
CIA-42[perlqt] Jonathan Thomas <echidnaman@kubuntu.org> * echidnaman@kubuntu.org-20120414002058-z0r10brud6ygdrm6 * debian/ (changelog control) Add a dependency on liblist-moreutils-perl to libqt4core-perl. (LP: #820243)00:21
JontheEchidnaScottK: http://quickgit.kde.org/?p=muon.git&a=commit&h=d7eeee31b694062cb52e630c3dba230a4aedf21701:31
JontheEchidnaI'll cherry-pick the patch and upload an updated package in a bit01:32
JontheEchidnaScottK: oh, and when the next iso's roll around for testing, could you see if bug 856384 is still happening for you? I may have accidentally fixed it.01:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 856384 in muon (Ubuntu) "Muon software center doesn't rebuild search index after sources change" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85638401:34
ScottKJontheEchidna: Sure.  I'll try to remember to give it a try.02:25
ScottKJontheEchidna: I see the upload.  I'll review it in a bit.02:36
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BluesKajHi all11:41
markeyapachelogger_: I saw your new venture today, very cool:11:55
markeyin Neu_Ulm11:55
Peace-i guess there is nobody here right?14:05
Peace-i just need some help to create a debian package 14:05
Peace-expecially for rules14:06
Peace-i can't get it working properluy 14:06
yofelPeace-: what's the problem? (and there's #ubuntu-packaging too when nobody is here)14:19
Peace-yofel: i did several service menu for kde14:22
Peace-yofel: and now i am trying to do my ppa but of course i need to do some packages...14:22
Peace-yofel:  i can generate the packages but they have not  the bin directory  and other stuff14:23
yofelhow do you install your files?14:23
Peace-yofel: look at the rules http://paste.ubuntu.com/92955114:24
Peace-yofel: one is the bash script another file is .desktop file14:24
Peace-yofel: i did my packages with cmake and cpack btw , but if i did not understand bad  i can only use the standard way to try to upload on my ppa14:25
yofelwell, yeah, for dpkg-buildpackage you can only install files with make install or using install files14:26
yofelPeace-: I'm not too familiar with pre-dh7 packaging, can you pastebin the full buildlog somewhere?14:27
Peace-yofel: i guess you meant this http://paste.ubuntu.com/92955814:28
yofelPeace-: how is usr/bin/ktexeditor-open-folder created? Already there in the source?14:35
Peace-ktexteitor-open-file is my script 14:36
Peace-controlled by the service menu 14:36
yofelfile or folder?14:36
Peace-let me post you a screenshot of my source ...14:36
yofelyour rules says folder14:36
yofelwell, do you have usr/bin/ktexeditor-open-folder or usr/bin/ktexeditor-open-file?14:38
Peace-o wtf14:38
Peace-yofel: nope :D14:43
Peace-yofel: the script is called ktexeditor-open-folder14:44
Peace-because let you open with kate a folder14:44
Peace-well the files into a folder14:44
yofelthen I'm not sure what's wrong. Is that package arch all or any?14:44
yofelany actual binary files in there?14:46
Peace-yofel: control file http://paste.ubuntu.com/92960114:46
Peace-the binary is the script14:46
Peace-i used this14:47
Peace-debuild -uc -us --source-option=--include-binaries --source-option=-isession14:47
yofelI meant something compiled during build14:47
Peace-i have only  2 files :D14:47
yofelthen I would say make it Architecure:all, and go with a dummy rules + an install file for the package14:48
yofelPeace-: that's what I did here if you need a reference: https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~neon/project-neon/project-neon-runtime14:50
Peace-yofel:  you mean this for rules http://paste.ubuntu.com/92960714:51
Peace-and thsi 14:51
Peace-here debian/mypackagename.install14:51
Peace-but that would not work if i have only an output path?14:52
Peace-i mean i have 2 folders 14:52
Peace-usr bin 14:52
Peace-and usr share bla bla bla 14:52
yofeluh, just put "usr/*" in your install file14:52
Peace-omg i am an idiot14:54
yofelnah, debian packaging is confusing enough to believe you need some really complicated way to install something14:54
Peace-yofel: btw the service menu i did it's this :D http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4127065/dabuttare/kate-folder-service-menu_0.1.0.orig.tar.gz14:54
Peace-yofel: and for permission?14:59
Peace-it does by itself?14:59
yofeldh_fixperms does that, which should be 755 for /usr/bin and 644 for the other15:00
Peace-:D no luck 15:20
Peace-well i am tired15:20
Peace-i guess i need some rest15:20
Peace-btw yofel with cmake is very very very very very easier15:22
jalcineA lot is easier with CMake ;)15:25
Darkwingapachelogger_, shadeslayer ++ on the splash16:00
ScottKJontheEchidna: Fixed confirmed.  Thanks.17:11
yofelPeace-: well, it's easier as you add any way to do the installation by "make install" - cmake or not18:14
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BarkingFishare we getting daily releases onto the beta?21:10
BarkingFishI only updated like, 18 hours ago, and some of the stuff I updated, has been updated again. Apper just alerted me.21:11
yofelBarkingFish: packages for the development release get out as they are uploaded and accepted21:16
yofelso don't be surprised if you get updates several times per day21:16
BarkingFishbut updates to the updates that have barely been updated? :)21:17
yofelBarkingFish: well, that depends on how often the developer needs to upload something...21:20
BarkingFishtrue I suppose :)21:20
BarkingFishIt just shocked me seeing something I updated this morning, update21:21
BarkingFish*updated, this evening too :D21:21
yofelBarkingFish: you can look at the changelog if you're curious what the upload was for21:21
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