
mhall119jcastro: try again when you have a minute00:07
mhall119czajkowski: you should be asleep00:43
cjohnstonjcastro: we have a Plumbers Summit!!!!00:58
mhall119cjohnston: \o/02:04
mhall119cjohnston: so where are they flying you?02:05
cjohnstonsan diego02:14
nigelbIs this something Linaro related?02:16
cjohnstonlinaro is Hong Kong next month02:17
* bkerensa waves good bye for the weekend (Heading to The beach town of Astoria, Oregon named after John Astor who I believe died on the Titanic)02:49
jussijkjkklhg b             bhhhhhhhhhhhhhhb08:39
nigelbjussi: get away form the computer cat!08:39
nigelb(or is the toddler?)08:39
jussihehe, its Elodi08:39
nigelbI see you're giving her IRC practice already :)08:40
jussiyup :D08:40
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cjohnstonczajkowski: ping14:20
czajkowskicjohnston: pong14:34
cjohnstonczajkowski: what site is Bug #980971 in reference to?14:35
ubot2Launchpad bug 980971 in ubuntu-website-content "sharing blog posts should be made easier" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98097114:35
cjohnstonI may be missing something.. is it planet?14:35
czajkowskicjohnston: mpt told me to log it that way in general re blog posts14:36
czajkowskiso for voice/blogs/canonical etc14:36
czajkowskia way to share content14:36
czajkowskiI spoke to him :) he said to do it this way14:37
cjohnstonI knew I was missing something..14:37
czajkowskithe magic wand of mpt :)14:37
* cjohnston hates css14:38
czajkowskiright am off out14:39
cjohnstondoes anyone have their computer hooked up to a 40+ inch monitor/tv?14:46
bodhizazenI have large dual monitors, but not a single monitor that large14:52
bodhizazenif that helps cjohnston14:52
cjohnstonnope.. ty tho14:52
nothingspecialI do cjohnston14:54
cjohnstonnothingspecial: what size?14:54
* nothingspecial looks14:54
nothingspecial42b inch I think cjohnston14:56
nothingspecialmy wife says I bought a cinema :)14:56
cjohnstonnothingspecial: PM?14:56
bodhizazenthanks nothingspecial14:56
jokerdinohey everyone15:31
nothingspecialcjohnston: was that picture ok16:11
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=== daker__ is now known as daker
dakerhey jcastro17:35
cjohnstonnothingspecial: passable18:17
cjohnstongave me a clue18:17
nothingspecialcjohnston: lol19:45
MobileDruifjo-erlend: I agree with you concerning that Alt issue on the mailing-list21:01
jo-erlendMobileDruif, hehe, thank you. I was getting a little worried. :)21:01
MobileDruifI've noticed you are at the brink of losing your mind about the responses on there21:02
MobileDruifI can't type blind, but I understand how it works21:04
jo-erlendI've started using Alt "New" in Firefox to open a new page, instead of using Ctrl+T. Those things do take a little while to get used to, but it's very comfortable. The most annoying key on the keyboard now is the Y.21:05
MobileDruifAnd Ctrl isn't easy to use21:05
jo-erlendNo, it's difficult.21:05
jo-erlendI don't understand how any human being would be able to use the ctrl key without lifting their hands from the table. And if you have to lift your hands, that transfers directly to your neck and shoulders, which makes you more tired and can cause headaches.21:06
MobileDruifBrb, gotta get on my bike21:08
jo-erlendhehe, I'm beginning to sound like I really _hate_ Control, don't I?21:08
MobileDruifBe right back on my laptop21:08
MrChrisDruifjo-erlend: sorry I kept you waiting ^_^22:21
jo-erlendno worries. I've been waiting patiently, staring at the screen. :)22:22

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