
* bobJabba apir to everyone02:55
KnightlustbobJabba: in response to your question yesterday.... the distro itself is not important. I like the courteous community. if you've tried other communities, most questions would be met with "dude, RTFM!!!!"03:44
Knightlustthe obnoxious response turns me off from using Fedora, Slackware, Gentoo, and even Mandrake/Mandriva03:45
Knightlustand I've tried them all03:46
Knightlustso... seems like kidsodateless is now officially a member... congrats dude! i was on travel that day, and i can't connect via 3g03:51
bobJabbaKnightlust: Oh wow. OK, that's the most convincing argument I've heard (erm, seen). Thanks :) But I gtg. Talk to you guys later.07:17

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