
DropsOfSerenitywhy does under system settings -> Details -> graphics, it shows the correct driver: Geforce GTX 260, but says the Experience: Standard, is that normal?00:04
haroldhey, if I get 11.10, when 12.04 comes is upgrading a simple matter of doing "sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade"?00:34
DropsOfSerenityharold, better to, updater-manager -d00:36
DropsOfSerenitysorry update-manager -d00:36
haroldhmm, what is that?00:36
haroldI mean, it that a part of apt?00:36
DropsOfSerenityharold, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade00:37
delacClassic seems to work quite well. Nice! Now I can finally upgrade from Maveric. Althoug, the Applications and Places texts seem to be tad bit too much on the gray side. Easiest way to make them darker?00:39
Daekdroomdelac, it's a bug in the theme.00:40
DaekdroomI've seen a developer discuss it in another channel. i.e. it's being worked on.00:41
delacnice, so it's propably fixed by the time Pangolin comes out.00:41
DaekdroomHopefully will be fixed by the time Pangolin is released.00:41
delacso, I don't even have to fix that. This seems to be the best release for a long time.00:42
jbichadelac: you can use GNOME Classic (Without Effects) to get the theming to look better00:44
delacjbicha: even better? It looks pretty good already. And I do need the effects.00:45
jbichadelac: ah, then don't worry about it00:46
jokerdinohttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11842333#post11842333 anyone has similar problems?01:19
Will123456hey guys. what happens if you repeatedly maximise and minimise the dash in unity 5.10? i'm seeing the blurred image behind the dash visibly jump up and down01:23
countfuzzballHow much 'server stuff' does the ubuntu server iso include? Or would I be better off getting the ubuntu-alternate iso for a minimal install?01:26
spaceneedleMyUnity has ceased to work--you can't change the color of the dash or launcher  to a different color---after updating to the latest unity.01:32
atpa8ais there a ubuntu git like git.debian.org?..01:39
atpa8aor other scm?..01:43
arand_atpa8a: ubuntu uses bzr for pretty much everything...01:45
keithclarkWell I'm pretty sure that my last 3D bug is NVidia related as every system I try without NVidia powers up just fine in 3D01:45
arand_atpa8a: https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu01:46
keithclarkAnyone with an NVidia card have no problems after a latest update?01:47
Will123456keithclark: what kind of problems?01:47
keithclarkWill123456, slow rendering/no response from keyboard/mouse.01:48
keithclarkWill123456, system unusable without resorting to 2D mode01:49
Will123456keithclark: i've got nothing like that on my 260 gtx01:51
Will123456or whatever it's called01:51
keithclarkWill123456, when did you update last?01:53
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Will123456keithclark: i'm running 5.10 and all the latest updates01:57
Will123456the only thing i don't have is some big java updates01:58
keithclarkDid I read that right?  5.10?01:58
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keithclarkOk, I get the joke.  Dated hardware....02:01
spacebug-I thought Will123456 was talking about unity 5.1002:03
keithclarkOk, I understand...make fun of me.  I got it.02:03
keithclarkI guess I can always try Mint.  See how they help me out.02:08
Will123456keithclark: sorry - i meant unity 5.1002:12
Will123456as in the latest 12.0402:12
Will123456i completely didn't realise that might not mean anything to you02:13
Will123456i'm sorry!02:13
Will123456i've been getting into reporting bugs on the latest incremental builds of unity that I'd completely lost all perspective. I was a mad man, if only for a moment. and certainly not making fun of you :)02:13
keithclarkCarry on as you see fit.  I will keep researching my issue.02:16
Will123456keithclark: what card are you using? there's always a chance your system might be trying to use nouveau and for whatever reason it's not performing that well02:17
Will123456that's just a guess02:17
keithclarkThanks, I'll try that idea out tomorrow.02:17
atpa8aarand_: thanks! i think that's what i was looking for02:20
atpa8ain Sid means.. still in development?..02:22
DaekdroomSid is the eternal Debian unstable version, so yeah.02:22
DaekdroomAlthough not necessarily everything there is an alpha/beta version.02:23
atpa8aso something that i found in launchpad that's "in Sid" would not have ubuntu patches, or would it?02:23
DaekdroomI'm not sure. What's the context?02:24
atpa8awas looking for a source [ubuntu] deb for libvirt02:25
atpa8afound 0.9.11 in debian02:26
atpa8alaunchpad bazaar seems to have the same but it marks it "in Sid"02:26
DaekdroomThe one in Sid is more recent.02:28
atpa8athe 0.9.8 is in precise02:29
atpa8awas looking for something over 0.9.1002:29
DaekdroomBut yeah, it does not have Ubuntu patches.02:29
atpa8ait has one feature i would like to test02:30
atpa8areally? Stanley Cup been to space???02:30
boumai just tried installing the beta2 with btrfs, on an entire drive with one / partition. it wouldnt boot. i reverted to an old ub1108 and fscked and mounted it. the sda1 contains an @/with the expected root and an @home02:49
boumais this a bug?02:49
boumahrm something else occured02:54
Will123456bouma: no idea... if you don't find a good answer here, you could try #btrfs02:54
boumai was impatient when i specified not to download packages as part of the install (i picked the bottom flag, thinking it wouldnt dl anything). when it started taking mins to download I turned off my wifi and waited for it to timeout, perhaps when the install proceeded it 'forgot' to rearrange the root of dest partition02:56
Will123456bouma: that could be it.02:57
Will123456bouma: i've been reading the btrfs mailing lists, and they consider anything other than the very, very latest kernel to be completely out of date and useless for a stable and functioning btrfs02:57
Will123456for them, 3.2 is the stone age02:58
Will123456so i will warn you that they might just recommend not using btrfs with the 3.2 kernel, which is default in 12.0402:58
gnu-dioHas anyone here tried Sandy Bridge (Core I3-I7) graphics for compiz? Is it good enough for compiz? Or if I really want compiz will I need an03:08
gnu-dioa discrete card?03:08
DaekdroomAs long as there proper 3D support for it, it's way more than enough.03:09
JontheEchidnaany embedded video card within the past 5 years should run compiz fine03:09
gnu-dioOK, thanks... am about to buy a dedicated Ubuntu notebook ;)03:10
DaekdroomJontheEchidna, as long as there is a 3D driver for it :P03:10
JontheEchidnayes :P03:10
boumaDaekdroom: you probably dont need cuda for the desktop (yet!)... hrm how can we use bessel functions ... instead of a cube a project desktops on a pulsating sphere!03:17
boumawe dont need gpgpu for the desktop yet03:18
gnu-dioWill123456: Looking at lots of things, but my key concerns are small, long battery life, runs compiz and video well, lighter 3d gaming (don't need 60fps nexuiz... ;))03:30
gnu-diooh, and I'm trying to pick one under 500 ;)03:31
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Will123456gnu-dio: hey, those all sound like things i want too :)03:58
boumahello, ive installed beta2 about 5 times now and everytime it ends with error migrating data.  then directing me to /var/log/syslog04:40
cccangelhey guys I have a laptop and when I opened it for resuming from "sleep" the cursor rendered to a black screen and I could move it around but I had a hard time figuring out how to get logged in.04:40
cccangelThe laptop uses Intel HD (might be something to do with open source intel drivers as well maybe?)04:41
cccangelended up doing a laptop restart.04:41
cccangelso my questions is: can someone remind me what that program is I can do to restart the gdm?04:42
mariolandcccangel, isnt it "sudo service lightdm start"04:55
mariolandyou can use stop also if you need04:56
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Will123456cccangel: hitting ctrl + alt + backspace should kick you back into lightdm, though that might not be what you need05:00
skywatcher78anybody there who can help on precise 12.04 with mysql and collation sets05:44
skywatcher78i cant get the default collation to utf8_general_ci05:44
skywatcher78its alway utf8_swedish_ci05:45
skywatcher78what do i have to do to get help?06:02
skywatcher78when issuing the command in mysql shell "show collation like 'latin1%';" it shows that utf8_swedish_ci is the default collation but the default charset is set in my.cnf to utf8_general_ci06:14
StravHe. Anyone with up-to-date packages having problem with their custom panel color?06:57
Stravsorry, I mean: launcher color06:58
chocimiris it true that abdobe flash played does not support linux anymore?06:59
StravI think so.06:59
StravAs long as you use google chrome, you can benefit from them maintaining their flash plugin.07:00
lesOnly will be distributed through chrome07:00
lesgood riddance as far as i'm concerned07:00
chocimirStrav: f*ck I think firefox is much more better. So are you using old versions of afp?07:01
StravBtw about my issue, here's a short description. Whatever setting I set using either ccsm or ubuntu-tweak, my custom color gets overriden by the averaged color Unity samples from my current background. I tried: unity --reset, changing backgrounds, restarting X, reinstalling unity, etc.07:01
Stravchocimir: I don't much care for your taste in clothes and such.07:02
chocimirStrav: that's ok. So r u using ff? if so, which version of adobe flash player do you have?07:05
StravI'm using both chrome and firefox, but chrome is my main browser. If you want an up-to-date flash plugin, I'm not sure but perhaps you can make firefox use chrome's flash plugin that ships with it.07:08
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StravAnyways, aside from security issues, why would you need a cutting edge flash plugin?07:09
chocimirStrav: I think I dont need, I need something that works.07:11
rymate1234is beta 2 stabe yet?07:11
rymate1234or should I use 11.10 and wait a few days07:11
Stravrymate1234: depends one what are your needs. You run a mission critical server that needs constant uptime ;)?07:12
rymate1234I have a vps07:12
rymate1234That runs 11.0407:12
lesIf it's a server you might want to wait07:12
StravOh then you really should ask for the sever edition.07:12
lesbut it's stable if you don't care07:12
rymate1234Strav, I believe its server edition07:13
rymate1234There is 10.0407:13
rymate1234But I chose the os back when i though "newer is better, right?"07:13
rymate1234question about 12.04 beta07:14
rymate1234when the fulll release comes out, can I do a straightforward upgrade?07:14
StravIf it would be my server, I would do a full backup before that's for sure.07:15
rymate1234Its for a desktop -_-07:15
MechanisMhello I can't solve problem for a weeks. while installing new kernels configs being generated forever..07:15
lesrymate1234: you'll be able to update to the release no problem07:16
Stravrymate1234: ah. Then well, yes as les said, there should be no major problem (I did a desktop upgrade just yesterday, update-manager crashed but sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -f did the trick.07:17
rymate1234ah ok07:17
StravBwt, I always had better upgrade experiences when doing it from a virtual terminal.07:18
* rymate1234 downloads a ubuntu daily build07:18
rymate1234LATEST UPDATES FTW07:18
rymate1234I hope unetbootin downloads a 12.04 daily build07:19
Stravcan't you just make it use the iso?07:19
MechanisMhow can I solve my issue? http://paste.ubuntu.com/929067/07:21
StravMechanisM: you said it loops ad infinitum on this?07:22
MechanisMStrav nope I said it's freezes on it07:23
MechanisMhere more http://paste.ubuntu.com/929071/07:23
StravI wonder if trying sudo update-initramfs -c -k all will do any good..07:24
MechanisMok, I'll try thanxx07:25
MechanisMStrav can you gimme more accurate command? http://paste.ubuntu.com/929073/07:26
StravAnyone else stuck with vivid pastel colors on their launcher?07:26
Stravsudo update-initramfs -c -k all07:26
MechanisMohh well this command is successfull but after this when I'm upgrading it's freezed on same place.07:29
StravMechanisM: do you have synaptic installed?07:30
MechanisMyes in synaptic the same07:31
Strav(I'm wondering if you have broken packages)07:31
StravMechanisM: what does apt-get install -f gives you?07:33
MechanisMhold on07:33
MechanisMStrav freezed on same place07:35
Stravperhaps try to remove the packages you're trying to install and install them anew. I'm sorry but I gotta go finish some work. Cya.07:38
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somethingintereshi all, looking for some help with a sudden error. Computer boots fine logs in but then takes forever to draw the icons and top bar. Mouse can move but no interaction can happen w/ desktop without massive delay and ends up not being usable at all. I have logged into an old kernel version and despite it not be able to configure my monitor correctly. Bizzarely things are working. I am running the latest kernel as well as the previo07:48
somethinginteresus 3 in the 3.20.x series.07:48
somethinginteresI thought it might be a bug that's fixed so I did a Ctrl + Alt + F1 and sudo apt-get upgrade -u but it didn't fix the problem07:49
chocimirI have a problem with flash, videos on youtube work, but on other websides like liveleak they dont.07:49
chocimirI have ubuntu oneric and adoble flash 11.20207:49
somethingintereschocimir: wrong channel buddy. This is for  Precise Pangolin support. Try #ubuntu instead.07:50
chocimirsomethinginteres: kk, sorry.07:51
somethingintereschocimir: it's np07:51
ArnoldHello. Just out of curiosity, what purpose does this "Graphics" field serve inside the Details settings applet in GNOME Control Center?07:55
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TironHi everyon I have a question about the Ubuntu LTS beta 12.0408:46
TironI am running this beta now08:46
bazhangwhats the issue Tiron08:47
Tironbut do I need to install the Stable when it is released or does it automatically update?08:47
bazhang!final | Tiron08:47
ubottuTiron: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Precise and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 12.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1.08:47
Tironfantastic thanks08:47
bazhangTiron, may want to get that upgrade going before the actual moment of release though08:47
Tironokay will do08:48
bazhangotherwise server slowness will be a big factor08:48
bazhangshould even be a factoid for that08:48
ubottuThe Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.  Also, try changing !mirrors08:48
boumaive installed beta2 a couple of times and it wont boot up. ive mounted it from another drive and want to get grub to update itself08:51
boumahow do i trigger the "rescue mode" in ub1108 ?08:51
boumaso it can reinstall grub /dev/sda using the menu generated from all drives08:51
bazhangbouma, 11.08?08:52
boumawell 1204 wont start, ive gone back to oneiric08:53
bazhang11.10 would be that08:53
boumauh i meant 111008:53
bazhangshift at boot08:53
bazhangsupport in #ubuntu08:53
boumaat the end of the installer it give the error, error migrating data, and mentions /var/log/syslog08:54
bazhangfor which08:54
boumafor 1204 beta208:55
boumaive repeated about 5times08:55
bazhang<bouma> uh i meant 111008:55
boumaive used btrfs on a new partition/empty drive, and ext4, gave up on ext408:55
bazhangbouma, you said you went back to 11.1008:56
boumaok, to clarify, i've installed ub1204beta2 about 5 times, because the final install wont boot when i configure my bios to boot from the WD where it is installed (the only WD in the machine). because i cant boot to ub1204b2 ive gone back into the bios and set it to boot from a seagate with oneiric, running presently08:57
bazhangWD being what?08:57
boumathe md5sum is correct and the boot menu to verify the cd has successfully confirmed its ok. WD being a western digital sata3 drive08:58
bazhanga brand name?08:58
boumaok its not important, i just mentioned it because i havent confused drives or anything like that08:58
bazhangbios should not enter into this if you have grub set up properly09:00
boumai can definately say ive installed ub1204b2 to sda1 with the bootloader on sda, when the bios is directed to boot from sda it hangs with a flashing prompt09:00
boumathat was what I choose in the ub1204b2 installer. i want to reinstall grub to see if that lets it boot09:01
boumais it safe to do sudo grub-install /dev/sda, this should rebuild a boot menu from all potential bootable partitions ?09:02
bazhangaugh he quit09:04
boumaalso after the ubuntu1204b2 installer reboots and i give up trying to get it to boot and instead start ub11.10, i check the sda with fdisk and it shows the Boot flag was clear? does this change anything ? will grub work without the fdisk boot flag?09:11
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richardlxci have a problem, my pc cannot recognize my wireless card after install ubuntu 12.0409:13
alexstrand7Ubuntu 12.04 setup works but it freezes after login. So I will use 10.04 until this will be fixed. PC: Dell Latitude D531.09:26
alexstrand7Is my computer too old for the newest Ubuntu versions?09:29
Debrohello, i would like to now how clear custom created wifi network from list..?09:32
TironWhen is it possible to already download the stable release of 12.04?09:43
Tironor how can I check if I already have it09:43
nik90Tiron, the stable of release of 12.04 is on the 26th april09:44
nik90if you have been running the beta now, just keep updating09:44
nik90and you will automatically have the final freeze09:44
Debronik90 thats nice..09:46
Debronik90 can you help me with some questions about apperence..?09:47
fishcookeralexstrand7 keep trying09:47
ali1234Debro: right click the indicator and click edit connections then wireless then delete them09:47
alexstrand7fishcooker I have tried many times, but it still don't work, it is a bug in the ATI driver09:48
fishcookeralleluya.. i have nvidia on my chips09:49
fishcookernot good ATI09:49
nik90Debro, sure09:50
TironCompiz is not working on 12.04 beta09:50
TironIt crashes09:50
alexstrand7fishcooker I have an ATI card, I cant use another driver, the 10.04 driver works, why not use the same driver in 12.04?09:50
alexstrand7I can't upgrade before someone fix it09:51
Debroali1234, i dont have connection at wireles but i see it in hidden connections..09:53
alexstrand7I also have an Ubuntu 10.10 cd but it is useless for me because of the driver. The same problem occur in 12.0409:53
ali1234well, that's not what you asked09:53
Debronik90, I where i can see opened applications if i minimize them to taskbar09:53
alexstrand7Debro I had the same problem in 10.0409:54
Debroalexstrand7, what you did to fix it..?09:54
nik90Debro, you are asking this for Unity right?09:54
alexstrand7Debro I don't remember but I checked the wireless acces point, and if it's working I just switch off/on the wifi on my laptop09:55
Debronik90, yes09:55
Debroalexstrand7, oh yes if i switch on/off if fix that problem.. it is lika a small bug..09:56
nik90Debro, when you minimize an app, it is goes to the unity launcher...(the dock on the left)..09:57
nik90Debro, the current running apps are shown by a triangle to the left of the icon09:57
Debroalexstrand7, thanks for help...09:57
nik90Debro, if there are 2 triangles (one to the left and one to the right), then it means that that app is currently running and focussed09:57
Debronik90, i have problem with skype and teamviewer09:58
nik90Debro, I can help you with skype09:58
Debronik90, when i want to open them they open another instance of app09:58
nik90Debro, with skype it is different...when you close skype, it shows an icon in the top panel..to the right09:59
nik90Debro, you can click that to show skype09:59
Debronik90, not for me..09:59
nik90Debro, oh you dont see the skype icon on the top right?09:59
Debronik90,  yes thats the problem.. and the same for teamviewer10:00
nik90Debro, did you upgrade from 11.10 to 12.04?10:00
Debronik90, no i created clean install off 12.0410:00
nik90Debro, hmm that's wierd..skype has been whitelisted to show up in the top panel10:01
nik90Debro, are you running skype
Debronik90, xchat also must be there.. also cant see it..10:01
nik90Debro, oh yeah for xchat I am aware of the issue10:01
Debronik90, can i get old appearance without unity and still keep unity..?10:02
nik90Debro, I do not understand your question...you mean how to get skype on top panel like before in unity?10:03
ali1234skype is supposed to be whitelisted but it doesn't work at the moment for some reason10:04
Debrono i mean how to keep unity and use another  older GUI10:04
nik90well you can keep unity and install gnome-classic10:04
nik90although I am not sure if that would solve your problem10:04
Debrook will see how it goes..10:07
alexstrand7Ok, you can install Gnome in 12.04 but how can I install Unity in 10.04?10:07
Debrocan i maximize app from system procesis or something..?10:07
Debronik90, ali1234, now i need to install gnome-panel? or gnome-classic?10:10
ali1234depends what exactly you want to do10:11
Debroali1234, difference?10:11
ali1234gnome classic is a whole other desktop, it includes gnome panel10:11
ali1234you can select it on the login screen10:11
ali1234you can also install just gnome panel and use it with unity, though it's kind of buggy10:11
Debroali1234, your suggestion..?10:12
ali1234try both and decide which works for you10:12
Debroali1234, ok, ty! do you also now how to chek if video driver is installed..?10:13
richardlxcmy wireless card didn't work for a long time10:34
richardlxcany suggestions?10:34
richardlxcand my os is ubuntu 12.0410:35
bazhangwhat chipset10:35
panxAnyone know why from todays?? update NVIDIA (nvidia-current) stop work?? ( http://pastebin.com/gvfqrJF2 )10:37
richardlxcbazhang: Intel WiFi Link 510010:37
Debrochanged to gnome classic but i cant click properties10:38
bazhangpanx, new kernel?10:38
alexstrand7panx And why doesn't ATI work? It's the same because both things is graphic cards and we will get the same problem if it doesn't work10:39
panxben pripably yes10:39
panxbaz xD10:39
panxSorry xD10:39
bazhangpanx, then start up in safe mode and install the drivers10:39
bazhangie recovery mode, then reboot once installed10:39
panxthis help?10:40
alexstrand7bazhang I have the same problem with an ATI driver, but I gave up getting 12.04 to work10:40
Debroi have problem with my NVIDIA i dont now if it works or not.. :P10:41
bazhangalexstrand7, which card10:41
alexstrand7I can't remember the whole name. But it is an ATI radeon. My PC is an Dell Latitude D53110:41
bazhangDebro, giving more detailed info is helpful, like exact card model10:41
bazhangalexstrand7, lspci to see10:41
panxbazhang, Your name is like an ointment for hemorrhoids :D10:41
DebroGeForce 8400GS10:42
bazhangpanx, thanks, I guess10:42
panxbazhang, "bazag - and forgot about hemorrhoids " ;]10:42
bazhangDebro, I have nearly the same card, works a charm10:42
Debrobazhang, how can i check mine..?10:42
alexstrand7bazhang Why wanted Ubuntu to break their promise just because they forget to install ATI drivers with Ubuntu?10:43
bazhangDebro, for drivers? in the additional drivers section or with jockey-gtk?10:43
bazhang!info jockey-gtk10:43
alexstrand7after 10.10 to newer it will not work10:43
ubottujockey-gtk (source: jockey): GNOME user interface and desktop integration for driver management. In component main, is optional. Version 0.9.7-0ubuntu5 (precise), package size 8 kB, installed size 126 kB10:43
bazhangalexstrand7, wont work? fglrx? or what. amdccle ?10:44
Debrobazhang, dont now what i need do to see if it works.. cause in Details I see Driver: Unknown and Expirience: Standart10:44
bazhangDebro, you'd need to install the drivers then10:45
bazhangalexstrand7, what exact card?10:45
panxdamn..... not working after instalation drivers from Safe mode ;/ ( sudo apt-get purge nvidia-current / install nvidia-current)10:45
panxand reboot10:45
Debrobazhang, at additiona driver i have one activated..10:45
panxso im wairing for patch to kerner10:45
panxwait.. xD10:46
UberDuperAny of you running kvm hosts/guests with 12.04?10:46
panxdamna... and i cannot playing Minecraft now .... aww... -.-10:47
alexstrand7bazhang it is an ATI Radeon Xpress 1250     Setup completes when In login it freezes, and when I'm booting my old os I searched for it on google and it says it is a graphic bug.10:48
bazhangalexstrand7, got a link to the bug page?10:48
Debrobazhang, nvidia accelerated graphics driver (post-release updates) (version current-updates)10:48
UberDuperI have 4 machines running 12.04 updated today as kvm hosts running a handful of 12.04 and a couple 10.04 guests.10:48
panxok bye, thanks 4all :)10:49
alexstrand7baqzhang no,If I can't login then I can't report it10:49
UberDuperThe 12.04 guests randomly stop responding to network. tcpdump on the guest shows that it's still receiving packets but no longer sending any.10:49
bazhangalexstrand7, you said you saw on the web. presumably that had a link.10:49
UberDuperThe 10.04 guests have yet to have this problem.10:49
Debroanyone now why i cant see skype icon in right corner..?10:50
UberDuperI can't seem to manually cause it to happen. Seems random after ~24 hours of uptime.10:50
UberDuperifdown/up does not resolve it. I have to reboot the guest.10:50
alexstrand7bazhang it is deleted, I can't find it back10:51
alexstrand7I found one for 10.10 but it is the same problem10:51
Debrocould i get any help10:51
alexstrand7bazhang here is one for 11.10 but it is still the same error http://www.linuxine.com/story/how-do-you-make-dell-latitude-d531-ubuntu-1110-show-task-bar-and-unity-dock10:52
Debroi need some help with graphic card, skype and unity10:58
alexstrand7Someone knows about how to fix this? This is the same problem I got in 12.04 http://www.linuxine.com/story/how-do-you-make-dell-latitude-d531-ubuntu-1110-show-task-bar-and-unity-dock11:00
Debroawww need help with unity, skype and geforce 840011:13
UberDuperFinally able to break one after a few rsyncs.11:15
UberDuperAt the end of that bug report, someone recommends disabling event_idx. So I'll give that a go and see if I can repro the failure.11:16
* nik90 trying out IRC in empathy11:34
jokerdinohi nekhelesh11:35
fishcookerunfortunately for alexstrand711:36
fishcookerhow about press shift after restart11:36
fishcookerthen choose ubuntu after grub load11:36
fishcookeri've realized my friend also facing the problem11:36
fishcookern booting well11:37
nik90jokerdino, hi11:37
nik90jokerdino, can you confirm if this message is addressed to you... in the sense that you get pinged11:37
jokerdinoyes it does nik9011:39
nik90jokerdino, awesome....trying out empathy after using xchat for a long time11:39
jokerdinonice :)11:40
airtonixnik90: start typing a really long sentence... lulz ensues11:40
airtonixnik90: also, try copy pasting from empathy... more lulz ensues11:40
jokerdinoi am waiting :D11:41
airtonixhe's probably raging11:41
nik90airtonix, ?..hmm ok..This is a really really really really really really really really really really really reallyreallyreally long sentence :P11:41
nik90airtonix, jokerdino ...hahaha11:41
airtonixnotice how emapthy makes the window expand to fit the sentence, instead of making the sentence word wrap11:41
jokerdinoraging heh?11:41
nik90airtonix...nope for me the sentence wraps11:42
airtonixwhen you're typing it11:42
nik90airtonix...that's ok..11:43
airtonixit's actually really annoying11:43
nik90atleast it returns it to its original state after sending11:43
airtonixsince i don't have a habit of defining my windows widths and heights by the letters i type in them11:43
airtonixi don't expect empathy to behave any differently11:43
airtonixand yet11:43
nik90airtonix, my actual empathy window size remains the same...the input text box heigh starting increasing...but then returned to its original size after sending the text11:44
airtonixit used to make the entire window width expand to fit the sentence11:45
airtonixinstead of just word wrapping it11:45
nik90ok that's doesnt happen to me...but I can see how annoying it would have been11:45
airtonixand it also stayed at that new width11:45
Debronik90, hello.. i installed gnome panel but i cant customize it what is a problem?11:46
airtonixhold alt11:46
airtonixthen right click Debro11:46
Debroairtonix, not working11:46
nik90Debro, I have no experience with gnome-panel... sorry :(11:46
jbichaDebro: if you're using Compiz, you'll need to hold down Alt+Windows key while right-clicking11:47
nik90airtonix, do you get the bug where skype icon is not present in the top panel as an indicator?11:47
airtonixi don't use skype11:47
Debrojbicha, looks like im using Compiz.. :P11:48
Debrowho can help me with Geforce 8400 drivers11:49
airtonixi think it will be the person who benefits from your detailed description of your problem11:50
DebroI have installed this driver: nvidia accelerated graphics driver (post-release updates) (version current-updates)11:51
Debrobut I dont now if it relay works11:51
Debrohow i can see if driver is working and using my video card?11:53
jbichaDebro: if you're able to run Compiz, then your graphics drivers are probably fine11:56
Debrojbicha, i dont even now how compiz get there..11:57
jbichaDebro: that's the difference between "GNOME Classic" and "GNOME Classic (Without Effects)"11:58
Debrojbicha, In Details I see Driver: Unknown and Expirience: Standart11:58
jbichaDebro: install mesa-utils if you want the Driver line to actually say something11:59
jbichathe Experience: Standard line doesn't mean anything in Ubuntu11:59
Debrowhat take more resources unity or gnome classic...?12:04
taxmanit's nothing to say...12:06
taxmanunity is designed for mobile devices12:06
taxmansuch as... ubuntu tablet?12:07
kklimondanot really12:07
taxmanor netbook12:07
Debrounity is nice but i want it more customized12:07
UberDuperkde imo12:07
nik90just install customization tools such as MyUnity12:07
taxmani am using kde plasma now12:07
UberDuperEveryone hates on it, but it's quite usable.12:08
taxmanthe new kde is unlike old and crappy kde12:08
UberDuperI have kubuntu VMs on my desktop I use to support each of my clients.12:09
WilsonBradleyHeres a baffling question.. Does Ubuntu 12.04 support Multi-plexing two wifi INTERNET connections or load balance?12:09
Debrotaxman what is kde plasma12:09
taxmanyou are stuck in the past12:09
Debrotaxman, im new user12:10
taxmani am running Salix OS, it's using kde plasma12:10
taxmango for it12:10
countfuzzballHow much 'server stuff' does the ubuntu server iso include? Or would I be better off getting the ubuntu-alternate iso for a minimal install?12:11
UberDupercountfuzzball: It's reasonably trimmed.12:11
Debrotaxman can i install kde plasma?12:12
taxmanwhy not?12:13
UberDuperWilsonBradley: I would think bond modes 0, 5 and 6 would work.12:13
Debrotaxman, It will be just GUI?12:13
UberDuperAssuming your AP doesn't mind.12:13
taxmango to get a salix os live cd and try kde12:13
UberDuperOh internet.12:14
WilsonBradleybond modes?12:14
UberDuperOn a bad machine you could do that with pf. That's not multiplexing, but it is load balancing.12:14
WilsonBradleyIs there a command to add those together?12:15
UberDuperWilsonBradley: Sorry I didn't read your whole question before I answered. You wouldn't be able to use bonding on to wifi internet connections.12:15
UberDuperOn a BSD machine.. not bad.12:15
UberDuperI think the same thing pf does can be done on linux.12:16
UberDuperWilsonBradley: Yea it's route2. I haven't done it on linux or read this page, but it looks like what you want. http://lartc.org/howto/lartc.rpdb.multiple-links.html#AEN29812:18
WilsonBradleyThank you so much.. will read up on that.12:18
=== ethane is now known as ubucop
fishcookershortcut for lock the desktop12:43
penguin42fishcooker: ctrl-alt-l12:45
fishcookerit works penguin4212:46
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) release notes can be found here: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/11.1013:09
natmanafter installing Kubuntu 12 04 beta 2 on my netbook, it gives me a default activity that is not the standard dsktop, how do i change?13:31
penguin42ah yes, erm hang on let me find it13:32
penguin42natman: Go to system settings->workspace behaviour->workspace and then change the workspace type to Desktop13:33
natmanoo nice thx penguin4213:34
penguin42natman: Pretty much everything is configurable in KDE - if you can find the option :-)13:35
natmanlol i know, just hate the finding the option!13:35
natmanwow they really need a better desktop wallaper for an lts13:36
Lace57Hey guys, will VLC 2.0 be available in the repos of 12.04 lts?13:51
fishcookeroh c'mon lace5713:52
GraemeLionLace57: I'm showing 2.0.1 in LTS13:52
fishcookeropen the ubuntu software center13:52
fishcookervlc in top rated apps13:52
Lace57fishcooker I'm not on Ubuntu right now.13:52
fishcookeryou'll be13:52
snadgelol.. software center13:52
GraemeLionLace57: It's in there.13:52
snadgei only ever use apt from the command line.. like god intended ;)13:53
Lace57GaemeLion, thanks.13:53
fishcookeri've used to snadge13:53
Lace57snadge, me too :)13:53
fishcookerbut im impressed with USC13:53
snadgethe last time i loaded it.. i thought it sucked even more than synaptic did13:53
snadgebut that was a while ago.. i must admit13:54
GraemeLionsnadge: It's pretty fast now in +113:54
fishcookerthat's a while13:54
fishcookerits cool13:54
Lace57synaptic isn't that bad, it's simple, but works13:54
fishcookergive it once shot13:54
GraemeLionI use it to find things I normally haven't looked for :)13:54
snadgewell i used to think unity sucked13:54
GraemeLionBut when I do a new install, I just use commandline13:54
snadgebut now i use it.. and i find myself having a go at people who cry over it13:54
snadgetelling them to get with the program etc :P13:55
Lace57snadge I used to think Unity sucks, then I liked it until they removed dodge, now it suckes again13:55
snadgei had a whinge about dodge for about a day or two13:55
snadgethen i got over it.. i just use autohide.. and be done with it13:55
GraemeLionsnadge: Use what youwant ;)13:55
GraemeLionTHO. Unity has gotten a lot better :D13:55
snadgeyes it sucks.. but apparently the dodge code sucked more, and nobody wanted to fix bugs or maintain it13:55
Lace57well I settled for KDE now, no unity for me anymore13:55
snadgeKDE should just die already ;)13:55
snadgecanonical tried to kill it.. unsuccessfully.. sigh :p13:56
Lace57snadge, KDE is awesome :D13:56
GraemeLionIn a few years, I suspect people will stop whining about unity.  After all, I remember when people were whining about the dock in OSX13:56
fishcooker evangelist KDE wannabe , Lace5713:56
GraemeLionCanonical can't kill KDE :P13:56
fishcookerbut Gnome is killed13:56
GraemeLionHeck, if Debian couldn't kill it years ago, when everyone hated it..13:56
snadgegnome versus kde is almost older than i am.. (not really)13:56
snadgebut gnome won that battle .. kde has its followers.. but nobody cares ;)13:57
Lace57yea, no one I know uses gnome 3 vanilla. not sure what the gnome devs had in their drinks13:57
snadgegnome almost jumped the shark with v3.. but so did kde with v4.. so its like nintendo vs sega ;)13:57
GraemeLionsnadge: KDE 4 came out, and it sucked :D13:57
GraemeLionA lot .13:57
snadgevim vs emacs13:57
GraemeLionNow it's awesome, so there ya go.  Things take time.  We devs can't just pull finished and polished product out of our arses :D13:58
snadgeyou get crazy evangelists supporting either side.. and then theres the majority who just doesnt care ;)13:58
Lace57I prefer vim :D13:58
snadgeso do i.. but i actually met someone the other day that prefers emacs13:58
snadgei was shocked13:58
fishcooker+1 Lace5713:58
bastidrazordid the mint people pick up kde?13:58
Lace57usually just use kate though13:58
fishcookernope bastidrazor13:59
bastidrazorkde.. kubuntu i mean13:59
Lace57there's a kde spin yes, main is cinnamon13:59
snadgethey tried to justify their emacs love to me.. and i was like .. dude.. i've been using vi for nearly 20 decades13:59
GraemeLionsnadge: You'll find the guys who like emacs use it for EVERYTHING in the task they're doing13:59
drcthere is only one true editor...ed13:59
snadgelol 20 decades.. 2 decades.. 20 years whatever :p13:59
fishcooker:) bastidrazor13:59
drc20 decades?13:59
snadgesomeone next door is chundering hardcore from drinking too much14:00
bastidrazorfishcooker: somebody picked up kubuntu14:00
GraemeLionI'm still very impressed with 12.04.14:00
GraemeLionThis is a surprisingly awesome release for an LTS14:00
bastidrazorGraemeLion: being a dev, which part did you tinker with?14:01
Lace57blue systems is sponsoring kubuntu, linux mint kde and one other kde distro14:01
fishcookergraemelion +1 here14:01
GraemeLionbastidrazor: I don't work on ubuntu core ;) I meant on app dev in general :D I do other projects here and there, mostly just throw patches around to people14:01
Lace57what I miss on Gnome systems is an app like Krita14:02
GraemeLionbastidrazor: Tho, I'm thinking of getting more involvement with some apps and things like quickly, unity, etc14:02
fishcookerwhat's that14:02
bastidrazor GraemeLion good deal. good luck :)14:03
GraemeLionWhich, btw, if you've never programmed but want to, quickly is a VERY fun start14:03
Lace57fishcooker, app for prefessional digital painting http://krita.org/14:04
Lace57part of calligra suite14:04
fishcookerit's also available @USC14:04
fishcookerKrita : bla.. bla..bla14:05
fishcookerjust install it14:05
Lace57it's kde-based an pulls alot of deps, doesn't look as good in gnome :) + kde is much better anyways :P14:06
snadgeim an old man.. i hate everything except matlock.. ooh, its on now :p14:06
snadgeso that means it sucks then ;)14:06
snadgek3b is pretty good.. always has been better than any other burning app14:06
snadgeits just as well that optical media became obsolete14:07
Lace57I have no idea what people dislike about kde, i only dislike it's default look, which is easily cusomizable via gui14:07
snadgebefore a decent gnome counterpart could be made.. hehe14:07
snadgewell only a couple of things .. which are minor14:07
snadgeeverything starts wtih K.. it tries to be too much like windows14:07
snadgeand it uses QT14:07
GraemeLionI use dd to burn :D14:07
Lace57and qt is bad because.. ?14:08
snadgeits written in c++14:08
snadgewhich makes it suck by definition14:08
Lace57i like c++ :(14:08
snadgegtk is written in c.. it sucks too.. but.. it appears to be the winnar ;)14:09
jtaylorC++ does make sense for gui stuff, C does not14:09
snadgejava makes sense for gui stuff14:09
Lace57the "bad" bad thing about kde i've seen so far is that it uses more ram, but ram is really cheap these days14:09
jtaylorin the same way C++ does14:09
snadgec++ never made any sense for anything ;)14:09
jtaylorthe rest is just language differences14:09
GraemeLionsnadge: Have you looked at GTK?14:10
snadgehey i was never trying to defend gtk.. its apparently awful14:10
GraemeLionYou are correct that GTK is written in C, but the first thing they tried to do is turn C into C++ :D14:10
alteregoawhats the querulantic quagga?14:11
jtaylornot really, but they added object orientation with awkward C syntax14:11
jtaylorand then they wrote vala to get rid of that14:11
snadgegnome also apparently has bits of mono in it14:11
snadgewhich is just plain wrong14:11
alteregoaif i start the machine with xbmc in startup gnume crashes14:11
jtaylorc# sure beats java and C++14:11
alteregoait crashes for no reason14:11
alteregoano compiz sorry14:12
alteregoawhy do they still support such crashy apps like compiz, because it crashed just because of xbmc autostart in startup manager14:12
alteregoai think this is a weird crash for weirdos14:12
GraemeLionjtaylor: Well, I was oversimplifying :)14:12
Lace57didn't canonical employ the compiz devs?14:13
alteregoai bet a android like data do them better14:14
snadgetechnology sucks :P14:15
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alteregoagood morning vietnam14:15
alteregoacould you fix those error within a  few release cycle? or do i have to wait till the zonked zebrule?14:17
Lace57omgubuntu wrote there will be a release candidate of 12.04?14:17
GraemeLionLace57: I don't see one.14:18
Lace57https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseSchedule < nothing to see here14:18
snadgenah.. it'll probably just get dumped on the public.. like every other ubuntu release14:18
snadgethis one is no real exception.. its an lts, and its actually pretty good14:18
snadgeive always said that ubuntu+1 will be the one that creates world peace.. and finally brings linux to the masses14:19
Lace57what the.. when i go to omg ubuntu, i get redirected to some other site, has it been hacked?14:19
GraemeLionWell, saying it gets "dumped on the public" kinda doesn't do justice :P14:19
GraemeLionUbuntu does better releases than most companies I've worked at :D14:19
snadgesure it does14:19
snadgeive been using ubuntu since hoary hedgehog14:20
snadgeand debian before that14:20
snadgeim an old man now.. and linux on the desktop was supposed to happen years ago.. according to my youthful teenage enthusiasm14:20
snadgenow im starting to think the apocalypse will happen before that does ;)14:21
Lace57the one thing i like ubuntu for is that my wireless lan works out of the box14:23
skellumUbuntu enabled me to get my wife away from windows. After years of making fun of me for using Linux and FreeBSD, so it isn't too shabby14:28
thetinyjesusI find it funny that every corporate person with quite a bit of money says "i look ahead at 2013, because if somethings going to happen on 12-21-12 theres nothing I can do about it. Its as if they were told something :P14:29
GraemeLionWell, it could be that the thing on 12-21 is bs?14:30
penguin42thetinyjesus: You mean all the project deadlines I'm ignoring for after that I'll actually have to meet?14:30
thetinyjesuspenguin42, lol I put myself on hold and went into this will be the best summer ever if i go out mentality14:31
GraemeLionWhy stop your life for some stupid prediction?14:32
thetinyjesusI obviously did the complete opposite, and am taking advantage of the year doing as much as possible14:32
thetinyjesusand there's more to it than just some stupid prediction, not saying definite end of the world things but, things that could possibly happen from the galactic alignment with magnetics, solar flare emps etc, why do you think nasa is trying to figure out how to calculate these solar flares so they can shut down satellites and not loose communication world wide14:34
GraemeLiongalactic alignment :P14:35
GraemeLionLearn some science, please.14:35
thetinyjesusapparently the mayan calendar is now less accurate than the gregorian calendar14:36
thetinyjesusand they didn't know lunar eclipses 100% accurately along with their long term calculations14:37
Lace57like that guy drom the us that predicted the end of the world several times and collected money from people, now what would he need money for if the world ends14:37
thetinyjesuscause its not going to "end"14:38
thetinyjesusbut things could change you never know14:38
GraemeLionThings DO change.14:38
GraemeLionAll the time.14:38
Lace57well, he made people believe the world was going to "end" so they would give all their money to him14:38
thetinyjesusexactly, but usually over a decade not nearly instantaneously14:38
Lace57forgot his name..14:39
thetinyjesusthe dude that was religious ?14:39
skellumPolitics are the most likely catalyst for negative impact on technology in 2012 than ancient predictions14:39
thetinyjesusthat thought the Apocalypse was here14:39
thetinyjesuspolitics are so corrupt, not saying ron paul is awesome but he seems the most level headed out of the tools running14:40
* penguin42 notes this is #ubuntu+1 - shouldn't get too OT!14:41
thetinyjesushe can relate to things like a normal citizen, ie: go to another country and set up base, expect them to get pissed after being there for 40 years and retaliate" thats pretty much dead on14:41
dustinspringmanany idea how to get the deb install of urbanterror? I tried d/ling the tar.gz but I get some sort of glitch that others say is fixed if you install using apt-get.. but i cant find it in apt-get...14:41
Lace57harold camping was his name14:41
GraemeLiondustinspringman: Have you looked at playdeb?14:41
skellumNSA is in/on the north American backbone and Obama seems to think he owns it.  Congress wants to lock its contents down, we are screwed14:41
thetinyjesusi haven't read into it, but how in the hell has obama spent nearly 5 trillion in 4 years? he has spent more than even Bush in his 8 year term14:42
dustinspringmanGraemeLion: yes, actually on it right now...tried clicking the deb install and then synaptic opens and says "not found"14:42
GraemeLionthetinyjesus: Wrong.14:42
GraemeLionBush spent around 7 trillion.14:42
ubottu#ubuntu+1 handles support for the development version of Ubuntu.  Please join #ubuntu for all other Ubuntu support.  Chat in #ubuntu-offtopic.14:42
GraemeLionBut yeah, we're losing the plot here :P14:42
GraemeLiondustinspringman: Try saving that deb somewhere, then using it from local.  I've found playdeb gets a little quirky14:43
dustinspringmanGraemeLion: RGR, gonna give that a shot, thnx14:43
dustinspringmanGraemeLion: uhm.. how do you save it locally?? i click the link, it just goes to synaptic and tries to load and fails.. right clicking and "save link as" only grabs the html.. =/14:45
thetinyjesushas anyone messed around with gnome 3.4 enough to get a good impression? how does it compare to unity?14:46
GraemeLiondustinspringman: Hmm.  Weird. Okay.. might not be the best way to do it.14:46
dustinspringmanGraemeLion: its listed on "ubuntuupdates.org", but it does the same thing.. =/14:46
GraemeLiondustinspringman: Oka, so.. the thing you downloaded is an install, right?14:47
Lace57thetinyjesus: gnome 3.4 is mostly minor fixes and stabilty stuff, workflow hasn't changed. I'd choose unity over gnome shell14:47
thetinyjesusLace57, that was my outcome when trying 3.2, unity is becoming much more polished and smooth running in my experience14:48
Lace57thetinyjesus: you can try a livecd http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/misc/promo-cd/14:48
thetinyjesusLace57, is there a bunch of extras that come with installing gnome to make it a pain to remove like kde?14:49
dustinspringmanGraemeLion: the one i did download was just a 1Gb file that had the x86_64.exe in it, i made that executable.. it loads up, i can join games but i can never pick a team or weapons, etc.. background of all the toolbars has red/white/blue... i also verified the md5 as well... solutions on the web point to getting the package via the deb instead..14:49
Lace57I'm not sure haven't tried doing that14:49
dustinspringmanGraemeLion: I did just find a repo on pkgs.org for it.. maybe that will work?14:49
GraemeLiondustinspringman: Dunno what to suggest.. maybe a bug of some type in the server code or something?  That seems weird.14:51
dustinspringmanGraemeLion: you play uterror? on 12.04?14:51
dustinspringmanGraemeLion: ahh, apparently there arent many 12.04 users playing yet..14:52
dustinspringmani dont think its in the synaptic list for 12.04, at least thats how it appears...14:53
snadgei play minecraft on 12.04.. but it crashes upon exit.. thats apparently an xorg 1.11 thing :p14:53
dustinspringmansnadge: neat, love new code.. XD14:53
snadgeand xorg 1.12 (which is in edgers) breaks nx server14:53
snadgeand doesnt work with fglrx :p14:53
dustinspringmanGraemeLion: thanks for the help, i'll keep hunting.. i gotta reboot post-updates..14:54
dustinspringmani'm using nvidia drivers, having great success.. ati drivers on my last laptop always gave me troubles..14:54
GraemeLiondustinspringman: Kayo.  Good luck.14:54
penguin42the open ATI drivers are doing pretty good  for me; KDE on 12.04 is sweet with them14:55
snadgeright.. its radeon vs noveau and nv vs fglrx14:55
snadgeall of the above have their strengths and weaknesses14:55
michaelfaviaintel 32 and 64 bi tmerged into i386 now?14:55
penguin42michaelfavia: Not quite14:55
Lace57the open drivers always worked better for me14:55
penguin42michaelfavia: But you can install i386 packages on your 64bit machine now14:55
snadgeunless you have a video card made within the last 12 months14:55
snadgeand then the open drivers are practically useless14:56
michaelfaviapenguin42, and get ram support  for 8gb or whatever?14:56
penguin42snadge: I did see something that ATI released open source drivers for the latest recently14:56
snadgeright.. but they're not going to be in precise14:56
jtaylormichaelfavia: no 32 bit are still limited to 32 bit address space and instruction set14:57
snadgei think thats for 3.4 kernel.. experimental builds of mesa with unsupported options etc14:57
penguin42michaelfavia: So one other change is that on i386 they've enabled 'pae' by default -  that lets you use more RAM on i38614:57
penguin42snadge: Probably14:57
jtaylorpenguin42: it still won't allow 32 bit programs use more than ~2 GB14:57
LiNuX`supI seem to be having some input issues with usb/mouse/keyboard. It occurs while gaming. It doesn't seem to support multi input. Any suggestions?14:57
penguin42jtaylor: Nod14:57
Lace57most modern PCs should support 64 bit anyways14:57
snadgealways the way.. to get the most out of the free drivers.. you need to use bleeding edge kernel, xorg, mesa.. to get the most out of proprietary drivers.. you have to do the opposite ;)14:57
Lace57i'm fine as long as i can play minecraft :D14:58
snadgebetter with prop drivers14:59
skellumWill wubi update 11.10 to 12.04 when it's official?14:59
snadgeive been playing minecraft with 512 textures.. and allocating 8GB of ram :p14:59
GraemeLionI believe Wubi is out.14:59
LiNuX`supyou can update 11.10 to 12.04 now by changing a setting in your update prefrences14:59
GraemeLionOh.. my bad.  It's off the disk, it can still be downloaded15:00
snadgewubi should still work with 12.04 ?15:00
skellumBut it will "install" 11.1015:00
michaelfaviapenguin42, jtaylor so i should be downloading the amd 64 bit one for full 64 bit suport? very modern dell xps15z with 8gb and new intel i5 or whatever.15:00
skellumThe Ubuntu windows installer download I mean.15:00
penguin42michaelfavia: Yeh go with 6415:00
snadgeif there is no wubi for 12.04 .. then yes, you can use 11.10 and then dist-upgrade to 12.0415:00
michaelfaviapenguin42, i used to have flash trouble, etc but i thnk they ironed all that out in the last few years15:01
penguin42michaelfavia: That all just works these days15:01
LiNuX`supwhat file do I edit for mouse polling rate/dpi15:01
Lace57flash works fine on 6415:01
michaelfaviapenguin42++ thank you15:01
jtaylorexcept that it constantly crashes :/15:01
snadgeskype in ubuntu 12.04 is still a bit dicey15:01
penguin42jtaylor: Some things never change15:01
skellumMaybe I should have looked at alternative downloads before clicking the huge download button :-)15:01
michaelfaviajtaylor, well thats not unique to 64 :)15:01
Lace57not for me, never had a crash in months15:01
penguin42jtaylor: Actually, it's not too bad for me these days in chromium15:01
snadgebut you can get skype to work with a shoehorn, and some lubricant15:02
michaelfaviai have a nice blue tint in flash movies for the last week on 12.04 ;)15:02
snadgeor a bit of googlefu ;)15:02
GraemeLionmichaelfavia: Yeah :D15:02
jtaylorskype works out of the box for me15:02
michaelfaviaGraemeLion, known bug apparently being fixed15:02
snadgei had to install a bunch of :i386 libs15:02
GraemeLionmichaelfavia: Yeah.  Welcome to +1 :D15:02
snadgeand it complained bitterly out of the box15:02
michaelfaviahad link yesterday. oh i dont mind.15:02
Lace57chromium crashes sometimes on youtube when html 5 player used15:02
GraemeLionmichaelfavia: I suspect by the time I do a workaround, it'll fix itself15:03
michaelfaviaGraemeLion, exactly.15:03
delactrying to install some Gnome Shell extensions from extensions.gnome.org, but gnome-tweak-tool fails to open after that. One way to fix the problem is to copy the schema to /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas, but I was wondering if anyone had a fix that wouldn't require sudo?15:03
michaelfaviaGraemeLion, or worse the fix will collide with your work around and not your int the very small subset of people who did both :)15:04
GraemeLionmichaelfavia: At the start of Beta1 ,there was this nasty crash thing going on15:05
GraemeLionI fixed it, and a week later, they fixed it, and their fix and my fix mated and produced this horrible OTHER issue15:05
michaelfaviaGraemeLion, digital darwinism :)15:05
michaelfaviaok downloading torrent now. is there an easier way these days to install than a usb stick?15:07
michaelfaviapartition mount or something?15:07
mblaymanhello, I'm experiencing a strange issue with shutdown that I can't figure out. I can shutdown graphically or from the command line, and the computer will seem to come to a complete halt (no obvious activity from the hard drive light), but the power doesn't turn off. Does anyone know how to debug this kind of issue? This is Ubuntu 12.04.15:07
OffGridOpsI am running the most recent version of Ubuntu Tweak but the I cannot change the Login Screen since install of 12.04.  Any ideas?  Thanx!15:07
michaelfaviamblayman, can you switch to console 1 when its hung?15:08
michaelfaviaand see whats waiting?15:08
michaelfaviayour desktop/xsession is f815:09
mblaymanI can try. I don't think it did anything, but I'll give it a shot. be back momentarily.15:09
mblaymanactually, michaelfavia, when should I switch to that? As soon as the shutdown process is starting?15:10
michaelfaviamblayman, good question.15:11
michaelfaviayou might want to try logging in as a terminal client15:11
michaelfaviaand issuing a shutdown from there15:11
michaelfaviayou might se emore15:11
mblaymanok, thanks.15:12
michaelfaviain that case  just ctrl+alt+f1 from the gnome login screen15:12
michaelfaviaand login in text form15:12
michaelfaviathen issue a shutdown15:12
skellum How do you exec uname -a so it goes into the channel?15:14
michaelfaviaskellum, this channel?15:15
skellumFor example, yes15:15
michaelfaviaused to be /uname iirc15:16
michaelfavianope you need userscripts15:16
skellumHavnt used Inc since 1998, was thinking it was a bang command15:17
michaelfaviaskellum, depends on your client15:17
skellumCould be, I always used ircii15:18
ent_is anyone using gnome 3 for 12.04 lts ?15:18
bazhangyes as thats standart ent_15:18
ent_i thought unity was ?15:19
bazhangent_, in other words everyone is15:19
bazhangent_, unity is a shell15:19
bazhang!notunity | ent_15:19
ubottuent_: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic15:19
ent_thanks for that15:20
delacdoes anyone happend to know if gnome-tweak-tool version 3.4.0 is going to be available anytime soon?15:21
bazhang!info gnome-tweak-tool15:21
ubottugnome-tweak-tool (source: gnome-tweak-tool): tool to adjust advanced configuration settings for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.3.4-0ubuntu1 (precise), package size 79 kB, installed size 570 kB15:21
bazhangdelac, you need it for what reason? unless its a security fix it's not likely15:22
mblaymanmichaelfavia, for some reason, I only got a virtual terminal once when I switched from the login screen. On that attempt, it halted and powered down normally. :/15:23
mblaymanMy other attempts were foiled because I didn't get a virtual terminal.15:23
mblaymanjust a blank screen15:24
GraemeLionYay.  12.04 gmtp recognizes my android phone :)15:24
michaelfaviamblayman, interesting. might want to open up the logfile viewer and look for errors15:24
michaelfaviaGraemeLion, mine too. i plugged it in yesterday and it showed up as a galaxy nexus. i was surprised.15:25
michaelfaviaOSS for the win!15:25
delacbazhang: apparently they changed something in the gnome 3.4 so that shell extensions can use gsettings to store user prefs. Gnoem in Pangolin is mostly 3.4 and installing those extensions work, but trying to open gnome-tweak-tool fails with critical error. I was just wondering if the new version would make it compatible.15:25
mblaymanyeah, logfile viewer only has the syslog and the syslog does not seem to log anything helpful on shutdown.15:25
michaelfaviamblayman, you have suspend, and boot and syslog if nothign else15:25
countfuzzballI can't get a grub loopback ubuntu server iso file on usb to detect the 'cdrom', I tried the cdrom-detect/try-usb=true, but the installer can't find the cdrom. How do I fix this?15:26
GraemeLionmichaelfavia: I have ICS on mine, tho.. so.. it uses the new method of transfer15:26
michaelfaviaGraemeLion, yeah mtp iirc?15:27
michaelfaviavs usb mass15:27
michaelfaviai havent messed with it yet since everything syncs over the air these days15:27
michaelfaviai plug in only for power :)15:27
Belial`is anyone else getting a purple dash and launcher color all of the sudden?15:33
Belial`it won't seem to change in ccsm settings. it will until you get out of ccsm, then it goes back to purple regardless of the settings.15:34
GraemeLionDunno how I feel about the banshee thing15:41
lolzerhi all .. i cant see the language support option and my ubuntu12.04 has changed to chineeze language15:44
lolzerplz help15:44
tehoweARGH desktop install disk should not just pick the second drive in your system for dual boot - it should ask if you want it on your windows drive OR on the second drive (0.02)15:45
lolzercan my problem be fixed or do i have to wait for the actual release??15:47
lolzeri have reinstalled Language Support15:47
lolzerbut it doesnt showup in administration15:48
lolzerhi all .. i cant see the language support option and my ubuntu12.04 has changed to chineeze language15:49
lolzeri have reinstalled Language Support15:49
lolzerbut it doesnt showup in administration15:49
lolzerhi all .. i cant see the language support option and my ubuntu12.04 has changed to chineeze language15:54
lolzerbut it doesnt showup in administration15:54
lolzeri have reinstalled Language Support15:54
lolzerhi all .. i cant see the language support option and my ubuntu12.04 has changed to chineeze language15:56
lolzerbut it doesnt showup in administration15:56
lolzeri have reinstalled Language Support15:56
mblaymanmichaelfavia, for your edification, my shutdown problem seems to be related to my nVidia driver. I uninstalled that and thing started to power down normally. Thanks for the assistance.16:02
michaelfaviamblayman, good to know. /me thinks abotu  azsolution16:03
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BlueClawI just installed 12.04. I have three monitors; how do I get them to stop mirroring  and display separate?16:31
tehoweBlueClaw - using amd/nvidia driver or regular MESA Ubuntu driver?16:31
lolzerhi all .. i cant see the language support option and my ubuntu12.04 has changed to chineeze language16:32
lolzeri have reinstalled Language Support16:32
lolzerbut it doesnt showup in administration16:32
BlueClawtehowe: amd drivers, but I cannot seem to get through the install process without an error occcurting (it is says they are installed, but I'm not so sure they are correctly working).16:33
tehoweIn that case you need to type catalyst and do it from the catalyst control center (if it installed properly)16:33
tehoweThat's Catalyst *administartive* because it will show two options16:34
tehoweThen you go into display options, pick the second screen, pick 'multi monitor display withmonitor 1' accept/save and then when you log out and log back into your desktop it should be one continuous screens16:35
lolzertehowe can you help me out??16:36
tehoweI have no idea about that sorry16:36
bazhanglolzer, what language setting do you need as default16:37
lolzeri had it but when i logged in again it changed16:38
bazhanglolzer, in system prefs language support? change the order there?16:38
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lolzerbazhang that is the problem i hae no option .. but language support is installed16:40
bazhanglolzer, did you have ibus installed? and set it there, or hit the activation command for it accidentally perhaps?16:40
lolzerthere is ibus installed but i dont remember doing anything with it16:42
lolzerhow do i do it in there??16:43
bazhangyou'd likely remember if you set it16:44
bazhangunless you need them, what about removing the zh/etc language packs16:44
bazhangit could well be a bug, what with ibus' history16:45
lolzerbut how does ibus change language???16:45
lolzerthere are no options in it16:46
bazhangchanges the kb input16:46
lolzerthere seems to be just 2 options in it and both are chineese16:48
bazhanglolzer, you do mean system input, right? not your whole OS goes from systemwide english to Chinese16:49
lolzerno the whole os .. even the menu is in chineese16:49
bazhanglolzer, what about selecting language at the login screen16:50
lolzeris there an option there at login??16:50
lolzerwhere do i find it?? i have changed to gnome from unity16:50
bazhang!schedule | me-117:10
ubottume-1: A schedule of Precise Pangolin (12.04) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PreciseReleaseSchedule17:10
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nischayn22Has heating problems on Sony Vaio laptops been fixed in this new version?17:21
kklimondanischayn22: do you have a bug number?17:22
jackie0I'm trying to dualboot win7/ubuntu12.04 on a raid 0. Win7 is installed, I installed ubuntu, grub shows up on boot and loads win7 successfully. But I can't boot ubuntu because it doesn't find the root partition and drops into BusyBox. Fixes?17:23
nischayn22kklimonda: Nope, this problem has been there since a long time with Ubuntu and someone on #ubuntu told me it might have gotten fixed in this new version17:23
pmjdebruijnhi all17:37
pmjdebruijnwhen I close a particular application, compiz segfaults17:37
pmjdebruijncompiz[1977]: segfault at 50 ip 00007ff238603047 sp 00007fff56dc3458 error 4 in libcompiz_core.so.[7ff2385b8000+af000]17:37
pmjdebruijn(from dmesg)17:37
pmjdebruijnthis only happens when I close that one application (darktable)17:38
Dr_willis!info darktable17:38
ubottudarktable (source: darktable): virtual lighttable and darkroom for photographers. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.3-2ubuntu1 (precise), package size 1714 kB, installed size 5242 kB (Only available for any-i386; any-amd64)17:38
pmjdebruijnthat's the old version17:38
Dr_willisnever heard of it.17:38
pmjdebruijnphotography app17:38
pmjdebruijnbut it seems odd for compiz to crash because of it17:38
Dr_willischeck the bug reports. could allready be reported. could be its changeing modes back, or somthing and causing an issue17:39
pmjdebruijnmode? as in resolution... no17:39
physically_fitis there a command to reload, mostly *reinstall* all what i need to get my sound working again. in all these 4 years using ubuntu i never had a sound problem till today.17:44
physically_fiti've tried the solutions on the internet, but i still have no sound.17:45
physically_fitdo i need to reinstall ubuntu again?17:45
physically_fitbazhang, are you talking to me?17:45
Dr_willis- all the fix's you have tried allready might be making things worse.17:45
Logan_!who | bazhang17:45
ubottubazhang: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)17:45
pmjdebruijnphysically_fit: you haven't fold us your issues yet17:45
bazhangtry a guest user17:45
Dr_willisbut ive rarely had sound issues either.17:45
Dr_willisyea. a 'make a new user test' is always a good simple test.17:46
bazhangand without listing the things you've tried, hard to say what you have done17:46
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physically_fitpmjdebruijn, i had flash version something.228 and then installed something.332 the newest and then tried to watch a youtube video and the sound was gone. but i just uptades the .so flash file. and then restarted, no sound, and tried the solutions on the internet.17:47
physically_fitno sound in flash or if i listen to an .mp3 alone17:48
bazhangwhich solutions17:48
pmjdebruijnphysically_fit: upgrading your flash.so really can't break playing an audio file in totem for example17:48
physically_fitpmjdebruijn, exactly17:49
physically_fitbazhang, i purged alsa-base & pulseaudio and then reinstalled them17:49
pmjdebruijnare you using this isn't just some muted channel17:50
physically_fiti did an alsa force-reload17:50
physically_fiti also tried to use the alsa dev packages, installing alsa-hda-dkms, but no audio yet so i unistalled it and removed that source17:51
pmjdebruijnphysically_fit: did you try a live cd to make sure it's not just a hardware issue?17:51
ionutI have a problem with usb mouse17:52
ionutmouse lag17:52
physically_fitpmjdebruijn, i don't understand what's the difference if i use a live cd?17:52
ionutI installed pure debian and mouse works fine17:52
penguin42ionut: Is this in a VM or on a real machine?17:52
penguin42hmm - never heard of mouse lag on a real machine!17:53
ionuton laptop17:53
pmjdebruijnphysically_fit: it's garanteed to be a pristine environment17:53
penguin42ionut: What mouse?17:53
pmjdebruijnphysically_fit: if you audio doesn't work there, it might be a hardware issue17:53
ionutsomeone told me to look at acpi17:53
ionutlogitech m23517:53
penguin42ionut: Well no harm in looking, but I don't know ACPI has anything to do with either USB or mice17:53
ionutit works fine in 10:04 lts17:54
physically_fitpmjdebruijn, oh i see. will try that and also creating a new user. thanks. i'll be back later.17:54
penguin42ionut: any errors in dmesg?17:54
DebolazMeh, yet another ubuntu release without keyboard layout for norwegian macintosh keyboards. :(17:56
ionutwhat's the command for dmseg listing?17:57
penguin42just type dmesg17:57
jeremiah_I am having problems using wifi and opening zip packages in ubuntu. wifi is not found and acts like it doesn't even know what wifi is. when i want to open a zip. for a minecraft world i always get this message http://pastebin.com/UFY0HCVR17:58
jeremiah_Not like that. it is in that17:58
delacwlan problem. Broadcom BCM4312, STA drivers from Additional Drivers. Works fine after installation, but gets disabled after reboot. Reinstalling renables it again. Hardware switch has no effect other than changing the "Soft blocked". Hard blocked is "no". Thoughts?18:01
ionutno errors: [   12.853068] generic-usb 0003:046D:C52F.0001: input,hidraw0: USB HID v1.11 Mouse [Logitech USB Receiver] on usb-0000:00:12.0-2/input018:03
ionut[   12.873780] generic-usb 0003:413C:8162.0004: input,hidraw3: USB HID v1.11 Mouse [HID 413c:8162] on usb-0000:00:16.0-3.2/input018:03
Dr_willisHmm.. I just noticed all my tomboy notes i had synced at the ubuntu one site are gone. ;(18:06
Dr_willisthey phased that feature out some time back dident they.18:06
trismjeremiah_: that generally means the zip file is corrupted, or at least didn't finish downloading (since the directory is at the end)18:07
jeremiah_trism, it happens with all of them and it says it has fin. downloading.18:08
trismjeremiah_: maybe it isn't a zip file? what does: file TheMaze.zip; say?18:11
jeremiah_trism, like, before i click on it?18:11
Dr_williscommand from terminal 'file TheMaze.zip'  and try  the cli unzip command. it may say its currupted.18:12
Dr_willisi think unzip has a -t for 'test' option.18:12
bcuraboyhi everyone.how can i manage my android through ubuntu 12.04?18:13
Dr_willisbcuraboy,  'manage' meaning what exactly?18:13
jeremiah_Dr_willis, TheMaze.zip: ERROR: cannot open `TheMaze.zip' (No such file or directory)18:13
jeremiah_was for the first line18:13
bcuraboysend and receive sms's,acessing my phonebook,18:13
trismjeremiah_: file ~/Downloads/TheMaze.zip;18:14
Dr_willisjeremiah_,  give it the full path to the file. :) i bet its not in the current directory18:14
bcuraboythe equipment is a Sony Ericsson Xperia Neo18:14
Dr_willisbcuraboy,  ive seen some tools on the market that can put your phones display in a 'window' on your desktop. :) never really done more then played with them.18:14
jeremiah_bash: /Downloads/TheMaze.zip: No such file or directory18:14
trismjeremiah_: you need the ~18:14
Dr_willisTime for bash basics lessons. :)18:14
jeremiah_it is in the downloads file...18:14
bcuraboyyes,i know what you mean.you're talking about airdroid18:15
bcuraboybut to do that i have to be in the same wireless network18:15
trismjeremiah_: also tab can help you complete it18:15
bcuraboyand in the moment i'm on my work18:15
jeremiah_trism,  DO I NEED THE ";"18:15
trismjeremiah_: no, but it doesn't hurt anything18:15
jeremiah_I HATE CAPSLOCK...18:15
jeremiah_it said it was denied18:16
Dr_willisa full path would be like  /home/yourusername/Desktop/TheFileName.zip   with proper case. :)     ~ is a shortcut for /home/yourusername/18:16
Dr_willisthe TAB key helps fill in the proper paths.18:16
jeremiah_it isn't working.... i even made it exicutable and it said bad magic number18:18
trismjeremiah_: yes, then it probably is either corrupt or not a zip file (a standard one anyway)18:19
jeremiah_trism, any way to test it?18:20
jeremiah_i get it for all the zips i have downloaded so...18:20
trismjeremiah_: pastebin: xxd ~/Downloads/TheMaze.zip | head18:21
jeremiah_invalid file (bad magic number): Exec format error18:21
Dr_williswhy would you make a .zip executable.. :)18:21
Dr_willisdont just try random stuff like that.18:21
Dr_willisunzip --help    should show a test option to try.18:22
Dr_willisand the file command should show its filetype18:22
jeremiah_how do i know which one?18:22
Dr_willis'file foo.zip'18:22
Dr_willisand 'zip -t foo.zip'  (i think)18:22
Dr_willisnot on ubuntu at the moment.18:22
jeremiah_not finding it....18:24
Dr_willisclarify what you mean.18:24
trismunzip -t file.zip; however I find it unlikely to work, it will just die like when you try to unzip it normally18:27
delacwlan problem. Broadcom BCM4312, STA drivers from Additional Drivers. Works fine right after installation, but gets disabled after reboot. Anyone?18:29
nasa01Hi, this question may not be precise unique - but that's what I am working on, so...  I am compiling/packaging libraries from svn for libraries that are in precise.  I am able to compile and package without any obvious issues.18:35
nasa01However, when I try an install the library - it fails due to missing dependencies.  Which usually is easy to solve, except in this case it's for a library I don't have in my control files18:36
jeremiah_Dr_willis, http://pastebin.com/jkt22YCt18:36
nasa01I've searched and am positive I don't have it anywhere.  But the precise version does...  Is it possible that the two are getting *mixed* togather?18:37
nasa01And if so, how do I fix/avoid?18:37
Dr_willisjeremiah_,  mentions a   -t option there.      so    unzip -t filetotest.zip    would test it.18:42
BlueClawAfter using Catalyst (AMD) I was able to get my three monitors to all appear (in 12.04) but the other two monitors are just blank white screens that seem very buggy. Does anyone have any experience with this type of thing?18:45
BlueClawIm not sure where to go from here to get the other monitors in a working state.18:46
Dr_willisAMD/Catalyst buggy = seen that befor.   no idea on any specific fix's .  i only have one amd  video card based machine these days18:46
Dr_willisgnome-shell and amd's drivers had issues for me in the past also. Unity worked.18:47
Dr_willisbut ive never tried multi monitor with amd - in ages.18:47
penguin42BlueClaw: Out of interest, what do you get on the open driver?18:48
BlueClawpenguin42: how can I check that?18:49
penguin42BlueClaw: How did you install Catalyst?18:49
BlueClawAfter the fresh install (12.04) I clicked on the driver icon on the main toolbar near the mail icon. I installed one of the two available drivers. I think it might have come with that? I don't believe I installed it alone. It must have come with something else I installed?18:51
penguin42BlueClaw: Well, if you go to system-administration additional drivers and remove the AMD driver it should give you the standard open driver - it's worth a try - what card do you have?18:51
BlueClawI only see two available drivers. Both are proprietary.18:53
penguin42BlueClaw: Which card do you have?18:53
BlueClawHow do I see?18:53
penguin42hmm, I thought it told you there - erm if you open a terminal and do   lspci |grep -i vga  and tell us the line it gives you18:54
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BlueClawpenguin42: 02:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI Cayman PRO [Radeon HD 6950]18:54
sanjeev_shcan i upgrade to ubuntu final release from ubuntu beta 218:55
trismsanjeev_sh: yes18:56
penguin42hmm, I'm not sure if that's supported by the open driver - it lists 6800 series, and it lists TURKS and CAICOS, oh and CAYMAN - so I guess it's got a chance18:56
BlueClawpenguin42: how would I go about testing to see if that chance was a confirmation?18:56
penguin42BlueClaw: I can't remember from the GUI, if you do   jockey-text -l  and it lists the drivers, you should be able to disable the driver you have with   jockey-text -d drivername18:57
penguin42(Goes to watch some TV)18:57
BlueClawpenguin42: xorg:fglrx_updates - ATI/AMD proprietary FGLRX graphics driver (post-release updates) (Proprietary, Disabled, Not in use)18:58
BlueClawxorg:fglrx - ATI/AMD proprietary FGLRX graphics driver (Proprietary, Enabled, In use)18:58
BlueClawSo. should I try to disable both?18:58
penguin42BlueClaw: OK, two things - one try selecting the xorg:fglrx_updates - that's newer, see if that works, if that doesn't work then try disabling which ever one still says enabled19:03
* penguin42 really going to watch some TV - back in a while19:03
DebolazWhat would be the approach to get a keyboard layout added to ubuntu?19:09
kkrzysiekkdo you have repo for ubuntu 12.04 ???19:10
Dr_williskkrzysiekk,  'the repo' for what exactly?19:12
bcuraboyhow can i navigate through terminal to a SD card?19:15
bcuraboywhat would be the path?19:15
jtaylorbcuraboy: normally /media/19:16
bcuraboylet me check that19:16
astraljavabcuraboy: Check /var/log/syslog for details on where it was auto-mounted, unless you can't find it otherwise.19:16
bcuraboywhen i try that command it says that i don't have permission for that,and when i try it being root it says command not find19:17
Dr_willismount command may shows its mountpoint also.19:17
jtaylorbcuraboy: that was the folder its likely in, not the command19:18
jtaylordo ls /media to see whats in there19:18
jtaylorone of those is your sd card19:19
jtaylorprobably pendrive19:19
bcuraboyso the command would be cd /media/PHONE-CARD ??19:19
Dr_willisbash basics. :) yes.19:20
bcuraboyi'mlearning something...few,but something :D19:20
kkrzysiekkdr_willis unofficial19:20
bcuraboythe command mkfile will make a new file,is that?19:21
Dr_williscant recall ever using 'mkfile' .... :)19:21
Dr_williswhat are you trying to do exactly?19:21
jtaylortouch will, if it does not exist19:21
bcuraboyor what's the right command to make a new blank file with the name is_audio_player ??19:21
Dr_willistouch is_audo_player19:22
Dr_willisecho "" > is_audio_player19:22
Dr_willisproberly a dozen other ways...19:22
bcuraboywhich one? :D19:22
bcuraboythe touch one will do it,right? :D19:22
Dr_willisi can thinkof like 8 other ways   right now..19:22
Dr_willis<jtaylor> touch will, if it does not exist19:23
bcuraboyand to eliminate one?19:23
bcuraboyrmv ??19:24
jtaylorrm file19:24
jtaylorno questions ask19:24
jtaylorrm -i file is saver19:24
jtaylorthough that may even be default in ubuntu?19:25
Dr_willis!find rmv19:25
ubottuFound: dpm-srm-server-mysql, dpm-srm-server-postgres, libdata-formvalidator-constraints-datetime-perl, libdata-formvalidator-perl, libformvalidator-simple-perl19:25
bcuraboythank's guys19:25
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal19:25
kpowjtaylor, no no, "mkdir /my_safe_trash; mv FILE /my_safe_trash; echo 'File is now in trash!'";19:26
Dr_willisits worth while spending an hr reading some shell basics. :)19:26
jtaylorkpow: apt-get install trash-cli :)19:26
kpowjtaylor, ;p19:27
bcuraboythat was just what i've been looking for19:27
BryGuy71Zhello i have a small problem after updating precise19:29
BryGuy71Zi think its the same problem i had in 11.10 also19:29
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jtaylorBryGuy71Z: that ppa does not offer packages for precise19:30
BryGuy71Zso how do i get rid of it?19:30
jtaylorsimply ignore it or remove it19:30
BryGuy71Zdo i have to go into software sources to remove it then?19:31
jtaylorapt-add-repository -r ppa:unity-team/hud19:31
jtaylorsoftware sources should work too19:31
physically_fithey! i solved my sound problems. i logged in with the Guest account and i had sound there (no hardware problem then). then i read more on the internet, and it advised to delete my .pulse folder in my home (Admin). and then tada! :)19:31
physically_fiti hope you liked my story.19:32
BryGuy71Zmaybe you can give me some insight with this problem?19:33
BryGuy71Zand thanks for the last one, its fixed now19:33
BryGuy71Zim thinking this new one has something to do with beta issues19:34
jtaylorcan you paste ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d/19:35
jtaylorpastebinit is a useful tool19:38
BryGuy71Zthere you go19:39
BryGuy71Zthanks again19:39
jtaylor:O lots of stuff19:39
jtaylorone of those could cause the issue19:39
jtaylorbut I don't see which one19:39
BryGuy71Ztheres one that still says oneric in it19:40
BryGuy71Zi want to remove #s 37,38,3919:40
BryGuy71Zand ANY other screenlets for that matter. Ive had the most impossible time tryign to remove them. They never actually uninstall19:41
BryGuy71Zim using Kubuntu atm too btw if that matters any19:44
BryGuy71Zim kinda done with gnome/unity right now19:44
di3gopaHello guys! i am using ubuntu 12.04 right now, but i can't find a way to make the icons smaller than 32x32 px, anyone knows how can i change this minimun value?19:51
kpowis there a meta package for all latex utils?19:52
BryGuy71Zi think jtaylor was helping me with this problem19:52
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trismkpow: there is texlive-full, although it is huge, you can probably get by with just texlive-latex-extra20:02
kpowtrism, ty found it in dselect and its only 1gb d/l and 1.7gb unpacked...20:03
kpowi think office is smaller20:04
physically_fitis this a 12.04 thing? or i never noticed it before? it adds my headphones as an sound output device when i plug them in.20:27
penguin42conventional headphones or USB thing?20:30
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=== Guest68914 is now known as BryGuy71Z
BryGuy71Zjtaylor, you still around bud?20:31
BryGuy71Zsorry i bailed earlier20:32
physically_fitpenguin42, conventional20:32
BryGuy71Znot sure if you were still in the process of helping me or not20:32
jtaylorI can only say look through all those files for one that might want to load from that url20:32
BryGuy71Zok cool20:33
BryGuy71Zi want to get that pastebin it20:33
BryGuy71Zbut its in a tar file20:33
BryGuy71Zi dont know how to run it/extract it properly20:33
jtaylorapt-get install pastebinit20:33
BryGuy71Zoh lol duh20:34
BryGuy71Zwhy do i always have to type sudo first?20:34
jtaylorinstalling packages is an administrator job20:35
BryGuy71Zcan i make it so i always have gthe super user status?20:35
BryGuy71Zwell this is my computer20:35
jtayloryou could, but its not recommended20:35
BryGuy71Zand i installed this OS20:35
BryGuy71Zoh ok20:35
BryGuy71Zwhat the hell does this mean?20:37
BryGuy71Zis it already installed?20:37
BryGuy71Zcuz i cant find it when i search for it in my applications20:37
jtayloryou have renamed stuff in sources.list.d20:37
jtayloryou should not do that20:38
BryGuy71Zi dont know how i did20:38
jtaylorbut the error is a different one20:38
jtaylorlet me check if its reproducable20:39
BryGuy71Znam myoho renge kyo20:41
martmani just installed 12.04, gnome panel and rebooted. no i cant move or resize any of my windows20:44
martmani only see the menu bar20:44
martmanno title bars20:44
martmananyone know how to get around this?20:44
jtaylorBryGuy71Z: works here, can you put set -x in the second line of /var/lib/dpkg/info/openvas-server.postinst and do apt-get install -f20:49
delacwlan problem. Broadcom BCM4312, STA drivers from Additional Drivers. Works fine right after installation, but gets disabled after reboot. Anyone?20:50
kpowwhats the binary name for default pdf reader to run from cli?20:50
jtaylorkpow: evince probably20:50
martman...no ideas?20:51
kpowjtaylor, thanks20:51
tomodachikpow: gnome-open ?20:55
tomodachiit should open the pdf with the default pdf reader20:55
tomodachibut like jtaylor sas in 10.06 its evince20:55
al_oHi someone know about btrfs support in precise? Is suitable for production use?20:56
al_oHi someone knows about btrfs support in precise? Is suitable for production use?20:56
BryGuy71Zhow do i get there? in sources list?20:57
jtaylorBryGuy71Z: sudo sed -e "2iset -x" /var/lib/dpkg/info/openvas-server.postinst20:58
BryGuy71Z# We don't let dh_installinit touch this so we do it byhand20:59
BryGuy71Zupdate-rc.d openvas-server  stop 20 0 6 . >/dev/null20:59
BryGuy71Zsays that at the end21:00
yofelal_o: btrfs works ok with kernel 3.2, but it's by far not bug-free. I use it myself, but with regular backups as I don't quite trust it yet, and the system integration isn't that good yet21:00
jtaylorBryGuy71Z: sorry: sudo sed -i -e "2iset -x" /var/lib/dpkg/info/openvas-server.postinst21:00
yofel+ btrfs-tools in ubuntu is quite outdated, so if you need them get a newer git snapshot from somewhere21:01
Will123456if you read the btrfs mailing lists, they'd probably regard 3.2 as stone age tech21:01
lichtblauHi there.  Some time ago I (rather naively) upgraded from oneiric to precise (simply using dist-upgrade or safe-upgrade or something like that).  Now I noticed that I can't figure out how to use multiarch.21:01
lichtblauAm I simply doing it wrong?  Is there newbie-safe multiarch usage documentation somewhere?  Or could there be something with my precise installation that's messed up?21:02
BryGuy71Zbryan@bryan-Compaq-Presario-C700-Notebook-PC:~$ sudo sed -i -e "2iset -x" bryan@bryan-Compaq-Presario-C700-Notebook-PC:~$21:02
yofelWill123456: yeah, agreed, but that's all we can get right now21:02
jtaylorBryGuy71Z: now apt-get install -f and pastebin the output21:02
jtaylorlichtblau: for what do you need multiarch?21:03
jtaylorlichtblau: in most cases is as simple as apt-get install package:arch21:03
lichtblaujtaylor: Basically I'm looking for the new way to do aptitude install ia32-libs, and I was hoping that aptitude install <package>:i386 would work, but it doesn't find any such packages ever.21:03
jtaylorlichtblau: everything in ia32-libs should be multiarched21:04
yofellichtblau: seriously, don't use aptitude for multiarch21:04
jtaylorlichtblau: just don't use aptitude21:04
yofellichtblau: it understands :arch, but the dependency resolver doesn't work right21:04
BryGuy71Zi still have issues when i run the regular update manager as well... i think its all related to the same issues as when i run apt-get update in terminal21:06
delaccan anyone tell me where does ubuntu/jockey put the information wich kernel modules are loaded and which are blacklisted?21:07
jtaylorBryGuy71Z: I don't see whats wrong, do you need that package?21:07
al_oyofel: i'm thinking about setup an open stack platform with a ceph backend, so i'm looking to btrfs...21:08
BryGuy71Zwhich package?21:08
yofeldelac: you get the loaded modules from 'lsmod', the blacklisting information is in /etc/modprobe.d/ - but I'm not sure if that's what jockey uses21:08
jtaylorBryGuy71Z: openvas-server21:08
al_owith the last upgrade ceph give some trouble with XFS21:08
BryGuy71Zi have no idea what it is21:08
jtaylorBryGuy71Z: then remove it21:08
BryGuy71Zit seems like a stock ubuntu thing21:09
jtaylorits nothing you usually install21:09
BryGuy71Zhow to remove21:09
jtaylordefinetly nothing default21:09
BryGuy71Zi c ant find sources list in kubuntu21:09
jtaylorBryGuy71Z: sudo apt-get install autoremove openvas-server21:09
jtaylorBryGuy71Z: sudo apt-get autoremove openvas-server21:09
BryGuy71Zoh its for nessus\21:10
delacyofel: for some reason jockey is not able to make wl load on boot and blacklist-bcm43.conf doesn't seem to have effect (modules there are loaded)21:11
yofelno idea, sorry21:12
BryGuy71Zthanks jtaylor21:12
BryGuy71Zi just started using ubuntu again a couple months again21:12
BryGuy71Zi always get myself into something liek this lol21:12
yofelal_o: I can't really help there, maybe #btrfs can give you more advice, but I'm not sure if they'll tell you someting other than "use at your own risk"21:12
lichtblaujtaylor: hmm, so apt-get should work better than aptitude for this purpose?  I'm not seeing a difference here.  Do I have to teach apt about the other architecture first?21:13
BryGuy71Zi know this is probably a bit annoying but, how do i fix this issue?21:13
jtaylorlichtblau: in ubuntu, no21:13
lichtblau/etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/multiarch lists "foreign-architecture i386" -- is that enough for the whole system to do the right thing?21:13
BryGuy71Zim learning/remembering a lot now21:13
jtaylorlichtblau: yes, you manage it with dpkg, e.g. dpkg --add-architecture ...21:13
jtaylor(though I'm not sure if ubuntu's dpkg understands that yet)21:14
yofelBryGuy71Z: you're on kubuntu?21:14
jtaylorBryGuy71Z: more outdated ppas21:14
jtaylorBryGuy71Z: you should clean that mess up21:14
jtaylorppa's should be avoided if possible, they are insecure and prone to cause issues21:14
al_o yofel : tnx! i'll try :)21:16
BryGuy71Zi am on kubuntu 12.04 yofel21:17
BryGuy71Zand any quick way to clean this mess up jtaylor ?21:17
lichtblauno, the dpkg I have here doesn't like --add-architecture.  The manpage lists a --foreign-architecture option, but I couldn't figure out how that works (if at all).21:18
BryGuy71Zi dont wanna keep bugging you but, its annoying to see errors21:18
yofelBryGuy71Z: in muon software center -> settings -> configure software sources21:18
jtaylorlichtblau: then ubuntus dpkg is to old, but that will be the interface in future21:18
yofelBryGuy71Z: there go to other sofware, find that ppa and disable it21:18
jtaylorlichtblau: you have to edit the config in ubuntu then21:18
yofelBryGuy71Z: Kmenu -> computer -> muon software center21:18
BryGuy71Zits called ubuntu software center21:19
BryGuy71Zthere is no muon anywhere under the kmenu21:19
BryGuy71Zbut im running the ubuntu software center21:20
lichtblaujtaylor: sorry that I'm being dense here, but... which config?  how?21:22
jtaylor /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/multiarch21:22
BryGuy71Zyofel, its not letting me uncheck, or remove the two source ppa's21:22
yofelBryGuy71Z: kubuntu doesn't have the ubuntu software center, unless you installed it yourself21:22
BryGuy71Zwell it does here and theres no muon21:22
lichtblaujtaylor: is the line I mentioned above not sufficient then?21:22
BryGuy71Zive looked everywhere for muon21:22
yofelwell, you need to open software-properties-kde or -gtk21:23
BryGuy71Zi just started using kubuntu/kde yesterday21:23
yofelah, you installed ubuntu and installed kde?21:23
yofelBryGuy71Z: press alt+f2, and run: kdesudo software-properties-kde21:23
lichtblauI'm confused that "apt-get update" actually downloads both amd64 and i386 stuff, but then I can't find any package for which "apt-get install foo:i386" would find it.21:24
BryGuy71Zi thought kde is just another DE that comes with ubuntu21:24
yofelBryGuy71Z: right, but the default applications differ a bit between kubuntu and ubuntu21:24
yofelyou won't need muon if you have the ubuntu software center21:24
jtaylorlichtblau: an example package it doesn't find?21:24
BryGuy71Zalt f2 brought up this weird search thing21:25
yofelBryGuy71Z: put "kdesudo software-properties-kde" in there and press enter21:25
BryGuy71Zi dod, didnt do anything21:26
BryGuy71Zso i ran it in terminal21:26
BryGuy71Zit told me to sudo apt-get install kdesudo21:26
BryGuy71Zso i did that21:26
yofelcan you edit the software sources from the ubuntu software center?21:26
BryGuy71Zit brings up the sources and all21:27
BryGuy71Zbut it doesnt let me uncheck anything, or when i click the remove option it just doesnt do anythign21:27
BryGuy71Zbut it doesnt let me uncheck anything, or when i click the remove option it just doesnt do anythign21:27
yofelhm, I guess the behaviour of the gtk UI changed since I last used it...21:27
lichtblaujtaylor: I'm trying things like: apt-get install libncurses5:i38621:28
BryGuy71Zok its letting me do kdesudo21:28
jtaylorlichtblau: and that does what?21:28
BryGuy71Zok i ran the kdesudo software-properties-kde21:28
BryGuy71Zasked me for a password on a seperate pop-up screen, i entered the password, then the window disappeared, nothign else happened21:29
yofelyou probably don't have software-properties-kde installed21:29
BryGuy71Zok i will nstall it21:30
BryGuy71Zinstalling now..,.21:30
lichtblaujtaylor: E: Package 'libncurses5:i386' has no installation candidate21:30
BryGuy71Zinstalling muon21:32
yofelBryGuy71Z: you won't need muon21:32
BryGuy71Zoh well21:32
BryGuy71Zit still wont open the software sources form kde21:32
jtaylornot sure whats going wrong there21:32
BryGuy71Zkdesudo software-properties-kde21:32
BryGuy71Zstill does the same thing21:32
BryGuy71Zis there a better way to use kubuntu/kde with 12.04?21:33
yofelBryGuy71Z: how did you install it?21:33
BryGuy71Zi am starting to like the style better than unity/gnome21:33
BryGuy71Zsudo apt-get install software-properties-kde21:34
yofelno, I meant kde21:34
BryGuy71Zi just logged out of ubuntu one day, and it had the option of kde plasma21:34
BryGuy71Zso i entered that21:34
lichtblauOK... thanks for your help so far.  I suppose I can just install a 32 bit chroot.21:35
BryGuy71Zwent back and forth for a while, then decided to stay here for a while21:35
lichtblauOr a 64 bit multiarch debian chroot for that matter. :-)21:35
yofelinstall kubuntu-desktop if you want the complete kubuntu setup21:35
BryGuy71Zwill i need to log out and log into kubuntu after this?21:36
jtaylorlichtblau: what happens if you install ia32-libs?21:36
yofelif you're already running kde, nope21:36
atpa8awhich one of smartd/smartmontools should be started?..21:37
BryGuy71Zok cool thanks, so far, yofel21:38
lichtblauThere's no ia32-libs either (not since I upgraded from oneiric, that is).21:38
BryGuy71Zshould i run upgrade or update after this yofel ?21:38
jtaylorlichtblau: and ia32-libs-multiarch?21:39
jtaylorboth should exist :/21:39
yofelBryGuy71Z: shouldn't be necessary, although you'll want to update frequently if you're running 12.04 until release21:39
lichtblauno packages with ia32 in the name.21:39
yofelBryGuy71Z: can you open the software properties now?21:39
BryGuy71Zya i do update daily21:40
BryGuy71Zits still installing kubuntu-desktop21:40
jtaylorlichtblau: strage, they must be there: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ia32-libs21:40
delacif I rmmod ssb and modprobe wl, the wlan comes up. But I need to do that after every reboot. blacklist-bcm43.conf does have ssb but still it loads every on reboot. Putting wl in /etc/modules does not help. HELP!21:41
BryGuy71Zalmost done i think...21:42
BryGuy71Zyofel do u use kubuntu or unity?21:46
BryGuy71Zhwo do i open the software sources again21:47
yofelwell, gui way: kmenu>computer>muon software center21:47
yofelthere: settings>configure software sources21:47
BryGuy71Zmuon still doesnt exist lol21:48
yofelmeh, something in the defaults didn't get updated I guess21:48
mkultra_i have a major problem with my video, its a GeForce Go 615021:48
mkultra_i cant find drivers on nvidias site for it lol21:49
yofelBryGuy71Z: can you log out after all?21:49
BryGuy71Zya, should i reboot altogether?21:49
yofelshouldn't  be needed21:49
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=== Guest66619 is now known as BryGuy71Z
BryGuy71Zok yofel21:53
BryGuy71Zmuon is now there21:54
yofelBryGuy71Z: can you open the sources now?21:56
BryGuy71Zim loooking to find those 2 culprits now21:58
BryGuy71Zok unchecked, AND removed those 2 ppas21:59
BryGuy71Zgoing to run update and see if there are still errors22:00
BryGuy71Zhopefully kubuntu will work better now that it is all the way installed properly lol22:00
BryGuy71Zthanks for oyu hard work and assistance yofel22:00
yofelyou're welcome22:01
BryGuy71Zlooks much much better now22:02
BryGuy71Zstill has this other really small problem22:02
BryGuy71ZIgn http://us.archive.ubuntu.com natty-backports/universe Translation-en22:02
BryGuy71ZFetched 12.5 MB in 26s (465 kB/s)22:02
BryGuy71ZReading package lists... Done22:02
BryGuy71ZN: Ignoring file 'getdeb.list.bck' in directory '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/' as it has an invalid filename extension22:02
bjsnideryou can remove that file22:04
bjsniderif you want to getdeb repo back you can add it later22:04
BryGuy71Zyofel , it also opens my home folder when kubuntu starts up, why does it do that?22:04
BryGuy71Zwhat is getdeb?22:04
BryGuy71Zand how to remove it?22:04
yofelBryGuy71Z: just delete /etc/apt/sources.list.d/getdeb.list.bck22:06
BryGuy71Zshould i run that in terminal?22:06
yofelBryGuy71Z: and how does it start the home folder?22:06
yofelBryGuy71Z: well, in terminal: sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/getdeb.list.bck22:06
BryGuy71Zwhen i log in, the first thing that happens is the "Home" folder opens automatically22:07
yofelin the file manager?22:07
BryGuy71Zlike the window with the home folder opens22:07
yofelpress ctrl+esc, and see if you have nautilus running22:08
yofelif yes, kill it22:08
BryGuy71Zended process nautilus22:09
BryGuy71Zi thought nautilus was good22:09
yofelwell yeah, but it has the annoying behaviour of running in the background. so the KDE session restore will start it at login22:09
yofelyou can prevent that actually22:10
yofelopen kmenu> system settings22:10
BryGuy71Zis this going to prevent the home folder from opening22:10
yofelthere go to startup and shutdown > session management22:10
yofeland add nautilus to the applications to be excluded from sessions22:11
yofelpress apply and it shouldn't start anymore at login22:11
yofel... I think22:11
BryGuy71Zi dont see an exclusion list22:12
BryGuy71Zonly autostart22:12
BryGuy71Zand i took everythign off that22:12
BryGuy71Zi found it22:13
BryGuy71Zi typed in nautilus to be excluded from statrt up22:13
yofelI think that should work22:13
BryGuy71Zcool cool22:13
BryGuy71Zi just solved like 3 more problems in the process of doing that22:13
BryGuy71Znow update has 0 errors22:14
BryGuy71Zrecommend anything to download or install in kubuntu?22:15
vatueilhi, i changed the notification sound in the sound settings but the change doesn't take effect, even restarting the app doesn't help. i need to logout and log in again.22:23
vatueilthat can't be right?22:23
rymate1234I jsut installed the latest ubuntu daily build22:43
rymate1234keyboard doesn't seem to work on the grub boot screen22:44
Kiryxis this a good place to just describe a bug ?22:48
Kiryxor should i go to launchpad22:49
rymate1234my keyboard bug appears to be a one time issue22:51
KiryxI have trouble getting some windows to appear in beta222:54
Kiryxthat is22:54
KiryxI launch pidgin22:54
Kiryxyet I can't make it appear, after several Alt-tabbings of "Show Desktop" and selecting pidgin from different panels it appears22:55
BryGuy71Zjust wait 12 more days lol22:56
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BryGuy71Zor try logging out22:56
KiryxYeah, I know it's probably some minor stuff, I know it will sort itself out after few patches22:57
KiryxI'm just letting you know about it22:58
atpa8awasn't it pushed a week?22:58
BryGuy71Zthe website still says 12 days remaining23:02
BryGuy71Zi dotn know23:02
BryGuy71Zim a total noob too lol... but thats what the official 12.04 website says23:02
ssfdre38hey im trying to get debootstrap going on my system and i keep on getting mounted with noexec or nodev, how can i get that fixed23:04
penguin42debootstrap is fun23:05
penguin42ssfdre38: What is mounted noexec/nodev?23:05
ssfdre38dont know23:05
ssfdre38i have a empty HDD i just formatted to use for my chroot23:06
penguin42how did you format it - is it an internal disc?23:06
ssfdre38i used disk utility and yea its internal23:06
penguin42and how did you mount it/23:07
ssfdre38i had the system mount it23:07
ssfdre38disk utility23:07
penguin42hmm - I suspect, but don't know for sure, that when it mounts it, it might do it as you rather than the priveliged user, and being a normal non-trusted user it might mount it nodev, noexec23:08
penguin42ssfdre38: You can always use sudo mount -o remount,exec,dev  /whereever23:08
ssfdre38that work thanks23:10
penguin42ssfdre38: You might want to add it to your /etc/fstab to get it to automatically mount at boot with the perms you require23:15
ssfdre38yea i will do that once its done downloading the packages to the chroot23:16
penguin42do you intend to make that drive bootable or just work in the chroot?23:16
ssfdre38just work in the chroot23:17
penguin42ok; making it bootable is a bit more interesting23:17
ssfdre38what i do want to set up is a dual-boot of Arch and Ubuntu but that is a different problem that i will deal with later23:17
ssfdre38how can i find the UUID for the drive i want to use so i can edit the right drive23:22
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