
wgrantjml: Hi, how goes your QA?01:07
wgrantjml: QA delays block the whole team, so they should generally considered just about top priority.01:07
jmlwell, I'd reply to wgrant.11:02
jmlbut he's not heree11:02
jmlthe perils of IRC as a communication medium.11:02
wgrantjml: Ah, thanks.11:12
wgrantApparently I managed to unknowingly suspend irssi a few hours ago...11:12
wgrantThat bug is actually qa-ok -- it may not fix the bug, but it doesn't break existing functionality, so it can be deployed.11:13
jmlwgrant: I was surprised that you weren't around. :)11:13
jmlI'm kind of stuck in other things right now, but it would be good if the docs were updated to make that clearer.11:15
wgrantIt all sort of changed when nodowntime happened.11:16
jmlthat reminds me11:17
jmljames_w hacked up a prototype base on lpqateam that tracks QA based on revisions, not bugs.11:17
wgrantYeah, I saw that.11:18
wgrantMakes a lot more sense.11:18
StevenKDoes it publish anywhere?11:18
StevenKwgrant: How did you suspend irssi? I thought it trapped Ctrl-Z?11:18
wgrantStevenK: So did I.11:19
wgrantI have no idea how I did it.11:19
StevenKHm, it doesn't trap it.11:19
nigelbYeah, this has happened to me. Multiple times.11:19
StevenKI don't tend to hit Ctrl-Z by accident, though.11:21
nigelbI do. Instead of Ctrl + A.11:21
nigelbBtw, tracking qa based on revisions is what the deployment report does, right?11:21
nigelbOr is there something else that jono's talking about?11:21
wgrantIt's similar.11:22
wgrantOur current one tracks on an awkward hybrid of revisions and bugs.11:22
wgrantWhich has some pretty strange issues.11:22
jmlStevenK: what do you mean "does it publish"?11:22
jmlStevenK: it's a web service with a pretty looking web page11:22
nigelboh? what kind of issues?11:22
StevenKjml: Which is what I meant. What URL is it at?11:23
jmlStevenK: oh right, I can never remember, he hosts it on ec2 or canonistack or something.11:23
nigelbbah. openid.11:25
* nigelb hopes he has access.11:25
nigelbNot allowed here.11:25
StevenKNeither, I suspect I should have ticked the team checkbox11:25
cjwatsonI didn't get a team checkbox.11:26
cjwatsonMaybe it's restricted to ~launchpad or something.11:26
wgrantIt asks for launchpad11:26
wgrantNot canonical or anything like that11:26
cjwatsonOr anything that might let nigelb see it.11:26
StevenKNow I'm not sure how to actually tell SSO to let me see it.11:27
nigelblogout and log back in guess, with the team checked.11:27
StevenKWhich doesn't help, sadly.11:31
StevenKSince the site itself still knows about me. Maybe I need to delete cookies.11:31
nigelbOh by logout, I meant logout of the site.11:32
nigelbhrm, maybe deleting cookies is a good idea :D11:33
StevenKnigelb: How does that help, every page gives "Not allowed here."11:36
GStevenK: I love it when sites do that11:41
StevenKHey, that site does look pretty.11:43
Gwgrant: btw, maybe instead of ^Z you did ^Q (XON Flow control) ;)11:43
* nigelb waves to G 12:24
nigelbStevenK: I meant, flush the cookies, so it forgest your login, so you can re-login, giving it your team credentials.12:24
Gnigelb: howdy12:39

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