
SarvattDarxus: 3.4.0-0ubuntu5~wayland1 is versioned lower than 3.4.0-0ubuntu5 that's already in the archive so it got rejected after upload, ya should have email about it00:00
Sarvattjust drop the ~00:00
DarxusSarvatt: Nice, thanks.  Don't have an email about it yet.00:03
Darxus  Uploading gtk+3.0_3.4.0-0ubuntu5wayland1.dsc: done.00:06
DarxusSo.. how long does this take?00:08
Sarvattdid it upload ok? about 5 minutes to show up in the ppa00:09
DarxusYup.  Thanks.00:10
DarxusNo launchpad in my mail log.00:12
Sarvattwhy are you using -u?00:14
DarxusDo I need to not use -u?00:14
Darxus(Because it's easier.)00:14
Sarvattyou do need to sign the package when you're building it, building with debuild -S -sa?00:15
DarxusOkay, thanks.00:15
DarxusHaven't done this in a while.00:15
DarxusBuilt with dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -S00:16
=== RAOF_ is now known as RAOF
DarxusUploaded again, should be signed this time.00:24
DarxusIs that why I didn't get email?  (I was wondering how it was supposed to figure out my address.)00:24
DarxusYep, got an email that time.00:26
DarxusPPA uploads must be for the RELEASE pocket.00:26
RAOFWhat did you put as the target? (precise is the correct target, rather than precise-updates or precise-proposed, or such)00:28
DarxusIt was precise-something, I changed it to precise, thanks.00:30
Darxus<                       --enable-x11 backend00:48
Darxus>                       --enable-x11-backend00:48
DarxusSo freaking picky.00:48
DarxusThat did *not* give a useful error message, if you were curious.00:53
RAOFOf course not.  It would have given a “Unrecognised configure option --enable-x11” at the very top of the configure output. ☺00:56
DarxusNo.  No it wasn't that useful.00:56
DarxusWell, at least what I got halted the build.00:57
DarxusUnlike when you try to build gtk with the wayland backend without libxkbcommon installed.00:57
DarxusI'm going to have to reproduce that one from upstream stuff and file a bug.00:57
DarxusAhhh.  And I didn't add that to the build deps.  Grr.00:58
Darxuslibxkbcommon-dev: missing02:16
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dupondjeAnyone could get a look @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk+3.0/+bug/819994 ? This bug should really be fixed imo08:59
ubot2Launchpad bug 819994 in gtk+3.0 "String length of items seems limited (system settings label get truncated)" [Low,Triaged]08:59
DarxusIs there a way to get a package build to tell you all the commands the various dh_ commands execute?  Oooh, DH_VERBOSE=1 looks like exactly what I'm looking for.14:15
Carlos_GongNEED HELP! I am localizing appmenu-indicator, and can't understand the following: "In order to have the application's menu items appear higher in the search results a slight penalty is given to the indicator menu items. " How exactly does this work?14:59
DarxusCan anybody tell me what in the (precise) gtk+3.0 packaging specifies the source directory to dh_install, as it's building the different flavors it builds?16:29
DarxusIt appears to be using debian/{build,install}/{shared,shared_udeb,static} instead of the default of debian/tmp.  Except for the problem I'm having using this packging on with different source, from a recent gtk branch.16:31
Darxus./rules:DEB_MAKE_FLAVORS = shared shared_udeb static16:33
DarxusThat may be a start.16:33
Darxusdh_install -plibgtk-3-bin16:34
Darxusinstall -d debian/libgtk-3-bin/usr/share/man/man116:34
Darxuscp -a debian/tmp/docs/reference/gtk/gtk-update-icon-cache.1 debian/libgtk-3-bin/usr/share/man/man1/16:34
DarxusThat's still my problem, gtk-update-icon-cache.1 isn't in debian/tmp, it's in those other directories.16:35
DarxusIn the unmodified gtk source package it does:16:36
Darxus        cp -a ./docs/reference/gtk/gtk-update-icon-cache.1 debian/libgtk-3-bin/usr/share/man/man1/16:36
DarxusSo where is it getting that different path to gtk-update-icon-cache.1?16:37
Darxus./libgtk-3-bin.install.in:docs/reference/gtk/gtk-update-icon-cache.1 usr/share/man/man116:38
Darxus        perl -w debian/dh_listmissing.pl $(foreach f,$(DEB_MAKE_FLAVORS),debian/install/$(f)) 2>&1 | \16:45
DarxusI guess that's what kicks off the various dh_installs.16:45
asacis it a known thing that sometimes all my windows on all desktop just minimize in precise/unity?17:27
asacmaybe its a certain key combo i press by accident?17:27
asacsymptom: suddenly all windows are gone from all desktops. I have to find them myself and positions of the windows after clicking on laucher to bring them back is sometimes off17:28
asacfrom where they before17:28
asacthats what i see17:28
mlankhorstanyone feels like testing the build for wine-1.5.2 I put up on the ubuntu wine ppa? Mostly caring about the pulse patch I merged, curious if it helps sound support for others. :)17:30
asacmlankhorst: what are the top apps that people use nowadays on wine?17:32
asacwonder if i am missing something :)17:32
mlankhorstdno, I mostly use it for team fortress 217:32
asacmlankhorst: thats a game?17:32
mlankhorstyeah :)17:32
asacso i guess there is no real killer app amongst them?17:32
asacguess BF3 doesnt work (yet) :)?17:33
mlankhorstWell I'm responsible for the pulse patch, so mostly curious if it fixes the broken sound support you get by bypassing the alsa->pulse emulation layer.17:33
asacsure i dont want to distract you17:33
asacjust curious. sorry that i cannot help testing :/17:33
mlankhorstnp :)17:33
DarxusWoo, I got to the symbol change error trying to package robster's gtk branch by commenting out the contents of debian/libgtk-3-bin.install.in and the command to mv gtk-update-icon-cache.1 in debian/rules.17:34
mlankhorstIt's sad wine rejected the patch, but it's higher quality than their alsa driver. :\17:34
Darxusmlankhorst: Why did they reject it?17:37
Darxusasac: Sounds like you might be hitting a keyboard shortcut for "show desktop".17:37
asacDarxus: which one is that?17:37
DarxusYou can replicate it... no that's probably not in unity.17:38
asacwhat do you mean?17:38
asaci am sure its not unity the software code base ... i see it in a unity session :)17:39
asacth show desktop makes sense17:39
asacwhat doesnt make sense is that when i then click on the app icon again17:39
asacit sometimes pops up completely off its old position17:39
Darxussystem settings / keyboard / shortcuts17:39
asacoften half across virtual desktop boundaries17:39
asace.g. top on one the bottom on the other workspace17:39
DarxusThere's a navigation / hide all normal windows, which is ctrl+super+d17:40
asaci dont have a super key :)17:40
asacon this keyboard17:40
DarxusYou don't have windows keys?17:40
asacright. i bought it just 3 month ago. a cherry G84 keyboard17:40
asaci asked if there is a normal combination that simulates super17:41
asacbut noone could tell :)17:41
asacmaybe there is and i am hitting that + ctrl + d :)17:41
asacdamn. if i only knew!! then i could open this dash thing17:41
DarxusThe images I'm finding searching for cherry g84 have windows keys.  You have no key between your left alt and ctrl keys?17:41
asacwait a sec17:42
asaci think it might be wrong number :)17:42
asacDarxus: i thougth at some point i bought weird variant without that key, but on cherry page no variant has a windows key afaict:17:43
asacits a G84-410017:43
Darxusasac: I don't see any other keybindings likely to do what you describe.17:44
asacyeah. can yo see the pic?17:44
asacit has no windows key :)17:44
asacnevermind then17:44
asacor its maybe a Fn combination17:44
DarxusWhat does the key between the left alt and ctrl keys do?17:44
asacbut i dont see a windows sign anywhere17:44
asacDarxus: thats like a fn key on a laptop17:44
asacthere are those keys with a small boxed value17:44
DarxusYeah, I see what it's doing now.  Weird.17:44
asachehe. yeah. it was fun when folks said super key is now the default for everything17:45
asacluckily i am back to ctrl+alt+arrow17:45
asacfor moving desktops17:45
asacotherwise i would have been lost17:45
asacerr moving around workspaces i meant17:46
asacanyway.. thanks for checking. i still believe i found the super key :/17:46
asacbut still dont know which one it is17:47
kklimondahuh, guest session locks the screensaver and then asks for the password..18:54
kklimondais it reported?18:54
kklimondaah, looks like bug 95100018:55
ubot2Launchpad bug 951000 in lightdm "disable guest session screen lock using gsettings" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95100018:55
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