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MkaysiSomeone might want to load NickCapture in lubotu3` or tell it to change it's nick to lubotu309:27
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benveiSomeone of the Ubuntu LoCo Contacts here?18:51
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cprofitthey guys... any ops in?20:14
Myrttidepends on what channel you are talking about20:16
cprofittI have a person in the -locoteams that is trying to get op access to #ubuntu-at20:18
cprofittI have verified that the person is listed as the owner of the team per Launchpad20:18
cprofittwhat process should I have them take?20:19
AlanBellhi cprofitt20:19
* AlanBell has a look20:19
cprofitthaving him join the channel now20:19
AlanBellhi benvei20:19
benveiHi AlanBell :)20:20
AlanBellerm, you already have ops in #ubuntu-at20:20
AlanBellas of 8 weeks ago20:20
benveiAlanBell, yes, but i'm not the owner so i cannot set -op to the old owner ;)20:20
cprofittsorry... my mistake... he is trying to get owner access...20:21
cprofittmy fault20:21
AlanBellwhy bother de-opping the old owner?20:21
benveiAlanBell, because he isn't the Admin anymore?20:22
AlanBellI would just leave it personally20:24
guntbertbenvei: do you mean founder?20:24
benveiguntbert, no, i mean the owner of the IRC Chan20:24
cprofittbenevi -- founder = owner in IRC -- I think20:25
guntbertbenvei: sorry, I didn't think that there is the concept of "owner" on freenode20:25
benveierm, okay, sorry, my mistake... My Client prashes some Messages ;)20:26
benveiguntbert, i mean : -ChanServ- Founder    : UbuntuIrcCouncil, omnidan20:26
benveiguampa, shortly said, yes i mean founder, my mistake, sorry :/20:28
guntbertbenvei: why don't you just talk to omnidan?20:29
benveiguntbert, because he isn't very active in IRC, so its a hard work to reach him ;)20:30
guntbertbenvei: according to nickserv he is active now - else send him a memo20:32
benveiguntbert, <Daniel0108> I'm usually not available on IRC, please email me instead: Daniel@touchlay.com20:33
benveiits a autoreplay to PM's20:34
AlanBellooh, right, now that makes more sense to me20:34
AlanBellI sorted out founder flags for daniel0108 a couple of months ago20:35
AlanBellcouldn't see the point then either20:35
benveiAlanBell, what do you mean?20:37
AlanBellwell I am the leader of the Ubuntu-UK loco team and have been for a while, I don't have founder flags there, never needed them, never wanted them20:37
benveiAlanBell, sure, i also don't need them, but i dont have a good feel if a person has all rights on a channel wich shouldn't have the rights20:39
AlanBell21:42 -ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- 9     benvei                 +vVotsriRfAF [modified 9 seconds ago]20:40
benveiAlanBell, thank you! :)20:42
AlanBellno problem, have a nice day o/20:42
benveiand thanks cprofitt ! :)20:43
benveiAlanBell, i have 3 short questions else, wich i dont want to write public in here... Do you have time for a short PM?20:59
AlanBell!trademark | benvei21:18
AlanBellhuh, I thought there was a factoid for that21:19
AlanBell!member | benvei21:19
ubottubenvei: Ubuntu Membership means recognition of a significant and sustained contribution to Ubuntu and the Ubuntu community.  For more info see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership21:19
AlanBellthere is that one21:19
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