
clashingwaveHello all I'm wondering if anyone has a fix for the problem in Kde where If I set my panels to hid and run a full screen program, I can't click in the  program where the panel reveals at. Is there a way to stop it from doing this?00:07
BluesKajclashingwave, try the escape key00:25
BluesKajclashingwave, which "program" , if it's a video , which player ?01:29
clashingwaveBluesKaj, it's a virtual machine, but it also happens in gewnview01:46
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_rob_i have kubuntu 12.04 running on my laptop and everything was working fine until I just ran `apt-get upgrade` and now my wifi is broken. I cannot even turn it on. Anyone know how to fix this?03:29
_rob_im guessing it replace my drivers with the wrong ones but i have no idea03:30
rapidsp_rob_: laptop brand?03:33
_rob_vaio vpcf232fx03:35
rapidsponly `apt-get upgrade` or `apt-get upgrade && apt-get dist-upgrade`?03:43
_rob_only `apt-get upgrade`03:43
rapidspi think it need `apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && apt-get dist-upgrade`03:44
_rob_hmm, didn't think dist-upgrade would do anything since im on the latest beta03:45
_rob_but i did `apt-get update` first03:45
rapidspmay be some modules does not upgrade03:45
_rob_running it now03:46
_rob_lol "Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?"03:47
_rob_i did sudo03:48
_rob_and nothing else is running afaik03:48
rapidspsome apt is running03:48
xzuhtoI'm trying to connect to a remote server to work on some PHP via Bluefish HTML Editor. I'm not quite used to KDE yet. Could someone point me in the direction of where to make this connection?03:48
rapidspps aux|grep apt03:48
_rob_another process was listed so i killed it then tried the upgrade again and same thing03:51
JontheEchidnathe dpkg lock is stale then03:51
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »03:51
_rob_just tried that03:54
_rob_same error03:54
_rob_and a reboot didnt fix it either03:54
jonrob287need help trying to install xp on kubuntu03:55
jonrob287but get error chkdsk /f03:55
jonrob287may be corrupt03:55
xzuhtoAnyone have any idea how to go about connecting to a remote server? I feel like I'm missing something obvious.03:56
jonrob287use remmina remote desktop client03:57
jonrob287it works good for me03:57
mr-richjonrob287: install XP on Kununtu? via aVM?03:58
jonrob287whats aVM?03:58
mr-richVirtual Machine03:58
mr-richoops ... /s/aVM/a VM/ ...03:59
xzuhtojon I'm not trying to remote desktop. I'm trying to access a remote server to access html/php files so I can edit my website03:59
L3topare you attempting to dual boot xp and kubuntu jonrob287?03:59
jonrob287this is my old computer giving to my mom n she wants xp not kubuntu03:59
jonrob287srry xzuhto04:00
mr-richaha ... trying to install over kubuntu, then ...04:00
rapidsp_rob_: some apt still running i think04:00
L3top /join #windows04:00
xzuhtoJon boot from disk redo the partitions and let windows do the rest...04:00
rapidsp_rob_: muon as examle04:01
mr-richjonrob287: get a disk util and raw format the disk ...04:01
jonrob287tried xz got errror04:01
jonrob287which rich?04:01
_rob_rapidsp, strange, I `sudo -s` first and it's now upgrading04:02
mr-richjonrob287: donno ... I run Win as a VM ...04:02
_rob_but `sudo apt-get ...` was giving errors04:02
mr-richjonrob287: sounds like the HD might me heading south, though ...04:02
mr-richjonrob287: may need to replace it ...04:02
rapidsp_rob_: may be in '/root' some locks...04:03
mr-richjonrob287: in order for checkidsk to work, it needs to be formatted to NFS/FAT, IIRC ...04:04
_rob_so far 12.04 beta2 has worked flawlessly on my laptop except for some noise coming through my speakers04:05
_rob_pretty happy with it04:06
rapidspbeta is beta :)04:08
_rob_hmm wireless still unavailable04:09
rapidspbugreport it04:10
GH0Where is output from the rc.local files kept? I am trying to figure out why a script which has been working for over a month, is starting to fail in rc.local, but works successfully when running the shell script manually.04:28
tsimpsonGH0: probably in /var/log/syslog04:33
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glisignoliQuestion: Is there a way to install kubuntu from linux? Without booting from cd?08:04
bazhangglisignoli, to another partition?08:04
glisignolioverwriting the hdd08:04
bazhangthe mounted hdd?08:05
bazhangerr partition I mean08:05
bazhangthe one you are currently using?08:05
glisignoliwell, overwriting the hdd. I do have a linux rescue dvd I can boot from08:05
glisignoliwell, overwriting the hdd. I do have a linux rescue dvd I can boot from08:05
glisignolibasically I have a usb stick with kubuntu on it. Can't boot from it, but the stick is fine.08:05
glisignoliand no blank cd's08:06
bazhangoverwriting a mounted and active one? the one you're on?08:06
glisignoliWell, the hdd won't be mounted. I'll boot the system off a system rescue dvd.08:07
glisignoliBut installing to the only hdd in the machine08:07
glisignolioverwriting all partitions08:07
tsimpsonglisignoli: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation#Installation_without_a_CD and the section below08:24
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bibijkehi, amarok can't play aac+ di.fm radio, what i need to install? (kubuntu 11.10)09:36
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sirriffsalot_Hello! I screwed up an set my graphics driver off without selecting another one, and now when I try to boot my monitor goes to sleep mode, haha! Any way I can set my graphics driver from a live cd?11:36
Peace-sirriffsalot_:which video card?11:37
Peace-intel nvidia or at11:38
sirriffsalot_Peace-: nvidia...)*11:38
sirriffsalot_Peace-: It's been giving me trouble at bootup (or so I think) when I get messages such as "starting system v runlevel compatibility          fail" and stopping automatic crash report generation            fail"11:39
sirriffsalot_Peace-: lead me to try to install a earlier graphics driver and screwed up as previously explained...:-/ Any ideas?11:40
Peace-sirriffsalot_: you need to boot with kernel recovery http://nowardev.files.wordpress.com/2010/10/recoveryc.jpeg , then you will choose root shell or something like that  http://nowardev.files.wordpress.com/2010/10/aukckf6e.jpeg11:40
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sirriffsalot_Peace-: the trouble is my installation doesn't give those options...11:41
sirriffsalot_Peace-: it goes straight to booting up what would be the first choice11:41
BluesKajHi all11:41
sirriffsalot_BluesKaj: Hey=)11:41
mydogsnameisrudyusing 11.10 and at login i get this error  Unknown error. (Unable to fetch item from backend)11:41
Peace-sirriffsalot_: press SHIFT11:41
sirriffsalot_Peace-: Ok... what do I do when I do the second picture?:P11:42
Peace-you ned to select netroot11:42
Peace-then you are root11:43
Peace-with internet11:43
sirriffsalot_Peace-: well yeah, but after that?:D11:43
Peace-so you can try to fix the driver11:43
sirriffsalot_I see11:43
sirriffsalot_At what point am I to hold in shift?11:43
Peace-sirriffsalot_: wait a moment11:43
BluesKajhey sirriffsalot_ , Peace- , mydogsnameisrudy11:43
Peace-sirriffsalot_: first we talk to how to fix the driver11:43
sirriffsalot_BluesKaj: Hi again11:44
* BluesKaj goes for coffee11:44
Peace-sirriffsalot_: this dirver it's the default one xserver-xorg-video-nouveau11:44
Peace-sirriffsalot_: so i *guess* and i am NOT SURE youshoud11:44
Peace-sudo apt-get remove nvidia-*11:44
sirriffsalot_Peace-: alright, am I to select that when I get there?11:44
Peace-sirriffsalot_:  sudo apt-get install --reinstall  xserver-xorg-video-nouveau11:45
Peace-or maybe better11:45
Peace-sirriffsalot_:  sudo apt-get install  xserver-xorg-video-nouveau11:45
Peace-sirriffsalot_: anyway a good step it's read all this stuff https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia11:46
sirriffsalot_Hang on:)11:46
Peace-sirriffsalot_: you should be able to undestand which files you have to remove reinstall11:47
Peace-BluesKaj: holas11:47
Peace-sirriffsalot_: if you can boot with recovery kernel ...11:47
sirriffsalot_Peace-: Let's hope I can11:47
sirriffsalot_Peace-: gonna give it a go! Cheers so far!11:47
Peace-sirriffsalot_: http://nowardev.wordpress.com/2010/10/31/try-to-fix-your-kubuntu-box-with-kernel-recovery/11:47
Peace-sirriffsalot_: read that if youcan't boot11:47
sirriffsalot_Peace-: oh11:48
Peace-sirriffsalot_: that is my website11:48
sirriffsalot_Peace-: by the way... I'm on a Dream Studio install.. Will that make a difference?:S11:48
Peace-sirriffsalot_: i support only kubuntu then11:48
sirriffsalot_Peace-: Meh ok...11:48
mydogsnameisrudyon login i get this error     Unknown error. (Unable to fetch item from backend)  any ideas?11:50
mydogsnameisrudyhmmm looks like i have a good one , no one has seen ;)11:52
BluesKajmydogsnameisrudy, have you checked phonon backend ..gstreamer?12:23
BluesKajdunno , just guessing12:23
mydogsnameisrudyno idea what your asking me12:23
BluesKaj"Unable to fetch item from backend"12:24
mydogsnameisrudysetup a new user and it works fine ..12:24
mydogsnameisrudyso its just this user12:24
mydogsnameisrudyat login12:24
shreddingI'm new to (k)ubuntu.12:57
shreddingI'd like to install new software, but the software center is blank.12:57
shreddingnevermind killall software-center did it12:58
shreddinganyway: my real question: when i shutdown kubuntu, the shutdown process freezes at "shutting down tomcat"12:58
shreddinghow can i avoid thid?12:58
DoctorPeppershredding:  stop tomcat  manually before  doing the shutdown12:59
shreddingDoctorPepper: Thanks for your help. I'm really new to linux. is there a way to automate this, like a script that runs everytime before shutdown?13:00
DoctorPepperi dont know of any script  that  does  that13:02
DoctorPepperare  u  running  on a desktop  or server13:03
shreddingI'm not really sure, if I need tomcat.13:04
DoctorPepperin the case  disable  the tomcat service13:04
shreddingSo if there's a script that would prevent it from starting at first place, i guess I'm good.13:04
shreddingHow would I do that?13:04
DoctorPeppershredding:  http://dotgiri.com/2009/08/31/alternative-for-chkconfig-in-ubuntu-sysv-rc-conf-enable-or-disable-services-at-startup/13:07
DoctorPepperthe use this software to the disable tomcat13:08
DoctorPepperyou're  welcome13:11
shreddingwould you mind to drop a word about the numbers (service)?13:12
shreddingI just deactivated it anywhere13:12
shreddingI really have to say that linux is lots of fun.13:14
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GH0How can I change the permissions to reflect the following:13:34
GH0drwxr-xr-x  2 root bind     4096 2012-04-11 20:22 bind13:34
GH0drwxr-sr-x  2 root bind     4096 2012-04-13 22:44 bind_bak13:34
GH0Specifically the s permission.13:34
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sirriffsalotHey guys! I foolishly "unselected" my graphics driver and did not activate another, and now I can't access my login prompt, haha. Is there a way to fix this? Through recovery mode or live cd?14:49
|rapidsp|sirriffsalot: whats video card?14:50
sirriffsalot|rapidsp|: not sure, don't want to give you bad info:)14:51
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robertzaccourafter using the razor tool in kdenlive, how do I delete part of that clip without removing the entire video?15:02
_rob_|rapidsp|, fixed my wifi this morning16:09
_rob_ `rfkill unblock all`16:09
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BluesKaj_rob_, care to share what your situation was , so we can learn from it ?16:24
_rob_i did a `apt-get upgrade` on 12.04 b2 and my wireless stopped working16:25
_rob_not sure what packages were included in the upgrade, there were about 100 of them16:27
BluesKajI'm talking about your network manager error messages , if any16:28
BluesKajwhen you tried to connect16:28
_rob_no errors, it just wouldn't let me connect16:29
_rob_i thought it was a driver til i started digging through the package manager and found rfkill16:29
BluesKajyes , i've heard of rfkill before but usually it doesn't work , _rob_ , i think you lucked out there :16:33
_rob_i guess so. I'm still wondering how it got blocked but it's working now so it's not important16:35
_rob_if only i could get my cifs mounts to umount now on reboot and shutdown ...16:36
BluesKaj_rob_, check your fstab settings , you may need to re-enter the cifs settings16:40
_rob_BluesKaj, I think fstab is fine. The network shares mount fine, it just causes the system to hang on reboot.17:04
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BluesKajhi bias17:16
biaspuuhh  ich dachte schon mihc hört man nicht::))17:17
ubottuIn den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!17:17
BluesKajengl,ish only here , bias17:19
biasI understand blueskaj told me,...17:19
_rob_BluesKaj, from my reading it seems the network manager shuts down before the cifs shares around un mounted. I added symlinks to umountnfs.sh in rc0.d and rc6.d but it still hangs17:19
biasis somebody there who appears in berlin every secong wednesday?17:20
biashey rob youŕe still alive? ;)17:21
_rob_of course, im only 3217:21
BluesKaj_rob_, i tried a .sh script link in and I had hangups as well.. did you do update-rc.d after making the links17:22
bias32? I don wanna know you're age ;)17:22
bias? @rob  what you're mean y that?17:23
_rob_BluesKaj, no, i didnt. Not really sure how17:25
BluesKaj_rob_, sudo update-rc.d in the konsole17:26
_rob_i got a usage error when i tried that17:27
BluesKajahha ..quote the error17:27
BluesKaj_rob_, that's not an error , that's normal output17:31
_rob_still stuck trying to shut down17:35
kilo12v4kuhello all17:35
kilo12v4kulooking for some help on solving a dual mon issue17:36
kilo12v4kucant get a resolution above 1024x768 on one of the mons, where windows I I could get it to 128017:37
hounddoghi, i just installed kubuntu and am a bit lost how i would get the graphics running properly on my laptop... have a hybrid graphic card... nvidia.17:38
voodoo123x_@hounddog: Have you installed the additional drivers?17:41
hounddogvoodoo123x_,  not yet... was a bit unsure...17:42
hounddogwas googling around.17:42
hounddoghmmm just seeing they are installed17:42
hounddogin muon i see additional drivers 2 times... 1 is installed17:42
voodoo123x_@hounddog: Open the menu and type "Additional Drivers" and you should see an option there. Install the driver for the graphics card from there if it is not already.17:43
kilo12v4ku@hounddog I installed the nvidia-current and it locked me up - figured Id look for help on the forums on that ione myself17:43
BluesKajhounddog, which gpus do you have ?17:43
hounddoggt 330m nvidia17:43
kilo12v4kuanyone have any ideas on screen res problems?17:44
BluesKajvoodoo123x_, the @ symbol doesn't do anything on irc , just use the nick17:44
hounddogif i open the nvidia x server i get the message is not configured properly... will follow those steps.17:44
voodoo123x_BluesKaj, Heh, thanks. More of a habit than anything.17:45
BluesKajyou have 2 gpus what's the other one hounddog17:45
_rob_the @ symbol does do something, it keeps you from using tab auto completion on nicks :p17:45
kilo12v4kuvoodoo same here17:45
hounddoglet me check on the acer site :)17:45
BluesKaj_rob_, some ppl find it annoying17:46
BluesKajsometimes we have to remind ppl this isn't Bingo english :)17:47
kilo12v4kuBingo English?17:47
BluesKajb4 for before etc17:47
kilo12v4kuahhh chatspeak17:47
BluesKajgoogle bingo kilo12v4ku17:48
kilo12v4kusame thing as chatspeak just a newer term17:48
BluesKajdunno I use plain english as much as possible17:49
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BluesKajexcept for some expressions that everyone knows17:49
BluesKajlike dunno :)17:49
_rob_BluesKaj, that was more a hint to voodoo123x_ and kilo12v4ku that they can hit tab for auto completion on nicks if they dont use @17:50
hounddoghttp://support.acer.com/acerpanam/notebook/2010/Acer/Aspire/Aspire5745G/Aspire5745Gsp2.shtml there it is... searching for the card info :)17:50
kilo12v4kuI actually just used on here bc it seemed like more an attn getter, but np17:51
BluesKaj_rob_, yeah got it17:51
kilo12v4kuanyway...ne1 got any ideas about screen res issues?  if not Im headin to the forums17:52
hounddogeither i am blind or i cannot find the specs for the second gpu...17:52
L3tophounddog lspci | grep VGA    will tell you the hardware. It can get a lot more verbose. Check out bumblebee for hybrid discrete graphics switching.17:55
hounddogahh directly also shopws both17:56
hounddoghttp://pastie.org/3787630 there they are :)17:57
hounddogL3top, saw something about this17:57
hounddogwill check it out17:57
BluesKajhounddog, looks like you have 2 nvidia gpus, 330m and 310m..first time I've seen that17:57
hounddogBluesKaj, look at the pastie, that is more accurate17:58
L3topnp. I am currently writing stuff to completely disable the weaker for the stronger performer for am open source project that has a media center.17:58
hounddogi was sure it is intel and nvidia17:58
L3topIt usually is intel + something17:58
hounddogi think those could be different laptop models17:58
L3topintel + intel is what is killing me. Trying to choose the "best" one. I just don't have the hardware... so I am presuming the first listed is the weaker17:59
hounddogL3top, if youare at it... i need a proper media center for my tv ... default one is crap :p17:59
hounddogi mean installed ON the tv :)17:59
BluesKajhounddog, sudo lshw -C video17:59
L3topThis is a different project... it just HAS a media center. It is a whole house automation platform. linuxmce.org18:00
hounddogok, sounds nice... i actually like xbmc...18:00
L3topfeel free to take a look or join #linuxmce18:00
hounddogyou have a easy to reach api on it? then i could do something with js on the screen...18:01
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hounddogBluesKaj, just pasted it again in that pastie18:01
L3topThere is nothing easy to reach on lmce... lol18:01
L3topits just different.18:01
BluesKajright hounddog , intel and nvidia18:02
L3topIf you would like to experiment I can throw code at you... but bumblebee is probably what you want.18:02
hounddogi know programming... but i do not know linux very well... would rather go the easy/secure way...18:03
GH0What are the default groups assigned to a user when you first install Kubuntu?18:03
L3topI understand. It was more for me than you ;P18:03
kilo12v4kuwhere do I find out which vers of kubuntu it is I am running18:03
hounddogthis morning i actually bricked my ubuntu install by messing with graphics18:04
kilo12v4kuhey hounddog me too...this is actually my fourth install since yesterday18:04
hounddogwell, you are 2 installations ahead of me :p18:05
L3topkilo12v4ku: you can type lsb_release -c -s18:05
L3topin a terminal.18:05
L3topthough I am sure there is a gui help/about way.18:05
kilo12v4kucool ty18:05
hounddoghttp://pastie.org/3787668 this is the same thing where i bricked it this morning18:06
hounddogruning nvidia-xconfig18:06
hounddogL3top, looks like the solution has something to do with bumblebee according to forums18:08
* L3top was pretty sure he said bumblebee 3 times18:10
hounddogfollowing that guide now and parying18:11
L3topdont forget to thrust.18:12
BluesKajhounddog, http://hybrid-graphics-linux.tuxfamily.org/index.php?title=Bumblebee18:13
hounddogBluesKaj, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bumblebee was following this atm18:13
L3topit was a play on words of your typo... nm18:13
BluesKajthere's another script that some use called vga_switcheroo18:14
hounddogthere is also something about some gui version some guy has built18:14
L3topIt is my experience that bumblebee is more mature.18:14
hounddogok... relogin... if i do not come back i am lost :p18:15
L3topHow does lucid handle kdm startup? I know that /etc/X11/default-display-manager points to /usr/bin/kdm... but what is invoking that path? Is that an OS thing or an X thing?18:16
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yofelL3top: it's started by /etc/init/kdm.conf18:19
kilo12v4kuok since more ppl have showed up....if i use the nvidia current I lose my 2nd mon, any ideas?18:20
yofelit doesn't show up in nvidia-settings?18:20
kilo12v4kuunder sys settings it doesnt show up no18:21
L3topty yofel18:21
kilo12v4kunever was able to get to nvidia-settings18:21
kilo12v4kulet me install it again but I really hate losing the real estate18:22
yofelkilo12v4ku: first check if it's installed, then try alt+f2 nvidia-settings18:22
kilo12v4kugonna re-install it now18:22
BluesKajkilo12v4ku, don't jump the gun , check what yofel says first18:23
kilo12v4kunot there18:23
BluesKajdid you do nvidia-xconfig18:24
kilo12v4kuand looking at muon and nvidia-current-dev is not installed18:24
kilo12v4kuI did that in install 3 and froxe the box18:25
yofelyou don't need -dev18:25
BluesKajor did you ude jockey to install18:25
yofelwhat you need is:18:25
hounddogso, screen is still working.18:25
yofel!info nvidia-settings18:25
ubottunvidia-settings (source: nvidia-settings): Tool of configuring the NVIDIA graphics driver. In component main, is optional. Version 280.13-0ubuntu2 (oneiric), package size 901 kB, installed size 2152 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; lpia)18:25
yofeland it won't show up in system settings if I remember correctly18:25
kilo12v4kunvidia-settings is not installed18:26
yofelinstall it, that's what you use for multi-screen setup with the nvidia driver18:26
kilo12v4kuinstalling now18:26
BluesKajit's in the kmenu>apps>settings kilo12v4ku18:27
BluesKajkilo12v4ku, how are you installing it ?18:27
kilo12v4kufrom within Muon18:28
BluesKajnot the way to do it18:28
GH0Is anyone here familiar with ACL's? I seem to be having a problem setting them up correctly. Right now I am trying to setup a file server so that only specific groups can access those files. Right now I have my base folder /srv/ setup for 755 with root:root as the owner:group. Beyond that, I have an Applications folder which is setup in /srv/storage/Applications which is setup like so:18:28
GH0http://pastebin.com/0HWR2HJi However, I can't create files, and I am not sure if I just have the ACL's set up wrong, or if it something else I am doing. If I create a file I get:  "andrew@server:/srv/storage/Applications$ mkdir test"  "mkdir: cannot create directory `test': Permission denied"18:28
kilo12v4kuok - whats the best route18:28
hounddogwith me settings is installed but throws warning that i do not appear to be using nvidia x-driver...18:28
BluesKajopen the kmenu kilo12v4ku , apps>system>additional drivers , choose the recommended driver and install18:29
yofelBluesKaj: he has the driver, he's trying to set up multiple monitors18:29
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GH0The user that I am testing with is a part of the software group.18:30
kilo12v4kuok installing that now18:30
GH0Also yofel, the mounting issue that I was having, was a KDE Configuration error. If I change any setting, it fails. If I delete the .kde folder it works fine.18:30
BluesKajyofel, yeah, but is it the correct one18:30
kilo12v4kui had actually refused to install one until on this kub install bc it was ticking me off (the loss of the 2nd mon)18:37
kilo12v4kuok before I do what it is wantingme to do18:39
kilo12v4kuif I get frozen on the boot,,,how do I get to the cmd line?18:40
BluesKajctrl+alt+f1 or 218:42
kilo12v4kuBluesKaj: it says I am not using Nvidia X Driver18:43
kilo12v4kunext question is there a way to start using it without having to reboot18:43
BluesKajkilo12v4ku, ctrl+alt+f7 or 818:44
BluesKajkilo12v4ku, try this at the tty prompt (ctrl+alt+f1) , sudo service kdm stop , then,  sudo apt-get install nvidia-current , then sudo nvidia-xconfig , then startx18:54
L3topyou should pkill X as well after kdm stop19:12
L3topit will drop to login prompt otherwise19:12
meNthai want to buy a "new" laptop19:13
meNthait has multitouch touchpad19:14
meNthafe: dubble finger scrool, zoom with fingers, etc19:14
meNthait will work on kubuntu/ubuntu?19:14
BluesKajL3top, never needed to kill X . kdm stop is sufficient19:19
L3topI always have. nvidia setup doesn't care about kdm, it wants X stopped. If stopping kdm was enough to stop x, then pkill X wouldn't do anything anyway. I don't see the harm... and for me, on lucid, I have to.19:20
L3topI am not trying to argue, just explain my rationale.19:21
L3topI do not claim to be right, it is just my experience.19:21
BluesKajL3top, Ifollowed that procedure I posted several times and and it always worked to install anew nviida driver... aamof i copied it from a kubuntu tutorial19:22
BluesKajbut if you want to kill X then that's your business :)19:24
BluesKajL3top, lucid ? ..ok , that might explain it19:27
=== bulldog98_ is now known as bulldog98
meNthaBluesKaj do u have any idea in my problem?19:30
hounddogso... i am not able to see any 3d opengl rendering yet... my laptop hates me19:38
hounddogopening nvidia-settings also tells me that i do not appear to be using the nvidia x driver...19:39
BluesKajmeNtha,hou have you setup desktop effects in system settings, I have to ask :P19:40
BluesKajoops wrong guy , hounddog ^19:40
L3topBluesKaj: sudo service kdm stop    at prompt ps aux | grep X  just for fun.19:40
BluesKajmeNtha, sunno much about tablet computing , sorry19:40
hounddogdesktop effects?19:40
BluesKajyeah in system settings19:41
meNthaits not a tablet :D19:41
hounddogfound it...19:41
meNthawait, i will serach a video19:41
meNthaBluesKaj http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ffDKQNKM3eA   @ 1:4519:42
hounddogbut its not just desktop... i am just using my samplegame to see if the graphic card is rendering anything in opengl... but nothin19:42
hounddogsamplegame = webgl19:43
BluesKajhounddog, you have to set desktop effects for 3D rendering19:43
hounddogok, just set it to start at startup19:44
hounddoglet me relog and check19:45
=== ocelot is now known as bias
hounddognope, no change...19:47
BluesKajMetaBot_, we don't whether or not that laptop is fine for linux ...we don't give that kind of advice ...we can't recommend specific computers unless they are already loaded with a kubuntu OS.19:48
meNthao, i see19:49
meNthathanks anyway19:49
BluesKajhounddog, have you installed bumblebee19:49
avihaymeNtha: http://www.google.com/search?q=linuxlaptop I guess19:49
hounddogam able to switch on and off etc19:50
biasdid anybody know how to change my password?19:50
avihayalso, I recommand not to buy an MSI PR600 due to some sensor issues, suspend and other minor oddities19:50
avihayincidently, if anyone knows any workarounds for an MSI PR600, I'd be glad to hear about them19:51
hounddogBluesKaj, running nvidia-settings allways gives me warning that not using nvidia x driver19:51
biaswho's the operator of the berlin site?19:53
BluesKajhounddog, yes , because it's using the intel lower level driver...have you set up bumblebee , there must be some kind of configuration gui19:55
hounddogam just going through it again19:56
bias@blueskaj ,...I wanna change my passwort at the berlin ubuntu site could give an idea how?19:57
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=== HelenB[Away] is now known as HelenB
BluesKajbias, is it on freenode ?20:00
biasis anyone ,...in mai in berlin?20:01
hounddogoh wait.20:11
hounddogi have 3d!20:11
hounddogwtf oO my game only gave me 60 fps on windows... here i even have 120 fps20:12
hounddogBluesKaj, works finally!20:12
hounddogbut i have to start everything with optirun20:13
BluesKajno ideqa what optirun is , but if it works better than windows ,,great , because most linux graphics have a lesss cluttered path to the API than windows ..directX and all that crap20:15
hounddogthat is something with bumblebee... i have to start every program which i need 3d from now with optirun20:15
BluesKajhounddog, perhaps you can set it to autostart with games and movies etc20:16
hounddogBluesKaj, just checking on this kind of stuff...20:27
hounddogat least something is working now20:28
DoctorPepperhi guys!!!20:49
DaskreechDoctorPepper: Hi!21:31
Daskreechkb3gtn: Hello21:31
kilo12v4kuBluesKaj: are you here?21:43
BluesKajkilo12v4ku, yes21:46
kilo12v4kuI am looking at the nvidia x server settings21:46
kilo12v4kuits showing 2 mons and one is disabled and its registering on here as a crt which it isnt21:47
kilo12v4kuits a flat digital but I have it connected via VGA cable21:51
kilo12v4kuit worked before I installed the nvidia driver21:51
BluesKajkilo12v4ku, sorry, I have no experience with 2 monitors on linux21:56
dbc254how do you get windows XP loaded onto VirtualBox?22:09
dbc254ext pack won't work either. Guess an OS has to be installed 1st??22:10
Daskreechdbc254: Pretty much treat it like you would any computer that you didn't buy from a retail store or an OEM22:10
DaskreechIt's a white box machine22:10
dbc254I'm doing something wrong then. . .  .22:11
Daskreechdbc254: I can't comment on that ;) What are you doing?22:11
DaskreechHow are you trying to get WinXP on to the VM?22:13
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dbc254I don't know how. That's the problem22:15
dbc254I thought after I got VM loaded, it was prompt me somehow for an OS. No such thing happened22:15
kb3gtnyou need a windows XP install CD..22:15
dbc254got one22:16
kb3gtnthen set the VM to boot from it..22:16
Daskreechdbc254: What VM are you using?22:17
dbc254Installed quick-n-easy. Then went to add the OS and hit a brick wall22:20
Daskreechdbc254: This is virtualbox? Do you have a physical CD or an ISO ?22:23
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Daskreechdbc254: Hello?22:33
=== bulldog98_ is now known as bulldog98
kilo12v4kuso how do I ge rid of a driver23:15
kilo12v4kuid like to go back to where I have both monitors23:15
kilo12v4kuin other words I need to get rid of the nvidia driver23:16
Daskreechkilo12v4ku: remove it if you installed it via a package23:20
kilo12v4kuDaskreech installed via apt-get23:22
kb3gtnkilo12v4ku: did you try nvidia-settings when setting up the dual head configuration?23:22
kilo12v4kukb3gtn: its showing me as having a CRT and its disabled23:22
kilo12v4kuI have an nvidia card...dvi port and vga...1 mon on each23:23
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
kb3gtnhmm.. interessting.. maybe monitor EDID problem..23:23
yofelcan't you enable it?23:24
kilo12v4kuwont let me23:24
kilo12v4kuw/o the nvidia driver I have both mons23:24
yofelwell, to remove it you should use jockey usually23:24
kb3gtnIf you want to remove the nvidia driver, do "apt-get remove nvidia-current"23:24
kb3gtnor jockey23:25
yofelif you do it via apt-get, you'll need to remove /etc/X11/xorg.conf by hand23:25
kilo12v4kuam i really missing anything by not using the nvidia driver23:25
kb3gtnwell.. if your not gamming on it.. then no..23:25
kilo12v4kuhave had no luck rm the xorg23:25
kilo12v4kuno gaming except SWTOR23:26
yofelhm, some performance in 3D, vdpau (hardware video decoding - not needed unless you need fluent HD) and cuda I guess23:26
* yofel uses nouveau - works fine23:26
kilo12v4kuwill jockey rm via gui?23:27
lsvone quick question for all my linux friends here.  Does anyone knows how are the files in ~/.thumbnails/normal named?23:27
kilo12v4kuor do I need to ctrl-alt-f123:27
yofelrm via GUI23:27
yofelthen you'll need to reboot23:27
kilo12v4kulet me try that23:27
kilo12v4kucan I get jockey via muon23:27
Daskreechlsv: badly23:28
Daskreechlsv: There is a lot of discussion going on about that currently and the storage of them23:28
lsvDaskreech: haha.23:28
yofelDaskreech: md5sum?23:28
lsvyofel: I don't think so23:28
yofelwell, that was guessing23:29
kilo12v4kuso uhm jockey common or jockey-kde?23:29
lsvyofel: yeah that was my first guess too :)23:29
kilo12v4kuapp its already installed23:30
Daskreechlsv: It's a Freedesktop spec so you'll have to wade through that23:31
kilo12v4kuok i just typed in jockey and it came up with "additional drivers"23:31
lsvDaskreech: Thanks, I'll look into that.23:32
Daskreechlsv: trying to find the bug report on b.k.o23:32
lsvDaskreech: b.k.o?23:33
Daskreechlsv: http://bugs.kde.org23:34
kilo12v4kunot letting me restart23:34
lsvDaskreech: oh, got it.23:34
lsvIs there a way to monitor what program uses certain files?23:37
kilo12v4kuok heres the other issue23:37
kilo12v4kuI have nboth mons back - thanks everyone23:38
Daskreechlsv: lsof ?23:38
kilo12v4kui know the mon goes to 1280x1024 but it wont let me go that high23:38
lsvDaskreech: yeah, maybe I could just watch the ~/.thumbnails/normal folder and see what program writes the picture23:39
Daskreechlsv: Why would that matter?23:41
permafrosthi there!23:42
lsvDaskreech: I just wanted to know how the system picks a name for the png file.  And by finding the name of the program that writes the file, I'm one step closer to my goal?23:43
permafrosti have a problem with my wired conection to internet, the wifi conection works very good23:43
permafrostthe cable and router works very good because i tried it with a win / laptop23:44
permafrostwin 7 laptop23:44
permafrostcan anybody help me?23:46
kb3gtnpermafrost: what wired network card do you have.23:48
permafrostkb3gtn : Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller (rev 02)23:50
yofellsv: I would believe it's this http://people.freedesktop.org/~vuntz/thumbnail-spec-cache/thumbsave.html23:50
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kb3gtnpermafrost: That card should work fine in linux..23:50
yofelbut I can't quite verify it here :/23:50
permafrostkb3gtn : yes, i know. Every body tells me it :)23:51
permafrostbut it doesn't work23:51
kilo12v4kustill lokking to solve screen res issue23:51
kb3gtnneed to know more detail about the network configuration inorder to help..23:52
permafrostkb3gtn: i 've installed the driver r8168-8.029.00 and i blacklist 816823:53
kb3gtndoes the wired interface work at-all?23:53
permafrostkb3gtn: then i sudo update-inittramfs -u and reboot23:53
lsvyofel: Thanks!  I'm reading it.23:55
yofelah no, that is the right standard, I was hashing \n too in my test here ^^23:58

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