
=== RAOF_ is now known as RAOF
cjwatsonastraljava: uploaded00:40
astraljavacjwatson: Most excellent, thank you once again! :)00:47
astraljavacjwatson: Are there new images spinned (span? spun?) on Saturday?00:48
* astraljava forgets these odd tenses00:48
cjwatsonastraljava: (spun) I'd assume so, all the cron jobs are still switched on00:51
astraljavacjwatson: Great (on both occasions)! Thanks.00:51
vibhavcyphermox: You there?03:15
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slangasekSpamapS: build-tested only, but I have a merge of lvm2 now at lp:~vorlon/ubuntu/precise/lvm2/lp.726677 ; I suppose I'll park it there until q opens03:51
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SpamapSslangasek: \o/ hooray for lvm206:25
dupondjeslangasek: maby cryptsetup should depend on udev now that udevadm is used ? :)07:59
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dupondjeslangasek: posted updated patch in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt/+bug/85026409:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 850264 in apt (Ubuntu Oneiric) "given a foreign architecture of i386 on amd64 machine, and an outdated libc, apt tries to remove libc-bin" [High,Triaged]09:36
sladenkirkland: hahhahhahaha10:07
sladenkirkland: I think skaet will have to do a bit of work to match your recent release notes10:08
sladeninfinity: http://blog.dustinkirkland.com/2012/04/kirkland-1204-lts-released-hello-world.html10:11
infinitykirkland: Congrats.10:14
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vibhavunseeded packages dont need FFes for bug fixes right?14:26
bdrungvibhav: yes14:36
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vibhavbdrung: Even New Upstream Releases for unseeded packages dont need FFes14:57
Carlos_GongNEED HELP! I am localizing appmenu-indicator, and can't understand the following: "In order to have the application's menu items appear higher in the search results a slight penalty is given to the indicator menu items. " Can anybody give me an example of how exactly does this work?15:08
shnatselpitti: hello again! How do I authenticate Apport to Launchpad? man apport-retrace mentions firefox's cookies.txt, but it's cookies.sqlite in current versions, and I'm not sure LP uses cookies anyway.15:16
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slangasekdupondje: well, cryptsetup depends: dmsetup which depends: udev, so in practice it's not going to cause problems - but yes, it should preferably declare a direct dependency17:29
slangasekdupondje: thanks for the updated patch, I'm looking this morning17:30
slangasekkirkland: heh, congrats :)17:31
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slangasekI am confused that I got bug mail about bug #981648, and this bug appears to no longer exist17:57
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 981648 could not be found17:57
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penguin42slangasek: I find it interesting that if I search for that bug the 'lost something' message I get includes an OOPS id, where as if I search for the next one it doesn't18:03
slangasekwell, the only reason I wanted the bug was to close it as invalid :P18:04
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cjwatsonslangasek: "doesn't exist" for bugs is sometimes Launchpad's way of saying "private, and I don't want to leak any information about it", IIRC18:39
azeem_launchpad mind trick18:44
penguin42cjwatson: Did you get a chance to look at those procps fixes?18:51
dupondjeslangasek: you think is a good idea to upgrade cryptsetup to the newest upstream version? It has some nice repair function added :)20:10
cjwatsonpenguin42: no, sorry :-/20:17
penguin42cjwatson: No worry, they're segs but neither in important cases20:19
hyperaircan we make libproxy1 or ubuntu-desktop recommend libproxy1-plugin-webkit?20:53
hyperairit's quite confusing when pac files just don't work20:53
Laneysomething other than the shared lib should recommend it, yes20:54
hyperairand while we're at it, it would be nice to get a sponsor for https://bugs.launchpad.net/glib-networking/+bug/98185620:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 981856 in glib-networking (Ubuntu) "glib-pacrunner does not support file:// pac files" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:55
Laneyit's tiny so perhaps indeed it could be seeded20:55
Laneylike the other modules20:55
hyperairactually come to think of it, how about making glib-networking-services rec/dep on it?20:55
hyperairglib-networking-services just contains the pacrunner20:56
hyperairthe pacrunner dbus daeemon, i mean20:56
hyperairwhich depends upon libproxy's pacrunner.20:56
hyperairhmm there doesn't really seem to be a nice way of making libproxy1-plugin-webkit enter glib-networking-service's depends21:13
fouad_jhHi, is there any documentation for the Ubuntu-Core rootfs?21:38
fouad_jhHi, is there any documentation for the Ubuntu-Core rootfs?21:40
ionecho… echo…21:40
fouad_jhso quiet in here!21:43
cjwatsonyes, it's a weekend21:44
cjwatsontry https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Core21:44
fouad_jhThanks, I have been trying there for sometime, no luck21:45
fouad_jhI should get back to here sometime next week then21:45
fouad_jhenjoy your evening21:45
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