
=== gordonjc1 is now known as gordonjcp
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justsostupid round world08:15
justsodoes anyone know of a way to give the mouse pointer inertia when using a mouse pad (so it works more like a track ball)08:21
justsohmm though that was a long shot. It is a very handy utility available with the windows drivers for this mouse pad08:26
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ubuntuuk-planet[Gareth France] Business Biscotti Slough West  10th April 2012 - http://cliftonts.co.uk/cubuntu/?p=14910:03
Myrttiscramble on toast and tea... mmm.10:29
MyrttiFinland has an egg shortage :-(10:30
gordonjcpget some hens10:30
gordonjcpAlanBell: will post you some10:30
* AlanBell has a poorly hen :(10:30
AlanBellMyrtti: you can pop round to get some eggs any time you like10:31
Myrttigordonjcp: a) I live in an apartment block here b) they wouldn't survive the winter10:31
gordonjcpof course they would10:31
MyrttiAlanBell: if we end up attending the BBQ our glorious leader has planned, I might!10:32
gordonjcpyou'd just need to make sure their henhouse was reasonably insulated10:32
Myrttigordonjcp: which returns us to point a)10:32
AlanBellwhich BBQ is that? the Debian one?10:32
Myrttithe 21st birthday I assume you've been invited to10:33
Myrttiand you are10:33
gordonjcpMyrtti: ah, they don't need a lot of space10:33
Myrttigordonjcp: I think it might be against the housing rules and the rules laid out by my landlord10:34
brobostigongood morning everyone.10:35
gordonjcpMyrtti: not allowed pets?10:35
Myrttigordonjcp: I had guinea pigs, but they're quiet. Besides there aren't any chicken sold as pets here.10:36
AlanBellstart a trend10:36
AlanBellbusiness opportunity for a modified Finnish Eglu10:37
AlanBellit is the macbook pro of chicken houses10:41
Myrttiawww, they have a picture of a guinea pig at omlets website...10:42
AlanBellpretty, desireable, expensive and unmodifiable10:42
* brobostigon imagines, warm day, SPlAT, dead chicken.10:42
ali1234guinea pig omlette?10:42
AlanBellI want a beehaus10:42
gordonjcpbrobostigon: ?10:42
brobostigongordonjcp: eglu, ice.10:43
AlanBellbrobostigon: eglu is plastic10:43
brobostigonAlanBell: ah, ok, sorry.10:43
gordonjcpbrobostigon: it's why eskimos don't have housewarming parties though10:43
brobostigongordonjcp: haha :)10:43
AlanBell14 ladies Tshirts and 1 mens tshirt10:45
AlanBelland it is small only10:46
brobostigoni see, they do look, interesting.10:47
Myrttithe hampster house looks nice too10:49
AlanBelloh noes, I am going to miss the BBQ Myrtti, I will be at UDS10:52
AlanBellor hanging out in San Francisco10:52
MyrttiD will be returning from SF few days before10:52
Myrttithat's why we're "maybe" going, not "yes" going10:52
Myrttiand yeah, http://www.bhwt.org.uk/cms/enriched-cages-and-colony-eggs/ this is the reason why we have egg shortage11:00
Myrttiguinea pig egg cup ;___;11:08
* AlanBell is off to see Hunger Games later11:17
dogmatic69nothing like starting the day with 40+ errors11:23
dogmatic69this apport thing is so much like windows11:23
penguin42dogmatic69: Oh don't blame apport - it's just the messenger11:24
dogmatic69its like that windows 'please wait while we find a solution'11:24
dogmatic69and then the error thing crashes11:24
ali1234apport does crash a lot11:25
ali1234for a crash reported11:25
ali1234pretty much every time apport appears, i immediately get another one, because the first one crashed11:25
popeyI tend to rm -rf /var/crash/* periodically to do a clean start11:25
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popeyapparently in Slovenia the word for Eggs is the same as the word for Testicles. Apparently easter time is fun there.11:26
popeyEspecially when painting eggs is concerned11:26
penguin42popey: that's in a few languages apparently11:27
popeylearn something new each day here11:27
penguin42popey: I doubt it's actually the same word as Testicles, more that they use eggs as slang in the same way we use balls11:28
dogmatic69my morning so far http://i.imgur.com/sNsda.png11:29
dogmatic69its like pokemon... got to get them all11:29
ali1234to catch them is your real test11:30
penguin42yeh something when something like the window manager or something gets upset a load of other stuff falls over at the same time11:30
MyrttiI've got the vanilla kernel oopsing all the time, but I don't want to reboot in case the libnux bug trashes the whole system11:31
penguin42Myrtti: pastebin the oops ?11:32
bigcalmGood afternoon peeps :)11:32
MyrttiI would if I knew how :-P11:32
MyrttiI suppose it's in varlog somewhere11:33
penguin42should be in dmesg11:33
dogmatic69sup bigcalm o/11:36
Myrttihttp://paste.ubuntu.com/929320/ dmesg - http://paste.ubuntu.com/929328/ kern.log for yesterday11:39
penguin42Myrtti: Well there aren't any actual oops's - in the first one ecryptfs seems to be rather upset, and in both tour wireless isn't happy - the scariest bit is probably the Bad rss-counter state - but I'm just looking that up11:43
Myrttipenguin42: well I got apport screaming at me out of a sudden like five times last night, it usually has been kerneloops and apport telling me to report it to kernel.org11:44
penguin42Myrtti: Hmm maybe they're in /var/log/kern.log11:44
Myrttiafter five times of that you kinda start losing interest since there isn't much you can do apart from reporting, and it doesn't seem to be affecting anything11:44
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popeydaubers: !13:16
popeydaubers: managed to get my intensity pro working and then it broke again13:16
dauberspopey: How did you break it this time?13:36
daubersWoooo! I can focus on text again13:38
daftykinsso many ports on the router here open via UPnP from my own laptop yet i have nfi why :S13:43
hamitroninfected ;)13:45
daftykinsi did wonder13:47
daftykinsbut i don't think so13:47
Myrttiok, I have a weird question...13:53
Myrttidoes anyone know a font that has really round zeroes, or should I just replace the zeroes with an o as round as possible?13:54
Myrttior should I just make my own font with the three characters I need...13:54
penguin42I'd guess there is a really round thing somewhere in the font13:55
* AlanBell gives Myrtti an 13:56
Myrttithat would work13:57
Myrttistupid utf doesn't do spacing right on my console :-/13:58
Myrttiah but it looks good in Gimp anyway13:59
Myrttiand that reminds me13:59
Myrttisorry for the noise, /me slinks back to gimping14:00
penguin42or one of these parhaps      ⃝14:01
penguin42it's got weird alignment that one14:03
penguin42◯ is better14:04
AlanBellthe alignment issues are because it isn't in the font you are using  which is probably monospace, so it picks the glyph from a font that does have it, but keeps the spacing as it is from the monospace font14:05
penguin42AlanBell: Incidentally, do you know how missing symbols in fonts in general should be reported - there was someone the other day who couldn't find some vietnamese symbols14:08
AlanBellin the Ubuntu font?14:11
AlanBellgenerally the font server picks the symbol from some other font that does have the glyph14:11
penguin42AlanBell: We couldn't find any font that had it14:12
* penguin42 can't actually find the example now14:12
AlanBellbug 629622 has some info on font substitutions14:14
lubotu3Launchpad bug 629622 in ubuntu-font-family-sources (Ubuntu) "MIR+FFE: Inclusion of Ubuntu Font Family ~0.69 in Maverick (10.10)" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62962214:14
ali1234why does rhythmbox get stuck?14:17
penguin42ali1234: Blocking on a device?14:17
ali1234all running aplications are using pulse14:18
ali1234seeking in the track or skipping to next track fixes it14:18
ali1234it happens roughly every third track14:18
penguin42AlanBell: Hmm, not sure that answers it14:19
AlanBellfun bug though :)14:22
penguin42AlanBell: Yes, a wonderful composition of font encoding, multiple languages and licensing14:23
penguin42we really should have a language set that uses all unicode and geeky language just to find untranslated stuff - perhaps all fliptext?14:24
daftykinsi was transcoding a FLAC album the other day for my portable MP3-only player, the decoder got stuck on the file names containing UTF ¬_¬ had to rename the artist in each file >_<14:47
daftykinsturns out my shifty ports opening up were just Windows 7's IPv6 over 4 tunneling service, Teredo14:54
MyrttiAlanBell: which circle was that?15:22
SuperEngineerg'afternoon folks15:22
MyrttiI just realised I need a filled one15:22
Myrttias well15:22
MyrttiSuperEngineer: hiya15:22
SuperEngineerhiyaz Myrtti15:22
penguin42Myrtti: The character map lets you search for things like that15:23
Myrttiok, lets see if this works15:26
directhexhuge curtain success15:35
SuperEngineerdarn! just spent 2 1/2 hours bug hunting on 12.04 -couldn't find one [new] bug - i must be slipping somewhere!15:40
daubersHmmm.. getting through to the xbox live support line is surprisingly easy15:45
directhexdaubers: "dear microsoft, that guy I played against online was a douche, can you do something to his mom for me?"16:01
dwatkinsSuperEngineer: do you have an NVidia gfx card? I'm curious because I've heard issues playing youtube videos with flash on 12.0416:04
SuperEngineerdwatkins: I have an nVidia - installed a *while* back  - just checking which one....16:05
ali1234dwatkins: what kind of issues? smurfs everywhere?16:07
SuperEngineerdwatkins: geForce 210 pci16:08
SuperEngineerdwatkins:  are the probs you refere to the "blue taint" talked about on the mail list16:09
ali1234it's getting bad when i don't even notice it any more16:10
SuperEngineerali1234: ifit's no longer noticed it surely can't be a bug!16:14
* SuperEngineer grins as not affected by it - yet16:15
daubersdirecthex: More along the lines of "Dear microsoft, some bum broke into my account and spent lots of my money. Can I have it back please"16:16
daubersWithin 5 minutes, I have it back16:16
directhexdaubers: oh. :/ and :) in that order16:16
SuperEngineer...in fact if you'll excuse me, I'll go bbs and switch to 12.04 to see if I can encounter it.16:17
dwatkinsSuperEngineer is fortunate.16:18
ali1234i found loads of bugs :(16:20
dwatkinsboo hiss for bugs16:21
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Azelphurdoes anyone know if bitfolk publishes their sales stats?18:15
Azelphur<random question>18:15
ali1234why do you want to know?18:19
Azelphurali1234: considering buying part of a vps company18:21
ali1234so how would that information be relevant?18:21
ali1234assuming said company is not bitfolk?18:21
Azelphurindeed it's not, was just interested to see how other vps companies do18:22
ali1234why buy a vps company when you can just set up your own?18:22
Azelphurbecause setting up my own requires work18:22
Azelphurand I have a buttload of bitcoins sitting around doing nothing18:22
ali1234hire someone to do it for you18:22
ali1234also, buttcoins lol18:23
Azelphurbuttcoins all you want I'm getting 15%/mo18:23
Azelphuralthough not on this vps company, it seems bad18:23
Azelphurali1234: I've been playing the bitcoin stock market :P18:24
ali1234the GLBSE?18:24
ali1234 /facepalm18:25
Azelphurwhy? :P18:25
ali1234it doesn't exactly have a good reputation18:27
ali1234make a TF2 hat exchange18:29
ali1234IPO's - IPO's what?18:30
Azelphurali1234: initial public offering18:31
Azelphurthink I'mma avoid the bitvps deal though, offering seems crap18:31
popeyAzelphur: they do publish some numbers yes18:32
Azelphuryea, some numbers18:32
ali1234get a dedi, put open stack on it, sell super micro VPS instances for bitcoins18:32
Azelphurand from what I can see...the numbers are bad :D18:32
Azelphur62B/mo profits...works out at me getting about £9/mo for a £1000 investment, lol18:32
Azelphurunless the company grows significantly, it's a crap deal xD18:33
ali1234how much does their vps cost?18:33
Azelphurquite good really, like 1B (~£3)/mo for the cheapest ones18:34
ali1234thats not too bad18:34
ali1234openvz though18:34
Azelphuropenvz and kvm18:34
ali1234i still think you should expand your gaming offering :)18:36
Myrttipenguin42, AlanBell: http://myrtti.fi/wbackground.png18:37
Azelphurali1234: hehe18:37
ali1234is that some kind of code?18:37
Myrttithat's what I needed the circle for :-)18:39
Myrttieventually didn't need the white circle but anyway, thanks to your input I looked in the right direction18:40
Myrttiali1234: binary for ♥18:40
ali123432 bit code?18:41
Myrttino, just 16, I doubled it for pretty, might still do another version where it's more obvious18:42
Myrttino hold on18:42
Myrttiyeah, 1618:43
MyrttiI should eat something, brain is getting slower18:43
ali1234can't make sense of it :/18:43
Myrtti0010 0110 0110 0101?18:44
ali1234yeah i got that much18:44
Myrtti>>> u'♥'18:44
ali1234so what's the rest of it?18:45
ali1234but the second line is 0110011001010010 - http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/6652/index.htm18:47
ali1234"dry in sun, expose to sun"18:47
Myrttinow you're just being pedantic and ruining my fun :-(18:48
AlanBellmaybe that is the honeymoon18:48
ali1234maybe it's some kind of weird recipe?18:49
Myrttimeh, if I make it tile normally it looks too repetetive :-(18:50
ali1234oh it's supposed to tile? ok18:51
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Myrttiperhaps I should've added the heart on it too18:55
ali1234why not used ♥ instead of circle?18:55
AlanBellgosh, dad is posting pictures to facebook from Shotwell18:59
Laneyfilleting a fish is hard work19:13
Laneywhen do I get to be grown up?19:13
AlanBellI am going straight to Old19:14
AlanBelland "brogrammers" is a dreadful word that should never have been uttered19:14
ali1234i agree19:15
jacobwthat seems worse19:15
gordonjcppeople who program only in iambic pentameter19:16
* jacobw thinks of lisp19:16
jacobwo/ SuperEngineer19:19
arsenbeers with daftykins \o/19:20
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SuperEngineero/  jacobw19:26
SuperEngineerdwatkins: was it your good self asking re blue tint in youtube?19:27
SuperEngineerbecause the answer is most definitely - yes19:28
dwatkinsSuperEngineer: yes, it was me. Do you mean you have experienced it?19:29
SuperEngineerin 10.04 - no19:30
SuperEngineerin 12.04... well have you have you wver heard a person of African decent state that they're proud to be BLUE!?19:31
SuperEngineer- talk of "tint" - that is overpoweringly blue!19:31
SuperEngineer...and also found [for other reasons] Minitube in 12.04 to be a complete fail... & that's today's bug reported ;)19:33
dwatkinsI gather the tint issue is due to the graphics card. If you're running the same flash version in 10.04 and 12.04, that would seem to strengthen that supposition.19:33
ali1234the smurf bug is caused by flash player sending swapped planes to the nvidia hardware video decoder19:35
ali1234versions of flash prior to 11.2 didn't use hardware decoding19:36
dwatkinsoh ok, so it is a flash issue19:36
ali1234so basically, their last ever version they'll make has a brand new, completely untested and broken feature19:36
dwatkinsI assume the workaround is to disable hardware acceleration, then, ali123419:36
ali1234that's one of them19:36
dwatkinsI suspect there will be bug fixes.19:36
ali1234there's actually two stages to hardware decoding19:36
ali1234the decoding, and the rendering19:37
dwatkinsmakes sense, yeah19:37
ali1234flash plugin can use both19:37
ali1234but the rendering stage is really buggy and constantly crashes19:37
ali1234so by default it decodes in hardware, then copies back to memory and software blits the result19:37
dwatkinswhat's buggy, flash's implementation or the NVidia driver's?19:37
ali1234that's where the bug happens19:37
ali1234if you enable both stages in hardware, the bug goes away19:37
ali1234bug then it crashes19:37
ali1234likewise if you disable both stages the bug goes away, but then fullscreen video goes at about 2 fps19:38
ali1234the reason this is all known is because a nvidia engineer reverse engineered the bug and made a patched version of libvdpau which manually swaps the planes given from flash player19:39
ali1234so it's absolutely a bug in flash player19:39
dwatkinsthe rendering stage of what is buggy, NVidia driver or flash player?19:39
ali1234also the bug has been reported several times on adobe bug tracker and they are all closed as wont fix, unsupported19:40
dwatkinsyeah, that's not good19:40
dwatkinssuffice to say although I'm not involved, I may be able to find out more and pass information on to the relevant people, ali123419:41
ali1234relevant people?19:41
dwatkinsthe department in question, or product manager19:41
ali1234at which company?19:41
dwatkinsali1234: di I have you on G+?19:42
SuperEngineer..now rthat's trhew position to be in to fix this!19:42
SuperEngineer...and just appearing on slashdor - http://linux.slashdot.org/story/12/03/31/1417245/adobe-releases-last-linux-version-of-flash-player?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Slashdot%2Fslashdot+%28Slashdot%2919:47
dwatkinsthanks SuperEngineer19:47
dwatkinsah right, that's from a couple weeks ago19:48
SuperEngineerah well - just tryin to be helpful19:48
dwatkinscheers :)19:49
ali1234yeah that was from before we found out that the last ever version is unusable19:49
dwatkinsI gather there will probably be security fixes, so bug fixes are also likely to be provided, especially if there's a large impact (all users with NVidia cards, for example)19:50
ali1234like the fullscreen bugs, i doubt it19:51
ali1234it's really lame when we tell them exactly what is wrong down to the point of exactly which function they are using incorrectly and how to fix it, and they still can't manage it after several years19:51
ali1234and instead, they write blog posts about how linux is too hard for them19:51
ali1234if we can work around it without the source code, then their developers are seriously incompetent19:52
dwatkinsI am not aware of these issues, so cannot comment.19:52
ali1234in fact i would say grossly neglegent to the point where they are lying by describing themselves as developers19:52
SuperEngineeron the bright side - if all the wprld is blue.... discrimination could be a thing long gong ;)19:56
ali1234it only turns white people blue19:57
dwatkinsali1234: I'll see what I can do.19:58
SuperEngineernope - it turns other skins blu as well - /I recognised the face of the blue-african-american!19:59
dwatkinsIs it an issue with all NVidia cards/drivers? Just wondering if my Macbook Pro would be affected if I were to install Ubuntu locally.19:59
ali1234it affects any nvidia card that supports vdpau?19:59
dwatkinsI'm not familiar with particular capabilities of cards, but I'll just work on the assumption it affects all recent cards, I guess.20:00
ali1234thing is, you can just disable the hardware acceleration and go back to the sucky slow 10.x behaviour20:00
dwatkinsyeah, that's far from ideal, though20:01
ali1234but it's such a trivial bug i can't see how it ever got beyond the developer's local build20:01
dwatkinsagain, not being involved, I would only be speculating if I commented :)20:01
ali1234it should have been caught long before QA20:01
MartijnVdSali1234: haha local build20:01
ali1234the only way this could have happened is nobody at all tested the feature before it was released20:02
ali1234the workaround is literally 3 lines of code which catches and swaps the arguments to a single function20:02
MartijnVdSali1234: sounds like Ubuntu20:02
* SuperEngineer thinks developet hated jazz... but lu=oved blues20:02
ali1234i've never seen such a trivial bug in ubuntu20:03
ali1234it's trivial to reproduce and trivial to fix20:03
ali1234and it's a huge advert for why proprietary software is so terrible20:04
dwatkinsali1234: are you on a system that exhibits the colour swap issue right now and would you mind confirming it happens on a video of mine?20:06
ali1234i'll try20:06
ali1234i can provide hundreds of youtube videos where it happens20:06
ali1234it does not happen on all though20:06
dwatkinsyeah, I need one that I own ;)20:06
ali1234depends on uploaded format i think20:06
ali1234yeah that video doesn't do it20:06
dwatkinsok, that was from my phone20:06
ali1234that video plays in html5 player for me20:06
dwatkinsyeah I suspected it might20:06
ali1234with html5 trial disabled -> blue hands20:07
dwatkinsaha ok, thanks20:07
daftykinsi hadn't heard Adobe were running away from Linux again20:09
daftykinsdidn't seem all that long ago that flash 64-bit finally reared its' head properly20:09
ali1234they are slowly killing off flash20:09
MartijnVdSthey should do it quickly20:09
daftykinsah they've given in, good good20:10
ali1234can you guess who sold it to them?20:10
ali1234clue: he's currently running a respected mobile phone manufacturer into the ground20:10
MartijnVdSali1234: The guy who runs Nokia?20:10
AlanBellanyone know what I could use to generate something a bit like this: http://doc.openerp.com/v5.0/_images/pom_3_0_3.png20:10
daftykinssold what?20:10
ali1234macromedia. to adobe.20:11
MartijnVdSAlanBell: generate or make?20:11
MartijnVdSAlanBell: I'd use graphviz20:11
AlanBellMartijnVdS: fairly dynamic20:11
daftykinsali1234: oic20:11
MartijnVdSAlanBell: you generate a graphviz source file, and it generates the picture for you20:11
MartijnVdSAlanBell: it comes with several programs (for several kinds of graph)20:12
AlanBellah right, I had seen some, but not anything appropriate20:12
AlanBellhttp://www.graphviz.org/content/datastruct that looks like it might do the job20:12
MartijnVdSAlanBell: http://www.graphviz.org/Documentation/dotguide.pdf20:12
penguin42yeh, it takes a little practice to persuade graphviz/dot to produce what you want - but it's pretty much the defacto for wrangling graphs20:13
dwatkinsali1234: okay to PM you?20:17
ali1234i've said pretty much everything there is to say though :)20:18
* daubers is slightly amused that the wiring regs has a whole section on labels21:01
popeybug  98189121:02
lubotu3Launchpad bug 981891 in unity (Ubuntu) "icons on the left and the top disappear, but actions still work if you move the mouse to where the icons used to me." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98189121:02
ali1234popey: i think that bug needs a screenshot21:12
ali1234oh wait, you didn't report it21:13
ali1234sounds like the whole UI disappeared including top panel? never seen anything like that here...21:14
popeyi saw it today21:15
popeyi also had an interesting multiscreen bug today21:15
popeyafter plugging external screen in and playing about a bit, it thought the internal resolution was the 32px wide launcher21:16
popeyso all windows got pushed into that space21:16
popeyunplug external screen and it fixed itself21:16
popeyplug screen back in, and it went wonky again21:16
ali1234i never change the monitors, and in fact i have to hardcode everything in xorg.conf to stop it from spazzing out whenever i reboot21:19
* jacobw is still scared from gnome-panel's problems with changing resolutions21:21
AlanBelleveryone in the design team and desktop team should be issued with two monitors of assorted sizes21:21
AlanBelland then someone should move them about every couple of days21:22
ali1234i don't think multimonitor is that bad21:22
AlanBellit is getting better, but everything doesn't support it from day 1 and then it gets tacked on21:22
ali1234what they should actually do is give them all a mouse set to minimum sensitivity, a mouse mat that's 10cm square, and a keyboard with no windows key21:23
popeyit was high priority from day one of the P cycle21:24
popeyhaha ali123421:24
gordonjcpoh the windows key thing is annoying21:24
ali1234i've seen a lot of the bugs getting fixed21:24
popeymy toshiba laptop has a windows key where you would find a printscreen key21:24
ali1234closing windows from wrong monitor fix just went in today i think21:24
popeyyet another reason I'll never buy a toshiba again ☺21:24
gordonjcpwhat, I'm meant to ditch my IBM Model M because some twat decides that it should have a silly pointless button for an OS I don't use?21:25
AlanBellthere has been a lot of focus on multimonitor this cycle, this is true21:25
ali1234gordonjcp: i thought you only used command line anyway?21:25
gordonjcpali1234: an X desktop is a handy way to run lots of terminals21:25
ali1234i disabled the windows and alt keys in ccsm and i like it that way21:26
ali1234that effectively disabled the hud and any kind of keyboard interaction with the launcher21:27
ali1234also you can remap them like any other compiz key21:28
AlanBellyeah, I set my HUD to super+alt21:29
AlanBelllots safer21:29
dwatkinsI wonder if doing that will allow me to switch away from virtualbox21:29
ali1234while attempting to remap the windows key to something else, i've somehow got the launcher stuck out21:29
ali1234dwatkins: install guest utils :/21:29
AlanBelldwatkins: virtualbox was the reason I changed it, the HUD was stealing the keyboard21:30
ali1234then no need to press host key - you can remap that in vbox too21:30
dwatkinsali1234: I think I did that, but will check - it might be that I had it fullscreened, also21:30
ali1234yeah fullscreen is hit and miss21:31
ali1234i prefer to just maximize the window21:31
AlanBelland I turn off the shortcuts overlay because I use super+mousewheel for enhanced zoom21:31
AlanBellI submitted a patch to turn that on by default actually, but I don't think it ever got reviewed21:31
ali1234me too21:32
ali1234i just disabled super entirely, that kills the shortcuts thing too21:32
AlanBellBug #97502921:32
lubotu3Launchpad bug 975029 in compiz-plugins-main (Ubuntu) "bindings to activate ezoom not set" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97502921:32
ali1234and voted21:32
ali1234remember to vote for bugs!21:33
AlanBellit was discussed on the unity-design mailing list, everyone liked the idea, I filed a bug, added a patch, emailed the list to say I had done it. Not sure what happens next.21:33
popeypossibly too late now21:35
AlanBellthe muzzling of compiz does make me sad, we turn off so much good stuff21:35
popeybut ask didrocks in #ubuntu-unity on mondau21:35
ali1234why was it even turned off? it was working 2 months ago21:35
ali1234oh wait, they pushed that package that reset everything to defaults....21:35
popeyI _think_ because like workspaces, people get "stuck" in it21:35
ali1234i must have had an old config21:35
ali1234ezoom used to be bugged and you could get stuck21:36
AlanBellit does expose the badly implemented and annoying top bar shadow as being badly implemented and annoying21:36
ali1234with dual monitor... the mouse would hop to the other screen21:36
ali1234and yo couldn't zoom out of move it (cos it was grabbed)21:36
ali1234but now it works *perfectly*21:36
AlanBellthe shadow is part of the real screen and zooms, the top panel is in nux and doesn't21:36
ali1234yeah i like that a lot21:36
ali1234the launcher also stays21:36
ali1234the top bar shadow can just die for all  care :)21:37
ali1234i should acually close that ezoom bug i opened21:38
ali1234since it's fixed21:38
ali1234if i can even find it21:39
silnerAlanBell: Yeah I'm a bit disappointed about compiz. I never used it but, I respected the achievement. We should have been prouder21:41
dogmatic69I have added my self to the group www-data and done chown -R www-data:www-data ./ && chmod -R g+rw ./21:41
dogmatic69still cant do anything to the files :(21:41
ali1234you might need X as well21:41
dogmatic69thought so, just g+x ?21:41
ali1234as in chmod -R g+X21:41
ali1234NOT x21:41
ali1234uper case21:41
dogmatic69ow, what is the diff?21:41
ali1234X sets recursively on directories only21:42
ali1234x bit on directory = you can list contents21:42
ali1234if you specified lower case it would make all files executable as well21:42
dogmatic69ah, so x == * and X == folders21:42
dogmatic69cool, thanks.21:43
ali1234it's a special case for the x bit21:43
ali1234see man chmod21:43
dogmatic69ye, you cant really execute a folder21:43
AlanBellit means you can cd into it21:43
dogmatic69that will explain why git did not want to init21:44
dogmatic69still though :/21:44
dogmatic69drwxrwxr-x  8 www-data   www-data  409621:44
dogmatic69that is ls -al21:44
dogmatic69they all like that (folders)21:44
dogmatic69-rw-rw-r--  1 www-data   www-data <- files21:44
ali1234seems reasonable21:45
dogmatic69`groups dogmatic69` == dogmatic69 : users www-data21:45
dogmatic69so i am in users and www-data21:45
dogmatic69just tried editing a random file and no dice21:45
dogmatic69closed terminal and started over, works now21:46
ali1234when you add yourself to a group, it doesn't happen immediately21:46
dogmatic69that would be why then. so the chmod would have been fine, just the group stuff needed a new session21:47
ali1234you can either start a new session or there's some command you can use that i can never remember21:47
dogmatic69easy enough to exit and start over. would be handy to know with that screen thing though21:47
dogmatic69I am up to 8 tabs open on my other server and would be a pain having to close them all :D21:48
ali1234newgrp i think21:48
dogmatic69found out something about my hibernate bug today21:48
ali1234note you have to run it in every session anyway21:48
ali1234ssh localhost also works :)21:48
dogmatic69figured as much, its like changing the .bashrc files21:48
dogmatic69bug 97627621:49
lubotu3Launchpad bug 976276 in upstart (Ubuntu) "Suspend either logs out or reboots, not suspend" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97627621:49
dogmatic69apparently this is not a bug...21:49
ali1234suspend to disk is disabled i think21:50
ali1234didn't i say that last time?21:50
lubotu3Ubuntu bug 812394 in Ayatana Design "Disable hibernate option by default" [High,Fix released]21:50
dogmatic69that is *LAME*21:50
ali1234i've never used it21:50
ali1234un-hibernate takes longer than rebooting21:50
silnerWasn't it disabled because it wouldn't wake on some systems and lost data ali1234 ?21:51
AlanBelldogmatic69: why doesn't your computer just suspend?21:51
dogmatic69AlanBell: it just kicks to the login screen / restarts21:52
AlanBellsuspend should probably work, hibernate isn't a feature any more21:52
AlanBelllaptop or desktop?21:52
dogmatic69it worked on this pc with 10.10 x6421:52
AlanBellnewish or oldish?21:52
AlanBelldid suspend work or hibernate?21:53
dogmatic69oldis, asus P5N-D + Q6600 intel21:53
AlanBellso you would see a pulsating power light or something when it is asleep, press it and it wakes up?21:53
popeyooh, i have same mobo21:54
ali1234i think i have a P5N around here somewhere21:54
dogmatic69was pretty high tech back in the day :P21:55
hamitronindeed, I still want one ;)21:55
dogmatic69no SATA 3, was just before that21:56
dogmatic69dual SLI, 8gigs ram21:56
popeymine doesnt have a Q6600 in, which is the highest spec I think that mobo will take21:56
dogmatic69not fantastic for OC'ing but ok21:56
dogmatic69popey: i think so, there was only about two or three other CPU's better that the Q6600 at the time but were +- 3x the price21:57
dogmatic69had this pc 5 years or so now. only just replaced the ram and got SSD. apart from that its all museum pieces21:58
dogmatic69I will try the suspend when I got to bed again. Last time I am sure it just restarted21:59
AlanBellBug #36275222:01
lubotu3Launchpad bug 362752 in linux (Ubuntu) "[System manufacturer P5N-D] suspend/resume failure [non-free: nvidia]" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36275222:01
dogmatic69AlanBell: ha, thing you found everything related to this22:02
dogmatic69the bug is a bit different, mine is not crashing (that I know of)22:04
AlanBellyeah, might be different, but might point to some real problem with that mobo22:04
ali1234it might be crashing right before it suspends, so that it just looks like a normal reboot22:05
ali1234very hard to catch that22:05
AlanBellanyhow, you might have a valid bug relating to suspend, however hibernate is the feature that got dropped so don't mention that in the bug report!22:05
dogmatic69possibly. I think that forum is on to something, but its windows config. I did have a good fiddle with the bios when I replaced the SSD, obviously22:05
dogmatic69this is nice http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=nouveau_linux_stable&num=122:08
ali1234nouveau doesn't work at all on my card22:08
ali1234crashes within 5 minutes every time22:08
dogmatic69what you got?22:09
dogmatic69dont say a GT980022:09
dogmatic69little newer than mine22:09
hamitronis the driver that bad?22:10
dogmatic69that article says its stable and being considered for linux kernel22:10
hamitronif nouveau is bad, I will have to give up the idea of using a modern distro :/22:11
hamitronlike a fool, I bought all the same hardware ages ago, to make video setup "easier"22:12
* hamitron headbutts nvidia22:12
MyrttiI'm not sure if this version is any improvement to the original22:22
Myrttioh well, apparently it is, so - http://myrtti.fi/wbackground_heart.png23:17
AlanBellvery nice Myrtti23:18
Myrttiyeah, it's got the approval of the other half ;-)23:18
gordonjcplooks good23:18
gordonjcpvery subtle23:18
MyrttiI'm not overly fond of the pink heart but it didn't look good in any other colour either23:19
MyrttiI've got the xcf's saved in case I ever change the colours.23:19
gordonjcpMyrtti: it might be better if it was very slightly darker so it matches the darker grey dots?23:20
mgdmhow's things?23:21
Myrttigordonjcp: might give it a whirl at some point23:26
Myrttithanks for the input everyone23:26
gordonjcpMyrtti: looks good23:27
gordonjcpalthough I've spent five minutes trying to see if it's got something encoded in it23:27
Myrttinothing but the ♥23:27
Myrttiif you're wondering of the darkness, it's just to break the repetition a bit23:28
Myrttis/darkness/dark spots/23:28
Myrttiand to highlight the fact that that particular one is different from the rest on the binary23:29

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