
brouschsemantic.gs is nice00:22
brouschgot a responsive fluid layout going with no grid crap in the html00:23
rick_hI'm briliant, don't rm my nosetests.xml file and somehow the nosetests build step got erased00:24
rick_hso for weeks been saying all tests are fine by using the old nosetests.xml files00:24
snap-lrick_h: Yeah, boneheaded moves appear to be the norm00:53
rick_hbeen that kind of day...00:54
rick_hdrinking lots of wine to compensate00:54
snap-lIt makes you smarter.00:54
rick_hand type better00:55
rick_hhow's everyone else's friday night going?00:57
snap-lPutting together OMC 4500:58
snap-lWith a glass of port00:58
snap-lStreamlined a lot of putting together OMC03:35
snap-lnot the actual show, but building the episode from a .wav file03:35
=== JonathanS is now known as JonathanD
rick_hsnap-l: that's good, more time for the fun part, less for the busy work11:15
rick_h_stink__: so the doors are no match for michael any more. He's opening them all today :/13:18
rick_hand now that he's not in his crib, I fear waking up to him walking in my room grabbing my face and telling me to do something13:19
_stink__rick_h: haha!14:27
_stink__rick_h: how has the transition to big bed gone?14:27
=== _stink__ is now known as _stink_
rick_h_stink_: good, he's lost some stuff animals off the edge, but he's actually staying pretty much put14:58
rick_hbrousch: http://www.craigkerstiens.com/2012/04/13/apps_to_services/ here you go, part of why I don't like django15:02
rick_hI'm a fan of the services model, see bookie_readable15:02
JonEdneyI'm still prettry new to Ubuntu and can't really contribute much currently, but would eventually like to.  The Michigan events, is there a fee for non-members to attend?15:05
rick_hJonEdney: there's the release part coming up at Penguicon, I guess is that still going to be free snap-l ?15:06
rick_hsnap-l: since it's in a room this year?15:06
rick_hJonEdney: but many of us meet up at mug.org meetings, and coffeehousecoders meetings which are free15:06
JonEdneyYeah I see a few of those, which is very interesting.  I may be making some strong attempts to attend these, I was introduced to Ubuntu about 2 months ago and just love everything the community is about.15:07
rick_hJonEdney: awesome, are you in the SE mi area?15:09
JonEdneyYeah, I'm in Westland15:10
rick_hJonEdney: very cool, well welcome to the ubuntu side of things15:20
rick_hman, <3 offlineimap but when it locks up and I don't notice...fun catchup time15:26
greg-gJonEdney: welcome to the channel. Feel free to hang around and meet us all.15:47
greg-gJonEdney: most live in SE Mich, some out west, I'm actually in San Francisco (just moved from Ann Arbor this summer)15:47
JonEdneyVery awesome, I work for a web hosting company in Ann Arbor.16:07
greg-gJonEdney: ArborNet?16:10
jcastrorick_h: gear come in yet?16:16
greg-gjcastro: btw, the shopping cart logo thing for the Charms wiki page is adorable :) (yes, I haven't looked into that documentation much yet)16:18
greg-git made me smile, I like that16:18
rick_hjcastro: shaving gear? no, monday16:32
JonEdneygreg-g: A2 Hosting actually, sorry was on the phone.16:35
rick_hah cool, I think A2 hosting is sponsoring MUG16:35
rick_hmmm, hack or nap...hack or nap. The question that arises every time the boy goes down for nap time16:36
greg-galright, time for me to join the facial hair party and look for a new beard trimmer16:59
rick_hi've not had good luck with that17:06
rick_hrocking the argparse subcommands17:07
rick_hbookie_api invites list17:07
rick_hbookie invites set -u admin -i 99917:07
jrwrengnome should just admit that copy/paste in terminal is a mistake and change back to copy on selection and paste w/middle or right click17:08
rick_hpeople that like that behavior should move on from gnome-terminal :)17:08
jrwrenrxvt is so 199617:10
jrwrenbut i'll take recommendations17:10
jrwrenits not like i'm in desktop linux often. but its infuriating to use gnome teriminal17:10
rick_hrxvt-unicode is my choice http://www.techdrivein.com/2011/06/9-good-terminal-emulators-for-linux.html17:12
rick_hI think it includes 256colors ootb now in 12.0417:12
jrwrenwtf, i just 7z a something on what machine and now I can't 7z x it on another???18:08
jrwrenoh sure, try again and it works.18:11
derekvMy shoulder actually hurts from too much mouse dependance and bad posture.  =[18:11
rick_hderekv: ouch, ergo time18:12
derekvI ame very very overdo for a long vacation, involving outdoors, sunshine, excersize, no computers18:14
derekvA reset18:14
derekvNo computer because if I have one with me I'll just use it the whole time.18:14
rick_hyea, I do that a couple times a year18:16
derekvIs this your blog18:17
rick_hderekv: it's the podcast snap-l and I do (every once in a long while)18:18
rick_hblog.mitechie.com is my blog I blog to once in a long while18:18
rick_hbut the vim screencasts I did. I'm a vim fanboi and attemt to convert people.18:18
rick_hI claim brousch as a success story, I think18:19
derekvI'm not sure if I'm an emacs "fanboy", I use it, its just randomly what I decided to use way back ... i use vim/vi for banging on config files in terminal and know just the basic commands18:20
jrwren<3 vim18:20
rick_hI moved to vim for all my editing needs a couple of years back18:20
rick_hbeen a big win18:20
jrwreni get red squiggles in my vim when there are errors :)18:20
derekvIf someone asks me if they should learn one or the other, I shrug and say "I like emacs, seems like more people I meet like vim."18:22
derekvI think if your picking between those two your on the right track18:22
rick_hyea, I say that vi at least is on every system so you'll need to know it at some point18:22
rick_hbut yea, I respect emacs users since at least they're not using some plugin to eclipse in their day job18:22
rick_hI even tried to do emacs once but failed horribly18:22
derekvYep I usually explain that advantage,18:23
rick_hgot the books/etc18:23
derekvMy brother decided to start learning to program and on my advice he picked python (even thouh I don't use it much)18:23
derekvand _really_ likes it18:23
rick_hgood call18:23
derekvHe asked me about books so I went to #python, looked at the /topic, and gave hime the zed shaw book18:24
jrwreni haven't found very many great python books.18:25
jrwreni have found a few terrible ones :(18:25
derekvwhich seemed to work pretty well until it got too tough for him then he started flipping between different books18:25
rick_hyea, I went through a ton of books18:26
rick_hbut to be honest, when I learned/moved over to python it was mainly on hacking/moving forward18:26
rick_hweren't really books that I could point to and "that one taught me the python I know today"18:26
derekvAt first he was like "which should learn 2x or 3x?" so I looked at that issue and was like, oh great ... he was reading all these forum posts etc18:27
rick_hheh, that's pretty common. Fortunately you can learn either these days and move along ok18:27
rick_hbut 2 is easier since more stuff will work there18:28
derekvHe didn't have the cultural understanding to interpret all that stuff18:29
rick_hyea, it's the issue with being new18:29
derekvPlus it seems like when your starting, you have this feeling that your going to be locked into one platform and you have to pick the right one now18:29
derekvAnd a lot of bad comments out there that seem to support this.18:30
derekvHad to keep telling him, you can switch later it won't hurt even if you pick the wrong one your not getting married.18:31
derekvAnyways I guess whether it was my influence or what, but he later came back and was like, "I've been learning shell and I think that everyone should learn the shell before they learn to program"  =]18:33
derekvI've met CS grads who I had to explain to them what a shell was.18:33
derekvHe also decided to learn vim.18:37
derekvThe only thing I insisted on was that he learn git =]18:37
derekvrick_h, didn't you say something about using make files to rollout your dev enviroment?18:41
derekvwas that something you planned for lococast?18:41
rick_hderekv: I might talk about it at MUG18:44
rick_hI'll talk about it some on lococast as well probably18:45
derekvI really like the concept.18:45
rick_hyea, took me a bit to 'get' it and even still it's a big thing but I'm loving the use18:46
derekvDo you get that to work on windows or are you so lucky to not have to ever think about that?18:46
rick_hnot really any more18:47
rick_hbah, phantomjs is hating on me...so close18:48
derekv"Unable to install. Meteor supports RedHat and Debian." boooooo19:23
derekvalso, I'm officially fed up  with xchat19:23
derekvahhhh here we go, erc =]19:25
derekvaghk color scheme fail! =[19:26
derekvRed on blue.19:26
Blazeixsounds beautiful19:27
derekvAny syntax highlighting system / color theme engine needs to do sanity checks19:27
derekvI'm pretty sure there are formulas available.19:27
rick_hdammit, can't get this to work. xvfb, phantomjs, jenkins...ugh...suck a not fun combo19:28
derekvI'm having a hell of a time with xvfb, webdriver, tomcat, elastic bamboo19:30
derekvdifferent tests fail every build.19:30
Blazeixdoes phantomjs require xvfb?19:31
Blazeixi thought it was standalone19:31
rick_hit needs it to run headless I think19:31
Blazeixoh, apparently the newest version is standalone, but older versions aren't19:31
rick_htrying to run it under jenkins user19:32
Blazeix"Starting from PhantomJS version 1.5, the Linux version is pure headless and does not need X11/Xlib anymore and thus there is no need to use Xvfb."19:32
rick_horly...ok yea, using one version back, guess an upgrade is work it19:32
rick_hyea, 1.4 here19:32
rick_hcool, just wasn't sure on the ppas and didn't want to manually build19:32
rick_hhah, started compile and now I see: "With 4 parallel compile jobs on a modern machine, the entire process takes roughly 30 minutes."19:36
snap-lSorry, have been AWOL most of the day21:44
snap-ldentist teeth cleaning, Squeeebox presentation, and have some friends over.21:44
rick_hparty time21:44
snap-lYo yo yo21:44
rick_hBlazeix: thakns for the heads up on the phantomjs 1.5 updates. Works ok now23:34
rick_hyea, no nice xunit output, but at least can run the JS tests now in jenkins and get pass/fail23:37
snap-lbrousch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=miZLob1Hi4I <- Local guys23:58
snap-lLove the first comment:23:58
snap-l"I'm in a band."23:58
snap-l"What do you play?"23:58
snap-l"The beard."23:58

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