
hazmatSpamapS, sweet!00:43
hazmatSpamapS, i think you meant cs:~clint-fewbar/oneiric/munin-node ;-)00:44
hazmathmm.. that brings up some interesting questions that the implementation doesn't take into account00:44
hazmatnamely subordinate charms from one series deployed onto a primary of a different series00:45
hazmatniemeyer, ^00:45
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SpamapShazmat: re the series question for subs.. it would be pretty stupid of people do that IMO. ;)06:26
SpamapShazmat: perhaps we can just trust people to make wise decisions.06:27
_mup_Bug #981387 was filed: juju status does not respect JUJU_ENV <juju:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/981387 >06:30
* SpamapS feels like a mad scientist right now.. creating a puppetmaster and puppet subordinate charms07:21
hazmatSpamapS, nice07:46
SpamapSgot certificate signing working08:01
SpamapStime for sleep08:02
SpamapSsubordinates are so awesome08:02
SpamapSbcsaller: seriously, ^5 on getting this done08:02
bcsallerSpamapS: really nice to hear :)08:03
jkyleI'm following the 12.04 guide on wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/MAAS/juju. It's a bit out of date, should I install from the ppa or from the repository?08:11
melmothMorning juju !08:22
guajkyle: i'm not 100% on this, but https://juju.ubuntu.com/ says if you have 11.10 then use the repos one, which might be fine for 12.0408:32
melmothIs there a way to have juju choose a given flavor/arch/ vms instances instead of picking the default one define in environment.yaml ?09:15
shazznerwould something like rsnapshot make a good charm?13:19
shazzneror maybe an rsnapshot frontend13:21
shazznerI suppose rsnapshot would defeat the purpose of juju, which seeks to encapsulate services13:27
shazznerso you don't have to hoard over precious config files13:27
shazznerirc is a great scratch pad for talking to yourself :p13:28
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SpamapSmelmoth: yes, that is called constraints15:10
SpamapSmelmoth: https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/constraints.html15:10
SpamapSmelmoth: you will need the latest juju from the PPA for that.15:10
SpamapSshazzner: rsnapshot is still useful I think15:11
SpamapSshazzner: it would be a fantastic subordinate charm.15:11
melmothhmm SpamapS any idea how can i chekc if there s an "image-type" constraint of some sort ?15:11
melmothi would like to be able to change the defautl-image-id, i see there s a ec2-instance-type constraint, but it s not the thing i want to choose15:12
SpamapSmelmoth: they're listed at that url15:13
SpamapSmelmoth: image id is not used, and default-image-id is not recommended unless you're using a private cloud, since juju will automatically look up the arch/release/region/etc. to find the official ubuntu image for you15:14
melmothwhat i would like is, to be able to get a vm matchin a given release/arch so that  s what i need.15:20
melmoththe idea would be, you work in support, you got a core file you need to run gdb on. What you want is access to a machine with the same os version/arch and lib version as the one15:20
melmothused to generate the core15:20
SpamapSmelmoth: right, --constraints "arch=amd64" cs:oneiric/foo15:21
SpamapSmelmoth: the release is determined by the charm15:22
SpamapSmelmoth: so that charms can be written without lots of conditional logic for changes between releases, they're maintained as a branch per release of Ubuntu.15:22
melmothi would love to be able to call a charm with arguments.15:23
melmothor may be, should i write a on the fly charm generator script ? :)15:23
imbrandoni think you might be missing some other subleties if you want to do that15:24
melmothoh, i m sure i missing a lot of juju subtelty. I only start to look at it seriously today15:26
imbrandona charm really isnt a machine, its most like a service that runs on that macine, so you arent deploying ubuntu your deploying apache , apache detaermines if it wants ubuntu or not15:26
imbrandonnow with your given example above, i think one step higher in the feed chain may be what your looking for, as in MAAS15:29
melmothhmm, havent looked at it right now (but i though it was to deploy bare metal boxes)15:30
imbrandonor a combo of MAAS for the OS/lib versions then a charm with gdb tools etc15:30
imbrandonmelmoth: yes , but your wanting to manuipulate the bacre metal os features, so it makes sense, juju is service orchastration , there is a fine line, but i think your gonna end up with a combo of them15:32
melmothi need to think about it. but there sure seems to be something that wants to be use there.15:34
imbrandone.g. if i need to provision a i386 box with glibc5++ thats a MAAS task , if i need gdb with all its goodies setup thats a juju task :)15:34
imbrandonbut juju will happlily setup an os underneith its self15:35
imbrandonif needed, just what it needs though, maybe not what you do15:36
melmothi was just thinking of having a way to have the installed box get a copy of the "customer" /etc/apt-sources.list and dpkg -l to re apt-get everything it can.15:37
melmothplus gdb and all debug symbols package on top of that15:37
imbrandonmelmoth: yea i mean dont get me wrong, it probably could be wrangled into doing it, just as MAAS could probably do a little orcastration15:38
melmoth(wich is also why i was hoping there was a way to give arguments to a charm)15:38
imbrandoni was just giving ya another piece to the puzzle :)15:38
melmoththat s good, i need to look at maas anyway.15:38
imbrandonand you can give it options15:39
imbrandoni wouldent say arguments15:39
imbrandonbut charms have options15:39
imbrandonjuju set blah -e amazon15:40
imbrandonor something like that15:40
imbrandonand dont forget that maas and juju work as a team, so dont try to shove it all in one or the other either :) there is some gray area IMHO , but also i'm still very new to this too, only been charming about a month now15:43
melmothi ll need to talk about it with the support guys anyway :)15:46
melmothi think there s a beer calling for me downstair...will be back later on15:46
SpamapSmelmoth: charms can have arguments, defined by config.yaml15:48
SpamapShrm we need to move this out of drafts..15:50
SpamapSbeen implemented for about 9 months :)15:50
imbrandonSpamapS: its so nice to be back on linux, i forget how easy it is to setup everything, like i've got my zend studio back installed, dev env's going , my ~/Projects git tree back etc etc etc , if i could just get used to the damned hotkeys again15:50
SpamapSmelmoth: anyway that details it15:50
SpamapSimbrandon: :-D I know, I felt the same way15:50
SpamapSany puppet fans, check out cs:~clint-fewbar/oneiric/puppetmaster and cs:~clint-fewbar/oneiric/puppet .. subordinates ftw :)15:51
* SpamapS disappears15:51
melmoththanks for the url !16:54
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jkylegood place to ask maas+juju questions?18:13
jkyleI've got a maas server up, registered two nodes, they pxe booted. But now I'm stuck. they show as "commissioning" in the maas webui, but the docs say I have to click "accept and commission". An option that does not exist in my UI18:15
imbrandoni dont see where it says to click accept and commision, it looks like under the heading where it says "In order to use Juju you have to Accept & Commission the nodes for use." there is a "add node"18:23
imbrandonjkyle: in other words your fine, they will finish commissioning hopefully and you read an extra word in there in panic :)18:25
jkyleimbrandon: check the very bottom image18:26
jkyleimbrandon: "Click the Accept & Commission button"18:26
jkylewith image18:26
imbrandonsure thats once you can click on them18:26
imbrandonyou have not made it that far have you ?18:26
jkylethey were pxe'd last night, and my ILOM shows it's completed successfully and has a prompt18:26
jkyleimbrandon: yep, that's teh step I'm at. I've added them, I have 2 nodes in a list, I pxe booted them, they've installed 12.04...but web ui still has them in "commissioning" mode18:27
jkyleI suspect the network isn't set up right, but I don't know how to get shell access to the node (e.g. default username/passes)18:28
jkyletried ubuntu/ubuntu18:28
imbrandoni doubt you can at this point, leaste i would hope not18:28
imbrandonhave you tried rebooting the webuinode ?18:29
imbrandonforce it to refresh18:29
jkylejust restarted. no effect.18:31
imbrandonfun, might poke robbie when he is around but i'm guessing its not a network issue as maas controls all that18:32
imbrandonits just plain dhcp18:32
jkyleimbrandon: true, but I'd wager maas makes a lot of assumptions...like a flat network. mines a bit more complicated. I tried to see what ip was served by doing a dig @localhost <hostname set in maas>18:33
jkylebut it doesn't resolve18:33
imbrandonjkyle: well that is likely the issue then maas controls the network18:34
jkyleas it stands, I can't even delete the nodes (button grayed out).18:34
imbrandonif it dont you end up with this :)18:34
jkyleso, it'd be helpful to get into the node's shell and manually fix the network (and confirm that's the issue) then I can integrate some post flight scripts knowing what the problem is ;)18:34
jkyleguess single usermode is always an option hehe18:35
imbrandoni highkly doubt thats possible, if it is its a glaring security hole18:35
jkylethe passwd hash is in the preseed. I bet dollars to donuts that the default pass is somewhere in the maas settings file18:36
imbrandonreally though to confim it just spin it up with  it controlling the network like it wants18:36
imbrandonjkyle: i'm sure18:36
jkyleimbrandon: it's not that maas is not controlling the network config, it's that my network is not a flat network18:37
imbrandonright, i dont see the diffrence here, put it on its own18:37
imbrandonit dont matter what your current setup is, i'm not talking about that18:37
imbrandonjust isolate maas and see if thats the issue18:38
imbrandontrying to figure out too many variables at one time will give you grey hair, get maas working the way IT wants to, then if you want to try and intergrate it into a non standard setup cool, but you konw the ropes at that poit18:40
imbrandonsee what i'm getting at ?18:40
imbrandonanyhow its the weekend and i'm the only chicken in the house atm it seems, sorry cant be much more help than that, but yea short of a MAAS dude poppin up i'd break it down to the simplest terms instead of trying to smash into a node, thats just my 0.2c18:42
imbrandonshould just have to unplug, reconf the ui and re-pxe boot, hour-ish18:43
imbrandonpxe install dont take long18:43
jkyleimbrandon: yeah, I getcha. quicker to boot to single user though than reconfigure switch and router profiles18:49
jkyleinterestingly enough, when I rebooted the node, it loaded the _old_ OS. even though it was showing a 12.04 prompt. maas must use a headless boot as a holding phase or something18:51
jkylepxe stops at: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): eth0: link becomes ready18:54
jkylemight have to fall back to just cobbler and my own scripts for initiali orchastration19:11
SpamapSjkyle: IIRC, maas works like orchestra, and they shouldn't install the OS until you've bootstrapped with juju19:11
jkyleSpamapS: what I'm stuck at is the node is booted, it's in the maas interface, but it just says "commissioning" and the docs don't reflect the options I have at this point19:12
jkylee.g., it says click "Accept & Commision" button before moving forward with juju...but no such button exists19:12
jkyleI'll just move forward a bit and assume it's not necessary...see if juju just "works"19:13
SpamapSjkyle: perhaps the docs are out of sync w/ late changes19:15
jkylek, I'm at juju status here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/MAAS/Juju19:21
jkylejuju status returns "Could not find AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"19:21
imbrandonis your env still type ec2 ?19:22
jkylejuju status -e maas returns => Invalid environment 'maas'19:22
imbrandonppa juju ?19:22
SpamapSjkyle: dpkg -l juju, you need at least bzr50419:23
jkyleah, my bad, dropped an 's' on the environment conf19:23
jkyleI have 50419:25
SpamapSjkyle: I'd recommend trying the PPA. The version in the PPA *should* land in 12.04 before the release, and has a number of minor fixes for the maas provider.19:26
jkylealrighty, now I get: juju environment not found: is the environment bootstrapped?19:27
jkyleSpamapS: I'm using the ppa version19:27
imbrandonso is it bootstraped ? heh19:27
jkylewell, I've followed all the directions to date19:28
SpamapSjkyle: I'm guessing your environments.yaml is not quite right19:28
jkyleI copied and pasted from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/MAAS/Juju and replaced with the appropriate values19:28
imbrandonit return success ? when you ran juju bootstrap -e maas ?19:29
jkylelemme take it from the top. I probably missed a step19:30
SpamapSjkyle: if the docs are wrong, please do suggest fixes (or just edit the wiki directly :)19:31
jkyleI get this from bootstrap => Unexpected Error interacting with provider: 409 CONFLICT19:32
jkyleand, whaddya know, bug with my _exact_ situation hehe: https://answers.launchpad.net/maas/+question/19347319:32
jkyleI'll totally edit if i figure out what's amiss19:33
jkyleare maas and juju tightly coupled?19:34
jkylethat bug describes what I had yesterday, with teh start node button. but the latest maas update removes the start button. now just a grayed out delete19:34
SpamapSjkyle: they should be independent, though juju is the only way to acquire/provision nodes in maas right now IIRC19:37
jkylemaybe I should just fall back on cobbler and play with juju or chef19:37
jkylemaas looks promising, but without docs to back it it's a guessing game19:38
imbrandontrue, its still only days old too :)19:39
jkyleI'll be hanging with some maas folks @ the Openstack conference19:40
SpamapSjkyle: the maas folks often hang in here of #juju-dev19:43
Davieyjkyle: conflict usually means you don't have enough nodes, or you haven't accepted the enlistment in the webui19:45
Davieyie, not enough nodes in Ready state19:45
jkyleyeah, I was talking with the package maintainer yesterday. very helpful19:45
jkyleDaviey: right, problem is...there's no button to accept them ;)19:45
Davieyjkyle: yes there is :)19:46
SpamapSDaviey: backscroll, he's run into some confusion in the docs19:46
SpamapSjkyle: Daviey can help you :)19:46
_mup_Bug #981845: "Accept & Commission" button does not exist <MAAS:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/981845 >19:48
Davieyjkyle: Remember that MAAS isn't yet included in a supported release.. So be fair :)19:48
* imbrandon trails off to provision 10 servers in hp cloud and start a ndb charm maybe19:48
jkyleDaviey: oh, I realize I'm on the bleeding edge of the bleeding edge19:48
Davieyjkyle: ok.. i know your problem :)19:48
jkyleDaviey: even as new as it is, so far it's easier to grok than crowbar when the information is found :)19:50
Davieysudo mount /var/lib/maas/ephemeral/precise/server/amd64/20120328/disk.img /mnt/ ; sudo chroot /mnt ; sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get install cloud-init ; exit ; sudo umount /mnt19:50
Davieyrestart the node.19:50
SpamapSDaviey: oh I think I saw that bug.. pre-seed is messed up?19:51
Davieyjkyle: super!19:51
DavieySpamapS: No.. it's a self fixing bug at release time.19:51
DavieySpamapS: We can't make people update the daily ephemeral image on a daily basis, so we are using milestones.. The most recent milestone is beta-2, which doesn't have a recent enough cloud-init.19:52
DavieySo when final is canned, it'll fix itself.19:52
jkyleon a side, there could be issues with pulling images from ephemeral for some companies19:52
jkyleI mean for the bootstrap phase. are there plans to pull those in locally?19:53
Davieyjkyle: right.. next cycle we are going to make it so it can run entirely offline.19:53
SpamapSDaviey: *ahhhhh*19:53
Daviey(TBD at UDS>)19:53
Davieyjkyle: it's a one time process, right.. it only imports them when you run command.  You could work around it if needed, by importing from usb media, or something19:54
jkyleapt-get update fails on most of the mirrors19:55
SpamapSExpires header problems. :-P19:59
SpamapSok, back to my Saturday19:59
SpamapSjkyle: good luck :)19:59
melmothhmm, stuck too with https://answers.launchpad.net/maas/+question/193473 (and me too, i did not have a Accept & Commission button)21:26

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