
=== richardlxc is now known as richardlxc1
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=== JonathanS is now known as JonathanD
WilsonBradleyHeres a baffling question.. Does Ubuntu 12.04 support Multi-plexing two wifi INTERNET connections or load balance?12:10
duanedesignWilsonBradley: did you find an answer to your question?12:29
duanedesignWilsonBradley: i had this link in my bookmarks. http://lartc.org/howto/12:38
=== ethane is now known as ubucop
duanedesignWilsonBradley: some of the LDP docs can be a few years old. Which is forever in Linux time :)12:40
WilsonBradley:-) thanks..12:40
duanedesignWilsonBradley: iproute2 is not in the repos. iproute is installed by default. I ran a few of the commands in the how to and they all ran on iproute12:42
WilsonBradleyI tried this and it was expecting an ip; nexthop via $P2 dev $IF2 weight 112:44
WilsonBradleyip route add default scope global nexthop via $P1 dev $IF1 weight 1 \     nexthop via $P2 dev $IF2 weight 112:44
duanedesignyou can get your gateway ip with -  route -n12:56
n00b_hello from colombia15:00
bodhizazenl'o n00b_15:04
n00b_bodhizazen hello man15:05
=== raju is now known as ubucop
haqkingJonEdney, hi, so what have you done so far and whats the isue22:59
JonEdneyI have a VPS with root access, and was in the process of following a walkthrough for installing ISPConfig 3 on 10.04 LTS.22:59
JonEdneyWhen I got to the point where it calls to ask for installing Apache, I get a weird message23:00
JonEdneyI have this open as well - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=195842423:00
haqkingok wel first of all did you set your hostname first ? and then apt-get install apache2 apache2-doc apache2-utils23:00
JonEdneyYes, the hostname was set.23:01
haqkingok did you apt-get update first23:01
haqkingoh i see thats in the thread sorry23:02
haqkinghang on just reading it23:02
JonEdneyNO problem.  I'm in no rush with this, using it as a learning experience, but I am just stuck on this Apache issue.23:03
bobweaverwhat is issue with apache2 ?23:04
JonEdneyI try installing it, and I get a weird message from the server , and then it just hangs.   I have all the details on my Ubuntu forum post http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=195842423:05
haqkingwel not the issue but you shouldnt be logged on as root ;-) sudo is preferable in Ubuntu but no biggie23:05
bobweaverhave tou restarted apache23:05
bobweaveror are you tring to do full lamp ?23:06
haqkingsudo apt-get install apache2 apache2-utils should just work never seen that error before23:06
bobweaverdisabled with "a2dismod reqtimeout23:07
JonEdneyForgive me for my lack of knowledge here folks, I'm 2 months into seeing what Ubuntu looks like, and a week or so into actually getting into shll commands.23:07
bobweavercan be disabld23:07
bobweaverJonEdney,  do what haqking  said 1st23:07
haqkingwell you can check to see if its installed with heading to localhost in your browser23:08
haqkingand try restarting it with /etc/init.d/apache2 restart23:08
bobweaverit is the mod looks like it alters apacheconf23:08
haqkingit may have insatalled and the message may have been rogue ;)23:09
bobweavergood point time to look at log23:09
JonEdneyAlright, let me take a look at a few things here.23:09
haqkingno worires take your time, check localhost in browser first23:10
haqkingthen restart and then logs23:10
haqkingor wateva order you like23:10
JonEdneyWell I ran apt-get install apache2 apache2-utils and it seems to have went through..23:10
haqking;) thats cos im amazing....LOL23:11
haqkingcheck localhost i browser23:11
haqkingshould say "it works"23:11
haqkingif its working23:11
JonEdneyHot dog!23:11
haqkingyour welcome, go back and mark your thread as solved with solution. peace23:12
JonEdneyFor sure, was just a lack of my own knowledge, which is the reason for putting myself through this23:12
haqkingno worries every long journey starts with a single step ;)23:13
haqkingno stupid questions, only stupid from not asking questions23:13
* bobweaver high-five haqking 23:13
* haqking low 5 bobweaver and a clubdance jig23:14
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel

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