
Darxus[PPA darxus-wayland-gtk] [ubuntu/precise] gtk+3.0 3.4.0-0ubuntu5wayland1 (Accepted)00:36
DarxusWoo, thanks.00:36
bobweaverHello there I am starting to learn about making .debs is there any gui programs out there ? there are a little bit more easier then using dh_make ?  Like a bazzar explorer for bzr ?00:54
Darxus"libxkbcommon-dev: missing" - https://launchpadlibrarian.net/101783882/buildlog_ubuntu-precise-i386.gtk%2B3.0_3.4.0-0ubuntu5wayland3_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz02:19
DarxusDid my build really fail because the builder couldn't find the libxkbcommon-dev common package?  (gtk unfortunately dies with an error about glib.h when it doesn't have libxkbcommon).02:19
wgrantDarxus: That's just saying that it wasn't installed when build-dep resolution started. You'll see that it immediately installs it.02:21
wgrant"../../gdk/gdkconfig.h:13:18: fatal error: glib.h: No such file or directory" is the real error02:21
wgrantYou probably want to build-depend on libglib2.0-dev02:21
DarxusBuild-Depends: debhelper (>= 8.1.3),02:25
Darxus               libglib2.0-dev (>= 2.31.20),02:25
DarxusAlready in there.02:25
DarxusAnd gtk really does give an error about glib.h missing when the problem is that it can't find libxkbcommon.02:25
DarxusBut I do see it installing xkbcommon:  Setting up libxkbcommon-dev (0.1.0~1-0ubuntu1) ...02:27
Darxus"Package wayland-client was not found in the pkg-config search path."02:30
DarxusI bet that's it.02:30
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thechefDo you plan addingtfd10:56
thechefDo you plan10:57
thechefDo you plan adding a crowdfund feature enabling users to crowdfund features and bug removals?10:58
addictbregma are you there14:03
addicti need hellp with14:03
ajayaFetching revisions:Inserting stream16:30
ajayawhy bzr is too slow???16:30
ajayait has been running since 6 hours...16:31
ajayaanyone please help!!16:31
ajayabzr branch lp:drizzle trunk16:31
ajayaThe command I gave16:31
shnatselmy recipe with branch merges fails with strange BZR error and a traceback. What am I doing wrong? https://launchpadlibrarian.net/101876991/buildlog.txt.gz16:59
shnatselbzr: ERROR: exceptions.KeyError: 'Source'17:01
bobweaverHello there I think I made a bobo when I built my last debian package I think that it Had my .bzr file inside of it is this a security risk ?18:52
bobweaverwell I know that it was in one of the packages I uploaded18:52
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=== wedtm is now known as wedtm|away
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=== wedtm|away is now known as wedtm
=== wedtm is now known as wedtm|away
=== wedtm|away is now known as wedtm
=== wedtm is now known as wedtm|away
=== wedtm|away is now known as wedtm
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=== yofel_ is now known as yofel

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