
lolmausHi! Does Ubuntu 12.04 allow using $HOME/.init ? If not, what modifications should be done to Upstart.conf to allow that?09:16
claudioHi. I'm using Upstart to run my program, but I'd like to rely on Redis being already started. Redis is not under Upstart (and I'd like it to remain this way). How could I "start on" depending on another non-upstarted process? 11:24
blamilolmaus: user must run initctl to tell upstart about ~/.init conf files (someone here told me)11:27
lolmausThx blami, but i've got no idea what that means11:28
claudioI think I'm going to add "initctl emit redis-server" to the redis-server init.d script11:47
claudioone line fix.11:47
lolmausI've created /etc/init/chili.conf. How do i start it? "start chili" says no such job.12:37
TauPantried 'initctl reload-configuration' ?12:37
lolmausTauPan, tried just now when you suggested. No result :(12:38
TauPanand you might need to check for error messages in syslog, upstart refuses malformed jobs12:38
TauPan(I think)12:38
lolmausTauPan, "/var/log/syslog" is fine12:39
TauPanso after reload-configuration, the job is still unknown?12:41
lolmausTauPan, it was an error in my job config.12:41
lolmausI wish it reported the error and erroneous line. "Unknown job" is misleading...12:41
lolmausTauPan, is there an upstart equivalent for "/etc/init.d/foo status"?12:42
TauPaninitctl status foo12:42
lolmausThank you TauPan, you're very kind12:43
lolmausTauPan, can i set working directory in job config?12:44
TauPanno idea12:46
TauPanI'm out of off-hand knowledge now, I'd need to check the manual.12:46
jYanyone know if it's possible to build 1.5 from source to install on ubuntu lucid?14:08
SpamapSjY: in the past I tried and there were some build-deps that had to be backported17:49
JanCI seem to remember somebody saying that backporting those build-deps would break other applications, etc.?18:41
SpamapSJanC: right21:39
SpamapSjY: I tried a while back and libnih failed.. https://launchpadlibrarian.net/75414144/buildlog_ubuntu-maverick-amd64.libnih_1.0.3-0~1052~maverick1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz21:39
SpamapSand that was just 10.1021:39
SpamapS10.04 got even uglier21:40

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