.8 MB/s20:49
_255ZeloZelos, the order the cable connects doesn't matters, like if it connects first one of the drivers and then the other?20:49
sstajola: that's about the right speed...in the ballpark anyway20:50
Popopohello everyone20:50
thundxso you stopped it? that looks pretty good.20:50
_255And how about the cd-rom driver?20:50
thundxchances are you have simple disk corruption, not a bad hdd20:50
azertylwell is there any web based version of ubuntu available here ?20:50
_255ZeloZelos, And how about the cd-rom drive?20:50
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ZeloZelos_255: no it dont matter, but the cable should have some print on it to tell you the desired connection if not just connect the master to the end and leave the other one off, the same with the disk drives20:50
L0tt037Am I the only oppne not craqzy  about 11.10 vs/10.10?20:51
thundxSo now you need a NTFS fsck20:51
sstaazertyl: I have no idea what you mean by "web based version"?20:51
_255ZeloZelos, it conteigns two different interfaces CSM and SLA, with one shoudld I jump it?20:51
jolassta, thundx: so the next step would be to make space on an external hd and copy the whole partition there, with "sudo dd if=/dev/sda2 of=/path/to/file bs=1M"?20:51
azertylcloud os20:51
sstajola: you might want to look around for a Barts PE disk (or whatever the modern equivalent is...been a few years since I cared about windows systems)20:51
thundxyep. that will make a backup. If you can figure out the NTFS signature you can add that with a hex editor or vim20:51
thundxooh, yeah, forgot about barts.20:52
moonshieldany alternatives to tor? :')20:52
thundxis the partition XP, Vista, 7, 8?20:52
thundxmoonshield: ipredator20:52
ZeloZelos_255 also disconnect the power from the unused drives for now...here read this hopefully it helps   http://pressf1.pcworld.co.nz/archive/index.php/t-92670.html?s=b94bf060f6257470bc0f852db24d2c7920:53
jolassta, thundx: there is 87 GB free on my external disk. is that enough? can/should I preallocate the 80GB file?20:53
jolathundx, it's a xp partition20:53
moonshieldthundx, thanks20:53
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ZeloZelos_255 to be honest, i dont know a lot about this, but i usually can muddle through20:53
thundxno, don't preallocate. that won't help any. just format it as something you can read with Linux and start making a big file. Probably use EXT4 for the fstype20:53
moonshieldthundx, any free alternatives to tor?20:54
_255ZeloZelos, ok, I will give it a shoot and see what happens, thank you for now man!20:54
thundxFree? no20:54
thundxspeed an issue for you?20:55
moonshieldthundx, not speed, i have a different issue20:55
faithlesscvcany working driver to be aple to explore ext3 partition from windows explorer?20:55
thundxwell, you'll want something based out of Sweden...at least until May (?end of April) when their new privacy laws kick in20:56
azertylanyone ?20:56
_255ZeloZelos, if I intend to boot from cd-rom, does it requires to be set as master ?20:56
thundxyou want a cloud Ubuntu?20:56
thundxsorry, Azertyl20:57
azertylok i forgive you20:57
moonshieldthundx, how can someone block tor?20:57
jolathundx, there are 61 GB used on the external disk. it's vfat20:58
jolawait, IIRC it can only have files up to 4 GB?20:58
ZeloZelosok gl _25520:58
jolaI remember I got errors when trying to do a backup that contained larger than 4 GB files onto it (vm images)20:59
thundxazertyl: https://build.opensuse.org/20:59
ZeloZelos_255: if you only have one drive, its set to master, slave is only use when you have more than one20:59
thundxYeah jola. that won't work. I thought you had 80+ gb of uncommitted space on the hdd20:59
thundxe.g. you could make a 85GB /dev/sdb2 or something21:00
mraxilusMy notifyosd stopped displaying bubbles. When I send a noticications with notify-send it appears in the log however the notification bubble does not display, nor does it display for other things such as volume, etc. Can anyone help?21:00
jolathundx, a second partition on the external drive? with gparted?21:00
eddy_000!help i have having issues with PROFTPD not been able to configure /etc/proftpd/prftpd.confi   thank you21:00
ubottueddy_000: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:00
toumboMay anyone can check my KDM.log file becauce I  did stupidity? http://pastebin.ubuntu-gr.org/m603fe1d221:01
noname120!help what's the purpose of that cmd ?21:01
ubottunoname120: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:01
thundxyeah. and formatted as something which can handle a 80GB file21:01
azertylthere no information about clous OS on that link thundx21:01
spacebug-eddy_000: what problems?21:01
moonshieldSo there is only tor that can hide my a** for free? it can't even hide its own.21:01
thundxazertyl: the link is under development. try this instead: http://susestudio.com/21:03
sstajola: cd <external drive somewhere>; dd if=/dev/sda1 bs=1M | split -b 3G - sda121:03
rhin0how to find all ips on wireless network?  arp-scan doesn't work21:04
jolathundx, wtf, gparted says "unable to find mount point" but for the external drive!! /dev/sdb121:04
jolaI can view the files on it in the file manager though21:04
thundxls /dev/sdb*21:05
thundxHmm, I wonder if it mounted it under /media21:05
jola/dev/sdb  /dev/sdb121:05
jolathundx, yes21:05
jola/media/TREKSTORE HD21:05
Guest59506Why does disk utility say this drive is mounted or is it http://paste.ubuntu.com/928519/21:05
thundxthat's windows for you...always trying to do things for you.....21:05
jolaerr, /media/TREKSTOR HD21:05
thundxoh wait...this is linux21:05
jolaso why can't gparted find the mount point? because it's mounted?21:06
compdocit says mount point Volume does not exist21:07
thundxwhoever is responsible for Nouveau should be taken out and flogged. what a POS.21:07
sstathundx: writing an nvidia driver is decidedly non-trivial...it's better than I could have done21:07
thundxwell, we've only had Sandy Bridge for about a year now. I suppose we'll get support for it sometime in 201621:08
thundxand Nvidia produces a driver. But the GPL crowd is too pure to just use it. Better to break every single distribution (except Gentoo) than support a binary driver /puke21:09
sstayou can just use the nvidia driver if you prefer (I do)21:10
mraxilusdoes nobody here have experience with notify-osd?21:10
thundxI do. Its just that I have to add "nouveau.modeset=0" in order to boot until I get that junk out of the kernel21:10
sstawell, it's irritating, but hadly the end of the world (a papercut if you like)21:11
thundxGentoo has the only install/boot media that will boot without editing on this laptop. I can, literally, install OSX on this as a hackintosh faster than any linux version.21:12
jolathundx, I quit gparted, unmounted the external disk, started gparted, but now it's "Searching /dev/sdb partitions..." since minutes21:12
thundxhmmm...what does that under linux? dbus?21:13
Guest59506compdoc, http://paste.ubuntu.com/928530/21:13
jolano idea21:13
compdocGuest59506, that means you are not using the command correctly21:14
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thundxooh, there's a tornado in Oklahoma21:14
theborgeranyone noticed it takes a while for smb shares to show up after a reboot?21:14
thundxabout 60 seconds? ;)21:15
rbrooksnot rly21:15
theborgerthundx: it takes longer then that here21:15
sstatheborger: it's because SMB is a really awful protocol that was dreamt up by a madman on some really bad drugs...21:15
thundxyeah, try CIFS instead21:16
sstathat's the same thing,. just rebadged and tweaked a bit :)21:16
jolathundx, what should I do, mount it and try to reformat?21:16
_255To correct jump a driver to Master do I need to use one or two jumpers?21:17
ssta_255: depends on the drive.  They're usually marked21:17
sstabeen a while since I heard of needing to do that though...IDE is still used?21:18
UbuntuBoyHello. :O21:18
_255ssta, mine got threee possible ways CS, SL and MA.21:18
_255ssta, I wonder if MA would be enough.21:19
ssta_255: MA sounds to me like it should be master21:19
_255What is happening here is weird because now I only have the CD-ROM when I boot the machine and it persists in showing me that error message : http://imagebin.org/20793321:20
thundxjola: if you don't need the data on the drive, then yeah that's what I would do21:21
theborgerso what is the best option to share files between ubuntu/ubuntu?21:21
compdoc_255, youre booting a cd?21:21
jolathundx, I do need it21:21
kasiipoplins, hi21:21
jolaI don't want to lose any data21:21
usuariocomo estas21:21
jolathundx, it doesn't mount :/21:21
_255compdoc, yes21:21
compdoc_255, what is that screen?21:22
_255compdoc, well it shows when I boot from cd-rom supposed to install Ubuntu. Now I have only one driver installed at this machine.21:22
compdoc_255, Ive never seen anything like that. I doubt its anything from an ubuntu install cd21:23
_255compdoc, have you ever tryed to install Ubuntu on a defective machine21:24
sstait's a BIOS error imo21:24
_255ssta, well ,could be...21:24
jolathundx, ok, I mounted it successfully on /mnt, gparted doesn't complain anymore. can I create a new 85GB partition in the free space? is it contiguous?21:24
compdoc_255, try memtest86 - thats part of the boot cd21:25
douglI have run boot-repair and can boot into ubuntu but now I cannot boot into my xp... grub list windows 7 that I installed xp over... how can I get grub to rescan my drive and configd for installed oses?21:26
Guest59506what does it mean mount: /media/New is not a block device21:27
thundxI don't know if you can. if gparted doesn't complain about make it without remmoving a partition then you should be ok21:27
thundxGuest: that means it is a character device :)21:28
_255compdoc, I am not currently able to boot from cd.21:28
compdocGuest59506, does the directory /media/New  exist?21:28
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compdoc_255, time for some computer repair, huh?21:29
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Guest59506compdoc, http://paste.ubuntu.com/928553/21:30
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compdocGuest59506, try:  sudo cd /media/New21:31
jolathundx, will removing the partition delete the data? can I remove the partition and create a new one over the old data?21:31
sstajola: No...definitely not21:32
sstajola: you will lose the data if you do that21:32
joladoes fat32 support nested partitions?21:32
sstafat32 barely supports files21:32
Guest59506compdoc, command not found21:33
jolassta, what does it help me to have a copy of the unreadable partition though?21:33
dbgstercan I add /var/lib/gems/1.8/bin/ to my alias in a one-liner? or I have to edit my .profile or bashrc21:33
sstajola: because it might be repairable...but before you start trying to repair it (a potentially destructive operation), you want a copy of it21:33
compdocGuest59506, sorry, try just: cd /media/New21:34
jolassta, ok, and after copying, should I try ntfsfix first or windows recovery disk?21:34
sstajola: if it were me, I'd go with the windows disk21:34
jolaand if that doesn't work, ntfsfix?21:35
sstawortha  try21:35
jolassta, and if that doesn't work, what should I do with the raw copy?21:35
sstajola: learn about ntfs signatures and try to repair it...disk recovery is a tricky thing, there aren't often easy answers...21:36
Guest59506compdoc, why not New Volume?21:37
jolassta, but I guess the driver didn't just corrupt the signature21:37
sstajola: no way to know what happened with the information available.21:37
compdocGuest59506, you named it New Volume? Then try: cd /media21:39
compdocif thats sucessful, try:  ls -al21:40
douglI used to edit menu.cfg and it was so simple to config boot loader - what happened... How can I configure grub with a windows xp option?21:40
neutroniumhi leute21:41
Guest59506compdoc, I can get to /media but not New Volume21:41
neutroniumwie gehts euch21:41
compdocGuest59506, what does ls -al show?21:42
zykotick9Guest59506:try: cd "/media/New Volume" or cd /media/New\ Volume21:42
KanerixIs he STILL unable to mount that drive?21:42
compdocGuest59506, simpler not to use spaces in some names21:43
magn3tsWhat happened to my system? Something happened in the last two months. PulseAudio can't do a think right, and X is crashing all the time, and I'm pretty sure it's because of pulseaudio21:43
magn3tsa lot of times when flash or html5 are playing, I get crashes.21:43
magn3tsvlc constantly mutes and I have to close it to get it to work again21:44
magn3tsi got pops and beeps in my audio21:44
magn3tsand it didn't do this basically before 2012. :/21:44
compdoccomputers do go bad21:44
magn3tsits a year and a half old21:44
Guest59506compdoc, maybe I should change the name http://paste.ubuntu.com/928568/21:45
compdocGuest59506, cd to media, then ls -al from there. Dont cd to New21:46
Kanerixcompdoc, maybe YOURs do, but mine live forever21:46
compdocKanerix, good luck with that21:47
Guest59506compdoc, http://paste.ubuntu.com/928571/21:48
compdocGuest59506, ah, you have two directories name New*21:48
compdocGuest59506, the directory /media/new is owned by root, so you wont have permissions to do much there21:50
doringoodmorning! can anybody help to unistall me webcam driver then to install it again?21:52
Guest59506compdoc, It's gone http://paste.ubuntu.com/928577/21:55
compdocGuest59506, cool, but rename New Volume to New, or something without spaces, and you'll have less troubles, I think21:57
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jolassta, but doesn't the option to repair windows on the windows recovery cd only search for a (broken) windows installation? that would mean, the partition has to be readable to start with22:04
sstajola: yes, but not necessarily mountable...22:07
jolassta, but how can the windows recovery cd read the disk if it has no ntfs signature?22:08
jolaif it only repairs windows installs on ntfs disks22:08
sstajola: part of what it can do for recovery is repair ntfs sigs (sometimes)22:10
sstajola: you realise that all this will basically be a matter of luck.  You *may* be able to recover, or you may be hosed22:11
sstajola: if you take a lesson from it (whether or not you can recover) it's "take backups of data I care about" :)22:12
sstasorry I can't give you better news22:12
jolassta, I know but all my disks are full22:13
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jolassta, hard disks are still not as cheap as before the flood in thailand22:16
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Guest59506compdoc, guess what it worked22:19
Guest59506change the name that was so simple22:20
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jolassta, damn, I had irc logging turned off. I forgot: why do I need to create a new partition for the backup of the corrupted partition like thundx suggested?22:23
sstajola: because recovery is potentially destructive and if you have a backup you can dd it back and try again22:28
jolassta, but why not just create a 80GB file instead of creating a partition for this file?22:29
sstajola: because the only place you had space was on a fat32 partition, and fat32 only handles 4G files22:30
ResQuejola: i think either would be fine. you best bet would be to use DD to copy the whole damage drive/parition (bit for bit) even the empty parts of the disk to a new drive. Then do the data recovery on the copy you just created.22:30
jolassta, yes, but I also have an external ntfs disk, if I move stuff from there to the fat32 one and delete some stuff I might have enough space. and then I don't need to create a partition, right?22:31
sstajola: right22:31
ResQuejola: that way if you fuck something up or overwrite some of the data of the copy you still have the original to do start again22:31
jolamaybe I should also buy another external disk to be able to have multiple copies of that huge 80GB file22:32
ResQuejola: its not a great idea but if you are running low on disk space you could make a backup of the whole drive in to a single file, with heavy compression22:32
jolaso in case I edit it and it doesn't work I don't have to wait hours until I've copied it again22:32
ResQuejola: i would suggest if you can afford to and the data is a valuble buy another drive to copy the data on to. but if you dont have the money you dont really have a choice do you22:33
jolaResQue, I've planned to buy a desktop PC soon (this is a laptop) and need a disk for it anyway. but it would be an internal one22:34
=== szal_ is now known as szal
jolamaybe I can buy an adapter to use the disk as an external disk for the laptop?22:34
ResQuejola: you can pick up a usb/ide to usb from most electronics stores now for about $40/£2022:35
ResQuesorry i mean IDE/SATA to USB22:35
ResQuejola: what happened to the data. did you reformat the drive? drop the laptop? how did the data get inaccessible22:37
bunnyfuncan someone interprete this error/22:37
bunnyfunXorg[1168]: segfault at 12 ip 00007fd57e1aa133 sp 00007ffff9855f00 error 6 in nvidia_drv.so[7fd57e109000+4cd000]22:37
bunnyfunam i correct  that this is an nvidia software problem?22:38
ResQuebunnyfun: sounds like the nvidia driver tried to access memory it was not supposed to . or something else accessed in memory address when it was not allowed to. so the kernal through a segfault to stop it22:38
bunnyfunor how can i identify error 622:38
jolaResQue, after a BSOD some hours ago I couldn't boot windows anymore. grub said "error: no such device: B248C33048C2F261. error: no such disk". the BSOD said: DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL [...] NDIS.SYS [...]. mount said "NTFS signature is missing."22:39
bunnyfunhow can i resolve - coudl ti be a drive or ram issue?22:39
jolaResQue, I didn't drop the laptop. I was just writing an email in firefox when it suddenly happened22:39
ResQuejola: ndroal@] has joined #ubuntu22:40
bunnyfunthis machine does have two different kindss of ram22:40
ResQuejola: The IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL error is caused by a buggy device driver or an actual hardware conflict --MS MSDN22:40
ResQuejola: i take it you have ubuntu installed, can you see the harddrive in ubunut?22:41
EvilResistancejola:  or via a livecd/liveusb, can you see the hard drive22:41
EvilResistanceResQue:  ^22:41
ResQueEvilResistance: jola: yes or a live cd22:42
jolaEvilResistance, ResQue, I didn't install any new drivers, I don't know which one it could be. I have xubuntu installed. "fdisk -l" says about the partition "/dev/sda2   *        9729       19456    78140160    7  HPFS/NTFS". but I cannot mount the disk22:42
EvilResistanceuse gparted, not fdisk22:42
ResQuejola: are you in ubuntu now? have you tired to mount the hard drive from the terminal?22:43
jolagparted shows a (!)22:43
theborgersomeone point me to how to install alsa 1.0.24 on 10.10 with the 2.6.32-40 kernel?22:43
jolaResQue, yes22:43
EvilResistancejola:  right click the drive, hit "Information"22:43
EvilResistanceor whatever it is...22:43
* EvilResistance is on KDE, so doesnt have gparted22:43
jolaResQue, $ sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sda2 /mnt22:43
jolaNTFS signature is missing.22:43
jolaFailed to mount '/dev/sda2': Invalid argument22:43
jolaThe device '/dev/sda2' doesn't seem to have a valid NTFS.22:43
EvilResistancesounds like partition explodification22:43
EvilResistanceor cruption22:43
jolaEvilResistance, "Unable to detect file system! [...etc..]"22:44
EvilResistancejola: yeah that's a problem, *potentially* disk corruption in that partition22:44
leandroalI'm trying to install an app that requires GLIBC 2.14, but my ubuntu 11.10 has glibc 2.13. I know that glibc is a system package and also that it is very complicated to update it. Is there any alternative to solve my issue? I mean, is it possible to have multiples glibc installed in my system and if yes, how can I install glibc 2.14?22:44
jolathe results of years of work are on that disk, it's very important to me22:44
ResQuejola: before  you go into using any ubuntu tools to try and recover the parition. have you tried using the windows chkdsk tool yet? it should be on your windows install cd. xp/vista/722:44
Churchleandroal: best way would be to recompile just app22:45
jolaResQue, I moved to a new apartment today, I don't know where the windows install cd currently is22:45
Churchanother one might be ldpreload newer version libs22:45
jola(it's windows xp btw)22:45
Churchjola: windows install cds are on pirate trackers %)22:46
jolaChurch, I know but I don't have any blank cds here now either22:46
ResQueChurch: i think tracker would be enough22:46
leandroalChurch, thanks, I don't have access to the source code.22:46
zykotick9!warez | Church22:46
ubottuChurch: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o22:46
Churchzykotick9: sigh. it's joke. joke, ya know? :)22:46
ResQuejola: did you try booting in to safe mode on windows?22:47
MrUnagimount /dev/nbd0p2 /media/foo doesn't work in rc.local any idea why22:48
jolaResQue, it doesn't even let me far enough to do that22:48
EvilResistance!10.10 | theborger22:48
ubottutheborger: Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) was the thirteenth release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 10th, 2012, see http://ubottu.com/y/maverick for details.22:48
ResQuejola: a very good tool for recoving a currupted partition on windows is a tool called testdisk. but you really need to backup your data before you attempt this just in case. Its save me at lest twice after a bdos22:48
soodidahi everyone22:49
EvilResistancetheborger: 10.10 is unsupported now, you *might* have to upgrade to 11.0422:49
ResQuejola: testdisk is a great terminal program you can use on ubunut22:49
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jolaResQue, ssta recommended copying the partition before doing anything destructive22:50
ResQuejola: sounds like a very good plan. every time you write to the disk you will lose more data22:51
compdocbackups are always best22:52
jolathat's why I need to buy a new disk first22:52
jolaprobably the Seagate Barracuda22:53
ResQuei dont think there is any more i can help you with. until you get a drive to copy the data to22:53
jolayes, it's a really bad time now that I just moved in here and the semester starts on monday22:54
MrUnagi mount /dev/nbd0p2 /media/foo doesn't work in rc.local Any ideas why22:57
ResQuejola: the error didnt happen to come up when you connected your laptop to a new network at your university did it?22:57
warfarenyeah, afaik rc.local doesn't do much on debian systems. i could be wrong though22:57
warfarenMrUnagi: i believe you're better off looking into adding that to /etc/fstab22:57
warfarennot that exact command, but the proper format for fstab22:58
MrUnagiwarfaren: I cant add it to fstab because I have to mod probe nbd first23:00
MrUnagiFstab tries to mount before rc.local does23:00
MrUnagiEr before rc.local modprobes23:00
warfarenokay, well anyways all the experiments i've ever done with rc.local have failed. it seems that the file is just a dummy on ubuntu and never gets run. it's only worked for me on redhat based systems23:00
warfarenfeel free to prove me wrong, though. i'm by no means an expert23:00
MrUnagiThe other two scripts fire fine23:00
warfarenthey're in rc.local too?23:00
jolaResQue, it happened a few hours after I connected my laptop to my neighbor's network who allowed me to access her wireless network temporarily. I noticed that often there were hickups in audio playback which in my experience always happened due to network connectivity issues, but I didn't get disconnected. and the BSOD happened after a few hours23:00
MrUnagiIs there any other way to run a mount script on log in23:00
warfarenoh, in that case i have no idea. sorry23:00
warfareni guess you could always create a script in /etc/init.d? and add it with update-rc.d *scriptname* defaults?23:01
warfarenpossibly... dunno if it's a good idea.23:01
motherbrainis there something I can download on linux machine that I can use to compile mk68 programs. I just don't want to go thru the trouble of building a cross compiler if I don;t have to23:01
ResQueResQue: the reason i ask is because university networks are full of infected clients and a BSOD from NDIS (Network Driver Interface Specification) could be due to something bad on the new network23:01
MrUnagiWhat issues would there be doing it that way23:01
jolaResQue, but yes, for my laptop it was a new network23:02
ResQueResQue: not really a fix but its a starting place for a cause23:02
ResQueResQue: if you cant wait and want access to your data i suggest downloading a tool called testdisk. as long as you dont recover any of the files it will happly scan and tell you what old partitions and files it has found.23:03
X-tonicI have ubuntu 11.10 . However I need to downgrade my gcc from 4.5 to 4.4. How do i go about this?23:03
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ResQueResQue: i think there may even be an option to recover files to a second drive but i can not remember if that was testdisk or one of the other 100s of recovery software tools for windows. either way testdisk will let you scan and view the files and paritions it finds on the drive.23:04
ResQuejola: http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk23:04
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warfarenMrUnagi: not sure if it will mean any issues. but i suppose it's worth a try. if it doesn't work just delete the script again or comment out the lines. i believe defaults will set it to run at your default runlevel23:05
tlhonmeyI've got an 8gb flash card that I'm trying to recover data off of, but gparted reads it as unformatted 32mb.  dd stops reading at 32mb.  Is there another tool I should try?  Or is this thing probably toast?23:06
ResQuejola: other good place to start reading: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery You will need to do a few hours/days reading before you start the recovery any way. so why your waiting for your new drive its a good time to get up to speed on the proccesses and theory. it will 100% serve you well many times in the future23:07
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ResQueEvilResistance: i am new to helping people on irc and writeing tutorials any feedback you can give me about the advice i gave to jola would be appreciated. i have received so much help from the net i thought i should starting giving some of the advice back23:10
ResQuetlhonmey: testdisk is a good start: http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk23:11
nikkieRandom room poll!  Does anyone in here have NO aspirations at programming?  E.g., they just like linux for the functionality the OS provides?23:12
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.23:12
ResQuenikkie: no, but i have met a few people in the past year that use ubuntu as a novice user because they feel its safer and quicker than windows23:13
tlhonmeynikkie: I have several clients who are using a Linux desktop and who have no interest in anything other than word processing an internet access.23:14
nositelicenseI just like to find my way around OS'S23:14
booiwill there be an upgrade path from 12.04 beta to 12.04 gold?23:14
wyldebooi: yes.23:14
bastidrazorbooi: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade will get you there when its released23:14
nikkie@tlhonmey @ResQue thanks for the responses.23:14
booigreat. as longa s it doesn't trash my config files and make me edit xorg.conf23:15
=== rinzler is now known as note-to-self
MrUnagiwarfaren: That didn't work either23:16
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MrUnagiIs there a way to modprobe nbd permanently23:16
tlhonmeyResQue:  testdisk recovers partitions and filesystems.  It detects it as 32MB as well.23:16
warfarenadd it in /etc/modules?23:16
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit23:16
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warfarenjust add a line at the bottom of /etc/modules with the name of the module, that's all really23:17
ResQuetlhonmey: is the partition not 32MB?23:17
MrUnagiNbd is in modules23:17
warfarenwith uppercase like that?23:18
MrUnagiWhy cant fstab mount an nbd23:18
kayamanautocad for ubuntu23:18
tlhonmeyResQue:  It's an 8GB micro-SD.  Gparted only reads it as 32MB total, no partition table.23:18
warfarenk. well that's weird. well anything that's in /etc/modules should be auto-modprobed.23:18
kayamanautocad for ubuntu23:18
MrUnagiLet me take out the rc.local and try23:18
warfarentry disabling your modprobe script and run lsmod after reboot to see if it was modprobed23:18
kayamanautocad for ubuntu23:18
kayamanautocad for ubuntu23:18
bazhang!appdb | kayaman23:18
ubottukayaman: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help23:18
tlhonmeyResQue: I was hoping there was an SD diagnostic program, but I've been unable to find one.23:19
bazhang!equivalents | kayaman23:19
ubottukayaman: A comprehensive list of of Windows-equivalent applications in Linux can be found at http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WhatWindowsUsersWant - Try also joining #ubuntu-bots and asking BestBot23:19
ResQuetlhonmey: interesting, i do not know what to do sorry.23:19
=== Resistance is now known as EvilResistance
n2diyHow do I termine which audio device my sys. is using?23:19
kayamanubottu, thanks23:19
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)23:19
ResQuetlhonmey: a good starting place would be to loook at how the linux kernel is seeing the drive. it maybe a hardware issue and not software. i am not sure how to do this try googleing around.23:20
kayamanubottu, wasnt help fully23:20
ubottukayaman: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:20
kayamanubottu, wasnt help fully23:20
bazhangkayaman, then ask a real question23:21
MrUnagiOk NBC isn't the issue23:21
kayamanautocad for ubuntu or equivalent software23:21
bazhangkayaman, take a look at apt-cache search cad23:21
tlhonmeyResQue: I'm pretty sure it's hardware.  I'll keep looking for ways around the damage.  Thanks for the help.23:21
n2diykayaman, qcad23:22
warfarenMrUnagi: alright. well i gotta go sleep. hope you work out the problem... good luck23:22
kayamann2diy, is name23:22
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bazhangkayaman, yes thats the package name23:23
n2diykayaman, qcad is the apps. name.23:23
MrUnagi qemu-nbd -c /dev/nbd0 /media/1TB/NewHardDisk1.vdi is the problem23:23
VimanHello, is anyone able to run the Midori Browser in Oneiric? I keep getting the "midori: symbol lookup error: midori: undefined symbol: webkit_web_view_get_selected_text" when I try to run it23:23
warfarenqemu? isn't that an x86 emulator?23:23
MrUnagiHow can I permanently mount that vdi23:23
n2diyHow do I termine which audio device my sys. is using?23:23
StepNjumpHi, why is it this doesn't work? find . -name "*.jpg" | xargs -i convert -scale 50% {} ./resized/{} ... I get the error : @ error/blob.c/OpenBlob/2498.23:24
MonkeyDustStepNjump  for a start, there's no /; in that line23:24
StepNjumpMonkeyDust: you mean in ./resized/?23:25
cchildresshi all. i'm unable to get the grub boot menu to show up, so i can't pick my other OS. what should i do?23:25
MonkeyDustStepNjump  {} needs \;23:25
Vimanhello, I'm having problems when trying to run Midori in Oneiric. Anyone else has it?23:26
warfarencchildress: edit /etc/default/grub23:26
warfarencchildress: comment out the line that says GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT by adding a # to the begging of the line, i believe23:26
MonkeyDustStepNjump  like so: find / -size +1G -exec ln -s {} ~/test/ \;23:26
cchildresswarfaren: i have. i changed the quiet behavior to false23:26
StepNjumpmmm MonkeyDust I followed a webpage: http://ubuntuhowtos.com/howtos/resize_folder_of_pictures23:26
cchildresswarfaren: hmm...i may not have done that23:26
warfarencchildress: then finally, run sudo update-grub23:26
cchildressok i'll try that23:27
warfarendo it :)23:27
cchildressthanks for the tip23:27
warfarenno problem. i think that's how i did it23:27
warfarencchildress: i think you may want to set HIDDEN_TIMEOUT_QUIET to true, if it doesn't work. at least that's what's in my config and i see the grub menu23:28
cchildresswarfaren: not sure if it matters, but i do get an error message during grub.cfg generation, complaining about "wrong # of devices" in a raid set on /dev/sda23:28
cchildressalthough i don't have raid on this machine23:28
n2diykayaman is bombarding me with pms, how can I stop him?23:29
warfarencchildress: that's strange. not sure why it would say that then. no softraid either?23:29
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.23:29
cchildresswarfaren: nope23:29
javierf_Hi! I'm using Ubuntu but files with greek characters are not read properly... do I have to install Greek language to be able to read it? How would I do that? Thanks!23:29
warfarencchildress: maybe you should check it out on google before rebooting your machine, if you dont have a live cd ready23:29
cchildresswarfaren: i do have a live cd, and i've gotten that error before23:30
warfarencchildress: it could be hard to boot it if grub gets messed up you know23:30
cchildresswarfaren: but fair warning23:30
cchildresssee you folks in a bit...23:30
n2diyHow do I termine which audio device my sys. is using?23:30
warfarencchildress: alright, well i doubt it's related to you not seeing the grub menu. anyways should work now23:30
jolaResQue, I got disconnected after I said "[01:00] <jola> ResQue, but yes, for my laptop it was a new network". did you write anything?23:32
stramholy shit i've never seen so many homosexuals gathered in one chatroom in my life23:33
nositelicenseAnyone know the work around for no Grub menu? I thought the new driver update might just fix it, but it didn't Been using bios boot choice for a while now.23:33
=== phenom_ is now known as phenom
nositelicenseI get video mode not supported before the grub menu23:34
warfareni dont see how video drivers would affect that, dont think theyre even loaded'at the time of grub23:35
nositelicenseThat was my 1st thought *shrug* I reinstalled Grub and it finds Windows but I still don;t get the grub menu.  I have to F12 if I want windows23:37
toraux_any wireless experts able to help me with some wireless issues?23:38
StepNjumpCan anybody help me with this error. Im trying to reduce a jpg size. Here's what I get back: convert: unable to open image `/resized/./Incident 120007.jpg':  @ error/blob.c/OpenBlob/2498.23:39
Xabstertoraux_, how would the wireless expert know?23:39
scientes_gnome shell and unity dont work since i upgraded to 3.2.0-2223:39
tlhonmeynositelicense: grub is choosing a screen resolution that's not compatible with your monitor.  I'm not sure how to change the mode, but it should be covered in the documentation.  Set it to VGA 640x480, that should be compatible with just about anything...23:40
toraux_Xabster, touche... heres the problem: everything works fine right after I start the machine, but time later I get high packet loss, the issue goes away (for a little while) after a reboot23:40
cchildresswarfaren: you, sir, are a gentleman and a scholar. i can now choose what i want to boot, win7 boots great, the sky is blue and the world is a happy place again.23:40
cchildresswell, at least at my house it is23:40
warfarenhaha :) good to hear!23:41
scientes_!ot | cchildress23:41
ubottucchildress: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:41
cchildressscientes_: actually, i was just reporting back that the support warfaren gave me was correct and worked, but i get your point and will keep off-topic chat elsewhere :)23:42
warfarenscientes_: i think that was just his extended way of thanking me for my help :P23:42
toraux_anyone have any clue what my wireless issue might be caused by?23:44
scientes_oh, np23:44
ev_years ago i had a program that would display the images being loaded through the network.No info as to source of images. It was just a window with whatever images that where being downloaded(browsed via web mostly) Any ideas what it may be called?23:48
MonkeyDustev_  picasa?23:48
ev_MonkeyDust: isnt that the google image deal? brb23:49
ev_MonkeyDust: nope, thanks for the try. This was more of an undground thing. Think i fist saw it on G4 like 5+ yrs ago. I know this is a shot in the dark but i have googled for like 2 hrs. I cant think of any other words to use....keep getting the same results23:51
=== svm_Invictvs is now known as svm_invictvs
ev_MonkeyDust: the images displayed in a collage format(if enough activity was happening on the network) this was a local network between the box's in my house23:56
austin182How do you root a Kindle Fire?23:58
compdocgoogle is your friend23:59
bastidrazoraustin182: you the force luke23:59

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