
bdrungCimi: there are some theming bugs in light-themes in precise with gnome-panel. can you help me fixing them? i don't know the names of the panel elements for the css file and didn't find documentation about it.00:05
Cimibdrung, remember me next week00:06
Will123456hey guys. i'm getting quite obvious visual glitches with the dash blur on unity 5.1001:21
Will123456raise a window with some detail, like a website in firefox01:22
Will123456then open the dash and repeatedly minimise and maximise it01:22
Will123456i'm seeing the window visibly "jump" down as you maximise01:22
Will123456anyone else seeing this?01:23
mhall119Will123456: can you get a screencast of it happening?01:30
Will123456mhall119: i'll try my best01:30
Will123456mhall119: know anywhere i can upload it without having to first make a bug report?01:36
Will123456mhall119: pity unity records so poorly01:39
Will123456flickering everywhere01:39
Will123456mhall119: whilst i process this screen recording, can you test it on your end for me?01:41
mhall119Will123456: what did you use to record? gtk-recordmydesktop didn't have any flickr for me01:50
mhall119I've been running 5.10 for a couple days and haven't noticed any glitches01:50
Will123456gtk-recordmydesktop gives me lots of glitches01:51
Will123456so did kazam01:51
mhall119oh wait, I do see the movement when maximizing/unmaximizing the dash01:52
mhall119it looks like the background is shifted down 20 or 30 pixels01:52
Will123456and if you look very closely, it's actually not just the background01:52
Will123456it's the icon 'reflection' too01:52
Will123456i'm surprised nobody caught that01:53
mhall119what reflection?01:53
Will123456mhall119: all icons in the dash have very faint reflections01:54
Will123456some are easier to see than others01:54
Will123456try looking at totem's icon01:54
Will123456look for the zebra striped 'top' bar thing01:54
Will123456the clapper01:55
mhall119I don't see that01:55
Will123456okay, well it is definitely there :P01:55
Will123456weirdly i'm not seeing the icon reflection moving, even though i was before01:55
mhall119Will123456: did you file a bug on this yet?01:56
Will123456not yet. i wanted to confirm it with others01:56
Will123456you can write it yourself if you like, but i've got a screen recording done. unfortunately it has glitches01:56
Will123456so if you can record one that is flicker free, that'd be great01:56
Will123456mhall119: i'll report it and upload my screencast. if you can, uploading your own would really help :)01:59
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mhall119Will123456: recording one now02:03
mhall119Will123456: is this what you're seeing: http://ubuntuone.com/5fCZrGHtJsODza60Qne62s02:08
mhall119let me know the bug number and I'll add my video and mark it as affecting me too02:08
Will123456mhall119: that's perfect! thanks :) i'm submitting my bug report now... i'll get you the link the moment it's through02:09
Will123456mhall119: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/98132102:11
ubot5Ubuntu bug 981321 in unity "maximising the dash causes the blurred background to "jump" downwards" [Undecided,New]02:11
Will123456mhall119: *high five*02:11
mhall119thanks Will12345602:30
Will123456mhall119: i like your touch with the green outline! it is much clearer than mine :)02:47
mhall119Will123456: compiz annotation plugin02:53
mhall119it's not handy very often, but when you need something like that it's great02:53
Will123456yeah, i would never have thought of that02:55
Will123456nice one :)02:55
Will123456for some reason i'm going bug reporting crazy02:55
Will123456i should have done it weeks ago instead of so close to the release, but i suppose that can't be helped now02:55
tgm4883I'm trying to create a unity scope, but I'm having trouble with it opening what I believe to be the incorrect application. Is there a way to use the default video player?03:54
tgm4883Right now I'm using "/usr/bin/gvfs-open URI", but it keeps opening chrome. If I change it to "/usr/bin/totem URI" it still opens fine, but that obvioiusly isn't a solution03:54
MCR1Hi. Since the last compiz update the plugin animations-add-on seems to crash compiz. Is this already known ?07:54
MCR1I would like to have my animations back.07:54
MCR1This is not acceptable, I will file a bug report.08:07
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nik90davidcalle, ping09:14
nik90mhall119, ping09:16
MCR1oh, finally the Unity Dash is getting pretty :) - no more ugly grey triangles - this looks nice now 8-)09:17
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nik90davidcalle, ping10:41
davidcallenik90, pong10:45
nik90davidcalle, is that a version of the wikipedia lens example which includes getting data from a xml format10:46
nik90I mean "is there"10:46
nik90I need to gather data from this website which only provides data in the xml format after user authentication10:47
davidcallenik90, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~markjtully/+junk/rhythmbox-scope-precise/view/head:/rhythmbox-scope10:48
davidcallenik90, the python rb scope parses a xml file10:48
davidcallenik90, at line 5910:49
nik90davidcalle, what if the xml file is not local? meaning I use the api with the user search string...10:49
davidcallenik90, xmlfile = urllib2.urlopen(your_query_url).read()10:50
nik90oh perfect..thnx..10:51
davidcallenik90, then you can pass xmlfile just like rhythmbox_dbFile10:51
nik90davidcalle, I tried first implementing the wikipedia lens as stated in the tutorial..everything works except for the icon10:51
nik90I guess "http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/63/Wikipedia-logo.png" does not seem to work for me10:52
nik90if I replace it with something else (a local image file), it then works fine10:52
nik90davidcalle, I instead get this http://imgur.com/sU5ub10:55
davidcallenik90, Unity have issues with http icons when it has been restarted. Random bug. If you look at the online videos section of the video lens, you should have the same bug.11:01
nik90davidcalle, oh yeah I just noticed11:01
davidcallenik90, but sometimes it works. A bit annoying :)11:01
nik90davidcalle, one more question...I used quickly install...how do I uninstall the lens nows?11:02
davidcallemhall119, ^11:02
davidcallenik90, I don't know if there is a "quickly remove" or "quickly uninstall" command, but you can delete the /usr/share/unity/lenses/<yourlens> folder to achieve the same effect.11:03
nik90davidcalle, but when I go into /usr/share/unity/lenses/wikipedia/ I only see 2 files..the .lens file and the .svg file...now where does all the python code go then? like _init_.py11:04
nik90I was trying to use this method to look at the code of other lenses...but then they did not have the python code in them11:05
davidcallenik90, there should be a <your lens> folder in your home too.11:05
davidcallenik90, it contains everything created with "quickly create"11:06
nik90davidcalle, there is ... but suppose in the case of distribution to other users, how does unity run the python code in their system?11:07
nik90if it is not present in /usr/share/unity/lenses11:07
davidcallenik90, there is a quickly command to package the project and send it in a launchpad PPA11:07
nik90davidcalle, ok11:08
nik90davidcalle, one last request...do you have any other sample code where an authentication has to be made before the data can be accessed?11:08
nik90I have the username and password for api access11:09
davidcallenik90, username and password are in the url you query, or there is some authentication needed before you query it?11:09
nik90davidcallle, the authentication is not in the url...a dialog box pops up asking for username and password11:10
nik90try this link http://webservices.ns.nl/ns-api-avt?station=ut11:10
davidcallenik90, oh ok. I'm not sure, but I think that this code sample will do the trick http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/articles/urllib2.shtml#id511:14
nik90davidcalle, I will try it out...thnx for your help11:15
davidcallenik90, no problem11:15
mhall119nik90: sudo quickly uninstall should do it11:35
nik90mhall119: ah ok11:35
nik90mhall119, what if I do not provide any url in results.append ? In my case, I basically gather data and show it to the users...but they are not supposed to press the icon itself...12:19
nik90is that even possible?12:19
mhall119nik90: you'd probably want to override the handler then, so Unity doesn't try to open an empty url12:22
nik90mhall119, how do i do that?12:23
malinis it possible somehow to prevent a search lense to not start to search on the fly?13:27
malinI would like it to search after 5 seconds or so13:27
davidcallemalin, do you still have my pastebin from yesterday night?13:33
malinI think so13:33
davidcalleFound ir http://paste.ubuntu.com/928675/13:34
malinif it's possible to add a line or a paramater prevent it to search if I use backspace to search another search (it search then too) and to make it wait to search a little the first time, thing would be perfect :)13:34
malinah, that pastebin. Havn't seen it13:35
malinah, you made a for loop as in an example I have seen yesterday, but wich I didn't figured out how worked13:36
davidcallemalin, what you can do is avoid to search until you have a string + space + a few characters. Would something like that work for you?13:36
malinand the if input is not "" (meaning space, dosen't it? :) )13:36
malinI think that would work better. I think I should try13:36
davidcallemalin, "" meaning no input13:36
malinhow actually dos the for-loop work?13:40
malinlooks like some of it edits the result-text13:41
davidcallemalin, yes, first, I break the result string into chunks, each time it sees "Buss ". Then the loop splits each chunk when it finds "og kommer". The first part is used for the title. The second for the comment.13:46
davidcalleThe comment is then modified in two ways : I replace ", " by a new line, and I remove everything from "Tidene angir" to the end.13:47
davidcalleAbout the detection of a long enough search string, you should try this regex : instead of if input != "", if  re.match("\w+\s\w+", input)13:50
davidcalle\w+ matches the first string, \s the space, \w+ matches another string.13:50
davidcallere.match("\w+\s\w{3,}", input) is even better, as it will only match at least 3 characters in the second string13:52
malinjo-erlend told me it could be smart to make a method who find out if a search is valid or not, so I will try to implement that :)13:52
davidcallemalin, good idea13:53
malinI think it is, so I will try to that13:53
malinhm. in fact is possible to just write to busstops and it gives a valid answeer, so I think it shoud check if I have written at least two words13:54
malinso all I need to do is to count words from input :)14:05
nik90davidcalle, I need your help14:52
malindavidcalle: thank you for helping. I did it a different way in the end, but I just wante to thank you again :)17:07
davidcallemalin, no problem, I'm glad it works :)17:09
malindavidcalle: yeah :) The last thing I will fix is to make it start automatically, but have to it another day I think, and after it does, I will make my first ppa :)17:20
davidcallemalin, making it start automatically is very simple. A two lines file.17:23
davidcallemalin, a file like this one (with 1) the dbus name of the lens 2) the path to the daemon ) : http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~unity-lens-videos/unity-lens-videos/trunk/view/head:/unity-lens-video.service17:25
davidcallemalin, it needs to be placed in /usr/share/dbus-1/services/17:25
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malindavidcalle: ah, so it should be in that path, and not in /usr/local/bin? :)18:36
davidcalleonly the .service file. The daemon can be where you want, default lenses daemons are in /usr/lib/unity-lens-<lensname> , but it's recommended for third party lenses to put them in /opt/unity-lens-<lensname>18:39
davidcallemalin ^18:39
davidcallemalin, the general file structure is : <lensname>.lens file in /usr/share/unity/lenses/<lensname>, unity-lens-<lensname>.service file in /usr/share/dbus-1/services/, everything else in /opt/unity-lens-<lensname>18:41
OmegaI upgraded a bunch of packages, lightdm remembers my wallpaper but once logged in another wallpaper is presented to me. (Going to change the wallpaper shows that it also thinks that my wallpaper is unchanged).21:01
OmegaIt seems like I cannot change my wallpaper at all now.21:03
OmegaTheming does not work either.21:08
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