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cjwatsonperlqt LGTM00:42
slangasekbdmurray: I think I have the cryptsetup fix.... it's a 'udevadm settle' before 'dmsetup rename' :P01:21
slangasekbdmurray: I can't be 100% sure I've caught it since it's racy... care to give lp:~vorlon/cryptsetup/lp.874774 a try on your machine?01:27
cjwatsonslangasek: when you get a moment (no rush, I'm off to bed), what do you think of my analysis of bug 979661?  I'm not entirely convinced that the libc6/libnih1 pre-depends resolution bug is in fact the same as bug 850264, although that was the primary symptom that dupondje presented with earlier and you said that that was his bug02:16
ubot2Launchpad bug 979661 in update-manager "oneiric to precise: debconf: unable to initialize frontend: Gnome and falls back to Dialog" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97966102:16
ubot2Launchpad bug 850264 in apt "given a foreign architecture of i386 on amd64 machine, and an outdated libc, apt tries to remove libc-bin" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85026402:16
slangasekcjwatson: that's not the bug number of the libc6/libnih1 issue, is it?02:17
slangasekso my analysis that it was the same issue was based on the logs attached to the bug... whichever one it was now02:18
slangasekbug 94670902:19
ubot2Launchpad bug 946709 in update-manager "Upgrade 11.10 ->12.04 fails with "Couldn't configure pre-depend libc6 for libnih1, probably a dependency cycle." (dup-of: 850264)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94670902:19
ubot2Launchpad bug 850264 in apt "given a foreign architecture of i386 on amd64 machine, and an outdated libc, apt tries to remove libc-bin" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85026402:19
slangasekI quoted the relevant of apt.log in the bug02:19
slangasekI certainly didn't think the debconf frontend issue was related :)02:20
cjwatsonah, I think this is a bit different, because in that case apt is refusing to do the operation at all; in this case, it's doing it but getting the ordering wrong02:20
cjwatson(ignoring the debconf warnings for a moment, you can see it failing to unpack libnih1)02:20
cjwatsonok, so not dupondje's bug02:21
cjwatsonbut nasty; do you happen to know of a bug for this bit/02:21
cjwatsonI couldn't find one in a quick changelog trawl02:21
slangasekno, don't think I'd seen this one before02:22
cjwatsonunless it's the giant unpack/configure ordering rearrangemnet02:22
cjwatsonit wouldn't totally surprise me02:23
slangasekyeah... that would be no fun02:23
cjwatsonthings that are hard to SRU, #4302:24
cjwatsonoh, wait, maybe I'm wrong02:25
cjwatsonit says "Configuring libc6:amd64", so maybe the debconf confusion caused that to fail02:25
cjwatsonand that's before it unpacks libnih102:26
cjwatsonOK, false alarm02:26
* cjwatson -> bed, since I think my analytical abilities are fading02:27
* ScottK ^^^02:36
ScottKI'll look at muon in a moment too.02:37
wgrantcjwatson: It's been back for a while now. LVM decided to hang a couple of times, it seems.03:07
slangasek^^ that cryptsetup fixes bug #874774, I believe03:55
ubot2Launchpad bug 874774 in cryptsetup "could not mount /dev/mapper/cryptswap1" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87477403:55
infinityAhh, udevadm settle, the new sleep.04:00
infinityAccepting on "I can't see how it can be worse" grounds.04:01
* infinity tries to decide what to do with doko's gdb upload...04:04
slangasekinfinity: it's much better than sleep, when used correctly :)04:09
infinityThat's true of a lot of things.04:10
slangasekthe only way to improve on udevadm settle here would be an interface that lets us wait for a *specific* event to finish processing... and that would be unwieldly04:12
slangasekinfinity: so how goes the compiling?04:12
infinityslangasek: Nothing's exploded yet?04:13
infinityGCC seems happy, eglibc's building, at which point, I expect to discover I did something dumb.04:14
infinityBecause I'm a pessimist.04:14
slangasekassuming it continues not exploding, what's the ETA to an upload?04:14
infinityIt'll be done by the end of the weekend for sure, but if everything goes smoothly, I expect tomorrow.04:15
slangasekI'm out all day tomorrow and won't be able to help pushing it in04:15
infinityTurns out that you're not the only Release/Archive dude that doesn't understand "core hours".  I'm sure I can find some reviews. ;)04:16
slangasekjust letting you know not to expect me :P04:17
infinityOh, crap.04:18
infinitydpkg-shlibdeps is about to outsmart me.04:18
infinityslangasek: It's entirely possible that, short of not shipping .symbols files, I might not be able to represent the ABI break in the PI move.04:20
slangasekthis is sounding familiar04:22
slangasekhow are you doing the override?04:23
infinityslangasek: Override isn't the issue, the .shlibs file is correct.04:24
infinityslangasek: It's that dpkg-shlibdeps prefers .symbols, if present.04:24
infinityslangasek: And some packages (like, uhm, gcc), only use symbols from 2.11 and earlier, apparently. :P04:24
infinityBut, maybe there's a way for me to represent the PI itself in the symbols file.04:25
slangasekright... but if the package uses dpkg-gensymbols (perhaps via dh_makeshlibs), the symbols file in the binary is a munging of the .shlibs and the sourceful symbols, I think?04:25
slangasekld-linux.so.3 #PACKAGE# #MINVER#04:26
slangasekthat #MINVER# token can be replaced directly, IIRC?04:26
infinityThat doesn't seem to be replaced by anything on build...04:27
slangasekno - but you can manually replace it04:27
slangasekin the source04:27
infinityOh, sure.  Will that be enough to fake out dpkg-shlibdeps?04:27
infinityI guess I can find out with a minimal hello or something.04:28
slangasekI believe so04:28
infinityIn that case, I don't even need to muck with shlibs versions, which would be much cleaer.04:28
infinitycleaner, too.04:28
* infinity sets about doing some manual testing.04:29
infinityDepends: libc6 (>= 2.4), dpkg (>= 1.15.4) | install-info04:29
infinityLooks like a good candidate.04:29
slangasekthe alternative would be to artificially bump the dependency for some of the symbols in the PI (probably the symbol-version-symbols)04:29
slangasekeither way, it needs fixed in the .symbols, yes04:30
infinityDo dee do...04:32
infinityOh, I found my oops.  Carrying on.  Nothing to see hre.04:41
infinityNor here.04:41
* infinity blinks.05:21
slangasekdon't mind the rejects05:21
infinityOh, I mind.05:22
infinityhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92IkddsjtAA <-- I mind this much.05:22
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* infinity wonders if he might be able to find time in the next week to heroically fix dpkg-divert --rename --package05:25
infinityNot that it does us any good right now if I do, but at least then it would be fixed pre-release in an LTS, which bodes well for transitiony things.05:25
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cjwatsonexcellent, powerpc has cleared13:47
dokoand the rebuild is finally finished on x86 too14:23
stgraberI just requested an ldm sync (not shown by queuebot as it was down), that's for the ldm bugfix I mentioned in my e-mail to the release mailing list and during the meeting15:05
stgraberThe diff should be fairly easy to review and from my point of view is all bugfixes, including the one for the typo breaking OpenGL on thin clients (that we really want for release)15:06
stgraberlet me know if you have any question15:06
cjwatsonslangasek: I've moved bug 848915 to rls-p-nottracking; rationale in the bug15:59
ubot2Launchpad bug 848915 in ubuntu-release-notes "$DISPLAY not set in some cases, resulting in cryptic traceback" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84891515:59
slangasekcjwatson: ok17:31
cjwatsonstgraber: ldm LGTM; accepted17:37
* cjwatson copies gnome-shell, which has finished building in -proposed17:49
cjwatsonps3-kboot fixes the last powerpc-only build failure in main17:49
cjwatsonentertaining race there - I accepted gnome-shell shortly before the bot finished processing it, which I think is what caused it to say "3.4.0-0ubuntu3 => 3.4.0-0ubuntu3"17:50
dokocould somebody review the two outstanding python2.6 issues? plus the zope2.12 removal request?17:51
cjwatsonpygobject-2 is fine17:53
cjwatsonpython-stdlib-extensions is fine17:54
cjwatsonout of time for the removal request though17:55
cjwatson(I mean I need to go and do other things rather than sitting aimlessly in front of the computer :-) )17:55
slangasekthat's an apt SRU we'll want in before release, one of two package manager bugfixes wanted for a clean multiarch upgrade for oneiric->precise17:55
dokook, thanks, afk for the evening17:56
slangasekif there's an SRU team member around to approve it who *isn't* overdue for some afk R&R ;)17:56
gotwigSpamapS: hey there18:52
gotwigStreamstormer: dont have much; have you read my mail; do you know the problem?18:52
* gotwig does not have much time18:52
Streamstormergotwig, sorry what do you mean?18:53
gotwigStreamstormer: sorry.. wrong guy :X18:53
gotwigSpamapS: dont have much; have you read my mail; do you know the problem?18:53
Streamstormergotwig, ok np18:53
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stgrabercjwatson: thanks19:40
* ScottK ^^^20:03
* ScottK took care of node too.20:19
Laneywdyt to opennebula? bug #95908720:28
ubot2Launchpad bug 959087 in ubiquity "with the newly burned cd-r it crashed in the same way as the last time (dup-of: 892846)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95908720:28
ubot2Launchpad bug 892846 in ubiquity "ubiquity crash during installation after failed grub install" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89284620:28
Laneybug #95909720:29
ubot2Launchpad bug 959097 in opennebula "FFe: Sync opennebula 3.2.1-2 (universe) from Debian sid (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95909720:29
ScottKI was just reading the bug and hoping you would decide.20:31
Laneythe diff is huge20:32
Laneybut we might be against the wall with the refusal of support thing20:32
ScottKIt's probably better to lean forward than back in such cases.20:34
* ScottK just said no to distro-info.20:37
ScottK"nice to have" and "final freeze" don't mix.20:37
* ScottK took care of ^^^21:28
cjwatson^- fixes last NBS entry21:49
stgraberI'll have a look as soon as I get a diff from LP21:51
stgrabercjwatson: looks good, feel free to accept21:53
cjwatsondone, thanks21:54
* ScottK accepted ps3-kboot too.22:12
ScottK^^^ fixes a high impact bug for UbuntuOne.  I'd appreciate it if someone would review/accept.  Then we can get it built/tested and decide if it ends up in -release or -updates.22:51
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infinityScottK: Looking.22:59
infinityOr, will in a bit.23:00
ScottKinfinity: Thanks.  Diff is from upstream.23:00
infinityScottK: Patches that remove copyright notices are kinda uncool (unless Phil works for Riverbank, and he just got the attribution wrong the first time?)23:06
ScottKinfinity: He does.23:06
ScottKHe's been gradually changing them from his name to the company's as he touches files.23:07
infinityThis sort of implies this is non-deterministic...23:09
ScottKIt is.  But since he's both the guy doing the work for Riverbank and an employee of Riverbank it doesn't make much difference.23:14
infinityScottK: I meant the patch, not the copyright notice. :P23:15
ScottKThat too.23:15
infinityScottK: I'd have to hunt down what dbus_watch_handle() actually does, but I'm concerned that it might "sometimes" kill the socket?23:16
ScottKIt was only failing ~a third of the time.23:16
infinityOr, more likely, this is trying to close an external threading race with... A slightly smaller race window.23:16
* infinity shrugs.23:16
ScottKThere's a reduced test case in the bug if you want to investigate.23:17
infinityIt's not any more broken than it was before.23:17
infinityI guess that's all I can hope for from upstreams.23:17
ScottKOne day turn-around was nice too.23:17
infinityI have no interest whatsoever in looking into it more, no.  I'm currently fighting with making ld.so rewrite SONAMEs on the fly.23:17
infinityBut yeah, this looks a lot like someone just trying to close a race window.23:17
infinityWhich, like I said, isn't more broken than it was, and given dbus lag, probably makes it look "fixed" most of the time.23:18
infinitySo, whatever. :P23:18
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