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bobweaverDoes anyone know where I can get examples of rules for make files I am real green to all this and am wondering about things like. Can I use bash in make files how are they structured ect  I think that If I was to look at some examples that would help me.Thanks06:16
SpamapSbobweaver: make files for your upstream build, or for making a package?06:31
SpamapSbobweaver: there are tens of thousands of packages you can look at for debian/rules examples. :)06:31
bobweavermaking a package the rules file under debian dir06:31
bobweaveroh wait I could just download the source code facepalm ....   what about learning about rules and how makefiles need certian things like ending quotes. how to mirror dir's can I run loops in them ect06:34
bobweaverpardon my n00bie question just trying to learn :)06:35
bobweaverhttp://web.mit.edu/gnu/doc/html/make_3.html   is looking good06:43
SpamapSbobweaver: a must read http://wiki.debian.org/IntroDebianPackaging06:46
bobweaverThanks SpamapS  I just thought that by asking here I would be able to learn from other's mistakes06:47
SpamapSbobweaver: the ideal rules file is *two* lines long and has no loops or weird conditions. :)06:47
bobweavercool I will keep that in mind06:48
SpamapSbobweaver: well if you're going to ask questions, make them specific or it will be hard to commit to an answer.06:49
bobweaverSpamapS,  Is there any gui based programs for making debian packages ? that you know off ?06:50
bobweavereverything that I have found is for heron or drapper06:51
SpamapSbobweaver: lots of GUI text editors. ;)07:03
tumbleweed\o/ beer festival today07:17
bobweaverI did it it worked I can not believe it my 1st make file http://paste.ubuntu.com/929107/  \o/ It worked !!!!!!! I am so flipin happy right now. To think that I started with nothing and now I have my own program YES !08:08
bobweaverOH.... It's on now every tar ball I see with no debian package is going to get one now. What a great feeling YES08:14
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Zhenechsoo, who wants to sync me pokerth into precise? :)10:18
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Adri2000Zhenech: does it need a FFe?11:36
ZhenechAdri2000, it's a new upstream bugfix release, dholbach said yesterday it would be fine11:37
Laney"New report bad-game-name system"11:39
ZhenechLaney, what?11:40
Laneythat doesn't sound like a bug fix11:40
Laneyanyway, it should be fine for FFe11:40
Laneyfile it and I'll approve11:40
Zhenechuhm, https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/98151111:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 981511 in pokerth (Ubuntu) "Sync pokerth 0.9.4-1 (universe) from Debian sid (main)" [Undecided,New]11:41
Zhenechi just think I forgot -e to syncreq11:41
jtaylordupondje: comment on bug 979986, the autoreconf call in debian rules was wrong and did nothing, so its probably not needed anymore, I still fixed it, should do not harm11:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 979986 in opensc (Ubuntu) "[FFe] Please merge opensc 0.12.2-2 (universe) from debian unstable" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97998611:58
jtayloralso integrated the ubu5 changelog11:59
jtayloralso the profile diff is in debian, though I forgot that for the upload ^^12:06
Adri2000Laney: are you handling the pokerth sync sponsorship as well or may I do it?12:11
LaneyI am doing an upgrade test from lucid now12:11
Laney"Yes, do as I say!"12:12
LaneyAdri2000: syncing it12:16
dupondjejtaylor: must have missed the profile diff indeed :(12:31
jtaylora meld wrapper that does wrap-and-sort is useful for that :)12:32
dupondjeyou uploaded the new version now ? :)12:33
jtaylordupondje: I use those two scripts for binary and source packages: http://paste.ubuntu.com/929406/12:33
dupondjesaving that ;) thx12:34
dupondjethe autoreconf call was just taken from previous versions btw ..12:39
dupondjeand ubu5 was missing because the MoM seems out of date again12:40
dupondjecjwatson: MoM stuck again?12:40
bdrungjtaylor: "cd $tmpdir/old/ && wrap-and-sort" could be changed to wrap-and-sort -d $tmpdir/old/debian"12:42
cjwatsondupondje: it's been having some trouble (crashing on base-installer merge), but I've poked it; hopefully it'll recover this time12:44
dupondjehehe thx12:45
dupondjeI guess it wants to get poked sometimes :)12:45
jtayloris there a sru channel?13:13
jtaylorhm, anyone on the -sru team here?13:38
cjwatsonwell, I am, but really ought to be doing housework etc.13:48
jtaylorcjwatson: just a question about updating from rc to final post release13:54
jtaylormatplotlib 1.1.1 is currently rc and as its the last versin supporting py2.4 it is supposed to be "rock solid"13:54
jtaylorbugfix only compared to 1.1.0 i precise13:54
jtaylorbut probably final 1.1.1 will not be released before precise is out13:55
jtaylori was wondering if it is possible to update to the rc now and maybe updating to the final as a SRU13:55
cjwatsondepends on the scale and importance of the changes; I don't normally consider version numbers in themselves to be important, personally13:59
jtaylor672 files changed, 22588 insertions(+), 20016 deletions(-) between the RC and the branch head :/14:13
jtaylorprobably to much for an SRU14:13
jtayloroh no wrong tag14:14
jtaylor10 files changed, 449 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)14:14
jtaylorI'll then update to the RC and observe what SRU worthy changes later14:16
bobweaverI have a real important question I am getting ready to make a huge .deb file while big for me. http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~josephjamesmills/zpanelcp/trunk/files       I am at the part that I have to make the rules file.  I had made a dialog installer script for zpanel. Is there anyway that I can call that installer script after the dependency have been installed ? I see all these .ex files and wondering if I can make my installer script i14:25
bobweavernto one. then call to it in rules ? thank you so much for your time.14:25
bobweaverthe installer scrip is wrote in bash14:26
bobweaverinstallerscript = http://paste.ubuntu.com/929556/     thanks again14:27
bobweaverI know that I would have to mod it some but is there a way ?14:28
bobweaverI used dh_make -e <email> -c gpl3 -f my.tar.gz to make what I have now14:33
cjwatsonpostinst scripts are run after dependencies are installed and your package is unpacked14:36
cjwatsonhowever, if it's interacting with the user, it should use debconf, not your own dialog code14:36
cjwatson(that should give you some keywords to google for ...)14:37
bobweaverThanks cjwatson14:38
cjwatsoncall to it in rules> it's important to understand that debian/rules is run at build time, while you're looking for something to run when the package is installed - those probably won't even be on the same computer, so it's not a matter of calling something from rules14:38
cjwatson(maybe that was just sloppy language, but I often find it saves people time if they get a good mental model of what's going on right from the start)14:39
bobweaverI want to release good code that is the goal if it is not soild I will not release. you can see by how I put comments in and also how I indent but I am a n00b 100% at this I made my first to packages last night they can be found here http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~josephjamesmills/ubforums-2-ubwiki/ubforums-2-ubwiki/files    . Thanks again for the Hints and if you can think opf any links please pass my way as I not only need them but want th14:45
bobweaverem. it is a great feeling to watch your code come to life. I only have been coding for under 6 months or so. Cheers Joseph14:45
alketHow to make a deb package with binaries which will basicly move to /opt/ ?18:51
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ockhamdo i need an FFe if i want to have ocrfeeder 0.7.9-1 synced from debian? both 0.7.8 and 0.7.9 were mostly about fixing http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=66149919:39
ubottuDebian bug 661499 in ocrfeeder "ocrfeeder: Interprets Tesseract's version string as part of the OCRed text" [Normal,Fixed]19:39
SpamapSIf anybody from the release team is monitoring, I missed 3 packages in the syncs from debian tomorrow for bug 863094 , so npm is now not installable19:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 863094 in npm (Ubuntu Precise) "[FFE] npm versions less than 1.1 will not work with registry.npmjs.org" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86309419:52
SpamapSopened bug 981851 to track the issue19:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 981851 in npm (Ubuntu Precise) "npm is uninstallable" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98185119:57
LaneySpamapS: they were in the initial FFe — why do you think you need another?20:04
Laneyanyway, ScottK ^^^ perhaps you want to accept20:16
ScottKSpamapS: Please upload and fix.20:16
* ScottK will accecpt.20:17
Laneythey are in NEW20:17
jtaylorif you're going over ffes bug 980602 needs ack/rej20:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 980602 in mdp (Ubuntu) "[FFe] python-mdp raises an AttributeError on import" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98060220:17
jtaylorsee comment 120:17
ScottKOK.  I'll look in a bit.20:17
ScottKSpamapS: Source New done.  I'll get the binaries after they appear too.20:20
ScottKSpamapS: Done.20:25
jtaylorthx Laney20:52
ockhamfor building packages for future distribution versions, there's pbuilder, cowbuilder et al. but what's the best way to test packages, say, for Precise, if I don't want to give it a partition of its own? some chroot magic? is there any documentation on this?21:43
jtaylorVM's are an option21:44
jtaylorfor many partitions use lvm21:46
cjwatsonor schroot if it doesn't need much in the way of desktop infrastructure21:47
ockhamthat's the thing about chroots, right? if i want to test desktop applications, that'd be rather difficult with them21:48
cjwatsonif you use mk-sbuild to create the chroots, then you can schroot into them and you'll get a throwaway overlay filesystem, so you can install stuff, test it, and then it all magically vanishes when you stop using it21:48
cjwatsonyes, VMs might be more practical in that case21:48
ockhami was hoping for something as comprehensive as the stuff on the ubuntu wiki for pbuilder...21:48
ockhamany pointers to some blog article or anything covering this? let's say for the VM way...21:55
SpamapSScottK: thanks! :)22:05
SpamapSLaney: and just to respond, it wasn't that I needed another FFE, just that I needed a release team member to ack the NEW's22:05
* SpamapS really appreciates the responsiveness of the release team, ScottK in particular. :)22:05
ScottKGlad I could help out.22:09
SpamapSanything for the node.js community right? ;)22:11
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ScottKSpamapS: Any thoughts on syncing nginx?22:54
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ockhamScottK: thx for approving bug 98185023:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 981850 in ocrfeeder (Ubuntu) "FFe: Sync ocrfeeder 0.7.9-1 (universe) from Debian sid (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98185023:00
ScottKYou're welcome.23:00
SpamapSScottK: +123:00
SpamapSScottK: I'm going to be evaluating nginx for main in 12.1023:00
ScottKSpamapS: Do me up an FFe so we have a paper trial, I'll approve it, you mash the sync button, and then I'll accept it.23:00
SpamapSScottK: gladly!23:01
SpamapS     + Fixed a buffer overflow in the ngx_http_mp4_module. See: CVE-2012-208923:01
ubottu** RESERVED ** This candidate has been reserved by an organization or individual that will use it when announcing a new security problem.  When the candidate has been publicized, the details for this candidate will be provided. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2012-2089)23:01
SpamapSScottK: do we even need a FFE for this?23:01
ScottKSpamapS: There's two upstream versions we'd get from a sync.  If they're both all bugfix, no.23:02
* ScottK didn't check.23:02
SpamapSno there are a couple of new binaries23:02
SpamapSa new module for webdav and something called 'nginx-naxsi23:03
ScottKFFe then.  I'll do the New for them.23:03
SpamapSScottK: Ok I'll file FFE23:03
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SpamapSScottK: sync requested, FFE filed23:24
SpamapSScottK: bug 98196923:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 981969 in nginx (Ubuntu Precise) "[FFE] sync nginx 1.1.19-1 from Debian unstable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98196923:24
ScottKSpamapS: Approved.23:27

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