
kevinisexploiterwhitch one is #ubuntu00:00
tsimpsonthe link "#ubuntu.txt" or "#ubuntu.html"00:02
kevinisexploiterwhy dont u have a simple search engine to find my self with00:08
kevinisexploiteri dont know what days to look in00:09
kevinisexploiteri want everything from that ip on #ubuntu how do i search it with out reading thousands of lines00:09
tsimpsongoogle is a search engine00:12
kevinisexploiterhow do i use google to search the logs00:16
tsimpsongo to http://www.google.com/advanced_search put in irclogs.ubuntu.com in the "site or domain" secrtion and search for something00:28
tsimpsonif there's nothing else though, you should leave this channel00:28
pangolinkevinisexploiter, now that you have been told how to search the logs, please part this channel.00:32
kevinisexploiterim trying to figure out what to put in google to get sent to the actual stuff of mine in the #ubuntu logs00:34
pangolinok but you don't need to be in here to do that.00:34
pangolinPlease leave now.00:34
kevinisexploiterye si do im waiting to be told00:35
bazhangkevinisexploiter, the ban s stay in place00:35
pangolinWe are not your personal search engine, but let me suggest searching for one of a dozen or so nicks you use00:35
kevinisexploiterand u only want me to leave so u can cover up me bieng here00:35
tsimpsonthis channel is fully logged to, so that can't happen00:35
bazhangthis channel is logged, so no00:35
kevinisexploiterok so i can plug my nick into google00:36
pangolinquick someone edit the logs00:37
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LjLbazhang: so old you're used to typewriters without a 0 key? :P10:37
bazhangLjL, sorry, missing the reference10:40
LjLbazhang: 12.o410:40
bazhangwhats this promise that alexstrandj is talking abou tin +110:46
bazhang<Rud_> liang: people are pretty aggressive here if you don't have a ubuntu related question. and if you have an ubuntu related problem, they can't solve it either.10:53
bazhangsmallfoot detected17:07
ubottuFor the Saudi Arabia team : /join #ubuntu-sa : للانظمام الى قناة الفريق السعودي - For Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية17:31
bazhangjpds, ^17:32
Myrttioh man17:37
bazhangnice catch17:38
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=== Guest62079 is now known as Mamarok
physically_fitwhy did i land here?19:36
physically_fitwhen is this guy going to unban me in ubuntu-offtopic?19:36
physically_fiti prefer if you ban me in ubuntu and not ubuntu-offtopic19:38
LjLphysically_fit: then control your language and topic19:38
LjLphysically_fit: you don't get to choose where you're banned for misbehavior in a given channel19:38
physically_fiti was angry because i was banned very unfairly19:38
physically_fitljl did you ban me there?19:39
LjLphysically_fit: well then make sure you can be less angry now (otherwise, come back later) and discuss it calmly with ikonia19:39
LjLphysically_fit: no19:39
physically_fiti am calm now and happy because i solved my sound problem19:39
physically_fitikonia hates me19:40
physically_fiti say 123 and he bans me19:40
physically_fiti asked for help with my network problem in 12.04 but i said clearly in the end "i know it's a 12.04 problem buy a general solution might help me", something like that19:41
physically_fitand he banned me!19:41
physically_fiti said that in #ubuntu19:41
physically_fiti typed that in ubuntu-offtopic too, but it was a mistake and i said sorry19:42
LjLi don't know, but i get hints that you asked the same question in a few channels19:42
physically_fiti asked 3 times, one was a mistake. 1 time in ubuntu+1 and 1 time in ubuntu, but i stated clearly that a GENERAL solution could help me19:43
physically_fitand he banned me.19:43
physically_fityou'd be angry too.19:43
physically_fitikonia has blacklisted me or something19:44
physically_fitbecause i hardly come here or say anything and he does his thing19:44
oCeanphysically_fit: since it is an unstable release, beta, development etc, we will never know if a "general" solution would work on 12.04, so do not ask for help with 12.04 in other channels than +119:44
LjLphysically_fit: the thing is that if you're using +1, you're supposed to ask things in #ubuntu+1, because #ubuntu simply can't be bothered with guessing what might be different in +1. you use an unreleased distribution, it's your choice, you don't get the #ubuntu support19:44
physically_fitoCean, yeah, now i know that, because i updated yesterday and now my wired connection connects automatically19:45
physically_fitLjL, yes, but the problem is that in entered that channel and asked ONCE, and he BANNED me. that's unfair.19:45
physically_fitljl he could've just ignored me, but no he banned me19:46
LjLan op's job is not to ignore19:46
LjLphysically_fit: anyway...19:47
physically_fiti am unbanned now in ubuntu. he probably regreted it, but he banned me in ubuntu-offtopic for dropping the F bomb. so i need a date19:47
physically_fithey bazhang you are an op here19:48
LjLphysically_fit: yeah that in -ot was absolutely not appropriate. i understand you were angry, but it still wasn't. next time you need to come *here* if you want to discuss a ban or such things (and in any case, it's best to do it when you're calm, not when you're angry)19:48
LjLphysically_fit: do you understand that if this happens again, the ban would be much longer?19:48
physically_fitLjL, no i ddin't know i could be banned longer, how do you keep track of how many times i "misbehave"?19:49
LjLphysically_fit: operators keep logs19:50
physically_fiti don't know but i feel that ikonia don't like me at all.19:50
physically_fitand i trust my instincts19:50
LjLphysically_fit: i think it's nothing personal, but anyway, forget about it. i am ready to let you back into #ubuntu-offtopic but you need to clearly understand that your behavior there was not acceptable.19:51
physically_fitLjL, thanks, but wouldn't that cause you trouble with ikonia. if yes, don't unban me. i can wait.19:51
LjLphysically_fit: don't worry about that19:52
LjLphysically_fit: just don't make me regret it later, please :)19:52
physically_fitLjL, :) thank you very much. i'll behave, i promise... :P thanks again!19:53
LjLphysically_fit: now if you have no other questions i should ask you to leave this channel, because that's the policy here19:55
physically_fitLjL, oh ok, i just read that. bye-bye friend.20:02
cprofittanyone in currently?20:16
Myrttiyeah, what's up?20:16
cprofittI have a person in the -locoteams that is trying to get op access to #ubuntu-at20:16
cprofittI have verified that the person is listed as the owner of the team per Launchpad20:17
cprofittwhat process should I have them take?20:17
cprofittthanks for answering Myrtti20:17
Myrttiwell if it's loco channel issue, then it's handled in #ubuntu-irc20:18
cprofitt4alright... it is a loco channel20:18
cprofittthanks Myrtti20:29

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